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More of the same, but not bad
25 May 2024
It's a good movie with fantastic action scenes and decent acting. As much as I love the Mad Max franchise and George Millers movies, this has the curse of a Prequel written all over it. You know how it will end, you know who will survive (and who's not), and that's a bit of a problem when it comes to tension and raising the stakes. This movie also does not add much to the world of Mad Max and Fury Road, it just plays with already established characters and places. But when it comes to action scenes, oh boy, it delivers to the fullest. Particular one scene in the middle comes to mind where we see a fight around the rolling warrig, wich is just pure fun to watch. Great stuntwork is again the real motor for this movie and makes it so spectacular on the big screen. If you just want more Mad Max, it delivers finest Fanservice. But it's not much else, it builds upon the strengths of its . Predecessor. So, I enjoyed it, but not as much as Fury Road. 7.5/10.
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It's so bad, it's good again
1 April 2022
The story is basically a copy from a Simpons Treehouse of Horror episode, the one where Bart need to fight a gremlin on the side of the schoolbus. Here it's just with a plane in the second world war.

This movie tries so very hard to be feministic - it totally overshoots the target and turns out to be ridiculous and unintentionally funny.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
A modern Stalker
15 March 2018
Who wants to see a down to earth Sci Fi movie in a traditional sense is wrong here.

This movie is a reminiscent of the movie "Stalker" where a group of men goes into a mysterious forbidden zone to find a room where wishes get granted.

Here we have a group of women who venture into a mysterious zone, and they are looking for a lighthouse, and every one has their own individual wishes, problems and motives. But the journey here is also more a test of the mind then anything else. So in conclusion the movie deals more with psychological issues about identity, changes, and self destruction tendencies than with action scenes and survival.

On the surface it may look like a traditional Sci Fi movie, but like Stalker or Odyssee 2001 it has a lot of layers that are open to the interpreation of the viewer.

For Example: You could see it as a metaphor of the relationship of Lena and Kane that was tested by a an affair. And while Kane (in a psychological way) was broken and changed and turned into a differnet person after this affair, Lena stayed in her identity but had a hard fight with herself. But this is just one possible interpreation of one layer of the movie and it may be totally far-fetched. But I believe this movie wants to be open for different views and interpreations, without tellling you what is right or wrong.
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Beside the point
7 May 2010
So, I loved the children's book because of it's theme of overcoming fear. The monsters rolled with their eyes and showed their big long teeth and bawled at Max. But Max wasn't scared or frightened or intimidated by them. He overcome his fears and he rolled with his eyes as well and showed his teeth and bawled back at the monsters. So they were so impressed by him, they made him to their king, the king of the monsters.

For me, in my childhood, this book was very important, because it dealt with the theme of "fear" and how to overcome it. While the book itself was very frighting and scary to me (the monsters and the darkness), it showed me at same time how to overcome fear and deal with it. This made this book so great for me.

The movie, well, the movie deals with many things, but misses totally the theme of the book (imho). Which is, like I said before, how to overcome fear and stand up for yourself, and that you shouldn't let yourself get intimidated by others. In this movie the monsters looked indeed nearly exactly as the monsters from the book, but then used for a totally different theme (family, relationships, emotions). Fear is mentioned sometimes, but just as an excuse, it is not the main theme of this movie. At the point when the wild things are introduced, the movie tries hard to reduce their scariness at once - but I can imagine why: There was a first cut of this movie, which I heard was totally rejected because it was too scary for the test audience, and jonze had to do the whole movie again - maybe this first cut would have been the movie I wanted to see.

(PS: Excuse me for my English, I'm from Germany :-) )
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Great bloody fun!
15 November 2008
Well, I don't know why so much of the people here take this movie so serious. It's great big bloody fun! Nothing more. There are some very nihilistic and funny moments in the film, and the ending is the irony of it all. Last time I had so much fun was with 'the mist'. Great gory fun movie, with an overall great steampunk atmosphere. Also it delivers some known faces and good acting. If you like zombie movies, that take themselves not to seriously, take a look into this one, it's great fun with a very sarcastic undertone. For what it is and with the budget in mind, it works very well: 9 / 10.

PS: The mutants and especially the mutation-process reminded me a lot on the video game Quake IV and the Strogg.
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We have grown up .. Indy stays the same
23 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, but after reading all this negative comments, I like to give you my thoughts on this. When I walked out of the movie I was not really satisfied, because some things bothers me, like the monkey-rope scene and some other ridiculous and illogical things. But, then I remembered scenes from the first three movies, like jumping out of a plane with a rubber boat and then bob run with it down the Himalaya. Or Indy hanging on top of submarine and then swims with it through half of the ocean (isn't such a thing going underwater sometimes?). Well, what I want to say is that in the old Indy films there where tons of ridiculous stunts and it always was very cartoonish and yes, often cheesy. But as I child I liked those movies for that. They are just adventures with a lot of action, mystic and fun, not more.

We have all grown up (with all that logic and reason), and we want the movie to fascinate us again like the first three did as we were a child. The disappointment is programmed. The movie is still an Indiana Jones Movie, it has so many running gags and links to the first three ones, it's truly a tribute to the fans. (Even that Indy starts Mutt to call 'Junior' was a nice one.) Maybe this one is too much of an Indiana Jones movie, because it just delivers elements that can be found in the first three movies too (the car chases, insects, falling down of waterfalls, e.g.) - but what else do we want? Also I didn't think the CGI was too much, I even found it was decent. And yes, this one was made to make money. The first three were also made to make money. Films are supposed to make money - so what? So, maybe just watch the first three again, then relax and just sit back and enjoy this one. It's not supposed to be drop dead serious and realistic. And when I look back, I wasn't bored throughout the whole movie, it was very entertaining. It's maybe just the long time between this and the last one, some things have changed, if we like it or not. But I am thankful that this movie was made.

The only thing I was missing was the whip - it has one scene in the beginning and then Indi uses it never again in this movie. I always liked the whip, because it's not a normal weapon for a hero, and makes Indi a little more special.
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Alien 3 (1992)
Check out the Directors Cut
26 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I usually don't say this, but for this movie it's true: The directors cut, special edition, or whatever you call it (it's a raw version of Fincher that the producers refused) is much much better then the 'original' version we had to see at the cinemas. First, it is longer. It has more atmospheric scenes, that let you get a better feel of the emptiness and coldness of that prison planet. Then there is an important part of the movie where they manage to catch the alien. The producer in the 'making of' says that they didn't want that, because it would reduce the danger of the alien. They took the whole part out of the movie - that was a totally wrong decision in my opinion. In part one (Ash) as well as in part two (Burke) exists a traitor who sabotages the whole thing and in part three that is Golic. In this way it fits perfectly well into the series, and the scene where Golic frees the alien is just magnificent. After all, in this version everything fits better together, it takes more time to develop the whole thing (especially the atmosphere - what is always really important to me) and it has more nice references to its predecessors. So my rating for the normal version would be 6 out of 10. But the new cut would be a 8 in my opinion. But, after all it's a just really good horror/science fiction movie.
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Ratatouille (2007)
I really cried on this one
29 February 2008
Well, I liked the previous Pixar movies pretty much. But I cried like a baby on this one. And I am a 28 year old guy, and I like rambo 4 and I hear heavy metal stuff like slipknot. But this movie really got me. Well, I think I should just say a big: "thanks!" to the guys at Pixar. Your movies are so ridiculous heart-touching, they gave me back trust in humanity for at least a month. And this is by no means a sarcastic statement. Really, wonderful movie. So, I don't want to say anything more, but I have to fill the rest of the 10 lines. Well, if you have one thing in your life you are somehow passionate about, keep going, against all odds. This is what this movie told me, and I think the message so god damn right.
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The Fountain (2006)
Well, what does this film give me?
10 August 2007
To be honest, I wanted to like the film and I was eager to see it, because I loved Requiem for a Dream and I liked Pi. But, I didn't like it that much because I disagree with the philosophical outcome of this movie. And, there was no humor at all in this movie. Only people crying all the time. The main message is to accept death, because it is the beginning of new life and you don't have to fight or fear it. And also that death is a necessary part of life itself. Okay, that may be one way to deal with death. But: Well, first of all, I think the best way to deal with death is with humor and a grin on my face. Second, I don't want to die anyway, even if a nice tree would come out of my bones. I would like to be a vampire who sucks the blood of other people until the end of time. ;)
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All power to the zombies!
13 January 2006
This was fun. If you like zombie movies, and this is not your first one, you will like it a lot. I loved it, because the zombies were more or less the heroes of this movie. They burn down a decadent city, which deserved it in every way, and I was with the zombies, yes I was. After Romero made a lot of zombie movies and I have seen a lot of em, I think we both have developed some sympathy for those poor creatures. Or maybe it's just the fun of filming loose arms, legs and heads ... I don't know. The story is not important, as well as the actors are not in the focus. It's all about the emancipation of the zombies. The slogan of the third renaissance could be: "If I don't think properly, therefore I am a zombie" After all, next to vampire- and werewolf-movies there will always be zombie-movies. And hopefully they will stay as good as this one: 8 out of 10.
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Spider (2002)
Boring adventure into a disturbed mind
20 November 2004
This film is so boring that you have to believe there must be a greater surprise in the end. And then you realize the only possibility is that his father didn't kill his mother, because the child wasn't there when all those things happen in the movie. I knew that after he talked with his father in the garden house, the clues where obvious. So the film is slow and predictable - very boring. I also don't like movies with main characters like spider, sorry, but this whole lot of whispering and stuttering really sucks. I like Lynch movies, but I hate Eraserhead, which is as boring as this one in my opinion. So I didn't like spider, but I still like Cronenberg movies.
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