Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse (1947) Poster

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Terrific ending
rbverhoef23 July 2004
'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse' is an Oscar-nominated Tom and Jerry cartoon and I must admit it is pretty good. Not only is it funny but it uses the way animation should be used and especially the ending is quite inventive, although we have a feeling things will happen the way it does.

We see how Tom steals some milk and as he starts drinking Jerry joins him. Of course the cat does not like this very much and he tries to keep the milk away from the mouse. He doesn't succeed. Then he puts some poison and other stuff in the milk, tests it on a fly which gives a very big laugh, and gives it to Jerry. The result is not really what Tom was hoping for. Eventually it leads to the ending that is one of the better ones from the Tom and Jerry cartoons.
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Don't make me angry!
CuriosityKilledShawn27 March 2007
In this Acadamy Award-nominated cartoon (it lost to Tweety Pie!) Tom is tired of sharing his daily bowl of milk with Jerry and nothing he seems to do stops him from getting at it. So he makes up a poisonous white liquid from household chemicals and serves it to Jerry, hoping to kill him. Unfortunately it merely gives him great strength and he proceeds to open a can of whoop-ass. Trouble is, his powers come and go at sporadic intervals. So Tom decides to drink the potion himself.

It's very funny and you'll certainly be laughing all the way through. The twist ending is the best laugh of all. I won't ruin it, but it was my favorite one yet.
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Strange Brew
ccthemovieman-119 December 2006
No matter what Tom does, he can't seem to keep Jerry away from slurping down his bowl of milk. He locks Jerry in a safe, traps him in a dresser drawer, blocks his mouse hole, on and on....but nothing works as Jerry keeps coming back for more milk.

Finally, Tom decides to make a fatal elixir, putting all kinds of garbage in a bowl of milk. Jerry drinks it and turns into The Incredible Hulk, and starts beating up on Tom. However, the stuff seems to wear off quickly, in which Tom then gets the upper hand, but then becomes effective again. This back-and-forth goes on and on with funny results.

This is another wild-and-crazy episode and a unique "take" on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
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War of the colossal Jerry and the incredible shrinking Tom!
Foreverisacastironmess12323 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is something that I love the most about the Tom and Jerry cartoons. They weren't always merely a household pet and pest, confined to the world of the house, forever warm and classic house though it may have been. From one episode to the next they could be living with some cattle ranch guy, or in medieval times, or tanning on the beach or swimming under the seas as a cat and mermouse! Or way later they had them up in space a lot, but we dare not speak of such terrible things... Although one of those turned out to be a dream the point is I really like the shorts that push the boundaries and, whatever loopy reality the world of the show has, and I really love this one. I love mad scientist Tom, concocting his not-so deadly brew to dispose of his despised nemesis Jerry! I find his utterly fiendish, leering expression so totally funny-Bwa-ha-ha- ha!!! It's apparently a very good day to be evil! And I also really love the shadows that back-light him in the scene, I find the explosive puff of red smoke when the potion erupts quite visually impressive. Something else, that happens to be the thing I love the most about this short is the music. I love the humorously ominous music that really brought to my mind cheesy old black and white monster movies! I know it's more likely a take on Jeckyl and Hyde, but it made me picture that kind of thing more for some reason. I especially find the music hilarious that plays during the first appearance of Superjerry! That's one "Mighty Mouse!" I love the epic boom, boom, boom, that plays as the Jerrynator stomps toward a horrified Tom! The music made me picture some old B-movie with some gigantic monster on the horizon that's coming closer! You know the kind, there's always some old general and some handsome scientist protecting some blonde scientist from the terrible threat that could end mankind as we know it! What I find weird, is that at the time all those old movies weren't quite so old just yet! Them drag-racing school jock guys in those red blazers were still taking there sweeties to drive-ins to see them! A possible parody? Okay, back to the toon, my favourite sight gag is when Tom whacks Jerry with the poker once then thrice, then poses to stare aghast at the Jerry indentations on the poker! It's the little things that always get me with these shows. In closing, I love all of this, the comical ambiance of the music, the potion, a souped-up Jerry and yes, like a few others that great zany ending that wraps things up so nicely! A real different and strange kind of Tom and Jerry and for me all the more brilliant for it. I've decided not to spoil the ending for anyone either, although I may already have done....Sorry about that!
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Excellent... but not for any of the reasons identified!
HavocFactory11 September 2008
I am actually very fond of this cartoon for what it is: an intentional tribute to the Mickey Mouse cartoon "The Worm Turns" of 1937. That this has been left out of every other post on this message board is utterly amazing! It also makes it slightly surprising that the cartoon itself was nominated for an Academy Award, although many other tributes and parodies have had the honors over the years.

The scene with the fly is a direct parody of the Mickey toon, in which a fly is the first to benefit from the newly concocted "Courage Builder" strength elixir. The sound effects, as well as much of the visual popping and sparkling in the mixture, are directly lifted from this cartoon.

The complex, and undeniably great result is a cartoon with a unique twist in the ending, which provides a much greater entertainment value for someone familiar with the earlier toon, who can appreciate the contrast and the blatant inter-textual references.
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I do have to agree, the ending is great!
TheLittleSongbird24 April 2010
Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse is a unique take on the famous split-personality tale by Robert Louis Stevenson. I don't think it is Tom and Jerry's very best cartoon, but it is a dark, suspenseful and most definitely entertaining one. The animation is great, luscious, well proportioned and just beautiful to look at in general. And I also loved the music, that alone added to the darkness, suspense and fun of Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse. There are some great gags as well, if you know the story though you'll know what happens, but the twist ending is just great and very funny. Overall, a unique and fun cartoon, with a great ending and music to boot. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Tom's concoction has an undesired effect on Jerry!
Tweekums10 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This 'Tom and Jerry' short opens with the milkman delivering a couple of bottle of milk to a house; Tom's arm them emerges from the basement window and grabs a bottle. He pours it into a bowl and starts to drink... then sees Jerry opposite him also lapping up milk. He chases Jerry back into his mouse hole a pushes a chest of drawers in front of it but Jerry just comes out of one of the drawers and returns to the milk. Tom tries many things to keep it from Jerry but whatever he does Jerry gets to his milk. Eventually he heads back to the basement and starts adding a variety of poisons to the milk creating a substance so noxious that it dissolves the spoon he stirs it with. When Jerry drinks it he appears to keel over and die but moments later he springs back to life; he is far more muscular though. Tom tries to swat him with a large book but Jerry just rips it apart and sets about beating up Tom. Eventually he returns to normal and tries mixing the potion himself; Tom swipes it before he can drink it though... the effect it has on Tom is very different though.

This short is a fun take on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic 'Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'; it has a much darker feel than most 'Tom and Jerry' shorts with the characters casting ominous shadows and sinister music, Tom also looks more maniacal than usual as he plots to defeat Jerry. The violence is up to the usual level and much of it is as creative as it is amusing; the highlight being when Tom hides in a safe and the muscular Jerry punches a hole through it and drags Tom through the tiny hole! The ending where Tom drinks Jerry's concoction was rather good; I had to feel a bit sorry for Tom though! The only slight disappointment was that the fly that drank Tom's potion didn't come back in a muscular state later on... I was sure that was how the short would end!
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The film studio churning out these perfidious cat & mouse . . .
pixrox129 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . offerings always has been perceived by astute viewers as the official propaganda arm of America's Pachyderm Political Party. When any moving picture is prefaced by the insidious groaning fat cat representing miserly rich one per center wealth hoarders, rest assured that the subsequent content is liable to be mendacious, Evil, dangerous or all of the above. DR. JEKYLL AND MR. MOUSE is no exception to this rule. It tries to persuade impressionable young viewers (and weak-minded adults) that DRINKING BLEACH will turn them into strong SUPER BEINGS!! Which recent discredited Pachyderm President said the same thing on National TV? (I'll give you one guess.)
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It's alive parody like episode Jerry as a mighty beast like mouse plus the cartoon twist at the end!
blanbrn19 November 2020
This 1947 "Tom and Jerry" short 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse" is one of the better ones of the series as it's parody like paying some homage to a classic horror film of the day. And it's interesting how Jerry is transformed in this episode into a mighty beast like mouse. The tale is straight and direct involving a potion like poison that when drunk in milk causes strange things like monster like transformations and split personality types. This story is fun a little spooky with some suspense and the music adds some drama and the poison backfires somewhat as in the end the cartoon twist. Really one of the better "Tom and Jerry" shorts of all time!
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Forget the gym... mix up some milk, bleach and moth-balls for the perfect physique (disclaimer: that was a joke!).
BA_Harrison21 June 2008
Annoyed that Jerry keeps on 'half-inching' his milk, Tom the cat mixes up a noxious and potentially deadly concoction, puts it in his bowl and waits for the rodent to strike. However, rather than causing Jerry to pop his clogs, the foul mixture of milk and household chemicals turns the meek mouse into a muscle-bound hulk...

This one might not be the greatest of Tom and Jerry's escapades (despite being Oscar nominated), but it packs enough laughs to make it worth a go. The animation is above average, with the scenes in which Tom mixes his potion being particularly well rendered (the coloured lighting and shadows cast by the cat are very effective).

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Mouse is silly fun and gets a respectable rating of 7/10 from me.
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I loved this cartoon as a kid...and I still do.
planktonrules27 August 2013
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse" is unusual in that it was nominated for an Oscar. However, when you see it you'll certainly understand. The animation (like all Tom & Jerry cartoons) is top-rate and the story is great fun. As a kid, I loved this cartoon and when I saw it again tonight I found I still do!

Much of this cartoon is the typical sort of Tom & Jerry fare--Tom is trying to kill Jerry but with no success. However, this time Tom decides to use his brain (uh, oh!) and makes a concoction designed to kill the mouse--or at least knock him out cold! Instead, the formula is like the Jekyll and Hyde potion in that Jerry changes--into a HUGE and well-muscled mouse who beats the snot out of Tom. In the end, Tom decides to try the potion himself...with hilarious results.
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The tables get turned
Horst_In_Translation21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse" is a 7.5-minute cartoon short film from 1947, so this one has its 70th anniversary this year now and the title is of course a reference to the famous Robert Louis Stevenson novel that was perhaps more known back then than it is today. It also won actor Frederic March an Oscar for example. But back to this one here: This is one of the rare occasions when Tom and Jerry were nominated for an Oscar, but came short as the WB entry took it that year. Nonetheless, this is still among the most known works by the world's most famous cat-and-mouse duo. And it is an okay watch that basically gets better the longer it goes. The introduction and presentation of the issues Tom has with Jerry drinking a bit of his milk, may have been slightly too long, but when the poisoned milk comes into play, the quality increases and the very end with tiny Tom was a real highlight. It reminds us that certain species react differently to medication, especially if the quantity of how much they drank differs so strongly. All in all, probably not my favorite T&J short, but a good watch nonetheless. I give it a thumbs-up.
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse: Oddly dark
Platypuschow28 May 2019
An early Tom & Jerry animated short film, this see's the creators influenced by Louis Stevensons classic Jekyll & Hyde.

We see Tom tired of Jerry stealing his milk so proceeds to poison him, but with unintended consequences. Yes, Tom tries to kill Jerry with poison! That's unexpectedly dark, and certainly wouldn't be acceptable by modern standards.

The rest is your run of the mill stuff and poor Tom just can't catch a break. I think that's why I was never a fan of the show when I was a kid, I always feel too sorry for the poor cat.

Interesting ideas, but ultimately this is just more of the same formula that we've been peddled with for over 60yrs.

The Good:

Well animated

The Bad:

More of the same

Too dark
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After not wanting to share his milk with Jerry, Tom creates the Perfect Potion!... but not for him.
Kalashnikovin24 August 2022
I've always liked Oscar Nominated Shorts, Tom and Jerry too of course! There have been many cases of excellent shorts losing, such as 1954's Touche Pussy Cat, which lost to a miserable and boring Columbia Pictures short. Which is even so bad that I don't even remember the Name, Tweety Pie from Friz Freleng He beat Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse, honestly Tweety Pie is very good and it's excellent if you want to get a laugh, but honestly William Hanna and Joseph Barbera should have won the Oscar on this occasion.

The Short is an Adaptation of the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Story, throughout history there have been many adaptations, both real and in Animation, Tom and Jerry mixed the Story but in their own way!, after not wanting to share their portion of milk with Jerry, Tom decides to fill a Dish with highly deadly Chemicals, After confirming how toxic the milk was by seeing how a fly literally died from tasting a drop, Tom places it in a not at all suspicious way in front of the Crack where Jerry lives, Jerry consumes the Milk... and things went wrong for Tom!.

Of course, Jerry becomes muscular and destroys everything in his path and then returns to his Normal state and has to hurry so that Tom doesn't take his Revenge, Jerry tries to replicate the Potion that Tom made, but he himself arrives faster and... it gets smaller.

Possibly one of the most hilarious endings I've seen, I love the way of making humor here, A couple of blows plus the typical fight scenes between the cat and the mouse are fun as usual.

I don't know if others notice something in this short, I saw it recently and the Animation is Too Beautiful, It is so Flawless that it even fades all the Aberrations made in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s, I loved the Intelligent way of using the Animation , Colors, Backgrounds and Characters are at their best, they look completely glorious and are a great pleasure to look at.

Scott Bradley is not far behind!, As you may already know, I love Bradley, his Music both in the Tom and Jerry Shorts and in the Others of MGM is Completely brilliant, He even reaches the Height of Carl Stalling and Milt Franklin, his Music is still Cheerful and Fun, but as the Minutes go by it gets better and better, Bradley's Work Here is Really Impressive.

In my opinion, Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse is a worthy adaptation of the Tale already mentioned above. It was also worthy of being nominated for an Oscar, although it lost, it still has the prestige of having been nominated! The brilliance of both the Music and the Animation is Amazing plus how extremely hilarious the short is, it has a moderate Rhythm at the Beginning but as Time passes it becomes more Fun and Great!, Tweety Pie as I already said, was a Worthy Oscar winner but I think it is a little lower than this.

In itself, Dr Jekyll and Mr Mouse is a complete animated odyssey that shows us the Funniest Side of the Duo, as an Adaptation it is a Beauty and although not very loyal to the Story, it obeys the most important things of it, The Fun is Infinite as not hopefully, his scenes with the brilliant music of Scott Bradley are even better, and in truth, this is by far one of my favorite Tom and Jerry shorts!.

For everything I said above, this "Loyal and Beautiful Adaptation" gets a deserved 10.
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While a good cartoon, this is not one of the better ones
llltdesq24 April 2001
The fact that this was nominated for an Oscar puzzles me somewhat, as it wasn't one of the better Tom and Jerry cartoons. It wasn't even the best one that year (Invisible Mouse was much better). The ending, which is creative, makes this worth watching, but that's the most memorable part of the short.
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Great Music!
Tautz31 October 2007
Pretty standard Tom and Jerry cartoon - Tom chases Jerry and Jerry retaliates. Nice twist at the end. The reason I like this cartoon though is because of the music. It starts off with the usual Tom and Jerry MGM screen and music, but suddenly the music goes all dark (for the musicians, a pedal note is held in the high violins, while 3 horns play triads in completely different keys; the result is the most tense piece of Tom and Jerry music ever written by Scott Bradley, a true unsung hero.) This music returns whenever Tom is seen concocting the potion, and also at the end, after the classic ending music, the horn motif returns rounding off the score with a reminder that Tom and Jerry can be a dark cartoon too. 10/10 for the music, also very good for the overall cartoon.
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The Monster Within
StrictlyConfidential30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Mouse" was originally released back in 1947.

Anyway - As the story goes - Tom tricks Jerry into drinking a poisonous potion, which transforms him into a cat-punishing, super-strong rodent.
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He'll drink your milk(shake)!
Pjtaylor-96-13804429 October 2019
'Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Mouse (1947)' is a bit weird. It sees Jerry, essentially, torment Tom by drinking his milk, to the point that the latter decides a poisoning is the only answer. This results in a sequence in which the cat cobbles together a diabolical brew comprised of detergent, moth balls, lye and the like. It's an odd scene because it overtly depicts these household substances being used in a dangerous way. This is made worse when the concoction doesn't so much kill as enhance, turning the mouse into an intermittent Schwarzenegger intent on giving his counterpart a good thrashing. If a child were to watch this, it's easy to imagine that they'd get ideas about making a 'strength potion' from supplies available under the sink. Needless to say, that isn't good. The short itself is decent, often as entertaining as it is perplexing. It's certainly not the best 'Tom and Jerry' toon. However, it isn't as bad as some of Deitch's attempts. It's as charming and well-animated as you'd expect. Its story is definitely a weak-point, but the overall affair is fine regardless. 6/10
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One of thee worst T&J cartoons EVER!!
timdogthehulk4 June 2021
I know these cartoons are just cartoon but still they need someone to feel and cheer for. When Tom starts the fight, I feel for Jerry and it should apply here as well but it doesn't.

All Tom wants to do is enjoy his milk but Jerry rudely won't leave him alone. Then at insult to injury Jerry become super strong and beats up Tom. The ending is very insulting as well. Jerry, much like in the Wright Bros episode, is just a big bully in this and I won't advocate such a thing.
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Tom didn't deserve this
tdaugherty200521 December 2017
While everyone seems to praise this one I am one of the few minorities who cannot enjoy this. I like to judge these cartoons based on who initiates the conflict first. In this case it's Jerry. All Tom wants to do is enjoy his milk in peace but Jerry can't leave him alone no matter what he does to keep his milk away from him. Then he poisons it Jerry becomes strong and just hurts Tom constantly. I found myself calling Jerry a jerk, wishing he'd just leave him alone and quit hurting him. And then when Tom gets a chance to get even he drinks the spiked milk and instead of making him strong it reduces him to an insignificant size where Jerry can go from bothering him, hurting him to just torturing him.

Second worst T&J episode I've ever seen. Right next to the Mouseketeer which ends with Tom being decapitated.
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