Loving the Bad Man (2010) Poster

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I'm A Pro-Life Christian But This Movie Was Disgusting.
filmbuff-057064 August 2021
I saw Loving The Bad Man back in January, when Family Videos were closing down. My Grandma picked it out, and I had heard about it, so I wanted to check it out. I was repulsed by the movie, but my Grandma, to my amazement, liked it.

Before I review the movie, let me say something controversial: I am pro-life, even in cases of rape. I do not wish for any woman to be raped and impregnated, but it is unfair to kill the child in the matter.

If a store manager was injured by a robber, should the police arrest the robber or the manager?

The robber, of course. If you kill a baby conceived in rape through abortion, it is equivalent to arresting the manager.

For another analogy: Would you kill a 5 year old that was conceived in rape? Then why do it before they are born?

Granted, there may be some gray areas in this matter, such as if the mother is young or suicidal from the pregnancy, but all in all, I am against aborting a child for what the father did.

Actor Kelsey Grammar has a perfect quote for this, which I am sure is meant to be figurative: "If someone has to die as a result of rape, then we should kill the rapist, not the unborn child." That has about the same meaning as my robber/ manager analogy.

If you think my position is disgusting, then let me introduce you to a Christian movie called Loving The Bad Man. The plot follows a Christian girl named Julie, who is raped on a road trip by Mike, a drunk car repairman who just lost his job.

Mike goes to jail, and Julie becomes pregnant. Her parents tell her to get an abortion, but she points out the hypocrisy of them being against abortion but wanting her to get one because she was raped.

She makes the above case that the child doesn't deserve to die for what Mike did, and she keeps the child. The fact that this hypocrisy is pointed out was one of my positives, but the movie then continues.

Julie decides to see Mike in jail on a weekly basis. These visits are not to say "Why did you rape me? How could you do this?", instead she sees him to say hi, show him sonograms of their child, and to eventually fall in LOVE with him!

I kid you not, on one visit, she tells Mike (and I'm possibly paraphrasing): "What you did to me was the best thing that has ever happened to me." I know she meant having their son Arthur was the best thing, but how she worded it was disturbing.

Speaking of disturbing, I remember being so disturbed that I told myself that I might need to see a Saw movie just to cleanse myself from this! (I did not, but that is a recommended remedy.)

Oh, and Mike is an atheist (because atheists are rapists I guess), so Julie gives him a Bible and he becomes a Christian. In an atheist's review on YouTube that I saw, he said, "Can you imagine going to Heaven and saying "Hey, remember when you raped me? Those were good times. Have a good day!"

Anyways, for some reason (my Grandma and I were both confused by this), some of Mike's cellmates want to kill Julie (why is the part that confused us), and Mike says, "If you want to kill her, kill me instead."

Before they do, he writes a letter to her, telling her that he has accepted Jesus as his Savior and that he was going to die for her the way Jesus did. So, there you go ladies and gentlemen, our rapist gains a Savior Complex at the end of the movie.

My Grandma and I had dinner after the movie, and we both discussed the movie, defending our positions on if it was good or bad. I told her that I am pro-life, I told her about Kelsey Grammar's quote, stuff like that. But I summed up my position on the movie in this way:

When I was 14, 8 years ago, I went through a year of child abuse. It took me about 5 years to let go of most of that anger. Julie never had anger. She never yells at Mike, she has no nightmares, she doesn't even CONSIDER the abortion.

Had she considered an abortion for 5 movie minutes, I would have at least seen some humanity in that! I'm not saying that this movie should have been about her aborting Arthur, but it would have been human to at least contemplate it.

My Grandma said: "Well, she got through it because of her faith." I went through my abuse through my faith as well, but it didn't stop me from hurting for half a decade! We continued to debate this, and she still liked it, and I still hated it. Again, I am a pro-life Christian, but this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

The cinematography is also awful. It has a budget of a little over a million dollars, which is no excuse for how it looks. Rocky had a lower budget and looked far more decent.

Even Flywheel, the first Kendrick Brothers movie, which has a budget of $20,000, has a better film quality. This shows that Christian filmmakers need to work better on their filmmaking skills. 11 years have passed and that is only gradually improving.

There were a few positives that I found, hence why I awarded the movie 3 stars and not 1. Apart from the hypocrisy that Julie points out, I must admit that the story isn't boring. Good? No. But interesting? I have to say yes. I can't deny I had to see where this insane story was going to go. So, it was interesting, but not in the way the filmmakers intended.

Also, Julie's Dad expresses anger to Mike that I was expecting from Julie, so I appreciated that. However, the mood of the movie tries to make it seem like a bad thing.

Despite these few positives, they all drown in how creepy and unrealistic the movie is. To anyone who gave this a 1, I don't blame you. I'm sorry that I try to see the bright side of things.

Loving The Bad Man is an awful movie, Christian or otherwise. I've told friends who love Christian movies about this and even they were horrified at the premise as well. To the people who made it- I don't think this is what Jesus meant when He said: "Love your enemies." Although this is debatably better, this movie made Unplanned look like a masterpiece.

Reverse Recommendation: Apart from being about pro-life, it was also supposed to be about forgiveness. Better Christian movies that deal with this are:

The Passion of the Christ (the ultimate forgiveness).

I Can Only Imagine.

Courageous(part of the plot).

VeggieTales: God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!? Yes, see a VeggieTales video instead of this abomination of a Christian movie!
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Pretty Good Movie
rmconrad3 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For someone like me, who enjoys Christian films, I found Loving the Bad Man rather enjoyable. Julie, the main character, is attacked one night and then discovers she's pregnant. She decides to keep the baby and begins to struggle in life because of that decision. It's a great movie about strength, healing and finding forgiveness. The characters were pretty good and I ended up liking the "Bad Man" in the end. The only problem with it is you could really tell it was a low budget film. Some of the script/actors were kind of bad. I found myself laughing at some parts that were supposed to be serious because of the line being delivered in an odd way. All in All though it's a good film. If you like Christian films, you'll like this one.
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Faith based
fmwongmd7 April 2020
The story itself was full of gaps, non séquitors and lack of context but the dramatic impact was unmistakable. Improbable as it was it was still moving.
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Extremely Problematic
kellieknox13 February 2019
If you have not yet seen this film, I recommend that you don't. Sexual assault and rape are difficult topics to address in film, although it can be done in a way that both preserves the dignity of the victim and states a necessary message. This (frankly I don't even want to call it a film) steaming pile of trash did neither.

Instead, it's painfully clear that it was written by three men who have never, at and point in their lives, spoken to a rape victim. The female lead is treated like a prop, only a plot device to tell the stories of the men in her life. As a result, anyone watching this is being force fed the message that it's the victims responsibility to love and forgive their rapist so that he can have an uplifting redemption story. This content is harmful, and I would discourage anyone from watching it. Ignorance is better than misinformation after all.
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gunslinger194 January 2016
This movie has the worst moral message I have ever seen, the people who made this should be ashamed of themselves. I don't have a problem with Christian movies, really I don't, but this is repugnant. The person who rapes a woman in a movie should never, ever under any circumstances be portrayed as the sympathetic character in a movie. The overall acting is terrible, but no worse than acting in any other Christian movie. the cinematography seems competent by Christian movie standards. But there is just no getting around the fact that you feel dirty after you watch this movie and it will take a weeks worth of showers to feel clean again.
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bookshawntaydalon16 November 2022
I don't even write negative reviews. I try not to. I live by the motto If I don't have anything nice to say- to keep it moving. But I feel morally obligated to tell you - as a Woman , who is also a Christian, who is also Pro Life, who is also a rape survivor, I am offended by everyone who decided that this script, was okay. Never do I believe that a woman should be forced to birth a child- I believe that is her decision that she have to take up with God. ESP, in the cases of rape, incest, health complications. So- to take the seriousness of this trauma & make light, fun, and w/ obvious no research involved- is offensive.

I knew a man wrote this before I looked it up. And to see Three of them did, explains a lot. You mad the man - the rapist - the victim. Your message is, if the victim doesn't have empathy towards her abuser, she's less of a Christian. I mean... this is absolutely ridiculous.

I pray that after all these years, there's regret in its creation. Even with the actors. I'm an actor. I get wanting work. But we also have a responsibility with the stories we tell.

  • Shawntay.
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sixjax13 May 2021
Nothing redeeming about this movie. I had to force myself to finish it. Stephen Baldwin, as the leader of the prison gang, at least added a little comic relief, but not intentionally.
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Its the theme of the whole film
fruthalex12 March 2019
Fundamentalist christian propaganda that encourages people who have been raped to marry their rapists.
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After School Special on steroids
barrelhousegutboy24 August 2012
Like other Christian themed movies (Fireproof comes to mind) the production value is closer to what you see on television than the big screen. Most of the players lack smooth delivery and the dialogue sounds more like a Sunday school pop-up book in places. I found the first 30 minutes of set-up to be rather tedious. If you can survive all the above you will be treated to a rather heart warming story of the value of faith, character, and perseverance. Instead of beating the viewer down it elevates you and holds up the best of humanity in the face of peer pressure willing to hold a person blameless for taking the low road (rather insistent that it be taken actually) . In fact taking the high road is shown to be very challenging with doubts and obstacles coming from quarters where it wouldn't be expected. This a an outstanding feel good movie that I would recommend to any age viewer. I take 2 stars based on a 'lesser' production value but few of today's movies will uplift your spirit like this one.
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A bit of Propaganda to Validate the Concept of every Sperm is Sacred
andahl201026 July 2012
Recurring themes through this film would have the viewer believe that this film is all about redemption, faith, and the power of forgiveness. Bull. This entire film is a propogandistic attempt to push an agenda:

Abortion is wrong on all fronts regardless of the reason.

I'm surprised they didn't make the character, Julie, dying from a rare form of ovarian cancer that she endures rather than abort the child to save her life. Perhaps even the film makers saw this as over the top.

Don't be fooled folks, this is a "Right-to-Lifer" film that places a much smaller value on the vessel (Julie) than either the unborn baby, or the rapist (Mike) who slowly is becoming a redeemed character through this heart-tugging drama.

The Christian ladies who see this will definitely have their heart warmed, the Christian men who see this will be able to say, "See - the Abortion Doctor I killed last week was deserving of what he got". The rest of us who see this will be waiting for the setup where Mike gets out of Prison, falls into Julie's trap, and is castrated for what he did as she confesses to aborting his diseased offspring from herself a week after the rape and let's Mike know it was her neighbor's baby she was passing off as her own.

Unfortunately, our happy ending will never come.
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Loving The Bad Man - awesome movie!
teristarbuck17 May 2011
This is a definite "must see"! I have never seen a more powerful and moving portrayal of forgiveness, redemption, and sacrifice! You follow the journey of a young lady who is forced to examine every relationship in her life, including God.

I was totally blessed to have had Stephen Baldwin come to my hometown with Kevin McCullough, Tom Conigliaro and Peter Engert for this special screening before it hits the theaters (which I hope is VERY SOON!). This was truly a life altering experience to watch this movie. Mr. Conigliaro and Mr. Engert did a magnificent job of writing, directing and producing this spellbinding story.

Everyone that attended was blessed beyond their wildest imagination, and released from the prison of unforgiveness which is vital in being set free. Our screening here was in Feb/2011 and I still have people come up to me on the street telling me stories of how this movie changed their lives, they loved it, and they ALL ask, "WHEN WILL IT BE RELEASED TO THE THEATERS" because they want to see it again, and take their families and friends. Love, love, love this movie!
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Great story,horribly put together.
daleejr0529 September 2018
Great story on forgiveness. It looked like an amateur made the movie though.
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They put a Baldwin on the cover and let a kid do his prison ink
ShamelyssRiot8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand why this film attempts to center around its lead Julie, as she has no agency whatsoever in the film. Julie is the victim of a violent sexual assault resulting in a pregnancy that she carries to term and a son she opts to raise, but the main conflicts center almost entirely around the men in her life. It cries for sympathy throughout for her abusive victim-blaming father and some weeb coworker that has a crush on her, but it plays a tiny violin for her abuser. This nauseatingly tone-deaf film suggests the most important followup to a life altering attack from a stranger is to keep your attacker's baby, pray a lot, and then coddle him in prison to help him find God, play family by giving him access to and info about his biological child, and temper every one else's cope without ever processing your own pain and struggle. Lead is a very sweet girl with the emotional and mental maturity of a 12 year old.
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Surprisingly emotional, kept my interest throughout
bsalsheikh6 August 2013
I decided to watch because I had recently learned about two reputable national studies of women that were raped who subsequently became pregnant. Both studies found that 70% of women who became pregnant after being raped carried the baby to term. The majority of the women who had an abortion later deeply regretted the choice, but none of the women who carried the baby to term regretted that decision whether they kept the child or allowed it to be adopted.

I thought the movie handled the complexity of the issue well, from the perspectives of everyone who would be intimately involved: the young woman, her family, her friends and the man who assaulted her. Pregnancy after rape isn't as cut-and-dry as many would have you think. While the movie clearly has a Christian point of view, that shouldn't deter free thinkers from watching - if indeed they are willing to set aside their own biases.
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One of a kind, far exceeding expectations!
abelincolnbuff14 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen this described as a "faith-based" movie about a young woman's choice to bear and keep a child born of rape, I didn't expect very much. Perhaps I thought it would be poorly acted or overtly "Bible-thumping" in some way. What a surprise!

The movie's content is only partially described. Everyone knows what it's like to start a movie thinking, "I'll just give this a few minutes and see..." My family was glad we gave it a chance, because it didn't take long for the complex web of characters and strange story-line to become gripping. In 30 minutes time, we were engrossed in this bizarre tale, somehow held together (with growing believability) by writing and acting talent we hadn't suspected! For example, it sometimes rivals "The Shawshank Redemption" in its gritty portrayal of prison life, while never leaving the primary theme. Every effort was made to be as accurate as possible about the young woman's ordeals and struggles as well. Her parent's family dynamics were not overlooked either...

Though anyone seeking the loftiest ideals of Christianity would be interested in "Bad Man," so would a larger audience: those in the fields of counseling, corrections, teaching, female- victims, or parents concerned about their daughters. Even those who have committed that particular crime...might just want to see this strangely unbelievable yet compelling exploration of the value of one life: one innocent child, one young woman, her father and mother, along with several other links in life's chain, --not excluding a not so innocent rapist...
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Low Expectations - High Reward
drshop16 August 2014
You will realize from the first lines that this is a low-budget film with the production quality of after-school TV. Once your expectations are set low, you are in for a treat. The tragic beginning is well foreshadowed and still creates tension and anxiety, while maintaining a "clean-ness" appropriate to the overarching religious message. The storyline then follows the separate lives of the Bad Man and the victim until the victim, driven by a combination of Christian faith and an undercurrent of subtle self-loathing, approaches the Bad Man. The victim's naive attempt at demonstrating forgiveness, coupled with conviction and determination, prove powerful even as the criminal element threatens. Some predictable plot lines serve as a framework to set up key moments of humanity. Unexpected dramatic outbursts and varying levels of heroic decisions by multiple characters at different times keep the film grounded in the reality of the human predicament, while revealing the potential for triumph. Several great lines and scene transitions reveal a screen writing genius that makes up for the low production quality. Themes of repentance, forgiveness, and redemption are played out organically - without caricature.
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Best US Film RE: Rape/Sexual Assault; Most Heroic Female Protagonist in Years
punisherofthecastle13 December 2020
I accidentally stumbled upon "Loving the Bad Man" on Netflix, and I am so glad I, by chance came across this inspirational and moving modern-day morality tale of evil, violence, hate, prejudice and redemption.

It is, quite frankly, the only American film dealing with rape that does so in an intelligent, and, perhaps, more importantly, and honest way.

It is, also, a rare positive portrayal of religion in film from that Fallen Empire that once gave us a brave and noble priest advising the protagonist of "On the Waterfront," and moving him to a heroism and to tap into a courage in facing the evil that he could not have previously ever known he had.

Also, the film depicts both the racism of the Neo-Nazis in prison and the hate and rage that lead rapists to become rapitsts

But, more that all that, I am happy to have discovered and to be able to tell you about the best film dealing with rape that I have ever seen, one devoid of the gross, icky politics that usually serve as land mines, hidden and explosive and dangerous and ready to explode on an unsuspecting victim.

I feel so strongly about this film that I am insisting that my daughters watch it and and tell their friends about it and invite them over to watch it because young women have the right to be told the truth, even though they so rarely are.
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I loved the movie. Unrealistic love, unless you are Jesus
lewisv391921 May 2020
The movie simply show something most people are incapable of doing. Forgive,,..I read some of the previous comment, heard why some gave it very low score. And it's because a person loved a very bad man. If you forgot, that very reason is why we love Jesus, I loved very bad men/women.
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A story of true forgiveness
mrc-098196 December 2023
This movie was excellent! It was sad and happy at the same time. The bad reviews this got is just proof that the world is against what Jesus says and that is to love your enemies. God forgives that is the bottom line. Jesus died for us while we our still sinners. Jesus saved a life and he used that girl to do it. God takes the bad and turns it around for good. Read your bibles people! This movie had me in tears at the ending. It really moved me spiritually. There were many references of scripture from the Bible in this movie. People that gave this movie bad reviews need to put their pride aside.
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Beautiful story of forgiveness
michelelynnsmith27 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I stayed in tears on and off throughout he whole movie. The people that rated it low missed the point of the movie entirely or tried reading their own political views on abortion into it. This movie really had nothing at all to do with the abortion issue or really even the baby that was born through. I did not glorify the rapist but showed God mercy on him. At no point did the movie try to convince victims to " There was no romantic relationship between the two ever. It was wholly about forgiveness and the power of that forgiveness. A sinner who turned to God because of a young woman's courage to forgive even when her own mind and everyone around her thought she was crazy for doing so. She heard God whisper to her heart and her faith allowed her to follow her heart to forgive someone who had wronged her so terribly.
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