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Highly engrossing horror-mystery and based on facts
ma-cortes15 August 2011
1851 Galicia , an uproar is caused when some mutilated cadavers are discovered. Wolves plague the forests. People are disappearing. The mutilated cadavers present precise surgical cuts along with savage gashes ,giving way to the legend of the "Werewolf of Allariz". A traveling vendor (Julian Sands) along with his wife (Maru Valdivieso) and daughter rolls through the forest in his old wagon. A woman from every village on his route faithfully awaits him. He's attractive, intelligent, charming.... But he's also the monster feared by all. His most recent prey, Barbara (Elsa Pataky) will soon become the one who hunts him down .

This exciting terror picture displays drama , action, suspense, with mysterious touches and is quite entertaining . The frightening story begins well and grows more and more until a downbeat finale. It's some different containing Galicia legends and actual events but with clear reference to previous werewolves films . Good performances from Julian Sands as traveling seller who hides a terrible secret and Elsa Pataky as unfortunate victim who seeks vengeance . The transformation of man into werewolf is complex and is made by expert make-up artist with no computer generator FX .The writers provide a well-knit plot with mystery and horror, giving full rein to Paco Plaza natural talent for the terror genre . Colorful cinematography by Javier Salmones and atmospheric musical score by Mikel Salas fitted perfectly to suspense action .The flick is finely produced by the chairman of Filmax and Castelao Productions , Julio Fernandez who along with his brother Carlos Fernandez are two successful producers and experts on Horror genre , producers of hits as ¨The machinist¨ ,¨ Fragiles¨, ¨Darkness¨, and many others. The picture is professionally directed by Paco Plaza (Second name, OT) who along with by Jaume Balaguero are the main Spanish filmmakers expert on terror cinema , both of whom have realized the box-office big successes as ¨Rec 1¨ and ¨Rec 2¨ , among others . It's a standard terror and sometimes graphically gory and turns out to be an acceptable attempt to cash in the werewolf sub-genre. Rating : 6,5 Good .

The film is based on the true-life story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, the traveling vendor, who confessed to the murders of thirteen people, using their body fat to make soap. Romasanta was tried in Allaríz in 1852 and avoided capital punishment by proclaiming he was a werewolf. Barbara was the lone survivor of four sisters . He obtained pardon to death penalty by queen Isabel II but was condemned life penalty . He died in prison .
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Polished and well crafted, but not typical of the werewolf genre
JHC32 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The review that follows contains what might be considered to be spoilers. Though the identity of the killer is not kept secret by the filmmakers, some viewers might want it to be something of a surprise.

A killer is at large in northern Spain in 1851. Beginning in 1847, he has murdered and mutilated more than a dozen people, mostly women and children. The police manage to cover up most of the killings out of a desire to prevent public panic.

The killer is a traveling vendor, Manuel Blanco Romasanta (Sands). He uses his superior interpersonal skills and his understanding of human nature to insinuate himself into the lives of prospective victims. Some are killed almost immediately while others unknowingly live within his clutches for weeks. Romasanta is thoroughly insane. Believing himself to be a werewolf, some of his assaults superficially appear to be wolf attacks. The authorities even go so far as to place a bounty on wolves even though they know the culprit is all-too-human. A break in the case comes in the form of young Barbára Garcia (Pataky). She strikes up a relationship with Romasanta only to soon realize he is responsible for the disappearances (and probable murders) of her sister and niece. Barbára's sense of vengeance helps move the police onto a course that might apprehend the monstrous Romasanta.

The film is very well crafted, featuring excellent costumes, props, and shooting locations. It is definitely not what many viewers might expect. Though it is superficially a werewolf film, it is really a serial killer film in the tradition of Silence of the Lambs (1991) and Se7en (1995). Viewers expecting an action-packed horror film will be disappointed. The filmmakers focus on drama, character development, and mystery. The crimes are gruesome and there are elements of horror, but the result is really more of a crime mystery. The performances are good and the cadaver effects are convincing.

The film's slow pacing is perhaps its weakest point. Many viewers will not find this to be a problem, but others will find it to be dull. Overall, I recommend this for mystery lovers. Those looking for something like The Howling (1981) or An American Werewolf in London (1981) should probably look elsewhere.
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Very interesting
Ridickulo14 January 2006
If we are to look upon the latest in supernatural movies, such as "Van Helsing", then i would have to say that "Romasanta" is way above them. Right from the start of the movie, one is never given the full story so the viewer is compelled to watch wanting to find out what is going on. The movie does this very well and even when the story unfolds, the emotional state of the characters is still not certain. One stays until the very end to find out. I supposed that some viewers will be disappointed because it is not an action movie, far from it. The movie is a slow, sometimes shocking, part drama part crime story which never excels in any of them. It does however hit the spot with a very grabbing story which is really much better than most of what's been seen lately.
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It was the wolf what done it.
BA_Harrison27 June 2013
Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt is based on the true story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, Spain's first documented serial killer, who claimed at his trial that he was not responsible for the numerous murders he committed since he was suffering from a curse that turned him into a wolf (always worth a go, I suppose).

The film takes place in 1851, in a rural Spanish community where there has been a spate of deadly attacks, presumably by wolves. Travelling salesman Manuel Romasanta (played by the very English Julian Sands, who makes zero attempt at an accent) arrives in the area to visit his girlfriend Maru Valdivielso, who shares her home with her rather lovely sister Bárbara (Elsa Pataky) and their young deaf niece Teresa (Luna McGill).

Seemingly concerned for their safety, Manuel offers to escort Maria and Teresa to Santander, but the girls never make it to their destination, their charming travelling companion attacking them in the forest, believing himself to be a lycanthrope—a man who can transform into a wolf. When Manuel returns to Bárbara, he seduces the unsuspecting woman, but is unable to hide the truth for very long…

With its mid-19th century European setting, ambiguous werewolf plot, and stunning visuals, Romasanta reminded me a lot of Christophe Gans' The Brotherhood of the Wolf; but like that film, Romasanta suffers from a plodding and slightly confusing narrative, one that makes matters hard going, even despite a few genuinely twisted moments involving sticks in eyes and the removal of body fat, a fairly decent transformation scene, and the sight of Pataky in a tin bath having her breasts soaped up by Sands.
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Excellent historical werewolf movie
Teknofobe701 May 2005
If you're one of those people who quite enjoyed "La Pacte des Loups" (Brotherhood of the Wolf) a few years back but were left disappointed by some of the more ridiculous historical inaccuracies, then you might want to take a look at Romasanta.

The story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta is quite a well known one in Spain. It happened in the mid-nineteenth century, when a string of violent deaths took place which seemed in some ways like animal attacks, and in others like cold and calculated murder. Eventually a man was arrested -- Manuel Romasanta, and it was found that he used the body fat from his victims to make soap. At his trial he claimed that he became a werewolf, and that it is the nature of a wolf to kill. He was diagnosed with the psychological condition of lycanthropy, and given a life sentence rather than death.

The film itself is based largely on truth, partly on speculation and partly on pure invention for artistic purposes. It's certainly a lot closer to the truth than "Brotherhood of the Wolf" was, anyway. One character is knowingly invented, and some rather unlikely theories are put forward in the place of that which is unknown, but the question of whether or not Romasanta was actually a werewolf is left completely open. Paco Plaza appears to be a competent and innovative director, and the style of the film is really superb. It is quite slow moving, and arguably it's rather light on actual story and plot, but that's about as far as the criticism goes.

There are several great performances, but the standout comes from Julian Sands as the title character, who submerges himself in the role in the way that only outstanding actors can. John Sharian is also very good as the misguided, haunted 'partner' of Romasanta, and both Gary Piquer and David Gant are memorable in supporting roles as those who finally bring the murderer to justice. It also features Elsa Pataky as the leading heroine, who has become a huge sex symbol in Spain and it isn't hard to see why -- think along the lines of a Spanish Keira Knightley.

This is the finest historical werewolf film I've ever seen, and any self-respecting werewolf buff should take a look, but unfortunately there's not much chance of this one being a blockbuster.
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Hey, it's a werewolf! Only without fur. Or teeth...
ninjas-r-cool18 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Supernatural tales that are "based on a true story" tend to bother me. Basically because "based on a true story" actually means it's based on a screenwriter's idea that's based on Chinese whispers that are based on speculative initial reports that are based on superstition. Someone's house creaks and a century later I'm watching balls like An American Haunting. But I was keen to see Romasanta anyway for 2 big reasons. One: It's based on a true story of a werewolf that killed 13 people and we all know that, unlike ghosts, werewolves are real. Two: It's directed by Paco Plaza and I just love movies made by Mexican shopping centres.

To be honest, this one didn't really hold my attention at all so I'll be brief. It's very nicely shot with some lush scenery and a good sense of time and place. There's not a whole lot of blood which is surprising considering it's a period piece **badum-tish**, but there are some good gruesome aftermath shots of corpses shown in various states of post-slaughter rest. One of these moments even shows some dead 15 year old boobs, so any depraved perverts reading should check it out for that part alone. Also includes a few bits of violence toward children and animals which is always welcome on my TV.

Now to the things I didn't like. I don't generally mind when actors play the role of a character not of their own country. I like Sean Connery in The Untouchables, even though he sounds less Irish than I do. But British actors playing Spaniards? Julian Sands is a decent actor, but you know what he isn't? He isn't Senor Manuel Blanco Romasanta and he never will be. Hearing someone who's as quintessentially English as the Queen (the parts of her that aren't French or German anyway) repeatedly referred to as "Senor" is just silly.

Also, I was kind of in the mood for werewolves and the werewolf parts are brief. Really it's just the story of some douchebag murderer. So I suppose the film's title is accurate, as long as the subscript 'The Werewolf Hunt' was intended as Cockney rhyming slang...
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Good Werewolf Romance Based on a True Story
claudio_carvalho18 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In 1852, in Galicia, Spain, the traveling vendor Manuel Blanco Romasanta is tried for the murder of at least fifteen persons. He claims to be the ninth son of a family and therefore a werewolf, and Queen Isabel II changes his death sentence to life. Once in prison, he dies for unknown cause.

First of all, I would like to tell that I am not writing a spoiler: most of this information is on the box of the Brazilian DVD and in many reviews. I believe the lack of mystery with the lead character, i.e., the viewer knows who is the killer before watching the film, is the greatest flaw in this screenplay. The story is great, recalling "La Pacte des Loups"; the cinematography and effects are wonderful; and Julian Sands and Elsa Pataky have excellent performances and chemistry, with the story centered in their romance first, and in the rage of Bárbara for Romasanta later. However, I have never heard about this Romasanta, and the writer used fictional and historical events to write this story, with elements of horror and romance. I believe he could have kept the mystery about Romasanta, disclosing his crimes only in the end. Anyway, this movie is original and very attractive and really worth watching. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Romasanta – A Casa da Besta" ("Romasanta – The House of the Beast")
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Well made & different but a bit dull for my liking.
poolandrews15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt is set in the Galicia region of Spain during 1851 & starts as fear sweeps through the area as several dead, mutilated bodies have turned up recently. The locals suspect Wolves in the forest & a mass hunt to kill as many as they can find begins, meanwhile Maria Pereira (Maru Valdivielso) leaves the area with her fiancé Manuel Romasanta (Julian Sands) & her young daughter Teresa (Luna McGill) but once they are alone in the forest Romasanta kills both of them & then travels back to seduce Maria's sister Bárbara (Elsa Pataky). While Romasanta is sleeping Bárbara finds evidence that he murdered her sister & niece & manages to lead the police to him but when put on trial Romasanta says that he had no choice but to kill his countless victims as he is a Werewolf. A British Professor (David Gant) takes an interest in the case & tries to scientifically prove that Romasanta is indeed a Werewolf & can be cured of his curse...

This British & Spanish co-production was directed by Paco Plaza & certainly wasn't what I expected but unfortunately not in a good way, you see while Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt tries to be different it forgets to be any good with it. Apparently based on a true story which happened in Spain, in 1851 & involving a serial killer named Romasanta who claimed he was a Werewolf in court when captured this could have been a great little film but I found the script very ponderous, slightly confusing at times & I also found it difficult to care about anyone or anything. The film feels disjointed, parts feel missing or edited wrongly & Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt is very slow going with very little action or incident. Sure there's plenty of dull human drama & high emotion played out but like I said I never cared about anyone & I never got involved in the story. Ay a little over 90 minutes long Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt could have done with a good ten minutes cut out & a few more moments of horror rather than dull drama. Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt isn't terrible & if you can get into the story & care for the people involved then I could see you enjoying this but I didn't, I couldn't & so I never.

On thing that Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt has going for it is that it's incredibly well made & a visually very nice film, the period locations, sets, costumes & detail is superb & that's the main reason I gave it four stars out of ten & not less. Forget about any real gore or violence, there are some graphic shots of dead mutilated bodies but nothing else. There's a Werewolf transformation scene that unusually has the actual Wolf creature turn into a human rather than the other way around. Apparently the obscure Spanish film The Ancines Woods (1970) is also based on the story of Manuel Romasanta.

Obviously filmed on location in Spain this looks very slick with great photography that captures the period very well, a lack of quick fire editing & shaky hand-held camcorder shots is most welcome. The acting is alright, the performances are better than usual for a low budget horror film but the main name in the cast British born actor Julian Sands.

Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt doesn't seem to know what it wants to be, a historic period piece, a horror film, a drama or a murder mystery & ends up somewhere between them all without ever satisfying in any aspect. I just didn't like it despite it's high production values & attempt at doing something original & slightly different.
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Werewolf of Allariz
Mister-Creeper3 September 2013
I must say that this was better than expected. It helps if you do some research on the Tallow Man himself, Manuel Blanco Romasanta, before watching. That way you know not to expect a traditional werewolf film. ROMASANTA is more of a drama/biography/thriller. It tells the tale of a traveling salesman/serial killer/self-professed wolf from Spain in the mid 1800s. There are a bit of facts either left out or just completely wrong in the film, but it is still worth the watch. Like I said, I do recommend reading about the actual case first though. And if you don't like reading, all I can say is don't expect a straight-up werewolf horror story and you should enjoy it.
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Lackluster and dull
tomobedlam27 August 2011
In the desperate hunt to find a werewolf film of any standing discovered Romasanta. Unfortunately it seems i've wasted over two hours on a movie which had the feel of a bad TV history re-enactment drama. My housemate and fellow viewer pointed out a variety of continuity errors. We agreed that It's poorly acted, scripted, dull and drags like a dog with worms drags his arse across the carpet. I can't submit this review without writing ten lines but I really don't know what to say anymore, apart from we yawned a bit and stared at the wall a few times. We discussed how clapping originated, looked at his new shoes that he'd purchased online and how there aren't many good werewolf films, which is a shame.

But really I wouldn't bother watching this if I were you.
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rainking_es11 March 2005
Sometimes I ask myself why do I watch any given movie which has had bad reviews, and if I should begin to listen to the critics (especially when the opinion is unanimous). So, I met Paco Plaza's work through his first movie ("The Second Name"), sort of a satanic-thriller, made in Spain but played by foreign actors and in English. It was an effective and dark film; it wasn't the most original movie I'd ever watched, but it was OK, I had a nice and entertaining time (mission accomplished). And now I go and watch this "Romasanta", waiting for some excitement, even though the cast wasn't that good (Elsa Pataky, Julian Sands…). And what do I get? A story about wolf-men that never seems to begin, flat like a valley, and without a real climax. The aesthetic has reminded me of "The Pact Of The Wolves" (a recent french movie), and the technical aspects such as the photography or the special effects are just great. Anyway, for me a movie is an story, and a nice movie MUST have a nice story, and it has to be well told. Maybe the story in "Romasanta" is attractive , but Mr. Plaza hasn't found a way to tell it in a right way.

I hope that Plaza's third film will be as good as "The Second Name", so we can count on him to make nice fantastic-terror movies (just like Amenábar or Balagueró do). The three of them have demonstrated that it's possible to make good thrillers in Spain.

My rate: 4/10
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The gothic movie of the year
albertovazquez6 May 2004
I've seen the movie at the Malaga Festival, Spain. It's one of the BEST GOTHIC STORIES OF ALL TIMES. It's a peculiar mixture between The Silent of the Lambs and Sleepy Hollow or From Hell. It's more than a normal horror werewolf movie. Much more. It's a story where gothic meets romance, where horror meets love, where documentary meets fairytale. Yes. 'cause this is a TRUE STORY!!! Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one of the most intriguing serial killers of all times. He was judged in Spain in 1852. having confessed the killing of at least 13 people, he dared proclaim his innocence: he was not guilty because he was a werewolf! The thing I liked most is the way the authors introduce us in a REAL FAIRYTALE. I don't find other words to describe this story. it's fantasy and reality at the same time. It's like to be at the same time in a chapter of CSI and in the tale of Red Riding Hood. We experience this adventure from the point of view of Barbara, the woman who falls in love with Manuel Romasanta and who progressively changes her love into rage.. The arc of the character is so well developed, that the identification with her is complete. We do feel the same love and the same hatred that Barbara felt towards Manuel. Another strong point of the movie is the cast. and moreover the female roles. The actresses who play Barbara and her sister Maria are superb. I really enjoyed the way they expressed their arena. Finally, last but not least, I do suggest to keep an eye on this young director: Paco Plaza. Believe me, he's a TRUE GENIUS.
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Werewolf Hunter:The Legend of Romasanta
Scarecrow-8831 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A wolf becomes man to seduce and kill female victims in Allariz. Romasanta(Julian Sands)goes on record in front of a jury of his peers and the court proclaiming himself a werewolf. Almost all of Romasanta's conquests were not of anything remotely human until he falls in love with Bárbara(Elsa Pataky, a stunning beauty), the sister of his wife and mute child. When Romasanta kills his wife, María(Maru Valdivielso)and mute child Teresa(Luna McGill), Bárbara seeks him out after being seduced herself by him. Joining forces with DA Bastida(Bary Piquer)they are on the hunt to find him before more and more lives are taken by the wolf. With help by Antonio(John Sharian), someone bitten and controlled by Romasanta, they might just be able to find him. Professor Philips(David Grant is a persuasive doctor who proclaims that Romasanta is not responsible for the killer impulses the wolf brings out.

Handsome production and great photography help the flick which doesn't produce the goods in werewolf transformations, instead opting for being a historical document on a serial killer stating on record he is a werewolf who can not help but kill when the beast comes out to play. The acting is adequate and there are a few brief moments of violence, but many viewers wanting a full-fledged creature feature with gory attacks will be disappointed, perhaps even bored. But, the film is well made and visually sumptuous. Just don't expect blood and guts.
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Boring and bad.
jonahwilder13 May 2004
The original version based on the same story, El Bosque del lobo was a little spanish masterpiece but this movie is a pathetic waste. Bad acting (The lead female actress was last seen in another bad spanish production, Beyond Re- animator, a terrible sequel to the cult classic from the 80´s)and direction (take a look to his terrible boring first film, Second name), and more than dissapointing visuals, this film is good for one thing: curing insomnia. I will like to know why this Elsa pataky is a big new sex symbol in Spain. She´s petty but that´s it really. Her acting is one of the worst ever. And Julian Sands, who does remember him? Exactly. Where is John Landis when you need him? 2 out of 10.
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Dull and only worth watching for Elsa Pataky.
mike paines31 August 2004
Screened at the 2004 Frightfest in London, Romasanta had the privilege of being the only one amongst the five films that I attended to send me to sleep. Only briefly.

As such, perhaps I shouldn't comment on a film that I was only awake for 98% of the running time. Perhaps the "clincher" - the outstanding scene that would win me over - was the one that I was counting sleep to.

I doubt it.

I'm a big fan of the Hammer films, and there's a certain feel to this this evokes a similar mood to those old Terry Fisher and Freddy Francis flicks. It may be the period costumes, the older and more respectable actors hamming it up, the dodgy dialogue and the total lack of any real suspense. But the majority of the Hammer films were made more than 30 years ago, so they do have an excuse for their creakiness.

There's even a scene in the cornfield pinched (or a homage?) from Gladiator.

As per my one line summary - dull and only worth watching for Elsa Pataky.
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Slightly disappointed
ariakos8 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The story of Romasanta is interesting because it is based on true historical events. The movie interpretion however doesn't quite capture the excitement of the Wolfman killings.

Pacing of the story is poorly synchronized: everything happens way too slow in the first half of the movie. And suddenly all the way from the capture of Romasanta the pace quickens considerably and the movie is over before my curiosity on the Romasanta character is completely satisfied: Who was he? Why did he do these things? This movie doesn't answer or even ask these questions well enough. Quite contrary, just when I became intrigued by Romasanta, he is swept away and the movie ends. To be truthful, I think in the end it gives quite a neutral and rather dull view on Manuel Romasanta. But on defensive side I must say that the cinematography, settings and props look all wonderful.

Short summary: Romasanta is magnificently set movie with pure Gothic feeling, but it unfortunately lacks somewhat in the script and pacing. You can watch it once or twice without any serious pain, but the lost possibilities do bother me. If I weren't so curious about the real Romasanta, this movie might have seen even worse in my eyes. This could have been truly great historical werewolf/horror movie. Now it manages to be only barely average.

I'm a little bit disappointed in the results considering the raw potential of the plot. Oh well, nice try.
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Not really a werewolf movie but more of a 1852 serial killing thriller
joe-davis2 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a sucker for werewolf movies and when I saw the DVD cover of Werewolf Hunter; that and its' title had me picking it up ASAP! I read the back and knew then that it wasn't a straight up werewolf movie but it still sounded interesting so I got it.

The movie is based on true events of a serial killer named Romasanta. He was caught tried for killing 15 people in 1852. He claimed to have hunted them down as a wolf (werewolf) and had hunted many times with a man called Anonia who was also a werewolf. Blah, blah, blah, he was sentence to life instead of death and died in captivity.

Now the movie takes a different approach to the the above events but most of the characters are there... Romasanta and Anonia. I was afraid the movie would try to trick you into thinking he was really a werewolf or leave you with questions but it didn't. It took you through a nice recreation of the original events with some decent added story.

If you like horror thrillers...not a bad rent!
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Don't believe the hype...
Zombified_6603 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The misleadingly titled Romasanta: The Werewolf Hunt is a disappointing pile of slow, plodding period serial killer rubbish. There are no real werewolves, only that which goes on within the title character's head, and because it's based on true events the movie is incredibly dry and uninventive in the story department. Add to this the fact that it's punctuated with moments of unnecessary tasteless violence, and you have a fairly unsatisfying product.

I can't really understand why Romasanta's gone down so well with people. Yes, I admit it is at times atmospheric, and the actors are very good in it, but the honest truth is despite this, it's dull, boring and at times deeply unpleasant. I really could have lived without seeing a deaf child caught in a bear trap, then systematically have her eyes gouged out. Even in a GOOD movie, such a scene would force me to seriously question what the director was attempting to accomplish, but in a movie so ineffectual as this it just seems pointless, tasteless and sensational.

Still, as I have stated, I could have stomached the violence given my history of watching a lot of violent movies, were the movie in any way enthralling, but Romasanta is like cinematic wallpaper. With the exception of Romasanta's horrific acts, which you never see him caught in the act of anyway, Romasanta really left me with the impression that nothing happened. Romasanta isn't at all sympathetic as a character, given that he kills and robs indiscriminately with immense cruelty throughout the entire film, so his pleas that he is insane toward the end of the movie, obviously supposed to be an emotional high point pass without event or interest, and without this the movie is robbed of any sense of climax.

To be honest, I expected very little from Romasanta, but I did expect a werewolf, which it didn't produce, and I expected a plot with high and low points and obvious progression, which it didn't produce either. If you have to see this RENT it, don't buy it, and I'd recommend you don't waste your time either way anyhow.
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An Interesting Historical Look at Werewolves
gavin694210 October 2012
An uproar is caused when some mutilated cadavers are discovered, giving way to the legend of the "Werewolf of Allariz"... starring Julian Sands!

On Netflix, it is listed as "Werewolf Hunter" and has an incredibly stupid cover. This made me dread it as a disposable straight-to-video, poorly made film. The straight-to-video part may be correct, but it is hardly disposable and certainly not poorly made.

I love the talk of genetics versus conscious criminality, and also the coroner's analysis of a corpse, showing where canine teeth caused damage as opposed to human blades. I feel like the writer really wanted to capture the science of the time, and the director and effects crew lived up to the challenge. (There is also a pretty cool transformation scene.)

I especially love that this film is loosely based on the story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta (1809 - 1863), Spain's first serial killer. Although I have spent more than my fair share of time studying serial killers, I have to say his story was not one familiar to me. So, I appreciate this film bringing it to my attention. Is it accurate beyond the parts about soap made from human fat? Maybe not. But even getting me to look into things more made this worthwhile.
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Great cinematography, shame about the acting!
scrobble18 September 2005
I was really disappointed by this film. Having seen Julian Sands' name on the box, I thought 'OK, well, he's been in some pretty bad films (Arachnophobia, Boxing Helena etc.), but he's also been good in things, so I'll give it a go'. Plus it was screened at last year's Frightfest, which is usually a guide to a film's quality. Having a Spanish director also sounded good, given that it was set in Spain...

But whilst the setting, costumes etc. were all amazing, and the script was pretty good, the actors really let it down, particularly Mr Sands, the lead actress and the professor - I couldn't take any of his scenes seriously! Probably worth seeing if you haven't got anything better to do, but don't expect a masterpiece or quality acting (with the exception of Antonio, who was well worth the cost of rental).
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Elegant, Gothic horror
timhayes-120 March 2007
Werewolf Hunter is an elegant Gothic horror film that hearkens back to the days of Hammer, but with the production capabilities of today. The film is not an action packed mixture of violence and CGI transformations like many werewolf films of today have degenerated into but an actual leisurely paced film that takes the time to develop its characters. At no time during the film is the viewer ever told that yes this is real or no it is not. It is up to the viewer to make their own decision. The film deals with the true story of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, a man arrested in 1851 for the murder of more than 13 people in rural Spain. He became known as the Werewolf Of Allariz because his defense against these charges was that he could not control his animal urges since he was in fact a werewolf. Some liberties are taken with the case. One character in the film, Antonio, was never actually proved to have existed since he was never found. Also, the ending merely provides a possible explanation since the truth of the matter is unknown to anyone. Paco Plaza has crafted a truly special film that is unfortunately hampered with a dreadful direct to video title but you should get past that and give this one a shot.
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Poor film
dcldan12 March 2006
In the forest of Asturias, some horrible killings have altered the quiet existence of the zone inhabitants. Manuel works as a seller and he is used to walk through this dangerous paths. Anyway, he seems to keep a deep secret in relation to the deaths. This movie claims to be based upon reals things, (a lycantrop that lived at the end of XIX century, and maybe due to this reason it is not as much exaggerated as much other terror films that are usually made. Curiously it is quite loyal to the truth, which is unusual in this kind of film. Anyway, despite the feeling of a sick atmosphere is quite well done, neither the actors nor the history have the thrilling emotion that this kind of movies should have to be interesting. Sometimes boring, it is not one of the best films I've seen lately. It has a good setting (a curious plot and a well scenario), but the directing is not as good as it should, be, which is bad for the film in the whole.
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"Romasanta is not a man"
Cat-Squire13 February 2005
'Romasanta' tells the chilling tale of Manuel Blanco Romasanta, known murderer of 15 people (although confessing to murdering many more) and how he charms women before killing them brutally like a wolf. When we are introduced to Romasanta a wolf backs away in fear from him, and this saves the life of the heroine Bárbera. Romasanta is going with Bárbera's sister and they leave Bárbera behind to go to another town to secure a place to live and a home, running in fear of the wolves that have been killing the town folk. On the way to the new town, Romasanta kills his 'girlfriend' and her daughter and then returns to seduce Bárbera. She suspects that Romasanta has killed her sister and niece and sets out to have justice brought to him.

Julian Sands (Romasanta) is excellent in this chilling Gothic tale, portraying the character with such eerie class that makes the film as good as it is. This is no ordinary werewolf movie, it is a psychological thriller, looking at the mind-set of a man suffering from lycanthropy, making him turn mentally to a beast but making him feel the physicality of it.

All in all, an excellent Gothic tale, a new take on werewolf movies and I would say that it is better than most films involving werewolves. What's more, it is based on real events. Excellently filmed and acted, especially by Julian Sands. Definitely worth watching. From me, 9/10.

Cat §quire
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Brutal Lycanthropy Serial Killer in XIX century Galicia, Spain
montferrato6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It is a decent movie, based on a still popular and true story, very well known in northern Spain nowadays. Manuel Blanco Romasanta actually existed. Romasanta was a short man, somehow effeminate, able to get on well with women due to his harmless appearance. He was not a Casanova, but the guy that women would go with to a dark place without suspicion because he looked not dangerous. He had a feline cunning, and was able to deceive many women into travel with him. His method was always the same: Romasanta always approached widows, abandoned wives and young girls looking for a change and betterment in life. He offered women from the most depressed mountain villages of Galicia a better life in the big cities of the north, where they could find better jobs and good suitors for marriage. Then, while traveling with him in the mountains, he assaulted and murdered the women with a surprisingly strong frenzy and brutality. He also skinned the women and took their fat in order to make soap that he sold in some villages of the Spanish/Portuguese border, and made an assorted collection of jewels, rings, pendants, etc, stolen from their victims. He was convicted by 15-17 murders, but the final death toll could have been higher, as he roamed free for years killing at will and with impunity. When he was caught by the police, he told the judges and court that he was the victim of a curse, and that he couldn't help transform himself into a wolf and kill. Nobody believed him and he was sentenced to death. However, a certain French "Professor" called Monsieur Philipps(nowadays would be considered a total quack and nut-job) sent a letter to the Queen of Spain explaining that Lycanthropy was a mind disease, and the Queen commuted Romasanta's death sentence for a life sentence without possibility of parole. Galicia is a small region of northern Spain, located in the northwest, and bordering with Portugal in the South. It is a very interesting area, the "Spanish Transylvania" if you want. There is a very rich folklore, and Lycanthropy has been diagnosed to several people in the area by doctors, as some people believe they are wolves or behave in a canine or lupine way. The movie is OK, but missed a lot of potential. If this story were filmed with a big budget, better screenplay and were given a different approach, we could be talking now of a masterpiece, as all the ingredients are there: only true story of lycanthropy recorded in an European legal system, mysterious land with dark forests and primitive medieval cities, etc. It all has a taste of authenticity. All in all, pretty decent movie, but not a masterpiece. Pity, because it could have been. Lots of missed potential in this movie.
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"It is not the wolf you should be frightened of."
Backlash0073 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Brian Yuzna's Filmax production company produces hit or miss movies. Romasanta is one of his hits. Paco Plaza is at the reins and he's leading Julian Sands and Elsa Pataky in a romantic fairy tale that is inspired by true events. The story is quite intriguing. Manuel Blanco Romasanta was a traveling vendor in Spain of 1852 who confessed to the murders of 15 people. He used their body fat to create soap that he sold in various towns. He avoided the death penalty by proclaiming he suffered from a rare disease: Lycanthropy. That's correct, he claimed he was a werewolf. Was he really a so-called wolf man? Or just an insane killer of women? Paco never firmly pushes for one or the other. Even though there are some spectacular wolf attacks and even a reverse transformation (a real highlight), it may all be in the deranged mind of Romasanta. Besides the underrated Sands and the gorgeous Pataky, the other cast members are quite good here. John Sharian (a dead ringer for Brando), Gary Piquer, and David Gant were all perfectly cast. Unfortunately for the film, it was dumped on DVD here in the states. It was also given a title change and the worst and most craptastic cover artwork of all time. Lion's Gate has a knack for hiding low budget dreck in a slick package. It seems they wanted to see if they could do the opposite; disguise a classy, Gothic drama as "Werewolf Hunter." So if you see the title, and are expecting something "in the tradition of The Howling" you will be sorely disappointed.
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