Legacy (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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Way too long
celr30 March 2011
This movie has a problem that many movies have: it's a story that could be told in less than an hour but the film makers felt they had to expand it to fit feature length. It's well made, and the acting is great, but it gets tiring very fast. The suspense sags and the ending just isn't justified by all the waiting. To compare it to Hitchcock is absurd.

Malcolm is a psychologically wounded soldier back from a clandestine operation. He's holed up in a shabby hotel room fighting his demons. He was a member of a covert operation that went bad, he wound up killing the family of a terrorist, and then, to make things worse, was captured and tortured by the very terrorist whose family he had killed. We come to understand that he was betrayed, but who betrayed him? And was the betrayal necessary to protect the operation or was it just to cover someone's behind?

Now he's escaped from an army medical facility and is mentally disintegrating by himself in that shabby room. Some elements of the film are hardly believable and what is real and what is imagined is never really clear.

That war can have devastating psychological effects on soldiers is well known. But we also want to know the mechanics of the operation that went wrong, and the decisions that were made. The operation was set up in order to stop a dangerous terrorist who was in possession of a large quantity of sarin gas, and is intent on wiping out a major American city, at least the infidels who live in it. These details are in the background and are leaked out as the movie progresses, at least to the extent we can believe Malcolm, who is clearly delusional and drunk most of the time. Even in his right mind Malcolm may not know what happened at the highest levels. Meanwhile we have to watch Malcolm going crazy and telling his story in a rambling, confused videotape. The craziness, though skillfully performed, obscures our understanding the the story, so we're left wondering what really went down.

We can sympathize with his pain. Brave soldiers can be scarred for life, but having to wait for plot elements to emerge while watching Malcolm disintegrate in his paranoia and guilt is excruciating. In fact, the only real suspense is wondering what Malcolm is finally going to do to resolve his dilemma. When the ending comes it's an anti-climax. There are no bad guys here (except the terrorists) and really no sense of justice because it's difficult to know for sure who was involved or what decisions were made. Moral clarity is something you need for a successful thriller, but here the moral lines are blurred.
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If you like The Jacket, Jacob's Ladder or Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) then you should appreciate and enjoy this film.
principle015 March 2010
Legacy is the second film from up and coming director/writer Thomas Ikimi and serves as further evidence that this young man is sure to be a source of great films in the near future.

This time he is armed with a stellar cast (Idris Elba is excellent and gives a most harrowing and unique performance), a dedicated crew and far less of the creative restrictions he experienced while making his micro budget first film, Limbo.

This is a dark and tense psychological thriller with a strong focus on the psychology so that the viewer must constantly question themselves throughout the complex plot. We are left often doubting our own conclusions just as quickly as we became certain of them.

I had a few gripes with the casting and thought that Clarke Peters was slightly out of place portraying a covert and deadly Black ops soldier. Also Monique Gabriela Curnen (who nevertheless gives a good performance) didn't quite feel the right choice for her role as Idris' past love interest. It's not all bad though as Eamonn Walker, Joe Holt and Lara Pulver were all excellently cast resulting in some particularly gripping scenes whenever they shared the screen with Idris Elba.

All in all this is a thinking person's film, don't let Idris Elba's all action persona falsely paint your expectations of what this film is about. If you like The Jacket, Jacob's Ladder or Open Your Eyes (Abre los ojos) then you should appreciate and enjoy this film. This Legacy will leave you with questions, but are you sharp enough to decipher the answers?
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Doesn't come together as it should in the final third but Elba is terrific and is a big part of it working
bob the moo25 May 2011
I didn't know anything about this film when I finally got to see it. Kermode never reviewed it, Metacritic doesn't list it and several other sites I read didn't either. The reason I was looking for it was that I am a fan of Idris Elba – not a fan of all his films necessarily but a fan of what he can do since I am familiar with him from his quite brilliant turn as The Wire's Stringer Bell. The news that the film also had some other HBO actors I know (Walker from Oz, Peters from The Wire, Pulver from True Blood) only made me want to see it more – Eamonn Walker in particular was more than enough. But essentially the reason I came to the film was Elba and other than that I didn't know what the plot was or what to expect. I'll be honest and say I had some worries for several reasons: firstly it is a joint production with a Nigerian company and the few Nollywood films I have seen have been poor; secondly it was called "Legacy Black Ops" when I heard of it and I worried that it was trying to cash in on the Black Ops name since this is a rather large video game at the moment.

Anyway, despite my worries I actually quite enjoyed the film and found the 90 minutes to be mostly surprisingly gripping. Starting with a black ops mission that is going wrong we cut quickly to a cheap room in Brooklyn where one of the unit has holed up to complete "his mission". He talks to his video camera alone in his room; he is careful when he opens the door and he rarely answers the telephone. His ex (who married his brother while he was presumed dead) visits him in his room and he watches his brother (a presidential hopeful) being interviewed on TV. The structure of the film means we are mostly in the room that Malcolm has rented but we also have flashbacks to the mission he was on at the start of the film so that, while he follow his story now, we also see what has happened. What is happening now is that Malcolm appears to be trying to make up for his "sins" by exposing his brother's involvement in these black operations and in particular the fraud of a large sarin gas recovery on the East Coast by leaking details to a journalist. Throughout the film, in the time-honoured tradition, the pressure and the isolation appear to be taking their toll on Malcolm and his grip on sanity appears to be slipping.

In this regard the film does tread a rather worn path but I still found it engaging. I have seen others on IMDb say it was too long but for me it only started to get obvious that reality was maybe blurring around the halfway mark and it was only 90 minutes long so it did interest me. Splitting the two timelines along the movie means that it does hold the interest in both regards but unfortunately as the film starts to come together it doesn't gel as I had hoped. The ending is far too sudden and the film has not quite done enough with Malcolm's guilt to make it accessible to the viewer to the point that we really understand him – more dialogue between Macolm and his brother would have been one way to overcome this and I was hoping that the scene with them both in his room would produce more spark and more emotion. It still works but the material really needed to be stronger for the second half and I did feel it fell short.

One massive reason it still works though is Elba, and you can see why he took this low-budget movie made in Dumfries (Scotland) because the stage is his. Although the material doesn't give him everything he needs, he gets his delivery just right – gradually going from stable to unstable and with plenty of emotions to deliver. I enjoyed his performance a lot and I wish more films gave him the chance to show what he can do because he is a great actor. I know he is also in Thor at the moment and I hope that he can continue to get a good mix of small roles in large films and large roles in smaller films. The support cast are no slouches although they have less to do. Lie to Me's Curnen works well with Elba although she does inhabit this odd world that feels a little less real than it should in the early stages of the film. Peters is a solid presence – not sure what attracted him but he is a good find here. Walker disappointed me in terms of what he had to do – he is a good presence but the material lets him down as he is capable of more emotional range than he has here; like I said, his scene with Elba should have been so much more than it was – not just for the film's benefit but also for theirs as actors.

Overall Legacy is engaging film even if you know roughly the road it is going down. The material lets it down by not all pulling together as it should in the final third but it is still engaging thanks in the main part to a great performance from Elba, who really nails his character and convinces in every scene, whether it be torture, action or breakdown.
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Dull and disappointing
valleyjohn19 March 2011
I'm a big fan of Idris Elba . I loved the HBO series "The Wire" and even more so the BBC show "Luther" but he's film career has yet to really take off and when he chooses complete Turkeys like Legacy - Black Ops , it's hardly surprising. Looking at the DVD cover you might think that this was an action flick , but far from from it. This is a dreadfully slow and dull movie about a special ops soldier who is gradually going out of his mind , stuck in a hotel room. I know how he felt watching this film! Elba is good as usual but the script is so bad it's hard to find anything positive about this film. Avoid it at all costs.
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Took me a few days, but thumbs up
adam-692-62570422 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I went to Scotland to visit my girlfriends family, her sister gave her tickets to the closing gala night of the Glasgow film festival. Id never heard of Legacy or the director, who seemed to be a bit of a celebrity. I've seen Idris Elba in RocknRolla and The Office but didn't know his name. The films poster hasn't got any pictures of the caste on it, just a really cool painting of a lit fusewire running through a maze to a bomb in a brain. In any case i was happy to see that Elba was in the movie, but the rest of the caste was a bit weak. Elba held that movie from start to finish. I've got to say that i was a bit lost from after Malcolm Gray made it to New York, so after the first 20 minutes. I just don't understand what really happened with his comrades - dead or alive, was the lawyer really there, what is the significance of the pizza and was that assassin real, but what a wicked fight scene saw juijitsu, wing chun and some kali in that, mad attention to detail. Did he really do that to his fiancé. I was engrossed every minute. It was cool the way it was so slow moving but giving you bits of info each time. Am i stupid or was everyone as confused as me. I would have gone to the cinema again the next day but they only showed it for the one night. Somebody please message me and let me know when its coming out in the States. This is not the kind of movie i would watch on a cinema unless its possible to watch it again straight after.
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Great Feature Debut
kopasetik30 August 2010
"Legacy" stars Idris Elba as Malcolm Gray, a Special Forces operative. It's really fun to watch. It's the first feature from the writer/director, Thomas Ikimi...and a good one at that.

Story & Plot: The story was personal and touching. As a plot, it developed plausibly and in a compelling manner. It took a lot of twists and turns that I did not expect. Suspense, romance, action, buddy scenes...they were all there and they were all done well.

Acting: Great performances from the cast. Really like seeing Clarke Peters (The Wire). However, the weakest link was Idris Elba. His Malcolm Gray role was meant to be vulnerable, but Elba doesn't always achieve that. That difficulty makes sense since he's on top of the world: women drool over him, men respect him. Plus he's minted. Not exactly a guy in a vulnerable position. Still, he gave a solid performance in a role in which I'd never expect him.

Characters: The characters were three-dimensional and fun to watch. Malcolm Gray's military buddies (including Clarke Peters) were very fun to watch. They all had some great scenes.

Dialogue: Mostly natural. However, there were a few lines that came out of Malcolm Gray's mouth that didn't seem consistent with his character or with the actor playing him.

Cinematography/Editing: Great cinematography and editing. Helped to keep things tense and interesting.
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Gripping old-school thriller
TheBelief4 March 2010
Legacy is an interesting film, to say the least. 90% of it is spent in a small hotel room, and follows the mental deterioration of a Black Ops soldier, recently returned from a botched mission in Eastern Europe, as he attempts a mission of self-retribution and revenge. It's a psychological thriller with stylistic hallmarks of greats from a bygone era ('Manchurian Candidate' and Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' spring to mind), where suspense and tension were paramount, instead of fast-paced action and explosive thrills.

A claustrophobic, slow-burning film like this lives or dies on it's performances, and Legacy really shines in that area, with Idris Elba playing the lead role with haunting intensity. The rest of the cast do great jobs as well.

The editing and cinematography are tight, and fit the dark, brooding mood of the film effectively.

The main story itself is gripping in all the right places, and is well paced, but there were one or two confusing moments where I felt a bit lost, and found myself wondering if I'd missed something important.

You owe it to yourself to check this out if you're a fan of strong acting, and clever, suspenseful thrillers.
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A great psychological film with pure good acting
s-i-monteiro30 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was very lucky to have seen it at the Tribeca film festival in London. Not a bad film, a good start for a young man writer/producer Thomas Ikimi. A great choice of talented actors. Idris gave a unique and brilliant performance and so did the other actors. Thomas comes across as a very hard working man who deserves a break, knowing how he had to get the funds for this film, it wasn't easy but it was worth it and this is only the beginning for this man.

This film would be great as a play too, don't know if it would happen now and would it be the same actors but i could imagine it at a theatre.

A psychological drama worth watching, and look forward to see more projects from this very talented man.
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Elba is incredible
whatashleyknows23 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
While this film does not come with a particularly creative script nor is it packed with all-star name actors, Idris Elba truly reveals his acting gift in this film.

The script is choppy, and the vocabulary is dull. As the script came rolling out of actors mouths who's acting chops leave much to be desired,I admit that I slightly rolled my eyes and thought, "will I get through this film?" The story line is good. There were moments through out this film where, even I, questioned what was real vs. what was created in the mind of Gray. There are SOME unnecessary flash back moments that, I felt, "talked down" to the viewer.

Over all, it's a good film. A great ending that, in it's subtly way, gave us some answers but not all of them and I appreciated that. I have an entirely new respect for Elba, and am now questioning why he hasn't received the rolls and recognition he deserves.
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intense, slow burning, intricate
NateWatchesCoolMovies4 December 2016
Legacy: Black Ops is a good one. Like so many indie products, it has been marketed to look like an action flick for DVD, but the truth is something more akin to a psycho – political thriller. Clearly influenced by both the Bourne films and Jonathan Demme's The Manchurian Candidate, it reins the intrigue in somewhat for an intimate, starkly paced look at one man who is on the brink of losing both his mind and memories in the wake of a special ops mission gone awry. Idris Elba gives a mini powerhouse as Malcolm Grey, a battle scarred veteran who has isolated himself in a drab motel room, ruminating on a calamitous outing with his fellow squad members to find and take out eastern European extremist Salenko (Julian Wadham). Whatever went wrong sent a chain reaction down the ranks and left them divided in years to come, but we are only treated to unreliable fragments of these events, reflected through the prism of Malcom's broken mind. He receives visits from his squad mates, but are they really there, or yet another illusion dreamt up to avert his gaze from the truth? Character actor Richard Brake is O'Keefe, his longtime friend and second in command, providing sympathy and solid support during the mission we see unfold in hectic flashbacks. Adjacent to this plot is the political rise of Malcom's brother Darnell (Eamonn Walker) riding the wave of an election that will put him in a seat of immense power, but one wonders how he's connected to Malcolm and his past? How indeed. It's confusing to say the least, but never trips over its own ambitions, sewing threads of concise cause and effect throughout it's story, which is emotionally downbeat and melancholic in nature, a stylistic choice that really works in the film's favour. If you're willing to sit, absorb and meditate on a slow burner of a tale that feeds you pieces of the puzzle bit by bit, with almost zero action to be found, have at 'er. I enjoyed it immensely.
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Intense and engaging psychological drama
derekrankine1 March 2010
I was lucky enough to have seen Legacy at its world premiere closing the 2010 Glasgow Film Festival, where it was introduced by the producers and the writer/director Thomas Ikimi. The audience was informed of an intriguing production history – Ikimi had to source funding from personal contacts in Nigeria, the film was entirely shot in Scotland but mainly set in New York, and Idris Elba, who was also the Executive Producer, took advantage of his connections in the US to acquire much of the cast. Despite a seemingly infeasible gap between the ambitious aspirations and the miniscule budget, it largely succeeds in sustaining a credible and engaging dramatic narrative centred around a 'Black Ops' soldier dealing with the consequences of a failed mission and his earlier actions.

Elba plays Michael Gray, and his compelling central performance (he is in almost every scene) begins with an armed encounter in which his unit's attempt to tackle a Ukranian-born arms dealer ends catastrophically. Following ten months in a military hospital to overcome the torture that he is subsequently subjected to, he returns to Brooklyn and moves in to a run-down apartment for a period of reflection and contemplation. The impressive, elaborate plot that unfolds comfortably melds action sequences and art-house elements, and moves in a range of directions that simultaneously focus on psychological deterioration, the nature of political success (Gray's older brother is a senator on the verge of announcing a presidential campaign) and the responsibilities of the media.

Elba's robust performance aside, the film also features strong supporting acts (including his Wire co-star Clarke Peters) and some outstanding technical flourishes. I particularly liked the vibrant sound effects, from the deafening explosive gunfire to the subtle resonances that perfectly complemented the claustrophobic apartment setting, and the minimal but effective score. My one minor criticism is common to this sub-genre – an unreliable narrator who blurs the lines between the imagined and the real can lead to occasional frustration/confusion for the audience. It is, however, highly recommended, and a very welcome development for film-making in Scotland.
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Worth A Watch, A Different Kind Of Film.
morpheusownsall4 March 2010
I like to believe I am a man who prefers the different type of story and something that's a bit engaging and new. Legacy definitely offers that.

It takes place in a hotel room where Malcolm Gray (Idris Elba) uncovers a scandal linked with his brother who is a senator. All the while having flashbacks of his time on the force with his comrades and what he went through.

It's intense, gripping and you are never bored. Elba is truly fantastic and shows his range beyond Stringer Bell. The whole cast is amazing and I keep wishing Eamonn Walker had more scenes!!!! The acting throughout was truly amazing and the writing was clever as well as the direction that really drew you in to this puzzle of a film.

I do think there are a few things that could have made it more claustrophobic and emphasized the lonesome nature of this story but nothing in the world can ever be perfect. The film does enough to make it a must-watch.
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Ignore the IMDb rating...
nunchux9 February 2011
I was shocked when I looked this movie up to see that its rating. For a film with a smaller budget it is excellent. Fans of The Wire will be pleased to see Idris Elba in a challenging role. Fans of Batman Begins/The Dark Knight, will recognize Joe Chill and Detective Ramirez. Eamonn Walker plays a sympathetic antagonist and brother to Idris Elba.

The film itself takes place after a failed mission and Malcom Gray (Idris Elba) holds up in a dingy apartment alone. As the film proceeds it becomes clear that not everything is what it seems. For a low budget psychological thriller, there is quite a lot of action.

Sadly, I think this movie is destined to be under-rated and under- appreciated. Give it a chance, you won't be disappointed.
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* Intense Psychological Thriller ... Makes You Think! *
ziggyzilon5 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Legacy is one of those films in the vein of your 'Memento', 'Manchurian Candidate' or 'Marathon Man'. By this I mean, the classic high pressure dramatic thriller scenario where the protagonist seems to be the only person plugged into the truth while the powers that be perpetuate an illusion to the world that he feels the necessity to break. The drama and intensity is then heightened by the fact that the key players in opposition to his revelation of the truth have all the power and he stands alone. Will he succeed in his mission or wont he? ... there in lies the movie !!

Idris Elba carries the responsibility for this lead role in 'Legacy' and does so, surprisingly, to impressive effect. I was never particularly fond of 'The Wire' nor am I a massive fan of Idris but he had a job to do in this movie, a very difficult job I might add as he anchors what is to all intents and purposes a solo lead plot, and he did that job d**n well. He never ceases to be convincing or engaging and he immerses himself in the role with a relentless conviction from start to finish that has me wondering whether award season might just send him a few surprises. We'll wait and see !!

On the flip side, some of the drama that 'Manchurian Candidate' or 'Marathon Man' use theatrics and dialogue to achieve, 'Legacy' sometimes uses brut violence instead. For those of a delicate disposition, this can be heavy going but for those, who could make it through 'Rambo 4' without passing out, this is a walk in the park!

'Legacy' is a film that improves on reflection. Long after you have watched it, while you are sitting in your kitchen waiting for the toaster to do its thing, you find yourself having private EUREKA moments when the stars seem to align and the movie makes a whole new level of sense. Moments that have the same shock effect on you as for instance, the Keyser Soze moment from 'The Usual Suspects' or the revelation of the true meaning of Haley Joel Osment's 'I see dead people' at the end of 'Sixth Sense'. (Here comes the spoiler ... 'Legacy' also has one of those plot shockers!)

All in all 'Legacy' is a good watch that I would recommend, but approach it with an alert mind and sturdy nerves, it is not for the faint hearted !
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Where do we stand
kosmasp22 July 2013
It seems like for most people this movie is anything but "Legacy" building. But taking the performance by Idris Elba alone this should merit and have been scored higher. Add to that an unusual story that has more to deliver than the obvious and you actually should have a winner. Maybe people felt this was marketed like an action movie (when it's more a thriller with some guts and especially something worth to think about too), I can't tell.

What I can say, is that the movie delivers on its thriller element and on being not only claustrophobic but getting you into the mind of Idris character. Not an easy feat, but achieved almost seamlessly by the movie. So while you might have issues with some of the directors choices in the story department, you might want to give this movie a chance! It deserves one
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greatnessga31 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The movie LEGACY was incredible.The storyline flowed very well throughout the movie. Idris Elba performance was one of the best I have seen from him; He truly embodied his character and made me believe he was a torn ex solider. Amazing acting all around. The complexity of the film blew my mind, it was gripping and had me on the edge of my seat. Kudos to writer/director Thomas Ikimi, he did a great job on this film; I would look out for more of his projects. The movie was shot very well for an indie film the quality match that of a Hollywood blockbuster. All in all I would recommend LEGACY to anyone was is a fan of compelling thrillers.
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rewarding and challenging psychological thriller
rockafella7317 May 2010
In the interest of full disclosure, I let any reader know that I know the writer and director of the movie. However, what I aimed to provide here is an unbiased review based on our thoughts and observations as a person who has a great appreciation for cinema. I think generally speaking when you have relatively small films, which have not been distributed widely there is a reliance on those who actually saw the film to give their input. I was lucky enough to be able to attend the Tribeca premiere of the film and will try to provide my impression and humble opinion. First of I think it is quite difficult to pigeonhole the film, but since most people ask for some kind of points of reference when talking about a film, I'd say it's the Manchurrian Candidate, meets Phone Booth, meets Fight Club with some Hitchcock flair. Yea, I know not very succinct, but the best I can do. The movie relies heavily on the solid script and acting prowess of the lead, Idris Elba since the majority of the movie takes place in a rundown hotel room. Since it's a psychological thriller, which deals heavily with the distortion of reality, the success or failure of the movie lies squarely on Mr. Elba's shoulders. He showcases his potential as leading man and ability to be a commanding presence on screen. Overall, I think he did a very good job, even though I didn't fully agree with all of the choices he made with the character. The twists and turns and attention to detail with which the script was written require a good deal of concentration from the audience, but I think challenging content is something popular cinema has been extremely short on in recent years. I think working within the budget constraints ( the equivalent of less than 3 seconds in any Michael Bay chase sequence), well written script, tight acting and compelling story line make this an enjoyable movie, especially for anyone starving for intelligent and ambitious film making.
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did not realize where this was going until the end!
fowlerkp26 October 2013
I absolutely loved this movie. It was so suspenseful I was tempted to fast forward, but then I would have missed the nuances. Idris Alba is so talented and very sexy to boot. This movie was full of so many UK actors I love. I love seeing them hide their UK accents. I am going to have to watch it again to figure out what parts were really real. It was one movie well worth the watch. It is too bad this type of movie does not make it to the big screen. I will now be looking for more movies with Iris Alba. He certainly has a talent for playing with a good story. Thank you Netflix for this is the only place I know to find things that don't make it in blockbuster movie theatres.
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Extremely Compelling
hazeyj27 August 2010
This movie is a must see. Idris Elba gives a masterful performance showing a whole new side to his acting abilities. The casting of the supporting actors was on target and they played well off of Elba's character who was difficult to deal with at times. Legacy keeps you on the edge of your seat. If you enjoy suspense thrillers, you will be happy you spent your $11.00. Thomas Ikimi (director/writer) should be rewarded for this film. He is definitely a writer that will make his mark on the industry. Ikimi shows great talent as a writer, director and producer and will be successful in any of the roles he chooses to fulfill. I wish Thomas Ikimi all the best and hope that he will be supported by the larger film industry.
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Idris Elba in Legacy
goddessurgent17 October 2010
Idris Elba is a brilliant actor, who has truly shown his amazing acting skills in Legacy. I was very impressed and blown away with your role as Malcolm Grey. The way you capture me in as if I was right there in the room with you. I laugh cried and wish I could have made it all better. Again you're very talented actor indeed. I wish you much success with your career.

Thomas Ikimi wrote an excellent script. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

I was disappointed that AMC Loews Jersey Garden 20 in Elizabeth, NJ did not have one poster of the movie Legacy in the theater. One would have not known Legacy was playing until it was time to purchase their tickets.
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Powerful acting from Idris - must see film
robertasmith18 March 2011
I can only assume that those giving this film a low rating were expecting an all action shoot em up no story film. Its not, so if thats what you want, go rent the latest Segal.

This is a beautifully acted film, that shows the tortured mind created by war and violence. Well filmed and scripted, it asks a lot of questions and leaves the viewer with many alternative answers.

I think this could become a film noir classic, and I can only hope that Mr Elba continues to produce such fine films as well as act in them. He is that rare bred who is at home on both the small and big screen, and I look forward to seeing his Lear on stage in 20 years time!
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Great Film and Great Acting!
ksmith-944-4394337 January 2011
This movie is intense from beginning to end. A bit of life imitating art and vice versa. Idris Elba is incredible and his dedication to his craft exudes across the screen. He makes you feel his character's every emotion. Great work by Thomas Ikimi and I'm sure we will be seeing much more from him in the future. Glad you let Idris play this role and not the one of the senator. (lol) Very entertaining and it will cause you to think also about our men and women in the arm forces and children that are forced into civil wars around the country. Idris caused me to go deeper and think about the arm forces on many different levels. This movie should elevate our awareness of these individuals around the world.
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A must see for any lover of film
curleytom30 December 2010
I had the privilege of watching this film when it premiered in London. It's a real gem, smart, entertaining and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat. A Stella performance by Idris Elba in a role that is fascinating to watch (a man slowly losing his mind). Thomas Ikimi flexes his creative talent with this very edgy film. This film will stay with you and is extremely refreshing when compared with other films released this year. If you like your films' to have explosions and naked women directed/produced or written by Michael Bay then this film is not for You. This is a film that you need to be fully awake and alert to rely understand. It is not a film that you can appreciate on surface value, if you like your thriller's to have depth, character driven plot's and a mental mind game in which you question character's motives, then this is definitely a movie you cannot let pass you by.
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An engaging psychological thriller which is brilliantly crafted, acted, and directed.
evmetz1 May 2010
Legacy, written and directed by Thomas Ikimi, is an incredibly engaging and unsettling psychological thriller which deals with a soldier, Malcolm Grey, trying to come to terms with his past traumas.

Thomas Ikimi creates an incredible story almost entirely within one room, and Malcolm's mind. Ikimi creatively uses media within the film, such as newspapers and television to create the film's context.

The entire cast is stellar, and Idris Elba, who stars as Malcolm Grey, is especially good, bringing full believability to the story. Overall, the film is meticulously made from top to bottom, and I certainly would like to see it again. I recommend it to nearly any viewer, who enjoys a gripping and intense film.
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Brilliant psychological exploration
ericshla8 February 2011
Legacy is a perfect example of having a vision, sticking to it, and doing whatever it takes to get that vision to the big screen. In film, to create a powerful work, it is necessary to mine the depths of an emotional place the character is in, then examine that moment from multiple angles, inducing a reaction from the viewer that relates in some way to the character's plight. In Legacy, Ikimi and Elba, who stars as former Black Ops agent Malcolm Gray, do this time and time again, keeping in mind it is important to not overlook the indispensable contributions that the film's editing, done by the razor sharp Richard Graham (he and Ikimi both edited), as well as the brooding and foreboding original music composed by Mark Kilian have added to the mix. The use of flashbacks to provide exposition, mixed with the emotional power of the scenes within the single hotel room most of the present day action occurs in, created a tense, exciting, and entertaining vibe that carried throughout this poignant and important film.
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