"... Beautiful 800 W´s..." Nr.5

by fetsyshkanynyaroslav | created - 25 Nov 2011 | updated - 18 Mar 2018 | Public

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1. Alyson Stoner

Actress | Phineas and Ferb

Alyson Stoner got her start as a triple threat on the Disney Channel, co-hosting "Mike's Super Short Show". By age seven, she won the hearts of an older generation as the "Little Pigtailed Dancer" in Missy Elliott's music video, Missy Elliott: Work It (2002). Since her early reign, Alyson has ...

2. M. Elizabeth Hughes

Producer | Short Term 12

M. Elizabeth Hughes was born in Valdosta, Georgia, USA. She is a producer, known for Short Term 12 (2013), Sasquatch (2021) and Lorena (2019).

Born on November 21 (1983)

3. Maddy Curley

Actress | Stick It

Madelyn Jane Curley (born December 3, 1981) is an American actress and former gymnast. She competed for the North Carolina Tar Heels. She was academic All American for four years. Maddy Curley, a former University of North Carolina Elite gymnast, made her feature film acting debut in Disney's "...

Born On December 03 (1985)

4. Madeleine Wade

Actress | Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde

Hailing from Germany, Madeleine is known for playing both sexy and psychotic characters, exuding an unconventional vulnerability. She is also recognized for playing quirky and comedic characters with aplomb. From playing Reese Witherspoon's comedic sorority sister in "Legally Blonde 2", to playing ...

5. Madeline Carroll

Actress | Flipped

Madeline was born March 18, 1996 and raised in Los Angeles, California. She began modeling when she was 3 years old, soon after she was discovered by her Theatrical agent "Wendy" in a nail shop in Sherman Oaks and began her theatrical acting career. She has performed in around 60 principal role/...

6. Madeline Zima

Actress | Californication

Madeline Zima was born in New Haven, Connecticut, to parents Dennis and Marie, and is the sister of actresses Vanessa Zima and Yvonne Zima. "Zima", a Polish surname, is her mother's maiden name; Madeline's maternal grandfather was of Polish descent, while her other ancestry is Italian, German, and ...

7. Madia Hill Scott

Actress | For Life

Madia Hill always knew that she'd leave Texas behind. The eldest child of a Liberian/Lebanese expatriate mother and an American father whose family endured several military tours, Madia found her strength and purpose in her love for the performing arts. As a young girl, she booked regular national ...

8. Madisen Beaty

Actress | Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Madisen Beaty was born in Centennial, Colorado, USA. She is an actress and music artist, known for Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019), The Master (2012) and The Clovehitch Killer (2018).

9. Madison Davenport

Actress | Sharp Objects

Madison Danielle Davenport was born in San Antonio, Texas. She started her career in 2005 when she had a small role in Conversations with Other Women (2005). Soon after she appeared in the television series Numb3rs (2005), Close to Home (2005), CSI: NY (2004), and Hot Properties (2005). In 2006, ...

Born On November 22 (1996)

10. Madison Leisle

Actress | Inherent Vice

Madison Leisle was born on June 2, 1999. She is an actress, known for Inherent Vice (2014), Ghost Whisperer (2005) and Stevie TV (2012).

11. Madison Riley

Actress | Fired Up!

Madison Riley is a young, talented American actress. Madison Riley was born on March 16, 1990 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Born to a motivational speaking father and a stay at home mother. After competing in the Best New Talent competition at the age of 14 in Los Angeles, she decided to leave school ...

12. Madison T. White

Actress | Rain, Rain

Madison T. White is originally from Knoxville, Tennessee. After years training to become a gymnast, and several state titles, she tried her hand at Theatre and discovered that acting and entertaining was her true passion and immediately moved to LA with a guitar strapped to her back.

Recent TV ...

Born On December 24 (1985)

13. Madla Hruza

Art_director | Bones of Flesh

Madla Hruza is known for Bones of Flesh, Violent Blue (2011) and Alien Rising (2013).

14. Madonna

Soundtrack | A League of Their Own

The remarkable, hyper-ambitious Material Girl who never stops re-inventing herself, Madonna has sold over three hundred million records and CDs to adoring fans worldwide. Her film career, however, is another story. Her performances have consistently drawn scathing or laughable reviews from film ...

15. Madylin Sweeten

Actress | Everybody Loves Raymond

Madylin Anne-Michele Sweeten is an American actress, best known for her portrayal of Alexandra "Ally" Barone on the popular family sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond (1996-2005). Sweeten was born on June 27, 1991, in Brownwood, Brown County, Texas, the eldest of four children born to Timothy Lynn "Tim"...

16. Maeve A. Murphy

Camera_department | C Level

Maeve A. Murphy is known for C Level (2009), Cult (2007) and House of Carters (2006).

17. Magda Apanowicz

Actress | The Green Inferno

Magda Apanowicz was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Magda is an actor, known for The Green Inferno (2013), The Butterfly Effect (2004) and Caprica (2009).

18. Magda Marcella

Actress | Death Game

Magda Marcella was born in Munich, Germany. She is known for Death Game (2017), Remembrance (2016) and After School Special (2017).

19. Maggie Fine

Actress | Boardwalk Empire

Maggie Fine was born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico and received her B.F.A in Acting from The Theater School at De Paul University in Chicago. She has appeared in numerous Stage productions including Tina Landau's production of "Time of Your Life" , Steppenwolf Theater, Chicago; Robert Fall's ...

20. Maggie Grace

Actress | Taken

Maggie stars as "Althea" on the popular AMC series "Fear the Walking Dead". She is most often recognized from the hit series "Lost" , "Californication" on Showtime, and the "Taken" and "Twilight" franchises. Maggie has also starred on Broadway in William Inge's Pulitzer Prize-winning "Picnic" ...

21. Maggie Gyllenhaal

Actress | Secretary

Maggie Gyllenhaal was born on November 16, 1977 in New York City, New York as Margalit Ruth Gyllenhaal, the daughter of producer/screenwriter Naomi Foner and director Stephen Gyllenhaal, and the older sister of actor Jake Gyllenhaal. She is of Ashkenazi Jewish (mother) and Swedish, English, and ...

22. Maggie Mae Reid

Actress | Revenge

Born in Miami, FL, Maggie attended Denison University in Granville, OH where she studied Theatre and Film. Maggie worked as an actor in Los Angeles from 2005-2016. With a life changing experience in therapy and the love of the arts, Maggie was called to get her Masters in Clinical Mental Health ...

23. Maggie Siff

Actress | Push

Maggie Siff (born June 21, 1974) is an American actress. Her television roles have included department store heiress Rachel Menken Katz on the AMC drama Mad Men, Tara Knowles on the FX drama Sons of Anarchy, and psychiatrist Wendy Rhoades on the Showtime series Billions. She has had roles in the ...

24. Magi Avila

Actress | Dog Eat Dog

Magi Avila made her directorial debut with the multi-award winning, humorous, educational, and inspiring documentary "Altitude Not Attitude". It obtained north American distribution by Gravitas Ventures after winning 'Best Documentary' at the Spotlight Documentary Awards and Virgin Spring Cinefest....

25. Mahaley Patel

Actress | Easy A

Mahaley Patel was born on September 30, 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Easy A (2010), The DUFF (2015) and Carrie Pilby (2016). She has been married to Ravi Patel since November 8, 2015. They have one child.

26. Mahie Gill

Actress | Dev.D

Mahie Gill was born in Chandigarh, Punjab. She has completed her Masters in theater from Panjab University, Chandigarh in 1998. Mahi got her first break with the Punjabi based Bollywood film Hawayein and has done a couple of Punjabi films along with theatre. Anurag saw her first in a party and ...

27. Maiara Walsh

Actress | Good Trouble

The multi-talented Maiara Walsh is an actress, director, writer, singer, and artist. Born in Seattle, Washington to a Brazilian mother and American father, Maiara took an interest in music and the arts at a young age, diving into every creative outlet offered by her school and outside creative ...

28. Maisha Dyson

Scary Movie 2

Maisha Dyson is known for Scary Movie 2 (2001), Deadline (2012) and Jubilee.

29. Maite Garcia

Actress | Bosch: Legacy

Maite Garcia, a native citizen of Los Angeles, California, has grown up in the backyard of the movie industry. Her father, a Cuban exile, along with her Spaniard mother, raised her in a bilingual, multi-cultural home, which continues to define her.

Her theatrical leanings were evident at an early ...

30. Maite Perroni

Actress | Triada

Maite Perroni is one of the most prominent and successful artists in the Latin World. In 2020, she became the first Latin actress starring three shows each of them in the most important streaming services worldwide: Key's Game (Prime Video), Accidently Heirs (Claro Video) and Dark Desire (Netflix).


31. Maja Mandzuka

Actress | Hell Ride

Maja Mandzuka was born on February 27, 1982 in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia. She is an actress, known for Hell Ride (2008), Virtual Reality (2001) and 2:22 (2008).

32. Melise

Actress | The Shannara Chronicles

Malese Jow, originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, has developed into an actress, songstress, and entertainer.

Malese began her acting career in 1999 with McDonald's commercials when the head of advertising heard her sing and booked her in several spots and jingles. Then in 2002, at the ripe age of 11, ...

33. Malia Dawkins

Actress | Da Dish

Malia Dawkins Jennings is a Southern belle making noise in children's media with dynamically diverse and creatively curriculum supporting work.

A WarnerMedia Writers Access Program fellow and Sesame Writer's Room semi-finalist, Malia's writing portfolio includes an abundance of original children's ...

34. Maliabeth Johnson

Actress | Mad Men

Maliabeth Johnson is an American actress born in Arizona and raised in Hawaii. Maliabeth excelled in the Arts at a young age. In 1998, her family moved to Los Angeles, California where she started acting in theatre. After relentless pleading her parents agreed to let her pursue a career in film and...

35. Malin Akerman

Actress | Watchmen

Malin was born in Stockholm, Sweden and raised in Toronto, Canada. Her mother, Pia (Sundström), is a model and aerobics instructor, and her father, Magnus Åkerman, is an insurance broker. They moved to Toronto when she was age 2. At age 5, she began appearing in TV commercials. Her parents divorced...

36. Malinda Williams

Actress | High School High

Malinda Williams was born on September 24, 1970 in Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for High School High (1996), First Sunday (2008) and The Undershepherd (2012). She has been married to Tariq Walker since January 2020. She was previously married to D-Nice and Mekhi...

Born On December 03 (1975)

37. Mallika Sherawat

Actress | Murder

Mallika Sherawat is an Indian actress who mainly works in the Hindi film industry. She was named Reema Lamba at birth but later took up Mallika Sherawat as her screen name.

Sherawat did her schooling at Delhi Public School, Mathura Road. She earned her degree in philosophy from Miranda House at ...

38. Mallory Thompson

Stunts | Avatar: The Way of Water

Mallory Thompson is known for Avatar: The Way of Water (2022), Avatar 3 (2025) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022).

39. Mam Smith

Men in Black³

Mam Smith is an actress, stuntwoman, aerialist, choreographer,and dancer. In preparation for her professional career she studied classical dance and competed as an elite gymnast. Mam attended New York University's Tish School of the Arts for dance and Theater. Upon graduation from NYU, Mam ...

40. Mandy Fisher

Actress | I Can Still Tell Your Wife Bill.com

Mandy Fisher was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. She is known for I Can Still Tell Your Wife Bill.com (2002).

41. Mandy Moore

Actress | A Walk to Remember

Amanda Leigh Moore was born in Nashua, New Hampshire, on April 10, 1984, to Stacy (Friedman), a former news reporter, and Don Moore, an airline pilot. During her childhood, her family moved to Orlando, Florida, where she was raised. She has Russian Jewish (from her maternal grandfather), English, ...

42. Mara New

Actress | In Embryo

Also known as Mara Beltrami-New

Born in Milan, Italy and hailing from the Beltrami House of Fashion that was launched in the early 1900's, Mara's family began as tailors and shoemakers and evolved into clothing designers and manufacturers in the early 1920's. To day the House of Beltrami is still ...

43. Mara Sanchez

Actress | The Wannabe

Mara's journey as an actress and singer began in New York City appearing in Pedro Pietri's "No More Bingo at the Wake" at The Public and continued with "Journey to Bernares" by Elizabeth Swados, HBO's 'Lantic City, "Flashback", on Theater Row, "Calalou" by Loften Mitchell, Perry Street Theater, "...

44. Marcella Laasch

Actress | Counterintelligence

Marcella Laasch is known for Counterintelligence (2020), Z Nation (2014) and Mega Scorpions (2003).

45. Marcella Lentz-Pope

Actress | Superbad

Marcella Lentz-Pope was born in Los Angeles County, California, USA. She is an actress, known for Superbad (2007), Boardwalk Empire (2010) and The Social Network (2010).

46. Marci Fine

Actress | Tango Shalom

Marci's parents took her to see plenty of musical Theatre growing up, and as a child she listened to show tunes and books-on-tape on record player. She was born in Philadelphia to an electrical engineer father and school nurse mother. Growing up mainly in Northern NJ, the importance of education ...

47. Marcia Cross

Actress | Desperate Housewives

Marcia Anne Cross was born on March 25, 1962 in Marlborough, Massachusetts. As a child, Marcia always wanted to be an actress, so she set out to have a career in acting. Cross graduated from the Juilliard School in New York, a naturally gifted girl. Her career began in 1984, when she joined the ...

48. Marcia Gay Harden

Actress | Mystic River

Marcia Gay Harden was born on August 14, 1959, in La Jolla, California, the third of five children. Her mother, Beverly (Bushfield), was a homemaker, and her father, Thad Harold Harden, was in the military. The family relocated often -- she first became interested in the theatre when the family was...

49. Marcienne Dwyer

Actress | Ruin Me

Marcienne Dwyer was born on June 23, 1981. She is an actress, known for Ruin Me (2017).

50. Marcy Harriell

Actress | Death Proof

Marcy Harriell was born in Newark, New Jersey. She is an actress and writer, known for Death Proof (2007), Grindhouse (2007), Men in Black: International (2019) and starring alongside her husband Robert Harriell in the fashion entertainment series Re: Fashion (2018) on NBCUniversal's Bluprint that ...

51. Marcy Kaplan

Actress | JAG

Marcy Kaplan was born on June 11, 1964. She is an actress and writer, known for JAG (1995), Deadly Illusion (1987) and The Pre Nup (2007). She is married to Eric L. Gold. They have two children.

52. Mare Winningham

Actress | St. Elmo's Fire

Mary 'Mare' Megan Winningham is an actress and songwriter who has appeared in nearly 100 TV shows and feature films. She began her career in 1976 as a singer, and starred in numerous and diverse film roles before hitting it big as one of the original Brat Pack in Joel Schumacher's St. Elmo's Fire (...

53. Marg Helgenberger

Actress | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Marg Helgenberger is an established dramatic actress whose prominence has been steadily increasing. Her work has been noted on stage, film and TV. Most of her career has been spent in dramatic roles on television, but she has also had a noteworthy presence in feature films.

Helgenberger earned a ...

54. Margaret Anne Florence

Actress | Sun Records

Margaret Anne Florence has built a diverse career as a successful actor, singer and model in New York City. She has been featured in major motion pictures including Martin Scorsese's The Irishman (2019), My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006), The Mighty Macs (2009), and The New Daughter (2009).

Margaret ...

Born On December 08 (1978)

55. Margaret Easley

Producer | Manifest

Margaret Easley was born on June 2, 1970 in Austin, Texas, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Manifest (2018), Assassin's Creed III (2012) and Life Sentence (2018).

56. Margaret Cho

Producer | Margaret Cho: PsyCHO

Margaret Cho was born on December 5, 1968 in San Francisco. Her grandfather was a Methodist minister who ran an orphanage in Seoul during the Korean War. Ignoring the traditions of her patriarchal culture, her mother bravely resisted an arranged marriage in Korea & married Margaret's father, who ...

Born On December 05 (1968)

57. Margaret Colin

Actress | Independence Day

Margaret Colin was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised on Long Island. She graduated from Baldwin Senior High School in 1976. Margaret began acting in The Edge of Night (1956) (her character was a heiress and former terrorist, with seven murder attempts), and was employed next on As the World ...

58. Margareth Madè

Actress | Baarìa

Margareth Madè was born on June 22, 1982 in Paternò, Sicily, Italy. She is an actress, known for Baaria (2009), Andron (2015) and My House Is Full of Mirrors (2010). She has been married to Giuseppe Zeno since August 20, 2016. They have two children.

59. Margarita Reyes

Actress | Bonita

Margarita Reyes combines her talents as an actress, producer, and storyteller to craft compelling narratives in film and television. Beginning her Hollywood journey in 1997, Margarita has appeared in notable shows like 'The Practice', 'Grey's Anatomy', and 'Criminal Minds'. Beyond acting, she's a ...

60. Margherita Buy

Actress | Mia madre

Margherita Buy was born on January 15, 1962 in Rome, Lazio, Italy. She is an actress and writer, known for Mia madre (2015), The Ignorant Fairies (2001) and Days and Clouds (2007). She was previously married to Sergio Rubini.

61. Margo Harshman

Actress | Fired Up!

Margo was born in San Diego, California, and lived in La Costa, California, until she was 12, where she attended La Costa Heights Elementary School. She currently lives in Orange County, California, and resides with her parents and three older siblings. She began acting at the age of two and since ...

62. Margo Stilley

Actress | 9 Songs

Margo Stilley was born on November 20, 1982 in Bear Creek, North Carolina, USA. She is an actress, known for 9 Songs (2004), How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) and The Trip (2010).

63. Margot Kidder

Actress | Superman

Margot Kidder was born Margaret Ruth Kidder in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, to Jocelyn Mary "Jill" (Wilson), a history teacher from British Columbia, and Kendall Kidder, a New Mexico-born mining engineer and explosives expert. Margot was a delightful child who took pride in ...

64. Margot Steinberg

Actress | Law & Order

Margot grew up in Montreal, lived in London, and currently resides in NYC. She recently won a best supporting actress award for the newly released feature film, "MidLife". She has co-starred in multiple episodes of Law & Order, and appeared in many other TV shows and feature films. While in London,...

65. Mari E. Ferguson

Actress | Black Jaq

Mari E. Ferguson is known for Black Jaq (1998), Playing House (2011) and The Big Easy (1996).

66. Mari Koda

Actress | Step Up 2: The Streets

Mari Koda was born on August 3, 1986 in Japan. She is an actress, known for Step Up 2: The Streets (2008), Step Up Revolution (2012) and Step Up 3D (2010).

67. Mari Morrow

Actress | Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son

Morrow grew up in Miami, Florida. She made her television debut appearance in 1992 as Wendy Mallow on the popular television program, Baywatch. From 1995 to 1996, she portrayed Rachel Gannon on the ABC soap opera One Life to Live. Morrow also had a recurring appearance on the sitcom, Family Matters...

68. Maria Lemone

Actress | Cyborg: Overture

Maria Lemone is known for Cyborg: Overture, Neptune Cowboy (2008) and Wrestlicious Takedown (2010).

69. Maria Bello

Actress | A History of Violence

Maria Bello was born on 18 April, 1967 in Norristown, Pennsylvania, to Kathy, a nurse and teacher, and Joe Bello, a contractor. She is of Italian and Polish descent. Maria went to Villanova University, majoring in political science. She had every intention of becoming a lawyer, but she took an ...

70. Maria Bertrand

Producer | The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52

Maria Bertrand was born in Montreal, Canada. She is an actress and producer, known for The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 (2021).

71. Maria Callas

Soundtrack | Ghost in the Shell

This volatile opera diva was born Sophie Cecilia Kalos in New York City to Greek émigrés on December 2, 1923. Her father set up a pharmacy and changed the family name from Kalogeropoulos to Callas. As a child Maria studied the piano. When her parents separated (she was 14 at the time), her mother ...

Born On December 02 (1923)

72. Maria Canals-Barrera

Actress | Wizards of Waverly Place

Maria Pilar Canals is an American actress who is known for playing Theresa Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place. She also played Connie Torres in the Camp Rock film series, Hawkgirl from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, She-Hulk from Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Sunset ...

73. Maria Celeste Arraras

Actress | Contact

Maria Celeste Arraras was born on September 27, 1960 in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. She is a producer and writer, known for Contact (1997), Noticiero Telemundo (2003) and Selena's Secret (2018). She was previously married to Manny Arevesu.

74. Marcela Mar

Actress | Entre tú y Milagros

Marcela Mar was born on March 16, 1979 in Colombia. She is an actress and producer, known for Between You and Milagros (2020), Satanás (2007) and El Chapo (2017).

75. Maria Conchita Alonso

Actress | The Running Man

Maria Conchita Alonso was born Maria Concepcion Alonso Bustillo on June 29, 1957 in Cienfuegos, Cuba, but raised in Caracas, Venezuela. She was crowned Miss Teenager World in 1971 and later as Miss Distrito Federal became the first runner up in the Miss Venezuela 1975 competition placing later that...

76. Maria Corina Marrero

Writer | Tu desayuno alegre

Maria Corina Marrero is known for Tu desayuno alegre (2001), Here Comes the Wolf: The Pandemic Hoax (2010) and Paranoia (2009).

77. Monika Kramlik

Actress | Snow Dogs

Monika Kramlik was born in 1978 in Budapest, Hungary. She is an actress, known for Snow Dogs (2002), Stuck on You (2003) and Complete Guide to Guys (2005).

78. Maria Grazia Cucinotta

Actress | The World Is Not Enough

Maria Grazia Cucinotta (born 27 July 1968) is an Italian actress who has featured in many films and television series since 1990. She has also worked as a producer, screenwriter and model. Cucinotta was born in Messina, Province of Messina, Sicily, Italy. She is well known in Italy as a movie and ...

79. Maggie Lawson

Actress | Gamer

Maggie Lawson was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. When she was eight, she began appearing in local community and dinner theater productions, and at 10, she earned an on-air commercial gig at a Louisville TV station, which soon led to a steady six-year role as a TV personality who filed ...

80. Maria Doyle Kennedy

Actress | The Tudors

Maria Doyle Kennedy was born on September 25, 1964 in Clontarf, Dublin, Ireland. She is an actress and director, known for The Tudors (2007), The Commitments (1991) and Orphan Black (2013). She has been married to Kieran Kennedy since June 11, 1988. They have four children.

81. Maria Ines

Actress | My Earl Grey

Maria Ines was born on December 19, 1983 in Colombia. She is an actress and producer, known for My Earl Grey, Los de Arriba y los de Abajo (1994) and La vida detras de la puerta (2009).

Born On December 19 (1983)

82. Maria Louisa Figura

Actress | Edison

Maria Louisa Figura is known for Edison (2005), Lucy: A Period Piece (2008) and First Wave (1998). She has been married to Philip Maurice Hayes since September 28, 2002. They have one child.

83. Mackenzie Foy

Actress | Interstellar

Mackenzie Christine Foy was born 10 November 2000. She began her career as a child model in 2004, working for Garnet Hill, Polo Ralph Lauren, and Guess Kids. She has also modelled in print ads for companies such as Rubbermaid, Jones Apparel Group, The Walt Disney Company, Mattel, Target Corporation...

84. Maria Dizzia

Actress | Martha Marcy May Marlene

Maria Dizzia was born on December 29, 1974 in New Jersey, USA. She is an actress, known for Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011), While We're Young (2014) and True Story (2015).

85. Maria Luísa Mendonça

Actress | Carandiru

Maria Luisa Mendonça's mother is Lygia Maria Mendonça, a plastic artist. Her father is Newton Mendonça, a lawyer. Maria Luisa has a daughter with Rogério Gallo: Júlia. When she was 8, her older sister, Maria Fernanda, died.

She likes to paint and to sculpture. In 2006 she made her debut as a ...

86. Maria Maestas McCann

Actress | The Practice

Maria Maestas McCann is known for The Practice (1997), Southland (2009) and The District (2000).

87. Maria Menounos

Actress | Fantastic Four

Maria Menounos was born on June 8, 1978 in Medford, Massachusetts, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Fantastic Four (2005), Entourage (2015) and Kickin' It Old Skool (2007). She has been married to Keven Undergaro since December 31, 2017. They have one child.

88. Marissa Ingrasci

Actress | Licking Lemons

Marissa Ingrasci was born on January 1, 1983 in San Francisco, California, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Licking Lemons (2014), Pig Hunt (2008) and Right at Your Door (2006).

89. Maria Schneider

Actress | Ultimo tango a Parigi

Maria Schneider was a French actress. At age 19 she became famous for Bernardo Bertolucci's film Last Tango in Paris (1972), and The Passenger (1975).

As a teenager, she adored films, going to the cinema up to four times a week. She left home at 15 after an argument with her mother and went to Paris...

90. Maria Ho

Self | 2010 World Series of Poker

Maria Ho is a Hall of Fame professional poker player and award-winning TV broadcaster/commentator who has amassed nearly $5,000,000 in live poker tournament earnings. She is a dual citizen: born in Taipei, Taiwan and immigrated with her parents to the USA when she was four-years-old.

Maria is one of...

91. Samantha Smith

Actress | Supernatural

Samantha Smith was born in Sacramento, California, USA. She is an actress and talent agent, known for Supernatural (2005), Transformers (2007) and Friends (1994). She has been married to Cory since 2008. They have one child.

92. Crystina Wyler

Actress | True Lies

Crystina Wyler was born on September 15, 1950. She is an actress and producer, known for True Lies (1994), Camino no Tomado (2002) and Bloodline (2015). She has been married to Darin Jones since August 15, 1993. They have one child.

93. Doralicia

Actress | Collateral Damage

Doralicia is known for Collateral Damage (2002), Lost in Plainview (2005) and Echoes of Enlightenment (2001).

94. Katie Wallack

Actress | The Artist

Katie Wallack is known for The Artist (2011), Like Crazy (2011) and The Frozen Ground (2013).

96. Yolanda Guillen

Casting_department | McFarland, USA

Yolanda Guillen is known for McFarland, USA (2015), After School (2014) and Valentina's Tango (2006).

97. Jessica Lee Keller

Actress | The Adjustment Bureau

Jessica Lee Keller was born on December 30, 1992 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA but raised in Stillwater, Minnesota, USA. She is an American dancer and actress. She was one of the original members of the Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet in New York City, USA for over 5 years. She co-choregraphed Teen...

98. Jaime Murray

Actress | Castlevania

Jaime Murray is a British actress, activist and television producer who lives and works in Los Angeles California. Trained at Drama Centre London before playing con artist Stacie Monroe in the BBC series Hustle upon graduation in 2004. The role of Lila West in the Showtime series Dexter took her to...

99. Laura Grace D'Angeli

Actress | Hawaii Five-0

Laura Grace D'Angeli is an American actress and model. Of Italian and Spanish decent, D'Angeli was born in New Jersey to Anthony and Amy D'Angeli. She was raised and educated in The Princeton School district and attended Barton College in North Carolina where she studied psychology and marketing.


100. Cassandré Leigh

Actress | Proper Binge

Cassandré Leigh was born in Anchorage, Alaska. She graduated with a B.S. in nursing from the University of Alaska, Anchorage. She is best known for her role as Brianna in the feature film entitled Proper Binge which won best actor in the Hollywood Film Festival, 2018. Cassandré lives in Los Angeles...

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