The Forest (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

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nogodnomasters29 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jason West (Aidan Bristow) has the tedious job of being a fashion photographer and having beautiful women throw themselves at him, which he handles like a man for better or worse. It seems Nicole (Stella March) his latest squeeze teases us with some butt shots and then she gets attacked by someone/ghost (mini plot spoiler) who looks like Jason's former girlfriend Ariana (Kai Elle) who we saw die in the opening clip...or did we as they never found a body.

Interpol Detective David Stone (Shan Serafin-director/writer) who works for Michael "Cameo" Madsen takes on the case.

The film incorporates the Japanese legend about the suicide forests of Fuji. It has the plot line of a Japanese horror, but not the characters with subtitles. Indeed our characters have a little more life to them in spite of the fact they are not that well developed. This is a horror film for people who like Japanese horror films, but don't like a lot of Japanese people in them.

The film does have scenes I enjoyed such as the David Stone in the forest by himself getting spooked.

The cover art is not connected to the film.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Butt nudity. Poster nudity.
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worth the wait
Bill_Doroden32210 July 2010
Tomoyuki's Jyukai and Naiishi's Shadow Woods are not on par with The Forest. This movie is the best look there is on the topic of the Fuji forest, especially cinematically which is well shot and a gripping plot. Serafim kept the creepy images at play without being heavyhanded about their social ramfications. All in all the characters aren't memorable as in hey you're about to watch the Godfather and see Michael Corleone confront his inner demons, but they're very realistic especially as an ensemble. The blonde, main brunette, cop, photographer are good. I heard the crew had a number of problems with reshoots but they did a seamless job of suturing together a mindbending story which never feel out of its own flow. The pace is excellent. I could have apprecaited more blood and gore otherwise I don't think this movie qualifies as a slasher film. It's more of a Japanese horror piece slash supernatural thriller with a consummate first person shooter style procession ending that is pretty chilling and active at the same time.
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Another awful waste of time.
bolanszipgun24 May 2014
It appears the other viewers of this movie must have watched a different movie then I did. I actually bought the DVD on the strength of the other reviews, what a mistake that was. The acting was extremely bad, the sound was variable through out, over all quality was terrible and the film was extremely boring with nothing to hold the attention. The characters were banal and one dimensional you did not care about anyone as they were instantly forgettable.I managed to sit through half the DVD before I switched it off and put DVD in the garbage. I was really disappointed as I expected this to be a real scary one. Nothing to scare you here, you wont be scared to go down to the forest after this travesty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YAY for horror movies with a PLOT!
tridentbear25 June 2010
I got to watch an advanced screening of this movie, and I was anxious (just because the last movie I watched was that recent remake of "Nightmare on Elm Street" which seriously was lame.) I won't get into the actual details of the plot, but it was more than just a "hey here's a random thing going around killing people with no good reason" type of plot, which always bug the CRAP out of me. The characters had motives, and there was this extreme tension throughout the movie (I won't say why, but it was very intense!) Overall it was like my favorite types of horror movies, which focus on the psychological/tension type of horror, rather than the let's-see-how-much-blood-this-dead-body-can-spew type. It's the kind that you think about days after. And even more freaky that the forest is a real place! Freaky deaky! Anyway, I plan on seeing it again.
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If more horror flicks were made like this, we'd be watching them more often.
onistb22 June 2010
I've always been a fan of older horror movies, the kind that require some thought and the viewer to be paying attention. I'm talking black and white, early 70's, gritty stories that let the imagination fun wild instead of seeing dismembered limbs and gory nasty crap all thrown in your face. That's why I never take the time to watch them.

Enter "The Visible Dark." (I'm gonna do my best to not spoil the movie) Right from the first scenes, you're taken places that make you believe connections between events without being able to explain them. There are no obvious fixes and no easy answers. But the whole time you're wondering what the hell is going on. No one is safe, and everyone becomes suspect after a while. Also, trust and belief in people starts to diminish. You want to see the people prevail, but start to wonder if they can. Before you realize it, time is running out, and you're wondering if and when the evil will strike.

The coolest thing is that the story is addicting without the horror aspect. The scary stuff comes along and disrupts everything, which to me is even creepier. Most horror movies I just sit back and stay guarded, covering part of my eyes the whole time. I stay disconnected the whole movie, and then after I forget about it. I near cared about the subjects anyways. This movie pulls you in and then drops the ax, kidney punching you with terror whenever you've lifted your guard just a little too long.

This film leaves you effectively creeped out without being nauseous. I hope to see more like this again.
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FA-REAKY ending!
mazeltough21 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the better ghost stories I've seen in a while! And the ending is creepsville. Not to give away too much but the final scenes totally will have you on edge!! You could say this is sort of like a Japanese Horror flick but, having seen "The Audition" and "Ringu," I'd say that this film isn't exactly of the same odd J-horror ilk. This is more like "The Ring" or "The Grudge." It's a more thoughtful movie, almost like a police story at first and then becomes a nightmare in the end. There is one shot that is insanely creepy. Actually a lot.

The shots of the Fuji forest are probably the real deal. Which helps. I got a little confused in the middle but the ending pretty much sums up the loose ends. It's not quite as well done as The Ring but it's in the same vane. Michael Madsen is good. And the hacker is great! If you want a good scare, this film will do it.
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Should be Decent
genusangelicus25 June 2010
Quite by good luck I saw this film as a reviewer tester.

Never been a reviewer before or an avid horror fan.

Anyhow, as a fan of suspense films I enjoyed this one, savoring the predicaments, and its exceptional climax.

It's set and filmed on location in a really weird forest in Japan: not only is the forest weird - looks like tangled trees above tangled undergrowth, all springing from awfully jumbled earth, but also its reputation in Japanese myth or legend.

The basic idea is very well spun out by the author and the actors' performances reflect knowledgeable , dedicated direction.

Would not recommend this for children under 15. There is some nudity but there is also exceptionally graphic violence. Even later teen years, I'd suggest chaperoning.
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Pretty friggin cool... excuse me while I book a flight to Japan
ZombieBlah22 June 2010
After seeing this, I'm dying to go see the forest in person. Did some googling and its 100% real. Search at your own risk- I had a hard time sleeping the night I did. Actually, if you're looking for a good scare, do it by yourself at like 1am. You're welcome.

I totally wasn't expecting what I saw with this movie. The characters are much more fleshed-out than some of the horror films I've seen in the past 5 years, and there's actually an interesting and ENGAGING plot.

Some excellent scares throughout, especially the last 30 minutes. The whole audience was reacting to the screen, and one guy even said exactly what I was feeling: "Oh, shhhhi-."
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liked it a lot, much scariness
ecepilot23 June 2010
liked it!!! Author: ecepilot from United States

I was very into it. I think its a good movie. It has a very scary ending to a good story. The cast gives good acting for a good script. Great editing. Great direction. The wardrobe was okay. The scene lighting was okay. The score was good. So-so special effects. Very good sound designs. Good make up. So so visual affects editing. Screenplay is OK and funny. Producers did a good job. Set design is good. Main ghost is scary. Actual blood used is OK not great. Good filming of tokyo and all Japan. Good surprises. Car for the cop is dumb but that is japan I guess. Kill scenes are good. Acting of Japanese people is very good. Best part is ending and which is very creepy. Good movie for most everyone
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A Twisted Look at Narcissism, Wrapped Up in Horror Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film at an advanced screening so I'm not sure what will blossom out of the current version. I heard some pretty wild comments from the audience. My feeling is that quite a few people didn't get all there was to get, which is probably just as well.

This is a spooky story, and set in the real life legend of Awoky Gara Forest (OMG I cannot EVEN spell that word) and that's extremely tantalizing, to see something real, a true phenomenon get played out on screen... but there's actually something really weird underneath all the chaos.

The main guy, Jayson is photographer. The validation that all the women around him seek seems to be the movie's central theme. It's sort of all disguised as a horror film, but the real horror is what happens to any human being when he or she gets infatuated with a lost love. That's what happens to the main girl, the blonde ghost.

I'm pretty sure this film is about the dense forest of the human soul--that if you lose yourself in the infatuation of another or the vanity of narcissism, your loss is permanent, and you become this demon like vulture, who tries to drag everyone else down, because now your codependent sense of self worth is eroded in your nagging need to be validated by a guy.

Buuuuuuuut, in this case it's not just any guy, it's a photographer, Jason. So he's not just a man, he's a lens. He's the great validator because he captures women's superficial beauty and immortalizes it. To the point where even the gorgeous naked girl in front of him, the first scene, hardly captures his attention at all, while instead he is engrossed in her 2 dimensional replication on the photographs. Every girl wants to be immortally beautiful. It's the vampire complex. (Not that this film has vampires in it, alas!) Jason provides it. But he's fickle. The woman seek him but he ends up turning them all down. That's the fleeting nature of the outward deification. The tighter you grab it, the more warped and contorted it will be as it oozes from your fist.

He pretty much says it all in the photo shoot, yelling at the dainty Japanese model, then seducing her proper poses. "He's over you but you like it. You love it. It's a good hurt" (paraphrased). And that's what finally primes the girl. The hurt. An endless pursuit of the hurt.

So I LOVED the ending. Made perfect sense. When the lens is cracked, and you'll get my reference when you see the film, the pain is over.

The meta-lingual references are pretty much tripled when you consider that Jason uses the video camera in the end to search for his nemesis and Koshi (sp?) uses the hallways monitors. In a sense, there is no reality for these people beyond what the camera allows them to see, a confined perspective. That's the pathology of it.

Solid performances for the most part bring a deceptively common dialog to life throughout the story. It's suspenseful and then it gets pretty scary. But, again, for me, the true worth is in the brutal excoriation of the human condition. Slash up on THAT!!!!

: )
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Excellent quality horror film!
vekraus24 June 2010
This is an excellent horror film. It gives me hope in horror films because I've been disappointed so many times with typically cheesy dialogue and bad acting. The Visible Dark is the opposite - the film is of high quality in all aspects from story line, writing, cinematography, and an awesome performance by Michael Madsen and writer/director Shan Serafin. Having the story based in Japan around actual Japanese cultural beliefs about life and death made the story unique and interested enough to do research outside of watching this film. The story keeps my interest all the way through, is grippingly suspenseful, has plenty of comedy relief, and has several classically horrific moments that would make you cover your face with just enough room to watch with one eye. This film is worth watching if you're a critic of horror.
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The end is phenomenal!
benicio-vargas-8525 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There's a whole new crop of Indy horror makers who clearly have taken notes from the grandmasters (Carpenter, Craven, Kubrik) and now they're gonna be our next generation of greats. First we had Adam Green with his Frozen and Hatchet. Now we got Serafin, who's delivering a creepy pulse-driving cold-sweat nightmare of pure-sweet female violence. Love it. The J-Horror genre is sure to get a re-boost with this. The spirit is along the lines of The Ring or The Grudge, but I swear to God, there is that same adrenal rush of the end. Fantastic pay off makes everything tie together in a hellish journey of the last remaining character. Very innovative this bloke Serafin. Some stuff I hadn't quite seen before. And all of it is the real-deal Japanese Suicide Forest. The acting is decent all the way around, no stand out performances other than the hacker and of course mister on-scree-I'll-knife-you-in-the-jewels Michael Madsen. who, actually is pretty damn hilarious. Best horror movie I've seen this year and can't wait to see more from this group.
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