Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! (Video 2008) Poster

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Below par FX with above average writing.
HanktheHobo21 October 2008
I'll make this short and sweet.

People that gave this 1 star need to watch more movies.

That being said, this is an average low-budget flick. The special effects are below par, relying heavily on very poor CGI, especially towards the end. There are some decent "low-tech" effects scattered throughout.

Also, it is shot in HD and not on film, which only makes it look cheaper.

The acting is a mixed bag with some really good acting and some really bad acting, but mostly the acting is average.

The writing is quite good, which is refreshing for a low-budget zombie movie. It seems like the writers actually bothered to come up with some plot twists of their own, which is uncommon for the ridiculously derivative zombie genre. Even if some of their ideas didn't pan out so well in the film, they still get points for not just puking out the same mind-numbing crap you usually get with these kind of movies.

The characters are well-developed and actually seem like real people.

Overall, worth a rent if you have some time to kill, but I wouldn't buy it.
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Strippers vs Zombies. What, you need more info than that?
RogerBorg27 September 2009
No major surprises here; Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! is a standard Z movie containing the predictable assortment of Z-list cleavages and jawlines that you'll never see again, chewing their way though a script sewn together from pieces torn from the corpses of dead movies.

There's (almost) nothing original about this movie, although it does at least make an attempt to develop some characters before the Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! mercifully appear and start chowing down on the protagonists. Unfortunately, the cast and writing are so anodyne and untalented that it's largely futile and wasted effort. The FX are what we've come to expect from straight to DVD films - token prosthetics and budget-bound CGI.

It's not all bad though. The strippers are attractive enough in a plastic casting couch kind of way, and they get their funbags out and jiggle them around a contractual once each during the movie. While the cast don't seem to be having much fun making it, they're not actively annoying, and there are a few - a very few - genuinely well realised moments. The cinematography and score are also competent, although the lighting is very basic.

If "strippers vs zombies" is your thing, then you'll get what you came for. With a few beers, you might even enjoy it.
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Not unwatchable...but not that good either
LoneWolfAndCub6 November 2008
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! is newcomer Jason Murphy's debut film, and taking that into account, it is not too bad. However, amidst the recent slew of low-budget horror (and especially low-budget zombie horror), this is rather weak for a number of reasons. For one, this is a case of not knowing how to balance two different genres in the one movie. This is no doubt a difficult task to master, but when done right, can make for an immensely entertaining experience. The Evil Dead, Shaun of the Dead and Re-Animator both blended horror and comedy very well into the one movie. This film also tries this, but fails rather miserable. Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! is not at all scary, and only amusing thanks to the surprisingly good acting from a mostly unknown cast.

The story behind the zombie outbreak in this film is quickly explained and rather funny. Simply, a scientist is in the process of experimenting with regenerating cells, when a dopey pothead comes around to get some quality drug. For some reason, this guy mixes the scientist's concoctions and creates some new drug which turns people into zombies. Eventually, a group of strippers, prostitutes, their friends and a pimp are all holed up in a strip club fending off against a horde of the undead.

No, the plot is not award winning, but it suits this no-budget movie. The script is rather funny, but lacks a fast pace or any good shock moments. There is not a lot of gore on offer surprisingly for a zombie flick, although there are some neat gags. The use of CGI is rather dodgy, as none of it looks convincing. Also, oddly enough, for a movie set in a strip club and whose main characters are strippers, there is very little nudity.

Anyway, this is a decent enough effort that is marred by a few glaring issues. 2/5
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Don't be fooled
terrencepatrix14 October 2008
Just another low budget, boring, movie. You know, I'm not against low budget or indie films, far from it. But when people put together trash like this with horrible effects, bad acting, and painful dialog...no amount of boobies can cover for it.

It's actually a little insulting to throw together crap like this and expect people to enjoy it because you included strippers. As if you think the public doesn't have enough common sense to know a bad movie because you put attractive women on the screen. Zombie Strippers didn't have a huge budget but that movie was funny at least, and it had way more nudity. All the people giving this a high rating are included in the production or are friends. I would tell you the plot but there's none to be had...after the first few minutes I couldn't stand it anymore and scanned through the rest of the movie looking to see if there was something exciting or interesting to look forward to. There wasn't.

As a class project in college...this would have been acceptable. But to put this out for sale of any kind is a rip-off. The people involved should be ashamed of themselves.
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Worth a chuckle for $5.
janmanden29 January 2010
I picked this up for about $5 and it was almost worth it. Pay more and I think you'll be pretty disappointed.

I was expecting cheesy and hoping for a laugh or two in the company of some hot babes, kinda like Lesbian Vampire Killers just with Zombies, but it was more like Land of the Dead with Jam for blood. I wouldn't really call it funny, but I chuckled a bit and had a few laughs at the movie.

It's about on par with a very good school play, but in the hands of professionals I think it could have been a pretty good show.. It's clearly budget, but the writing is okay. They could even keep the actors if they got some pros behind the cameras, sound, efx and cgi, because that part really sucked..

The jingle almost ruined it at the beginning, but there is practically no music, not even for atmosphere or building up tension, in it. I guess, that's a actually a good thing in light of the really poor technical side of it; it could have been much worse.
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Funny and decent low budget flick
Sabalon15 April 2012
I love zombie movies and they are always hit or miss. This one started out as a miss, but quickly turned into a decent movie. Good production unlike most, and understandable sound. Too many of these low budget releases try to use the camera mic for the dialog and fail. It is full of funny lines, reoccurring jokes, and references to other films. Some of the acting is stronger than others - but for the most part is a little wooden in the delivery. The main characters do a decent job delivering. The visuals range from weak to funny to decent. Overall if you don't expect something that changes your life, it's worth watching. And if nothing else, pretty girls to watch (however some of the worst fx are the plastic surgeries on some).
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Humor, Sexy Women and Plentiful Special Effects
Uriah4319 April 2013
For a low-budget "zom-com" (zombie-comedy) this film wasn't too bad. Essentially, a chemist is experimenting with a cure for cancer and an acquaintance of his, who happens to be a drug dealer, picks it up thinking it is a form of meth. One thing leads to another and soon he and some prostitutes are flesh eating zombies who are trying to get into a strip club to satisfy their hunger. Naturally, the strippers and a few others try to fight them off the best that they can. Anyway, having given a brief outline of the plot allow me to say that there were a few humorous parts here and there. There was also quite a bit of gore along with more of a straight storyline than I expected. There were also some attractive women, most notably Lyanna Tumaneng (as "Dallas"), Jessica Barton ("Dakota") and Juliet Reeves ("Pandora"). So in essence what this film offers is a little humor, sexy women and plentiful special effects. Unfortunately, the acting simply wasn't good enough to differentiate this film from a host of other low-budget zombie comedies that are currently flooding the market. And because of that I have rated it as slightly below average.
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"If it doesn't get me laid or high I'm not interested." Whether you like it or not will depend on your expectations.
poolandrews14 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! starts as general sleaze ball Lucas turns up at his mate Dr. Stewart's (Michael Clinkenbeard) research laboratory to blag some drugs off him, Dr. Stewart agrees to give Lucas some top quality stuff but it gets mixed up with Dr. Stewart's latest experiment which is a drug for curing cancer. Unfortunately the drug has the unwanted side-effect of turning anyone who takes it into flesh eating zombies. Lucas owes money to pimp Johnny 'Backhand' Vegas (Anthony Headen) who takes the drugs as payment & a couple of his hooker girls steal some & quickly turn into flesh eating zombies & attack some of the girls from the local strip bar who lock themselves inside the bar but are trapped. Can they find a away to escape or will the ever increasing number of zombies outside find a way in & eat them?

Also known as Strippers vs. Zombies (the version I saw had this title on the opening credits) this cheap low budget zombie film was directed by Jason Murphy & while it tries to be gory & funny & sexy I didn't think it worked that well & anyone with any level of expectation is going to be disappointed with it. The script is poor really with a lacklustre reason behind the zombie outbreak, all of it's female character's are either prostitutes or strippers, the dialogue is occasionally amusing but the swearing & lame one-liners get tedious & even at only 80 odd minutes in length it's pretty slow going at times. One part of the script I couldn't get my head around was when two of the character's decided to make a run for it to Dr. Stewart's laboratory to try & find a cure & I was sat there thinking why doesn't everyone stuck in the strip club just jump in the car with them & get as far away from the zombies as possible rather then trapping themselves inside the club & why do those two character's even bother going back? The film plays like The Night of the Living Dead (1968) only the human survivors are trapped inside a strip club rather than a farmhouse & there's lots of childish humour that is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

The special make-up effects are poor, the CGI effects are terrible with some awful exploding zombies that look really bad & there's not that much gore either. There's a ripped-off arm, some bite wounds, some blood splatter, some gunshot wounds, a little intestine eating & that's it. There's certainly nothing that memorable here & considering the amount of opportunity available there's actually very little nudity either. Sure there are some good looking birds here but is that really enough? I don't think so. The film has that cheap low budget shot on a camcorder look to it & the entire film seems to take place in & around a car park. There are no scares or tension & because of the low budget no sort of atmosphere.

The IMDb reckons Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! had a budget of about $30,000 which is low & it does show at times with poor effects, a single location & cheap production values. Apparently shot in Orlando in Florida. The acting is awful & the prolific Tiffany Shepis (she has twenty one acting credits for the year 2009 alone) is the only cast member of note.

Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! is a poor low budget zombie film that tries to mix horror, gore, nudity, comedy & girls with large breast's which is fine I suppose but as a film it's just not very good & none of those elements are done justice.
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Bad-but not the worst
jaylun12 August 2011
This movie is bad-painfully so. Writing, acting, the whole nine yards is bad. Which is EXACTLY why I watched this movie! The sparse nudity is not enough to carry you through this stinky piece of cheese. I have to admit that characters are developed enough so you actually get concerned with a few of their fates, but this is a multi-tasker-you can do something else while watching it and not miss anything. I would recommend watching this with friends. Get some popcorn and a group and let the comments fly. Almost everything in this movie has been done before, so there really are no surprises. That is the problem for new zombie movie directors and writers, they need to come up with a hook to spin the 'accepted' lore to create new interest.
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SACRIFICIAL HERO version of zombie genre (but with suspect big dollop of misogyny!)
Bofsensai9 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seen as 'Strippers Vs Zombies' - which its plot line it really more is - but then also known as here 'Zombies, Zombies, Zombies' - but which, it really isn't, since, with very few zombies to justify its thrice repetition titling. And certainly for its budget, this could have been a typical cheap, soon forgettable time waster - but in developing, it does then offer up a few watchable for aspects to reward your time, not least in worth adding to your viewing completion of the genre, especially as to how 'all' those 'Zombies, Zombies, Zombies' (yes, thrice over) are finally dispatched with! So, rest (dead!) assured, not because it is good: 'coz, it certainly isn't! But because for a debut effort (of director J. Murphy) gets an 'A' ( or is that 'Z' ) for effort as those relatively few zombies here are initially well presented - although in a 'clip' - but eventually, the budget constraints, ah, 'creep' in, in not only how their death defeat scenes are rendered, but also that towards the end, the few zombies (zombies, zombies) in the rear are minimally (if at all) made up, but just lurching about.

And so then, of the, er, 'titular strippers' (at least of its alternative titling), too: each babe* here flash their no doubt scripted / contracted requisite mammaries - statuesque Stephanie Miller especially here notable in this respect with her "Doesn't get more real than these" fulsome (pierced, too!) pair proved so when they are thrust to the viewer just afore that rather unique way of dispatch, which the scriptwriters here have introduced playing on individual human sacrifice for the good of the greater - if sleazy - community good: Although by which thus means to include in those who survive, a thoroughly reprehensible (coincidentally, black!) character named 'Back hand' because of his constant threats so to do - backhand slap, that is - his 'ladies' (=, um: ho's!): but others, too, as on which there's some fun to be had here, too, as he and that eventually sacrificial hero, now white guy jostle for alpha (supremacy!) position, but which means it is, for a change, unusually - (plot spoiler coming warning alert) - then said black character that survives! (thereby, neat contrast on Romero's original Night Of the Living Dead **) Indeed, on which, then do stay for - or, rather, tolerate to! - a mid-closing credits add on sequence that is quite revoltingly misogynistic that those edifying scriptwriters have also added in.

For, if the previous had not been played for at least bemusement this would be nastily insulting - if only to Kystal Davis (playing expectant babe,* Lu-Ann) for having to play it, having already been impregnated by him (*'My babe's having a babe'!!), her pimp, to which he then assesses his feelings to the effect that now he knows (she's pregnant), he'd better "work her overtime" before she gets to show too much to affect her earnings potential for him. Mere low budget laughs - or out and out misogyny? As an earlier monologue delivered by 'Dakota' riffs on, well, why not sell ya ('God given' booty shake) body delights 'if guys are dumb enough to wanna pay for' that and provide her with a better living than would her studies in a 40 hour week work: which is surely (patriarchal) fair enough reasoning, there, by those scriptwriters, huh? To the end point where you could wonder if the two mid end credits John guys (as uncredited) who one enthusiastically, the other nonchalantly, acquiesce to then, ah, utilise, the now zombiefied Lou-Ann, could well be the writers themselves cameoing (so let's credit 'em at last: i.e. a one Anthony Giordano plus a Z. Kennedy for the story) = whatever, a thoroughly appalling implication! Since, presumably many of the extras were friends (contributors, whatever) to the production, you can also have more fun with enjoying the excruciatingly poorly timed delivered lines e.g. like as soon as Pandora banters with 'first bar patron / Hercules' (Brad Tremoroli as with multiple crew help credits, too), especially!

And so to that genre adding denouement: the aforesaid dispatch method is worth catching to add to your knowledge of the genre (like all the ways vampires can be done away with) as in so doing, the zombies' (ah, all zombies, zombies) demise begin to betray the no doubt budget limitations with some, in effect, great, poor CGI: prior to that, other zombies (all of those 'Zombies, Zombies') are dispatched with in amusing stunt prop destruction cameos, including the great one 'featured' (coz it's on the box cover pix) stiletto in the head zombie!

Thus despite its somewhat reprehensible misogynistic (possibly even borderline racist?!) undertones, nevertheless, overall, still enjoyably for its sheer ineptness!

** who gets his homage nod in having the clip ice skating rink named after him. And just in passing: so who would allow a toddler to watch a zombie film - and a 3D 'come out of the screen at ya', type, too - on her own, then only part through it, put her down to sleep?! Possible parenting skills presented there, too, no doubt, courtesy those clever story makers G&K, again!
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I liked it...
The Major12 November 2008
Okay, okay... For those zombie movie purists appalled by this film, what did you expect with a tag line of "strippers vs. zombies"? Do you read the box BEFORE you rent movies? I'll bet you also pour out a glass of clotted milk after having noticed that it was expired, drink it, and then complain that it was bad.

As far a plots go, this movie had a hell of a lot better plot than a lot of classic cult films. The characters were as well developed as you could expect and the actors performed admirably. Poor special effects are to be expected with a plot line like this and I would have been disappointed if the FX were outstanding.

This is movie is great for those who appreciate cheesy movies. My final unsolicited advice to those who delight in expressing their distaste would be to RTFB before you rent. In so doing, you will protect your finely honed sensibilities and we won't have to read your whining, mewling reviews.
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Extremely fun low-budget shlock horror
Shattered_Wake22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After a mishap with a new drug, the experiment's subjects (aka 'victims') turn into ravenous flesh-eating zombies. Locked up in a strip club, a group of exotic dancers must fight for their lives against the horde of undead or fall victim to the infectious bite of the rotting ghouls.

Rookie director Jason Murphy brings another installment in the 'Undead Exotic Dancer' subsubgenre (being released just before Zombie Strippers! (2008)) with his film Zombies! Zombies! Zombies!. While I wasn't such a fan of the mildly entertaining Zombie Strippers!, I thought I would give this one a look to help viewers choose which Naked Flesheaters (title for the next one?) were more worth the watch. When it comes down to it, this film doesn't have to work very hard to please me. Horror-comedies make up a good amount of my favourite films (from Freaked to Shaun of the Dead, I'll take 'em all). Toss in zombies (the best subgenre in horror) and naked, blood-soaked women and you've got it made. Zombie Strippers! failed, for me, because it tried too hard without the ability to attain what it wanted to be. Had it simply take itself less seriously, it would've been more enjoyable. Luckily, Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! knew how to take itself for what it was: A fun, light-hearted zombie romp through a gentleman's club. The opening scene alone, while not technically part of the film itself, is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a horror film. It ranks up there with Nic Cage in a bear costume (though this one was intentionally hilarious). As a $200,000 budget would suggest, there are some pretty obvious problems. Most notably, the audio/video quality is very cheap. The sound ranges from ear-piercing to muffled and can get annoying. Also, the cheap shot-on-video look is something that has been putting off a lot of horror fans from modern low-budget cinema. It's something that needs to be looked past, however, in order to enjoy a film like this. It is helped, however, that the poor video quality is showing someone like Lyanna Tumaneng (who plays Dallas Skye). Beyond the a/v problems, the rest of the problems of low-budget film-making show, but the filmmakers knew how to utilize them in a way that makes them funny enough to laugh WITH instead of laugh AT. That's really what makes the film worth it. . . it knows it's bad, and it takes advantage of that. If cheesy schlock isn't for you, then neither is this film.

Final verdict: 5.5/10 – Averaged from an 8/10 for entertainment and a 3/10 as a film.

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Ehhh. It was OK, I guess
Hazular9 July 2009
ZZZ isn't the worst low budget movie ever made, by a long shot. But that doesn't mean it's good. There's plot holes galore, awful special effects, and a wooden plot line. And who knew blood could be bright pink?

The actors, for the most part, actually seem quite competent, and do their best to make this movie entertaining- making the best of a bad situation, as it were. However, the characters have no depth, and as a viewer I didn't really care whether they lived or died. Or got eaten.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend actively looking to watch this movie, but if it happens to be on, by all means watch it for a few laughs.
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This Film Vs Zombie Strippers
ZomComGod24 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry people - it didn't do it for me. I kept comparing it to Zombie Strippers. The plot was weak, it tried hard, but it was weak; although the idea that injecting yourself with the 'antidote' and feeding yourself to the zombies is quite clever, I will give the writer that. The very beginning of the film was clever, it made me look forward to the rest of the film - I was disappointed though. The sets were clearly fake too.

The sound quality was poor and inconsistent. And the gore/blood was clearly pink paint and fake (I know, it's a zombie film and it's never going to be 100% real.) It just didn't work for me.

Just like ZS, this film was centered around a strip club; however unlike ZS, the 'strippers' in ZZZ spent more time talking about their mums and boyfriends, arguing and getting slapped by their over-the-top pimp than they did actually stripping - for the record, I'm not that shallow, it is just expected from a stripper-based Zomcom.

For a low budget film (especially one with a budget as low as this) it did the job, I watched it from start to finish and did enjoy it, but it wasn't how I expected; especially after watching ZS prior.

Poor acting, poor effects, poor plot and poor film I'm afraid. Sorry.
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Another woeful indie comedy
Leofwine_draca6 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! is yet another low budget horror comedy mixing strippers with zombies; I have no idea why the two subjects are so often put together, but there you go. The emphasis of this one is definitely on the strippers, with endless scenes at the strip joint with unpleasant pimps and the like; zombie action is thin on the ground and the attempted - and woeful - comedy is endless. Expect mad scientists, bad acting, and very little to remember.
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Zombies? Zombies!? ZOMBIES!???
sean-5784217 January 2020
This had absolutely everything you could want from a low budget slasher flick, but still managed to be completely awful. That aside, the laugh factor was surprisingly high and the gore FX attempts were admirable. I'm not sure if the actors here are just "friends" of the director, even most stars act better than the girls playing the strippers in this movie. I'm gonna say avoid this one.
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Lives up to the title
Harlekwin_UK11 January 2020
Yep, there are a lot of zombies for a "Z" movie of this nature.

There is a nice start to the movie, which I liked and I was impressed with the fact the movie does not take itself seriously. At all. Also an interesting mid-credit scene at the end.

The effects are okay (without being spectacular), as is the humour.

The acting is variable, going from "just about okay" to "eh?" This does remove most of the spook effect from the "jump" scenes. But overall the acting didn't destroy the movie.

Recommended for aficionados of "infection" movies.
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I forgot to laugh
trashgang24 February 2011
Stated as a zombedy (zombie and comedy). But I didn't laugh, really maybe on wrinkle on the left corner of my mouth. I won't spoil to many on this turkey. Okay, there is a lot of juggs on view, even pierced ones, and from A-cups to the over-sized US fake ones, but then again, it was gratuitous. It had nothing to do with the storyline. Yeah yeah, it is an attack in a strip club called Grindhouse so you know that nudity will play a big role but what really went wrong is the acting, it is really terrible. And again, I know that they should play dumb, especially the blond ones but it is over the top. Secondly being a low budget you have to deal with the gore and the effects. Sadly most of them is CGI and the kind you can buy at 1£ shops. Even when they are fighting you can see that they don't hit their victims. And overall it's a bit too much blah blah. I am digging zombie flicks as my favorite flicks but this here, man. Go look at "Doghouse" or "Lesbian Vampire Killers", there you have a laugh but maybe I'm more into UK humor than US humor. Go figure it out for yourselves...
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Greatest Zombie Movie EVER!!
JamesJessup29 August 2008
Apocalypse When? Dawn of the What? Who Cares?! Z!Z!Z! is the apotheosis of the Zombie genre. This is what Zombie movies were meant to be. Brave, beautiful women, terrorized past their abilities to keep their clothing on! Big Guns! Pimps! Strange glowing substances! Snubbes at the Cannes Film festival (be careful what you say in elevators; you never know who's little sister is right behind you), the film garnered huge awards at the Florida Freakshow Film Festival. It's got everything you ever wanted, but were afraid to ask for because someone you know might see you in line buying it. Look for cameos by people who will one day be famous. Enjoy this film!
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Low Budget...some bad reviews...but I liked it!
darkfeast-121 October 2008
I had read a few negative reviews about this movie, so maybe I wasn't expecting much...but I liked it. From reading the Horror sites, I already knew that this was made by some first-time filmmakers, horror fans, who had funded the entire movie on their personal credit cards...so i was interested to see how bad it was going to be.

To my surprise, I actually thought they did a pretty good job considering the ultra-low budget. It is slow to get started, it's shot on HD not film, some of the acting is a little stiff, and a lot of the fx are kinda cheesy...but I have seen some really craptastic low-budget movies in my day, and this one actually comes out as much more professional than most.

The budget is apparent with things like fx and production quality, but the filmmakers seemed to really put a lot of thought and work into the story and characters. The girls are smoking hot playboy models, and the comedy is...well, actually pretty funny, which is rare in most self proclaimed horror-comedy movies.

Anyway, to sum it up...if you are expecting a Hollywood grade movie...you will be sadly disappointed, and probably hate the movie. But, if you are a fan of low-budget horror, get the jokes, and support horror fans that have the guts to risk their own money to make a movie...then this may be a treat for you. And if you are a wanna-be filmmaker, you will definitely enjoy the making of stuff in the special features...maybe even more than the movie itself.
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With a title like this, it was as fun as it should be.
Phil-12123 July 2010
If you're looking for the next Citizen Kane then you're looking in the wrong place. News Flash: It's a zombie horror film complete with all the expected things that make a zombie movie. The good thing about this film is that it's laced with some genuinely funny moments that make fun of the zombie clichés.

The special effects are better than average for a low budget film. Anthony Headen as Johnny Vegas plays a pimp to the extreme and sets the tone for many of the scenes. Sure, the character is a bit over-the-top but this is as much a comedy as it is a horror film.

Sit back and enjoy. It's a lot of fun! And stay through the credits. The best scene is the last scene!
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When strippers go BAD
smellthecult-com-16 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
With alternative titles Zombies! Zombies! Zombies! Or Strippers vs. Zombies, depending on which continent you live, the emphasis here is hardly on subtlety.

The plot: A scientific experiment to develop a panacea for cancer goes awry when narcotics are inadvertently mixed with the potent cocktail, resulting in a potion that, instead of curing The Big C, turns those given the stuff into flesh hungry zombies. As the menace spreads, all hope seems lost, the crunching dead seemingly unstoppable. Unstoppable, that is, until they encounter a rather feisty group of strippers who are hellbent on protecting their strip club from the rotting menace.

Ridiculous, yes, but deliberately so and actually pulled off with some style. The acting is pretty awful and the special effects laughable, but this has a lot of charm, principally because it is clear that all involved are having a hoot. Let's be honest here, you write and direct a movie called Strippers vs. Zombies, you ain't trying to make the next Shawshank. The intention all along is to make a straight to video exploitation piece and, truthfully, that's just about what they managed.

A horror comedy that actually makes you laugh on occasion - a rarity indeed - with a nice line in subversive humour, this is nothing if not enjoyable. True horror devotees only need apply, but if you know what to expect and get off on that sort of thing, you'll enjoy this a lot.
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Strippers vs. Zombies
kosmasp19 June 2019
So the movie had a different title (one that had a drug and a different word for prostitutes in it), but the filmmakers got told that it would not be commercial. So the filler title we now have as the actual title originated. And while this is not a classic by a long shot, it does exactly what it sets out to do: entertain to a certain level.

There is nudity and there is a lot of blood. Again this is low budget, so even the effects are very on the nose. If you don't mind that and can have a laugh while not being overly offended by everything, this can be an entertaining ride you can take - the filmmakers themselves make fun of the whole thing, if you listen to the audio commentary. They had a blast, why shouldn't you?
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Entertaining B-Movie
sleeping_gorilla12 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Now THIS is how you make a movie without a budget! What stands out here is the writing. Every character is in danger and most of them have enough dimension that you care when they die. Time is taken to explain patient zero and the primary victims are people that he / she comes in contact with. A lot of the humor tackles genre tropes. While not the funniest movie I've ever seen, it made me laugh a few times and certainly wasn't painful.

Instead of trying to make this a city wide epidemic the movie is filmed in just a few locations, mostly inside and around the strip club. Instead of bad CGI rely on practical effects until the climax (thank you!) The acting ranges from average to good. Most of the dialog is given to the better cast members. The weaker acting comes from the minor characters, who are mostly the eye candy anyway.

This isn't meant to be a masterpiece, but it's proof that low budget movies don't have to be awful.
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Not bad at all but I didn't see any comedy....
viofitz29 July 2009
I just watch this yesterday after bought the DVD 2 days ago. I was so excited to see this movie since I'm a horror maniac & curious to see how those chicks deals with the zombies. OK, judging from the script, the story is fine but the glitch is I didn't see any comedy stuff in this film. Almost everything were familiar like other zombie movies, it resembles to Night of the living dead in the scene of Dallas & Chris getting away from zombies to find some help, & Dawn of the dead in the scene of hiding themself into the night club(mall in DOTD). What I really like is the scene of the stripper's dancing & the strippers fighting with the zombies. That is freak'n awesome especially Jessica Barton, she's too damn hot in this film. But too bad her role is too minor when fighting with the zombies imo... As for the CGI & the effects I'll be honest that they were poorly made especially the blood which looks exactly like strawberry jam, some stabbed zombie, & some zombie explosion. Well, I guess that's all I can say 'bout this movie but my personal thought is I'd really expecting some sequel that shown more of Jessica Barton's acting, because I really like her. & as long as she's there, who cares if the movie would be low budget or terribly made.
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