The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made (Video 2004) Poster

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Interesting But Poorly Made
ARTaylor5 June 2011
The content of the documentary itself is interesting. As a film fan I always am interested in bad films as well as good ones. The problem with this movie is just how it was done.

First of all, there's no rhyme or reason to the order. They're not in order of box office, Rotten Tomatoes rating, or IMDb score. It's just like some guy with Final Cut Pro made an hour long video from some cheap movies he bought and ordered them to his personal opinion. It's little different from the numerous lists on YouTube.

Then, there's no real discussion for the movie. Each segment is basically a minute or two of revealing the movie then pointing out the problems with it. It's almost like whoever made it just went through the Goofs section on IMDb.

Finally, the original content is pretty poor. It's the same lousy animation with the same library sound effects between each segment. Again, nothing that no ordinary person couldn't do with FCP.

It's an interesting subject matter, but I wish whoever made this put some more thought into it.
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Enjoyable but too bad the production values in the documentary weren't a bit better
planktonrules7 September 2008
I love watching bad movie and have gleefully done so since I received Harry Medved's great book "The Fifty Worst Movies of All Time". However, despite the same title, this film is not based on Medved's book. Some of this is good--after all, the book came out in the late 70s and there have been a lot of bad films since. However, it also seems like the makers of this film were cashing in on Medved's idea and made no mention of him or his book and that just seems a bit sleazy.

What also didn't impress me is that although the film was about bad films, the overall look of the documentary was incredibly cheap. For instance, the same exact cheap animation of an audience throwing food at the screen was used again and again and again. Also, while the narration wasn't too bad, the same guy did everything and the film would have benefited from a panel of experts on bad films--something to make it more interesting.

I have a few other negative observations. There was too strong an emphasis on 50s-60s cheap drive-in horror films. A more well-rounded list would have been more interesting. While most of the picks were fitting, a few of the films weren't quite bad enough to merit inclusion. Now I am NOT saying that THE KILLER SHREWS, TROG, THE APE and SPIDER BABY were wonderful films, but they just weren't that bad and several had excellent "camp value". Also, while THE TRIAL OF BILLY JACK definitely deserved inclusion, the clips they showed were all pretty good. None of the over-the-top wretched scenes were included (such as the kid with a claw hand chasing a pet bunny as the evil national guard shot him down). Finally, there also is a fair amount of nudity, so parents are cautioned about letting little ones watch the film--and that all seemed a bit unnecessary. I'm not upset that some rather adult films were chosen, just baffled why they chose to include some clips that make this a very family-unfriendly film.

However, despite my complaints, the documentary certainly was enjoyable, albeit the pace is a bit rushed to get it all into just 60 minutes. As I sat watching, I wrote down titles to watch. Most of the picks were NOT included in the book, so it gives me a lot of ideas. Plus, many of Medved's choices of films are simply impossible to find today (being unavailable on VHS or DVD)--so it's nice to find that most films listed in the film are available. In general, the clips and commentary were well done--making this a must-see for bad film fans like myself.
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mmthos30 September 2021
Some of the narration's not as funny as it thinks it is, but how can you go wrong with choice cuts of turkeys like these?
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Belongs on its own list.
Kabumpo26 September 2006
This looks like someone's homemade YouTube video, and the level of analysis is no better. In nearly all the cases, all that is shown of the film is the theatrical trailer, which often provides no indication of what makes the film so bad. Early on, we get an exception, with _Mesa of Lost Women_, where the documentarian provides examples of his claims for how bad the film is, but most of the time, we get snide remarks about why the writer perceives the film as bad, without any real demonstration or support, which is certainly difficult if all you can afford to pay for is the trailer. Each film is covered for only about a minute or so, and the segments are broken up with an amateurish computer sequence of thrown popcorn. A coffee table book would be more useful and more fun. This film gets an F.
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sixty minutes doesn't do these films justice, but it's still enjoyable
FieCrier14 September 2005
It was fun watching the clips from these fifty movies, many of which I have not seen, but which appear to be great BadFilm. In fact, apart from actual trailer compilations like Something Weird Video's Extra Weird DVD, I haven't seen this much BadFilm outside of Arise! The SubGenius Video.

However, this compilation is only sixty minutes long, so little more than a minute can be spent on each one. Some clips run longer than others, so some movies barely appear. The running time could have stood to be doubled! However, from the end credits, it seems many of the clips came not from the movies themselves, but from the trailers for the movies (they credit Trailers on Tape).

There's also an irritating animation of silhouettes throwing popcorn at a movie screen which punctuates every entry on the countdown. This also really cuts into the amount of time they can spend showing clips from the movies.

There are no really surprising or bold choices here, and some obvious ones like Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Ishtar. I don't know that I would agree that these are the 50 Worst Movies Ever Made, I'm not sure if any of them are, honestly - but they are certainly mostly pretty bad. I'll stand up for Spider Baby as not deserving to be on this list; I think it is not a bad film, just a weird good one.

There is some brief nudity in it, and due the the heavy representation of horror films, some gore. And we can marvel at how many once-popular (even award-winning!) actors would up in these movies.
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Too short
13Funbags8 March 2019
I have seen most of the movies on this list and agree that they are all terrible. But with less than 1 minute given to each movie, there's no time to actually explain why they are bad. Some only get about 30 seconds which is just silly. Some even feature clips from other movies, leaving the narrator about 15 seconds to say "This is bad". Your time would be much better spent reading similar online articles. I learned about all of these movies from IMDb and movie blogs without ever even seeing a list. Most of the time the reviews were positive but I can usually tell by the title that a movie sucks. If you watch this to discover movies you will need to watch it numerous times because you can't write fast enough. If you are like me and watch it to fondly remember these terrible movies and hear another's opinion, you will be severely disappointed.
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Belongs on a list of bad documentaries
mhorg201829 October 2020
Obviously made to bring in a quick buck, while yes, the movies 'reviewed' are terrible, and are among the worst ever made - so is this 'documentary'. Using only trailers, which doesn't give one much to go on - unless, like myself, you've seen most of them - and the lackluster, let's face it , dull and unfunny voice over, makes this simply a chore to sit through.
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good starter
heybacchus12 March 2006
this is a good primer for anyone who is new to the bad movie scene. you can just search each one on the IMDb, or badmovie website or wherever. so, if your like me and sometimes want to look for a "new" movie to laugh at (or with), this will get you on track. as noted already, not too many surprising choices, but i saw a lot of clips from movies whose titles had escaped my memory. plus, it was only $9 at borders, so its cheap for a decent resource item.

again, not a groundbreking item (the usual ed wood disasters, also crawling terror, robot monster), and the narrators voice is kind of annoying, but all in all worth the money and time. plus if you've never seen some of these movies, you can start to greater appreciate the hilarious reviews many of these movies receive. iwas stupified at the clips from the crawling glaring omission- no beast of yucca flats?
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Is this a college student project?
Joshua_Penczek13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A documentary about the worst movies ever sounds like a fun concept. Imagine: the makers get to research history on some of cinema's most dubious entries, and audiences are educated on why and how some films turned out the way they did. Sadly, the creators of this documentary were apparently obvious to that idea, as I can barely even call this waste of time a "documentary" to begin with. This is a documentary in the same way that a 20 minute tour guide playing in default on your hotel TV is a documentary on culture.

So, what is this all about? An overly-cheesy narrator lists 50 horrible movies in descending order, that's it. How did they compile this specific list of 50 worst movies? Was it from a census vote? Was it from Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb, MUBI, or any other movie site? Was it taken from a book published by a highly respected and educated film historian? From what I know, this list is entirely opinionated from the makers of the film. Most of the movies listed are unknown, exploitation, and produced before the 70's, and the list of movies overall is actually quite atrocious. Classic bad movies such as Manos, Monster A Go-Go, The Beast Of Yucca Flats, The Wasp Woman, Attack Of The 50 Foot Man, The Giant Gila Monster, and Troll 2 somehow aren't on the list but appreciated and even critically acclaimed films like Black Belt Jones, Greetings, Bloodsucking Freaks, and The Maddest Story Ever Told (which has a 7.1 on IMDb and an 84% rating on Rotten Tomatoes) do make this list. Speaking of Troll 2, the original movie somehow makes the list at #7 but the infamous and more recognizably awful sequel is never even mentioned. Spoiler alert, but the #1 worst movie of all time, according to this list, is The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies, a movie that was obviously only picked for its laughable title.

So, even if the film selection sucks, what about the critiquing and explanations discussing the movie's production and why the final outcome became so awful? Sadly, this is where the film truly collapses. The "critiques" are simply 20-second, two sentenced summaries that explain the plot before moving onto the next entry. No history of the film, no production stories, no critic interviews or cited written reviews, and sometimes there's not even an explanation as to why the film is considered bad at all. Here is the word-for-word transcript of their review for #35, Hillbillys In A Haunted House:

"When country legends Merle Haggard, Sonny James, and Ferlin Huskey encounter the villainous Lon Chaney Jr, John Carradine, and Basil Rathbone, a dubious hoedown of lame thrills and bogus chills ensues. One of cinema's biggest missteps."

Wow, excellent review. Now I know exactly why this movie is considered to be one of the worst movies of all time. Oh wait, it isn't? What a shocker. On top of that, the clips playing in the background aren't even from the movies being displayed, but are instead excerpts from the trailers. Were the filmmakers of this "documentary" just too lazy to buy the movies they were making a presented on? Most of the entries don't surpass the 30 second mark before moving on to the next entry and only one of them actually educates the audience on the movie's backstory and production problems, being The Creeping Terror.

Each "movie review" ends with the same tedious cut scene of a theater throwing popcorn at the screen, over and over and over and over and over and over again. It becomes irritating after the third time it plays, and it makes one wonder why they couldn't just use multiple cut scenes or cleverly twist the scene of the movie being featured into saying something negative towards itself? Oh wait, that would actually mean the makers of this film actually had to buy the films being featured.

I don't classify this a documentary, but if I were to, it'd easily be the worst documentary I've ever seen. I genuinely believe this to be some sort of glorified college project that somehow found itself on DVD. This is something that deserves to be free on YouTube, which it is. I'd buy Hillary's America on DVD before this, at least that film had production and some form of interesting commentary on its subject matter, although still horrible. This film is the same as just copying the IMDb summary of a movie and pasting it into Microsoft Sam for him to read aloud while you play the movie trailer in the background. Sound interesting? Well good, I just saved you money.
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An enjoyable bad movie countdown, all things considered
Red-Barracuda13 June 2011
I love a list. I love countdown lists of films. I also enjoy wading through Z-Grade films. So it's perhaps unsurprising that I enjoyed The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made. I know it isn't perfect though. There just isn't a lot of time spent on each individual film; it is very rushed. But, to be perfectly honest, this is a relatively minor complaint from me. It's good to see any discussion on these often obscure pictures, no matter how brief and limited that discussion actually is. The selection of films is perfectly fine. Although lets clear up something up front, with the odd exceptions such as Hillbillys in a Haunted House, Teenage Zombies and (possibly) Santa Claus Conquers the Martians these are not the worst films ever made. But if someone did make a top 50 worst movie documentary featuring the truly worst films of all time it would make for somewhat torturous and depressing viewing. Only the truly masochistic would wish to watch an hour of clips from cinematic garbage such as Dark Harvest 2, Grad Night or Ben & Arthur. Having made a point of watching many of the worst films ever made myself, I can report from the front line that films such as Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Incredible Melting Man are relatively brilliant when compared to the likes of Zombiez or Car 54, Where Are You? Where the former films have a great deal of charm about them the latter are joyless suck-fests of the first order. What this DVD mainly is, is a celebration of Z-Grade schlock – alright the films might often be very shoddy but they usually offer at least some entertainment value.

The pace of this countdown is very fast and films are passed over too quickly at times with often very little analysis of why they are on the list in the first place. And the order is, to say the least, somewhat random. But these weren't aspects that bothered me overly much, as in the final analysis this is an enjoyable bit of fun. And it certainly did introduce me to quite a few films I had hitherto never even heard of. So while this is not as good as it could have been, it's definitely entertaining. It's a worthwhile pointer for bad movie fans.
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How is this worse than the movies on this list?
chrisminutolo5 October 2019
This abomination of a list makes WatchMojo look like Siskel and Ebert. The announcer is clearly being overly ecstatic and it's horrifyingly bad. Trash.
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It's The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made!
AwesomeWolf29 June 2005
How do you spot a bad film? If it features a man in a gorilla suit? If Bela Lugosi makes an appearance? If it was directed by Ed Wood? If so, 'The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made' is something you should check out.

If I had to guess, 'The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made' was a rainy afternoon creation of someone very bored. To call it a documentary would be a bit of a lie, but that's the closest genre description I can make. It is a countdown of the what are, according to the producers, the fifty worst movies ever made. The usual suspects appear (most of Ed Wood's films) and a few of them are even in IMDb's own worst 100 list, and those that aren't on IMDb's probably should be.

If laughing at truly terrible movies is something you do frequently than be sure to check out 'The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made'. The narrator counts down the fifty films, and gives a funny description and some quirky facts about the film.

'The 50 Worst Films Ever Made' should entertain anyone who frequently abuses their mind with these sorts of films. Best seen with some mates, and some alcohol might not hurt either - 8/10
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Needed More to Make this Work Better
Reviews_of_the_Dead16 May 2024
This is a documentary that I found streaming on Freevee. It intrigued me partially to see how many of them I've watched. Also, to see how titles that I recognized. Now I did need to preface here, there is a good amount of horror films on here which both makes me laugh and bummed about my favorite genre.

There are titles on here for good reason. I believe that Ed Wood Jr. Has three titles on here, which doesn't shock me. There are also a good number of 'ape films' that made the list. These are ones that feature people inside gorilla suits, which was popular in the 40s and 50s. Ones that made the list that I've seen are The Ape and Robot Monster. There are good ones in this subgenre, but they tend to be on the lower ending rating-wise in general.

I also feel there are movies on here that don't belong. Is Troll from 1986 a good movie? No, but it isn't close to being the worst. I'd also say that with J. D. Revenge or Spider Baby or, the Maddest Story Ever Told. These are decent movies where I think there is more low hanging fruit that could be discussed.

There isn't much to the production value either. The clips they show and explaining over top with narration was solid. The graphics in between are funny with how cheap they look. I'm not going to hold against this too much though, since we are making a list of the 'worst movies ever made'. They also don't do too much in depth here. This is an hour long and it rifles through all 50 quite quickly. I would have been fine if this would have slowed down a bit to give more, but again, these are considered bad movies so there is that.

I'd recommend it if you are into bad movies. There are ones on here that are so bad, they're good. These tend to have low budgets. It was a fun time killer at work for me so there is that.

My Rating: 6 out of 10.
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I Like Lists but.............!
Hitchcoc31 March 2018
There are dozens of these pastiches of films. Most are in the public domain. Some are quite predictable, like "Plan 9," but I have no idea what the criteria are. This uses crummy film clips and has little to say about the quality. We are to take this guy's word for them being on the list. i'm sure I could come up with 40 or so others and replace these and no one would notice. I have to admit doing a little fast forwarding because the list interested me more than the film. Don't bother.
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I would have preferred a more detailed hence longer "analysis". And at least one Kusturica film!
fedor819 March 2008
The narration is rather forgettable, but at least it offers occasional interesting info (sometimes dubious) about the movie in question. Obviously, such a short list cannot possibly please everyone, and will be omitting many fan favourites, so to complain about why such and such was not on the list is just childish. After all, there aren't 50, but probably around 20,000 truly bad films. Personally, I could complain that "Malcolm X", "Yentl" or any Gus van Sant or Emil Kusturica film didn't make the list, but what's the point? The fun is in anticipating what the next film in the countdown will be...

There were some films I've seen, some that were ripped apart by MST3K, and some that are so obscure I've never heard of them. Some useful tips here...

One criticism is that I'm not sure I can trust everything that was said here. For example, the narrator claims that Bela Lugosi died before "Plan 9" was completed. Utterly wrong. The movie was never even started during his lifetime; Ed Wood used old reels that had nothing to do with it. I wonder how many other pieces of misinformation there are...

Not as entertaining as "It Came From Hollywood", but quite solid.
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YouTube Documentary with studio backing.
willalexanders23 April 2023
Like the title suggests, this feels more like a top 50 list you'd find on YouTube with poor production values and generic narration. Considering the quality of some of the content on YouTube, even THAT is a bit of a stretch. This documentary is boring, bloated, and a waste of your time. Feels like an hour long WatchMojo video with no commentary on the content aside from "movie bad" and no input as to what caused it save for surface level content you'd find on a Wikipedia page. The film may as well have been voiced by a robot as the narrator sounds just as bored as me and he got paid to read lines, I received no compensation for my lost time.
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Ive seen better compilations than this that actually had worst films listed.
machrf14 May 2022
Too many of these films should never have been on this list. Granted some are not good movies, but they are definitely not the worst. I was duped into buying a science fiction video pack that has far worse movies than the ones here. Then, the announcer, gets his facts wrong. Did he do any research on this at all? Considering this was made in the early 00's he had plenty of information available on the internet to actually give some valid information.

As for the movies that I might not say were bad but they would not be called good. Those movies would be for a Saturday afternoon or late night viewing and be entertaining enough. Some, were even good movies. How they did in the box office, does not always coincide with whether the movie is good or not. Many things come into play when released, their advertising, did the audience understand the ads vs the movie, who were the competing against when they opened? If the advertising does not fit or is bad then the critics will have an influence on the movie. The movie that surprises me most on this list and others is Howard the Duck. The movie houses were full for a few weeks when it was released, people talked favorably about the movie, and you heard people telling others to go see the movie. Obviously, it did not sell in other parts of the country. But, today, that is still one of my favorite movies to watch from time to time. So, that movie is certainly not bad enough to be rated the worst. When the production company cannot get and rate movies as they advertise as the worst, then they don't deserve a good rating themselves. Add to that, the information given was too often incorrect. 2 thumbs down on this. Too many better worst compilations on youtube that really do have the worst movies listed.

I also have to add, the announcer does not know what he is talking about when he criticizes what audiences back then liked or disliked. I was in the theater at the time and participated and heard the positive reponses of the movies, such as the Three Stooges. His criticism is not welcome when it was so wrong.
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A subjective selection, portrayed on a very low budget
Leofwine_draca15 October 2016
I'm not going to be as harsh on this documentary as some of the other reviewers on this site. It was obviously made on a tiny budget by somebody with a huge love of bad cinema and who wanted to share their findings. If you're looking for any kind of objectivity, wit, or insight, you'll be completely disappointed. Instead this is a straight run-through of 50 randomly chosen movies that have received some level of infamy due to their poor production values and reputations.

I think I should note that none of the films here would make my '50 worst movies ever' list. It's a completely subjective selection that randomly includes TROLL but not TROLL 2 (which everyone knows is far worse) and cult gems like SANTA CLAUS VERSUS THE MARTIANS, GLEN OR GLENDA, THE INCREDIBLE MELTING MAN, and ROBOT MONSTER. The cheesy animated intros are repetitive and annoying, but the selected footage is entertaining and the voice-over narration could be worse. Think of this as a useful primer for those setting out on a quest to see the worst of the worst.
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Not very thought out.
justin-miles2822 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The narrator comes off way to condescending, and the reasoning behind some of these choices are baffling. Not to mention there are far...far...far worse films than those that make this list.

The list maker here seems to take unknown issue with future stars taking part in B-movies. Well i hate to break it to them but every star has to start somewhere, and making fun of them for being in a bad movie early into their career isn't a real insult; as every star has them. Even George Clooney and Brad Pitt started in bad slasher flicks.

They also take issue with old stars doing schlock or bad horror late in their career. Lord forbid a former star need a car payment or do someone a favor by being in their film....

They also make false claims, like the original ending to Frankenstein Conquers the World featuring Godzilla. This is just a out right lie or ignorant research. The original ending was even shot, and featured a giant Octopus. This same Octopus is featured in the films superior sequel, The War of the Gargangtuas.

Overall the quips and comments just come off way too mean spirited, and this is a MST3K fan talking here.

Still, it strike me funny how the creator of this seems to hate these films with a passion but if just fine with using them for their own recognition.
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MST3K seems to have provided most of the research here.
seanhmoss627 May 2024
I thought it only fitting that a list of the 50 worst movies of all time be given a 2 out of 10. When you consider the production value married with the obvious raiding of the MST3K, RIFFTRAX, and Film Crew library, this was cheating at its best to create a video and maybe make a little money. Granted there was a little bit of research done but this effort could easily be achieved on a TikTok budget and schedule.

I did enjoy realizing that I had watched about 80% of these movies and realizing that there are some horrible movies I still want to watch.

Despite my low rating, I do recommend that all cinemaphiles (That's not even a word) watch this. For one cannot truly know what is the best until they have sampled the worst.
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A few suggestions
SteveGreen212 April 2008
I have yet to see this DVD but could i make a few suggestions.A list of bad films is endless,you could right volumes on them.I have recently seen some very bad films.Like The X From Outer Space,the worst i have ever from a prehistoric planet,terror firmer, from hell it came,horrors of spider island,gammera the invincible arizona stage coach,white pongo,the werewolf of washington,attack of the giant leeches.i could go on forever but i won't for the sake of it. Carlos Larkin puts his 50 worst film ever,but it is just his personal about the new barbarians,redneck zombies,blood feast,invasion of the animal people.i will view this DVD with caution,indeed
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Not Bad for What It Is
Michael_Elliott12 January 2011
50 Worst Movies Ever Made, The (2004)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Whenever a magazine, critic or documentary tries to come up with a "Best Of" list you know controversy is going to follow. I think this documentary takes quite a bit of heat so let's just get some of the issues out up front. If you're looking for talking heads to explain why these movies are so bad then this isn't the film for you. We really don't even get clips showing us why the films are so bad as this is clearly a public domain documentary as it uses clips from the trailers and adds a few comments over them. The film runs just under an hour and when you consider there are fifty-movies that makes it very clear that not too much time is spent with any of them. I understand why many see the dumbness of any list but I've always enjoyed them simply because I enjoy reading other opinions on films. This one here has the obvious selections like GLEN OR GLENDA?, PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, ROBOT MONSTER, KILLERS FROM SPACE, BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA, BRIDE OF THE MONSTER, TEENAGE ZOMBIES, THE WILD WOMEN OF WONGO, EEGAH, THE CRAWLING HAND, TROG and FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE SPACE MONSTER. Now, the debate will always be how many films are worse than what's selected and that's certainly true here. I've seen countless Al Adamson films and God knows he's made many, many bad ones but only Dracula VS. FRANKENSTEIN gets mentioned here. I think many people would agree that this film is one of his better ones or at least more entertaining ones. Ed Wood's PLAN 9 cracks the top five but is KILLERS FROM SPACE really a better movie? I don't think so. Is SPIDER BABY really one of the worst movies ever made? Not to me. We even get some Italian films like GREAT WHITE and THE GREAT ALLIGATOR but anyone who is familiar with the genre will know there are much worse out there. So, there's a lot to disagree about but if you asked 1000 people to name the fifty worst movies ever made then every list would be different. There's certainly a lot more that could have been done with this thing but if you're a fan of bad movies then you'll get plenty of nice rentals here.
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This Doc should be among the 50
ios200011 March 2022
I find it ironic that this title scores less than many of its listed titles in the 50 worst. Albeit this is a documentary and not a movie, I lost interest in less than 15min. There are thousands of titles scoring 5ish out of 10 that are both horrendous and decent flicks so I'm not sure why some of this list didn't include at least a few of the movies rated my THOUSANDS at less than 2 out of 10...and there are plenty You want that 61min back of your life if you stay till the end.
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OK if you are new to the world of SoBIG ('so bad it's good'); otherwise, of limited interest
jamesrupert201428 February 2024
This 2004 compilation of 'worst' movies includes many of the usual suspects and doesn't provide much information beyond what is now readably available on Wikipedia, IMDB etc. "Worst' is subjective and I'm sure that many people will object to inclusions and/or omissions (IMO 'Black Belt Jones' is a reasonably good film for its genre and any cinema-merde list must include 'Manos: The Hands of Fate'). Clips from these kinds of films are always entertaining, as is the advertising, the 'teasers' and the marketing hyperbole, but this compilation's commentary is smug and superficial. If this is the first look at a collection of this type, it's OK; but if you are already an aficionado of celluloid-crap, this opus offers little new (admittedly, it has inspired me to watch 'Bloodsucking Freaks' on TUBI).
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A fun little time killer
pmtelefon25 July 2021
"The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made" is the the definitive list of the worst films ever made. It's just a list of 50 bad movies. That's fine. It's a fun little movie that gave me a couple of movies to seek out. The only demerit is that they included "Ishtar". "Ishtar" is a very funny movie that comedy fans should seek out. "The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made" is worth watching.
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