The Fades (TV Mini Series 2011) Poster


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Another great supernatural show from the BBC
deardarkness22 September 2011
Following on from the launch of Being Human a couple of years back, BBC 3 have struck gold again with The Fades. Teenager Paul (Iain De Caestecker) disturbed by apocalyptic dreams for years stumbles across their possible cause whilst trespassing with his best friend and film referencing geek Mac (Daniel Kaluuya).

Paul like so many characters from great TV shows is not your average teenager, he is special and can see the Fades - the ghosts of people who didn't move on. Now he must help to stop the future he sees in his dreams from coming true.

The show packs a lot of lore and mythology into its first episode and it will be interesting to see how it all comes together.
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Just gets better and better - a classic unfolds before my eyes - thank you again BBC!
ethical_trader5 October 2011
Surreal (yet almost believable) - get the kids off to bed because they'll be freaked in no uncertain measure! Your six year old will be certain there's a monster in the dark places. I'm not the kind for listing actors names or plot synopsis - my reviews are just an emotional impression based on whether I'm hooked or not (which makes the 'ten line mandatory rule'of IMDb a bit frustrating at times)- I'll leave the name dropping to the geeks that love that kind of thing. What I can say is the story is absorbing, cashing in on the apocalyptic view of the world that we all seem to have at the moment, yet not cashing in as it's intelligent, witty and philosophical in its approach; (morons won't get the 'message's', but will enjoy the action, freak factor and the odd naked teenager.....well almost naked). There isn't one dud or wooden performance in here, a solid script backed up by solid acting that makes you beg for more of the story; a real 'I can't wait!' kind of effect (on me anyway), clever underplayed directing (the best kind in my view as it's more 'real', yet it's not Dogme). Do I have my mandatory ten lines yet, let's see? YUP
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Can't believe they cancelled this!?!
partridgeluk14 November 2019
I waited and waited and waited, bbc would rather knock out period dramas then make another season of something that was popular. Just because you can no longer keep track of the viewing figures doesn't mean this is a bad season. Make another season, still waiting!
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Er... Wow!
milyrouge15 October 2011
If I'd reviewed Fades after episode 1, I'd have given it a very impressed 7. After episode 3, I'd definitely have upgraded that to an 8. Now, however, I'm reviewing this refreshing, brilliantly suspenseful BBC Three thriller after episode 4 and I'm caught between a 9 and a 10.

This series has captivated me since the first trailer ran on BBC One a couple of months ago. It's dark, deep, clever and truly captivating and is a perfect example of the quality we should be expecting from the BBC. This series is just brilliant.

The plot is complex, twisting and turning with surprises galore, and the acting is superb with a few faces you've seen before, and some younger actors who have bright futures ahead of them.

I wonder how this series will rank once we get further into the series. With the way it's improving, I think we may need to ask IMDb to add a couple of numbers to their ranking system! The only annoyance? Having to wait a week to see what happens in episode 5!
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Surprisingly good! it continues to get better and better
noumeron17 October 2011
First episodes were a little plot-thick and a little hard to convince that there is a solid scenario behind the series. But thank god i decided to continue watching this! After episode 3 and especially 4 the series went into another level! Plot gaps were filled, effects are pretty decent, actors are really really good and if it continues like this we will be talking about the horror highlight of the year. So I'm giving it a 10 because it manages to avoid so many clichés of the genre, remain fresh and very very promising. I'm really excited about how the story unfolds and i hope this isn't a some kind of 6-episode season;p
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A must see
yorkeyorke14 June 2020
This was a show with allot of potential that was stopped way to early. Just another smart show tossed aside for mindless drivel. Truly unfortunate.
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One of The Most Brilliant British Shows
lasherxl5 February 2012
Now I will agree with those other reviewers it did take a few episodes to lay in the groundwork of the show, but believe you me, it is all well worth the wait. Though its not to say that there aren't great points in the eps 1-3, but when episode 4 hits the ground running its when all the juicy bits of preamble come together to form a smorgasborg of tasty horrific goodness or evilness or... well you get the point.

Everything from here on out has this stark savage urgency, it twists and turns on the head of a nail. I cannot deny this his quickly become one of my favourite new shows, its so unpredictable and I had goosebumps thru all of ep. 4, which is not a feat easily achieved with me.

If you like a good mix of horror with a smattering of apocalyptic wonderland this is clearly the show for you.
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Great show , original and breathtaking .
stefgrig12 June 2012
I really have my expectations lowered these days , most series seem to follow a formula , and while most aren't bad , they aren't good either . Well thats how I feel , and maybe the problem is me watching too many of them .

But every now and then a diamond comes along , a surprise , a series that achieves excellence in so many departments that perfection is within reach . And I don't write these words lightly .

This is one of those diamonds . What a wonderful surprise . This geeky couple of friends will win you over from the first scene . They pulse with life , so fully fleshed a character set I have not seen for a long time . And a great story . So unexpected , so full of twists and turns .

But you get even more . A villain that you can understand . A tortured soul that only wants to live . A group of heroes that has no clear cut mission , having to withstand so much ..

Add excellent acting , atmosphere , a plot that just makes you want more , and here it is lady's and gents , The Fades . I love it , and I bet you will too .
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Developed pretty well till episode 4 and then it was way too rushed
Taylor281323 May 2013
All the problems with this show pretty much stem from the rushed ending. Through episode 4 everything was entertaining enough; probably an 8.3 or so but then the booster rockets ignited and a lot of weight (i.e. subplots and believability) were jettisoned in order to fit what probably was intended to be another seasons worth of plot into 2 episodes. So, most of the side characters became plot devices instead of people and what could have been somewhat believable developments, given enough time, became lobotomizingly absurd. It is a shame too because I think the writers had a lot more story to tell and they could write some believable and interesting characters. I think they knew they were going to be canceled though and decided to give some kind of ending even though it basically ruined it for me.

I can't recommend this show but there were some performances that I think are worth mentioning. Mac steels the show for me as his character is very well performed, mostly well written, and given some evocative scenes that left quite an impression. Neil, is another mostly well written character, well performed and is my favorite anti-hero of the show. Also, Anna and Paul need to be mentioned for similar reasons.
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A+++ Original UK Series
gbkimberley18 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Fades is a terrific original series that I couldn't wait to see each week.

Thankfully it's a UK produced show so, even though the first season ended in a nicely rounded off manner, we were still left with the possibility of a return next year, unlike the American produced quality programs which seem to get cancelled on the whim of some executive who decides that because he doesn't like it no-one will.

The Fades isn't expensively made, it doesn't feature established stars and it doesn't run for more than the usual (UK) 6 episodes, but it's quality.

We have Mr Joe Belowaverage (Paul) thrust into the unfamiliar realm of Fades; ghosts of people who have died and not ascended and Angelics; living people who have the ability to see Fades and interact with them.

Paul, very ably supported by his best mate and wing-man Mac, finds out that he's also an Angelic just at the time where the Fades (royally pi**ed off because they haven't been able to ascend) decide it's time to hit back.

There's a well balanced mix of surprises, thrills, horror, humour, and pathos with this series and I can't wait for Season 2.

I highly recommend it and guarantee you will too if you watch more than one episode.

*Update: Well it seems that The Fades has run into an American style TV Executive and has not been renewed for a 2nd season after all :( Don't let that stop you from seeing this excellent series though because, as I mentioned above, it does finish in a nicely rounded off fashion and doesn't leave you hanging out for answers.
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Entertaining but Frustrating
postofficecb2 July 2022
An entertaining premise that attempts to inject a fresh supernatural teen story into the mix of bad vamp/werewolf shows. But there are 4 issues with it:

1. Nothing is ever explained. Mythology is vague. Powers are random. Ending fix is something that already existed.

2. Main character is more lifeless than the dead antagonists. Lacking that boyish geek charm that his buddy played by Daniel Kaluuya has. Plus he seems to wear the same clothes almost every ep.

3. Choppy editing, as if several explanatory scenes were left on the cutting room floor in place of the constant "vision" filler. Superpowers get displayed for the first time and characters act next scene like it's no big deal. Others leave relationships without explanation after craving same relationship for last 3 eps.

4. Villain is as scary as the teenager with really bad acne who lives down the hall from me.

The story of the two friends is a good one, I will grant that. It would have been nice if that had been written into the main plot more, to be part of the motivations, good or ill, but too much air time went to the sister, mother, and the girlfriend, none of which contributed in a major way to plot movement.
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Excellent series
pensman15 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The British keep coming up with really interesting ideas for shows. In The Fades , Paul sees dead things but there is. a twist. The dead he sees are the souls of people who were not able to pass on and are not happy about it; and it appears some of those left behind are morphing into something quite different. There is a group - the Angelicans- dedicated to stopping these new creatures and Paul may be instrumental in stopping them or might just be something else. In the meantime Paul has to figure out what his visions are really about; deal with an over protective mother; and a sister who is a real piece of work. Worth watching and let's hope there isn't an America version in the works. All a transfer would do is add good looking kids and a PG script. Watch this in the original.
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If the hero hadn't been a complete moron this would have been really great.
frankblack-7996129 August 2020
I enjoyed most everything about this show. About the main character. I don't think ive been more exasperated with a main charachter in a long time. The initial confusion was perfectly understandable for the main role. It really seemed as if he was suffering from a brain injury or mental disability. If they had written that role a bit differently this would have been fantastic. Still worth watching though.
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Some strong elements but needed better writing
exwgis3 July 2013
I wanted to like the show, but couldn't make it past the third episode. Production values are high and the actors are compelling, though I get the sense they didn't have enough to work with in the script.

Lack of character development is the biggest problem. With the exception of Daniel Kaluuya as Mac, who comes close to saving the show with an appealing gift of gab, the people don't feel like people. This results in little reason to care about the characters. The female characters are particularly one-dimensional.

Perhaps the plot will turn in an unexpected direction, but so far seems to be unfolding as established in the first few minutes of the first episode.
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Superb, well crafted show with tons of potential
markjohnevans7921 October 2011
What can I say about this show other than its great.

Interesting, well developed characters you really care about. An original story with compelling subplots. The mostly young, mostly unknown actors all play their parts with heart and soul. All in all a well acted, well thought out new show.

Recently I began to watch two new shows, this one and Terra Nova. Whilst I was fully aware of Terra Nova (and it was hard not to be with all the money Fox threw at advertising it) I found The Fades entirely by accident (and was already 4 episodes in). After watching the first episode of The Fades I was hooked and immediately dived into the other three. After watching the first three episodes of Terra Nova I decided not to watch anymore. These two shows highlight the current gulf in quality between American and British sci-fi/ fantasy with America starting to really fall behind (with honourable exceptions to Supernatural and The Walking Dead). Whilst Terra Nova boasts a massive budget and tons of CGI, its characters are weak, its plots are derivative and clichéd and all around is frankly uninteresting. The Fades has a tenth of its budget but manages to stand head and shoulders above it in terms of quality. American shows clearly have no respect for the intelligence of their audience and believe people are simpletons who will clap happily at expensive special effects and big explosions. Therefore, for the moment at least, I think I'm sticking with British shows like The Fades who do not feel they need to hold the hand of the viewer and prefer to rely on well crafted stories than meaningless CGI (then again American shows stopped being about storytelling long ago and these days are simply a vehicle to sell advertising).

The Fades has the potential to run for many years and puts me in mind of another BBC success that came from humble beginnings, Being Human. I can't recommend this show highly enough and if you yearn for fantasy with substance then this show is for you.

As a footnote I'd just like to make a prediction. The date today is Oct 21st 2011. I guarantee at some point in the future an American network will take note of The Fades and, as they always do, rather than simply re-showing the British version will remake it for American audiences. It'll boast a bigger budget but will end up, as every other one has, a pale imitation of a better quality original. It's about time the main American networks (and those who enjoy their p*ss poor programming) had a bit of humility and realised that their way is not automatically the best way.
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If you can live without any closure, you HAVE to see these seven
markkbranson12 October 2017
"The Fades" is a BBC production that is unbelievable in its effects, cinematography, and acting. Regrettably, I have only found seven episodes (on Amazon Prime) and I am heartbroken I can't find any more. Because of this open-ended nature, I titled this piece so you will know that if you can live with absence of closure, then this series is a must see.

The plot is a mixture of teen angst and upgraded TV horror (think of "American Horror Story" but a little more bloody since it is designed for British audiences). Some have likened this series to "Buffy," but the acting, the effects, and the overall story line is far superior to "Buffy" (at least from my viewing of both).

Admittedly, there are types (since this is TV drama): close male friend, obnoxious twin sister, and typical high school drama. However intertwined is horror and real emotions (see Paul's relationship) that this series employees that recommends this series.

Keep in mind there are only seven episodes that I have found, so if you can live with that sort of ambiguity, engage in a binge weekend and watch these episodes. It is well worth your time!
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Slow to pick up but accelerates into a unique & exhilarating show after the second episode
portjos6 April 2013
After reading some of the reviews here I decided to watch season 1. Found the first few episodes to be a little slow, but I'm so glad I stuck with it! This slow introduction is perhaps the reason it was canceled? It's such a travesty because this show is so good. The pace of each episode reminds me of Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, where the plot escalates and grows in complexity at the end of each episode. It's a satisfying and unique take on ghosts and zombies, with complex and realistic lead characters. If this show has been canceled for good before it's given a chance, I think it is a big mistake, as I can see it will become hugely popular.
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I see dead people
nogodnomasters20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There is a group of people called Angelics who can see dead people. However the dead are now killing and eating people and coming back to life. The Angelics are out to destroy them. High School boy Paul (Iain De Caestecker) has his own issues and now he can see dead people too. He is expected to save the world. The problem is civilization as the soul ascension points are covered with concrete. I guess there are some things that stop God.

I loved the tale. It took time to create characters in a meaningful way. I will ask what is it with the British with "Paul is Dead" and "The boy who lived." Can't they come up with something new? Good story telling. Bravo Jack Thorne.

Guide; F-word. Sex. Nudity.

Note to self: Don't ride a bicycle down an escalator.
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Iain is brilliant as always
agentgdward13 June 2018
Like everything it's been compared to it's almost perfect. The theme is kind of like Buffy TVS, though the actors make it feel more grown up and immersive like Walking Dead/FTWD. Iain plays his part with a complexity you don't expect from the reluctantly-destined-to-fight-evil lead. Paul's best friend Mac gently broke my heart every moment; funny for sure but way more than comic relief. I haven't watched the ending yet but I'm sure it lives up to the reviews. I never feel taken out of the story even though the lore is a bit...vague.
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Great ending, but took too long to get there
brendan-2685 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first episode of this show, but then episodes 2 & 3 completely dropped off the pace and we had to wait until episode 4 for things to get interesting again.

Looking back on it now, it seems obvious to me that the first 3 episodes could have been condensed into a single episode - in fact there are even events in those early episodes that have no real bearing on the subsequent plot development (just consider how the character of Helen, who features a lot in the opening episodes, actually serves very little purpose in the overall plot of the series, and she ends her time on the show well before the real story actually starts to unfold in the later half of the season).

In many ways season one of this series could be described as two different shows. The early part of the season is much lighter, slower, and more like a teen drama than the second half of the series which is far more interesting, pacey and serious.

One thing that disappointed me with this series was some of the early sexual content - is it just me or do the British seem to have a weird fascination with seeing teenage sexuality on TV? As an adult male I have no desire to watch young teens having sex, or young boys pleasuring themselves - and there was definitely no plot-related reason to include such content in the show.

It'll be interesting to see if they can maintain the enthralling momentum and tone that they've finally managed to achieve in the last three episodes of season one through the second season.
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This is surprisingly good, it's not the teen show I expected.
garnet-suss28 September 2021
Religion and zombies, it actually works really well and is a good way to explain zombies. I'd love to see a longer series or a movie franchise based on that premise. The actors are decent, the writing is good, the direction is good.

It's a solid 7.5 in my opinion.
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Something new in the undead
SnoopyStyle22 September 2013
Paul (Iain De Caestecker) sees dead people. He's a normal teen who has frightful visions. Rarely does a new concept about the undead get introduced nowadays. It's a well traveled road, but this one made some new tracks.

The dead are called the Fades. Some go up, but some stay. They glow in their chest as they search for ascension points. The glow could shine bright and they rise. Or else their light goes out. Those that lose their light stays. Now something terribly wrong is coming.

The ideas brought forth by this is fascinatingly new. Iain De Caestecker is a good outsider teen. Sophie Wu has an alluring look. Lily Loveless gives a brash performance. It is a real disappointment that it only had 6 episodes. Maybe they can remake this.
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Fantastic 10/10
shobasc19 September 2023
Loved it , and very very sad that @BBC axed any other seasons . Way better than " being human" which they chose to continue . Bring it back please !!! The story is very gripping and the concept interesting . This script has not on,y the paranormal element to it but emotional relationships between friends, strangers , a well rounded story line indeed. It's as not terrifying given the " dead people" showing up also flesh eating dead people. The lead really played his role well throughout the season. His friendship with MAC was refreshing to watch and how he navigates when he finds out he is special and has abilities .
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Where is Season 2?
hyperfixx17 May 2019
The Fades (2011)

A British series (only one season long) about a high school student who is an 'angelic' who, along with other angelics, battles the 'fades' or ones who have died but not yet ascended to the hereafter. Seems the fades are bitter because they have missed their ascension and are taking it out on the human race. This show is hit and miss. The overall look of the series is spot on, with doomy set pieces and cool effects, like the look of the fades and their transformation, but the story itself is kind of clunky. It varies from being twisty and unexpected to being dragged down by too much unneeded drama. I wish they would have amped the pace up a bit and made it more of an action show. The cast is credible and it was a fun watch nonetheless. It was cool to see pre-GOT actors in it as well. At once there was Queen Margaery Tyrell, Gendry, and Yoren all in the same scene! 7 out of 10 stars.
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Poor plot and hopeless characters
kjruk10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible characters and characterisation. Idiotic plot movements that are entirely predictable. Paul turns up to rescue his girlfriend and by episode 5 still doesn't know he is walking into an obvious trap. Who would have guessed. That is lazy silly plotting.

God help us if all we have is a Paul to save the world. The main character is a half baked often pathetic idiot who wants be nice to everybody including the man eating zombies. In episode 5 he still spends half the time with a jaw dropped mouth wide open look of stupor as stuff happens all around him. Episode 5 and he still doesn't know whats going on!! I just found him irritating. How can anybody be so dumb. Constantly asking What did I do? What is going on? Right till the end.

The only likable character is his sidekick, Mac who actually behaves like a clever teenager might.

As usual the baddies are the strongest and cleverest outwitting the dumb Angelics at every turn. All the good people are pathetic. And why would the zombies be going up instead of down to hell? No answers. And who needs enemies when there is a psychotic angelical!

The body count gets huge and yet there are no news bulletins, journalists or TV crews. Mobile phones but no cctv for the police to use. Since Paul knows what the evil leader looks like why doesn't he tell the police like any intelligent person would. And where is God in all this? Cant he fix his own system? Useless. The plot just does not stand up to the believability test.
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