Harishchandrachi Factory (2009) Poster

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Must watch, if you appreciate good cinema.
Lord_Aragon14 July 2010
This movie was the official entry for the Oscars 2010 in the best foreign language film category from India. Though the movie is in Marathi,it actually transcends that minor barrier. It is a winner all the way , well written and directed by Paresh Mokashi.Even though Indian film industry is dominated by Bollywood (Personally I hate that word) such movies like Harishchandrachi Factory are entertaining as well as intelligent. Thanks to the multiplexes such movies no longer have a restricted regional release.Throughout the movie there is a feel good element and one does not feel like being taken for a fool.

It depicts the journey of the pioneer Dada Saheb Phalke as he faces hardships while making his magnum opus and how he overcomes them. Without giving away much, I will say watch out for the way the director has recreated that era.The performances by the actors are refreshing and believable.

Never give up on your dreams, work wholeheartedly and you will win.This message is underlined throughout with out playing up to the galleries.

I gave it 9/10.
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How the World's Bggest Film Industry Got Its Start!
VirginiaK_NYC14 January 2010
I love movies about the movies, and this one is a standout.

Often I've thought about the dawn of cinema - that first heady round, the rush of making a picture that moved. Here's an appropriately joyful - and funny! - glimpse of that moment in India, home of the world's biggest movie business, the story of the making of India's first full-length film.

It starts when the man known as Dadasaheb Phalke sees a film for the first time -- British, short, Jesus dying and rising from dead, in a no-frills sort of way -- and gets the idea of making a movie like this for Indians, about Indian culture. It ends with the completion and recognition of the full-length Rajah Harishchandra, an historical film of a virtuous long-ago king. (The present film's title means "Harishchandra's Factory": in India in about 1913, if you've got a job on a film, what do you tell your neighbors who've never seen one? Phalke's advice -- say you work at a "factory" -- the foreign word will impress them and keep them out of your hair.)

The character of Phalke, as played with warmth and charm by Nandu Madhav, would be optimistic "to a fault," except that his persistence is so right, even when he goes to London alone and unannounced to get the advice and equipment he needs. He is in some ways the preoccupied technician/professor type, and in a pitch-perfect decision, director/writer Paresh Mokashi gives us a larger world that meets his somewhat blinkered but brilliant obsession with more or less unfailing appreciation and support. Local appreciation may be slower in coming, but of course we know that it did.

The story, all very solidly researched, is carried more by our itch to see his film get made and shown than by any manufactured tension about too many bad things happening. And by our anticipation of the next comic moment - expect special delight once casting problems arise where no woman will go near the camera, and mustache-retention problems arise when compromise casting for ladies' roles is accomplished.

The husband-wife partnership shines, Vishawai Deshpande's lovely and grounded Mrs P learns to develop film, and whatever is in her heart lets her survive furniture sales and big risks without resorting to nagging. Especially elegant, the matter-of-fact cooperation between Phalke and British film guys, who "get" him more or less right away, the way artists worldwide have pretty much always loved each other and their work in fellowship, irrespective of national tensions and problems.

Finally - production values are high, this looks as beautiful as it should and - for any worried western viewer - this is not a musical!! it's a "regular movie."
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Tribute to First Novie Maker
vranwikar4 February 2010
Hi everyone,

as i have mentioned i love watching movies more than i love programming...so i have decided to write a kind of review of movies which i see....after 3-4 days finally today i got time to watch "Harishchandrachi Factory"... when i started it i was hoping to see a very serious kind of movie which will depict life "Dadasaheb Phalke-- Father of Indian Cinema"..but it turned out to be a very pleasant, gentle movie....

well the movie starts with a maverick man who has left his good printing business and is working as magician doing street shows....he happens to see a "motion picture"..well normally you wont give a damn about this word...but this movie will surely tell u what it really represents......after watching this cinema..he decides to do his own motion picture or "a drama on screen" as people first used to call motion pictures....

movie then goes through his efforts to make his dream real...the best thing about movie is not actually the story but the way it is presented on the screen.... there are few scenes which are truly remarkable ..specially where Phalke sells his cupboard to buy books and people started making a big deal out of it..as if someone has died... part where phalke is looking for women actors to portray Taramati and mustache saga....

Nandu Madhav has played character extremely well but one thing i couldn't stop noticing about his acting was..it kind of looked like Chalie Chaplin...i dnt know if its true...but u have to c it yourself.... another beautiful aspect of movie was how relation between phalke and his wife is handled...its shear pleasure watching the couple together....Vibhavari Deshpande who enacted Saraswati Phalke has done well job too....

Director Paresh Mokashi has done beautiful job in writing as well as directing... portraying a life a man in 97 min is really a tough job.... so in all a nice movie... and a nice tribute to the originator of Indian Cinema which currenlty is biggest film industry in the world....
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And he said "Let there be light.... camera.... action!!!"
AvinashPatalay12 February 2010
"Harishchandrachi Factory" is Indian Cinema's official entry into the Academy Awards and the million-dollar question is - does it justify? Yep, you bet! Maybe not soul-stirring, not a tear-jerker either, sans social message and not even magnum-opus.... yet "Harishchandrachi Factory" lingers in your head like a sweet aroma.

Biopics generally tend to have a format which demonstrate the hardships and struggle of an individuals to realise the dream. It is exactly here "Harishchandrachi Factory" truly standouts by adopting an untrodden path. It depicts Mr. Phalke's journey of creating the first celluloid on Indian Cinema without getting over-bearing, in the light-hearted way possible ensuring the essence is not lost. I am sure the truth is far from it and should not discount the pains Mr. Phalke underwent to plant the seeds of germination for Indian Cinema.

Performances are spot-on, especially Nandhu Madhav who portrays Mr. Phalke. Nicely complimenting him is Vibhwari Deshpande as Mrs. Phalke to extent the audience would feel that marriages are indeed made in heaven. If Mr. Phalke is depicted as an eccentric genius, his better-half is no less crazy.

There are a few emotional moments in the movie like for instance when Phalke loses his eye-sight or when his son falls ill but what is commendable is that either its depicted humorously or the narrative moves on to the next part. The screenplay and editing should be complimented. Of course, the writer/ director truly deserves standing ovation for choosing Dadasaheb Phalke as his subject. And last but not the least UTV for backing this deserving project.

Let me not comment on the chances of "Harishchandrachi Factory" garnering statuettes at Academy awards, however I am confident that you will google and read about Dadasaheb Phalke after watching this movie.
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Marathi cinema at its best
Shaitaaan11 March 2010
I watched 3 movies last weekend: Up in the Air, Invictus and Harishchandrachi Factory, in that order. And Harishchandrachi Factory really touched my heart. If you ask a South African, he might say Invictus. But I, for one, love Marathi movies for their humor.

HF (I cannot type Harischandrachi Factory all the time) is about how Dadasaheb Phalke, i think he is called Father of Indian cinema, made the first movie in India, "Raja Harishchandra". He must've gone through a lot while making the movie. But the portrayal of the events is damn funny. My roommate, who does not understand Marathi was literally on the floor laughing! Excellent acting, direction, attention to detail and did I mention funny? And it does teach you to follow your heart and don't care about results. Loved the way his family supports him.

Must watch for all movie fans and non movie fans too!
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Amazing fast paced movie about legendary film director
boy1329 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had the opportunity to watch this movie. Initially I was thinking that this was a documentary style boring movie. However, I was vastly mistaken. The movie is very funny and extremely entertaining. I never laughed so much. Silly behavior and thinking, of people of that era makes us laugh heartily.

Attention to the details regarding the contemporary culture is amazing too, topped by excellent acting by the lead characters. But it never bogs down the real theme of the story. Many movies of similar class spend tremendous time building the atmosphere and making it really slow and boring. However this movie starts at a very rapid pace and maintains it till the end. Though, the central theme is regarding the struggle of the film maker. It never touches melancholy tone. It is humorous from start to finish. His struggle to get a female actress is really amusing. Even prostitutes refuse to work in movies considering it as below dignity.

On few occasions the movie is shown in fast forward pace remaining us about old silent Hollywood movies. Also the lead actor's appearance too reminds us of Charlie Chaplin's movies.
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A difficult journey of a visionary in a pleasant depiction.
texant14 January 2010
I was one of the lucky persons to catch this movie in sept 09, well in advance of its release, in International Film Festval Nagpur, and even more delighted when it was selected for the Academy awards. Once again Marathi cinema has one more feather on its cap for this extraordinary piece of art. Its more of a tribute to Late Dadasaheb Phalke and a token of appreciation for initiating a movement that went on to create the second largest movie industry in the world. The movie begins with a simple scenario of a unemployed man who gets inspired from a British motion picture theater( in a tent). The movie showcases very truly how people used to look up to cinema in earlier days, paying ticket to watch blurry b&w moving images without audio. Not only it was difficult to think of making something like a motion picture but rather impossible as there were no sources to explore the possibility of such a thing. The approach of Dadasaheb Phalke towards making a motion picture and that too beginning from less than a scratch has been beautifully shown to the finest detail. What the catchy part of the movie is that you are taken into a pleasant trance mood right from the initial scene, maybe because of the humor tinge given to the film in almost every scene. Every scene, even the emotional ones does have a funny element of character attached to it to keep you laughing all the way. It must be the first drama film to have a tinge of humor attached to go for Oscars. Or maybe its selected at the first place as the film is based on the life of Father of Indian Cinema. But it doesn't take away any credit by the makers of this film for creating a masterpiece. Hope its in the top five at the academy awards and hope it wins it too.
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MUST WATCH for every movie lover.
MandalBros-525 September 2021
Arishchandrachi Factory depicts the making of India's first full-length feature film by Dadasaheb Phalke. First of all, this film was a magnificent watch for me. The film showed so many things but in a very entertaining way and this is the major plus point of this film. The editing of this reminded me of old silent films like Chalie Chaplin. BGM is so beautiful.

Paresh Mokashi in his directorial debut did a wonderful job. Nandu Madhav as Phalke was just great & Vibhavari Deshpande as his supporting wife was perfect. If you're a true movie lover I'm sure there'll both tear & clap in the end. This was sent to the Oscars and in my opinion it should've won. This is a Must Watch for those love cinema or want to become filmmaker in future.

Available on Netflix.

© MandalBros.
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The manufacturing of a legend
shashikrishna28 February 2010
'Harischandrachi Factory' (HF) is my second Marathi movie (the first one being 'Shwaas' – another beautiful feature). I must say Marathi cinema makes some very refreshing and sensitively relevant movies. By sensitive I do not mean overly sentimental or high on drama – no. We get enough of that from Bollywood, thank you! I mean in the sense that there are certain humane subtleties that very few film makers can successfully capture on celluloid. Those infinite number of imperfections that are almost impossible to record in the confines of raging mediocrity that are only possible when features like HF come by. For this, I am eternally grateful to Mr. Paresh Mokashi – the director of HF, his debut feature.

Now, about HF. The story tracks the trials and tribulations of Dadasaheb Phalke as he prepared to make the first Indian movie in 1913 – 'Raja Harischandra'. What makes this movie unique is how humor is consistently used to portray a journey which I am certain was, in reality, strewn with a million challenges. Everything from prostitutes refusing to be on camera, to men reluctant to shave their mustaches since their fathers were still alive, brings a unique essence of authenticity to the times we lived in. There are men (dressed as women) working for Phalke who are unsure what to tell people about their dubious sounding profession of making 'moving photographs'. We even have mentions of how Phalke's previously owned photography business went bankrupt when rumors spread that the camera 'steals a person's soul' and was a machine made to perform black magic. As hilarious as all this might seem today, there is no denying that Dadasaheb must have undergone so much more in this Herculean dream of achieving the impossible specially at a time when theater and drama were the only forms of entertainment.

What makes HF a must see movie is not just the fact that it underlines India's first major milestone in the business of movie making, but also the subtle and lighthearted approach it takes to such an immensely important event in our history. A feat, I am sure, would have suffered with a 'Schindler's List'-like formula of movie making had it been given to film makers who do not believe that a serious story can be told in a joyful tone. For this singular achievement, I salute Mr. Mokashi.

Performances belong to everyone. Even though I did not know any of the actors, their conviction in what they were trying to convey went beyond the need for a familiar face. The film maker's vision is crystal clear, as he focuses entirely on those pivotal years when Phalke, realizing his purpose in life, embarks on such a risky, albeit exciting, venture with full fledged support from his wife Saraswati Bai and two young sons. It is in this essential vein of eternal optimism, that HF scores high points in my book. In a day and age where we see movie success constantly attached to vulgar language, deliberate sexual innuendos and violence of the extreme nature, HF exemplifies the word 'quality' just by following one mantra – keep it simple.

My verdict : Do yourself a favor and go watch HF. If not for anything else, then at least to acknowledge the efforts of the father of Indian cinema – Dadasaheb (Dhundiraj) Govind Phalke. A legendary name now only synonymous with debatable award recipients like Amrita Rao for mediocre performances to justify their achievement. Unfortunate.
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postsenthil27 October 2019
Last year marked the hundredth year of the Indian film industry. In these hundred years, Indian films, emerging from the Bollywood and is several sister (regional/local) "woods", have taken the masses as well as the classes on several memorable and entertaining journeys into the dreamworld. In his debut feature, writer-director, Paresh Mokashi traces the roots, nay, seeds of this thriving industry and presents the making of the very first Indian film.

Harishchandrachi Factory is the story how Dhundiraj Govind Phalke, the pioneer regarded as the Father of Indian Cinema, happened to get this idea of making movies and how he toiled to realise this dream of making of the very first Indian full length, Black & White, silent, feature film - Raja Harishchandra.

The story begins in 1911 where, after the failure of his printing business, Phalke is playing a magician/jester performing in his Mumbai chawl to make ends meet. When he happens to visit a tent theatre playing a movie - The Life of Christ, his imagination and curiosity are instantly kindled and he introduces his family to this magical experience of moving images, besides making multiple trips himself to understand the science behind that magic. His curiosity grows into an obstinate obsession as he follows his dream unflinchingly despite a brief bout of failing eyesight, he sets out to London to learn and understand this new age medium such that he could present the stories of the Indian mythology through it. On his return to India after learning the requisite skills and acquiring a motion picture camera, he embarks on his pioneering mission to make India's very first feature length silent movie - Raja Harishchandra. The rest of the movie narrates the eventful journey and the many hurdles that he faces on his ambitious mission.

Presenting a biopic as a feature film is a challenging task as the director has to strike a fine balance in presenting the facts within a matrix of an engaging drama (as in the case of Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's Bhaag Milkha Bhaag which found critical acclaim and commercial success). A singular focus on factual content would reduce the film to a drab documentary while too much focus on the drama could result in a clouded, less-than perfect image of the individual. Debutante writer-director Paresh Mokashi rises to this daunting challenge by helming this meta-movie with a very nimble hand and suffuses it with healthy doses of delectable humour. Mokashi shuns melodrama and mines humour in the most unlikely situations - be it Phalke's problems in funding his venture resulting in his selling domestic assets or his search for a heroine among prostitutes (since no family woman was ready to work before camera).

He hits the bull's eye with his casting of his leads as well as the supporting cast. Nandhu Madhav nails the part of Phalke with oodles of charm, curiosity and a single-minded obsession to realise his dreams despite the multiple challenges of cynicism, superstitions and paucity of funds. Vibhavari Deshpande playing Saraswati Phalke shares a genial chemistry with him and is a perfect foil as the loving wife and pillar of strength enabling her husband to emerge as the pioneer.

The movie also boasts of solid technical team which includes Nitin Desai whose art design recreates the authentic feel of a bygone era while the score from Anand Modak conjures a rustic charm that permeates the entire movie, beginning with the opening credits. The cinematography by Amalendu Chaudhary is remarkable too as he has striven to capture most of the movie in the style of stationary camera position which was prevalent in the infancy of cinema.

Overall, Harishchandrachi Factory presents a very Indian story rich with its period feel, ethnic ethos, in a simple, feel-good narrative that is engaging and universally appealing. Harishchandrachi Factory was selected as India's official entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2009 and has also received several National and Regional awards.
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A well intended story mashed up with fabricated emotions.
braddugg5 May 2014
A well intended story mashed up with fabricated emotions.

Indeed, as film lovers we deserve to the story of the first film made in India "Satya Harishchandra" and also the story of the man behind making it "Dadasaheb Phalke". Yes, that is well presented and documented through this film. Yet, I believe many emotions were overblown or uncalled for in this film which is made into a melodrama intentionally. Though funny in parts, and entertaining too, the pain which Dadasaheb went through to make the first indigenous film was trivialized and that's the only qualm I have with respect to this film. Otherwise, it was a job well done.

Directed by débutante, Paresh Mokashi he touches all the right chords in screenplay and script. Firstly, to make a film on this subject is in itself a brave attempt and I appreciate his courage. The writing was well intended and it tried to touch the nuances and the finer aspects of film making, be it correcting the film stock or manually editing the negative. Considering that this film was done a modest budget, I can appreciate the effort that was put in to bring the product the way it is.

Acting is indeed fine by Nandu Madhav who plays the role of Dadasaheb Phalke. Indeed his kids do a fine job and are fun to watch more than anyone else. All others have done a commendable job too. But had they controlled their emotions in the last half an hour and did not dramatize it, I believe this would have been a greater film. The director should take the responsibility of that.

The production values are OK considering the budget, but I wish such an important film that has history in it, could have been produced well and it deserved better sets and artifacts. The cinematography is just fine. There is no greatness and there is no flaw either. It does it's expected job and that's good. I was disappointed by the editing though, wish some moments were cut to mellow down the drama and stick to showing the real work done by Dadasaheb. Especially, in the last hour where he talks with Englishmen, about distribution of the film, there were some dialogs that were kept only to make Dadasaheb a great human being, which I thought were not so needed. He had done a great job by giving us the first film itself, now that needed to be reiterated is what I felt.

I am going with 3/5 for a film that's historically important. I wish it could have been much more in terms of production values and editing.
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Interesting biography of a Pioneer of Indian Cinema
jayanthanr10 December 2013
This Marathi film was India's official entry to Academy Awards (Oscars) in the Best Foreign Language film category for the year 2009. The movie is about the making of India's first feature film, Raja Harishchandra in 1913 by Dadasaheb Phalke. Phalke is a business man, who leaves his company and does magic shows to maintain his family. One day he and his son end up watching a film being shown in a local makeshift cinema, which makes Phalke curious. He then sets out to dream of making the first Indian movie and goes through many hardships to realize his dream. Right from the start the narration is crisp and garnished with light moments. I would say, these light comic moments and energetic portrayal of Dadasaheb Phalke by Nandu Madhav are the highlights of the film. Never once during the course of the film you feel like watching a biography. The other actors too have done their job quite well. The background music complements the script and narration effectively. A brilliant work by director Paresh Mokashi, this film is a 'very good watch'.
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A Unique Gem That Comes As A Breath Of Fresh Air
Chrysanthepop12 July 2010
Prakash Mokashi's 'Harishchandrachi Factory' is a breath of fresh air. Of late, when the Indian film industry has mostly been churning one stale product after another with minimal positive quality, Mokashi gives the viewer this Marathi gem. Now this isn't your traditional biopic that starts from birth and ends in death. Nor is it the depressive kind. 'Harishchandrachi Factory' is a movie that is both funny and poignant. It tells how India's first film director made the first Indian movie and this is done with heart and humour.

The film starts off with Phalke skipping his job to work as a magician as he finds his passion in entertaining people. On impulse, he and his son decide to go to the theatre and they watch a short silent film about the 'Passion of Christ'. Phalke is moved by the experience and he keeps returning to the theatre. He decides to make a movie. The man just about makes enough to support his family, but his passion, determination and support of his family, especially his wife, allows him to pursue his destiny.

Mokashi has chosen a unique way of storytelling that has barely been done with biopics. His humour is both satirical, situational, witty and even understated at times. At the same time he does not derail from the focus of the film and its characters. The characters are very real. Phalke may appear larger then life but at the same time he is the common man who lives his life with hope and a little sugar. His wife is far from the caricature wife who nags about her husband's risky attempts. She supports him all the way and does not hesitate to sell off their furniture to make her husband's dream come true. The comedic sequences work excellently. They had me laughing out loud.

Nandu Madhav passionately plays who is today known as the father of Indian cinema. His spirited performance along with Vishawai Deshpande's natural portrayal as Mrs. Phalke are a delight to watch. The supporting cast do a commendable job too.

'Harishchandrachi Factory' is a beautiful little film. The execution is first rate. The cinematography, score, editing and lighting are superb. Mokashi's charming gem is one of a kind and I am sure to revisit this just to feel this film-viewing experience once again.
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A Tribute To Phalke
sreejithmukundan2 September 2013
How can we call a movie as a brilliant work!

It's simple as that making a movie with the limited resources s what a film maker is getting in his project!

This movie is one of the major biographic movie about the history of Indian movie making and the discovering one of the major business in the country!

The movie shows us how Mr.D.B.Phalke an ordinary Indian magician and a press business man turn into a phonier film maker and become the father of Indian cinema.

This movie is made by Paresh Mokashi as his debuts feature film. Mokashi treated this movie to a simple comedy, and a family entertainer. This maid the movie an easy go! The screenplay, acting, editing, art, cinematography etc are been craved to its best. In reality the life of Phalke is such a big history and event, so making a movie about Phalke is such a big challenge to anyone who is will to do. But the brilliancy of Mokashi maid the life of Phalke to an awesome entertainer, this movie will be one of the treasure to Indian cinema for it's contend!

To the viewers: - I want ever movie lover to watch this. It will inspire you too, to be a film maker.
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Harishchandrachi Factory
fredberglyle5 May 2014
The film is about the first motion picture for the Indian movie industry. Being the biggest movie industry now with an annual release of over 1000 films, India has the profitable movie industry across the nation. The credit goes to Dr. Phalke who started it over 100 years before. The history of making the first movie is portrayed in this film.

A good background on the country's struggle to freedom is also dealt (with reference to Tilakji). The best thing I loved about this film is the reflection on the long-lost culture of India (something like women not looking at other men and having their heads covered with their Saree when someone enters the house). Contrary, these days young women are half-naked even in churches. I found no negatives in this movie except there ain't any sad/tragic moments in any part of the movie. No wonder the movie was awarded. A good and must watch with the family on a weekend.
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Fall in love with cinema
himaanshuarora21 May 2020
If you are a cinema lover, this movie will straight away touch your heart. Filmmaking is not a profession but passion and the tone was set just right by the man himself, Dada Saheb Phalke. What's even better is that Paresh Mokashi has done an outstanding job whether it's the story, screenplay, direction, background score. Everything about this movie is just perfect. Casting is just right and every actor has done justice to the character.

In spite of it being a biopic, director has done really well in highlighting the social issues and stigma prevalent at that time.

For any aspiring filmmakers out there, this film is a lesson on how to become a filmmaker. A lesson which can't be taught in any institute around the world. Dadasaheb's passion to make a film without any support from anyone except his wife and his kids is the reason that we are blessed with Indian film industry and that is translated really well on screen.

Without giving out the spoilers, I'd recommend this movie to everyone who loves cinema. This movie will make you fall in love with the art of filmmaking, all over again.
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Beginning of Bollywood
atish997 April 2020
This is a story that needed to be told. And what a fantastic job this movie has done.
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Amazing movie, very inspiring and a must watch.
ritu-4934825 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with Phalke saheb doing some magic tricks with his son after seeing a business man approaching him he ran and accidentally land into the film theatre where an English movie was screening. He was amazed by moving picture on the screen and decided to pursue further on this business. His photography background helped him to know the basics. For detail understanding he started visiting movie theatre daily. In the process, he temporary lost his eye sight and sold almost all of his belongings. People called him mad but he barely care about it.

DadaSaheb Phalke's wife Saraswati supported him blindly. There are few scenes in movie where they tried to learn each others work in order to function smoothly as making a film can be a tedious process and need everyone's contribution.

What I like about the movie most?

It's simplicity and light humour is extraordinary. There are few scenes where Phalke sahab and his wife looked much ahead of his time and breaking typical Indian myth like :

1. He tried to convince the prostitutes to work in movie but they reject the offer by saying it will hamper their imag, then he tried to convince his wife to do the same role but she also denied because of work overload.

2. He told a male actor to shave his moustache because he was playing a woman in the movie but he was not convinced due to some ritual related to his father. He convinced actor's father by thinking about greater good.

3. It was difficult to find the actor to play the character of Raja Harish Chandra's son Rohit, as he will be died in the movie at the end. So, he decided to cast his own son for that role to break the myth and set example.

It is an amazing movie, very inspiring and a must watch. Unfortunately, main stream cinema never made a movie based on Dada Saheb Phalke. It seems like they sidelined his contribution who give them their livelihood.
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Watch how this industry started. Not a movie but a classic cinema.
pingulkar6 May 2020
Wonderful acting, sets of perfect vintage flavour, maharastrian family culture, dialogues, music makes this one a must watch. Just see how this industry got its first novie through the Father of Indian cinema 'Dada saheb phalke'...Brilliant cinema!
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Must watch...How it all started...
mukulhandiekar29 September 2019
This is a must watch story of the guy who brought cinema to India. It shows the dedication, passion, sacrifices this visionary made to make impossible possible.
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Indian cinema inventor
manish-anandrpr8 October 2020
It's a story of Shri Dada Saheb Phalke contribution into Indian film industry. Movie represents his journey in a very attractive way. It includes many funny scenes which make a must watch Marathi Indian movie.
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Speech Less
sandyfriends200428 August 2014
speech less !!!! can't imagine Marathi movie can be of this standard. Proud to see this movie. The story telling and screen play is so good that, doesn't feel like taking your eyes and mind of... Story show in so adverse situation , how a new thinking , a thinking that was considered as foolishness, has brought such a huge change in Indian cinema. The story is about the struggle of Dadasaheb Phalke to make a first feature film in India. The struggle that Dadasaheb Phalke faced and his determination to bring some thing new in India and create an industry and create jobs.Nandu Madhav as Dadasaheb Phalke did an excellent job, but i liked most his wife Saraswati Phalke (Vibhavari Deshpande), her role in Dadasaheb Phalke's life , she had given him unconditional support, because of which the dream of Dadasaheb Phalke was fulfilled. All the different actor in different characters have done an excellent job too. All credit goes to The Director, because i know how difficult is to make a movie like this. Thanks for such a movie , keep making such a beautiful movie.
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A prefect film.
adhikarysrijan25 November 2018
This film is the right example of the perfect film... Beautifully crafted and acted. Funny, witty and unforgettable. An absolute joy to watch.
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