Rage of Ninja (1988) Poster


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Revenge of the West Country ninja!
HaemovoreRex16 October 2006
Here we are again with yet another of those ever endearing, dementedly inept cut and splice ninja outings to spring forth from Hong Kong during the 1980's ninja-mania.

Plot wise these oddities seldom made much sense (as one would fully expect considering that two or sometimes even more films are being awkwardly edited together!) and it comes as little surprise therefore to find that this particular entry in the genre to be following the exact same trend. The bizarre story centres around an evil ninja (played by Cornish born actor Mike Abbott) trying to get his hands on a manual that will somehow (it's never explained how!) make him 'The Ultimate Ninja'(!) Added to this we have the story (from a separate film!) of Steve, who comes home one night to find his wife having intimate relations (ahem) with a young stud. Understandably none too impressed with this, Steve proceeds to give the young whippersnapper a jolly good beating. In fact such a beating that Steve, believing himself to have killed the man, is compelled to do a bunk and go on the run. He eventually ends up holed up in a house and holding the lone female occupant hostage. However, in a somewhat unlikely plot development, the woman ends up falling in love with him! Erm....fair enough.... But that's not all, for matters take an even more dramatic turn when a gang of ninja jewellery thieves decide to terrorise the pair and it is revealed that Steve is in fact a ninja to!!!!!!!

Meanwhile in the other (and much better) story, our evil head ninja is still trying to get his hands on the manual he so craves. However, wouldn't you just know it but the manual is held by, yes you've guessed it, yet another ninja!!! Bloody hell, is anyone actually NOT a ninja in these films?! Matters come to a climax in a public park (as most of these movies do!) wherein the two ninja battle it out to the death whereby we get to witness what must surely rank as one of the most abrupt screen exits in movie history!

So is any of this worth watching you may well ask. Well, whilst it has to be said that the segments in this centring around Steve's adventures are pretty much mind numbing, as usual the newly edited in ninja shenanigans are truly priceless! I'm not sure if Mike Abbott was given the chance to overdub his own voice (bearing in mind the ninja segments in these movies were recorded without sound) or another Cornish/West Country artist lent his voice to the lines but either way the end result is absolutely hilarious. You simply have not lived until you have witnessed a supposed evil ninja call various people 'baaaa-studs!' and in another scene, whilst rebuking one of his cronies, calling him 'A pain in the arrrse!'

Yes indeed, yet more quality crap from the Ho'ster! Highly recommended!
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Quality is Directly-Related to How Many Friends are Present when Viewing
KingFilmsCo16 October 2013
RAGE OF NINJA/RAGE OF A NINJA is a hard film to review. I like it, and think it's a lot of fun. However, it's hard to pass over the long stretches of nothing that typify Godfrey Ho and Joseph Lai's "style" during the IFD days. Is a 6 a low score here? Not necessarily. The film is better than average! However, the more friends you trick into seeing this, the funnier this movie becomes.

Mike Abbot is probably one of my favorite of the Ho actors. Something about his bug-eyes, unshapely teeth, and Cornish accent (e.g., "YEW BASSTID") leave a firm impression. This is probably his single best performance in any of the Ho movies (note: honorable mention goes to Ninja Knight: Thunder Fox), mainly because he has the chance to be in fight scenes, villainous plotting scenes, scenes where he kills someone by splashing an energy drink in their face, and toward the end, one of the most hilarious pantomime actions in any Godfrey Ho movie. It's right after that phone call. You'll know it when you see it.

The point being: Mike gets to have a lot of fun in this role, and that fun rubs off on us, meaning we have a good time, too.

I haven't mentioned Marko Ritchie, the film's hero and "star" yet, because dramatically, he's on the thespian level of sandpaper. The plot of the movie is quite clear-cut for a Ho Ninja movie: Marko Ritchie has a manual that Mike Abbot wants, and he won't give it to Mike. Abbot believes the "MANYUL" will turn him into the "ULTIMATE NINJA!" (the film's infamous best scene and tour de force of Abbot's acting ability), and he periodically sends out goons to harass Marko to get said manyul. These scenes are really precious to behold, and are so zany and bizarre it feels like you are watching a work of genius, all the way up to the film's bizarrely surreal abrupt ending, which is the cap on this fine film.

But this is a Godfrey Ho film! The ninja footage can't be more than 15 minutes total, and the rest of the run time consists of some unfinished crime drama movie that is -----barely----- related to the plot, aside from some hilarious blink-and-you-miss-them attempts at bridging the stories. This movie centers around an Asian man named Steve. Ol' Stevo was trying to break up a jewelry-thief-circle (run by Mike Abbot), but after nearly beating a man to death for having sex with his wife (another goon working for Abbot - adultery, theft, this guy must control all vice in Hong Kong!), he goes on the run hiding out in the expansive estate of some rich girl. He ties her to the bed and smacks the stuffing out of her, but she is apparently into that, because the next scene she's in love. Women, I tell ya.

This begins the film's weakest parts. Watch as Ho lovingly left in an extended five minute scene of a girl washing her leg in a bath. It's five minutes, but will feel like fifteen. Watch another scene as people play badminton for a while and talk. Sometimes Steve will fight someone, sometimes there will be a random gang of orgy-rapists on a beach having a barbecue, but it will mostly be the most inane queasy banter between Steve and Girl. Sometimes Ho strikes it rich with a fun, interesting subplot (see: Ninja Terminator). Here, it's dull. But that dullness itself becomes fun to watch with the right group of friends. It accentuates the ninja scenes so much that it magnifies their entertainment value.

If you have friends and you want to watch a Godfrey Ho movie, I would probably recommend starting with Ninja Terminator. However, if you've seen a couple of Ho films, RAGE OF NINJA is one I can recommend with some reservations. It's one of my personal favorites of Ho's work for all its badness. Just make sure you're not watching it alone. Misery, after all, loves company.
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The future of movies
BandSAboutMovies29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mel Simons (Marko Ritchie) - a ninja in pink - and the evil boss of all ninjas - he's the one in yellow - (Mike Abbott) are fighting over the ownership of the manual that allows one to become the ultimate ninja. The evil ninja pulls out a gun and kills Mel, but it was all a dream.

That said, the dream makes him think that he should get rid of the ninja manual.

For some reason, Mel gives it to his ex-wife Cindy (Morna Lee), who needs the help of another ninja named Steve, who kindly ties her up for the night, then unties her. She makes him breakfast. They fall in love. These things happen.

But then Cindy's friend Winnie breaks into this romance and reminds Cindy that she's not yet divorced from Mel. This leads to a game of badminton and that's not a sexual euphemism. A game of badminton in which ninjas attack, no less.

Also: Steve is only hiding in Cindy's house because he attacked the man who is sleeping with his wife. Who knew ninjas had this much drama? Well, when you wear pajamas all day, you can't stay out of trouble in bed, I figure.

My notes for this movie are comical in their scattered chicken scratch, but foremost among them is a sentence all in caps: FIND THIS DISCO E. T. REMIX. Thanks to Ninjas All the Way Down, I can happily tell you that it's by the Italian disco band EGO.

If you like trying to learn what music is in Godfrey Ho movies - and I do - you'll be happy to know that "A Day" by Clan of Xymox and "Sirius" by Alan Parsons Project are in this.

The ending of this movie is so abrupt that you may be tempted to watch it over and over again. In no way does it pay off the movie you watched or answer any questions that you may have. Godfrey Ho's movies do not cast you in the role of omniscient narrator. Instead, you only have the most limited of power over what you see and you may wonder forever what you lost the opportunity to experience in the lives of people you barely get to know.

I have no idea if you will like this movie. I love it because I watched three of them in a row in a state of barely being awake and I feel that this may be the best way to watch Godfrey Ho's work, as if you are just a new blank page for him to tell you a story that makes no sense, that never adds up and that somehow combines two movies into seven eighths of one.
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I just don't get it...
Ross_Welles30 January 2018
I've seen many people call Godfrey Ho movies "funny" or "so bad they're good" but I see it differently. After viewing 3 of his films (this one being the last) I can honestly say that he is the most boring director ever.

KEEP IN MIND: I DID NOT GO INTO THIS MOVIES EXPECTING TO HATE THEM. Actually, it's quite the opposite. I wanted to like this movie as a crazy, fun, schlocky, martial Arts film. I LOVE cult films. The more obscure and tailored to a niche audience, the more I like 'em. And you can't get more Cult than old Kung Fu movies. But this was just plain bad. I'll give it one thing, the beginning was fun and quotable (The "manual", anyone?) but it was only a tease as to what this movie could've been. The rest is a stitched together mess, and that's not a coincidence. It consists or 3 - 4 films cut together sloppily (obviously to make a quick buck). Godfrey Ho has gone on record saying that that is exactly how he does it. He mostly used footage from unreleased or unfinished films made in his native Hong Kong as well as Taiwan, Thailand, The Philippines, and China. That's how he has <150 movie credits from 1970 to 1990. If there is a way to make this Frankenstein form of filmmaking work, please show me. Until then, sorry to say, Rage or Ninja was a disappointing mess.
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Cheap and laughable
Leofwine_draca25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
RAGE OF NINJA is another cheap and laughable ninja movie from Godfrey Ho's IFD Films banner, this time consisting of at least two or three movies mashed badly together. You know it's absurdist nonsense when the characters have names like Steve, Bill and Cindy and all of the cast have made-up western-sounding names. The newly-shot footage is hilarious and features Mike Abbott as an evil ninja master trying to get his hands on a training manual that will give him ultimate powers. The archive footage makes little sense, although there's plenty of action. The cheesy ninja FX and fight scenes are a hoot, and the score rips off plenty of favourites, including RE-ANIMATOR at one point!
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An action movie like no other
jfj423 March 2000
Initially it was incomprehensible to me, then I realised that it was actually 3 films cut together. What a fool I was, I was wrong - it is a coherent whole!

The stages: bewilderment, despair, understanding, hilarity, despair again: these you, the seeker will find. What you miss is THE MANUAL!

3 film theory: This is a poor action movie, abominable soft porn and something else (unknown) cut together randomly. In reality bad guy (name forgotten) good guy (likewise) and good guy (steve) came from the same ninja empire. One of them has the dreaded manual - a guide to becoming the ULTIMATE NINJA!

Who has it? Who will win? Will good guy (2)'s ex wife keep her clothes on at all?

"You know what I want! only the manual can save your life!" "come and get it!" "Yooooouuu baastard!"

rapid gunfire etc...

If you like films that arent very good at all then buy it, buy it now!

If not, don't!
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marchingsnare27 November 2003
When I first saw this movie, I thought, "Oh great... what a piece of crap." My friend recommended that we rent it one day long ago and I was like, "Why Waste a Dollar on that?" He said, "Dude... you have no idea how hilarious this movie is." and I thought, "Whatever."

We popped the tape in the VCR and within the first few minutes I thought, "HOLY CRAP!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!". The dubbing, the characters, the plot (there is none! EXACTLY!), and the overall movie had me laughing so hard I could barely breath. ESPECIALLY the Ending... oh my goodness, it's awesome... so horrible that it rules...

There's one scene where a Ninja takes off down an alley while doing backflips, and another Ninja is chasing after him, doing backflips also. HAHA! Also, there's a scene where the "Ninja boss" throws the remaining sips out of his beer can into another Ninja's eyes while in slow motion, and it hurts him for some reason. I couldn't contain myself during that scene. Hilarious.

The nudity scenes are horrible, maybe because the main actress has as many dimples on her butt as a golfball.

I enjoyed the music in the movie. It reminded me of playing Ninja Gaiden and old video games like it. Definitely cheap techno... Definitely...

I recommend this movie for anyone who wants a movie they can laugh at with their friends; it's much more hilarious that way. If you like this one, check out the other "Godfrey Ho" ninja flicks... they're just about as cheesy or cornish.

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Quite possibly the best/worst movie ever
Juwibean3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Rage of Ninja...or The Rage of a Ninja...is the fantastic tale of a man whose goal is to become THE ULTIMATE NINJA!! (and a bunch of other people who have to do with the "story"...kinda...) This movie taught me that even if a guy beats the crap out of you and ties you up...you can still have a stable relationship with him.

To say this movie is a porn is giving it too much credit. The sex scenes are two awkward to be arousing. But that's not what you look for in an action-packed ninja movie! I have to say that the exploding colored fog balls are fantastic! They have no effect on any of the characters, yet they (in a matter of seconds) kill the main bad guy and end the movie. I think that maybe they ran out of film or something.

I do have to say one thing about the badminton and beach scenes: they have the music from E.T. playing in the background! It sounds just like it anyway. Awesome.

There is so much I can say about Rage of Ninja, but I'll stick with "awesome." Oh, that and..."BULLS**T!" (and he said it with such passion and emotion...it sounded like he really meant it...lol)
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