Defiance (2003) Poster


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Comments from one of the actors...
jrinvest29 February 2012
I have just finished reading the very mixed reviews of this film. This should interest some of you as I had a small part in the movie and was (I think) responsible for it being a little better than it otherwise would have been.

DEFIANCE was (I think) originally a school project for the director Doveed Linder. When I got involved, they had been filming off and on for well over a year. I think the project might have started as a short subject that the director decided to expand into a feature length (almost) film when it appeared to him that more financial backing might be there. One major cash backer was Tom Burnham, who played the part of the "Old Rancher" in the film. He got partial producer credit and I think his financial contribution was $5000. Tom has a SERIOUS collection of original Old West guns of the mid-to-late 19th century. He served as the film's Gun Wrangler (or whatever it's called), providing well over half the guns used in the film, loading all the blanks, and making sure all guns were always safe on the set. He did an excellent job of this. It pained me a little that one online reviewer thought his gunshots sounded like rocks thrown in a trash can.

Tom is a personal friend of mine and he is the one that recruited me for involvement in the film. When I was a teenager I was a (regional) champion speed shooter, including out of western-style rigs, and Tom thought I would be an asset to the project. He and Doveed recruited me in a bar. My hope was to coach the other actors in gun handling and fast draw to make them look competent on screen, but unfortunately most of the shooting scenes had already been filmed by the time I was brought in. That's why you seldom see the actor draw and fire the gun--they filmed it, but had to edit it out because everyone was so clumsy. I showed them I could shoot dynamite out of the air with rifle or revolver, and they were originally excited about me doubling for Nathan Cross (Tony Twist) doing this, to show what a fearsome gunman he was. Unfortunately, at that time my weight had ballooned to over 300 pounds and I was too fat to stand in for Tony, no matter what camera angle was used. Hollywood directors would have a coronary at the idea of using live ammunition and real dynamite on a movie set, but we were on my land and I had the proper licenses, so it would have been fun if we could have pulled it off for the final cut.

The small acting part I had was the gun dealer with the beard and big black hat who is exasperated by the incompetence of the gang they are trying to organize. However, my main contribution to the film was something else. The story was originally set just after the Civil War, in 1867. I told them I refused to be involved in any western project set in a year that was before the guns they were using had been invented. That's a pet peeve of movie-going gun guys. Many of the guns used in the movie had first been made in 1873, so I made Doveed change the caption at the beginning of the film from "Missouri 1867" to "Missouri 1874" or maybe it was 1876, I forget which. It is unlikely that in a small town so many of the men would have state-of-the-art weaponry that was only a year old, but it would not have been impossible.

The entire movie was made with almost everyone working for free and some who contributed money in return for a small acting part. BTW Mister Clay Randall was played by the director's dad. Cash was only spent for equipment rentals, film costs, processing, editing, etc. None of the actors got paid to my knowledge, and all of the locations, horses, saddles, catering, and such were donated by friends who wanted to see the film succeed. The main sound guy, who also played the guitar music and had a small acting part, worked for free as well. The final scene (filmed before I became involved) was, as many suspected, a BIG part of the budget. They brought in Eric Stanze for that, and he was not cheap. I think the entire movie cost $130,000 to make in 2001 dollars; that figure meaning stuff they actually had to write checks for.

When I saw the finished product, it was much better than I had feared. Skillful editing had made clumsy on screen gun handling look smooth and fast. My biggest beef was the same as many in that almost all the clothes looked waaay too new. That was because all the actors had to provide their own wardrobe items, and I guess nobody thought to distress the fabric until after many of the scenes had been shot. A few of us had older, worn stuff.

All in all, I had terrific fun being involved with this project, and found out that Tony Twist is a great guy to be around. As to the finished product being as terrible as some people have claimed, I'll say this: I would rather sit through ten consecutive screenings of DEFIANCE than one showing of either BLAIR WITCH PROJECT or PARANORMAL ACTIVITY.

Final fun fact: I had a party where Tom Burnham was in attendance. When people found out he was co-producing a western movie, a woman guest in her 40s asked if there were any parts available. Tom replied, "No, we've already cast all the old whores, but some of the young whore parts are still open. Have your daughter give me a call." Fun times.
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jesbeard11 April 2006
This movie was likely one of the ten worst movies I have ever seen. It quite seriously looked like a high school class project, though the actors were a bit too old to expect in to be in a high school class project, the script and dialog were rank, and it was delivered about as poorly as it was written. The production values were non-existent. Character development was extremely limited. Some of the makeup looked as if it was applied by teenage girls. The music was completely out of place with the time period and the action on the screen. And the comment in another review that the ending was good if predictable almost had me wondering if the movie had been re-edited so I saw a different ending.

At no point in the movie did I care about a single character on the screen. At no time was there a single image that caught my interest. At no time did anything happen that surprised me.

If I had paid money to see this in the theater instead of renting it on disc, I wound have been one very unhappy camper.
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"Don't Rent Me" says the box
realfandangoforever30 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big Western fan but have you ever seen a video box that says: "Don't rent me?" Well, the box for Defiance said just that, but... it was a free gallery weekend (Movie Gallery.) I thought to myself "I'll take it now b/c if its a mistake it won't have cost me anything." Well, I'm not sure if it was a mistake or not. There were some aspects I really liked. The action and costuming were two (even if the costumes didn't quite look right for the time, being too clean and too new.) Tommy Cross, the vigilante, struck me as very cool. He had a lot of potential but was terribly undeveloped. It didn't help that he couldn't act. Then someone decided that Tommy should just up and die. He was the main character damn it! You're left wondering what the hell just happened and why. Whomever wrote this story just couldn't maintain their focus. In the acting department, the rest of the characters are just as bad as Tommy. To top that off, the movie looked like it was filmed with a hand-held video camera. The last gunfight, however, is the highlight of the movie. It is violent, bloody and exciting. Being a Western fan, I feel a little more forgiving towards this film. My suggestion is, if you see Defiance on the shelf, the feeling you get from the box is probably right. You must love Westerns or just walk away.
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...a movie that makes Fistful of Dollars look like an epic...
Starrman2125 January 2007
I am not sure what the movie Defiance is all about, not sure if it is a western, a post Civil War era story or a comedy....but one thing is for sure, the makers of Defiance didn't know either.....the movie is a compilation of scenes that are spun into a plot that continuously creates a sense of "where is this going?" In essence the movie has scene after scene that does nothing but emphasize and embellish hate over and over....someone gets out of line...BANG...someone spits the wrong way.....BANG.....someone talks out of line....BANG...then the end of the movie comes and guess what???? BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG...a bar room shoot 'em up that looks like it was filmed one time without editing..... Some of the saving graces of the film are some of the scenery where the movie was shot, details to the guns for the era, costumes that appear to mirror the times and Ric Dark's performance as Owen...the reckless gun for hire that looks like a cross between Ulysess S . Grant and Clint Eastwood....very powerful and someone to keep your eye on in future films. Craig Hawksley brings comic relief to the film when everyone is about to be massacred in the films final shoot 'em up scene. Thumbs up for a cult classic, thumbs down if you are wanting anything else....
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Nicely Executing, But Missing Everything
infinitus_corsair7 March 2004
There was a great gaping black hole where any skill that could have been was lost entirely. I am at a loss for words of how terrible the direction in this film was. In fact, this goes for everything in the film. The filmmakers' had spunk, I'll give them that. It takes a lot of guts to let someone put your name on the credits of a movie like "Defiance." The acting (with a partial exception) was exponential horrible. It sucked harder than Mega Maid. (It is an absolute torture to watch Tony Twist in the role of Nathan Cross--he brings the same boring nothingness to the screen that he spurted for Blues on the ice!)

And another thing, the villain was the worst in the history of cinema, that's including all B-movies. You couldn't take the guy seriously. I admire the actors who didn't crack up just by watching him act. At first, I thought this film was a comedy, then I realized they were trying to be serious. That made it all the more hiliarious, if you add, 'under the sheets' to every line that the horny old guy, the villain, and the narrator said. My friends and I had a good ol' time tearing every line apart, limb from limb, adjective from noun. Speaking of lines, the dialogue was some of the worst ever written. It just fused together with the terrible acting to create a great busty beast of performances where it felt as if they were just quoting memorized lines with no emotion whatsoever.

Only complaint: I saw this movie. From the first scene, it felt like something I would see if I handed a camera to a couple of horny old men and watched them go into my backyard and starting filming something which I cannot put into words. That's what this film means to me.

All in all, frustrations and failings aside, this indie sucked.

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This movie is pretty bad. Do not watch it.
ps051227 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A group of us had to watch this because my 3rd string wife has a serious crush on Brandon Bollig. In case you were wondering, he plays for the Hawks and has a majestic beard. He is only 15 in this movie so does that make it creepy? I don't know, probably. But what I do know is this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It ranks up there with Skeleton Man (do not watch that movie either). The acting is poor at best. It almost laughably terrible. There are camera head shots that don't even make sense in the scene! It also looks like it was shot with a Nokia camera flip phone. I read a review from someone who said the budge was $130,000? I think he meant $130 dollars. Now on to the only possible shining light of this travesty... if you are a fan of hats, this movie is for you. I counted over 100 hats total. Not only that, there was a hat either on someones head or in the shot for just about every damn scene. At the end, I counted over 50 hats in the shootout! We even saw a Mad Hatter hat! Did those even exist in that time?! Probably not! And we couldn't tell if they were going for a Civil War or Western era/look/feel? And apparently, 6-shooters don't run out of bullets after 6 shots. Archimedes would hate this movie on that alone. But you'll hate this movie for much more than that.
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What Am I Watching ?
aejhfraser10 July 2004
I couldn't decide from the first few minutes of the film - is this a trailer for a movie or a very long flashback sequence?

The movie listed itself as 71 minutes and became a shade over 60 (on DVD)

All the action sequences changed POV so quickly it was impossible to latch onto the story. Character development was practically non nonexistent and the final scene was over so quickly it was a surprise to see the credits. Acting ranged from appalling to not so bad. I should have known in the final fight scene that it was the main bad guy who was killed - that was the most realistic makeup of the entire move !!! And that's saying something...

Give me my hour back :)
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Defying indeed
kosmasp22 September 2023
No pun Intended - I assume this was shot and done for TV - which back in the day (for the younger ones who may not know), meant it had to be shot a certain way. The format but also the video quality ... well our eyes may not be used to that anymore - or at all.

Add to that quite weak acting and not really a strong plot and there is not a lot to like anymore actually. But I am a sucker for Western movies, so I kind of was entertained to a degree I reckon ... still not enough to give this a good review or rating of course. A lot of shootouts, not a lot of blood though. I don't think anything got cut out - movie is short for other reasons I assume. Not really recommended - you got better things to do with your time.
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Not Bad for Low Budget Indie Film
Roddy-Fudpucker19 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I kept wanting to turn it off, but the clean clothing, the guns, and the quirky but captivating acting styles, although choppy in execution, were just entertaining enough to keep me half-interested in watching the movie. Very thin plot, undeveloped characters, predictive outcome. With a good writer and some real money, these guys could probably put an epic together.
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Bad Western
sodoffbalrick886 January 2006
When I saw this western on the shelf at the movie store I grabbed it and ran to the counter. A new western, they don't make many of these anymore I said to my self. But as I watched it I realized how really bad it was. You know it's a bad western when all the actors are wearing new clothes like they just walked out of a western clothing store! They all had crisp new clothes and firm hats. Very believable. I love westerns and even I wished it would end! Granted it did have a few good characters like the bad guys at the start (who died early on) and some of the other bad dudes later on. Lucky it was short or did I just block out all the bad scenes making it seem short? The end gun fight was the highlight of this movie!
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a western for the new millennium, Peckinpah style
yoav-125 December 2002
"Defiance" is that rare thing we haven't seen in a while: a western that take its grip and holds the viewer up until the very end. The 80's and 90's have brought us a number of westerns, all spoofs or tributes to the great genre that once was. Unlike those movies, "Defiance" is tight, raw storytelling in the Sam Peckinpah mold. The violence is hard hitting but not derivative and serves only the story. The actors, mostly unknown, bring wonderful performances to the movie. The director does the most of what is most certainly a low budget and the drama and action roll on at a thrilling pace but do not hurt the reflective and emotional side of the plot. A must see for lovers of westerns and of plain good American film-making.
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Ed Wood would be proud.
CCRider011 October 2013
I caught this dreadfully bad film while channeling surfing and landing on a TV station that specializes in B movies (though until this point no D and E graders). My quick initial impression was that Defiance was a comedy, albeit a cheesy poorly made one, terrible acting, awful period costumes (was expecting to see a price tag still attached), and an over-all amateurishness of production that screams high school project.

A total waste, hopefully all those involved with this abomination of a film have either drastically improved their skills, or found better uses for their time and "talent".

The only saving grace was the remote control was close-by to end the misery.
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There's 20 minutes of my life I would like back
jeanchretien231 December 2003
I tried... I really did. But after 20 minutes, I couldn't stand the torture any longer. I would rather pluck out my eyes with a wooden spoon than watch any more of this horrid, waste of time movie. The makers of this film should consider themselves lucky, as I doubt that too many others would last even that long. From the very first scene, less than 10 seconds into the movie, you know that you're in for a wild time of melodrama, overacting, bad script, and really bad set design/location and costume.

One of the cabins featured prominently in the start looks like something you might see as the backdrop in a J. Crew catalogue. Beautiful stone tiles and kitchen counter tops. Not exactly what one would expect from a film that supposed to be set in 1874 (or thereabouts). Most of the costumes looks like they just came out of the clear plastic bag from Walmart.

At least I know now that Blockbuster isn't playing favorites - they rent good and absolutely horrible movies alike.
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Two brothers are affected by their father's murder . . .
VernonPope19 October 2003
The older one tries to take the high road. He becomes responsible, taking care of his sick mother and younger brother while continuing to go to school (he's 12). The younger one gives in to his anger, and becomes destructive, spiteful, and violent. The older does his best to protect the younger, until the actions of the youngest brother take the life of the son of one of the town's richest men (also responsible for the murder of their father). This seemingly random killing is anything but, because young Tommy is sick, dying, and no longer cares about being careful. The conclusion is a great scene, though a bit predictable. A very high quality independent movie.
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Nicely Executed, But Missing Something
somewhere539 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers

There is a great amount of skill behind this film. The direction has style, the editing is creative, the action well done, and the acting (with a few exceptions) is very strong. (It is a pleasure to see Tony Twist in the role of Nathan Cross--he brings the same intimidating presence to the screen that he wielded for my Blues on the ice!)

Only complaint: the plot is too thin even for this film's modest 72-minute running time. The story is set-up well early on, but instead of bringing in a much-needed plot twist or additional storyline, the film begins to fall into a repetitive streak near the half-way point. This is the point in the film where the story has to deepen and it just doesn't. The younger brother is basically a serial killer and--like so many movies with serial killers at their center--the audience is not allowed access/understanding to the core of the character. The older brother's role as neutral observer to the murders is frustrating to say the least. And while the brothers spend so much time together, the film would have been better served to have had the two communicate and understand each other at some level.

The older brother's transformation into a mirror image of his younger sibling at the close of the film doesn't ring true, and this is due in large part the film's refusal to allow the brothers a chance to communicate, understand each other, and develop along those line.

All in all, frustrations and failings aside, a well-made indie.

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