Zombies Anonymous (2006) Poster

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All in all very impressive.
ZRambeau24 July 2008
First off let me say that this film should be examined within the confines of low budget horror films. Does it stack up against Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later? No. Those are examples of both realms of monetary breathing room, Dawn of the Dead- High, and 28 Days Later- medium. Zombie Anonymous or Last rites of the Dead had much less to work with. Having said that, this film was both innovative and thought provoking. Two things that money can't buy. the director Marc Fratto used some very interesting tools in his vision of life after death (meaning Zombification) Think Racism or something like it, also, think AA or something like it. Two concepts that have only been captured in a few other Zombie films. The acting is good for the most part, there are a few people who are in the peripheral cast that didn't quite cut it but this is to be expected for such an independent film. I only have two complaints, 1 the portrayal of ZA is nothing like AA or NA but more like group therapy, though, It fits when the movie shows the "darkside" of being a Zombie. 2 the action sequences seemed to draw on a little. The only reason I say that is because the story line and the concepts the director plays with were so interesting, I felt myself wanting more philosophy and well brain food (haha)

As previously stated this film was thought provoking, I would like to thank the director Marc Fratto for a new idea in a hurting genre, see diary of the dead, and also congratulate him and his cast on a job well done.

I found this movie at blockbuster of all places, Its a must see for anyone who enjoys the Zombie scene.
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A zombie comedy
JoeB1312 July 2008
This movie screams "Student film project", which someone thought was good enough to make a quick buck off of and distribute into DVD.

Not that bad of a film, it implies that a "Night of the Living Dead" type virus has hit that resurrects the recently dead, who still retain most of their mental faculties. THey try to go into a satire of modern life and discrimination, but they really don't quite pull it off. It follows the adventures of Angela, a girl killed by her abusive boyfriend, finding herself resurrected as one of the undead, and coming under discrimination in her new incarnation. Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend has joined an anti-zombie hate group that hunts them down and kills them. Too many images of American flags, as though they want to equate America with intolerance, but hey, that's probably the kind of crap being taught at film schools today.

Some of the scenes come off as amateur special effects guys showing their stuff with the undead makeup and the simulated (not very convincing) gore of people being eaten by zombies.

Worth a rental? Yeah, if you're bored and want a good laugh.
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A real gore-fest, but altogether disappointing
kannibalcorpsegrinder2 September 2015
After being killed by her boyfriend, a woman finds that she has been turned into a zombie with the rest of the world starting to turn on the creatures for their condition and eventually joins a zombie's freedom group to keep her rights together that she's earned.

There wasn't a whole lot to like about this one. Among the best features here is the fact that it's got a really unique and novel idea that actually seems to be quite inventive, and with nothing at all clichéd about this instead it comes off as being new and original which is what's needed in these kinds of films. This even makes for some really nice scenes that couldn't have come from any other style of film, as there's the rather unique tortures that are inflicted upon them from the abuse on the streets to the treatment in the restaurants and how they're affected on the job-market, there's a lot in here that are solely responsible for being in this kind of film. Even the main scenes here of them sitting around like a support group here are only possible because of this storyline, and these here make this one completely unique and original. There's also the film's rather nice amount of blood and gore, which isn't all that much but does work nicely when it really wants to, and there's a couple of decent shots with it. The last big plus is the few action scenes it has, which are really good. There's a couple of zombie beat-downs near the beginning which are rather nice in a really weird way, the first fight in the park is really great, the raids on the zombie homes are fun and brutal, and bloodshed and the ending just feels right and is the best part of the film. Along with the other factors, these make the film watchable as this one here was somewhat problematic. The main one here is that the film decides to change around the very way that zombies behave, and it might be enough to put off some of the more hardcore fans. This one here gives them the ability to be cognizant of their death-like status, complete with their ability to reason, talk and the really weird subplot about them forming a support group to inform each other and talk about their problems, which is a nice idea but all it does is take away every single thing that made them fearful in the first place. By having them form a group to deal with it makes them seem like big losers, and there's nothing that makes them instantly- nonthreatening compared to others out there. Lastly, it has the other factor of making the beginning of this one incredibly boring since it's really just a rash of scenes that just serve as fodder in the group's talks, and that's hardly anything that can make the film interesting. None of these scenes are all that exciting, and are overall just plain dull, and are then made even worse through the need to play into the support group slot. These here are the biggest problems in the film.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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ZombieRanger12 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Very obvious and overall worthless little flick that tries to equate the plight of the undead with social issues like AIDS racism and homosexuality, which ultimately leads to a downright confusing message. The problem is certain metaphors get lost in translation. At one point we're supposed to be horribly disgusted when the villainess causes a commotion upon being served food by a zombie. Now I understand it's supposed to be symbolic of intolerance towards different groups of people, but if your waiter was a walking decaying husk, you'd lose your appetite too. The movie completely loses it's focus towards the end when cults and militias start popping up and going to battle(which means a half dozen people with fake knives and plastic guns have an after effects shootout and toss blood bags at one another.) Cap it off with a really unsatisfying conclusion and you'll know why this thing should be skipped.
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Talking zombies - is this a joke?
HumanoidOfFlesh4 October 2008
Angela is a young woman who has just been killed by her angry ex,but Angela isn't dead,she's one of the undead.You see,the recently deceased have come back to life and these are not your typical zombies either. They are organized,intelligent and crave the flesh of the living.A crazed cult of undead terrorists and a militia of brutal zombie-hunting humans fight for dominance.I'm a fan of old-school zombie flicks,where walking dead devours the living and that's why I highly disliked "Last Rites of the Dead".Undead can talk,shoot,search for a job or drive a car.Zombies roam the street,hold jobs-even have their own dating services online.Is this a joke?Admittedly the script has some originality and fresh ideas,but I prefer zombie flicks with an constant aura of apocalypse and tons of gory mayhem.The concept of intelligent zombie is beyond retarded.Still the acting is pretty good,some of the gore is excellent,unfortunately "Last Rites of the Dead" plays more like an unfunny joke.4 out of 10.
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first half bad, second half gory
trashgang15 September 2011
This is a weird one to review. I mean, the first part is really bad, but the second part is as gory as hell. Let me explain. The first minutes you see how they attack a zombie but the zombie talks normal and has normal clothes on, so I thought OMG this is going to be worse. And it was, the first 45 minutes are really stupid, face it, zombies gathering together to talk about their life. And the make-up made for zombies to look alive. Really, I was ready to push the fast-forward button but somehow I kept watching. But once things go weirder and weirder you really should wait until the go into the woods. From that point on it's gore galore with decapitations, eating guts, tearing bodies apart, biting into human flesh, heads being shot to bits. But naturally the first part tears it down and that's sad. If they would have made it a bit shorter it would have been great. On the other hand, the girls who are in this flick are mostly buxom chicks and wearing short skirts but that doesn't make a flick. Also funny to see is that they cut out some nudity concerning a whore. One tot was shown but was cut out why I don't know. But it's available in the deleted scene's. Not that it was sexy or anything but it's strange to cut that part out of a movie. The acting was mediocre but the movie do needs the gory parts to deliver the gorehounds. If you can sit through the first half part than it's okay to watch.
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Other options
silverstormprod6 May 2008
Not bad. Like pizza, there's no such thing as a bad zombie movie. You might also want to check out the zombie action comedy AWAKEN THE DEAD among others. You watch EVIL DEAD for the humor. You watch FLASH GORDON for the humor and the action. But we watch zombie films to see an alternate world that has monsters walking around to feed on the general populace. It's fluff. It's fun. So grab a couple of beers, rent three or four indie zombie flicks and have some fun!

This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.

T. S. Eliot doesn't get enough credit. Neither do these zombie filmmakers who put it out on a limb to entertain us.
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"Event he mortally challenged need to be hugged." Rubbish sub-par Romero zombie horror social satire.
poolandrews10 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Last Rites of the Dead is set in a world where the dead don't stay dead, any freshly deceased person returns to life as a zombie. Office worker Angela (Gina Ramsden) is shot dead by her abusive boyfriend Josh (Joshua Nelson) but she doesn't stay dead for long, Angela quickly learns that being a zombie is difficult. Your skin rots, you have no legal rights & you are treated as dirt by the living. As the debate rages over what should be done about the living dead a section of society who are against zombies having equal rights set up their own terrorist organisations who persecute the zombie population as they try to get on with their lives (death's?) in normal society. Josh is one such extremist & joins one such organisation & uses his knowledge of Angela to help further his cause...

Edited, written, co-produced & directed by Matt Fratto who also co-composed the music score & also known under the title Zombies Anonymous I have to say I thought this was crap despite all the glowing reviews from people who seem to have seen it at some obscure film festival & somehow that makes it great. Unfortunately I had to endure the full almost two hour cut of this crap rather than the shorter US DVD version which apparently makes no sense but would have thankfully lasted for twenty odd minutes less, I just have no luck at all. Last Rites of the Living Dead is an all too obvious take on the issue of mass immigration & racist attitudes. I guess the filmmakers were trying to go down the George A. Romero route by mixing zombies & (rubbish unconvincing) gore with a little bit of social commentary & satire but fail miserably, I will give Last Rites of the Dead some credit as the initial ten or fifteen minutes are quite good as the script focuses on the plight of a zombie in the real world, the fact they wouldn't be entitled to any money or have any rights, adverts on telly for make-up to hide rotting skin, the issue of termination centres & the basic core of the film the racist attitudes of the living. But once all the clever little allegories & references are out of the way including a support group for zombies in which they call themselves the 'mortally challenged' the film focuses on the battle between some left wing Nazi style terrorist group who attack & kill zombies & Angela & her struggles to survive in the world as one of the living dead. The plot is poor, there's some crap about a zombie cult which in a way exonerates the racists & what they are doing, the character's are poor, the dialogue is rubbish with every other word being a profanity because that's as imaginative as the writers can be & the film never elaborates or builds on it's central premise & the issues & ideas it first brings up. I also thought the film was incredibly boring with poor narrative & a very bitty plot that falls apart at the end& becomes a mess.

Don't let anyone con you into thinking this is gory, sure there's a bit of blood but it's very poorly realised with very watery blood & poor make-up effects created by the interestingly named 'Demonic Pumpkins' whoever they are. There's some decapitations, some severed heads placed on stakes, there's a few exploding heads, a few bites, a bit of flesh eating, some blood splatter & a really poor scene in which Angela cuts Josh's testicles off & he just literally stands there & lats her do it. I'm not being funny but if I was stabbed in the groin I would at least take a few steps back to try & get away from my attacker, wouldn't you? Or would you just stand there & let them continue to mutilate you? The zombies in this aren't a bad lot really, they still have their human personalities & even though some like to eat human flesh most don't. Bless 'em. Shot almost entirely during the day in the cast & crews homes there's nothing scary here, there's no tension or atmosphere & the action & set-pieces are poorly handled throughout.

Shot in New York this has all the production value & polish of one of my holiday videos, it looks awful with a really digital video camcorder look to it that I despise so much. I really wish filmmakers would go back to using grainy 35mmm film. Sigh. The acting by no-one I have ever heard of is up to the standard of the rest of the production, basically it's crap.

Last Rites of the Living Dead had a few promising Romero style touches & ideas at the start but it all goes downhill very quickly & I thought it was pretty crap all round. It tries to clever & say something about immigration & racism in particular but it forgets all about the entertainment value in the process.
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Good idea and Poor Execution
Natasha72611 November 2009
While I appreciate the possibility of a zombie film from the zombies' perspective, this is not a skillful execution of that good idea. This is a remarkably anti-female movie. From the opening of a man shooting his girlfriend twice to the continued use of "faggot," "bitch," and other ridiculously disempowering words, this is a piece of garbage. The female characters are either weak (the woman who won't let go of the boyfriend who shot and killed her, then continues to hunt and hurt her after she's dead) or absurdly strong (the character that refers to men needing to grow a pair, prove their manliness by killing, etc). There is much to much gender normative and heterosexism in this movie for it to be any good. The main take aways from this movie are that 1.females are weak. 2. men can and should rule females. 3. women are universally cruel or weak.

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Creative and original low budget Zombie B-movie
Horrorible_Horror_Films24 September 2008
I watch a lot of bad horror movies. This is not a cinematic masterpiece. But it is better than a lot of low budget indie horror flicks. I mean, it is what it is and you know that going in - a low budget zombie movie. But it took what it had and did it well.

The acting by the female lead - Gina Ramsden - was actually good. I think that is the first time I have EVER said that about any low budget horror movie I've ever watched. She's cute too, so that helps.

There was an actual plot and characters - granted it was about zombies, but it took the zombie idea and did something new and interesting. Basically the zombie outbreak has happened - when people die, no matter the cause, they turn into zombies. These zombies now are trying to integrate themselves into society at large, and many people don't like that. They can talk and think, but they are dead and their bodies show this. These are not the zombies of the Romero cannon, which will probably anger the fan-boys - but who cares, where talking about zombies here, and until the Zombie apocalypse actually does occur in the real world, it will only help to speculate on the nature of all possible types of zombies. That is what the fan of Romero Zombies must keep in mind when watching this film (or 28 Days/Weeks later for that matter you morons).

Now the ending did drag out, a lot, and got a little confusing. But the various groups (Humans who hate zombies, zombies who just want to "live" and be left alone, zombies who discover their hunger for human flesh) provide some interesting dynamics as the plot develops and our intrepid heroine, Angela, feels conflicted about the various groups especially because her ex-boyfriend is part of the living who wants to kill the zombies.

Note to other low-budget horror film makers: Tight shots of your actors and sets when you have a low budget (and lighting) really is a good idea. So is having an actual plot arc.
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This was bland and boring...
paul_haakonsen23 August 2019
Of course when I find something even remotely zombiesque, I will take the time to sit down and watch it, read it, play it, etc. Oddly enough I didn't stumble upon the 2006 "Last Rites of the Dead" before now late in 2019. Haven't ever heard about the movie, nor seen it, I did of course immediately take the time to sit down and watch it.

Well, watch it might be stretching it. I managed to endure 40 minutes of the ordeal that is known as "Last Rites of the Dead", then I simply called it quits and threw the towel in the ring. The movie had nothing interesting to offer in terms of storyline, script and characters. It was all just a very, very bland and unfulfilling mush of nonsense. I simply lost all interest in watching anything more of the movie as the story had utterly failed to capture my interest, and the characters in the movie were as interesting as mud.

I am sure that the concept behind the storyline, but it was so poorly translated to the screen that it lost all its appeal.

This is a low budget movie, and the production definitely bears witness to that and it shows so visibly on the screen. Now, I am normally not one that have a thing against low budget movies, and that is not the factor here either.

With no intention of returning to watch the rest of "Last Rites of the Dead", I can honestly say that I have absolutely no interest in what happens in the story or to the characters. To me, this movie was simply not worth the effort in any way.
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Very good, but not the same movie I saw at the film festival
apologizetotheman12 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this at the nyc horror film fest a few years back when it was released as Last Rights of the Dead, and loved it. One of the best indie low budget horror movies i've ever seen. Then I rented it as Zombies Anonymous, when it was released on DVD. Its still good, but not the same movie. A lot of crucial scenes were cut out of the last half of the movie, that tied the plot together.

Some of it is kind of confusing now. They cut out a crucial bunch of scenes when the Comandant chops off her hair, dyes it and shoots herself in the head, so she'll be mistaken as a zombie, and gain access to the cult. Now she just turns up dead, with blond short hair. They also cut out a lot of the gore and the beheadings. and the scenes when the cult attempts to brainwash the main zombie girl Verene't there either. now, it's kind of confusing why she has to fight the cult at the end.

either version is still good, but the one i saw in theaters was better, and made more sense. this new version seemed like they cut out a lot of plot to get to the action. hopefully they'll be putting out the longer version.
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Definitely not a waste of time
koosnaff23 May 2008
Firstly, I would like to say that I have seen many, many zombie films.

A few of them were great, but most are poor, samey and just rip ideas from other films.

Last Rites of the Dead was completely different. The story line was like a breath of fresh air, and a completely new take on the genre.

There are a few scenes where the budget is obvious, but for the most part the f/x are quite impressive for an indie flick of this nature. (Although I will say look out for the bit of white fluff that is supposed to be something else!)

The acting was energetic and passionate, without being over the top or false, and the dialogue was quite realistic. A credit to the script writer, and whoever did the casting.

All in all, a good way to spend an hour and a half, and even if you are not a zombie fan, but have the stomach, it's worth watching as the film makes you think about how you treat people that are different to you.

An interesting and entertaining way to make important social commentary.
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Apocalyptic Horror Vol. 7: Story Of A Flesh Junkie
Tromafreak5 August 2011
If you ever get tired of the same old, traditional Zombie flicks like Dawn Of The Dead, and pretty much anything from the criminally overrated George Romero, I'd suggest giving up the mainstream stuff indefinitely, because you're not gonna find it there. If you're looking for an original Zombie flick, and you don't mind a low budget. you've found it. This is Zombies Anonymous!

Nowadays, when you die, your soul no longer leaves your body. Harsh, but true. A chick named Angela is right in the middle of a fight with her boyfriend, is hoping this hotheaded young man doesn't go off and shoot her, because she's really not into the whole living dead thing. Because if she doesn't survive, this new lifestyle will most definitely be in her future... So, anyway. now that Angela's undead, she's stuck in a world that's afraid of her. A world that hates her. A world that gives her very few options. For example, getting/holding a job will be almost impossible. And there's this whole thing where Angela feels incredible pain if she goes long enough without eating human flesh. She can pretend to be a regular person all she wants. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but without Human flesh, functioning is almost impossible.

While being over-the-top, gruesome, and dark-humored, Zombies Anonymous has quite a deep, semi-touching story, which seems to be about adapting to a new way of life. Well, that and discrimination. Reflecting how people fear, and ultimately hate what they don't understand. If you end up diggin' Zombies Anomymous, I'd highly recommend a film from the same director, called Strange Things Happen At Sundown. One Of The Best Vampire flicks I've come across. This Marc Fratto guy is one of the few bright spots in B-cinema over the last decade, and I look forward to anything else he comes up with. In case you've ever heard about a micro-budget, shot-on-video from the 90's called Shatter Dead, Zombies Anonymous is basically a ripoff of that one. at least the basic idea is. Ultimately, this one blows Shatter Dead away, gore-wise, creativity-wise, & entertainment-wise. you can't compare the two. However, I'd recommend you check out both of them. Zombies Anonymous obviously isn't the traditional Zombie story. And I hardly see that as a bad thing. 8/10
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Zombies and More: ZA Rises to the Top of the Independent Zombie Flick Bumper Crop
w00f17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this low-budget flick. It's a zombie movie with a human twist, centered on Angela. She's been murdered but can't die like a lot of other people who find themselves now as the undead. She, like them, wants to have a life but she has to figure out where she fits into the world. She goes from joining an unrealistic, touchy-feely self-help group for zombies that sits around and talks and gets nowhere to being kidnapped by a radical zombie group.

Meanwhile, vigilantes bent on wiping out all zombies intrude, with her murderous ex-boyfriend along for the ride. It all culminates in a blood bath, of course... but while the gore goes over the top, it's not without a good deal of emotional impact. Angela will finally learn how to stop being a victim and stand up for herself. The writing is good and the acting is as well through most of this.

I came close to loving ZA, but the acting of Christa McNamee as The Commandant detracted a little too much from the rest of the film for that. Joshua Nelson is quite good; this seems a better vehicle for him than "The Blood Shed," for instance. Gina Ramsden turns in what I thought a strong performance as Angela.

I like the way that the zombies themselves were handled in this, too. They're neither lumbering reanimated corpses nor supercharged high-speed killers. They can think and feel and even act like normal people. They're nearly impossible to truly kill, too, which the film shows has its good points and a LOT of bad ones.

While there are some humorous moments, calling this a satire isn't a fair label. Most of the humor is quite dark and the movie seems more concerned with making a point about abusive relationships, people's prejudices and vanity. For a low-budget flick, there's a lot here for the viewer if he's not entirely distracted by the gore, but still enough of that to keep a gore-hound happy, too.
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Small problems but otherwise decent!
Slowblivion13 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'll forego a summary of the plot as it's available on many of the reviews already.

This was actually an alright movie!

The plot is fairly basic as a fanatical zombie group fights a fanatical human group. The trend to have zombies as more than just mindless, thoughtless, and speechless beings is a nice change (although there will always be a part of me who loves the Romero dead) I think what this story lacks however is a clear or at least defined subtext. It's fraught with social commentary, which I enjoy, but I feel like it's a bit all over the map. You can insert almost any "large group oppresses a minority group" commentary and it works. First that comes to mind is racism though. Second comes the idea of religious fundamentalism which is a bit more deep but just as interchangeable.

Acting is actually pretty good. I like that the content is taken seriously by the film makers and I think that comes off well on screen. I think a lot of the actors put a lot into this and while there are times where the acting is a little stale or reactions are sub par, I think in general acting was a positive.

One problem I have is during large portions of the beginning of the film, the soundtrack is far too loud compared to the dialogue and it's distracting. Editing isn't bad in the film but there are some sections where the cuts are off beat and a bit rough.

Another issue I have with this is the amount of girls in underwear or underwear visible from angles which allow for upskirts. It's not like I have some problem with it overall but I do feel like by putting your main character in a skirt the entire movie then positioning the camera just right to catch those upskirts is a bit much. Maybe they were trying to hit more of a young male demographic but I think it's distracting from a decent film.

There seems to be an abandonment halfway through the film of what is "normal" in the world. It's clear there are these 2 extremist groups but there is no sense of what the rest of the world actually feels as zombies are able to hold jobs and mingle at will with humans who tend to have no problem with it. It feels like I'm forced to watch only what these crazies are doing giving me little middle ground and honestly little break between one crazy group and the other.

General camera work and lighting is alright. I think many shots are underexposed and framed poorly while others look great minus the low camera quality.

As this is a zombie movie it's important to mention gore and SFX. If you want gore, well there's plenty of bites, head chopping, bullet wounds etc. I think it looked pretty good and I was impressed. Of course many of the gun shots (and there are a lot) have very low quality muzzle flashes but given the amount of other SFX I think the flashes can be excused.

Overall, i think It's moderately entertaining. It's nothing fantastic but certainly better than much of the drudge that swarms the zombie genre. They took it seriously and so will I. I give it a 6 for accomplishing a decent story, good gore and better than your average zombie movies acting. I take off for the general pacing, an unclear subtext, at times rough camera, editing, and audio work and, the unnecessary use of language and panty shots. (Before you go and say "wow, who made you PC police" I think offensive words can be used if there is a clear meaning and it has some relevance to character or plot such but in this case neither occurred and I just felt it was unnecessary usage)
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TdSmth57 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was very much looking forward to this movie after seeing the outstanding Strange Things Happen at Sundown by the same crew. But this movie doesn't have the humor and thrills that Strange Things had. And it's not nearly half as entertaining.

We start by seeing various news feeds about people not dying or the dead returning to life. Then we meet Josh who in a rage shoots his girlfriend Angela. For reasons unknown, indeed anyone who dies comes back to life. Angela is no different. They do all seem to suffer from some skin decay but otherwise are no different from humans, well that and some of them feed on living flesh.

The unique aspect of the story is that with this many zombies, they now form a full minority group that suffer discrimination, that has its own support group, that is attacked for being different, etc. Angela, for instance joins Zombies Anonymous (hence the title) a support group that among other things tries to quench their hunger for flesh. All this is quite funny and ingenious.

We also get to meet 3 tough-guy wanna bees who terrorize and attack our poor zombies and are eager to join an anti-zombie gang, led by someone called The Commandant, a tough chick. They manage to join and our gang works on hits against zombies.

Parallel to this gang and the Commandant is a group of zombies led by a girl named Solstice who presents herself as some type of angelic spiritual guru figure and works on getting zombies to relish their flesh eating nature rather than to try and "recover" or pretend to be normal.

This all leads to rather violent confrontations among these groups.

The resulting movie isn't quite as interesting as the story may sound. The main problem is that these zombies are presented as a sympathetic weak minority rather than the brutal killers we expect and want them to be. They are pretty low on the social and animal scale and humans kick them around easily. So we have a zombie movie with unscary zombies. Not good. Second, this movie is rather tame- lacking violence, gore, and nudity. Some of the violence and gore has been edited out by the moronic distributors who also changed the title. But for once, the new title is actually better than the original "Last Rites of the Dead" which sounds much more dark, lofty, and horrific than the resulting movie. Thankfully, the producers posted the missing scenes on YouTube. So its not clear what the original movie would have been like in its fullness.

Compared to the masterpiece that Strange Things at Sundown is (that's right), this movie just doesn't give us much to like. The main character of Angela is rather dull nor is she pretty enough to make up for the dullness. There aren't really any character to like or root for. The Commandant, which is the only interesting character, is presented as too mean to like. The movie obviously doesn't want us to like someone who is out there to kill some harmless minority. In a way this movie, thematically at least, tries to be somewhat of a standard Hollywood movie: politically correct; all the men are presented as dumb; there's not 1 but 3 main female characters: the heroine victim and the two evil characters. As a result it is far less edgy and original than expected. Somewhat worth a rental, but definitely don't miss Strange Things Happen at Sundown.
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Well worth the price of a rental.
U8RU48628 May 2008
I tend to rent a lot of direct to video movies. I know I shouldn't, because most of these films are garbage, and renting them only puts money into the pockets of greedy hacks, but every once in a while you find a gem like Zombies Anonymous.

YES: The lighting sucks.

YES: Thespecial effects are lame.

YES: The videography is mediocre and the editing a rough in spots, but you know what? The writing is really good.

I was able to overlook all of the low budget flaws because there is actually an interesting story to be had in ZA. I won't go into it here because I want you to RENT THIS MOVIE! I almost didn't, it was stuck all the way down in the Z section and the cover art was horrible, but I took the plunge at brought it home. I am glad I did.

The only real drawback to this movie is that the two major action set pieces go on FOREVER, and only highlight the low budget. These are both in the final third of the video and they drag down the momentum. There also seems to be a scene missing toward the end, because I was lost for half a scene before I realized "oh that's who that is, and that's what's going on.". With all these technical problems I still give this movie a 9 out of 10. If more no budget film makers made movies like this (smart, funny, and entertaining) then maybe Hollywood would take notice and start making good movies as well. Not because it's a trend but because it's a matter of life and death.
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Awesome horror flick!
eldarthepilot21 November 2006
I just caught this at the New York Horror Film Festival. It was the best movie in the festival, by far. Absolutely original story, a really cool twist to the whole zombie genre. Here, the zombies become the worlds new second class, and face discrimination and beatings by hooligans. They start to form terrorist groups and a war breaks out. I love this movie because this is the first zombie film I've seen where you actually root for the zombies! The hero of the movie is a girl who is shot to death in the first scene by her crazy ex boyfriend and has to adjust to life as one of the walking dead. She's really likable, and very cute and goes through a lot during the course of this movie. I love the scenes where she joins the zombie support group.

There's so much going on here, its hard to get it all across in a brief review, but this movie is funny, scary, exciting and action packed. There's some incredible action sequences, and the gore and violence is non-stop. There's some amazing flesh eating scenes, and the movie has some really genuinely dramatic scenes, like a scene when one character is turned into a zombie and cries for his mother as his friends have to finish him off. The movie is also stylishly shot, and has some awesome music.

When this movie gets released, definitely check it out. It's one of the best independent horror films I've ever seen.
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If only all indie films would show this much talent!
frogshavefun18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the most brilliant take on living dead that I have ever seen! If only all indie films could turn out like this, it may raise the cloud that blocks small budgeted films from getting the recognition they deserve. Sure, we have all seen living dead films before. The idea may seem rote, but not here. Here the dead are just as alive in their brains and personality as they ever were. Sure, their bodies died, but nothing else changed. These are not zombies. They are real people who's bodies died. Its such an amazing difference in concept! The story centers around Angela, and her "even after dead" drama with her boy friend, Josh. And all the complexities that go into being a walking dead person in todays society while still wrestling with your once living issues. These roles are perfectly played by Gina Ramsden and Jashua Nelson. Really, perfectly played. No bad acting here! These folks are dead on in their roles. The supporting cast is excellent as well. Last Rites of the Dead is a must see. It has some blood and gore for the fans of such, but really, its an amazing horror tale in the truest sense, so much more realistic than what we ever think of for the genre these days. It will probably be called a horror film, no doubt, and really I guess it is, but I think it was far more human really...Its, to me, as much drama as it is horror...
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I was genuinely impressed!
drezdock24 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was genuinely impressed with this low budget flick! It was not at all what I expected. I went in expecting some slapstick hijinks about dead people trying to live in modern world, but wound up engrossed in an insightful and thought provoking film.

************************spoilers ahead**********************

There were a few flaws such as flat lighting / cinematography at certain points, and I found the end scenes in the "bad" zombie house to be a little over the top, and some people might not like how the zombies can still feel pain etc. However, I found the camera work and editing top notch, all of the actors were generally believable as real people. I found the commandant to be a truly terrifying and WONDERFULLY portrayed character. Yeah, not much else to say about this movie. I loved it, hope the cast and crew keep up the good work. You could tell this was a real labor of love. It was a shining gem amidst all the other low budget / Indie zombie films out there today.
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For B Horror, this is really good!
tacmovies8 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Story: Quick synopsis since this is a lesser known movie: The dead in this world don't stay dead, they come back as zombies, but not zombies in the traditional sense that they are mindless corpses with only the drive to eat and a basic fight or flight response. These zombies retail all the intelligence and memories of the living. That said, they do eat raw meat. The can get by just eating raw ground chuck but they are stricken with headaches that only go away when they eat the still warm flesh of humans. The living aren't okay with this and zombies are treated as second class citizens who are usually fired from their jobs for being zombies and sometimes executed by humans who are afraid of them. This leads to an industry of cosmetic products designed to hide the fact that a person is a zombie.

So, it is in this world that we meet our main protagonist, Angie, who is killed by an abusive boyfriend. She then tries to go about her"life" as if nothing happened and tries to hide the fact that she's a zombie. It should come as no surprise that this turns into a metaphor for being different and encourages people to stop conforming and be themselves.

I was surprised that this was more serious than humorous, given the title, but it actually has some really strong themes and ideas presented. There are some laughs sprinkled throughout, but I don't think I'd call it a comedy. The first half of this movie was absolutely genius, but the second half faltered a little bit. I have to give it a B.

Acting: I have to give props to Gina Ramsden for playing a very effective girl next door sort of character. Christa McNamee plays an absolutely terrifying Commandant who leads death squads against zombies. Most of the rest of the cast does a pretty good job, and by pretty good I mean pretty good for a Hollywood movie. By B horror standards, they are phenomenal. B

Visuals: I watch a lot of bad horror movies and have a fairly strong stomach, but this one made me want to gag a few times. Granted, I think I was fighting a virus when I watched it, so it may have just been me instead of the movie. Anyhow, this is a gross movie. I wouldn't advise eating anything when you watch it. Also, the whole world looks dirty and depressingly gross. This was no doubt by design, so I have to give props. B

Sound: This was probably the weakest link in the chain. The sound was much better than some B horror movies, but there was almost constantly a hiss in the background that comes from poor sound equipment. The music also didn't leave a huge impression on me either. C

Overall: This may be one of the few B horror movies that I actually give a B to. It should have been shorter and losses steam in the second half, but it's still much, much better than the rest of the horror crap that's out there. I got my copy used from Blockbuster for about five bucks and I think it's worth paying up to twelve dollars for this movie (that includes shipping if you should decide to order it). If you're into indie horror, I have to believe you'll enjoy this movie. B

Tacmovies: We're not failed film students who bitterly criticize successful movies... really... sniffle... so, um... yeah, ahem: Follow our reviews on blogspot, flixter, IMDb, yahoo movies, and youtube.
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Very disappointing
zach827019 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie was pretty decent, and I thought rather funny. Unfortunately it didn't deliver.

I don't quite see how people can rave about how great this movie was and how great the talent was. It was ultra low budget with very forced acting and sub-par makeup. Did I say forced acting? I meant terrible acting. Overly dramatic attempts to do simple things like cocking a shotgun. Moves from sad to really annoying. What was the budget for this fiasco? 13 bucks? The idea of a zombie support group is rather intriguing, but turns out that the zombies in question are self-loathing zombies? Come on.

Honestly it reminded me of a low budget version of every single other movie that scapegoats a group of society real or imagined, be it aliens or zombies, in some sort of thin ploy to expose the ways of our society. Been done, shouldn't be done again. Waste of 90 minutes of my life.
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