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Fishing Scam
colinrgeorge11 October 2010
"Catfish" is a difficult film to talk about without spoiling. The sensationalist trailer gives a deliberately one-sided peek at a film which is ultimately defined by its ending. Expectations should probably be mediated, however—"Catfish" isn't going to blow your mind. In fact, the outcome of this social networking mystery is rather straightforward, but no less brilliant for it. This is a film where palpable suspense cedes way to an unconventional and thought- provoking character study. Maybe the best introduction I can offer is that I really liked it.

Arriving in a market practically gorged with tongue-in-cheek faux documentaries, it's initially difficult to take "Catfish" at face value. The story begins innocuously enough; Yaniv "Nev" Schulman has just had his first picture published in the New York Times when a package arrives at his office containing a painted replica of the photo. The artist is a 12 year- old admirer, and her correspondence begets a peculiar Facebook friendship. As Nev becomes involved with her and her family, however, he begins to notice certain inconsistencies with the perfect lives they lead online.

Much of the build-up feels stagey, and surely something is amiss, because either filmmakers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman are considerably more talented directors than they portray themselves as, or they are not being entirely forthcoming. The prevalence of the camera during seemingly random moments that become key scenes seems perhaps a bit too fortuitous, and the placement and framing of the shots themselves seem too precisely calculated to have been captured on the fly for this amateur guerrilla venture.

Yet it doesn't matter in the slightest. "Catfish" is about calling our willingness to accept unsubstantiated information into question, and thus encourages a skepticism and natural inquisitiveness towards itself. The entire thing could be fabricated, and its creators have a built-in ace in the hole. Falsifying a non-fiction film about false identity could add a brilliant meta layer to the puzzle.

That being said, I don't believe that Joost and Schulman invented the whole thing. Somebody get these guys a pen and paper if they did. Rather, I tend to identify with the prevailing online rumor that suggests the ending was shot first, with some or most of the first half consisting of retroactive reenactments. But though I question the authenticity of certain moments, whether or not they are genuine seems beside the point—"Catfish" is an effective film.

The foundation of that success lies in its solid technique. The gradual rationing of information and the introduction and unraveling of the central mystery is surprisingly well handled. The plot is obtuse and intense when it needs to be, and the suspense is so potent that some have even been let down that it never becomes an all-out thriller.

But suspense has the tendency to be undervalued in an of itself, and the suspense in "Catfish" is an exceptionally executed, integral part of the ride. The film, on the whole, works not only because of its moments of seizing, visceral tension, but because of the greater message it evokes. In hindsight, scenes like those exploited in the trailer featuring Nev and his buddies arriving at a quiet farm in the dead of night seem downright silly when compared to where they eventually end up.

"Catfish" has been getting a ton of very positive press recently, and it deserves much of the praise it's received. But backlash follows hype like a shadow, and I have a feeling that those swayed into seeing the film who might not have otherwise will enter with unrealistic expectations. It is a fascinating, offbeat experiment, but it still appeals to niche interests. The extent to which we let ourselves believe that the internet is a direct extension of our preceptory senses can be dangerous—But I'll say no more. I don't want to spoil anything.
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A documentary about meeting someone on face-book and wondering if they really are who they say they are. Surprisingly Gripping.
cosmo_tiger6 January 2011
A documentary about a man (Nev) who starts a relationship with a woman he meets on face-book, and starts to wonder how truthful this person is. If you watch the trailer for this movie it is very misleading, not to say its a bad movie but it's not at all what I expected. This is a true life account that I'm sure has happened to many people. An 8 year old girl named Abby starts to send Nev paintings she has done after seeing a picture Nev took in a newspaper. Out of that Nev begins to talk with Angela (Abby's mom) and it carries over to Megan (Abby's sister). After quickly falling in love with Megan, Nev soon discovers Megan may not be who she says she is and plans a trip to visit her and find out the truth. Every once in a while a movie comes along that you just have to keep watching and your not sure why, and when it's over your not sure why it had this grip on you, this is one of those movies. This is not for everyone, being that it is a documentary and slow in parts, but it is very interesting and has an ending that sneaks up on you and affects you in a way you can't explain. At least it did to me. I give it a B-
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Taking something most of us have done a bit further
wilderblue20055 January 2011
I remember in the very late 90's discovering the world of Yahoo chatrooms ... talking this way and that way with total strangers, sometimes being myself, sometimes lying through my teeth. Creating new usernames as a female to talk to lesbians every once in a while seemed a fun thing to do as an 18yr old lad, never succeeding to convince any to talk dirty to me. HA! The things we do.

And that is where this movie comes in. Meeting people online ... checking out their profiles and thinking ... "yeah ... not bad", talking more online and getting to know them and developing feelings for this entity, god knows where on the planet, typing their words to you and maybe, just maybe feeling the same way.

And how much of it is true ... ?

This was an intriguing watch, playful and suspenseful and by the end, full of heart that is a far cry from the gripping thriller documentary style movie portrayed in the trailer (which I saw after at one reviewers request) but none the less, I enjoyed the movie for piecing together something many of us have done ... but just not to these extremes. Give it a go ... =]
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Dual Deceptions
tedg27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Taken at face value, this is a documentary about how a young photographer was deceived by a lonely housewife... how he gently confronts her, discovers her desperate existence and gets a tearful apology.

The way it unfolds is engaging. We do allow this woman some latitude. All of us can relate in some degree to the deep loneliness of a simple kind and the equally simple need for escape via fantasy.

What we cannot allow is the deeper deception from the other side, the side of the filmmakers.

This kind of documentary is becoming more common now, and that's too bad because it is a hard form to manage. The structure inserts the reporter as a key agent in the story, making it all but impossible to not be overtly manipulative.

In this case, these three guys knew the Facebook character was fake, and decided to exploit it. They got lucky in some respects, but in others they made conscious decisions to extend the the story for the film's sake.

I can understand this, but we have to be fair. There is manipulation and deception on both sides here. The drive in both cases is the same: to make a good enough story to hold a situation that selfishly sustains. They pretend to deliver insight on only one side of this.
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"Catfish," I Can't Tell You What It Is
jgregg4224 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"A shattering conclusion." "The best Hitchcock film Hitchcock never directed." These are a couple of the tag line quotes that appear in the trailer for "Catfish." The movie poster tells us "Don't let anyone tell you what it is." Watch the trailer and it seems like this is going to be the next "The Blair Witch Project." Really, go to You Tube and watch it right now. I'll wait … What do you think? It looks suspenseful and frightening, doesn't it? Well, it ain't, sister. The marketing department for "Hit the Ground Running Films" did a number on twisting this two-minute trailer around to make it seem like you are going to see the next big documentary thriller. What you will see is a study in social media and the human psyche that is using modern technology (such as Google Earth, Facebook and texting) to bring the story together.

"Catfish" is a documentary by three aspiring filmmakers. The story begins by introducing us to Nev Schulman who is the main focus of the story that his brother, Rel Schulman, and friend, Henry Joost, are producing and directing. Nev is a young, charismatic photographer in New York City. One of his photos he had published made it all the way to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This is where an 8-year-old girl named Abby sees the photograph; she draws a painting of it and sends it to Nev. As having been the father of an 8 year old myself, I could tell something was rotten in Denmark from the quality of work this child was producing.

Nev and Abby start a pen pal relationship via Facebook. Nev befriends Abby's entire family on Facebook and even talks to her mom on the phone. He becomes close to Abby's older, attractive sister, Megan, and starts having feelings for her over the phone. Hey, it happens. There is an accurate scene where a nervous Nev calls Megan for the first time. Within today's culture of meeting people online, it is exactly how these phone calls play out. People meet online and text and e-mail back and forth until the day comes where they exchange phone numbers and there is an awkward human connection. It's a norm for this generation and they will easily relate to Nev's nervous behavior while tripping over his words when he is speaking to Megan.

Nev and the filmmakers start putting the clues together from Megan's e-mails. Through some detective work on You Tube and other various sites they are slowly realizing that someone is playing them like a squeezebox. They get the bright idea to drive to Michigan to confront Abby, Megan and the rest of the family.

This is where the movie trailer leaves us hanging. After a long trip, the trio of filmmakers arrives at the barn by Megan's house in the middle of the night. They peer inside the barn...and... and…sorry I can't tell you what it is. I have an agreement with a movie poster. But, what I can tell you is that it's not some 20 year old standing in the corner of a basement in an abandoned house in the woods. That has been done before. It's not even startling, not in the sense that I would expect it to be.

The rest of the film spends its time explaining how Nev and his mystery solving team react to their findings. If you pay attention (and, it's pretty easy to do) you can pick up on where the movie was going.

There was no big "wow" moment nor was there "a shattering conclusion." It was simply people explaining their actions on why they did what they did. At the end the audience is rewarded because the film's title is explained. Trust me — the end does not justify the means.

Should you see this movie? Only if you want a movie that has a lot of build up and very little climax. It would fare better in a small, independent movie theater rather than on Megaplex screens. In fact, I could see a professor using this as a teaching tool in a Psychology 101 or Sociology 101 classroom. It made some valid points about how people can manipulate one another on the Internet. The point is well taken, because I certainly felt manipulated by the movie trailer.
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Try to avoid as much plot details about this dark, and compelling documentary as possible.
Ryan_MYeah24 October 2010
The film centers around photographer Yaniv "Nev" Schulman, recorded by Ariel Schulman, and Henry Joost. This is all I'm going to reveal about the plot, because I strongly believe that you should see this movie knowing virtually nothing about it. If I even gave a synopsis, I'd be giving too much away.

It's a film with a rather dark tone, and smartly edited by Zachary Stuart-Pontier. The documentary does make some strong points, such as "Who is this person?" "Who can I trust?" "What's real, and what's falsehood?" It makes one wonder what length some will go to hide the truth, and wonder what they would do in a situation like Nev's.

The film starts off rather charming, but eventually the film ends up becoming so nervously unsettling, and emotionally devastating that it's painful to watch. I know it made me not want to know what happen, because it just so hard to fathom, but I just decided to grit my teeth, and keep watching. The film is highly thought provoking, question raising, and the tone Joost, and Schulman set helps the film immeasurably.

The film is hardly ever pretty to watch, but am eye opener to be certain.

I give Catfish *** out of ****
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catfished or catfisher
SnoopyStyle22 October 2016
It's 2007. Yaniv Schulman gets one of his photos in the papers. Then he is contacted by 8 year old Abby from Michigan who sends him a painting of the photo. As his friendship with the young girl over the internet grows, he gets to know her mother Angela, father Vince, and beautiful older half-sister Megan. Yaniv's brother Ariel and Henry Joost film him for a documentary. As Yaniv falls for Megan, cracks start appearing in the story. Yaniv goes on a search for the truth.

If taken on face value, this has an intriguing story of the modern internet world. There are problems with this idea. It's hard to take this on face value when the whole point is not to take things on face value. It's obvious from the start that the internet relationship is based on false grounds. The question for me throughout watching the movie is how real Yaniv is actually being. The whole movie could be catfishing the audience. In the end, it's difficult to take this completely on face value. On the other hand, the reveal of Angela and her psychological story are actually quite interesting.
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Draws you in all the way to the end
jch_03124120 September 2011
Don't be put off by the jumpy, seemingly disconnected scenes at the beginning of this film. I nearly hit the eject button thinking that this was nothing more than an amateurish attempt at an 'artsy' film. Just stay with it and you will soon be drawn into an intriguing real life story with a surprisingly emotional twist at the end. The film stirs up a range of emotions that you rarely experience in todays high budget, digitized action flicks. I wish that I could tell you more but that would spoil the whole thing! I will only say this; the film could not have been done prior to the days of social networking where "friends' can pour out their innermost thoughts for the world to read. A very humanistic portrayal of the strengths, talent and weaknesses behind the faces that you see every day at the grocery store or walking down the street. See it and resist the temptation to 'tell all' when you recommend this excellent documentary film to others.
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Sensitive, touching, worth watching
Toastinger5 November 2011
This movie is kind of a intimate psychological documentary. It has certainly a very small plot, but it is incredibly moving. It lets you enter the privacy of mostly common people committing very common sins like a million other people commit every day. And it shows the emotional impact of it that can change your life. The cinematography and storytelling style is very modern and reminds of creating a video blog. Also the implications of social media in everyday life does certainly play a role in the plot. But I wouldn't say that the movie is too self-reflective or pays too much attention for the online media. The emphasis lies on the real social relationship that is developing between the characters and the lies on which it is built. Very well executed, very sensitive, very touching, very worth watching.
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This is a revealing film, fake or not.
AustinTakahashi30 March 2011
It's authenticity will remain in question. And if it is indeed real, the motivation of the filmmakers themselves are unclear.

But there is a truth in Catfish that reflects a lot about ourselves. For most, the Internet is a place to merely extend their social life. But for some, it could be the only place where they could find it. We are called to be mindful of these people. This is a movie for our time. 4/5 Stars

Note: The trailer is indeed misleading, which may have caused much disappointment to viewers with a specific expectation. To those who has not seen the trailer and desire to watch the movie, avoid the trailer.
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Who is catfishing who?
jrneptune30 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A difficult watch for me. I understand the order of the film might have been manipulated somewhat but in the long run to presume that anyone's Facebook profile will reveal the real person in the first place is very naïve in my opinion. Especially when it comes to strangers that you have not met.

Some have said they started the documentary after they learned the truth and that would make more sense as to how it was filmed.

I give the film makers credit for the film itself but as for the social commentary or the social value to have been gained from it I would hope most folks understand Facebook profiles are not to be taken as truths.

Is it worth the time spent watching? I question that.
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Not just another fish in the film sea
StevePulaski23 January 2011
Most human beings have two eyes. One left eye, and one right eye. Catfish pries open your third eye above the two you were born with. That eye is the eye to sense bulls*** from a mile away. It makes you think about the people you associate with online, and the people you come across with on Facebook, the oh-so popular networking site.

Upon finishing this film, I was unsure of what to think of it. "Real or fake?" was the question that popped in my head. Could this be just another false documentary teaching us a lesson, but using actors to portray realistic people? Or was this an authentic documentary showcasing one person's real life experience on the site, and having his brother and friend film it all? My opinion is that this is reminiscent of a reality show. Some scenes are fiction, but somethings are authentic. I really can't say if this is real or fake. But I assume 70% or less is real.

The plot is one of those like Paranormal Activity where you can't reveal too much or the whole thing is ruined. Basically, Young New York photographer Yaniv Schulman's life is put on film by brother Ariel Schulman and friend Henry Joost. They show his relationship with a supposedly eight year old girl on Facebook named Abby who is a child prodigy when it comes to painting. Yaniv will send pictures to Abby, and is told Abby paints them with remarkable talent.

As time passes, Niv shows extreme interest for Abby's family, including her alleged half-sister Megan, and the mother Angela. Once he uncovers some evidence I won't spoil, he goes out to meet the family. There is when the movie becomes a total enjoyment.

Whether fact or fiction, the film makes you think. It succeeds in making you ponder or contemplate the people you associate with on the web. Being an avid reviewer, a social networker, a Tweeter, a Facebooker, a Youtube personality I wonder who is watching my videos. Of course my personal information is nothing but private unless I have a strict build up with the person I discuss with. I haven't ran into any true problems on the web. I consider myself extremely grateful and lucky for that.

Catfish succeeds in being an entertaining time capsule of what will soon be the once popular social network. Facebook will eventually die out just like Myspace, but we will have this film to look back on. While 2010 had one more movie based on the site called The Social Network, Catfish deals with Facebook and it's people. TSN was all about the creation of the site, and the problems Zuckerberg and his friends ran into. That was a totally different film, and well worthy of the Golden Globe wins. Catfish is a one of a kind species that shouldn't be thrown back into the water.

Starring: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman, Yaniv Schulman. Directed by: Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost.
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moviemanMA16 October 2010
Catfish, the debut documentary from filmmakers Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, has been hailed as "the best Hitchcock film Hitchcock never directed," and toting it as something "you won't be able to shake for days." That's at least what the filmmakers chose to put in the trailer.

We follow Nev, a young photographer living in New York. He is contacted by a young girl living in Michigan who finds one of his photos and does a painting of it. He is instantly impressed and begins a correspondence with the girl, eventually leading to a correspondence with her mother and sister. They send photos and paintings back and forth, sharing messages and pictures via Facebook. Nev particularly gets romantically involved with the sister, leading to phone calls, text messages, and song writing.

When Nev becomes suspicious of the truth behind a lot of what the "Facebook family" is saying, he decides to surprise them with a visit. I'm going to stop here, in part because this is where I have been instructed to stop by critics. I can't recall a film being hushed like this since Hitchcock's Psycho. I don't get why there is a need to disclose the ending more than any other movie. For me, one of the ultimate crimes a person can do is to spoil a movie.

But I digress.

The real crime here is what the powers that be did with the trailer. If this movie was presented not as a horror/thriller but as a documentary/social commentary, I would have been a lot happier. In the trailer, there is a moment when they show Nev walking up to the house of the "Facebook family." The picture fades, revealing Chris Bumbray at's response to the film:

"The final forty minutes of the film will take you on an emotional roller coaster that you won't be able to shake for days."

To intensify the impact of these words, the filmmakers use some of the music that Mark Mothersbaugh wrote for the film, a great score in its own right, but inappropriate for this film. It belongs in a more traditional horror/thriller than in this documentary.

The trailer plays a little on the same theme as Paranormal Activity did, though this is claiming to be a true documentary. Regardless of it's truth, what the filmmakers (or those involved with making the trailer) led us to believe is that this was going to be an intense, shocking film that would, as promised by, something that would stay with us long after the film ends.

I should have read that statement more closely. For the final forty minutes of a film to shock you, that would either give you a heart attack with the amount of shock and scare value, or it would be like letting the air out of a balloon slowly. What you get with Catfish is a creepy story about how communication and technology has evolved in such a way that people can virtually do anything they want to do.

For those who haven't seen the trailer, DO NOT WATCH IT. It promises something it can't deliver. For those looking for a "hard to believe this is real" documentary, by all means enjoy. I was lead to believe this would be a thrill ride unlike any other. This is actually a nice companion piece with The Social Network, showcasing how much our world has changed from this one website.
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Dishonest trickery
LilyDaleLady22 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's been a few months since I saw this film, and I've had some time to process it. As plenty of folks have noted, the trailer is absolutely misleading -- almost funny, since the entire PREMISE of the film is "dishonesty" (something the filmmakers express horror at). This is not a shocker, not a horror film, the "reveal" is not surprising at all.

I have also noticed that nobody (here or in paid professional reviews) has noted that filmmakers Henry Joose and Ariel Schulman are most famous for making the "fake documentary" horror film, "Paranormal Activity" (and the subsequent big money sequels). The original was a scary little low budget ($11,000) indie film, that was picked up by Steven Spielberg and shot to fame and money for the two filmmakers. That was in 2007; the events of this documentary happened inbetween the first two Paranormal films. I guess time weighed heavy on their hands. It also explains why the three young adult men seem to have oodles of free time and no apparent form of gainful employment.

As noted, it is hard to believe extremely smart, college-educated, tech-savvy young hipsters in Manhattan/Brooklyn were naive enough to believe this story (about a child prodigy painter in Michigan) and her hottie teen sister, without the slightest research or fact checking -- or that they had their cameras turned from the earliest part of the a point where there was no reason to believe some big "mystery" would ever be at the other end. For all they could have known early on, this would be nothing but filming brother Yaniv ("Nev") Schulman's internet hook-up with a teenager. (Ew.)

So in fact, my gut feeling is that everything here is staged, and even re-created, to make the documentary -- not too shocking in a pair of guys who filmed a "cinema verite" horror story and made millions off it. The only real part is that I think at some point, they DID get a copy of a painting (done by the adult Angela, not her 9 year old daughter) in the mail. I think that got them interested enough to start communicating with the family, and after that, the idea of exploiting them for a film mocking Facebook relationships must have seemed irresistible.

That just gives the whole thing a glaze of slick, urban contempt for "those awful low-class people in Mid-America" (who are so unlike cool, honest Brooklyn hipsters) and makes the film come across as exploitive and cruel. Angela never really scammed them; she wanted some attention and some innocent (non-physical) flirting with a handsome New Yorker half her age. There is no indication she asked them for money, even though her situation (caring for her husband's two profoundly retarded and handicapped teenage sons) appears to be just wretched.

Clearly, Angela has some serious mental problems as well, that they also exploited. Flirting is one thing; flirting in the identity of your OWN teenage (estranged) daughter online is deeply troubling, even incestuous.

I also agree with some other posters that the final speech, given by Angela's husband, is both scripted and fake. He must be the most tolerant man in Michigan, to allow 3 creepy strangers into his home, hear about their association with his wife, expose his handicapped sons in a very unflattering way and then confess all this stuff about his wife. Why isn't he furious? Why doesn't he throw them off his property?

The storyline of the homely, unattractive person (almost always a woman, though there is always Cyrano de Bergerac for the fellows) who masquerades in secret, to able to flirt with a handsome/beautiful and unobtainable partner, is a very old one and very popular in films and novels. Nothing new here, except the allusions to the internet and that Facebook lets you lie to people (yawwwn....). Like we didn't know that.
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Disingenuous and mean-spirited Warning: Spoilers
Ironically I found this to be a very disingenuous and mean-spirited film from the start.

Initially the film makers make the case for an adult man striking up an innocent online mutual appreciation with an 8 year old girl who also appears to be a talented painter. Very early on we are given several scenes where the main participant and his friends are filming their surprise at clues that all is not as it appears with the little girls story. But their body language and giggly, childish demeanour suggest to me that they have already done much of the "investigating" that would later come to pass in the narrative. Their big joyous grins and covering of stifled titters at the situation suggests a prior set-up of these early moments on film. This isn't a problem had they then continued their google detective work and simply exposed their stalker-slash-victim as just another online Baron Munchausen. But we are later treated to a cringe-worthy 'look through your fingers if you dare' scene where the central participant reads private texts between himself and the beautiful older sister of the girl whom he has struck up a sexting relationship with online. By now we know, that they know the whole thing is a fake, so why we are given this scene where he lays shirtless in bed reading aloud and mocking masturbatory texts between himself and the target, knowing all the long this online profile is a lie? It is very unsettling. Who is fooling who here? When they meet the target, we are given enough evidence to deduce that it is in fact not the youngest daughter who is the painter in the family, that would be the plain, unglamorous mother who is not a slim, ethereal beauty as imagined in her portrait. The older daughter and love interest is of course nowhere to be seen and can't be reached by telephone. We deduce she is entirely a romantic fantasy persona of the woman's creation.

Her deception is of course deplorable, but the film crew go on to perpetuate this online fantasy as much as she has, and furthermore have hunted her down, attempting to confront her but afraid of the consequences. After several polite but awkward meetings, it isn't until an hour in to the film that we see any hint of humility from the film makers, where the truth about the her online fantasy life finally comes out in the "open", well - filmed from afar without her knowledge. Later she is interviewed on camera and pretty much bares her soul to these virtual strangers in a tearful full confessional. Yes, she was a foolish woman, but this took guts and at no point did she ever seem antagonistic or volatile after her lies had been exposed. Let me be very clear - The woman was a fraud. She seems to be leading a very hard life looking after a young daughter and two severely disabled step-sons. Finding a creative outlet in painting to relieve her daily grind, and taking an online flirtation WAY too far appears to be her biggest 'crime.' I feel like they catfished this woman as much as she catfished them. I sympathise with her as a struggling mother and carer of disabled relatives, and not with the three smug, smirking New York art student types who in the end exploited her as much as she initially fooled them. They knowingly perpetuated this fake relationship as much as she did. And early on in the film they make it pretty clear what is going on when they discover the songs the daughter character had passed off as her own work are simply ripped from youtube by other artists - they could have ended it there, but they were clearly too invested in making a global mockery of this unfortunate and foolish woman, when the sensible thing would've been to just gently cut communications with her online, or at least curtail them to simple passing pleasantries. Instead they continued a pseudo-romance and sexting relationship with her, all the time filming a condescending one-sided interaction just to for their own amusement and a juicier documentary.

I felt a strength of character from her that I never picked up from the chattering, giggling immature film makers. To open up about her silly lies so candidly on camera is a very brave and honourable thing to do. Ironically, I never felt like we got to know the film makers as truthfully as we did her. Although the film makers put themselves in this unusual situation and took it way further than most would, they always had the security blanket of the camera, they were never laid bare like their subject was. I applaud her for allowing them to make this documentary.

What I take away from this movie is that today, many people are out for themselves and whether you're posing as a pretty young singer/artist online or exploiting strangers for your student film career - you had better be on guard and be out for yourself because someone out there is looking to f*ck you over unless you do it to them first. Neither party gets my full sympathy, but if anything I side with the woman as the more innocent party since she was clearly already a very damaged person with immense responsibilities and chronic low self-esteem. A trio of young, single privileged Millenials in New York who perpetuated and inflamed this woman's fantasy deserve nothing from this, but I hope they at least learnt from the experience and put their talents to better use in the future.
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Catfish - 7/10
andrewhumphreys99681 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Regardless of where you stand on this documentary's authenticity, this is still a compelling, fascinating and ultimately reflective movie that is perhaps a little too perfect in places. This is where the term "catfishing" originated, which is when a person online pretends to be someone else and develops a relationship with someone, usually via social media. It's a creepy thing to do and a little sinister, but this film's specific Catfish doesn't seem that ill-intentioned, sure she's a compulsive liar and probably a sociopath, but the crew do good job at humanising her and she comes across more tired and lonely than anything else. There's a few points throughout that seemed a little unnecessary, and a few more that seemed to convenient or too good to be true, but I'm guessing they probably re-enacted, maybe even dramatized, some of the happenings they didn't catch on camera the first time. This was surprisingly touching, especially since I expected a darker, more sinister Catfish, but it delivered on both aspects as the build-up was a little creepy. Overall, Catfish builds up the uncertainty really well; delivers a heartful resolution and features uncomfortable amounts of body hair.
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A Superb Documentary
appleby_boy11 November 2010
I'm gonna keep the review short because like many I believe that the less you know about the movie going in, the better. While the trailer is quite misleading it does not retract from the fact that this is a superb character piece. Even though it does show that social networking sites aren't safe and you shouldn't trust people online blah blah blah. I don't think that was the goal of the filmmakers, I think it was just to show the nature of human character. And to all those saying that it's fake, it's a pretty touching story even if it is (which I doubt because Nev would be the greatest actor in Hollywood if it is), just don't go into it expecting a thriller.
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Melancholy of Our LIves
statuskuo5 September 2013
"Catfish" is a really nice straight forward look into our new modern lives where we can create our own identities. Some, obviously, have more to run from than others. But NO ONE can claim they are innocent of complete and total truth.

This movie left me with a very sad melancholy sense of how we identify ourselves. Without giving away much, I felt that there isn't a person in this world that wouldn't trade it for one they could control from scratch. To that, we see a lot of false hopes, broken dreams and reality that hits us too hard in the face. In essence, we feel more sympathy for the ones who would be deceptive over the ones that attempt to find deception since not one of us can deny we dream of others' lives. And sometimes, we believe it's better than our own. In this can't blame the person for wanting a better life, if not even just imaginary.

I really liked this movie. But I really don't like the people who made it. They seem to take joy in wanting to humiliate something they've already come to know. I do feel the redeeming value is when you do get the "real" story at the end. And it's heartbreaking and truthful. And you take all the supposed betrayal you feel and find that it is sometimes good that people will challenge your perception. The title doesn't give you an idea of what the movie is, but the explanation within the movie sure explains this idea.
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Pretty damn interesting if you ask me...
chucknorrisfacts11 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the TV spots for "Catfish" and had to see it. I know a lot of people are criticizing the movie right now, and I don't understand why. I think that while it's not what you might expect, it's still a great movie.

A lot of people want to debate whether or not the movie is real. If it's not real, it very well could've been. I'm sure this kind of stuff happens all the time, and people don't even realize how common it is. That's why I'm glad this movie was made, to help open people's eyes to the truth about social networks…while they can be used as a means of harmless communication between friends and acquaintances, they can also be used in deceptive and dangerous ways, too.

I would definitely recommend seeing this movie!
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A fascinating documentary about modern internet
Sir_AmirSyarif19 April 2020
While visually and narratively sloppy - and a bit dated, 'Catfish' is a fascinating modern tale with direct references to the Internet world that has produced a legion of individuals who can re-create themselves online without any perceived consequences. Whether the movie is fiction or non-fiction, it has its share of entertaining moments and riveting ability to push the emotional buttons of its audiences.
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If this is fake then Angela Wesselman should have won the Academy Award
hightidex8 April 2011
The first half of this movie had me thinking how phony it was. The lead actor was not convincing. His dialog, his expressions were unrealistic and contrived.

Then he meets his internet friend in the flesh. Again, I don't believe some of the film footage here either but the actress who plays the Internet friend is spot on perfect. Her line readings and her expressions are absolutely spot on perfect. As I say in the title, if she is reading script, she deserves the Oscar for the best acting of the year and as good acting as I have ever seen in any movie ever.

I am with the filmmakers all the way from this point on. Whoa, she's not like her facebook page but as we get to know her and see her in some of the close-up shots, she is actually beautiful.

Then the bonus self-interview with the lead actor and his film-making friends. If they are acting here, it is light years better than in the movie itself. Which speaks to the film's authenticity... which I am not saying what that is... see no spoilers : = )
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A must-watch for all Facebook and social networking fans. As is mentioned in the documentary's summary — "This is a shocking product of our times'
Before I start, I agree that I have been going a bit overboard with anti reviews related to Facebook and social networking in general. However, I guess this one would complete the trilogy and is supposedly a true-life example of the dark-side of excess (shall we say) – Facebooking!

According to the movie summary, filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost document a story involving Ariel's brother, Nev, a 24-year-old New York-based photographer, and Abby, from rural Michigan who contacts Nev via Facebook, asking for permission to make a painting from one of his photographs. Then starts the online romance between Megan (Abby's older sister) and Nev, which leads to shocking revelation finally.

I don't want to discuss much about this film, as it would become a major spoiler otherwise. I have no idea how true this documentary is, but it does give a good feeler into the power of social networking and the influence it is having on people's lives in modern times. The ending also indicates why the documentary is called as "Catfish", and it is quite an interesting one.
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THE film of the 2010 sundance festival
narrowfilm26 January 2010 least, of the 9 films i've seen so far. this one packs quite an emotional wallop. this had me cracking up at times and on the edge of my seat at others. a gentleman remarked during the excellent q+a after the film: "screw blair witch and paranormal activity - this is real terror," and i would have to agree. what's so terrifying about this movie? you'll have to see it to find out, because to spoil the secrets of this film would rob it of its power. it's a journey to embark on with the filmmakers/friends, ariel schulman, his brother nev, and their friend henry joost. where it takes you is both shocking and strangely moving. this is the reason i keep coming back to sundance - to see films like this, that are genuinely surprising.

oh, and the title is explained in the final 10 minutes of the film and lends it a new and powerful meaning. thought-provoking stuff, indeed.

this film, i've heard, is going to get picked up. avoid the reviews and just go see it when it plays in your town.
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Don't expect to be shocked or thrilled
napierslogs9 January 2011
"Catfish" is one of those stories where things are not as they seem. It's deceptive, exhilarating, shocking, thrilling, and unsettling. Or at least that's what the producers have claimed.

I'm assuming by now, most people have seen a fair number of reality, documentary stories where the people they have met online are not what they claim to be. I've seen "Talhotblond" and now that was unsettling, but comparatively, "Catfish" was bland, boring and ordinary. It's not thrilling because the filmmakers so gradually come to understand the deception that is occurring, that the audience realizes it at the same time or shortly before they do - which is very early on in the film.

However, it's still good because this is what independent documentary filmmaking is all about. These filmmakers were looking for a story and when they found one right in front of them, they jumped on it. The result is that we were able to see most things unfold in real time and that makes it interesting in a much more real way. Our hero is Nev, he's the type of guy that we can really get behind and he's not just blindly falling in love but questioning and being skeptical when he should be, and that's good filmmaking. These filmmakers also wanted to show the good in everybody and that was just so refreshing that I expect better things from them in the future, and I might even recommend "Catfish", just don't expect to be shocked or thrilled.
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Fraudulent Advertising
jackaustin9 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that I'm not allowed to request a refund or sue the producers of this movie for the entirely misleading, and at some points, outright lying trailer!

If you have seen the trailer, you would expect a thriller movie with the real story happening at some point after they find the empty farmhouse. The trailer states that:

"The final forty minutes of the film will take you on an emotional roller-coaster ride that you won't be able to shake for days". Sure, being surprised by the lameness of the final 40 minutes, and then angry about this kind of tricks could be described as an emotional roller-coaster.

"A bizarre and completely unpredictable mystery" Unpredictable because the trailer is deliberately misleading.

"A shattering conclusion" Who was shattered by that conclusion? Can you imagine a more anti- climactic conclusion?

And when you find out what the movie is actually about? Sure, some people may enjoy exploring the "unknown variables in internet relationships", but are those the same people that would go to see a thriller movie, based on the trailer?

Maybe we should cut and copy together all of the love scenes from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, and then make a trailer portraying it as a romantic comedy!!!

Seriously, they might as well have put a picture of themselves at the theater exit, laughing and rolling in piles of money.
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