Testees (TV Series 2008) Poster


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This show is simply hilarious
BroNamath30 October 2008
If you're looking for smart, subtle humor like The Office, then you're looking in the wrong direction. Testees is a crude, absurd, and downright disgusting laugh riot that will make you feel absolutely dirty after watching it.

The pilot was better than I expected so I watched the episode the week after, and I swear to you, I have never laughed as hard and as loud as I did that night. Never has a show just thrown all their cards on the table like Testees has done. It's not to say that Testees is pure gross out humor, it does have it's subtle humorous moments, but when they go for a laugh, they don't pull any punches.

It's the perfect compliment for It's Always Sunny.
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Great show
jayctd25 January 2009
I started watching this one on a recommendation of a friend. I started slow ... But watching the sheer audacity of some of the scenes (specially online where they were not filtered by the FCC) chuckled a lot and by the end left craving for more Good job Great Actors Cant wait for more. The interplay between the two main actors that played Ron and Peter was classic ... tension but overall a great love that contributed to the humor of the show. The differences magnified the comedy but maintained them being a believable duo

One hopes that I also am able to catch those quickly, and online where the comedy will not be censored

Keep up the great work and have a great next season!
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The funniest show since Malcolm in the Middle!
flokki22 July 2009
This feel good and laugh out loud comedy is exactly what I've been waiting for since Malcolm in the Middle finished in 2006. Testees made me laugh so hard, that I started crying. Especially the episodes "Jellybean Omlett" and "Uber Glued" were hilarious.

This show is crazy and completely implausible - which is a perfect recipe for endless fun. At times the humor can be a bit too much for family viewing so I recommend you watch the show before you are going to view it with your family - otherwise you might feel a little awkward with your kids.

But otherwise Testees is a well paced show with 2 brilliant actors with good comedic timing. And I really hope this show will produce many seasons of laugh out loud comedy!!!!
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The FUNNIEST thing I've seen on TV in a long, long time!
dc-6117 October 2008
I was almost completely asleep when I started hearing the dialog from this show on TV last night. Even before my eyes opened, I was chuckling. Finally awaking, I was like WTF am I watching?! By the commercial break . . .

Testees! Brace yourself. It's weird, awkward and GROSS! You'll almost be ashamed of yourself during and after watching. But just go with it! Because it has some of the most improbable yet funniest scenes of all-time. Lots of sophomoric humor with dry, comedic dialog. For ADULTS only though. Somehow it just works!

OMG, I must see every single episode now! I just hope they can keep it up . . .
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Silly, a little gross, but totally hilarious
mswritesalot11 October 2008
Sometimes stumbling across a program has good results! I hadn't intended to watch the premiere episode of "Testees" Friday night, but since it was sponsored by "Zack and Miri Make a Porno," I watched for the opportunity to see film trailers. I'm very glad I did, because I laughed until tears came to my eyes.

"Testees" is silly, gross, sexually inappropriate humor a la Porky's and similar films with wildly exaggerated stereotypes in wildly improbable situations - in other words, you'll laugh but you'll feel kinda guilty afterward. I don't know how long the show will last, but I've already set the DVR to record the series.
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Brilliant, hilarious, unique new series!!
zim7625 December 2008
I'm so glad to see I'm not the only person who absolutely loves this show! I love the quick witty dialogue and the casting is perfect. It's been a while since I've been pushed to tears from laughing so incredibly hard..brilliant stuff. It's definitely crude and gross at times, but that's what makes the show so funny. I really can't see how this show's content would offend anybody any more than some of the other things I regularly see on television. I really hope FX keeps this show for at least a few more seasons! Unfortunately, I've been seeing way too many unique and amazing shows being canceled entirely too soon, barely getting a chance to make it through its first season... Testees is honestly one of the funniest things on TV right now, in my opinion. I hope it sticks around for awhile!
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Good Show But could have been KvS S7
Greenman3229 May 2024
As a Kenny vs. Spenny fan, I of course had to watch this.

Kenny Hotz's passion project, Testees, could have been Kenny vs. Spenny Season 7, but instead, he got a chance to make this unique series. The premise alone is intriguing: two no-lifes becoming test subjects for a crazy company called Testico. It brings to mind the quirky humor of shows like Better Off Ted.

I really like the concept of the series-it's great-but the plot and overall execution are good at best. While the scenarios are often hilarious and outrageous, the episodic nature sometimes leads to uneven storytelling. There are moments of brilliance, but also parts that feel underdeveloped.

Jeff Kassel and Steve Markle did a great job acting in this series. Their chemistry and comedic timing elevate the material, making even the most absurd situations entertaining. Their ability to fully commit to their roles adds a layer of authenticity to the offbeat humor.

Despite its flaws, Testees is a fun watch, especially for fans of Kenny Hotz's unique brand of comedy. It's a wild ride through bizarre experiments and absurd situations, showcasing Hotz's distinctive voice in the world of comedy.

Overall, Testees is a solid effort with a great concept, some genuinely funny moments, and strong performances from its leads. It's a shame it didn't get more attention, as it had the potential to become a cult classic.
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Don't watch it while you eat!
metacracker19 December 2008
This show is not meant for these who seriously believe what others think because there are a lot of exaggerated stereotypes. Few gross things in the show are true about guys , but only guys like me.

For those who don't watch p*** , you are going to learn a lot of new words. But don't worry its not too late just open "urbandictionary.com" for all the inappropriate words you might encounter while watching the show.

And about no eating , I strictly recommend not to eat while watching this show because there are lot of long humorous scenes. I mean if you can hold food in mouth for like 60 seconds and start munching again then its fine. Rest of you people will die if you eat while watching this. STOP reading more comments just watch the show now.
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Dumb but funny
tony-karais25 May 2020
Completely dumb but the two leads make it worth while.
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When it's funny, it's REALLY funny
DaynaSu11 October 2008
The commercials for this show were really funny. I didn't even realize that Kenny (minus Spenny) Hotz was involved with the project until I saw his name in the opening credits. Fans of the Kenny vs. Spenny show won't even recognize him, although he does play a major part in the pilot.

This is definitely a show for adults. There's lots of juvenile and raunchy humor, which I LOVE. It was the awkward, unfunny spaces in between that made this show a little disappointing. It was almost painful to watch at some points. I hope the future episodes are better, because the concept is great.
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Outrageous and Crazy
snooch12121 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I, like most people, had seen the animated advertisements for this for weeks and weeks prior to the series premier. From the advertisements alone, I must say that I was not overtly excited to see the show as the commercials did not reveal anything of what the show would be about. It's time slot is directly following It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and I honestly didn't think that it could top that.

However, my assumptions were proved completely wrong. It was clear for me, even a mere ten minutes into the series premier, that this show is something special. It isn't so often that a TV sitcom is successful at being unique but Testees succeeded in a major way. I know that people don't like that it takes up Sunny's second episode spot, but come on... how can anyone not like a show that has a guy in it who says, "My (penis) is so big you could hump its hole." I just about died when one of the male characters tried to give himself a wire-hangar abortion through his ass. I realize it's juvenile but it's friggin hilarious.

Testees is clearly one of the most outrageous, preposterous, improper, obscene, and lascivious shows on TV... but it's also undoubtedly one the most entertaining. IMO, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Testees are a great combo of shows for a lot of laughs.
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john-d-rodriguez15 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As I was watching the pilot episode of this show, I expected the show to be stopped and canceled halfway through. It's not that the show is totally "out there" or is too "edgy." The show is crap. This isn't meant to cater to the lowest common denominator. For a show this bad you need to allow for an equation to reduce its viewership ad infinitum. I'm thinking 1-.999... would be appropriate. I think the participants in the creation of this show, which is what they should be called to keep the title "actors" safe from such an association, seemed to be pleased to have been involved in the making of Testees. I don't think that they were pleased with their performance or the writing, but that they were glad to be working at all. With any luck, a meteor will hit the set as they film their next episode.
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Best New Show On Television...Period
idriveamopar11 December 2008
I really don't understand all of the negative reviews I've seen floating around the internet about this show. This is BY FAR the funniest show I have watched in years.

The plot is pure genius. The two main characters, Ron and Peter, are a couple of thirty-something slackers who "work" for a testing facility called Testico. Each episode involves some sort of crazy side effect from an experiment gone wrong, whether it be a sex change operation, memory loss, or a super glue mishap.

The humor is usually crude and adult oriented, but very well done. Each episode is well written, cohesive, and never predictable. Jeff Kassel (Ron) and Steve Markle (Peter) are very believable in their roles and really make this show shine.

For all of the Testees haters out there, go back to watching your media glutton, over hyped, high dollar, humorless, Judd Apatow produced, lame entertainment. If you're looking for something fresh and highly entertaining, check out Testees!
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One of the funniest shows I've seen in awhile
karlroveissatan16 February 2009
This show is great. I had never heard of it until I went to Hulu, but once I started watching, I ended up watching the entire first season. Very original, and definitely on the dirty side. But of course, when your shows is called Testees, about 2 guys working as Guinea Pigs for a lab called Testico, then you kinda expect that.

I think FX dropped the ball in promoting this show. This reminds me of Trailer Park Boys. Hilarious shows that nobody has heard about. I hope to god it is renewed. 1000x better than the Kennny vs. Spenny show from Comedy Central, which had the same creator. If this show is canceled, it would be a travesty. There is potential for many more seasons.

Funniest sitcom in years. Whoever runs FX is a moron. This is the best show they have ever aired.
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good show
llittlemeyer2 February 2009
I really like this show , the writing is great , the direction absolutely adds the perfect tempo to the comedy ,and is often the punchline itself. The only problem is they don't seem to realize that they do not need overtly sexual jokes and writing. I watched all of the episodes but, unfortunately most were either overly sexual or had a little to much toilet humor. The 4 or five that were watchable in mixed company had my family and friends rolling on the floor. At times I was out of breathe with tears rolling down my cheeks. This has the potential to be great. But,like South Park and others I can think of writers need to have faith in their fans. We want well written comedy. That does not mean juvenile humor! The four episodes we all watched Vac Attack, Truth Serum, Jelly Bean Omelet, and Pineapple Shampoo .( Other than a brief whacking off in the nude in "shampoo") I was able to watch and share with three generations of my family and all loved it . I hope they write more like this. also it seems to have such an English humor feel to them , does anyone know if there is a basis for this ?
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Funny and gross
LazLong120 January 2009
Well yeah it is gross. It is also funny and fairly original. Each episode is not quite what I think it will be. That alone is fantastic for me.

When I read the original synopsis a dozen different ideas went through my head of funny anecdotes that I have seen dozens of time before on many, many shows. I was relieved to see they had some original ideas or at least original spins on old ideas. What I am saying is that the humour is not done to death. so even if your an avid TV watcher you should get a few laughs.

The characters are well developed each with their own style and humour. I hope they stay that way as many series characters tend to blend into one character with different bodies.
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goldprince1218 November 2008
I love It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and I even enjoyed Kenny Vs. Spenny (Kenny Hotz's previous show), but this show is completely awful.

The humor is the lowest and stupidest I've ever seen. The idea is even stupid, and the name Testees makes the show even more unappealing. I usually like crude, stupid humor like this, but this just does not hit mark. There is really no satire or anything interesting in the humor.

As an added bonus, the actors are horrible. I've seen 14-year-olds on YouTube act better.

I do not see any room for improvement in this show, and it should be canceled.

I would not recommend this show to anyone. People who hate this kind of humor will obviously find it stupid, but people who like this kind of humor will even find it stupid. There is just something about the tone, acting, and writing that doesn't work.
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Funniest Show I have seen for Ages
rick_00119 February 2009
The name says it all... Just try and watch this show without cringing a little, or looking at your partners face to see if its appropriate to laugh, squirm or sit back in horror. It really pushes those invisible boundaries and would love to have been on the set to see this series recorded.. Darts will never seem the same again. Great show. This show will stick in the recesses of my mind for a some time to come... and the show is like a speed bump.. you just have to slow down and watch it and not speed past and miss it. This has to be a " must see " for those with a broad sense of humor and don't mind being occasionally shocked and stunned.. and just quietly, some of the more outrageous ideas are not so outrageous to guys :-)
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Great show
donaldboykin-5125022 November 2020
Wish they would bring this one back. Funny, as heck and something I still watch.
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Testees = Awesome!
nathanphillips-766963 September 2023
This show is one of the best shows I have ever seen.

Everything is hilarious and stupid.

Every episode had me screaming in laughter and no other show has done the same.

There are lots that people won't like and I the humour is very specific.

Ron and Pete have such an amazing chemistry on screen and you don't see that in many TV shows or films today.

I was always waiting for a second season and it never came.

If you can watch this, you definitely should!

Shame it hasn't been on TV again in about 10+years, no blu ray and not on and streaming app......only dvd.

This show deserved so much more!
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Funniest show I have ever seen on television
deansdream1328 January 2014
This is the best show I have EVER seen! It restores my faith in television programming...well, it did until it was canceled by some soulless jerk who will never understand comedy! I curse that fool! This show is so good, I would remove my own organs with a rusty spoon and sell them to science to fund public service announcements informing my fellow Americans it is their right, their duty, to demand this show air another season of delightfully wicked shows. It saddens me, when I speak of the greatness of this show, that so many people have not had the pleasure (and the honor)of experiencing it themselves. Poor bastards, what a pathetic excuse for a life! I am not scared to say it...I love, I want, I need, Testees!
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fart humor but done well!
imdbmoviereviews22 December 2020
(gets better the first epsidoe drags down the score a bit i'd say... not that the series's style changes much but)man.... this is somthing out of this world i don't usually like fart humor/alike and the idioacy of the series and well libtardiness that shows in one of the episodes and..... really show i mean it is childish stupid silly diry volgur crude and.... yet fun and done well

perfectly executed very well balanced i'm not really sure how to put it....

i can fully understand all the 1 ratings and the 10 ratings this series is just so.... stupid and fun at the same time...

just a good thing to watch to pass the time

and i mean.... just..... u know u miss thoes kinds of shows... a good nostaliga and....
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