Java Heat (2013) Poster


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Locations are interesting
glennaa111 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw most of this film the other night on cable. Lots of guns and shooting and killing. For me the most interesting part was that it was filmed in and around Yogyakarta since I was just there a couple of weeks ago. So it was fun to see locations where I have just been.

But frankly I can't understand how they got permission to film at Borobudur - a UNESCO World Heritage site. A place of such peace being used as the backdrop for gun play seems quite strange to me.

Mickey Rourke's accent seems to go from French to German back to French. I agree it didn't make sense. The plot is fairly convoluted. But I don't suppose people watch these kinds of films expecting Citizen Kane. Kellan Lutz's nude scene was gratuitous (not that I am complaining...)
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Surprisingly Interesting & Nice !!
premkishan-k4 June 2013
To start with, a very well sorted plot, story and good screenplay. The movie keeps getting you interested even in some dull scenes. Overall a very well written script and screenplay….good acting by Ario Bayu…I thought he did an excellent job in this movie.

Yeah…action is missing in some scenes but there is enough to enjoy !!… would have been a great movie if there were some more action packed scenes. I don't want to take away the credit from the director….he did a nice job but he could have done better with all the ingredients he had (plot, story, actors and locations)….nevertheless decent action flick.

Recommended from my side :-)
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Not The Best, But Not Bad, Watchable...
diyan_kecil8 May 2013
Another movie from far east, Indonesia.

Clearly this is an action movie, if you like action, this movie could be your weekend options. Quite entertaining. A lot of action in there.

Tells the story of a special forces anti-terrorism cooperation with an American citizen solving terrorism cases.

Speaking of the actors may not be so well known, but their acting is quite good.

In the end, the film is worth watching. presents the story from the largest Muslim country in the world. Where many terrorists were arrested and prosecuted.

From 1 to 10 I give 6.5
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An action movie that is hurt by casting choices. Lutz is bad and Rourke doesn't fit. Worth seeing but don't rush. I say C+
cosmo_tiger21 July 2013
"The how I know, the why I haven't figured out yet." After a suicide bomber strikes in Indonesia, American Marine/FBI agent Jake Travers (Lutz) travels there posing as a graduate student to catch the terrorists behind it. Getting help from a Muslim cop Hashim (Bayu) they begin to uncover a hidden truth that could wind up being more dangerous then suicide bombers. I have to start by saying action movies like this don't really rely to much on acting to keep you interested but Lutz's acting is so bad it's almost distracting. Also Mickey Rourke seems miscast in this. Other then that the movie is not too bad but it is a little slow and hard to stay interested in in a few parts. I would still say it's worth watching but be prepared for a movie that feels longer then it is. There have been many movies about terrorist threats like this to come out lately and while this is OK it's not one of the better ones. Overall, worth watching but nothing to rush and see. I give it a C+.
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Nice photography, awful acting
thelawnet1 December 2013
Java Heat is an unthrilling thriller weighed down by the wooden acting of Kellan Lutz.

On the plus side, for a movie named Java Heat, this movie does convey a reasonable impression of being set in Indonesia, and for those who've spent much time in Indonesia, it's a rare treat to see it feature in a Hollywood blockbuster. Indonesian language is used in parts, although there are several places where the Indonesians speak English, presumably to aid intelligibility.

The film isn't wholly convincing, of course, in its portrayal of Indonesia, we are told at one point that a jewel worth a few million dollars could 'feed the people of Java' for a year, a pretty silly statement given the island's ~150 million population.

While the picture is rather grainy in parts, there's plenty of detail on the blu-ray release, and the audio mix is excellent for a film of this budget, with all of the channels used pretty much constantly for diverse effects and environmental audio.

As for the story, it was hard to really bring oneself to care about it, the Indonesians in the story are one-dimensional, either bland and helpless or else cardboard-cutout jihadists, while the muscle-bound American hero of the piece lack emotion or charisma. The movie is in the buddy cop genre, with Lutz paired with Ario Bayu, but there's little rapport and no humour.

My wife, Indonesian herself, went to bed before it was finished, as the story was so tedious that she saw no reason to watch it to its predictable-from-the-outset conclusion. It reminds me of watching a Steven Seagal movie, and not one of his better ones.

To find a decent movie set in Indonesia you probably have to head back to 1982's The Year of Living Dangerously, with Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver. Any hopes that this would break the mould, are sadly unfulfilled.

To be avoided.
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Some good action, but often a tough slog
Wizard-826 October 2013
After Mickey Rourke gave his deservedly highly praised performance in "The Wrestler", I thought that from that point on, his career would be in a permanent rebound. But just a few years later, Rourke is back making straight to DVD movies, "Java Heat" being one of them. In fairness, this particular straight to DVD movie is nowhere as bad as some of Rourke's past efforts in the genre. Some of the action sequences aren't bad, and we are given an interesting look in many corners of Indonesia. However, the movie is both too long and too slow for the most part - it should have been tightened during the scripting stage. And Rourke doesn't come across very well, with his puffy face and his dialogue often spoken in a mumble that makes it hard to understand what he's saying at times. From this movie, I now think that the remainder of Rourke's career will be stuck in the direct to DVD market and that no one will give him another chance at something better. Too bad.
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My name is Boring...James Boring... I mean real boring
Ed-Shullivan23 March 2015
The photography is great! And that is the only positive thing that I can muster up about Java Heat. Kellan Lutz plays Jake Wilde a military man who visits Indonesia and tries to figure out who is responsible for the suicide bombers blowing up parties as well as his little brother. Jake is joined in his search by a local Indonesian detective named Lieutenant Hashim played by Ario Bayu. They reluctantly agree to join forces although neither trusts the other to capture the evil Russian villain Malik played by Mickey Rourke.

There is non stop action and if you abbreviate non stop action you get NO action which is more to the point. Automatic rifles appear in almost every third scene and both the good guys and the bad guys have to be the worst sharp shooters on the planet. The director has a tendency to raise the volume when the guns are a blazing most likely to remind his audience to pay attention to his film.

The acting is abysmal but I blame it more on the script which calls for endless gun battles that look more like a bunch of kids playing gangsters in their school playground. The background music I assume was also intended to add suspense and maybe it would have if the editor did not insist on using it whenever the automatic rifles were not flailing away.

Kellan Lutz stars in the film and instead of having his stage name as Jake Wilde I would have suggested he use the name James Boring because that is how he portrayed the action hero in Java Heat. I suggest you stay away from this film unless you want to see some good photography based on the scenery where the film was shot.

I give the film a 2 out of 10 rating.
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Pretty Good Action Flick
gavin694217 September 2013
A Muslim detective teams with an American (Kellan Lutz) posing as a graduate student to find the man (Mickey Rourke) behind a series of deadly terrorist bombings in Indonesia.

Although this seems in some ways to be an inferior-grade "Bourne" film, it has plenty to offer: a fresh lead actor, a great villain (Rourke, as a "klepto-terrorist") and all the action you expect from such a film -- explosions, gun fights and car crashes.

My biggest issues were not really with the film itself (which I thought was pretty good), but more technical matters. The DVD/BD seems to have not had the volume synced properly (conversations are too quiet, action too loud) and the subtitles are hard to read -- both because they are small, and also because they leave the screen too quickly. I would have enjoyed the film much more if these problems were corrected.
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Anyone giving this over 5 stars should not review movies
lambgary4444 December 2021
The writing was bad not as bad as Kellan Lutz's acting OMG all these directers and producers are trying to make him into a star and the bottom line is he just can't act ! When you watch Denzel, Keanue etc.. fill in the name of any great action star you believe in their character. You don't with Kellan you can see he is reading from a script. Mickey Rourkes accent i have no idea what it was suppose to be was awful. On the brighter side the acting by Ario Bayu was excellent we did not see much of the woman who played the Sultana but when we did she was also great. They are the reasons i gave this 5 stars. I did not go in to detail about what the bad writing was or what scenes were acted so badly i didn't want to spoil the movie. Yes despite all that the great work by the others is worth your time watching it just don't expect it to be a A movie. We had D actors and writers with the exception of a few upcoming A listers like Mr. Bayu.
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Violent and Exotic
LeonLouisRicci15 January 2014
Watchable for the Exotic Location Filming and some Violent Action Pieces, this STV Movie is a bit Different, owing to its Setting. Mickey Rourke was Unadvisedly and for no Good Reason given a thick French Accent. Another slight Setback is the Totally Uncharismatic Lead Actor that is all Buff and not much Else.

The Actor Playing the Local Cop comes off much Better. The Story is Forever Confusing and Keeping Things in some kind of Make Sense Order is a bit Difficult. But Action Fans are Forgiving in this Type of Thing and may find it a Satisfying Shoot Em Up.

The Look of the Movie is Great, so for some Foreign Land Eye Candy with Fantastic Costumes, and some Truly Violent Action this is Worth a Watch.
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nogodnomasters23 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not since "Rush Hour" has there been two more mismatched investigators. Jake Wilde (Kellan Lutz- Matt Damon light) teams up with an Indonesian policeman, Lieutenant Hashim (Ario Bayu) to go after the killer of the Sultana (Atiqah Hasiholan). She was the Princess Di of Indonesia. Malik (Mickey Rourke) soon appears as the bad guy who uses reluctant Jihadists to steal art and jewels.

The plot doesn't have any real twists, although the identity of Jake changes from scene to scene. This is a "me too" crime action drama that never grabs you because the characters are written so bland. I felt like I was watching a serious Bollywood production without the dance numbers. The film has some interesting scenes, but for the most part is not worth a rental.

Parental Guide: No F-bombs. Brief male nudity (Kellan Lutz glute)
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Oscar Material
yarrumgiwdul16 July 2016
The plot is simple, yet interesting and well developed. Kudos to the writers for taken their profession seriously and making a refreshing action flick. The dialog is riveting, full of intensity energy. At no point was I confused about where we where in the story or what was happening. Scenes were well sequenced and smoothly transitioned. The effects rivaled any big budget masterpiece like Kung Fury or Starship Troopers.

Lutz does a terrific job in his portrayal of an emotionally torn marine in search of vengeance. His acting is only rivaled by his tremendous looks. Each of his scenes keeps you exceedingly enthralled with his stage performance only to be surpassed by several tasteful scenes where he shows off his magnificent physique.

Rourke plays an excellent villain. His mysterious accent which is a mix of French, Arabic and drug overdose some times warrants random subtitles throughout the movie. His characters motivation is well rooted in the plot which makes every encounter with him that much more meaningful.

The supporting actor Bayu delivers a stellar performance of a Muslim that doesn't trust American's but after a couple wacky action scenes together quickly becomes his best friend.

The action scenes remain consistently exciting. The lack of real bullet physics, wonderfully outlandish magazine capacities and weapon reloads keeps the action top notch and none stop.

I am anxiously awaiting Java Heat 2 as this is easily one of the best action movies out there today. No doubt Conor Allyn has a long and successful directing career ahead. I highly recommend this masterpiece.
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average movie
abuhalka4016 April 2013
A swaggering American and a tough Muslim cop team-up to stop a ruthless terrorist in this action-packed thriller starring Kellan Lutz (Twilight) and Academy Award-nominee Mickey Rourke. A suicide bombing in Indonesia has left the Sultana dead, and American FBI Agent Jake Travers (Lutz)) was the last person to speak with her before the attack took place. Determined to bring her killer to justice, Jake teams up with Muslim detective Hashim ({$Ario Bayu) to track down the mastermind of the operation, an opportunistic terrorist named Malik (Rourke) with close ties to Jihadist terrorists. Now, in the world's largest Muslim country, two unlikely partners will forge a fragile alliance in a bid to prevent Malik from pulling off the biggest heist of his career. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi. interesting story but poor direction.need more action scenes
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A disaster
liaotjinghao30 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I feel bad for Kellan Lutz and Mickey Rourke...just for having their name stuck on this title forever. Where do i start? Story is fine, kinds make believe but at least it's something i can swallow as a viewer. But the acting?? And what the heck is up with Indonesian police and even the Javanese royalty using English to communicate among themselves?? And their prep work is dreadful...none of the crew seems to have any idea how to properly handle firearms nor do they know anything about the Marines. But then again they don't seem to know much about Christian burial rites either...i mean a Christian being prepped for burial in a mosque?? And one other thing...the clash of conflicting information about everything is soooo saddening. The tongs?? Really? In some small third rate city like Jogjakarta??? Not even the Hong Kong triad would be caught dead there, let alone a major crime syndicate like the Tongs. All in all, i feel fortunate that i bought the DVD instead of watching it on the cinema, because i have fast forward to help me navigate through the dreadful show. Because i said, so many mistakes in the making.
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Most Ridiculous Inclusion
keojj-2222 March 2014
This film is listed here: keywords=gay&sort=moviemeter,asc&title_type=feature&year=2013,2013

As one of the top 50 "GAY" films released in 2013, this film should be ultra LGBT. The only aspect of the film that remotely triggers thoughts of queer cinema are a couple, very subtle, obscure references to child sex abuse of boys by the main villain. I stress THIS IS NOT GAY!! ...this is sexual violence. It really should not be on the list I linked to.

I have made my point. Apparently I must make more points. Sexual abuse is not a reason to include this film in a list of queer cinema as this specific film uses it a meager plot point that i not at all commented upon (until the last 15 minutes) nor investigated at all.
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Java Beat
jeroduptown10 April 2022
I'm a Lutz fan, but Java Heat is poorly written and filmed. Lutz is trying to track down the source of a terrorist bombing...and the whole plot is done in the most myopic way possible.
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"Java Heat: A Cultural Thriller with Missed Opportunities"
doyler7910 January 2024
"Java Heat" unfolds as a visually striking thriller set amidst the dynamic landscape of Indonesia, weaving together the contrasting elements of rickshaws, machine guns, and a cast led by Mickey Rourke and Kellan Lutz. Against the backdrop of the country boasting the world's largest Muslim population, the film seeks to engage viewers not only in its action-packed narrative but also in an anthropological exploration of Indonesian culture.

Writers Conor and Rob Allyn, who maintain a connection with Java, inject a sense of authenticity into the film, particularly through the portrayal of Javanese characters like Ario Bayu. This allows the audience to witness credible glimpses into local customs, providing a distinctive layer to the storyline. However, the film's Achilles' heel lies in its portrayal of the protagonist, Jake, played by Kellan Lutz, who grapples with breaking free from the shackles of dismissive stereotypes.

As the narrative unfolds, Jake emerges as a resilient yet underestimated figure, weathering a terrorist attack with a physical fortitude depicted almost as impervious armor. The script, however, lingers on the initial perception of Jake as a fortunate simpleton, preventing Lutz from fully distancing himself from his past roles. The film's attempt to carve a more compelling character faces resistance from the locals, who dismissively label him as the stereotypical American "Rambo."

While Mickey Rourke injects sporadic vibrancy into the storyline, the true standout is Ario Bayu, delivering a thoughtful and nuanced performance as a principled detective navigating the complexities of crime and justice. Regrettably, Lutz's performance tends towards monotony, relying excessively on his physical prowess. Gratuitous scenes featuring a sweaty, shirtless workout and a nude massage, while showcasing Lutz's imposing physical presence, contribute little to character development.

"Java Heat" earns commendation for its captivating portrayal of Indonesian culture, but it stumbles in creating a truly engaging narrative. The film's 5/10 score reflects its praiseworthy efforts to explore cultural nuances but laments missed opportunities to transcend formulaic plotlines. Lutz's on-screen presence, though physically imposing, fails to inject the depth required to elevate the film beyond its predictable action-thriller trajectory. Moments of vibrancy are overshadowed by the overarching challenge of infusing Lutz's role with the substance needed to resonate with the audience on a more profound level.

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(Java) Heat is on
kosmasp1 July 2013
I guess I was expecting some really lame b-action movie and I got a pretty exciting one instead. Not complaining mind you. Quite the opposite, the main actor here does fulfill everything a main character of such a movie has to do and/or be. It's not only his physique that is right, but also his presence. His relationship with another character tries to do something and might fail here and there, but it's still accomplishes a lot of things, story-wise.

Of course it is not so much the story (or any message, if you want to read one into it), that will make or break the movie, but the action. While I like Rourke, he does seem a bit stale playing this role. It's a shame, a better villain, would have also been a better movie. As it is, it is decent and worth a watch
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Great Action Movie
herzaaccount16 July 2013
Java Heat seemed to be the embodiment of slick collaboration between Western and Eastern cultures that try to give a different perspective on Indonesia. The director Conor Allyn want to give an overview to the Hollywood industry that Islam in Indonesia is not as they think, through this film he tried to provide interesting facts about the gentle Javanese culture and harmony among religious people. It was known to have been felt directly by Conor who have experienced the film trilogy Red White and living in Indonesia about 4 years.

The involvement of two Hollywood actors in Java Heat is Mickey Rourke and Kellan Lutz, would have no need to doubt. Rather interesting in this film is how the collaboration of actors / actresses from Indonesia to compete acting with Mickey and Kellan. Ario Bayu, Rio Morrow, Atiqah Hasiholan, Mike Muliadro, Tio Pakusadewo, Astri Nurdin, Verdi Solaiman, Frans Tumbuan and Uli Auliani, considered able to work with a very slick and display the best qualities in this film.

In addition to showing the class action, the audience will also be invited to see the sights of Yogyakarta and Borobudur Temple is very intriguing. Keep in mind, Java Heat is an international movie that could be a 'vehicle' of the actors / actresses of our national towards Hollywood, as well as introducing Indonesian culture more broadly.

Overall, the film, which cost up to Rp 145 billion is very interesting and could be a great spectacle especially for lovers of action movies.
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An Entertaining & Balanced Action Film
qqknowlton-8578326 July 2017
Watching the main character blunder around the beauty of Indonesian culture, society and places strongly reminded me of the years I spent living in the Philippine jungles and the concrete jungles of Manila. The film's shooting locations really highlight the urban sprawl and chaos of SE Asian countries.

This action film uses a recognizable plot and familiar characters to highlight surprising things. I appreciate how the film promotes and expounds on Indonesian culture. Most action films in foreign countries never take the time to sincerely highlight political conflict (govt corruption), social conflict (religious values) and open racism against white people.

I like how the natives use the racist slur for foreigners (bule) to illustrate ignorance and reference imperialism. But this is balanced by the American character's development as he learns about the country and pursues his goal. He is a complex character that reflects how people would really behave in similar situations.

Ario Bayu's strong performance as a clean cop and family man who loves his country is quite refreshing when compared with the hundreds of films I watched during my travels in Asia that only depict corrupt, selfish law enforcement. He actually reminds me of one of my adult Chinese students (a policeman) who become a UN peacekeeper. I like the conflict and camaraderie between the two main characters.

Mickey Rouke does a good job as the soulless villain who uses the fanatical Muslim extremist for his own purposes. The director does an excellent job at illustrating the extremist's desperation for change against his respect for values, women and his country.

This action film will entertain you while allowing you to appreciate modern Indonesia.
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A bit naive
krzysiektom11 April 2021
Well directed and acted but the script is unrealistic and naive. Passable if you like violent entertainment.
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Old school action sequences deserves a pass
jordondave-2808523 April 2023
(2013) Java Heat ACTION

It's trying to imply to viewers that it's an action movie, but despite it's obvious limited resources, I still kind of like it, even though the Indonesian culture shown is blatant and uninteresting, the acting is mediocre as well as the story. Jake Wilde (Kellan Lutz) goes undercover working in Indonesia after a nearby terrorist explosion with Lieutenant Hashim (Ario Bayu) on his tail. We soon find out that the 'Sultra of Java' princess was not really killed in the explosion after all, but was really kidnapped with Mickey Rourke playing the bad guy as Malik, who's somehow behind it except that viewers can't really see the link until the movie is progressing. All I can say is that as a big sucker for actual explosions and stunts without help from CGI, even though the few fight scenes the movie had was lousy and amateurish, I still liked this, since it looked like that it was trying to do more with the little money the movie had without degrading. I also don't see many movies that involve Indonesian culture.
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Exotic Indonesian B Movie Kept Me Engaged.
TheCapsuleCritic24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw JAVA HEAT at a local action movie festival back in May of 2013. I had never heard of it and went to see it to help support the festival and raise money for a local charity. I wasn't expecting much as most of the movies in this festival had been no great shakes. All action and nothing else. This suited the fans just fine but it left me with a sprained wrist from checking my watch so often. However I came out of JAVA HEAT pleasantly surprised. Not only was I engaged throughout but I got to see lots of local Indonesian culture and more than capable performances from Indonesian actors Ario Bayu and Atiquah Hasiholan.

Mickey Rourke as the international villain (in addition to English he speaks French, Arabic & Javanese) is a delight to watch and to root against. He's clearly enjoying himself as much as Javier Bardem did in SKYFALL. While he-man Kellan Lutz is the weak link in the chain, he is more than adequate to the task at hand (resembling a cross between Christopher Reeve and a young Arnold Schwarzenegger) and he looks great in the buff. There's also a brief moment that makes fun of him having been in TWILIGHT. The film proved so popular that the theater brought it back for a one week run shortly after the festival.

JAVA HEAT is a throwback to the exotic B movie fare of yore like MACAO or SIROCCO only retooled for the 21st century with a little nudity, occasional bursts of graphic violence, and a lot of action set pieces. It has no aspirations of being anything other than what it is, an entertaining way to fill 100 minutes of your time. The use of split screen ala Brian De Palma (think CARRIE) is both retro and put to good use. The movie is technically accomplished in a no-nonsense way with crisp editing, solid photography and effective use of traditional and contemporary music.

The story is familiar but effective. A young American (Lutz) who is not what he claims to be joins forces with a local police lieutenant (Bayu) to try and solve the assassination of a female member of Indonesian royalty (Hasiholan). Things quickly get complicated with payoffs, cover-ups, and a plan to steal the royal treasury thrown into the mix and all masterminded by uber-villain Rourke. The majority of movies are made with nothing more than entertainment in mind and if you enjoy an action flick with an exotic locale and a budget well under $100 million, then JAVA HEAT will more than fill the bill.
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