IMDb Polls

Poll: The Ten Commandments of Movie Lovers

Attention, fellow cinephiles, behold the sacred tablets of the 10 movie-watching commandments. These rules are not poll suggestions – they're the Ten Commandments of Movie Lovers!

Which of these commandments holds the utmost sanctity in your cinematic heart?

After voting, you might discuss the sacred tablets here.

(for this poll, I used pictures of Saint Jim Carrey for a holy cinematic experience wouldn't be totally complete without him... and well, I just like this guy!)

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, and Mike Starr in Dumb and Dumber (1994)

    THOU SHALL NOT SPOIL: A movie lover values the sacred experience of discovering a plot. You would never be caught revealing spoilers or ruining the suspense for others. Spoiler alert: that's a big no-no!
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    Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly in Dumb and Dumber (1994)

    THOU SHALL NOT TALK DURING A MOVIE: Engaging in a full-blown conversation during a movie is a cardinal sin. A movie lover cherishes every line of dialogue and wouldn't dare disturb the cinematic ambiance.
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    Jim Carrey in The Mask (1994)

    THOU SHALL QUOTE YOUR FAVORITES: A movie lover is a walking encyclopedia of movie quotes. They never miss an opportunity to drop a well-timed movie line into everyday conversations. After all, life is just one big movie, right?
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    Jim Carrey in The Mask (1994)

    THOU SHALL PRIVILEGE THE HD: A true movie lover knows that every pixel matters. Watching a movie in anything less than HD is sacrilege. They crave the crystal-clear details and vibrant colors.
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    Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon (1999)

    THOU SHALL HONOR THE CLASSIC: Classics are timeless for a reason. A movie lover would never dismiss a classic film just because it's in black and white or lacks CGI. They appreciate the history and artistry behind it.
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    Jim Carrey and Amanda Donohoe in Liar Liar (1997)

    THOU SHALL NOT USE A PHONE IN A CINEMA: Texting, tweeting, or checking emails during a movie? A movie lover would never. The glow of a phone screen in a dark theater is their kryptonite.
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    Jim Carrey and Terence Stamp in Yes Man (2008)

    THOU SHALL NOT IGNORE RECOMMENDATIONS: A movie lover values the opinions of fellow cinephiles. Ignoring a movie recommendation from a trusted source is like rejecting a treasure map to cinematic gold.
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    Jim Carrey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

    THOU SHALL NOT SKIP THE OPENING CREDITS: Every frame of a movie, including the opening credits, is a piece of art. Skipping them is like walking out of a museum before seeing all the exhibits.
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    Jim Carrey in The Truman Show (1998)

    THOU SHALL ALWAYS WATCH THE ORIGINAL VERSION: True movie aficionados prefer their foreign films like their coffee – original and unfiltered. Subtitles are just the sprinkle on top of the cinematic cappuccino!
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    Jim Carrey and Michael Kahn at an event for The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999)

    THOU SHALL CARE ABOUT AWARDS: Being a movie buff means tuning in to awards ceremonies on TV, especially the Oscars sot your commitment to superficial glamour will be award-worthy as well.

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