The Great Wolf Pack (2022) Poster

Xanthe Huynh: Sammy Squirrel



  • [repeated line] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Amazing! That's what it is.

  • Sammy Squirrel : [as Wiley is skipping stones his fun is broken with a cry for help]  Woah woah help!

    [we see Sammy hanging for dear life on the side of a hot air balloon] 

    Sammy Squirrel : We're flying away!

    Oliver Raccoon : [also clinging for dear life]  This was not how it was supposed to work!

    Violet Wolf : Hold on and stay calm.

    [Wiley notices a female wolf running towards the hot air balloon] 

    Violet Wolf : I'm going to get you down.

    [Wiley grimaces] 

    Sammy Squirrel : We need some help up here!

    Oliver Raccoon : Help! Might I advocate that you expedite the plan formulation process.

    Sammy Squirrel : [to Violet the Wolf]  He means you should hurry!

    Violet Wolf : [reassuring Sammy]  Hey nothing is going to happen to you. Even if I have to jump up there and knock some sense into that balloon myself.

    Wiley Wolf : Hey what's going on?

    Violet Wolf : Oliver was testing out his new hot air balloon, but it floated away while Sammy was painting it now it's out of control.

    Wiley Wolf : [being the hero]  Leave it to me.

    [howls then climbs a tree and reaches the top of a cliff] 

    Wiley Wolf : Hang on up there.

  • Sammy Squirrel : [Oliver decides to try the Reek berries but they emit a repugnant odor which causes the pack to be grossed out] 

    [covering her nose] 

    Sammy Squirrel : These Reek Berries reek!

    [Brinley starts gasping for air and he gags] 

    Oliver Raccoon : I didn't think this would be scientifically possible.

    [throws the berries on the ground] 

    Wiley Wolf : [Violet starts running]  Wahhhhhhhhh! Ahhh! My Nose!

    [Wiley starts running frantically howling, he throws himself into a pond and starts flopping around like a fish] 

    Wiley Wolf : Ahhh! Ahhhh! Ahhh!

    [Violet then starts howling as Wiley proceeds to shove dirt up his nose to block the odor] 

  • Violet Wolf : [everyone landed in the bottom of a cave]  Whew, everyone okay?

    Oliver Raccoon : Umm my vital signs seem acceptable.

    Violet Wolf : What about you Brin-mister?

    Brinley Bear : Just a little scared.

    Violet Wolf : That's okay we'll figure this out.

    [realizing Wiley messed up glares at Wiley who is wringing the water out of his tail] 

    Violet Wolf : You shouldn't have gone in front of Brinley like that!

    Sammy Squirrel : Where are we?

    Oliver Raccoon : Huh?

    [looks into the distance] 

    Oliver Raccoon : There's something approaching.

  • Violet Wolf : Guys over here.

    Sammy Squirrel : [very excited]  "The Great Sunny Spot" I should have brought my paints. This would've been an especially special spot to paint.

    Wiley Wolf : [disappointed]  Yeah but, it's not what we were looking for.

    Violet Wolf : Don't be a "pinecone" Wiley. Chill and have fun.

    Wiley Wolf : [complaining]  I wanted to find the geyser.

    Violet Wolf : Oh come on Wiley there's plenty of time.

    [Brinley finds a quiet spot to relax] 

    Violet Wolf : We're gonna find it.

    Wiley Wolf : Not if we keep getting sidetracked.

    [Wiley ranting in the background] 

    Wiley Wolf : Don't you understand it's hard for me to work with a team I keep repeating myself over and over again...

  • Oliver Raccoon : Uh oh.

    Sammy Squirrel : Dead end.

    Oliver Raccoon : Did you know the term dead end originally...

    [Wiley grabs Oliver and they start running but the Gloorps trapped them] 

    Gloorp Leader : We've got those juicy little corpses trapped now.

    Violet Wolf : I don't know who you are, but you better back off with that attitude. Because I do not want to have to banish your butts!

    [the Gloorps just laugh at Violet and come at them] 

    Oliver Raccoon : [to Violet]  You might have to banish their butts.

    Violet Wolf : I might have been bluffing.

  • Sammy Squirrel : The water is dancing

    [the water flies around everyone and it takes on the form a fairy] 

    Wiley Wolf : [shocked]  Whoah.

    Sammy Squirrel : [wonderstruck]  Wow.

    Oliver Raccoon : [never seen something like this]  Interesting.

    Violet Wolf : [delighted]  Woah ho ho.

    Brinley Bear : [in awe]  Wow.

    Cascade : You've never seen a water fairy before, have you?

    Oliver Raccoon : [reaches into his bag and pulls out a book titled "Flora and Fauna of the Lodge" and flips through the pages]  That's because there's no evidence pointing to the existence of "water fairies".

    Cascade : And yet here I am Cascade the water fairy. Aren't you excited to meet me?

    [taps everyone with a spoon] 

    Cascade : Oliver, Sammy, Violet, Wiley, and Brinley.

    Violet Wolf : So like how do you know our names?

    Cascade : I am the messenger and helper fairy of the Great Wolf Spirit yes I am.

  • Violet Wolf : Is everyone okay?

    Sammy Squirrel : Yeah!

    Oliver Raccoon : Spectacular, this unforeseen wolf hero guy showed up out of nowhere and rescued us.

    Wiley Wolf : I'm Wiley, Wiley Wolf.

    [he shrugs and becomes nervous with their presence] 

    Violet Wolf : That's Oliver Raccoon, and Sammy Squirrel and I'm Violet and I'm a wolf obvs.


    Violet Wolf : Thanks for you know

    [give a Wiley a playful punch] 

    Violet Wolf : saving.

    Sammy Squirrel : It was AMAZING! you should have seen how he jumped out of the basket. I was like What!

    Wiley Wolf : Well, it looks like you needed help.

    Oliver Raccoon : Uh, how did you figure it out? Was it the way we were shouting?

    [in a falsetto voice] 

    Oliver Raccoon : Help!

    Wiley Wolf : [slyly]  Well I'm no detective, but that seemed like a clue.

    [they chuckle] 

    Wiley Wolf : Alright, well nice meeting you guys.

    [walks away looking uncomfortable] 

    Violet Wolf : Wait, hold on a second.

    [they go after Wiley] 

  • Oliver Raccoon : No, but I have a theory that since the Borple Beasts don't like them we can use the Reek Berries to chase them away. Okay if we construct some slingshots we can splat the Borple Beasts with Reek Berries.

    Sammy Squirrel : Cool I'll make the slingshots. It will be like arts and crafsty time.

    Oliver Raccoon : Yes! Can you Froglins acquire mass quantities of Reek Berries?

    Ferdizann : As mayor of all the Froglins, I here by decree that we shall gather the Reek Berries you require.

    Oliver Raccoon : Great! And I'll formulate a strategy to minimize the olfactory assault upon our nostrils.

    Sammy Squirrel : [dumbing down Oliver's words]  He means he'll make so we don't have to smell so much stinky.

    Wiley Wolf : Now that's a plan. Those Borple Beasts might be more than I can handle but if we work together we can do this.

  • Wiley Wolf : Whatever those things are, if we are to stop them. Leave it to me.

    [leaps on the roofs of the froglin homes and jumps on a Borple Beast] 

    Wiley Wolf : Settle down big guy.

    Violet Wolf : Woah

    Sammy Squirrel : [jumps in excitement]  Woah ho ho ho

    Oliver Raccoon : Impressive.

    Sammy Squirrel : Go Wiley!

    Wiley Wolf : [the Borple tries shaking him off]  Don't make me go all "lone-wolf" on you!

    [the Borple makes a quick movement and Wiley goes from the Borples head to hanging from his beard] 

    Wiley Wolf : Oh no.

    Tranthor : [grabs Wiley and roars in his face]  WHERE ARE OUR KIDS!

    [Wiley grimaces and the Borple then repeatedly slams Wiley on the ground] 

    Oliver Raccoon : Yep that's got to hurt.

    Wiley Wolf : [the Borple holding Wiley upside down covered in moss but is miraculously unhurt]  Gross.

  • Wiley Wolf : [the pack relaxing in a inner tub on the lake]  Ahhh you were right Violet. This really is chill.

    Oliver Raccoon : [notices his Wolfstone glowing]  Behold! Woah.

    [Oliver falls into the water and Violet picks him up] 

    Oliver Raccoon : My Wolfstone is glowing.

    Violet Wolf : Great Wolf Ghosty must be calling us for another adventure.

    Brinley Bear : [excitedly]  Let's get to the Great Wolf Geyser.

    Sammy Squirrel : [enthusiastically]  It's time to slide!

    Wiley Wolf : Okay pack we got this.

    [Wiley jumps on the raft and howls a whirlpool forms and Cascade appears] 

    Cascade : Hey it's me.

    [appears next to Wiley startling him] 

    Wiley Wolf : Woah woah

    [he falls into the water] 

    Cascade : Oopsies.


    Cascade : .

    [film stops] 

  • Brinley Bear : Hey everyone look my Wolfstone is glowing again.

    Sammy Squirrel : What's that mean?

    Cascade : [a Whirlpool forms in the water and Cascade appears]  It means that

    [the smell of the Reek Berries drifts up up and makes her faint she falls in the water] 

    Ferdizann : Sorry

    [takes a bite of the Reek Berry pie and runs away] 

    Cascade : [shakes herself off and giggles]  I was not prepared for the smelly smells of Reek Berries. You have done so well the Great Wolf Spirit proclamates that it is time for you to return home.

    [spins rapidly and the whirlpool reforms in the water] 

    Cascade : Time to come home now.

    Zahara : [everyone bids them farewell]  Bye.

    Ferdizann : See you later.

    Violet Wolf : [to Wiley]  Let's head on home.

    Wiley Wolf : [in a very sly tone]  Only if,

    [looks at Brinley] 

    Wiley Wolf : Brinley leads us.

    Brinley Bear : [ecstatic]  Bear To The Bone!

    [jumps into the Whirlpool] 

    Brinley Bear : Bye Bye.

    Violet Wolf : Be excellent to one another.

    Sammy Squirrel : Toodly-toots!

    Oliver Raccoon : Fare the well.

    Wiley Wolf : See you later, bye!

    [they all jump into the whirlpool transporting them back to Spirit Water Forest] 

  • Sammy Squirrel : [both Oliver and Sammy are walking]  There's lots of places to explore. Oh, oh there's "Dandelion Meadow"

    [illustrations of the places to explore appears above Oliver and Sammy] 

    Sammy Squirrel : that will be fun to paint!

    Oliver Raccoon : Hmm, or there's "Babbling Brook" or "The Great Sunny Spot".

    Wiley Wolf : [appears as an animated illustration above them]  It isn't exploring if you know where things are.

    Oliver Raccoon : True. We could look for "The Great Wolf Geyser" that's not on any map.

  • Wiley Wolf : These Wolfstones are really cool.

    Oliver Raccoon : Do you imagine we'll have additional adventures?

    Wiley Wolf : We better.


    Sammy Squirrel : Yeah, Wiley owes me a sandwich.

    Violet Wolf : I'm down for more adventures. As long as I don't have to sniff anymore Reek Berries


    Oliver Raccoon : [laughing at Violet]  You embedded your "olfactory" organ across the mayor's abdomen.

    Sammy Squirrel : [dumbing down Oliver's words]  He means you rubbed your nose in the mayor's tummy.

    [they all laugh] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Look it's our families!

  • Violet Wolf : [to Oliver and Brinley]  Stay here I got to try and help Wiley and... What where's Sammy?

    Sammy Squirrel : [runs toward the Borple Beasts and hides behind a wheelbarrow]  Don't worry, I got a squirrelly idea.

    [Sammy gives Violet a thumbs up as Violet looks nervously at Sammy while Brinley and Oliver wonder what is Sammy going to do] 

    Sammy Squirrel : [the Borple Beasts are getting ready finish off Wiley when Sammy grabs their attention]  Look At Me! Look at Me!

    [Sammy jumps on a wheelbarrow and jumps up and down with her tail spinning in excitement giggling] 

    Sammy Squirrel : When in doubt Dance It Out!

    [Sammy starts dancing swaying her arms back and forth as jazzy music begins playing] 

    Sammy Squirrel : [the Borple drops Wiley]  Let's go!

    [grabs her tail and flings it around] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Mmm mmm mmm

    [the Borples begin to get hypnotized by Sammy's dancing and Sammy starts snapping her fingers and continues dancing] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Come on dance!

    [Sammy jumps off the wheelbarrow and spins around rapidly like a tornado] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Join Me!

    [now entranced by Sammy's dance the Borples follow her as Sammy grabs her tail and shakes it at the Borples like a cat toy, she then jumps on a wooden fence] 

    Sammy Squirrel : "Supersonic Squirrel-Twirl!" Woo Hoo!

    [Sammy starts spinning on one foot round and around while getting progressively faster with the spinning; her tail spinning around very fast it starts whipping the air. As the Borples move around swaying back and forth when they knock heads with each other and loose their balance. Sammy quickly jumps off the fence and the Borples fall down into a fruit crop] 

    Sammy Squirrel : [giggles]  I saved you this time.

    [helps Wiley get up] 

    Wiley Wolf : I officially owe you a sandwich.

  • Sammy Squirrel : [the Borples get up and start to go insane]  I feel like that's enough dancing for now!

    [Wiley and Sammy start running for their lives as the Borples chase after Wiley and Sammy. When all of a sudden a voice from a hole under a tree calls to them] 

    Ferdizann : Over here! Come on with us.

    [Wiley and Sammy dive into the hole where Violet Oliver and Brinley are sitting there too] 

    Sammy Squirrel : Whoo, hey!

    Ferdizann : [appears before them an introduces himself]  I'm Ferdizann. Mayor of this Froglin village.

    Flutura : And I am Flutura, the undersecretary to the "Subcommittee of all the Froglins"


  • Sammy Squirrel : This is The Great Wolf Lodge, where everyone hangs out. There's lots of things to do here, I especially like the arts and crafts and

    [jumps in air in total excitement] 

    Sammy Squirrel : specially-especially the arts parts of the arts and crafts


    Sammy Squirrel : [everyone walks past 3 of Sammy's siblings clearly harassing a beaver; one of them squirting glue all over his head another one throwing glitter at his face and another one putting stickers on his arms and hands who's trying to read a book and the beaver is getting extremely annoyed with the childish behavior that is getting inflicted on him on him; at the same time forest animals are renting a inner tube to go down the water sides as a coyote rides down a water slide] 

    Violet Wolf : We can get an inner tube to float around the lazy river. It's totally chill.

    Wiley Wolf : That almost sounds cool, but I was gonna go exploring. You know, alone.

    [Oliver instantly appears in front of Wiley and it scares the daylight out him; Wiley then gets into a fighting stance] 

    Oliver Raccoon : We'll go with you. I am well skilled in finding directions by utilizing the magnetic properties of my compass.

  • Sammy Squirrel : We found it! We f-f-f Fiddley Found It!

    Wiley Wolf : What did we uh fiddley find?

    Sammy Squirrel : [jumping up and down very excited]  Look a wolf and shooting water. This is it! The Great Wolf Geyser!

    Violet Wolf : Wait a go Sammy

    Wiley Wolf : Yes I knew we'd be the greatest explorers in Spirit Water Forest!

  • Sammy Squirrel : [the Borple Beast surround Sammy as she nervously introduces herself to them]  Uhh hi there. I'm Sammy Squirrel and I'm *really* cute nice to meet you.

    [the Borples jump on top of Sammy] 

  • Wiley Wolf : [hearing the news that he's a part of a pack now]  A pack?

    [begins to complain] 

    Wiley Wolf : But I'm more of a lone wo

    [immediately is interrupted by the cheering] 

    Sammy Squirrel : [excitedly]  Go Pack!

    Oliver Raccoon : I'm part of a pack!

    Cascade : [flies over to Wiley and begins to confront him about his ignorant complaint]  What was that?

    Wiley Wolf : [quickly changes his mind to avoid the confrontation]  Uhhh never mind.

    [head over to everyone else] 

    Wiley Wolf : As a member of the pack I hereby declare that we should all howl!

  • Violet Wolf : [after learning that Wiley just moved to Spirit Water Forest]  Cool! Spirit Water Forest is a great place once you know the sweet spots. If you want we could show you around.

    Wiley Wolf : Whoa, whoa, whoa

    [jumps on a log to get away from them] 

    Wiley Wolf : thanks but I'm fine on my own.

    Violet Wolf : Nope! Not taking no for an answer. You saved Sammy and Oliver the least we could do is show you around.

    Sammy Squirrel : [pops out from the log butting into their conversation]  Yeah come on,

    [hops onto the log and pushes Wiley and Violet off the log] 

    Sammy Squirrel : lets scamper!

    Wiley Wolf : Okay! Okay! Okay!

    [Sammy continues shoving them] 

See also

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