The Paperboy (1994) Poster


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The Paper Boy: Passable thriller
Platypuschow5 September 2018
This Canadian made thriller/horror with a budget of two million dollars was incredibly filmed in just over 3 weeks and you'd never tell.

Around the mid nineties there seemed to be a trend of such movies about psychotic childrem such as Macaulay Culkin/Elijah Woods The Good Son (1993) and Mikey (1992). They tended to be passable affairs but the moment any tried to be anything beyond psychological they lost credibility.

Here we see a paper boy (Shocker) besotted with a young mother and does everything in his power to become part of her life, even if it means taking out those who stand in his way.

The actor playing the kid never went on to bigger and better things and that is a shame as he is excellent here. Also starring Alexandra "Baywatch" Paul and William "One of my personal favorite actors" Katt alongside industry veteran the late great Frances Bay. The cast truly do make a movie that on paper should have been mediocre into something relatively watchable.

Sure it's predictible and some moments are more than slightly far fetched, but it's watchable stuff for what it is.

The Good:

Stellar cast

Competent antagonist

The Bad:

Seen it before

Some moments are a tad silly

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

This is reason no.534755378334890 why I've not had kids

Baywatch both started and killed Alexandra Pauls career
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Standard Fare For The Genre, Except The Killer Is Young
ccthemovieman-18 November 2006
Marc Marut is convincingly creepy as the young (13 or 14-year-old) paperboy who has a crush/mother fixation. The kid is eerie, especially when he gets excited and his voice squeaks. The movie is interesting and moves along pretty well yet, for this genre, it's standard fare; nothing exceptional.

I might have rated it higher had it not contained yet another example of Hollywood's prejudice against Christianity. Here again we get the message that the kid was nuts because his "strict, religious" mother made him that way. That has become a standard film cliché to explain insanity. Other than that, there was little offensive material, including language.
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No this is not the kid from "Better Off Dead".
culwin18 March 2000
A cross between "The Crush" and "Bad Seed". Nothing original here. The paperboy is obsessed with his neighbor, and will eliminate anyone who gets in his way. Marc Marut is very creepy as the title character, and "Greatest American Hero" William Katt has a supporting role. This is an adequate movie for a script we've seen hundreds of times before, if you're into this sort of thing. I would have liked to hear him say "I want my two dollars!" at least once, though.
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Mild thriller...really not much on horror.
Aaron137520 February 2004
First, from the looks of things this movie was an actual theater release which is a bit surprising. It looks and feels like a made for television movie, when I first saw it on USA network I thought it was a movie they made. Second, why is it listed as a horror movie? It is not very horrific at all. It is a rather mild thriller about a crazy paper boy who becomes really attached to this mother and daughter, so much so that he does everything in his power to make them like him. If anyone tries to warn the mother, then he deals with them. Here is a movie where you just want to beat the snot out of the stalker character; it drives you crazy at what he gets away with. It also makes me glad I don't have a person that likes me that much. Sure some days I wish a gal would form some sort of crush on me, but then you see some of the possible results of such an unhealthy obsession. All in all though this movie is not good, and it is not bad. It is just a mediocre thriller worth a look see if you see it on the television.
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I think the movie was alright, its not as bad as some may say it is.
ArtfulDodgah3 November 2001
I watched the movie just today and I thought it was more hilarious than it was scary or a thriller. I don't know anyone who's actually found that movie scary, so obviously it isn't. I think I was probably in an energetic movie since I laughed the whole time. Just at the way Johny reacted to things.

The cool thing about this movie about how Johny (Marc Marut) is very devilish and too obsessed, but most good movies aren't realistic at all. Hes a young kid around the age of 12-15 who has an obsession for a woman and his obsession goes a little too far causing people to die since they get in the way. I suspected that kid to be evil since he has some sort of innocent, yet a smart-a** side to him and its really disturbing. Many people will say it was a tasteless, corny and pretty lame movie, but the young actor couldn't have played his part better. He was really convincing!

I'm not going to give a summary/ending or the whole point of the movie since thats a surprise for everyone else and I'm no good at it. I think the young actor plays a purfect part in it.
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I harbor a special fondness for a movie this bad.
Devotchka5 October 2000
Sigh...memories of long summer days in which my sister and I did little more than watch the USA network. While doing so we tripped over this pathetic little blunder of a movie, and have since peppered our conversations with comments such as "God hates stupid children!" and "Hey Peaches, want some ribs?"

Characters are as follows: Johnny McFarley, the homicidal paperboy, Melissa, the completely oblivious object of his desire, and Cammie, Melissa's brainless little girl. There is also the witchy old woman from down the street, who spends about half of her scenes cackling, "He's eeeeevil!" in reference to Johnny.

In short, the movie is dumb. It's contrived. No one I've talked to has ever seen it, which is a pity because it's so humorously bad.
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I'll never have a paperboy
BandSAboutMovies5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Canada may seem like our polite neighbor to the north, but they really export some amazingly bonkers movies. Under the surface, they're boiling with films that challenge convention and embrace the weird. Take this movie, which starts with its 12-year-old antagonist, paperboy Johnny McFarley smothering an old woman with a plastic bag.

After that stunning open, we meet Melissa (Alexandra Paul, the virgin Connie Swail from Dragnet), a teacher who returns home to learn that her mother - yep, the old woman - is dead. She takes her daughter Cammie home with her for the funeral, where Johnny is way too excited to see her. He ingratiates himself into the funeral proceedings and then hides a baby monitor in a vent so he can keep up on what Melissa is doing. Yep. Our paperboy is in love.

What he can't deal with is the fact that she has a boyfriend, Brian (William Katt). But he's willing to do whatever it takes to win her over, from turning busybodies into paraplegics to killing his own father with a golf putter and giving another old lady a heart attack by faking the death of her dog. He even smacks Brian with a baseball bat and leaves him inside a burning boat.

Yes, this is a child who goes from sweet and approachable to pure menace in seconds. How dare you go on a date when he wanted to make you some barbecue, Melissa!

This is a sort of remake of 1992's Mikey by way of another Canadian movie where all someone wants is a happy family, 1987's The Stepfather.
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Okay if you watch it with LOW expectations.
insomniac_rod25 August 2005
An average almost "okay" thriller about a depraved/perverted young boy (Johnny) that is obsessed with a hot single mother. In order to get her love, Johnny makes friends with her young daughter, kills her mother, kills his own father!, an old lady that knows about his past, and tries to kill's her boyfriend. What a disgusting guy but at least he can say he tried EVERYTHING to have a real family.

We learn that Johnny is an abused child and that he needs help desperately after being suspect of his mother's death. So we have character development unlike other movies like this. The dialogs aren't the most clever I must say but still work for this movie.

If you enjoy movies where the "villain" or killer is a boy, then "Paperboy" is a must see for you. The actor who plays Johnny is very good in his role and manages to make the audience hate him! He's annoying, a liar, pervert, and you end up hating him. Good job. In fact, it's the kind of movie that makes you feel good when things go wrong to the bad guy.

I'm disturbed by one scene in particular, i don't know if it was edited for t.v. but , does Johnny masturbates after hearing that Alexandra Paul's character is about to have sex with her boyfriend? I didn't understand the scene very well but one thing for sure is that Johnny is a very sick boy.

Oh give this movie a try if you're an avid lover of B-thrillers. "The Paperboy" delivers expectations but I would wait for it to air on t.v. or cable instead of wasting money on it's rental price.
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Surprisingly good acting
eveningthought25 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie while baby-sitting and had little else to do on the Horror Channel. Basically it's about a 12 year old boy who murders an old woman in order to get her family to come back to the town so that he can become one of them because he hates his own family life. Sounds promising enough, huh?

The movie itself is pretty boring and predictable, like so many horror movies in recent years. There aren't any real moments where you jump out of fright or shock. Also there is a severe lack of gore, but that's understandable since the murderer in this case is a 12 year old boy (The Omen non-withstanding). The film-makers do manage get nudity in though, thanks to the trashy baby-sitter.

What's really surprising about this film is the performance of Johnny by Marc Marut. OK, so he doesn't look 12 years old but his acting in this film really does outshine all of the older actors. The scenes where he's acting the kiss-up and innocent young boy are strangely sinister and his moments of rage are remarkably intense and frightening on their own. You'll definitely understand why Melissa becomes so afraid of him! Plus I really enjoyed the creative ways in which he killed some of his victims and still left no evidence.

So this film isn't exactly a must-see, but it does make good nothing-on-TV watching when your bored and Marc Merut's acting does make it strangely compelling to watch. But aside from that it remains largely forgettable.
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Decent enough film
vengeance2026 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Not long after watching Mikey & Daddy's Girl, I heard about this film, which just like the films mentioned, is a child psycho killer film!

This time it's in the form of a 12 year old boy who kills Melissa's mum by smothering her with a plastic bag in order for her & her daughter to come back & move in! The film doesn't waste much time in story-line or kills though just like Mikey & Daddy's girl they were very few, & not much different or half as imaginative but were decent enough!

Like I said, the film didn't waste time & within a minute & a half into the film the first kill ensues, & was abit more quicker than Mikey for the open death(s).

Basically throughout the film the boy, named Johnny Mcfarley, gets involved with the lives of Melissa & her daughter Cammie, but the happiness quickly diminishes when they begin to see a very disturbed side to the smiley friendly face of Johnny! This is after a small misunderstanding assuming that he , Melissa & Cammie would have a barbecue dinner together, but instead Melissa is going out on date with her boyfriend Brian & has Brenda, his nemesis to babysit! He increasingly gets attached to the pair & does anything he can to make sure they are a family despite their being no relations except friends! He also gets annoyed when Brenda grasses on him & he ends up nearly killing her!

The deaths were abit poor & too far apart for my tastes. There was lack of blood too, though there was some present in the film, it just wasn't good enough for me! The films got abit boring at parts but was OK & had a sinister feel to it!

The ending was great too, Johnny gets arrested after nearly killing Melissa's boyfriend Brian by burning him alive while he was unconscious! Though he got away in the nick of time! The end part looked as though it would end where Melissa gets the blame as she had the pick axe in her hand after a struggle with Johnny who tries to pin the murder on her until Brian steps out & shows him up & Johnny gets put in a police car! Great ending! Not clichéd! Just great!

I found the film to be OK, nothing to dissimilar to Mikey or Daddy's Girl! Though it lacked body count & blood! Overall a decent enough film! 6/10
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Total crap, it's as simple & straight forward as that.
poolandrews8 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Paper Boy starts with 12 year old psycho paper boy Johnny McFarley (Marc Marut) suffocating his elderly neighbour Mrs. Thorpe with a plastic bag. Mrs. Thorpe's daughter Melissa (Alexandra Paul) & her young daughter Cammie (Brigid Tierney) fly in from Boston to attend the funeral, however no sooner has Melissa arrived at her Mother's house Johnny is trying to do things for her. At first Melissa just thinks that Johnny is a nice lad who comes round to play with Cammie but a darker side to Johnny emerges, Johnny is absolutely infatuated with Melissa & hides a two way baby monitor device in her house to listen in on every word Melissa says. Johnny turns his closet into a shrine dedicated to Melissa crammed full with photo's of her. Johnny buys her & Cammie expensive things, he is always hanging around, some of the things he says are unsettling, he becomes upset easily when Melissa ignores him & he will do anything to try & make her happy. All Johnny wants is a family, a Mother, someone to love him & he goes to murderous lengths to ensure Melissa & Cammie are that family he's looking for...

This Canadian production (there's a surprise, not!) was directed by Douglas Jackson & is surely more than worth the description of crap. Much more a psychological thriller than straight horror the script by David E. Peckinpah has a ridiculous central premise, a homicidal emotionally messed up paper boy who turns to murder to get his own way. For starters I simply couldn't believe that someone thought making a film about a killer paper boy was a sensible idea! Us horror fans have had to put up with a lot, killer dentists, killer ice-cream men, mutant killer snowmen, killer insects & animals of all shapes, sizes & descriptions, killer aliens, killer ghosts, killer toys & dolls, killer cars, trucks & ships, killer Leprechaun's, killer plants, killer waxworks & a whole host of other bizarre homicidal maniacs besides but a killer paper boy? Surely that's stretching things just that bit too far? I mean the idea of a killer paper boy hardly sends shivers down my spine! The film is as dull as dishwater, it's slow & boring, it's predictable, the character's are bland & forgettable & as a whole the film did nothing for me whatsoever. I guess I just hated the wretched thing, plain & simple.

Director Jackson does nothing to try & liven the tedium up, The Paper Boy is bland, forgettable & uninspired stuff throughout. There is zero tension, atmosphere or scares & the story is very pedestrian & obvious. In fact I couldn't make it through the thing in one sitting, I watched the first 50 odd minutes a couple of days ago & then since I'm such a masochist I forced myself to watch the rest of it yesterday, never let it be said I don't give a film a chance! Forget about any gore, violence or nudity because there ain't none.

Technically The Paper Boy has that made-for-TV cheapness written all over it & I'm surprised it wasn't, I can barely remember a single shot from the thing. Surprisingly Alexandra Paul was in the middle of her Baywatch (1989 - 2001) stint when she made The Paper Boy & you thought Pamela Anderson made a bad career decision with Barb Wire (1996) just wait until you this this cinematic train wreck! To her credit though she is pretty good looking. I absolutely hated Marut, I thought he was awful as he was a whiny annoying pain to watch & I just wanted to grab him & give him a good slap. There certainly wasn't anything sinister or scary about his character which has to be his fault, right?

The Paper Boy was crap, it's as simple & straight forward as that. I found no entertainment value here whatsoever & I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, probably one to avoid.
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Corny, stupid, not scary. And yet, I love it
elderfarr14 August 2012
So this is suppose to be a horror movie. I laughed at it. It is corny, stupid, unrealistic, ridiculous, but yet I still love this movie. Johnny is entertaining. It's mere attempt to scare you is why this is funny. Anyway, I have not seen it in years, probably a good 15 years or so. But I want to watch it again, maybe I will try and find it on ebay or amazon. It is a good flick though. Johnny is an obsessed, psychotic little kid. He has a thing for a teacher who is about 3 or 4 times his age. He is not afraid to kill. He is annoying. It will make you laugh at times and you might hate me for recommending the movie after you watch it, cause it is cheesy, but I like it for some unknown reason.
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Does Johnny convince us as a killer?
gahnsuksah25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Does Johnny convince us as a killer? A great idea for a movie that often does not really work through lack of credibility. Marc Marut (Johnny) is a good actor and is convincing in his anguish to please. The viewer quickly catches on to the idea that Johnny is a revenge killer - revenge on neighbours for 'denying' him affection. He lacks self knowledge in that he never sees his demands as intrusive and hardly likely to win affection. Moreover, the rage scenes are a bit hammy and Johnny changes too rapidly from manic teenage killer to avid sycophantic 'friend' and he loses the opportunity to astound us in his all-too-rapid transformations. We thereby sometimes lose our willing suspension of disbelief and find ourselves watching just a bunch of low-budget actors. The mother, Melissa, (prettily attractive Alexandra Paul) is perpetually vapid. Too many fatuous greetings and god-awful tawdry scenes of affection - like a hundred other 'family love' movies with tweedle-dumb music to harness our sympathies - mostly lost through a boring script that surely needed some enlivening before acceptance.

The first murder scene occurs way too soon - we cannot identify with any of the characters and feel alarmed or sorry for anyone. Johnny's murderous disposition is also revealed way too soon without any backstory. Marc Marut is a good actor and could have done better if the director had worked a bit more on his screen personality. Some slower facial transformations? Some better convincing 'psycho' soliloquies? Credibility, and the echo of a dozen other similar recent films, makes this movie not so interesting to watch - and proves Hitchcock did it so much better 50 years ago. Pity.
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What's so bad about it?
claknoxville12 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the deal is about this movie. From what I remember was that it was actually a OK movie. I am a really big fan of horror movies but I kinda remember this being somewhat of a suspense or something. Not to sure I haven't seen it in like 5 years so I can really barely remember what it's about. But I do remember actually liking it so that must count for something. The only parts I can vaguely remember is the "apple pie" scene and one the psycho paper boy kills the old woman, oh and one he is like laying in the coffin and scaring the little girl half to death. So, okay, looks like I gotta see it again, because I really want to see if it is actually as bad as everyone says it is. HOPEFULLY I won't be disappointed.
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The usual material for these early nineties...
searchanddestroy-112 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw it yesterday, I quickly thought of all these movies made in the early nineties, such as HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADDLE, STEPFATHER, and especially THE GOOD SON( these two latest directed by Joseph Reuben); I would name these features "family thrillers", showing psychopath searching for "love" around them, their neighbourhood. And of course, there were many more of them. But THE GOOD SON, starring Macaulay Caulkin, is very close to this one. You can also name THE CHILDREN, more recently, but rather a horror flick than a psychological film.

That's all I had to say about it. Not a bad movie.
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raffsho229 April 2002
a horrible, horrible movie. just when i thought they were running out of ideas for pseudo-horror movies... they did. so they made this one instead, and we're still paying for it. if you're considering watching this movie, do yourself a favor and rent troll 2 instead. at least you'll get a good laugh out of it.
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Who's Afraid of a 12 Year Old?
fouregycats18 February 2017
The problem is, these movies are so predictable. It's like these people want to remake "The Bad Seed" over and over again. This kid isn't even scary but is breathtakingly annoying. The object of his obsession, a young woman with a little daughter, is so clueless as to how to get rid of him that it boggles the viewer's mind.

Frightening? No, because it's predictable. This movie has been made, remade, and made yet again.
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Main character is like a cross between Eddie Haskell and Norman Bates transported to the 1990s
Barkin829 April 2024
At least that's what this movie seemed like to me. Now, don't get me wrong, the flick was passable, but it lacked the bone-chilling punch expected from a thriller or horror film. It felt more like a whimsical nod to the evil child genre, akin to a playful riff on evil child thrillers such as "The Good Son, "The Bad Seed" and "Children of the Corn."The evil kid in this movie appeared as though plucked from a '50s sitcom and unceremoniously dropped into the '90s. He even sported some those vibes associated with classic sitcom characters like Eddie Haskell of Leave it go Beaver, greeting the adult protagonist, portrayed by Alexandra Paul (Stephanie Holden from Baywatch), with a touch of the phony, "Hi, Mrs. Cleaver" charm early on. Then he shows her his true psycho self, but even that comes across as more cheesy than menacing. The filmmakers were clearly aiming for this sort of vibe. All in all I would give it 5/10.
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Bad News! Warning: Spoilers
Melissa is devastated when she gets word that her mom has died in her old home in a suburb. She takes her daughter Cammie on a plane away from Boston to arrange the funeral, meeting Johnny McFartley, the next-door twelve year old paperboy. At first he is sweet and helpful, Melissa believes he is just an awkward boy with a harmless crush on her... but the story is so much more horrifying than that. Johnny was played by Marc Marut (Ray from Goosebumps Welcome to Dead House). I see why the film has generally bad reviews, but it's such a fun movie to watch! My two best friends, my tulpa and I watched it one night and we laughed so much, it was great! The lines were very humorous, and the Peaches scene... oh boy, it's worth watching just for that alone. Johnny puts a pile of wet beef slices in a burlap sack, along with bottles of ketchup, and whacks the sack until the bottles break, telling an old lady that the contents of the sack is the remains of her dog, Peaches. The old lady gets scared and drops dead. Seriously, it's pretty funny, worth your time if you like cheesy horror classics.
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beware the paperboy bearing gifts
bigwig_thalyi4 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This little known film is one of the best studies in psychological terror that i have seen. An innocent looking paperboy kills an old lady to lure her daughter back from the city because he wants to be a member of her family. It is clear from the beginning that the boy only meant to kill the old lady but the more he tries to ingratiate himself into the family the more deranged he becomes and the more people he has to kill. I had never come across the young actor who played the paperboy before but he gave a performance worthy of an experienced pro and his portrayal of a child descending into madness was inspired. Alexandra Paul ,playing the harassed mother, has never been better and I rate this as her best performance to date. The only really gruesome part of this movie is when a dog gets beaten to death but that was the only real bit of gore in the whole movie.This film proves that you don't have to have sex,bad language and buckets of blood and gore to have a good movie. Even my wife who is not a great horror fan was enthralled by this movie. I give this excellent feature 9/10
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a cheesy but cool movie.
moviecollector21 August 2000
I recently got this, cause I'm kind of into those cheesy movies. This isn't original but its good in a cheesy B movie sort of way. Marc Marnet(?) does a half ways decent job at being the disturbed paperboy, even though he does whine alot & screams like a girl. A. Paul does a good job since she is a B movie actress now. If u r into cheessy movies, give this 1 a try, its alot better than many other cheesy B movies that use the same plot.
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The greatest thriller of all time (no, really)
drcaffeine15 August 2003
This film is fantastic. It has it all. A crazy child, a badly-dressed school teacher and gratuitous chuck taylor footage.

From the very beginning I knew I'd struck gold with this gem. Marc Marut is amazing as the looney-tune Johnny and the scene where he says, 'Bow wow' before bashing a dog to death is truly horrific.

Well done Marc! You are a great actor - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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pippa-719 March 2005
i saw this movie as a child and i don't have very fond memories of it- that is, it really scared me. i'm sure if i watched it again now that i'm older i wouldn't feel so creeped out about it. i remember quite a few scenes vividly- the main character is a twisted boy who kills without regard but whom nevertheless forms a strange bond with a younger girl next door. as i recall, people start to catch on to what he's about and the ending is a real bloodbath.

this movie isn't for the faint of heart, but if you like stories about psycho killers and gruesome murders, then by all means, rent this movie, the paperboy won't disappoint you.
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Childhood through a warped mind
mtckoch2 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film, although intended to be a horror film, instead turns out to be a surprisingly dark and thought-provoking psychological thriller. Johnny McFarley seems like the perfect boy next door, but a closer examination reveals he has a very twisted psyche for a twelve-year-old. I liked this film because it has us feel pity for and be unnerved by Johnny at the same time. Unlike the Good Son, for example, you feel like this is a good kid who simply went through hell and snapped instead of a soulless demon-child portrayal. Although it may not seem scary, it touches the very ugly topics of child abuse and religion used badly well. The only real weak point I saw was the father figure, who could have been omitted entirely for the little he adds to the film. Though not the most bloody or shocking film, it hits all the right notes for a great thriller.
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If you see 1 movie about an evil paperboy, let it be this movie!
leathermusic2 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, where do I begin?. I had to give this 8 stars because it is a VERY good bad movie. In other words, it is so bad that it is extremely entertaining in its earnest ineptitude.

The plot involves a sadistically evil paperboy who just wants to be loved. He kills his elderly next door neighbor because he thinks that her daughter, Melissa is hot, and he just happens to need a new mommy. He knows that she will have to come to her mother's house for the funeral. All of that is revealed in the opening scene where the paperboy kills the old lady by covering her head with a plastic bag. The daughter comes back to town, brining with her her own daughter, the bubbly young Cammie, and the paperboy proceeds to worm his way into their lives with hilarious results. He soon wears out his welcome, meanwhile Melissa and Cammie are getting acquainted with the one and only Greatest American Hero, William Katt. The paperboy continues to kill various people in the neighborhood, including his own dad. Will his bloodthirsty behaviour take lives of Melissa and Cammie too? The production style is what makes this especially hilarious. It has the feel of a lifetime network movie. You know the type, very serious, soft focus camera work, emotionally ripe music throughout, solid if heavy handed acting, and a psychologically probing tone overall. It seems like these movies are made very quickly by well trained casts & crews that just want to get them over with. But this movie was not made for TV, because there is a little bit of nudity (Cammie's horny babysitter, who is of course murdered by the paperboy).

Some of the dialog is just hilarious, and much of it delivered in a heavy Canadian accent. As I said, it is all done completely straight, without a hint of irony or satire. William Katt seems embarrassed to be walking around in a sleeveless v neck sweater. And don't forget about the old lady from Seinfeld, you know the one who gets her bread stolen by Jerry, she's even more mistreated here. She dies of a heart attack when she thinks that she sees the paperboy beat her little dog to death with a baseball bat, but really he was just beating up a giant side of beef with glass jars placed inside it. (another reviewer failed to notice that the dog was NOT murdered even though the paperboy pets it and feeds it after the old lady passes on!).

There are many more scenes in this thing that are supposed to be disturbing, but come off as just being goofy. The movie is entertaining all the way through, which is sort of uncommon for Good Bad Movies. In summary, The Paperboy is a hilarious piece of film making that should not be missed.
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