The Indian (2007) Poster


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'The Indian' Is A Great Ride!
rogolaw5 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'The Indian' is a must see film for everyone. It deals with a tremendously broken and dysfunctional relationship between a father('Skip') and his son ('Danny'). Skip is forced to re-enter Danny's life and make an attempt to gain his son's trust and restore the relationship to, literally, save himself. The father's efforts are rebuffed until Skip finds pieces of an old Indian motorcycle buried in the shed. Skip invites Danny to help help in the rebuild and, in the process, the father-son relationship is re-established.

In a nutshell, 'The Indian' is a classic story of second-chances and redemption told in a fresh and compelling manner. It deserves and needs to be seen and I, for one, cannot wait for it to be released.
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contrived, formulaic, sappy crap
Bones72929 October 2010
I am completely stunned that I seem to be the only person that doesn't like this movie. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

First of all, it's clear that this movie is very low budget. The photography is very basic, like you're watching some crappy TV show. The directing and acting are weak. Now all that would be acceptable if the writing were any good.

It's not.

The whole while watching this movie I was cringing, chuckling in parts that were supposed to be dramatic. It was all very contrived. No surprises. You knew what characters were going to say before they said it. I truly cannot comprehend why this movie is 7.4, I really can't.

So, you can listen to everyone else and go watch it, or listen to me and skip it. I recommend skipping it!
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An excellent film with broad appeal.
mbsranch4 May 2008
I was fortunate enough to see this film recently at the Newport Beach Film Festival. The theater was almost filled to capacity even though it was shown on a late Sunday evening. Fans of Mr. Dallas had written glowing reviews of his performance and I was anxious to see it for myself. My expectations were high and, I am very happy to say, they were fully met by this wonderful film. It is a moving story of a broken relationship between a father and son. The use of an Indian motorcycle to help mend that relationship was identifiable with both genders viewing the film. The cast of seasoned veteran actors along with up and coming young stars also lend to the broad appeal of the film. The moving story brought me to tears with it's conclusion. I left the theater knowing I had just seen that rare film that touches all that see it. It was well worth the 1400 miles I traveled from my home to the NBFF. I would do it again tomorrow to see this film. I hope that someone will pick up this film for national distribution so that others can have a chance to share in this experience.
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Excellent Movie!
kglaw5 May 2008
I recently saw this film at the Newport Beach Film Festival and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Despite arriving almost 30 minutes early on a Sunday evening, the place was packed and we were lucky to find two seats in the third row. This is a very touching story that made us both laugh and cry. The acting was fantastic, and although this was the first I had ever seen of Matt Dallas, I expect he will be the next big heart throb. I highly recommend this film and only wish we had brought my teenage son to see it. This is a movie that can be appreciated by all age groups, young to old. I hope to have the opportunity to see this movie again soon in the theaters!
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A Powerful Movie with a Powerful Message
rob-108620 June 2008
As the founder of the Parabox Montclair International Film Festival, rarely have I seen a film as powerful and moving as this one. We were honored to have it be the "kick-off" film at our festival this year. From a film-making standpoint, the direction was superb. First timer James R. Gorrie has created a film that reaches out to all age groups, and left me with a sense of hope and understanding. Above all, "The Indian" kept me thinking and reflecting about my own family well after seeing it. The acting was flawless, especially from the lead character Danny, played by Matt Dallas. There are several scenes in the film where he does not say anything, but his emotion leaps off the screen and pulls at the heart. I highly recommend seeing this film!
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A rare film that both teens and adults will want to see in theaters soon
avdb24 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Indian" is an original that has broad appeal despite not following any typical formulas. A difficult attempt at reconciliation between a father and son is depicted with refreshing honesty, as are the longtime tensions between adult siblings and the aching desire of two teenagers falling in love. Veteran Sal Landi is a natural as Skip, a Hollywood honcho who faces a crisis and seeks help from his exiled teenage son. Hot new star Matt Dallas perfectly captures the soul of Danny, the troubled son struggling with conflicting emotions. Shining in their supporting roles are Alison Haislip as Danny's girlfriend and Jane Higginson, whose portrayal of Skip's sister won an acting award at Breckenridge.

The film just played at the Newport Beach Film Festival to a house packed with viewers of a broad spectrum of ages. Adults relate to the stumbling blocks we've all come upon in our family relationships; teens relate to both the feeling of being lost and of discovering new love; and all viewers seem inspired by the characters learning to swallow their pride and reaching out to connect and reconnect to the people they love.

Based on the star appeal of "Kyle XY" Dallas and the film's overall excellence (among prizes earned is a screen writing award for first-time writer/director/co-producer James R. Gorrie), "The Indian" will find a huge audience in theaters. This is a not-to-miss movie by a hip and talented newcomer!
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The Indian is a MUST SEE!!!
abuelafiya7 May 2008
When I read in the Orange County Register that "The Indian" was to be featured at the Newport Beach Film Festival, I cleared my schedule and spread the news! I was fortunate enough to view this outstanding movie at the LA Film Featival and it was so powerful and moving that I wanted to see it again. I wasn't surprised to find a full theater. This movie is a thought provoking, heart warming look into the hearts of broken people. The story is so beautifully told. It was wonderful seeing a movie that wasn't full of fowl language and sexual innuendo. This movie should be seen by the masses. Congratulations to James Gorrie and his group of talented actors. This is a 10+
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'The Indian" Sends The Right Message
lilratster4 May 2008
When I sat down in the theater at the Newport Beach Film Festival to watch "The Indian", I really didn't quite know what to expect. After a few minutes into the movie, though, it became quite evident that this movie was indeed special. It was quite refreshing to experience the unfolding of a story that addresses issues and sends a message that, I believe, many people can relate to in their own lives. The manner in which the film was shot made the characters and their lives quite believable and "Real". I must say that I truly enjoyed the film and I would love to see it again if the opportunity arises.

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Unique, tear-jerker
bedouinwarrior8 May 2008
I had been waiting to the see the movie for a while and ended up watching it at the Newport Beach Film Festival. The movie is unique in many aspects and may provoke you to tears if you have a soft spot. I would have cried had my brother not been sitting next to me. Sal does a good job playing the role of a father wanting redemption, and Matt Dallas is perfect for the emotionally distraught son's role. The movie's storyline revolves around a boy with no hope for his future and life who was abandoned by his movie-star father addicted to heroin. Diagnosed with hepatitis C, his father attempts to redeem himself to get a liver transplant from his son, and simultaneously realizes the importance of truly mending their relationship. Although dramatic, the film was not devoid of spots of clever lines that brought the audience to laughter. The movie's ending is unexpected and seals it nicely. Definitely a wonderful movie!
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The Indian
dandobbs446 May 2008
I attended the Newport Beach film festival recently and viewed the movie the Indian... as well a smooth dialogue

The movie hosted good well a smooth dialogue

A well written script with good character development was combined excellent cinematography

The scoring of the movie was dramatic

When the theater lights came up ..there literally was not a dry eye in the house

Thought provoking and emotionally gripping for any age group

A movie you can view with you children
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One of the finest movies I have ever watched
laurhawk27 November 2009
This is what I wrote to Mr Gorrie Dear Mr. Gorrie.

I just watched this movie and I have to say it is one of the finest movies I have ever watched. The cast was wonderful and the story really touched my spirit. I hope to see more great films from you in the future, With all the drip and dribble on the movie screen these day's I really enjoyed seeing a REAL movie, that is to say one with a plot,a message, and some real emotions. I also enjoyed the extras that were included in the DVD, it was fun watching the actors rehearse their parts and it was interesting to see how it got developed. Thank you for your persistence in getting this film on DVD, I know I will watch it for years to come.

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Simply Wonderful
blueregard-127 December 2009
I have been waiting so long to see The Indian again since the Palm Beach International Film Festival. I am so happy that it finally came out on DVD. It is just as wonderful as I remember it. It's simple, it's honest, it's moving and it works. My favorite performance is by Sal Landi. I can really see how he changes during the story and comes to some peace by the end. I am happy that he was able to give some great words of advice to his son to help him. Matt Dallas is a very good visual performer, with his facial expressions and body language. Sometimes you don't need a lot of words to get the message across. He is believable. You really want them to care about each other; they need each other and have very little time.

I think that Mr. Gorrie did a terrific job with his first movie! I hope that many, many more people finally get to see it! And I know that he worked so hard to find a distributer. Perhaps one day, he will make another one so that we can add it to our collection of beloved movies along with The Indian.
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Excellent film!
LovingJohnAlways10 May 2008
I had the opportunity of seeing this movie at the Cinema City International Film Festival last September. I had read only great reviews about it and was anxious to see the film. I was not disappointed, and I actually enjoyed the film even more than I had anticipated. The cast does an excellent job at portraying their characters and making the audience understand what they are going through. The message of the movie is gold, and it could perhaps leave you in tears. I know people cried in the theater I viewed it in.

I wrote a full review of this film shortly after seeing it and it is posted on the official Myspace page for "The Indian". Apparently I cannot post the link here, but you can visit the Myspace page through the movie's official site.
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2 thumbs way up!
madelineissexy28 May 2008
Viewing this film at the Newport Beach Film Festival, my expectations were very high. When the movie had concluded, I was amazed!I could not help but to cry at the emotional ending, as i turned my head, i say not a dry eye in the theater. The movie was most moving and heart-warming! This beautiful movie soared above and beyond my expectations. It is a wonderful family film about a struggling relationship between a father and son! Matt Dallas did a great job! Bravo to Mr. Gorrie who made this movie the highlight of the film festival! This is one of the best and most memorable movies I have ever seen! I can not wait to see it hit the big Screen!The Indian has a very bright future ahead! <3 MRA
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Very enjoyable movie for the entire family with a great story
karsten-hirsch7 May 2008
The movie had a great feel to it. Enjoyable for the entire family. It's nice to watch a movie that has a great story line and purpose. The director hit the mark. It is definitely worth watching. The story of success from what society deems important is very well displayed on how unimportant it really is. So many people don't realize the importance of time and continually live a life that has emptiness. The story causes people to reevaluate their priorities. Most movies today are about sensationalism for a moment. Though fun to watch at times, after the movie is over there is not inner speculation. This movie makes you want to talk with family and friends about important issues.
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Heart warming movie for all ages and genders
bruceb1-111 May 2008
After reading about this movie in the Orange County Register, I knew I had to go see it ant the Newport Beach Film Festival.

It's a cleverly crafted and soul touching story of a young man and his father. His Father returns to the young man's life after abandonment, but solely for selfish (although desperate) reasons.

The on going changes of all the characters are paced perfectly with some nice unpredictable twists and finale.

Quite an accomplishment for a first time director and producer. Hopefeully this picture will find a distributor so Mr. Gurrie can quit his day job and be able to work full time on some additional gems.
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This film is definitely in my top 10!
jamesrd-129 June 2009
This film is definitely in my top 10! EVERYONE should see this film! With a dark plot that ends with a heart warming story, James Gorrie has held nothing back. The film takes you on a journey while exploring the raw emotions and depth of family bonds. The cast has done an awesome job in portraying the characters. Especially Matt Dallas, who has proved that he is more than the "pretty boy" from Kyle XY. He is truly a gifted actor.

A lot of films now a days tend to fall short when trying to capture the moments that leave audiences with goose bumps, and wanting more. That is where this film succeeds!

I look forward to seeing the next feature from the talented James Gorrie.
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love the trailer
dianalp19737 May 2008
I have only seen the trailer on Youtube and it looks fantastic. All the reviews I have read have been good, and it has won all kinds of awards at film festivals. I know some folks who have seen it at film festivals and loved it. I really want to see the whole thing, and I think everyone should have the opportunity to see it, not just the lucky few who live near a film festival where it is being shown. It would be a shame if such a sweet film with such a great story passed unnoticed just because it is a little different from the standard blood guts and sex fare that is out there. Thank you BlueSky Entertainment and Mr. Gorrie for taking a risk and doing something outside the box, and for using some talented but relatively unknown actors and giving them an opportunity. I hope your hard work pays off. You deserve it. Please please someone pick this up for national distribution!
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The Indian, seen at Newport Beach Film Festival
maracole5012 May 2008
Loved the Movie! A really feel-good movie about family and their shortcomings and finally coming to the understanding of what life is all about. Well done! Should be the next Hallmark Hall of Fame movie! Kudos to the director and the cast, and thank you for making a film that touches the heart. The theater was filled to capacity during the recent Newport Beach Film Festival and it seems to me that all that were there really seemed to enjoy the movie. I sat behind the director's mother and she was fondly remembering her childhood years and how her father took her to kindergarten on the back of The Indian that James Gorrie, the son/grandson now has now pieced together into his version of a wonderful film.
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Wow! A "Terms of Endearment," for guys
claudey9 August 2006
By fateful happenstance, I attended this independent screening in hopes of finding a quick bite and a cocktail, supplied by the overly humble, polite Producers and investors. I was antsy and I couldn't WAIT to be nibbling on delicious hors' D'oeuvres, while sipping a 2002-2003 dry Cabernet with a great set of legs, out of flowery wide-bellied wine glass. My mouth was watering as I walked up to the entrance, and I was almost craving the sensations as I strutted into the Studio's screening theatre at Sony's backstage. At that moment...the film began. Simple...dark...clean, with just the right amount of realistic character a frame of film requires. It was astounding. Powerful. And I realized at that moment, that I had just experienced what it feels like to be moved by all of the colors of life. It left me bawling like a small, lonely child. I was filled with much more, than I had intended on accepting. Should 'The Indian,' receive proper viewing by the Academy...THIS film, will be nominated. Bravo.
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A solid, moving little film
jimcheva28 July 2006
A trimly written, moving father/son piece. As this gets wider distribution, no doubt the big draw will be Matt Dallas ("Kyle XY"). He IS compelling here, and with very little dialogue - it's easy to understand why his show is doing well. But the real pleasure for me was Sal Landi, an old hand whose texture and presence on-screen are felt from the first time we see his character in the back of a limousine. The struggle towards a reconciliation moves believably through comedy and confrontation, and inobtrusively but cleverly involves an "Indian" (that is, a motorcycle). The film draws tears, but slowly and inevitably, not by over manipulation. Jane Higginson is perfect as Danny's deeply caring, but slightly overwhelmed aunt, a nurse. Alison Haislip is both fun and affecting as a girl who's not quite tough, but more than at home in a man's world. (Corbin Timbrook, the co-producer, makes brief appearances as her father.) This is James R. Gorrie's first film (as writer/director/co-producer) and he has ample reason to be satisfied with the result.
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A compelling film for every age range
gohabsgo-17 August 2006
I was able to catch this wonderful film at the producer's screening at Sony. It is an excellent father-son film, driven by the core value that every father needs to connect, and be valued by, his son. A familiar hand, Sal Landi, revisits a lost opportunity which he once had with his own father. The son, played by hunky young actor Matt Dallas is lost, disaffected, but needy - a perfect draw for the young female demographic via his Kyle XY series.

With opportune hype, and effective placement, this film will impress all audiences. It is crisp, moves forward with balance and solid character development, and draws all necessary emotions to be a winner.

Most impressive is the directorial and production debut of writer, filmmaker James Gorrie. The debut screening clearly touched everyone in attendance.

"The Indian" has everything - a man facing his present and past, redemption, loss, pain, courage, love - and something we all need - the trust and respect of our family.

I would recommend this movie to anyone.
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Fantastic family film
beautifulnowhere24 October 2006
The Indian was a wonderful surprise and the packed house at Sony seemed to agree. A thoughtful plot, intelligent dialogue, and beautiful cinematography along with great acting take this film to a level rarely seen in a family friendly movie. This could easily be a classic that would have been relevant 30 years ago and will still apply 30 years from now. Matt Dallas, Alison Haislip, and Jane Higginson are all remarkable but Sal Landi really steals the show. I want to take my kids to see this. I want to take my mom to see this! It is a movie that will touch everyone. The Indian deserves a wide release because it shouldn't be missed.
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Great Movie, Worth The Effort.
GSDDiver27 April 2007
I went down to see The Indian at the Palm Beach Film Festival. Being a huge Matt Dallas Fan I was worried that the movie couldn't live up to my expectations. I interviewed the director and got a look at the behind the scenes things that happened, but I was still uneasy about my expectations. Happily I loved the film. It's a fast paced movie with an excellent cast. I was left wondering why one scene was included as it didn't really add to the story, but all in all it's well worth the effort to see it. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you may even laugh and cry at the same time.

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The Indian takes you on a delightful journey
screenrioter8 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie from the second row of a sold out theater during the Cinema City International Film Festival. I wasn't looking forward to craning my neck for the entire movie. But this wasn't just a movie, it had just won friggin' Best Picture at the fest! It had better be good, I thought out loud. Well, it wasn't long before I forgot where I was and was totally engrossed in the film.

Other than Matt Dallas of Kyle XY fame, the cast was largely unknown to me. The younger crowd won't be disappointed with Dallas, or his beautiful co-star, Alison Haislip. These young thesps had chemistry. However, I was more impressed most with Sal Landi's intimate portrayal of Skip. No spoilers here, but he's the real star of the pic, even if his name isn't written in giant letters on the poster. Angela Lanza's conflicted Mona had me wishing she was on screen more.

Those expecting a highly polished movie should consult Roger Ebert. The Indian is definitely an Indie affair, and I mean that as a compliment. For a movie that was filmed in less than two weeks (per the Q&A session with Gorrie after the screening.) it is simply remarkable. Technically, it won't compete with larger budget films. Emotionally, not only can it compete, it does what few films of any budget can: it delivers. This jaded film-goer found himself wiping his cheeks on more than one occasion.

This is a must see movie for teens and adults alike. Recommendation: buy two DVDs, one for your permanent collection, and another to loan. You may not get that copy back!
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