Freakazoid! (TV Series 1995–1997) Poster


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A Brilliant Satirical Superhero Cartoon
SimpsonsFan135 September 2008
I didn't even know that Freakazoid existed until I looked at YouTube. I watched a couple episodes of it and I thought it was one of the funniest shows ever made. I couldn't stop laughing at the completely random humor and satire scattered throughout. It was a bit closer in tone to shows like The Simpsons or Rocky and Bullwinkle. Freakazoid acted less like a real superhero and more like, well a cartoon character. There were also other funny segments like Lord Bravery, Fatman and Boy Blubber, The Huntsman, etc., It was basically one of those shows where story didn't really matter and it was just there to make you laugh. It is such a shame that this brilliantly hilarious show only lasted two seasons. This is my fourth favorite cartoon, right after The Simpsons, Futurama, and Pinky & The Brain.
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Even with all the underground praise, it's still underrated.
ferchos1324 August 2006
I rediscovered this show through the wonders of (how fitting!) the Internet. The show is funnier for me today than when it first aired, mainly because I now understand that the main target were not children but people of more age, something that is relatively unknown. The show is wonderfully silly and smart, referencing itself constantly, spoofing Hollywood, breaking character and being as "Brechtian" as possible. Live action sequences are constantly used and clichés are consciously overdone. It is a fantastic piece of work that makes fun of TV and movies in a wacky and enjoyable way. I wish it could be revived, I really do.
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Like Many Great Cartoons This One Should Never Been Cancelled
wchngliu21 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
People have lauded Seth Macfarlane's 'Family Guy 'as the only cartoon to make pop cultural references in its show but in actuality, it was Freakazoid that really started it all off. The sarcasm and humorous send-ups and spoofs of politicians, celebrities, TV and movie characters franchise's was used to great effect. Freakazoid also pokes fun at the other superheroes; thus he is the antithesis of the traditional superhero- if you have watched the show you can tell that he sure doesn't act like one. Originally a teenage computer nerd, he becomes Freakazoid overnight after he is zapped by the computer screen, whilst on his PC and thus he becomes a totally different character, wearing a black mask and what looks like either red leather spandex or tight skinned pyjamas.

Originally aimed at a much younger audience, the humour in Freakazoid can be enjoyed by many adults as well. In fact, almost all the pop and cultural references in Freakazoid can be best understood if you are above 16. The jokes, puns, are often laugh out loud funny, sharp and original and the comic delivery was spot on. The jokes and the spoofing of celebrities, politicians was done in a way that you'd be laughing your head off.

Indeed, Freakazoid is a very interesting concept, and very clever it is too. Why the hell this was cancelled, I have no idea but whatever that reason is, whether it had to do with the fact it didn't attract such a massive audience, or it was simply the fact that many people just didn't get it whatsoever, Freakazoid wasn't just one of Warner Bros. better cartoons that dared to be different- but rather it was different to the extent to which it didn't sacrifice the humour, creativity and originality.

My favourite moments were the celebrity intro of the first season when 2 women, who looked like Hilary Clinton and Princess Diana, had a punch up over Freakazoid. As this happens, Freakazoid goes: 'now, now there's plenty of me to go round. and if there isn't well, I'll just have them draw me bigger!' LMAO! and in quantum freak- a spin off of the 90s US show, Quantum leap-,there is even a short but famous scene taken from the film, The Graduate where Mrs Robinson shows off her legs, or indeed one of them in front of our superhero.

One of the last great cartoons of the 20th century, this under rated and under appreciated effort didn't get the recognition and mass audience appeal it so richly deserved. As one has written, whilst he lacks superpowers of any kind, Freakazoid's wit, humour and sarcasm all make up for it. Combine all this with great animation, and terrific humour and what you get with Freakazoid is a brilliant, riotous and downright funny show with a capital F. The people at Warner Bros made a terrible mistake in axing this cartoon, as this was truly a blast from start to finish
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Comedy in its highest form.
louisa_animaniac5 February 2002
"Freakazoid" is perhaps the most under-appreciated comedy series ever! Of course, aiming something like this to a Sunday morning audience of children will doom it from the start. Sadly, it lasted only 24 episodes before getting canned. On the upside, it did win an Emmy for its theme song! That's a good thing! Anyway, there are several types of humor. Slapstick (i.e. "The Three Stooges'), dry and sarcastic (i.e. "Daria"), that old Warner Brotherish humor that I'm still trying to put a name to.... and then there's "What?!?!?!? Why?!?!?" humor that comes out of no where and strikes us as funny because it doesn't make sense and yet it does make sense... does that make sense? Freakazoid is a delightful mixture of this kind of humor, the most obscure movie/historical/cultural references you could possibly imagine, and (lets face it) utter childishness. This is the only show you would be able to hear big-name actors like David Warner behave like a child throwing a tantrum, or hear deadpan Ed Asner say things like "Poo-gas", or even hear the world famous carpenter Norm Abram say something like, "You're and evil man!" All of this is brought to us by the comic genius of Paul Rugg (who not only writes but does the voice of Freakazoid himself because the part was too weird for anyone else to handle) and his partner in crime, John P. McCann. These guys wrote all the good, memorable episodes of the hit series "Animaniacs". I'm not sure if my rant is making much sense, so I'll stop. I cannot recommend "Freakazoid" to you enough. I'll put it this way: If you enjoy humor similar to "The Tick" comic book (the show is much tamer than what I'm talking about), the "Earthworm Jim" video game, or "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast", this is for you! ENJOY!!!
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Best Underrated Cartoon of the 90s
wishbear871 May 2006
Freakazoid was one of the best, albeit underrated, cartoons of the 90s. If I could find it on tape/DVD somewhere, I would buy it--no second thoughts. It was original, random, and absolutely hilarious. It breaks my heart when I drop a Freakazoid reference and no one around me gets it. I want my children's children to be able to see this show. The plot rarely matched up with anything else that had previously happened in the show, and that's what made it great. The villains were bizarre and neurotic, most notably The Lobe. Anyone else remember the Norm Abrahm episode? Genius. Freakazoid was also chalk-full of random catch phrases. I still catch myself saying "Ah nut bunnies!" from time to time. If you're unfortunate enough to never have seen Freakazoid, find an episode or ten, drop what you're doing, and watch. You won't regret it.
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Freakazoid rules!
emasterslake8 April 2006
This is one of my favorite short ran cartoons next to the SatAM Sonic the Hedgehog and The Critic.

The revolves on your average computer user teen, Dexter who lives in Washington D.C. His life is a total bore has a tough brother named Dunken who picks on him and has 2 naive parents.

But on one Christmas Day, Dexter's life changes when he receives a new computer chip as a present. He installs it in his computer, but when a special code is typed in and gets deleted, Dexter gets warped into his computer and receives all sorts of knowledge and receives the power to become an alter ego, a SuperFreak! And before you know it Freakazoid is here! Able to surf the net, fight crime, and use his cocky attitude on super villains.

Throughout the series, you'll see plenty of excitement and humor, and jokes on movies and TV shows.

Freakazoid is one of the best Spielberg produced cartoons ever! It's a shame it only ran for 2 seasons. But that's alright, cause it's still cool to watch! Those who like the other Spielberg related cartoons will love this cartoon.

If it ever gets a complete series DVD box set be sure to buy it!
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Funny show not sure it's for kids though
ardasanimations26 August 2020
Freakazoid is a really good show. However seeing as kids was it's target demographic not sure if they did the best with that.
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It was awesome
neacorp19 June 2009
It was funny, insightful, versatile, with tons of parodies, but unfortunately also one of those short lived shows in the 90s.

I relay liked it, even when I rewatched it. Yeah, there were none funny moments and jokes, but most of it worked out swell. Best thing was you never knew how it's going to end, because the show was chaotic, and some stupid endings were resolved with "Cut! Oh forget it, lets do something else." In a way the writers and studio represented themselves in this, and got away with it easy.

It was sad when they canceled it after the second season, but it could have been worse. If they were to drag it for too long (or worse, remake it now), they would have came up against the Internets public new growing image of adult entertainment. Now there is so much horror in the Internet that I don't even want to know what kind of Freakazoid it could make. Still, one more season would not have ruined the show.

All in all, a great short lived comedy show, worth watching anyway.
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Super-dude extrordinaire
mars_central6 December 2005
This show was hilarious. The humour was so completely insane unyet clever with it. There are very few shows that can make you laugh just reading the script. Check the quotes link if you don't believe me. The cartoon has the excellent level of animation you'd expect from Warner Brothers and is voiced superbly. I'm not sure why this was aimed at children, the humour is quite adult (not that kind of adult). I imagine the powers that be saw it was a cartoon and scheduled it accordingly. This one is aimed at fan-boys but I think anyone can appreciate it. You'll get a good idea of what the show is about from the other comments, needless to say it parodies everything from super heroes to sci-fi and much more. Bring on the DVD, with plenty of fan-boy extras. This show was awesome.
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Unconventionally Weird Superhero
hellraiser75 January 2021
This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time and you can say part of the big five for WB toons like "Tiny Toon Adventures", "Animaniacs", "Batman the Animated Series", and "Pinky and the Brain". This show of course makes five which was a surprise hit despite not quite as successful as the past four but as time went on has become a cult classic. This is the kind of show that you really don't see everyday as it's not that easy to describe; let's just say if David Lynch ever made an animated series and wanted to make a superhero show this would be it.

This show sort of reminds me of the graphic comic series "Madman" which are both a bit uncannily similar; seeing this show is a good hold over until they ever make a live action or animated show is fine with me. But also, a little of the comic series and animated show "The Tick" as both comic book series feature an unconventional superhero character living in a world of weird.

I like the theme song which is another of my favorite theme songs of all time as it's so catchy. But I just love the manic energy of it as well as how bizarre the lyrics of the song are which perfectly fits the show. This song would be an interesting song to sing in a choir, heck I don't see a reason why they can't try, it would be a better song to sing than any other prepicked selection which is most of the time boring crap.

The animation is great it's the usual WB tv toon animation which is fine by me as I wouldn't want it any other way. It captures that fun tone with those toons but one of the things that really set this show apart is how sometimes it included live action footage in places of the show which added to the humor and weirdness of it all.

I really love the world of Freakazoid as it's a world that one step in reality but one step away, nothing to nobody is normal, but most of all there is no real sense of time period. We see some of the human characters that look and are dressed like people from the 1950's, some of the motor vehicles, a mixture of certain customs that were outdated but somehow now back, some people that are inhuman without any origin or explanation as to how they were that way, just so much crazy crap you have to see to believe.

The show has a colorful rogue gallery that were obviously inspired by the rogue gallery from the 60's "Batman" tv show. Each of them are daft and are simply villainous for the sake of it.

Two of them whom are my favorites are Guitierrez voiced by the late great Ricardo Montauban. His character looks like a James Bond villain and sort of is one. It's just funny how smooth, charismatic, straight and serious he is that it's strange as this guy does possess a quirk or two, whether he's aware of it or not.

The Lobe voiced by one of my favorite actors David Warner. He's good in the villain role as usual. The Lobe is true to his name as he truly is a walking brain, but what I like about him is this guy is despite the typical inventive mad scientist architype I really like how he has trouble doing the simplest tasks like in one episode building a stool chair and he must kidnap Norm Abram (whom did his voice in the episode) just to make one. That's funny because it's true how sometimes the most sophisticated minds don't always know how to do things that are considered simple or there are simply some fields they're not strong in. But also, the Lobe despite a heavy intellect and ego is extremely insecure which of course make him susceptible to Freakazoid's tricks.

Dexter/Freakazoid (voiced well by Paul Rugg) is another of my favorite animated protagonists. Really like his persona and manic energy like actors Jim Carrey and Johnny Depp. His character is loveable as he is just a ball of energy, that is constantly expressive of what he feels and embraces his weirdness which is practically a norm where he lives; this guy would be at home in Portland, Oregon.

But he's does have a good heart which makes him a decent guy whom always wants and does the right thing mainly for family (well the mom and dad to be exact), friends like Police Chief Cosgrove (voiced by Ed Asner) whom look like a Dick Tracy character he's sometimes helpful and sometimes not but has a superpower of always appear out of nowhere and on time; and his girlfriend (or would be girlfriend) Stef whom is pretty but not the brightest bulb which at times makes me wonder what Freakazoid sees in her, but who am I to judge.

His character is smart but acts like a total ditz most of the time. I even like how enigmatic he is as supposedly he just has an endless amount of powers or even luck and dumb luck however you look at it; though what else the guy can do we never really know and he himself doesn't know until he does it. Though he doesn't really use superpowers much most of the time it's really just trickery or at times good or dumb luck is how he thwarts the villians.

However, what I really like about him is you sort of can emphasize a bit with him as we probably have a little Freakazoid inside us as he's a person that expressive isn't afraid to do whatever he thinks, desires or wishes to do in the spur of the moment as well as say what he wants and doesn't care what anyone thinks of him while doing it.

Like in one episode when he meets up with Norm Abram, his reaction is just priceless it's the kind of reaction we all are feeling inside whenever we meet a celebrity as their not the people we meet up with every day, I know I felt that when meeting up with Michael Biehn from the film "Aliens"; I just wonder what would happen if I meet up with Jenna Coleman or Karen Gillian from "Doctor Who".

The humor is great, it's very cleaver and funny as heck from both visual but also the verbal humor. The dialog in the show is hilarious there are just so many memorable lines and quotes. This is also the kind of humor where you might have to rewatch just to uncover more.

I like the amount of reference jokes there is along with guest voices which are a numerous as the series "The Simpsons". However, one of the things that truly make the show unique is how it really can poke fun and even have some fun with certain clichés and conventions; this sort of predates the film "Rubber" which did the same thing.

When you watch the show, you would think one thing would usually happen but then the episode suddenly pulls a 180 on you and just does something else. Or how the show would sometimes point out certain clichés and conventions then use them anyway or turn it on its head. From how Freakazoid triumphs against one of the supervillains most of the time in the superhero comics it's a final mighty blow but in this show it doesn't happen instead Freadazoid does something else that surprisingly works.

I also like there are little programs that happen during an episode of the show making this show a bit of a skit comedy. My favorite is a Johnny Quest parody which is really funny as we see the Johnny and Jesse like character do some things they're not of legal age to do like gamble at a casino. But also, there is the Race Bannon character whom is always armed with barrels, how they just magically appear in his hands is anyone's guess.

Though this show isn't going to be for everyone, if you into the Weird genre and like films like "Rubber", "Donnie Darko", as well as the comic book series like "Madman" and "The Tick" then this show is for you. But if you're not into the Weird genre then this show might not be your thing.

Freakazoid is electrifying manic weird zany fun and remember keep Portland weird.

Rating: 4 stars
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jboothmillard26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is another one of Steven Spielberg's breaks from film making and instead creating an annoying but funny superhero cartoon. This computer nerd called Dexter hardly does anything but use the computer. One day, somehow, he is transported into the computer screen and is turned into a superhero named Freakazoid. Basically Freakazoid is an annoying superhero that hardly does anything to help, but he eventually does it in the end. He did get quite frustrating sometimes when he wasn't paying attention or was distracting people, especially the villains. But it was quite funny. It had a good opening theme song as well. Worth watching!
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WB's best cartoon!
plok25313 June 2000
Why in the world did this show get bad reviews? The jokes on actors and movies are hilarious! For example, when Freakazoid gives the truck driver a ticket, it wasn't a fine, it was a ticket to Jerry Springer! This show is absolutely hilarious, and it contains the wackiness from Animaniacs and makes it even funnier. It should've lasted as long as the Animaniacs as well, considering how funny it is! If you're looking for a show that will make you laugh REALLY hard, look no further than Freakazoid!
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Hlilarious and I think underrated
TheLittleSongbird23 November 2010
I am glad to see that Freakazoid is remembered so fondly. I think it is a wonderful show, and I also think it is rather underrated. There are so many things I love about Freakazoid and I don't know where to start. The animation is superb, the colours, backgrounds, visual ideas and character designs are all done amazingly well. The music is great as well, the incidental music is very clever while the theme tune is so catchy and wonderful. The story lines are outstanding being beautifully constructed and original, and the writing is amazing. I can think of only four or five other shows where I have laughed as consistently as I have with Freakazoid. The characters are immensely likable with fun personalities while the voice work is top notch. In conclusion, a wonderful and hilarious show. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Great voice work, great writing and good animation for a series which ended far too soon
llltdesq15 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a marvelous "children's" animated television show. There will be spoilers ahead:

If I tried to do this show justice, that would require a comment rivaling War and Peace! I'll do the best I can. The basic premise is that a nerd named Dexter Douglas, through a series of improbable events, goes into his computer and comes out with an alter-ego, a manic superhero named Freakazoid. Freakazoid behaves like a little kid much of the time and has his own stable of villains, most notably The Lobe, voiced by David Warner and Guttierez, voiced by Ricardo Montalbon. Others of significance are Cobra Queen, Caveguy and Longhorn.

He also has his friends and allies, chiefly Roddy MacStew and a policeman named Cosgrove, voiced by Ed Asner. Dexter's sometimes girlfriend, Steff and his mute butler Ingmar are featured, with Ingmar being replaced toward the end by Professor Jones, voiced as an extensive in-joke by Jonathan Harris.

There are voice cameos by many notables (Mark Hamill, Norm Abrams as themselves, Stephen Furst as the annoying Fanboy and so on) throughout the series. There are also running vignettes featuring other characters such as The Huntsman, Lord Bravery, Lawn Gnomes and a few one time sketches like Fatman and Boy Blubber.

The jokes come a mile a minute and work on various levels, some targeted at kids, others at adults and others which work for everyone. The series was excellent and why it was canceled as it was is disappointing. The episodes with The Lobe are particularly wonderful, because David Warner is nothing short of brilliant as a genius arch villain. The parody of "Hello, Dolly" ("Hello, Lobey" is sheer genius.

The entire series is on DVD and is well worth getting. Most highly recommended.
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This show freaked me out!!
ricardopthomaz24 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why, and i really don't want to find out why people turned their backs on this show in 1997. I can guess that people didn't have a sense of humor that time, or even, maybe they used to have problems with their livers, I don't know, and I don't care.

All i can state here is the obvious truth:


I used to watch it on the WB TV channel back in 1996, and I never missed one episode. I guess I can say that I was a freaky fan!

The gags were pretty funny, the fourth wall jokes, the in-jokes, the reference jokes, all of them beyond funny! It was a kind of freaky humor, true, but it was never predictable.


There was Freakazoid running to catch Lobe, one of the villains from the show, when all of a sudden, Sergeant Cosgrove tells him to go with him for some event in the park, or to a festival of whatever, and Freakazoid just goes. Why? No reason! They just want to fool around and have some fun, and catch the villain later.

Or maybe, there was Freakazoid thinking about catching Lobe in his latest attempt in villainy, or Cave Man, or Gutierres, or whoever, when suddenly, the narrator of the show appears to them telling that he had acting classes and starts to do Shakespeare. Why? Again... No reason. Just having a ball with some narrator guy.

Or maybe we are in the middle of a plot, when suddenly Freakazoid, out of nowhere, is with Brain and Wacko at the Ambling Entertainment building, talking with Steven Spielberg trying to find witch one is Spielberg's favorite show.

Or... Get this: Freakazoid is tied to a table and Gutierrez is about to finish him, when all of a sudden, just out of nowhere, they started to watch funny videos and have fun with them. Again... Why? What was the reason for that? Well, you can explain to me IF you manage to explain why they show a freakin' chimpanzee in the opening of the show. Or even, who was that Emit fella that seemed to be always smiling and used to give me those Wally feelings. Was there a reason for that? Maybe... Or maybe not... That's it.

And what about Sgt. Cosgrove stepping forward simply pointing the finger and saying "cut it out!" for some burglars making them return their score to the place it belongs? Or what about a Japanese cartoon called Hero Boy about a kid dressed in superhero clothes who can't manage to stop menaces and monsters for what it's worth, yet makes everyone laugh in the face of danger but according to Freakazoid, the dubbing of the show is awesome?

Head exploding in 3...2...1... Pshhhhhhh!!!

Those completely WTH mind blowing moments of unpredictability is what made the show so funny, the humor so fresh and the fun so intense. Of course that some moments have purpose or reason, the reference jokes, some jokes about what was going on in those years, maybe even the Disney jokes had it's purpose, I don't know, all I know is that I had tons of fun with it and I was very upset when WB TV turned it out of their schedule.

So give the show a chance and have yourself an eruption of laughter. You'll thank me later. Or maybe you'll end up being freaked out. Both ends, you'll surely have a ball!
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Is it the best superhero cartoon spoof?
MasterMeredith24 September 2012
In the 90's superhero cartoons were everywhere, X-Men, Spider-Man, Bat Man, and the list goes on. While those shows were good, they really needed some not-so-serious competitors. Fox jumped on this with "The Tick," which was really amusing, along with Disney's "Darkwing Duck," another great show. When the WB came around, Warner decided to have a new comedic superhero that would put them out of place, and thus "Freakazoid!" came to be. So what exactly is Freakazoid, well he's the alter ego of Dexter Douglas, a nerd whose cat hit a few buttons and sucked him in to the internet. Now whenever Dexter says "Freak out," he turns into Freakazoid. Other characters include Cosgrove, whose monotone voice is great, Steph, Freakazoid's girlfriend, "Fan Boy" which I believe to be a parody of anyone that watches shows like this, and humorous villains out the gamut, such as the maniacal genius the Lobe, the creepy Candle Jack, and the man bull Long Horn. Now the shows humor is unlike any other comedic superhero cartoon, mostly due to being in the style of "Animaniacs," which gave it a nice anthology feel. The parodies are ingenious, such as "Babe" and "Braveheart" combined to "Babeheart" which is all done off camera, which really adds to the imagination. Also the nonsense that just goes on is all good fun. And like many shows at the time there are suggestive jokes in it, more than likely for it's intended audience of teenagers and up. I strongly feel that this is the definitive comedic superhero show of the 90's, although people say "The Tick," which was also good, but was more superhero show. I suggest if you just want humor watch "Freakazoid!" but if you want some superhero action in your funny superhero watch "The Tick."
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this show brings back so many memories, I was just starting 2nd grade when this cartoon debuted
slimshady562310 June 2012
Freakazoid! was a greatly under appreciated show that was cut down do to low ratings and new FCC rules. This show was ahead of what age group it tried to reach out to because of it's strong use of adult contented humor which kids don't get and it's many shots at everything in the world. Heck! It made fun of the pope. Freakazoid! was as off the wall as Animaniacs if not more off the wall. The show had a great use of comedy among culture and even made fun of itself. The characters really made this show a classic as well as great reason to watch because even the villains were hilariously funny along with the heroes and special guests. It's a real shame it only lasted two years and should be brought back where it can hopefully be appreciated more.
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Freakazoid, Freaky-me, FREAKAZOID!
BigBadaBruce11 May 2007
In terms of quality in execution and scripts, this was run of the mill stuff. Butr lets be honest, everyone loved this show as soon as they watched it. Basic, zany, Spielberg produced Freakazoid was just one of those shows you watched in hilarity, compete and utter rubbish and yet you loved it. And who can forget the theme tune?, go on to see the theme tune in all its glory Super-teen extraordinaire Freakazoid! Freakazoid! Runs around in underwear Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

Rescues Washington D.C. Freakazoid! Freakazoid! Unless something better's on TV Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

His brain's overloading It has a chocolate coating Textbook case for Sigmund Freud Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

Check out Dexter Douglas Nerd computer ace Went surfing on the internet And was zapped to cyberspace

He turned into the Freakazoid He's strong and super-quick He drives the villains crazy 'Cause he's a lunatic

His home base is the Freakalair Freakazoid! Fricassee! Floyd the Barber cuts his hair Freakazoid! Chimpanzee!

Rides around in the Freakmobile Freakazoid! Freakazoo! Hopes to make a movie deal Freaka me! Freaka you!

He's here to save the nation So stay tuned to this station If not, we'll be unemployed Freakazoid! Freakazoid! Freakazoid!!!
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Suprisingly Funny...
Freakazoid! is one of Spielberg's best executive-produced cartoons in the history of animation. It puts cartoons in a perspective of many different kinds of mishaps and spoofs galore. Think of it bad if you must, but I think it's a good stead of cartoons that should go on and on.
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Brilliant comedy like no other.
Animany9427 October 2019
Freakazoid was perhaps short-lived, but it did shine through every single one of the 24 episodes that were put out.

It's quite hard to describe the show without taking away the surprise elements that make this show so well. There's a lot of fourth wall breaks, and while it sometimes take a lot of the time, they never seem shoe-horned in, because it's just how the show works.

Add in a lot of cameos from many publicly known faces and you have a glimpse of what the maniacly fun univers of Freakazoid is.
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Excellent Show
chthon224 January 2003
I can't believe that this show is off the air. I certainly hope that the writers are gainfully employed, because they deserve it. Both the physical and the verbal comedy are hilarious. The show's main drawback is that some of the humor may be beyond the attention span of some younger viewers.

Freakazoid is one of the most original characters I have ever seen. Not his powers or anything, but his dialogue. Cosgrove also tends to steal the show a lot, with his dry wit and unlaughing manner. He sort of reminds me of David Duchovny. Honorable mention also to Freakazoid's cat.
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Only my favorite cartoon EVER
kimmb10 June 2002
Why wasn't this on longer? All I have now are the insanely late showings on the Cartoon Network at 5 in the morning. I love this show. As someone who was late into my teens when this debuted, I could appreciate the obscure pop culture humor that makes this cartoon well above the average Saturday morning fare. This is not a show for kids, this is a cartoon for grownups who actually KNOW what Lost in Space was and get the vast numbers of jokes that go over the heads of most of our younger counterparts.

Oh, I miss this show. The script was so good, terribly well-written and ever so funny. Between this and them taking MST3K away, I really can't think of anything to live for anymore... *sigh*. At least they still rerun them.
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Aoife-225 November 1999
Freakazoid! was a show I held (and still do hold) near and dear to my heart. Sure, some of my comrades tell me it's immature. Sure, they say 'it's on Kids WB, you fool.' But I love it, as well as all the other adults who are still naughty little children deep down.

This show will make you laugh so hard you'll most likely turn yourself inside out.
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I miss it SOOOOO much.
Kai-183 March 2000
Every episode is packed to the gills with hilarity! Not only are the Freakazoid bits brilliant but so are the rest: Toby Danger, Lawn Gnomes, Huntsmen, Lord Bravery (think the Monty Python of Heroes), and everything else rules. Also the voice actors are great, like Ed Asner as Cosgrove and Jonothan Harris (AKA Dr. Smith from Lost in Space). One of the best cartoons but was aimed for the wrong audience. Great songs, likable hilarious characters (like Lobe: the villain with a low self-esteem and Cosgrove whose easily distracted by various things), wonderfully brilliant yet strange stories, jokes galore, homages and spoofs, great use of Stock footage for comedy. BRING IT BACK!
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"I must succeed!"
pop128010 September 2003
Freakazoid! is not as well known as Tiny Toons or Animaniacs, but was at least their equal in laughs and creativity. It was a great show with hilarious characters, a mix of sly, self-referential humor and utter absurdity. The quality of the animation varied wildly from episode to episode, possibly the latter shows were created more cheaply to stretch the budget when they found out they were not being renewed. Whereas the animation did fluctuate, the writing was never less than inspired. Highlights include the Johnny Quest parody, the running "poo gas" joke, and any episode with the Lobe. My favorite is a short piece featuring Freakazoid's new sidekick, a sock puppet. This episode is laugh out loud funny with innuendo I'm amazed got past the censor. Try and catch any episodes if Cartoon Network again reruns them, or if, miraculously, a DVD is released. They are well worth it.
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