"Shameless" Father Frank, Full of Grace (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Hit Every "Big" Expection I had (Outside of One) & Was Still Underwhelming
StarWh0res24 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers below.

I've been a pretty vocal supporter of Shameless since I started it. I know the later seasons aren't as good, but I still think they're enjoying and can surprise the watcher with a very "old school" Shameless scene.

Season 11 was one of the best since season 7 ended (which was fun fact, going to be the original ending). The family had big family scene moments again, more drama moments were written instead of strictly comedy, and Shameless was the one show that having the COVID storyline in it both made sense and actually mostly worked. Due to this and the fact that every season finale was overall good, my hopes were high. I said as long as 3 things happened, I would be satisfied. Those 3 things were Frank dying, the kids having a bonfire scene similar to the opening, and Fiona showing back up.

2/3. Still pretty good numbers.

Except I still felt meh about it? It almost changed my view on a lot of the show. Complains to follow.

Frank floating over Chicago's sky was a choice, and probably not a good one. The voice over worked, the rest not so much.

I was glad Fiona was even mentioned, but I still think they could have at least worked phone call in when Frank's records were found, since it was pretty obvious shes the emergency contact. Apparently Showtime asked the show to not mention her after season 9 much, as if viewers are suddenly going to forget her just by lack of mention. Showtime, news flash, every spot she clearly should have been mentioned it but wasn't was even more obvious to the watchers. Also, what was the point in mentioning her multiple times but still leaving her out of Frank's note and voice over? Post series Fiona isn't going to appreciate that when she shows up for the funeral.

The Gallavich scene where Ian/Mickey discussed fatherhood could have been improved on if they just mentioned the fact that they had been fathers! And for the most part, they did pretty good. The weird deal the show has with avoiding past cast members is noticeable, guys (Showtime? Is it you?). It just felt like both the characters somehow forgot that Mickey had a son, Ian very much loved this kid, and the fate of their relationship was left on a big cliffhanger when Mickey's actor left originally. Which is a shame because the development of that whole storyline, interwoven with Mickey's closeted storyline, is one of the more interesting and emotional stories the show had.

Debbie's character annihilation. I don't need to add on much, as it's been said by many, but I'll bring a point of view not a lot of people hear from: I love Debbie. Even as they continued to butcher her, I liked her. I'd love her since season 1. Sometimes, you have to let characters hit rock bottom first, and Shameless has proven that they excel with this angle. So Debbie becomes a bratty misguided teenager, and it makes sense with her background. Then season 9 happens and she's helping her Fiona, realizing someone needs to pay attention to Liam, messing up and fixing Carl's love life, etc. Finally! The caring early seasons Debbie who used all her money to buy her family a water heater has returned! Except the show decided to reboot her at the beginning of season 10 once again and she reverted back to mostly selfish Debbie for next to no reason. However the show gives her the one and only relationship of hers I've seen people care about: Sandy. Her relationship with Sandy helps balance the many sides of her personality. Selfish Debbie moments become opportunities through Sandy to allow her inner emotions to show. The scene where she's crying and Sandy speaks her thoughts out loud about her history of abandonment tie all of this together in one big angsty bow and Debbie makes sense again. (Also the return of Emma's acting abilities! I'm so sorry I doubted you, when the show writes the characters so one sided for seasons, it's hard to remember that Emma can act so well). So what does the show do with this glorious revelation and relationship? Oh, well clearly they break up because Debbie is so family focused and then Debbie hooks up with a woman who hold her and her child at gun point, leaving one of many open ended endings where the viewers are left wondering if "family is everything" Debbie abandons her kid for one of the worst characters the show has ever introduced. Makes sense. It felt they abrupt undid all of her growth they probably accidentally wrote just to be like "Haha, naggy female character probably ends up completely ruining her life more" instead of using Debbie's ending to introduced so much needed growth. It's disappointing that they took her so far from her original personality that the voice over for her bonfire moment was the only one that was changed. Sandy should have shown up in this episode and punched Heidi like she did Julia in season 10.

Lastly, I get the show wanted to be as open ended as possible, but I think it's an actual shame the Gallagher house fate wasn't revealed. I think the writers dropped the ball by not allowing anything to be closed at all, because even if this was, there's still so many what if's set up. It almost felt like in their quest to makes us left wondering that the wrote an ending where the show felt like it was cancelled mid season.

Now that I've gotten the complaints out of the way, let's mention the good!

Lip's storyline has always been one of the best and from season to season flowed together. Sure individuals episodes didn't always pick the most interesting ideas to reflect this, but Jeremy Allen White could make any script interesting. I liked his ending overall. I think his is the one that made the most sense to leave open ended. The show introduced us to a genius kid from a poor family who had opportunities. We followed him through seasons of getting those opportunities when you're from a background that doesn't exactly get things handed to you just because you're smart, to succeeding in college, before eventually Lip pulls a Gallagher and ruins it all. But life doesn't quit and then we're able to watch Lip mature as he starts from scrap and gets himself professional help. Once his life is a stable position, he meets Tami and starts the family he's always been shown to watch. I think while some season's introduced very one season storylines for some characters, we never see this for Lip. Leaving off on the note that Lip is smart and has options still depending on what choice he makes is a wonderful ending for his character.

Frank's storyline this season. I have no hope that John Wells (Shameless's show runner) is reading this. Why? Because every review written on Shameless post season 5 mentions that the show has run out of Frank content and maybe should shine of the other cast. Yet, it seems like the show almost buckled down and wrote even more Frank front and center storylines for the rest of the show. Was it out of spite? That complaint aside, his storyline was amazing in season 11 and I, despite watching the rest of the show where Frank is mostly not the man I'd sympathize with, did somehow. I felt for him dying and I even cried at the end.

Ian and Mickey. There isn't a lot to say on them that some fan on tumblr or twitter hasn't already said. Season 11 gave us mostly domestic Ian and Mickey. While they missed the mark in some episodes, especially extra dumbing Mickey down, I love all found their storylines enjoyable and a nice break from every angst storyline they'd gotten the course of the show. It ending on them being possibly open to fatherhood in general was a good ending for the characters.

Liam's ending was mostly fitting. I was a firm believer that Fiona should have shown back up and taken him with her, but I am glad that they acknowledged that he needs an adult in his life. Lip and him discussing how essentially everything Gallagher at a point spent some time worrying about Frank before realizing he was a lost cause was the emotional heart to heart the show needed. Liam continuing to worry about Frank before then imagining he saw him drinking at the Alibi was the one and only not so realistic moment I needed.

The bonfire scene! While there are still some changes here I think that would have improved it (like let's say, them singing around a burning car not being the reason for this?) the bonfire scene is how I've always wanted the show to end. I love that they closed how the show opened. It was nice watching all the Gallaghers bonding and hugging, all with a Frank voice over to discuss them how the show opened, but with the additional new dialogue on where the show was ending them at. It was especially welcoming to see Lip and Debbie hug after a season (at least) of arguing.

So I think between the complaints and the good that earns a solid 6/10.

*You may have noticed I didn't mention Carl at all, and that is because they didn't write a storyline that really went anywhere besides buddy cop hijinks. The potential behind cop Carl, especially in today's world, was such a great set up and yet they did nothing with it. Just goofy Tik Tok dances.
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William H. Macy is magnificent.
johnefox12 April 2021
I agree with a lot of the posts here about wishing for more closure from more of the characters. But it wasn't really necessary. I don't care about Fiona. She was my least favorite character anyway. But Mr. Macys performance especially this season was outstanding. As for the other actors they were also very good. I think they gave us enough information to draw our own conclusions as to what will become of them.
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While could have been way better, definetly nowhere near as terrible as some reviews might make you think.
neJANIS28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After watching some horrible series finales this year (most notably, The 100) and seeing reviews for this one I was prepared for the worst, but this was an okay or even good (not terrible or excellent) finale.

Yeah, it was petty much open ended and some of the season finales (for example, the one with Monica dying) would have worked as better series finale as this one, but for me it still was fitting ending.

The biggest downside - no Fiona (I was hoping to see not only Fiona, but Steve as well as they played big role in first couple of seasons) and this one is kind of hard to forgive. Yeah, I know, Covid and all stopped Emmy from getting to set, but still - they could have delayed filming for that, it would have been worth it. What's even more sad - Frank did not even mentioned her in his farewell speech, at least there were those flashbacks.

Anyhow - fitting ending for most of the characters, pretty open-ended, could have been way batter though.
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When you think about it, it's actually kinda perfect
trinkabell3 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was like WT actual F was that? But after I wrapped my head around it I realized that I like the open ending. After 11 seasons I don't think there's any way really that the writers could have made everyone happy, but we know the characters well enough that leaving it up to the viewer's Imagination let's the fans kinda decided what they think the Gallagher's will do in the future. Except for frank they didn't finalize anyone's story so they get to live on as usual in the mind of the viewer. I certainly have my own opinion on what I think they should've or would've done had the show gone on and this ending doesn't spoil any of that.
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Full Circle
alexandras130411 April 2021
It ended just as it began. Frank talking about his family, his family celebrating. Sure, there are no clear-cut and concise outcomes as to how each character's life will turn out, but guess what? That's life. None of us have a clear path as to how our lives will turn out, no matter how much we plan, no matter how hard we try, no matter how much we worry. And that was Frank's point, that is what Frank wants his children to know. All he wants to be sure of, is that regardless of what may be going on, his children are actually enjoying their lives. And I think that's the perfect ending for Shameless.
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Far from perfect, but NOT THAT BAD!
davidedichio12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is my very first review ever.. more than a review it's a thought.

I see a lot of harsh comments. People should review a title with a clear mind, not minutes after the episode, whilst still emotional.

One thing is true: a lot of answers were unsanswered. But that's not the reason of my lower vote.

  • Does Lip sells the house or not? Will they keep the baby? Where is he gonna live?

  • Will Debbie go with that new girl?

  • Will Ian & Mickey adopt a baby Milkovich?

  • What's up with Carl's possible babies?

.. and so on... but you know what? I don't mind having an open ending. This is what it was. An open ending! It's more common than you think!

What Shameless didn't do with this finale is FAN SERVICE. And I respect them for that. I hate fan service and I've seen it for many years in Shameless, when the writers had to forcefully include Mickey again to make happy Gallavich fans. I like Mickey as a character, but I hated (and still do) the demanding, spoiled and insistent Gallavich fans who forced the writers to make some obvious fan service.

But let's not miss the point of this review.

Everyone expected a story like Fiona coming back, big funeral-party for Frank, maybe even more old characters coming back in unlikely circunstances and then happily ever after.

I think this is a more realistic ending.

But there was one thing that really pissed me off during this finale. Not seeing the reaction of the kids to Frank's death. That is what I really wanted to see. Especially Liam, I loved their relashionship in the last episodes. If there's one thing I wish they'd showed us is this. Also.. Frank's departure wasn't really one of the best scene in the show...

Not the best finale I could have hoped for, but it's far from the tragedy some of other fans are describing.

I will keep this show in my heart. Forever.

Love you Shameless!
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Just horrible
agerson2412 April 2021
The Shameless writers have just gone from bad to awful the last several years. I mean I guess they forgot Mickey already has a kid..? And they didn't feel like having Frank at least mention Fiona in his Mary Poppins floating goodbye speech..?

John Wells said Fiona didn't come back bc Emmy couldn't travel because of Covid. That's fine, but they couldn't have had the other characters call/ text/ email with Fiona to give us any updates on her character the last 2 years? Like the writers introduced a sociopath into the show for no reason in the last 2 episodes and they couldn't have used that screen time instead for like a 10 second scene of Lip talking on the phone to Fiona about selling the house- since I'm pretty sure it's in her name..? Her presence wasn't necessarily required for the character to live on the last couple seasons..

I don't even know where to start with Lip.. It's like for the first time in 5 years the writers remembered he was a genius and then sprinted in the opposite direction. Makes literally no sense. And that ending was just so bizarre. If Frank is floating anywhere, it's down.

I haven't enjoyed the last couple seasons but I stuck it out because I've watched since the beginning and just wanted to see how it played it and where the characters ended up. It was definitely not worth the wait.
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Thank you!
amorgensterne30 June 2021
Great ending. You were in our lives for 11 years. Thanks to all of you.
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Could've been better
crazyonyou0212 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't terribly disappointed in the finale. I see a lot of complaints about Fiona, but I was never a Fiona fan so I was indifferent in her departure. I did tear up with Frank reading his letter about his children. The incineration of Frank's body at the very end brought my tears of sadness to tears of laughter. Absolutely hilarious!

What could've made it better was a little more closure. Did Lip sell the house? Did Kev & V sell the bar to Carl and Officer Tippings? Was Tish pregnant with Carl's baby? Was Tami pregnant again and would she & Lip adopt the baby out to Ian and Mickey? So many open ended questions.

The overall season wasn't the best either, but I enjoyed it more because of Mickey. Noel Fisher is an incredible actor and the way he plays Mickey is fantastic. If it wasn't for Ian and Mickey's scenes throughout the season, it would've been a little more difficult to get enjoy.
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My expectations were already low, but geez
natalie-71-76792911 April 2021
I absolutely love Shameless, but I did not have high hopes for an incredible series finale. I knew it might not be everything I wanted, but I thought I'd at the very least enjoy it. This has to be one of the laziest, most lackluster ways that they could have concluded this absolutely legendary series. I tried so hard to enjoy it for what it was, but after watching for so long and truly investing in the characters, I feel so let down. I realize not everyone will agree with this and I was really hoping I could write a positive review. Nothing feels wrapped up and it literally left more questions than it did answers- and not in a good or fun kind of way. More like the writers had no idea what to do with the characters anymore and decided to just stop trying kind of way.

Ok and, on a side note, literally who edited that whole thing with Frank in the sky. I feel like that could've been a very heartfelt scene with him reading the note. They could've done some cute flashbacks from the early years and really pulled at the heart strings. Instead we got him looking like a bird in a hospital gown with a green screen from the 80s.

Here's to watching reruns and pretending that this finale never aired :)
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A lot of people are gonna be angry, but it doesn't mean it's not a fitting ending.
noahsmithmichael11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show did a lot in its run, and gained a large fan base, and as sad as we all are to say goodbye to the beloved Gallagher family, I think this show ended how it needed to. We ended the way we came in, with a celebration of life, family, and the Southside. Although it might've been nice to see a few familiar faces or see a few things play out differently, I'm glad they stick to their roots and didn't change who they were for the sake of anybody. I know a lot of people wanted this whole big finale type ordeal but I think true fans will recognize that this ended how it needed to, and who knows... maybe we'll see the Gallagher clan again someday.
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laithlaith26 August 2021
Idk why people hated this so much, honestly. Before i begin i wanna make it clear that i'm not defending the god awful season just this finale. Since the season was so awful, this episode was not so bad in comparison. Half the episode goes to waste with nothing to do with anything at all being shown. But at the end that's how frank should've went and that was a heartfelt moment i guess.
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Shameless used to be a work of art...
gllerena-3244311 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this final episode was just shamelessly shameful. To state the most obvious, it was hard to watch without anticipating Fiona's return, and to make matters worse, the writers built up this potential with anticlimactic teases throughout the episode... Patsy's, the church she was supposed to marry Sean in, her name coming out of Frank's mouth more than once, and flashbacks of her from older seasons; I guess this was the writers' joke of a way to make up for her absence. At the VERY least, they could've tied the knot with her character by having her send a message, or being the savvy realtor who's buying all the properties (maybe her name could've showed up somewhere). Not to mention, when Frank did his monologue parallel to the pilot episode, he didn't even mention Fiona, even though he brought her name up earlier. The closest thing we got to closure for her character was her Hall of Shame episode, but living in Florida and/or applying for a dating show is just pathetic for a character who had such an impact on the show and the lives of each character. We also won't forget that episode where no one remembered that Fiona is Liam's guardian... The bottom line is that there was simply not enough done to fill in the void of her absence.

But Fiona withdrawals aside, it was honestly just an underwhelming episode. The only aspect that really carried the episode (and the rest of the season) was Frank's declining health and death... this was basically the only reason why I was slightly more generous with my 3/10 rating. I get that the writers were going for more of an open-ended finale, but it was a bit too loose. Did Lip ever sober up? Is Carl's fate simply mediocrity, despite his growth as a character? Since we never got an official answer regarding the Gallaghers selling their home, will they ever move on with their lives? Kev and V too... what's happening with the bar? I feel like something open-ended should have more guidance; it just seemed too lazy.

There were also a couple throwaway scenes that should not have any place in a series finale. The scene with the Trump supporter talking about the election?? I mean come on, have the writers hit such a rock bottom that they couldn't have ended the show without such a blatant political agenda? Basically all the scenes with that Heidi girl took up too much space, it was definitely a bit too late in the season to introduce a new character. It's also just sad what they did to Lip's character. I get that it's a way of showing that being brought in that environment does not lead to a "happily ever after" storyline, but his character lost so much personality and instead became a narcissistic loser, whose drama in the whole season also came to an anticlimactic close (his selfish decision of selling the house may or may not have been fulfilled). There was just something so dull and mediocre about his character, especially in that seen with Tami when she announces she might be pregnant. Obviously, Jeremy does a great job at acting this way, but it somehow feels like a disservice to the development of Lip as a character; his character played into the lukewarm drama that this season brought forth, compared to such dark and intense storylines that had a healthy amount of clever humor in the early seasons. I feel like the show turned into a PG-13 sitcom compared to the Rated R dramedy feeling that it had in the first 4-7 seasons.

I was basically only satisfied with Frank's scenes and Ian and Mickey's scenes in this episode. Regarding Ian and Mickey, I wouldn't say it's because they had the closest thing to "happily ever after" (it'd be too boring for everyone to fall under that category), but mainly because it was a satisfying way to end and balance out the humor and dramatic tension that defined their relationship. They were developed interestingly and convincingly throughout the entire series, and the open-endedness of the end of their story was not lazy. As for Frank, despite my earlier complaints about the unsatisfying teases of Fiona, I still really appreciated all the flashbacks throughout the Gallagher house. His speech over the Gallaghers bonding outside of the Alibi was also a nice scene that provided an ambiance that is unique to the show.

All in all, for a show whose early seasons might very well be some of the best of all of television, the series finale nearly failed to deliver. I say "nearly" because there are only a few slightly redeeming elements, but it was not enough to exceed or even MEET the expectations of many fans. What happened to the clever, dark, and gritty dramedy that defined many of its other seasons?? If anything, the season 7 finale could have been a better series finale than this one. I mean, the writers clearly know how to accomplish what could've been accomplished in the series' most important episode, as seen by their previous success and conviction, so I find it hard to believe that this is what we are left with.
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You had me at flashbacks
akshaysandhu16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I did not liked the ending as much but when Frank started having flashbacks of his family on deathbed, It got me into tears. I gave 10/10 for sake of all the years of watching and growing up with them. This show will remain one of my favorites. Also, When Frank got OD'ed in the earlier episode The Weeknd's 'faith' from 'After hours' album was playing in my head, I mean Somebody should make an edit with that song or maybe I'll do it.
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Fitting Ending to a great TV Show
Mardolin12 April 2021
I've been watching from day 1 and I've been living with the Gallaghers for 10 Years now, I'm sad the see them go, but it's been a great ride.

The ending was emotional for me, great episode, I just wished that Fiona would show up at some point, because the show was mostly about her until she left, she could've given us a big farewell, but it is what it is.

The Episode itself was what shameless was all about. Life, Death, Joy and Sadness, the good, the bad and the ugly. Superb writing in my opinion.

Thank you so much Cast of Shameless, you've been great.
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Lackluster at best
sandmanofthedream13 April 2021
What's up with the shows having badly written endings these days? Really, I feel like I am stuck in a time loop where I have to watch all these badly written endings all the time. It's starting to get tiring at some point but I can't escape it. It's like a nightmare, it never leaves me.

I'm just so done, man. I am sick of seeing the destruction of the shows/series I watch or read. It's not even funny anymore. HIMYM, GoT, SPN etc and now... this? I guess this is some sort of a tasteless, cosmic joke.

Anyways I feel empty and I can't feel angry anymore. Well at the end of the day, this ending sucks. Better than GoT tho at least that's something you can be proud of.
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Not as good as it could have been
jrzimmerly11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching Shameless last year, and I honestly think that as a whole, the show is great. Wonderful acting, good character development, and even though the writing wasn't as good in the latter seasons, the writing from the earlier seasons makes up for it. That being said, I'm coming away from the finale wanting more. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some parts of this episode (Ian and Mickey's anniversary party was sweet, and the homage to the opening episodes and Frank's monologue at the end did make me smile) but I think the writers did themselves - and the viewers - a disservice by not giving us any real closure and leaving some pretty large open ends. Like, are Lip and Tami getting their own place or are they just moving in with Tami's family? What about Debbie and her crazy new girlfriend? Where does that leave Carl and Liam? I need answers, people! I'm also definitely a little salty they didn't bring Fiona back for one last episode. She brought a lot to the show in the early seasons and it would have been nice to see her with all the others one last time. Overall it wasn't the worst episode, but it wasn't the finale I'd hoped for. I would be surprised if I was the only one coming away from this wishing we had seen less rushed writing and more classic Shameless vibes.
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Frank is literally floating and no Fiona appearance.
lenoreadler199111 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The whole episode was pointless, there was no sense of finality or closure. Everything was just filler. This would have been an okayish season finale, but ending a decade of stories in such an uninspired way is horrible.
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gonsivatte12 April 2021
It's been such a pleasure to have watched this masterpiece for the past ten years. The fact that it ends just how it began, kills me. I will miss u, Gallaghers.
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Not awful
jaylovhockey-2706513 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, it was a regular kind of episode with endless loose ends. But thats the point! What did people expect? That they would win millions and all live better lives? No.

Franks death was expected, but I do wish they brought Fiona back one last time. Obviously didn't work out.

I'd watch a spin off with the rest of the gang without Kev and V since they're moving out of state. Even if Debbie doesn't return, I would be ok with Lip, Ian and Carl carrying the show...
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Did the writers just go F$&k it?!
MalfoyRocks111 April 2021
There was no conclusion to ANYTHING! This made me feel like I wasted my time watching the show all these yrs. I wasn't expecting a great or fulfilling end, but I WAS expecting an END. This was nonsensical and wrapped nothing up. You are left with ur mouth agape wondering WTF?!
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Appropriate Ending for the Gallaghers - not for the viewers
alex-frey-pattaya18 May 2021
Season 11 wasn't a strong season and it is a good thing the series came to an end.

The Gallaghers always had many opportunities to turn their lives around and always ended up doing something stupid to prevent it.

The viewers probably were hoping for a more flashy ending that involves weeks of crying after the episode aired but this is not FRIENDS, it is SHAMELESS and so the writers, who were exhausted towards the end, made sure they stick to the script and delivered a decent ending that might not be the best for TV.
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Episode 11-12
bobcobb30124 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly not a perfect finale, but the series went out how it went in: full white trash.

Too many shows have people get rich and have unbelievable carers as the years progress, but not Shameless. That was smart.
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The writers just gave up
conyerscm12 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mickey being a father?? He already was, if you cared enough to watch the show. Couldn't bring back any previous characters. Nothing tied up. Depressing, not funny and just sad. Introduced pointless characters the last few episodes and throw away story lines that served no purpose. Random political political scene which was way out of place. I have never seen such a horrible shot show of an ending that just says FU to its longtime and loyal viewers. Screw the writers and the cast for agreeing to be apart of this. Probably why ER refused to come back. Not even interested in rewatching the series after that kind of ending.
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Solid finale, enough of the negative reviews!
sepehrmohammadi-3848712 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Enough of the negative reviews, to all those people who are complaining about not getting a closure from this finale, pay attention to its details!!

This finale was not about Lip selling the house or seeing how each of the other Gallaghers ended up in their own life, it was simply all about the Gallagher Family and friends and what they meant to each other, It was about Frank, his life, and his relationship with his kids throughout all these years, it was about how much Frank meant to Liam and how hard Liam was trying to take care of his Dad till the end, or It was about Lip being like the father figure that they never had, and so many other beautiful examples. It was about the reality and the real world! Just like this show has always been from day one.

Watching the scene in which that nurse held Frank's hand while he was dying was so heart breaking, It's simply the harsh reality of today's world, and it's happening every minute around the world right now with this pandemic. We all know the fact that Frank's never been there for his kids, but seeing him dying alone was really sad, until the moment when that nurse held his hand and he was happy at the end.

This show has always been about the real things that happen to us every day, and that's exactly what made Shameless such a unique show, and In my opinion at the end they managed to deliver a solid finale.

I'm really going to miss Shameless! Farewell to one of my favorite shows.
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