Monstrous (2020) Poster


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It Ain't Good
deshan-7858010 July 2021
Monstrous overall is a bland below average movie with a interesting but badly executed story and concept, poor acting, weak direction, and clunky pacing.

I will give this movie a few redeeming qualities such as decent production quality and cinematography, not bad editing, and a crazy final act.

At least it's better than the many other Uncork'd Entertainment movies though.
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Monstrous LIE is more like it
soulcrisis2811 July 2021
Ok so, you can see the reviews are all over the place. This doesn't belong in horror, sorry. This is definitely a lesbian love drama. I have it a 3 for the smidge of nudity. That's it.

What finally put the nail in the coffin for me was when the dumb lead tells this story about her dog, Banjo the beagle, she had growing up and how she went dear hunting all through her youth. She would make bets on who would get the first deer and she would always lose cause Banjo always went with her and would howl and scare the deer away. She closes her story with when she was 16 she finally had first pick in this deer, 200 ft away, yes she specifies the distance, and she sees Banjo getting ready to howl so she shoots Banjo then shoots the deer! Ok first off, that's sick and now I'm ready for this character to die. Second, I don't and have never gone hunting once in my life and I know that this story is complete bs. If you shot your dog first and that deer was only 200 ft away? Sorry but that deer would be long gone before you could even get your rifle aimed back in the same direction it was in. Just such utter garbage. Stupid lies like this just ruin movies, this one was on it's way down in a fiery blaze anyway but this made it explode in the air before it hit the ground.

So unless you're actually looking for a lesbian drama borefest movie, skip this because the squatch is as elusive in this movie as he is in real life.
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markthomassintek17 August 2020

There are many films which touch on this subject and when you actually think about what we as people do to each other compared to what the animal kingdom does to each other you do sometimes question who are the monsters, them or us?

We automatically think of a monster being scary or dangerous wanting to kill or eat our heads but what if?

Interesting concept for a film, comparing Big Foot to humans and asking the question who is the real monster but......

If you do decide to watch this film, simply watch the first 3 minutes and then skip forward an hour, trust me you won't have missed anything important as the main body of the story comes in the last 30 minutes and honesty if you do sit through the first hour you'll be scratching your head about the friendship / relationship between the 2 main female characters which to me personally was just a waste because you honesty just don't care what happens to them by the end.

Shame because this could have been a good film but just isn't, so.....

Rating 4 out of 10
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Monstrously Boring!!!
redflava-3891120 March 2021
I never understood why Movie Makers think people want to sit through an hour or more worth of boring dialogue. I could watch paint dry and have a better time, than watching this boring snooze fest. This crap os horrible!!!
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cooy-117 June 2021
Probably the worst movie ever made about 2 chicks awkwardly kissing every chance they get. Bumping your head is better than this movie.
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Wasted potential
foxfirehounds2 January 2021
It coulda been a good one. First few minutes showed promise. On scene shooting was a plus. Interesting story, had it been followed. Rapidly devolved into a confusing mess of improbable set ups, absurd & uninteresting characters and a halfassed serial killer/abduction lesbian blech. Bizarre, and not in a good way.
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Wow. Insultingly bad
perillomike10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was terrible. Bigfoot is reduced to a cameo appearance so we can watch some poorly acted drama unfold between a serial murderer and a moron. Also, to have the captive girl escape and instead if allowing her some semblance of revenge she is killed in a comically bad scene is just weak. Another misstep, lets burn a girls face with a hot tea kettle but not have any hissing or steam, just bad makeup effects afterwards. I can appreciate the bigfoot and how it was filmed leaving alot to our imagination but there wasnt enough of him(her?) Find something else to watch. Maybe a youtube video on reverse mortgages would be more interesting.
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Poorly Shot Meandering Mess
dulepich13 February 2021
The poor camera work, lighting and sound quality could be overlooked if the story wasn't incoherent. This story core had potential, but was lost in a tangle of idiotic subplots. There is more to say and it's all bad. Don't waste your time.
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Some parts are good, but overall disappointing
dmitri_faleev12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
3 stars for showing Sasquatch as an intelligent creature and not a mindless killing machine like the majority of Bigfoot flicks portray

1 star for showing that people are the real villains

1 star for that shot of Sasquatch waking slow-no through the field. Beautiful!

The rest of the movie was awful, whatever meaning the writer had was lost somewhere between below average acting and nonsensical plot
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Where's Bigfoot???
ellisdavis-1342220 December 2020
The first two minutes are decent... Then the whole thing slows to a near halt and a lesbian femme fatale love story ensues. If you're a true Bigfoot fan, don't waste your time!! I give this movie 1 BIG FOOT
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Just fisished this movie
donaldwaynestephens18 June 2023
I have talked about other Bigfoot films I have watched and again this one makes the top 5 I feel it ranks one or two to me in the Bigfoot films I have seen this far. The Bigfoot in this is exactly what you would think of Bigfoot to look like and the legend of Bigfoot even though it isn't explained in the movie by the time you get to the end you realize exactly what the legend of Bigfoot is according to what the writer wanted. This film just as the film "Dawn of the Beast" hold to what I think the legend of Bigfoot should be. Some people may not agree and if not that is ok but the legend of Santa is different from what he truly was Saint Nicolas was a toy maker and made wooden toys for the needy children and over years became a legend so maybe the truth is something that has long been forgotten but still is bigfoot real and if so what is he and which legend is true.......
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A pleasant surprise.
tbradfor12 August 2020
Having watched horror movies for the past 60 years and being an avid fan, I am used to many of the plot twists and surprises a writer will spring on viewers. If you go into this movie as a thriller with some minor horror aspects, I think you will enjoy the movie as I did. The acting, for the most part, is good and the plot engaging. I have seen better but I have also seen much, much worse. During a pandemic and with nowhere to go, this is an entertaining way to spend 90 minutes. Give it a chance.
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ptrsknnr12 August 2020
The only thing Monstrous about this movie is the acting and storyline
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For a monster movie
casablancavic9 January 2021
For a monster movie, there's far too much drama.

People who vote this a 1 or 2 don't have a clue about bad films. This is not a bad film.

It's just a film that doesn't know if it want's to be a drama or a love story or a pshyco horror movie or a monster movie.

It's still written well - in each of it's areas...but together as 1 film, it just doesn't work well.

It's fair to say that it's a 5...not a 10...not a 1.

All the actors were fine, and all aspects of the film were fine - except deciding what type of film it wants to be.

With the main actor also being the writer, this was done on a small budget and it should be appreciated for what it is in terms of it's work.

Anna, when you read this - I see that you have plenty of potential, obviously - but if you are going to mix your genres, you have to add a little more tension to the suspense of it all.

Far from bad. I've seen bad movies - and this is not one of them.

I've also seen good movies - and this also isn't one of them.

2020 has produced plenty of movies that most will never get seen. I've watched my fair share of bad ones and very bad ones and ones which should have never been made under any circumstance.

Of all the movies I've seen this year due to the world turning to ruin, this is one of the better ones.

It's still better than Wonder Woman 1984 and so many other big budget Hollywood movies - so be proud of it.
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I'll put on some tea
nogodnomasters5 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sylvia (Anna Shields ) ride shares with stranger Alex (Rachel Finninger ) to Whitehall, NY home of many Bigfoot sightings. Her sister disappeared doing the same thing. Her friend Jamie (Grant Schumacher) will follow behind in his own car as soon as he is over Montezuma's revenge. The strangers become lovers with secrets real fast. Why is Bigfoot suddenly a killer?

PLOT SPOILER: The move is "Harry and the Hendersons" meets Mandy Lane. Not many characters. Bigfoot does appear early and often at the end. Not a bad film, it just doesn't stand out. You would think getting beat several times in the face with a rock would break a few teeth and bones.

Guide: F-word. FF sex. Nudity (Anna Shields)
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Could be an ok short movie
bigspawn197115 December 2020
Boring!! After the initial opening scene, the 1st "monster sighting" is at the 46:00 mark and that is very brief through bushes. Another movie where a misleading poster makes you think this is a "survive the monster movie". No spoilers, they tried something new but just takes too long to get anywhere.
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Absolute garbage
judithturner11 March 2021
Essentially click bait with far more focus on the lesbian relationship that the dirty great Yeti knocking about in the woods. A total waste of my time. To add insult to injury it isn't even that well made.
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Bigfoot misfire of a movie.
cynet-5233214 August 2020
Gave this 3 stars just because the acting was good with the two leading actress's.

Story wise its a massive bore fest with a minimum interaction of bigfoot at all. So if your hoping for a bigfoot movie then give this movie a miss.

The lesbian scene's are long winded and in truth uninspiring.

Overall the story is dragged out with the two leading actress's playing off each other. The film doesn't know what it wants to be with regards to direction. Horror? Thriller? Drama?

Major bore fest of a movie which started off well but ran out steam after 20 min in. The editing was dreadful in places which surprised me as the movie did have a reasonable money budget.

Thumbs down from me!
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This was pretty bad
pensacolacomputer12 August 2020
This is the worst lesbian movie I have ever seen.....Whoever wrote this should find a different profession...I actually watched it all so you dont have to...It has a couple of decent kill scenes, but still, its not enough to save this movie...Big pass, you'll thank me later..
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Terrible Lesbian Discovery Drama
valen226327 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Gave up at the 40-minute mark. There was no semblance of a story; the writing is non-existent. The acting is below awful. The first 40 minutes was two women discovering their lesbian desires.
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a Diamond in the rough
TruView5 September 2021
From the very beginning, the film is manifestly self-evident and easy to read. With a goofy looking big foot lurking around in the dark, I was prepared for laughs. This was after all, a low budget film. It turned out to be so much more. I got my laughs in obviously, but it took it up another notch too. The novice acting had been overshadowed but the very compelling performances of the two female lead characters, especially by Rachel Finninger.

I recognize the skillful use of misdirection by the film's director in leading us to one conclusion while slowly allowing others to bubble to the surface building context. By the end, one is left to reexamine what it means to be a monster.

To all potential viewers, please moderate your expectations. For a film of this budget, it was very impressively done.
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tonymarchei-141765 April 2021
Again, thanks to the reviewers who rated this movie a 1,2 or 3 as that tells me it's a movie worth watching. And I know the reviews are not biased by friends of the producers.

It's true, you don't see Bigfoot much in this movie. But who cares when you have a couple of good looking girls as the lead actors. And they give us a good sensual acting performance.

The movie mainly follows the character development and relationship development of the two women and eventually the suspicion and doubt that develops until the revelation towards the end of the movie when Bigfoot comes into it.

You have to watch the movie to see what I mean without giving out spoilers.
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At least get college fans right
robertjandrew6 July 2021
I turned it off when they are in East Lansing and the male is wearing a Michigan sweatshirt. East Lansing is Michigan State. I've lived in Michigan, you don't wear Michigan apparel in East Lansing and you don't wear Michigan State apparel in Ann Arbor. Give me a break.
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This is NOT a movie about the elusive sasquatch!...
paul_haakonsen14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Right, well I sat down to watch the 2020 movie "Monstrous" because I was expecting it to be a horror movie that revolved around the mythical sasquatch - aka bigfoot - creature. So needless to say that I was more than sorely disappointed when it turned out that the sasquatch was actually just a secondary character in the storyline, as it was centered around a homicidal kidnapper and murderer.

So writer Anna Shields and director Bruce Wemple didn't really deliver on that account. Especially so since the movie's cover openly brandish the sasquatch creature. Sort of false advertisement in a sense.

However, I will say that the actual storyline of the homicidal kidnapper was actually interesting enough, though it was a shame that the movie was presented to be about the sasquatch. So the disappointment of that pushed the value of the actual storyline to the back of the room.

The acting in the movie was actually good, and Anna Shields (writer and playing Sylvia), as well as Rachel Finninger (playing Alex) actually put on good performances and carried the movie quite well with their performances.

One thing that I absolutely loathed about the movie, was the excessive display of women kissing, making out and going to bed together. It was just fully and wholeheartedly unnecessary to the movie and the storyline at large. It just did nothing but sleaze up the movie.

And I also believed that I was in for a horror movie when I sat down to watch "Monstrous", so the movie also failed to entertain me on that account, as this was a fantasy drama.

All in all, my rating of "Monstrous" is a more than generous three out of ten stars. It was nothing at all what I had believed it to be, and this is hardly a movie that warrants a second viewing.
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Monstrously bad!
rpaleschi15 August 2020
As the other reviews state, there is hardly any Bigfoot involvement and this is a very dull lesbian love story.

You'd be far better off rewatching a decent actual Bigfoot movie.
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