Building a Bridge (2021) Poster

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Absolutely Phenomenal
thedukeof9010 May 2022
Loved this film, love Father Martin, and all he does to represent those on the margins. This is such a thought provocative, educational film that gives such great representation to the community. Had to buy this the minute it came out. Father Martin does a phenomenal job preaching Christ's mission, and the film makers did just as phenomenal a job in showing that work.
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Highly Reccommended
zzedward6 April 2023
I highly reccommend this movie!

Having been raised Catholic, I know many people (myself included) who think it is nearly impossible for the Chuch to change.

This film highlights a vey real effort to bring change to the Church - and to its members. It is really worth seeing, for the personal outreach efforts that hopefully will bear fruit in the near future.

And the approach is balanced - it not only speaks to changes the church can make, but also how the LGBTQ community can work with the church.

I have heard Fr. Martin speak on this topics sevearl times, and the film is a valuable tool to spead the message more widely than just his personal appearances. And of couse it is a good companion to the book of the same title.
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Profoundly and Excellent
svtcobra33119 June 2021
The haters and indifferent should watch this movie.

Firstly, Fr Martin is the best example out there today of a person spreading the Gospel. He is finding people who are hurt but want the joy of the Gospel, and no offense but when Catholicism is done right, there is nothing better.

So Fr Martin is doing it right, and the joy to our brothers and sisters in Christ is amazing.

Then there are the haters. A word on people who flip out on the topic of gays: every one of them is so clearly a gay person who is repressing his feelings... thus the anger. The flamboyance is also laughably clear. It was downright funny seeing these people... male protesters on the street wearing sashes, the Militant Catholic guy... you have to see his haircut. And he shows off his sword... not at all phallic./s

So this is a great, feel-good documentary. Fr Martin is highly intelligent, a true example of the kind of person Jesus told us to be, and he forgives people who should have their computer blow up in their face (but only for comedy, not to injure them). There are many emotional feel-good moments in the film.

My joke: the pic of Pope F & Fr Jim, I said "hey, there's a pic of Pope Francis with a cardboard Fr Jim!" everyone laughed.
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Speaking truth about God's Love
nbahav9 May 2022
A balanced and insightful documentary. It is tragic that Jesus message of love and mercy isn't what we share with the LGTBQ community - and anyone for that matter. Fr James Martin is a role model in prayerful discernment, of following where the Holy Spirit calls him to be. This is what Jesus modeled for us. Inspiring and hopeful! Thank you for writing this book and I hope that many hear and take to heart the knowledge that Gods love is already theirs.
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What the we all need to show is love
jeannemkress6 April 2023
This film teaches me how to be kind and accepting of LGBTQ persons and that includes people I know -- in my family, friends and new persons I may meet. No matter what gender a person feels most themselves we are all human beings, persons who deserve to be respected. My sister shared the film and I like how Father Martin is SO kind and caring to the people he is meeting in the film. He also seems willing to learn from others so that we can all help and be helped. We all have our story and so it's important to listen to everyone.

Hatred is bad. There is more love to go around so let's love LGTBQ!
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Promoting a Culture of Belonging
christophergkerr6 April 2023
"Building a Bridge" eloquently shares Fr. Martin's ministry of promoting a culture of belonging for each and every individual in our Church. "I always want to be close to Jesus, that is why I am doing this," is a tremendous reminder of what the Gospel calls us to-being a witness of God's love. I hope that Catholics across our country and beyond will watch with an open mind and spirit and come to better understand the experiences of LGBTQ Catholics. The stories that are shared by LGBTQ individuals and family members are a reminder that our Church has tremendous work to do to be a space of belonging for all. "Building a Bridge" is worth the watch and can be an important (but not the only) step in leading our Church in this direction.
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All persons deserve dignity with respect, compassion and sensitivity
bkress-499635 April 2023
As a Catholic Sister with family members, friends, colleagues, former students who are LGBTQ+, I find the film "Building a Bridge" an honest way to educate myself & to invite others to learn about the rejection & often "stamping out" of dear loved ones by those of us who call ourselves Christian. The beauty of this film is that it inspired me to proactively reach out with "respect, compassion, sensitivity" to LGTB+ persons. The film documents a Christ-like love by Father James Martin and others for the LGTB+ community. The film also includes voices showing an unwelcoming view of LGTBQ+ persons.
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A breath of fresh air!
rkeller-310349 May 2022
Thank you Fr Jim and those who made this film possible. I finally feel loved and accepted by my community. The Christ like behavior from this simple priest is reflected by the leader of the Church, Pope Francis. The negativity and hatred that is spewed at these holy men, is sad and demonic. The true face of God is Love and Mercy, and the only judgment comes from how you treat others. Anything but this comes from below, because God is Love. Thank you Father Jim for taking up this cross that wasn't even yours, your truly doing God's work 🙏 and thanks to Outreach Resources that helps to spread the Word.
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An excellent and heartfelt film
nickelca6 April 2023
Who is my neighbor?, asks the Scribe.

Jesus answers with the parable of the Good Samaritan.

I found this film to be a very important contribution to dialogue. Hopeful and thought provoking - it accompanies the viewer and draws the viewer in to the process of bridge building.

I did so with me. I recently read this quote "Neighbor is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept." - Rabbi Joachim Prinz.

Or to put it this way

Love your Neighbor who doesn't look like you, think like you, love like you, speak like you, pray like you, vote like you.

Love your Neighbor.

No Exceptions.

Being neighbor has no exceptions. I highly recommend this film.
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Full of Hope and Courage
saraofsc7 April 2023
This wonderful documentary is for everyone.

Watch it if you are a Catholic leader, because you need to know how LGBTQ+ Catholics and their families are suffering and how you can respond. The onus is on the Church to respond. Consider the words of a mother who lost her son in the worst mass shooting in American history: "Why is it this church I belong to... why aren't they comforting me?"

Watch it if you're a lay person who wants to be closer to Jesus; this is the way.

Especially watch it if you are an LGBTQ+ person or a family member who needs hope. Fr. Jim will challenge and inspire you to "be tough, be free, be hopeful."
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Bridges are built with love, not hate!
Fr. James Martin's book, Building a Bridge, presents a powerful and deeply spiritual message to all in our Catholic Church to live out Jesus' call to love and respect all persons as beloved children of God, including our beloved LGBTQ children, family members, and friends. The documentary, Building a Bridge, is a personal and vulnerable look at the work that Fr. Martin has so tirelessly engaged in to bring about greater understanding, sensitivity, and personal interaction between our Catholic communities and those in the LGBTQ community. The video would be a wonderful discussion tool in parishes!
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An important film for Catholics and non-Catholics alike
joycezf20 April 2023
This documentary describes the important work of Father James Martin, who has, for years, tirelessly advocated for LGBTQ Catholics.

Based on his book, Building a Bridge, we're introduced to Fr. Martin's ministry to encourage respect, compassion, and sensitivity to a community long-marginalized by many conservative Catholics.

Through the filmmakers' fine work, we're made aware of Fr. Martin's commitment to this important work to warmly welcome our often cruelly-estranged LGBTQ siblings back to the faith into which they were baptized.

We meet Sister Jeannine Gramick who has also been willing to stand up to some of the decidedly un-Christ-like behavior of the purportedly pious.

May this important film help strengthen the Catholic Church starting with the reminder that Jesus' message was unconditional love for all, especially those marginalized in his day!
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Thank God for Fr. Jim
jaisen-223315 April 2023
The point where religion and LGBT identities meet is one of the biggest flashpoints of our time (and of multiple points in history). This film talks about the work of one Jesuit priest who looks to both sides of that divide with compassion, understanding, and hope.

To Catholics who feel rejected by the church or elements within it, Fr. Martin says, "You are in a church that is still learning how to love you"--don't leave it yet, it needs you to live up to its full potential.

To the church, in fact Pope Francis himself, Fr. Martin serves as a reminder to the institution's true and ideal essence of serving those on the margins, not getting caught up in the bad faith political positions and squabbles of the day. Fr. Martin's goodness and humanity, and the humanity of those he ministers to, is clear as day.

People will look back on this movement and see how vital it was to our times.
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Building a bridge through encounter
susanfrancois6 April 2023
Pope Francis invites us to build a culture of encounter and to resist thinking of any geoup of people as disposable or not worthy of respect.

This documentary highlights the inherent human dignity of ALL persons and offers insight into the experience of exclusion felt by many LGBT Catholics.

Building a Bridge invites the viewer to follow the journey of Fr. James Martin as he walks alongside LGBT Catholics. Along the way we meet many people with various perspectives and experiences. Church moral teaching is presented accurately, while also put in dialogue with human experience and the call for a pastoral and compassionate responses.

I highly recommend this film.
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Compelling treatment of a controversial topic
gbmilner6 April 2023
As a non-Catholic, I came to this documentary having followed headlines in the media and with some preconceived notions about the issues. I came away with profound respect for Father Martin and the task he has taken on, the criticism he has endured, and the example of his outreach to a community that has not felt fully accepted. In a sense, for me at least, his message of inclusion is "preaching to the choir". However, I now understand the issues much more clearly. This is an important topic not only within the church but in society at large.

Also, as I write this review, I am struck by the extreme emotions of other reviewers. So many 9- and 10-star reviews and so many 1-star reviews. Clearly, the audience feels very strongly about this topic and the polarization of the responses seems to indicate that the film has struck a nerve. That is the sign of a compelling documentary to watch. And, of course, it has the production value you would expect from any project with Martin Scorsese's input.

Given all that, I want to advise ESPECIALLY those who think they will disagree with the content to watch. Will it change your mind? Who knows, but you will be better informed. It seems like many of us have retreated to our echo chambers and are quick to make judgments without any real investigation. My advice? Take the time to watch the film and then consider whether your attitude has shifted.
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A must for every library!
krgvzfbx6 April 2023
A treasure...a wise and entertaining book that should appeal to the spiritual pilgrim in all of us, no matter what the faith and no matter whether believer or nonbeliever."
  • Chicago Tribune
The New York Times bestselling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything and Jesus: A Pilgrimage turns his attention to the relationship between LGBT Catholics and the Church in this loving, inclusive, and revolutionary book.

A powerful call for tolerance, acceptance, and support-and a reminder of Jesus' message for us to love one another. In this moving and inspiring book, Martin offers a powerful, loving, and much-needed voice in a time marked by anger, prejudice, and divisiveness.

On the day after the Orlando nightclub shooting, James Martin S. J. posted a video on Facebook in which he called for solidarity with our LGBT brothers and sisters. "The largest mass shooting in US history took place at a gay club and the LGBT community has been profoundly affected," he began. He then implored his fellow Catholics-
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A Lesson in Civility, with Humor
mlpennacchi24 June 2023
Fr. Martin is perennially on the side of family, friends, and civility, with more than a touch of humor. He reminds us that patience is valuable. The fact that change is coming far too slowly for some and far too quickly for others shouldn't surprise anyone. God is never on the side of cruelty, however. The value of "Building a Bridge," beyond being a snapshot of our times, is that it reminds us to resist the very human temptation to lash out at others we disagree with, or retaliate when we feel attacked personally or in our spiritual views. I would very much like to see this film updated in ten or fifteen years. I have a feeling the snapshot will look different then.
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The most powerful master piece for the reconciliation between LGBTI and the Catholic Church
estebanmorales-495246 April 2023
It is best documentary that I watched in my whole life, precisely, because it's a spiritual journey. Every scene is full of elements that reveal the Jesus Christ' calling for the new relationship with the queer people. Fr. James Martin is an example for all the Catholic ministries in the world. First compassion, audacity, and prophecy of doing what Jesus is calling to all of us. I strongly recommend to watch this Documentary and read the book Building a Bridge, doing as if you are praying, full of discernment and silence and taking the opportunity to listening what is Jesus saying to you through it.
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