Detour (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Trespassers Will Be Eaten
claudio_carvalho20 August 2007
While returning to Los Angeles in a trailer through the desert, the driver Neil (Brent Taylor) convinces his friends Tara (Ashley Elizabeth), Harmony (Danna Brady), Loopz (Aaron Buer), Michelle (Jessica Osfar), Lee (Ryan De Rouen) and Cashie (Kelsey Wedeen) to take a detour to an isolated mine where it could have a plantation of peyote. The owner of a gas station advises the group to not go to the place, but the stubborn Neil does not pay attention to his words. While driving in a secondary road, Neil sees a girl and wrecks the car in a rock. He decides to walk back to the gas station to call a tow truck, while Michelle and Lee climb a hill trying to get signal to their cell phones. Sooner the teenagers find that they are under siege of a group of sadistic deformed cannibals and they have to fight to survive.

"Detour" is a teen rip-off of "The Hills Have Eyes", using the same storyline but with many silly dialogs and situations. I like horror movies, and "Detour" is not among the worse that I have seen, having beautiful and sexy actresses and a good conclusion with the scary little girl in the best scene of the movie. Unfortunately the annoying character Loopz spoils what could be worthwhile in this movie, plagiarizing the way of speaking of Eminen and having imbecile lines and attitudes. In a certain moment I was so irritated with this actor that I almost stopped the DVD. The screenplay is very weak, without suspense or tension. If you have not seen this movie yet, better off watching "The Hills Have Eyes" instead. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Detour - Rota 666" ("Detour - Route 666")
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The Hills Have Eyes...but no budget
Verona24 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just preface this by saying I've seen worse. A LOT worse- see "Death Tunnel", for one. And I'm sure the director of this one simply wanted to make a popcorn flick.


1.) A.) Okay so lets open up with some "hot lesbian action". I've actually driven cross country across the desert, and I can say, without a doubt, wearing shorts that small and tight would definitely give you some problems down the road. Women will know what I'm talking about.

B.) So she sees the gigantic insano guy coming towards her, and continues to stand there?

C.) Why did the other feel it wise to get OUT of the car? And how come she got so far ahead when running?

2.) The cowboy at the rave looked like Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus" video.

3.) So lets see, the B-horror checklist: the "wild" girl, the straight girl, townie that warns them, artsy boy, goth girl, the PDA couple and of course, "Spcecial-K" who looks like Billy Zane in Demon Knight. Who respectively look like rent-a-center versions of Paris Hilton, Eva Mendes, Jason London, C. Thomas Howell as Hugh Laurie as Rumsfeld as Pete, Ali Larter, Dan Cortes and Tori Spelling.

4.) A.) Don't RV's have bathrooms? If so, why didn't he go to the bathroom in there? He did later on!

B.) Longest pee ever.

C.) He didn't notice the dripping appendage before?

5.) Whne the RV crashes, I didn't see a little girl- actually thought it was a fully cooked headless turkey.

6.) When LOST in the desert, it IS customary to ask the following very important questions? Does that affect my thighs?...hotpants?...bikini top?....short shorts? The girls changed outfits like 30 times.

7.) Nice of the Cannibals to make a warning sign. 8.) Neil still tried to flag down the "Human Head bumper mobile"? 9.) They had to tell the guy to lock the door? Also, when trying to raid the enemy cave, lets shout at each other as loud as we can, throw our heavy flashlight and also let them know we have almost no ammunition left.

I could say a lot more, but I don't want to.

4.) Yes how very mature for college kids- tell us your gay!!!!
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Good cinematography in a vacuum
pumaye18 February 2005
This update of the classical Craven's movie The Hills have eyes emerges from the mass of the direct to video slasher road movies of the last few years for a very good use of colors in its cinematography. This is the only redeeming feature for a movie with a young cast that could be used with more reasons in a Playboy soft core movie (and one of the actress has indeed been in a Palyboy video), it is totally boring as a real horror movie, with ridiculous special effects (with running blood that is really colored water), almost no new ideas in the use of the killers or in the killings their-selves and an hysterical cast. Anyway, it could be enjoyed by the fans of the genre because the production values are really very high for such a blame.
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It's not a "Wrong Turn" - It's a "Detour"
Dr. Gore18 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers

"Detour" is a B-movie version of "Wrong Turn". It does not stray from the well worn B-movie path. Teens + killers = Good times. If that description excites you, you'll probably like this flick. A bunch of teens decide to take a DETOUR off the desert highway to look for some drugs. They find death and disaster. Let us learn from their plight. So please, don't take dad's camper into the desert to scrounge for drugs among the psycho cannibals. It's just common sense.

I enjoyed this one. "Detour" has a couple of scenes of blood and guts to keep you interested. There are Chicks, a Camper, some Cannibals, and Carnage. "Detour" has all the right C-words for a decent B-movie.

One last thing, watch out for the one guy in the camper who tries to talk like a gangsta rapper. This Vanilla Ice reject had me cringing. Keep a pillow handy so you can bury your head in it when he pops up on screen.
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Why am I so moody? Perhaps it's because of my ghetto booty.
mhaun-122 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Detour" is a D-movie desperately trying to be a B-movie.

Predictable thrills and chills follow a group of buxom and/or handsome teens as they oh-so-smartly head off into the desert in search of peyote. What could possible go wrong with that, right? Of course, their RV breaks down in the boonies and all sorts of hilarity - and by hilarity, I mean horror movie slashing - ensues.

The dialog is weak...the acting is weaker...and the special effects are weakest, or weakester...whatever.

Anyway, there are a few good death scenes. And I think the annoying Vanilla Ice-like guy did a decent job, since I think his character was supposed to be annoying. He was supposed to be annoying, right? But here's a suggestion to would-be producers of low-budget horror flicks: I know you're trying to create distinct characters, with attitude or personalities that stand out for the viewer. But in "Detour," I really wondered "Why the hell would any of these people be friends in the first place?" Caricatures are not characters. Make the characters seem like real people, who would really be friends, and the movie might actually generate a few more chills because the viewer might start to care what happens to these people.

Best unintentional moment of comedy? Watch as one of the lead female characters goes from "Buffy" tough to screaming-like-a-fool marathon runner in the course of about 30 seconds. Hilarious.

And here's a big spoiler! I thought the RV broke down. How come they were able to drive it away at the end of the flick?
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Don't watch unless you like lame jokes
dmj_incorporated-17 January 2006
This was the most annoying movie. The one guy who acts like he's ghetto is overly annoying. The movies "jokes" are lame. The acting was horrible. The story had no guidelines to it. It just went along with whatever happened, not helping to explain it. But most of all it the gangster wannabe guy.

The cannibals didn't even look scary. They just looked like normal people. The best part was the butt shot of the girl in yellow at the beginning. The rest of the movie was bad acting, ghetto talking, stupid effects, and lame jokes. It's a cheaper, stupid version of Wrong Turn. Wrong Turn was better.
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Poorly Executed (Pun Intended)...cute girls
consultdom27 June 2006
So as not to "spoil" anything, the plot is as follows: A group of young people get stranded in the middle of nowhere and trouble ensues.

This movie has a plethora of similarities to the recent remake of "The Hills Have Eyes". The only redeeming quality this movie has is a bevy of good looking 19 year-old girls. I'm a straight woman, yet even I couldn't tear my eyes away from the numerous shots of these tanned, leggy girls with their flat abs, perfectly round, er. curves, and cellulite-free thighs. It was like watching a Bally's Fitness commercial.

So much for the good.

Other than providing nothing new in the way of story or effects, the movie manages to annoy more than entertain, unless you want to watch it MST3K-style and mock it aloud in your living room with your friends over a case of beer (because that's about how much beer you'll need to numb the pain).

It's really hard to tell one gorgeous chick from the next, but there were some memorable male characters. Notice I said "memorable" -- not "good".

The first was the guy at the gas station. He looks strikingly like Hugh Laurie from the excellent Fox series, "House".

Amongst the youngsters in the doomed RV is a guy who was spawned from both Vanilla Ice and Eminem. The 2 minute joke of a pretty white boy talking like a gansta in the hood got old after...well, 2 minutes. Then it was just embarrassing. Although it's not the actor's fault, I want to blame him anyway. "Words" such as "yo", "aww-ite" and "dog" interspersed with the usual expletives went from satirical to just plain offensive.

I don't know the budget of either this film or "The Hills Have Eyes" (2006), but either could have been made for $3M or less. It would be amusing to watch them back to back so you can see the amazing similarities -- both have motor homes, both use unfamiliar faces, both have cunning and creepy foes, and both take place in the middle of nowhere.

This film was made several years before "Hills" and I never saw the original, so I cannot compare. But comparing to the remake of "Hills", there are myriad similarities but only one difference: One works and one doesn't. And "Detour" just doesn't work.

I gave it a 5/10 for the good-looking women.
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Lonely Hearts
Bezenby4 November 2012
Cannibal Family, aged 6-60, seek bunch of annoying morons to meet in desert locale. Morons must be extremely smug, GSOH. Must be able to endear themselves to audience by doing impressions of deaf people. Applicants must be familiar with the plot of The Hills Have Eyes, but not the good parts. Note to applicants, mobile phone coverage limited, industry standard. Cannibals enjoy dining out al fresco, dancing and bad acting. Very little to offer by way of gore, cannibals will more than make up for it by way of annoying clichés and pulled punches. Cannibals enjoy little back story, romance and maybe more. Hotpants preferable. Serious applicants only.

N.B Applicants will suffer great tedium and perhaps career death.
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Awful is a complement
evildax23 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had the fortune (..) of borrowing the DVD from a friend. Normally I like B-type horrors / slashers. But this one really worked on my nerves. Especially the character 'Loopz': some white kid that was really trying to be some great black 'dude'. Annoying!! And the story... If I would be scared, with a broken bus in the middle of a strange desert, looking for a signal for my mobile, believing there are people near, the LAST thing I would do is having sex with a really annoying girl.. And for the rest of the storyline: Standard: guys to to bad place, get warned by local dude, don't listen, die.... Boooooring ! 1/10 (can not give less....)
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Enjoyable little slasher.
gila_film17 September 2004
After the tired self-mocking slasher that came around 90's, Hollywood seem back to it basic (in horror movie genre). From major to independent are making a rendezvous' to those yesteryears now. Luckily, most of them are good enough, such us Jeepers Creepers, Wrong Turn, Cabin Fever and many more.

In independent-straight-to-video side, there's Detour, a little slasher that reminiscent of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hill Have Eyes. It clear that the budget is very low, but doesn't mean Detour is a low package. It's totally an enjoyable thrill-ride, from start to the very end. The gore is sufficient and the comedic situation is fun. And you can't believe whose going to survive toward the end; the characters that usually will never survive in this kind of movies.

Yes, it cliché, and some scenes are dull, but it really your time-killer. Watch this when you are have nothing to do, ask some friends to join you and you all will have a very good time.

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This is the type of movie that gives direct-to-video horror a bad name
willywants20 June 2005
A group of brain-dead teens are stuck in the middle of the desert when their RV gets a flat tire. As the day rolls on, they get picked off one-by-one by a family of deranged psychopaths. I once read a review for this little cesspool that called it "One of the best horror film of the new millennium". When the film was over, it left me wondering, "Where the hell was this person the last few years?" "Detour" is a bad, bad movie. The writing and acting was terrible. The plot was recycled from countless other films, especially "The Hills Have Eyes". Usually poor writing and acting don't bother me too much as long as the film is otherwise entertaining or well-done, but there's simply no excuse for how awful the actors are and how stupid the dialog is. To be fair, there was an very impressive amount of well-done gore effects, at times a little tension, and nicely shot desert locations. These are nice saving graces, but they certainly don't carry the movie.

Once in a while, you'll rent a direct-to-video film that you've never heard of that turns out to be a real gem. This, however, isn't one of them.

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Fun gore fest with lots of beautiful women running around scantily clad.
GulyJimson6 August 2004
First of all let me state for the record that I participated in this film, albeit in a small way, so my comments may seem and probably are somewhat prejudiced. I like the film. It's a fun gore fest with lots of beautiful women running around scantily clad. Giddyap! Seven ravers have all been invited to Freak Central for dinner-not where they eat, but where they are eaten. Who gets out of the invite and who doesn't makes up the bulk of the film. Thats not to say it doesn't have flaws, it does. But many of these faults stem from the fact the film was made on a shoestring. And yes, in ways it is an unofficial remake of "The Hills Have Eyes" by way of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". What is impressive is how much actually works in the film. At 88 minutes it moves right along, has great cinematography and locations as well as a soundtrack that pulsates. It does a good job of creating atmosphere and building tension. And it's funny too. My favorite bit was the scene where King Freak (T.C. Davidson) is carrying Tara (Ashley Elizabeth) like a sack of potatoes away from the Freak residence seemingly intent on getting her alone and doing God only knows what to her, only to be interrupted when Queen Freak (Micky Levy) calls to him from the second floor window like a good little freak wife and happy homemaker to tell him dinner, (Jill Jacobs, held captive and chained upside down) is ready. I guess Tara is going to be dessert. Such a tasty little morsel too. Nice cheeks.
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I would take this detour again
drnrg3130 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First of, I'm a huge Horror genre buff. Very few horror movies that I consider really bad. This fortunately is one that I liked.

This movie is pure Horror candy. You got cannibals, Rave, Hot chicks, Blood and Even a white wanna be rapper, who although seems very annoying at first, but grows on you as the movie continues.

The story is basic slasher flick , Kids go to dessert for an all-night party and wind up being hunted down and eaten by a family of drug crazed peyote fiends. These so called cannibals look more like the folk in 2001 Maniacs. The folks from Hills Have Eyes would make mince meat out of them.

I guess the most interesting part of this movie is how the characters die. Not in the manner, but rather in the order. if you have not seen the movie stop reading at once ,cause here goes-

The ones you think would live die and the ones you really want dead, well let's just say they keep annoying till the end. I will say one thing , the majority of the cast does actually look like teenagers this time around. Tara. Harmony, Cashie,Niel and Loops all look like around 16-18(I guess that is why the girls all look so great in short shorts) Especially Tara. Pure eye candy . Also the stereo type silliness of each character gives them enough depth for one actually to care about them. Which is more than I can say about half of Jason's victims in Friday 13th series.

There are a lot scenes that don't make sense and are not consistent, but they seem to be there intentionally to make it more b-Movie fun. In the end you get a great stand off between the girls and the freaks really reminding me of movies like "Mother's Day".

Compared to Hills Have Eyes and Wrong Turn, the movie lacks the scare factor, but it does contain one scene that's really chilly. where one of the freaks puts on a dead girl's face and pretends to be her as our heroes let him inside the RV. SWEET..
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A side trip may be your last trip.
michaelRokeefe15 May 2004
Low budget or no budget horror flick that is so damn dumb you can't help yourself from watching. A grisly and gruesome fate is in store for a group of teen rebel-rousers in an RV borrowed without permission. The seven ravers find their partying days coming to an agonizing end when they turn off the highway in search of a secret cache of peyote hidden in the dessert. The scantly clad group still reeling from the rave the night before crash their RV and find themselves the targets of drug-addicted, bloodthirsty cannibals. Slash, chop and poke...blood drips, splatters and oozes. Most of the foul language comes from an obnoxious white boy gansta wannabee. Tight butt gripping shorts liven the dessert scenery and adds a little sex appeal other than some lesbian groping and horny, sizzling grinding on a hot rock.

This straight to video trip of violence and gore features: Aaron Buer, Kelsey Wedeen, Brent Taylor, Jessica Osfar and Renee Madison Cole.
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This one took a "detour" down the road of missed opportunities.
rixrex16 October 2005
Normally I am forgiving of most low-budget "young folks in danger" types of low-grade horror films because they sometimes rise above expectations, the shot-on-video HIGHWAY TO HELL being a good example. But this one is a mess of missed opportunities. Same premise as HILLS HAVE EYES, but a group of teenager/early 20s rather than a family. That in itself is a missed opportunity (but not a big one) because we all know where horror films go when there's a gang of gregarious kids around. There's a stupid and unnecessary prologue where we see 2 girls get killed that pretty much gives away the whole story in 3 minutes. If these kids were any goofier, they'd be in a cartoon instead. There's no build of suspense, the frights are few, the cannibals look like friends and family of the film-makers with very little make-up or reason to be the way they are. And there's too many of them anyway. The cannibal hide-out is a cave and then it's an old building, then a cave again. There's no good sense of where anything is here. The leader of the cannibals, while plenty big enough, has the most ludicrous facial appearance and isn't at all scary, his mate is just a screaming mimi. With a decent effort on makeup and a bit of style and maturity this could have been pretty good, but save your time and watch HILLS HAVE EYES instead. Heck, even HILLS HAVE EYES 2 is grade A compared to this.
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"Trespassers will be eaten." Boring The Hills Have Eyes rip-off.
poolandrews6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Detour starts at a rave held in the middle of the Californian desert, all the ravers present party the night away... The next morning & it's time to get home, friends Neil (Brent Taylor), Tara (Ashley Elizabeth), Harmony (Jill Jacobs), Cashie (Kelsey Wedeen), Lawrence (Aaron Buer), Michelle (Jessica Osfar) & Lee (Ryan De'Rouen) all board their motor home & set off on the long lonely journey back to Los Angeles. On the way Neil persuades them to take a detour & look for a secret plantation of drugs (!). While distracted in the middle of nowhere Neil loses control of the motor home & crashes when he thinks he sees a little girl in the road. Much arguing ensues about whose fault it is & what they're going to do, Neil sets off on his own back to a gas station while Lee & Michelle head for higher ground to see if they get their mobile phones to work. It's not long before a pack of deranged cannibals have killed Lee & Neil & are intent on killing everyone else...

Co-written & directed by Steve Taylor I really didn't think much of Detour. The script by Taylor & Steve Grabowsky is painfully slow to get going, after a confusing montage of someone getting their guts ripped out during the opening sequence set to the rhythm of the rave music not one single person is killed for over 40 minutes, why is this a problem you might ask. Well I'll tell you, it's a problem because you have these highly annoying teenage character's that do virtually nothing on screen constantly & it becomes boring very quickly. You know the sort of thing, taking the mick out of each other, the silly bits of unnecessary character development to pad the run time out that in the end mean nothing & are irrelevant to the overall story, the stupid decision making like splitting up, going off on your own across miles of hostile desert & the fact that no-one tries to or even suggests that they try & free the van from sand it's stuck in & what about that little girl? Where did she go? She was obviously there as she dropped the doll but I'm not having it, there is no way on Earth she could just disappear so quickly & not be noticed, I mean it's open desert for miles around! There's hardly a wealth of places to hide is there? So you've made it past the mind-numbingly dull & boring opening 40 plus minutes yes? You really shouldn't have bothered as the film doesn't get much better (although it could hardly get worse), there's a serious lack of exploitation & there's some attempt at explaining the cannibals origins with some sort of drug from a plant!? Generally speaking Detour is a pretty rotten film. On a positive note the second half of Detour is much better than the first, but this still doesn't make up for it being crap.

Director Taylor does what he can with nothing but a desert to shoot in, which turns out not to be much. Since the majority of it is shot in broad daylight it lacks suspense or tension that the darkness of night might have brought. I was disappointed with the gore in Detour, the films as dry as a bone for the first 40 minutes & then we get some impaling, a few gunshot wounds, a severed arm & limbless body plus a couple of spikes through someones foot.

Obviously shot on a low budget & made-for-video Detour doesn't look too bad & is made with a certain degree of competence. The acting is pretty bad especially the track suit wearing all singing retard Buer who becomes highly annoying. The girls in Detour are nice however, a few babes never go amiss do they?

I was disappointed by Detour, it's like an extremely boring poor mans The Hills Have Eyes (1977), the stranded motor home, the cannibals, the isolated desert setting, the gas station owner who knows more than he's letting on & warns them about the desert etc. Do yourself a favour & don't bother with Detour, there are much better films out there.
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Detour sucks
DarkWings_00724 April 2006
I must say i was very upset as it said wrong turn 2 in the beginning of movie so i was very disappointed at badly made movie and at the end of movie seeing that this was DETOUR a boring and stupid movie i would not recommend watching this movie as i already wasted over a hour watching this C grade movie

I must say i was very upset as it said wrong turn 2 in the beginning of movie so i was very disappointed at badly made movie and at the end of movie seeing that this was DETOUR a boring and stupid movie i would not recommend watching this movie as i already wasted over a hour watching this C grade movie
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Modern equivalent of a 90's Full Moon flick
auteurus20 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Review contains spoilers*

Hell's Highway is a low budget thriller typical of the genre, but for some reason I wanted to cut it some slack.

Sure, it has the usual stereotyped characters, predictable plot, mediocre acting, poor sound and gratuitous sex scene typical to this genre. However, the visual quality of the film is quite good, especially the scenes filmed in the open desert (although the night scenes suffer from some poor lighting choices).

On the down side, the endless stream of killers lack menace and presence. Despite allegedly being cannibal drug addicts who live in the desert, many of the killers appear relatively well dressed and clean cut - which makes them even less convincing.

Ultimately, overlooking the films flaws the overall effort was mildly entertaining and even the annoying Loop character grew on me by the end. I'd rate this film as a contemporary equivalent to the Full Moon Z grade horror flicks of the '90's. Clearly they are a somewhat cynical attempt to attract DVD renters at the local Blockbuster. It remains to be seen if director Steve Taylor (who appeared to fill multiple roles in this film under different names) is inspired to rise to anything greater.

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It's just like wrong turn, if you're on acid
jakielaj3 November 2006
This movie has pretty much the same plot line as wrong turn (minus that fact it takes place in the desert and the characters are in search of a pot field). The best part of the entire movie is probably seeing the main cannibal, who looks like Mr. Clean's brother who was locked in an unventilated room while mixing cleaning products. The worse character in possibly the history of movies is the white kid who fronts as a thug. I can honestly say that after being introduce to this character I wish every second after that to see his untimely demise.

There were some good effects and the actual camera shots weren't that bad considering their budget. Also the extras on the DVD were pretty amusing as well (especially the auditions for each character). Being a college educated individual and in the process of finishing my major and attending grad school I know that I can fall back on B movie acting if I don't get hired right away.

This movie got a 4 from me because it did have its moments. My roommates and I were laughing throughout the movie and were able to predict what was going to happen and the order that the characters would be taken out. But like I stated before, if you are forced to rent this movie for any more than one dollar you should simply tell the cashier at your local video store to pay you for removing this movie from their presence.
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I've seen worse, much worse
thewag77718 November 2006
Well, this is just another group of teens deserted who get killed one by one. A teeny-bopper version of 'The Hills Have Eyes.' Not a whole lot to say about it, the killing scenes are good, but not great. Some nice looking girls, one decent sex scene. That Jill Jacobs as Harmony is really hot, but stays clothed unfortunately. She played the ditsy role pretty well, I hope she does some more movies. There's potential there.

The white wrapper guy was probably the worse part of the movie. He is one annoying poser, and not a very convincing one either. You will eagerly await his slaughter just because his acting is deplorable.

Well, I gave it a 5 out of 10, for mediocrity. If you happen across this, and like slasher films, then you could add this to your collection, just for the sake of being a horror buff. I wouldn't go out of my way to find this one though, nothing special about it, except Jill Jacobs is hot.
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What next?
korgaard594 December 2010
I think that most of the reviews given for this film are spot on, given that (by the creator's own admission) it is basically a rip-off of the "Hills Have Eyes" franchise. The producers are unapologetic about this (as they should be) because their film works every bit as well (and in most cases better) than almost any other film in this genre niche. What bothers me is that none of the fine young actors involved in this project appear to have moved on to bigger and better projects. This is unfortunate, as this film's cast (in particular Ashley Reed) should have produced at least one Kevin Bacon ("Friday the 13th") or Jamie Lee Curtis ("Halloween").
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Terrible Hills Have Eyes ripoff
double-you-tea-eff15 June 2006
All I can say is everything about this movie is terrible. Bad acting, not a single shred of originality (although how often does that happen in horror movies these days?) One of the actors looks like a broke-down Leonardo DiCaprio. It's almost a verbatim ripoff of The Hills Have Eyes, with some Texas Chainsaw and Jeepers Creepers elements in it. The RV happens to break down in the desert(yet


it is conveniently able to start at the end of the movie


there's a bats*** insane gas station owner, and disfigured cannibals. None of the characters were interesting at all, and throughout the movie, I wanted to punch the annoying white-rapper-wannabe tool in the mouth. Thankfully I didn't spend any money on this movie, because it's free with On Demand cable so we were able to skip most of the horrendous downtime to get right to the horrendous kill scenes. Granted there are a lot of horror movies that pay homage to the classics, but there's no word for this other than awful.
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Darn Fine Indie Horror
woods_k18 December 2003
After a second viewing of this film, I truly appreciate what the writers and director did with what they had to work with. This is one of the best indie horror flicks I've ever seen. This is how to do it, folks! Ok, the acting was mediocre at best, but the story (obviously an homage to TCM and The Hills Have Eyes) redeems any shortcomings in the acting department, and the gore is nicely done. Overall, I give this an 8. Nice.
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A pretty good and enjoyable low-budget indie horror item
Woodyanders10 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of obnoxious party-hearty kids in an RV attend a rowdy rave bash held deep in the desert. After the rave ends the kids decide to venture off the main highway onto a somewhere on the beaten path uncharted road in order to score some primo peyote. Instead the kids run smack dab into a bunch of ferocious hillbilly cannibal lunatics with a serious case of the uglies and a jarring lack of civility who are hungry for fresh young meat. Naturally, the kids have to get in touch with their savage killer animal side pronto or otherwise they're all going to buy it. This indie horror item has a lot going for it: crisp and muscular direction by S. Lee Taylor, a central premise with pleasing echoes of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and especially "The Hills Have Eyes," copious violence that's every bit as gory and brutal as it ought to be, acceptable acting from an attractive cast of youthful unknowns, ample shocks which are appropriately grisly, sudden and visceral, slick and accomplished production values, a rousing pre-credits cameo by Tiffany Shepis, and a really cool thrashin' ending credits garage rock theme song. The only drawbacks are the rather poky opening third and the fact that the teens are insufferably idiotic and unappealing to the point where you don't care whether they live or die (the white homie dude is particularly annoying and unbearable). Those criticisms aside, this fright feature nonetheless rates as an above average little shocker.
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"Plan 9" for the 21st century
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki4 January 2004
An extremely verbose group semi obnoxious ravers are either going to or coming from a rave in the desert, they're warned by a shotgun toting apparent mental patient working at a small gas station, just like in "The Hills Have Eyes", to stay on the main road. They decide to take an old dirt road and then when they accidentally drive their RV off the road and get stuck, just like "The Hills Have Eyes" and "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", and are set upon by a group of stoned cannibals living in an old abandoned mining town in the hills.

Derivative of everything from the aforementioned flicks to "Die Hard" to "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" to "Route 666" to "Gore Met Zombie Chef from Hell", but somehow it's still fun, to a point. I think the first half of this is better than the second half, it starts off looking like an over-directed splatter movie, but then after the first ten minutes it switches gears and turns out to be a mildly amusing throwback to 1970s slasher movies; but by the final 30 minutes, it has worn quite thin.

The acting isn't that bad considering this is basically just home movies, but that little rapping hammerhead character, Loopz, almost ruins what little fun there is here.

The director's commentary on the DVD is also mostly a chore to listen to - they sound like high school students, and they keep interrupting each other every two sentences - but it is kind of funny when they mention "Don't go onto IMDb and give this movie a bad review!"
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