Spirit Halloween (2022) Poster

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It's a good Halloween movie just a little cheesy.
mishahaynie13 September 2023
This was much better than I was expecting or anticipating. This has all the great compliments of a great fun-filled Halloween flick for kids but has the adventure of like The Goonies. Yeah some parts are a little cheesy but it's a good kind of cheesy. Some of the animatronics coming to life can be a bit on the lower end but the story, premise, and characters aren't half bad. Like I said earlier I was expecting something not nearly as good or fleshed out. It's definitely made for kids but it can be fun for the whole family to watch on Halloween night and not get too scared but just to enjoy the vibes. It's like hocus pocus, meets the goonies, meets Scooby-Doo all wrapped into a really nice Halloween spooky adventure!
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paul_haakonsen31 October 2022
I sat down with my 12 year old son to watch this 2022 family Halloween-themed movie titled "Spirit Halloween". I hadn't heard about the movie prior to sitting down on All Hallows' Eve to watch it, so I wasn't really sure what I was in for.

Writer Billie Bates churned out a fair enough script and plot for the movie, though "Spirit Halloween" wasn't really the most enjoyable or interesting of family Halloween-based movies out there. Sure, it was watchable, but this is hardly going to become a Halloween classic. The story was just simply too mundane.

The acting performances in the movie were fair enough. I was only familiar with Christopher Lloyd and Marla Gibbs on the entire cast list here.

The special effects in the movie were actually fair enough for a movie such as this. Not scary though, as it is a family-friendly movie.

Watchable for what it was, but you're not in for a particularly outstanding, memorable or ghoulish Halloween-based family movie here.

My rating of "Spirit Halloween" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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It was a good background movie
brookie179212 October 2022
I think grown adults forget it is a show for KIDS, probably around 9 and up. That being said it was a good background movie. I had it playing while I was getting some things done. It wasn't something to write home about but good nonetheless. I even paid full attention a few times and liked making connections. Though I wished we saw more of what was being connected. I wouldn't mind seeing the history of that. The acting was so/so but I expect nothing less from a movie like this. This isn't the 90s and early 2000s anymore. Haha.

In the end I am glad I watched it at least once. I love the store and I love the fact that it pops up from no where and then pops up from no where and gets a movie!
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Vapid Cash Grab
RebelPanda12 October 2022
Every classic horror movie is contrived, tropey, filled with recognizable genre cliches. I love those cliches-dumb characters, haunted houses, body snatchers, poltergeists, jump scares, creepy clowns, all of it. These are bricks to build a house, and they need concrete told hold them together.

Spirit Halloween The Movie is just the building blocks and a blueprint of a horror movie. It's not real. I can't think of a more soulless horror film. It's the bare minimum needed for a plot, character arcs, and themes, along with the typical horror tropes, yet nothing is remotely original. An hour long commercial.
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Halloween store
MB-reviewer18512 October 2022
I do not know how the Spirit Halloween store got a movie, but now we have Spirit Halloween: The Movie (2022). The main plot to the movie sounds interesting but it is not executed in a clever way.

The main characters are standard, and the acting is not that great. Christopher Lloyd is not in the movie that much and I do not know why he is in this movie; it feels weirdly random.

The animatronics that come alive sometimes look creepy, but you can tell they are people in suits. The animatronics are barely in the movie and when the animatronics are chasing after them once in the movie, they are not used again which is a waste it is supposed to focus on this part of the story.

There are some damaging effects and there are scenes that were funny and not scary. I would have wanted more out of this plot and more of an explanation on what is happening.

I do not think I would recommend watching this. If you do the movie is short and I would hope you could find anything that would be entertaining or worth watching. I guess you can watch it for the plot, but you will not get much out of it.

Spirit Halloween: The Movie (2022) had an interesting idea that could be entertaining, but it was standard and wasted potential. The acting, less use of the possessed animatronics, and the execution of the plot is what brought this movie down for me.
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My opinion
bradylhjohnson18 September 2023
Honestly I thought it was a good movie for what it is. This movie is meant for kids and is a gateway into the horror universe. But as someone who is older I thought the movie was good it had a group of young teenagers going through life as teens. At some points I think a little cheesy but what do expect from this kinda movie. So if you have a kid and you are thinking of introducing the to horror n movies this is a good start I would say maybe 8 and up. The only complaint I'll say is I wish we had a little bit more time in the store and it look like how the store looks like in real life with stuff like Ghostface and what and ofc it would be better with more gore.
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I need to find one with hands
nogodnomasters27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On Halloween Alec Windsor (Christopher Lloyd) serves papers on the Sacred Hearts Home for Wayward Children. The matron (Michelle Civile) casts a spell and Alec Windsor has a heart attack on the spot. The orphanage is still plowed over. Years later in that same town we follow three boys on Halloween. One kid having a chest hair doesn't want to go out trick 'n' treating. They decide to hide in the new and cool Spirit Halloween store. They have fun playing in the store under the spirit of Christopher Lloyd comes back to life and takes over various creepy toys who go after the kids because he can. Kate (Marissa Reyes) the sister of one of the boys and a crush of one of the others, joins the group as they battle Halloween decorations.

This was clearly a preteen film, fun for the whole family. Okay for what it was. No gore.
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So disappointed
jackrlove3117 October 2022
These are the consequences of IT and Stranger Things being so commercially successful. Every film studio now wants to make a "a group of goofy kids on the brink of going to high school get caught up in something spooky" film, and they always forget to add anything else remotely interesting to the movie. IT and Stranger Things work because each kid is unique in some way. They can't ALL be the annoying one. Even if I was able to look past the annoying main characters, there's not much to like about this movie. The animatronics are vastly underutilized and serve more as a commercial for the real product than an actual plot element. I'm sure if you're a kid trying to get into horror then this is slightly entertaining, similar to Goosebumps, but it feels so soulless and empty. This would've been so much better had they gone for an R rating and an older set of main characters in a legitimately high-stakes story.
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Some goofy fun for Halloween
trinaboice26 October 2022

If the name "Spirit Halloween" sounds familiar to you, it's because it's a real store in the United States and Canada. It's open every year from August to October to get customers in the Halloween mood and sell them all the costumes and decorations they'll need for the creepy holiday season. The store must look odd to viewers in other countries that don't celebrate Halloween!

The story definitely has a "Stranger Things" vibe. When a new Spirit Halloween store appears in a deserted strip mall, three middle school friends who think they've outgrown trick or treating make a dare to spend the night locked inside the store Halloween night. But they soon find out that the store is haunted by an angry evil spirit who has possessed the creepy animatronic characters. The kids embark on a thrilling and spooky adventure in order to survive the night and avoid becoming possessed themselves.

The movie was directed by David Poag and written by Billie Bates. Hey, Billie! My maiden name was Bates! I wonder if we're related!

THINGS I LIKED: It's always fun to see Christopher Lloyd in anything. He gives a fun over-the-top performance as the villain in this flick. He's looking pretty old in the movie, yet he still has incredible energy and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, we don't get to SEE him but for a few minutes in the beginning, but we do get to hear his voice as a spirit during much of the movie.

Rachael Leigh Cook is so cute. It's hard to believe she's getting roles as a mom.

The trio of adventurous boys is played by Donovan Colan, Jaiden Smith, and Dylan Martin Frankel.

Fun fact: Do you remember Toys-R-Us stores? Me too. My 4 sons and I spent a lot of time in money in those while they were growing up. It's sad they all closed. They still sell toys online though. The big building in the movie where the Spirit Halloween store is set up was a previous Toys-R-Us store in Rome, Georgia.

The scary movie has plenty of jumps and scares, creepy moments, and adventurous moments that kids will get a kick out of.

One of the characters' names is Bo. I have a son named Bo!

Question: So, how old do you think is too old to go Trick-or-Treating?

Fun soundtrack.

There are several side stories that parents will appreciate because they teach valuable lessons.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: Ultimately, the movie feels like an Infomercial for the store. Did you know the Spirit Halloween store also has a YouTube channel?

Some of the visual effects and acting aren't that great.

None of the acting is Oscar-worthy; however, it fits this type of movie and budget.

It would have been fun to have a little bonus scene after the final rolling credits.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: Like all movies geared toward teens, there is farting.

Some "mild" profanity Destruction Kids trespass in a store There are some scary images and moments that could easily frighten young children. Ages 10 and up is probably best recommended.

THEMES: Second marriages and blended families Death of a loved one Tradition Halloween Trespassing Spirits of the dead Friendship Curses Growing up Accepting change Possession

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Spirt Halloween The Store: The Movie
NickGagnon94224 October 2022
Well its a film based on the ultra cool Halloween store. Its alright but visiting the actual store is much more fun. Its about 4 kids who get themselves locked in the store after hours on Halloween. Not sure why they dont just break a window to get out when trouble starts. The spirit of a evil Christopher Lloyd possess the store items and tries to get the kids. Basically it looks like a big ad for the store but the store (although looks cool) lacks because the big name horror properties are nowhere to be found. However Night of the Living Dead plays on TV but that film is public domain. Rachael Leigh Cook plays the mom. She is still all that!
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Great Halloween movie for kids!
ashcopeland15 October 2022
This movie was perfect for my kids who wanted a "scary" Halloween movie but I couldn't show them anything too scary. Also, they LOVE the spirit Halloween store and the youtube spirit Halloween videos so we were all very excited when we heard a spirit Halloween movie was coming out. I'd your kids love to store, this movie will thrill them to no end :) I'm always looking for something that will be a good fit for my kids to watch because not a ton out there is appropriate for them but will also entertain them. Good family movie for everyone to watch to get into the Halloween spirit with. ! :-) enjoy.
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It's a movie
Preston_K12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with a witch cursing Alex Windsor. Fast forward some time (The film doesn't explicitly say how many years) Bo, Carson, and Jake go to a spirit halloween store for the night. Carson sister Kate follows to give Carlson his phone The Main character Jake is still sad about his father's death (his dad died of blood cancer) which helps with the lesson the movie is telling. Jake has a step father which he hasn't really connected with. At the end of the movie. They have to sacrifice something that's special to them, so Kate offers her grandmothers necklace, but Windsor takes it. Then Jake is forced to sacrifice the (I'm assuming) only photo of his real dad, but Windsor posses Kate and then eat's it in front of him. Then he sacrifices the only thing he had to remember his dad a book. Thus shows the messages of the story which is I think you have to move on in life. Showing he moved on from his father's death. Time jump a year later he finally accepted his step dad as his dad and took his sister out trick or treating. It was not bad but it was not good either, also the film did not have any pg-13 scenes despite being rated pg-13 maybe it was the jump scare but this movie could've been pg.
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Kiddies Stuff
saint_brett12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like Bananarama, I heard a rumor that Doc Emmett Brown is only in this for no more than 4 minutes yet he is billed as the star of the movie.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that this movie starts out looking like 'Driving Miss Daisy,' 'The Color Purple,' or 'Mississippi Burning.' Anyone remember Doogie Howser washing Oda Mae Brown's feet in 'The Colour Purple?' Doc Emmett Brown's looking more like that "you rang" servant today, or Peter Boyle.

Three 'Cobra Kai' rejects, who didn't make the cut, ride around the lovely suburb of Derry like ET gang member wannabes. Lovely PG-13 town in the upper parts of Derry. So lush with Fall highlighting its innocence.

Wait a second, is this movie one big promotional tool for Spirit Halloween stores across the US? Let's not forget that 'Mac and Me' pulled this same stunt for McDonald's promotions.

And since Hollywood makes films for the Chinese market today first and foremost, might I point out that 99.9% of all the stuff sold in Spirit Halloween is made in China.

A cheap ploy at the 13:56-minute mark sees the movie steal a 'Halloween 2' moment. Borrowing from other movies, are we?

Is that Laney Bogg's? Looking a little like Queen Amidala today, lady.

This leafy town reminds me of an artists impression of what, and how, a law abiding neighborhood should look like, but I'm hearing Ice T saying, "Unfortunately, I'm from South Central Los Angeles and stuff ain't like that." If life was only so picket fence like this fairytale suburb in the lush parts of Pleasantville.

This kid looks like Will Weaton. He hangs around two other dudes. One has repeated the 6th grade two times. The other is a karate kid wannabe.

Seems this movie has been influenced by a spate of recent YouTuber's lately who locked themselves in department stores and filmed their shenanigans, as these three have smuggled themselves in the Spirit Halloween store after closing time and have the run of the mill to do as they please.

This is just kid's stuff. It's not for me. It would have been better if it was R-rated.

There's a homage to 'Terminator' in one scene as Doc Emmett Brown becomes a plush toy but the bear's no Cougie from Elk High.

Movie's harmless fun but certain scenes are a little dark for the under 7's.

Doc Emmett Brown is struck dead at the start and returns in spirit form as a little blue starfish floating around in need of a body similar to 'Chucky.' The writing's a bit stale at times and the acting is blue molded and crumbly as well.

There are spookier episodes of 'Goosebumps' than this movie and why include this silly drill rap nonsense at the end credits? Play some spooky Halloween tunes, not this rap stuff. It's like pouring vinegar on ice cream - they don't go together.

Movie won't win any awards, but the 7 to 14 year olds will most likely love it.

Harmless Halloween stuff for kids only.
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87 minutes of torture... for the watcher, not the characters
LeoEff5 February 2023
I'm a huge Halloween fan, and was once a fan of Spirit Halloween years ago. I really wanted to like this movie, but it's horrific. I heard this was a kids' movie, so wasn't expecting much, but this was a terrible movie even for a kids' movie. I was hoping for a Goonies type of movie, but it was just so bad. Bad acting. Awful plot. The fact it happens in Spirit Halloween makes zero sense. So, when they built the old Toys R Us store that Spirit took over for the season, it was located in an industrial area? And they built it on top of a giant underground void that has a house built underground?

It's just so bad. The characters are lame, but the over the top acting by a couple of them is ridiculous. I urge you not to waste your time... not even your kids' time. How this movie has a rating north of 4 stars is beyond me. I bought it with the hope it might be okay given the slightly below average rating, but its just hot garbage. Its really much worse than people are scoring it, again, even for a kids' movie.
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BIG let down.
mikemckinney25212 November 2022
I thought going into this movie it was going to be somewhat like "Goosebumps " but came up short. Acting is fair, special effects are blah, and it just missed. It could have been such a great, fun, and a family Halloween movie, but just fell short BIG time. It's worth a watch with the family, but this movie is easily forgettable. I felt it had major potential but after giving it a chance the movies plot seemed decent enough, because being trapped into a Spirits Halloween store at night on Halloween would have been cool, right? It felt more like a TV series than an actual movie. Once again, the acting wasn't horrible but fair is being nice, the plot was decent, but it just missed on all levels to be a good family movie.
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Clever idea but poorly done
NCRodriguez24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While the concept of the film sounded interesting...in my opinion, I thought the film as a whole fell flat.

The acting was horrible from a few actors; there were times I even questioned if they were supposed to either be scared or not. The casting directors should've casted another actor for the lead. I felt he was the weakest part.

Also the idea of the statues and animatronics coming to life sounded fun. But again, the big letdown was clearly being able to tell that actors/stuntmen were in these costumes. I felt the production could've been more clever with executing these spooky monsters.

I found myself tuning out about halfway through the movie. Overall, I waited for the pacing to pick up, or the acting to improve, but it didn't.
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Spirit Halloween is a suitable horror movie for kids who are beginning to explore the genre
kevin_robbins28 October 2023
My daughter and I recently watched Spirit Halloween (2022) on Shudder. The storyline revolves around a group of teenage friends who feel they've outgrown Halloween and seek a new, eerie ways to celebrate the holiday. They stumble upon a Spirit store and decide to break in, spending the night inside, unaware that an evil spirit from the town's past has taken over the store with dark intentions.

Directed by David Poag in his directorial debut, the film stars Donovan Colan (Theatre Camp), Jaiden J. Smith (Blue Bloods), Dylan Martin Frankel (Life & Beth), Marissa Reyes (A Little Family Drama), and Rachael Leigh Cook (She's All That).

The child actors in this film deliver solid performances, and it incorporates meaningful coming-of-age elements. It evokes a Stranger Things vibe in terms of relationships and perspectives. Spirit Halloween is clearly aimed at younger audiences, offering more "fun" than genuinely frightening horror. It includes some effective jump scares and well-executed CGI that adds a creepy atmosphere without going overboard. Christopher Lloyd's performance is enjoyable, and the monsters in the film are visually appealing. However, the ending falls somewhat flat.

In conclusion, Spirit Halloween is a suitable horror movie for kids who are beginning to explore the genre. I would give it a 3.5/10 and recommend watching it once.
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Low budget flick for the kids
aronharde15 October 2023
Spirit Halloween is a movie that is definitely aimed towards a younger audience. It's about some friends that get locked up in a Halloween store overnight and after some time the toys are becoming possessed and start to attack them. So it's kind of Night at the Museum but with younger protagonists and Halloween-store instead of a museum. It's a simple and fun idea with a whole lot of opportunities and I think the movie did a decent job for the low budget it probably had. For big horror fans like me this movie lacked in gore and genuine scares or tension but like I said this movie is aimed towards a younger audience and it might serve as a good introduction to the horror genre for young fans. [5,1/10]
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A perfectly acceptable kids Halloween movie.
The-Strid15 October 2023
This was a fairly competent movie, just understand it isn't meant for adults. This movie is a children's movie, through and through, and is unlikely to entertain the rest of the family.. I'd say ages 6 - 12 are its target audience, with nothing truly scary, atmospheric or special for more mature audiences to enjoy. All the flaws and silliness that stops this movie from achieving greatness as a Halloween classic for everyone, are issues that children won't even notice. For them, its a great spooky little story, with good Halloween vibes. The scares are laid on heavily, but are safe enough to not over-scare them, with violence being non-existent.
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A highly effective family-friendly genre outing
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 October 2022
After his plans fall through, a kid trying to remain attached to the traditions of his past decides to sneak into a closed-down Spirit Halloween store with his friends, but when a mischievous spirit is released and possesses the decorations inside to carry out a curse must find a way to stop it.

For a family-friendly genre effort, there was a lot to like here. Among the better features here is the fine setup that brings together the various storylines at play within this one. The first half here dives into the origins of their various subplots including the friend group getting too old for trick-or-treating and deciding to try more adult fare that goes against his desire not to abandon the old traditions he had with his family before everything changed, the family trying to keep his attitude in check about trying to honor his duties to his younger sister and the antics of the parents to try to make him stop being a sarcastic, self-centered kid which generates a rather strong opening to this one. As it all generates a fine understanding of his condition and general desires to continue on with the world he knew for a long time against the changes coming along through the process of growing up, there's a lot to work with here that's pretty fun overall. As well, once the film utilizes these aspects to bring them to the fateful store and enact the curse, there are a lot of likable attacks and encounters throughout here. Featuring the impressive atmosphere and layout of the store to great effect as them staying there after dark allows for quite a lot of effective moments here. With the initial scenes of the decorations coming to life and chasing them around the building and the series of quick-thinking escapes that go on, this all manages to provide plenty of goofy scenarios with the next possessed object coming after them. The confrontations in the underground tunnel provide a highly chilling series of ideas with the most terrifying decoration being possessed and sent after them that has some fun, and the energetic finale lets everything come together in fine fashion. With the lighter tone of these scenes carried across the whole film, these factors all make for a highly enjoyable time here. This one does have a few minor drawbacks that bring it down. The biggest factor here is a series of rather hard-to-overlook plot holes that emerge here which strain the credibility of the storyline even in a kids' film like this. The main setup to get control of the property which sets everything in motion is never explained as to how or why he gets the property and it comes off like two different outcomes as to what actually happens to him. Likewise, the whole idea of the events taking place inside the store that everyone seems to know where it is but are not aware of the supernatural actions taking place inside with all the glowing lights being visible to passersby makes it feel quite unlikely that no one would find out something was going on inside the store. While that all needs to happen in order to move the film along and not even be noticed by the younger crowd it's appealing to, those need to be brought up.

Rated PG-13: Violence, Mild Language, and children-in-jeopardy.
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Its watchable but there is much better movies with similar theme.
destroyerwod15 October 2023
Every year i make myself an "Halloween Playlist" of about 20 to 25 movies wich i never saw that are either horror movies or Halloween themed and i watched them between September and early November. I always make sure to include a few "spooky comedies" or familly friendlies that are just kinda "feel good movies".

Even tough i am not the demographic in theory for these types of movies, i always enjoyed an adventure movie for a younger audience and especially themed with Halloween. I consider myself an "eternal child" sometimes.

This one has some good idea but everything felt underutilized. The movie is extremely short at 1h20 credit included. Having such a big Halloween store at their disposal, i feel the writers should had definately came out with more creatures. Sadly the ghost only possesses one animatronic at a time and the pacing is not that great. I think "The Curse of Bridge Hollow" on Netflix did it a lot better in utilizing Halloween decorations being possessed.

The characters ain't particulary charismatic exept the girl and i supose it didn't help that my french dubbed version had a terrible dubbing.

Overall not a movie ill come back to, but not one i regret having watched at least once. It was "ok".
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Good Halloween family fun
mommyplum29 October 2022
Look, this isn't high end movie making, it's a semi-frightening fun little spooky time about adolescent friends who sneak into a Spirit Halloween store to spend a forbidden night laughing it up amidst the aisles of decor and costumes...then get more than they bargained for. Watched it with all my kids and they liked it a lot. There were a few visuals where animatronics came to life and my youngest got a bit nervous, but mostly it was played for fun, so the scare was temporary. I would totally recommend this movie if you're a parent looking for a nice Halloween film with not a lot of serious frights, mostly for 8 and up.
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Fun movie!
Sandra-durand8030 May 2024
I really thought the movie had a lot of entertainment.

The premise was great, considering the movie was

filmed, considering it was inside a Spirit Halloween


I don't understand the low reviews. It's not bad.

I loved how many of the frightening animatronics

were featured.

That was a lot of fun.

Christopher Lloyd was awesome. One of my favorite

actors in the movie was such a treat to see.

I think there should be a sequel to this movie.

Just a thought.

It is a great movie, especially around Halloween


I think it was long overdue to have this flick. Really.

It's a must-see!
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