IMDb Polls

Poll: My Favorite Monologue is ...

Inspired by Sharan Shetty's Video of Best Movie Monologues

When you think of your favorite monologue in a movie, in which of these 12 categories, does it fit?

Discuss here

Since these categories might overlap, please take the order into consideration, and pick the highest one.

For instance, "you can't handle the truth" is an angry tirade, a villainous monologue, a military AND a courtroom speech, yet it falls under the coutroom category because :

  • antagonists or villains are more likely to deliver angry tirades;
  • the villain is more of an obligatory antagonist in the trial
  • the speech plays a pivotal role for the outcome of the case
The context of the trial is the most significant parameter.

Results of 2,755 votes:

  1. 1.

    Robert De Niro, Paul Sorvino, Anthony Alessandro, Tony Conforti, Joseph D'Onofrio, Frank DiLeo, Ronald Maccone, Christopher Serrone, Tony Sirico, and Philip Suriano in Goodfellas (1990)

    "As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster..." A Voice-Over Narration : Henry Hill's early interest in gangster's life in Goodfellas (1990), Red's optimistic conclusion…
  2. 2.

    Robin Williams and Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting (1997)

    "Something occurred to me... fell into a deep peaceful sleep, and haven't thought about you since. Do you know what occurred to me? " An Analytical Monologue : Dr. Sean Maguire's first immer…
  3. 3.

    Robert Shaw in Jaws (1975)

    "You know the thing about a shark, he's got ... lifeless eyes..." A Story within the Story : Quint's USS Indianapolis story in Jaws (1975), the 'gold watch' story in Pulp Fiction (1994), Luc…

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