Girl in the Picture (2022) Poster

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Meticulous, chilling, horrific
aarpcats6 July 2022
A young woman dies in an Oklahoma City from the injuries she has received in a hit and run. The doctors and police suspect foul play, but it isn't until they don't find out that she isn't who she says she is that the mystery begins to unfold. Slowly, but surely, the horror of her life unfolds.

This is one of the best, and most well constructed, documentaries, I have ever seen. The director tells the story in the chronology that the police and the FBI a discover it. The result is the stomach churning story of sociopath and the damage he has done.

See it because his victims deserve to have their stories told, but, beware, that is disturbing.
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Calicodreamin6 July 2022
One of those stories that shocks you with every twist, its wild and almost unbelievable. A well put together documentary with relevant interviews and a smooth rhythm to the storytelling. Sad, poignant, and just incredible (in a really disheartening way).
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staciarose208 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First, it's a given that Frank was a psychopathic pos rapist and killer. Scum of the earth. I'm almost shaking writing this review. Poor Suzanne. Such a beautiful and intelligent girl, and she really was just a girl. Forced to have three kids by 20, repeatedly raped, abused, and thrown away. She was raised by a monster because of her mother. Who didn't shed a tear when interviewed, nor her father. Megan's adoptive mom pretty much said it all that her grandmother isn't interested in a relationship and couldn't care less. Idc what anyone says, there's something very wrong with both her parents. Things could have gone so differently if her mom hadn't cheated on her dad, if she hadn't chosen the wrong men repeatedly, and if she gave a damn about her kids! Shame on her!!!! It's the main job of any mom to protect her kids. Don't have them around random men you barely know. The dad could have fought harder, but he was washed up by 23. Suzanne had such potential. What a waste.
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So much unanwsered....
Tulip8812 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What happened to "Sharon's" first child? Who was Michael's real father? Did Warren Hughes kill Sharon, they didn't anwser that... So many weird people in this documentary, Sharon's biological mother, Michael's adoptive parents (they were really giving off bad vibes) the author of the book who clearly just wanted to write the book,the friend who says she was really shocked to find out Sharon and Warren were married but then saying she witnessed him raping Sharon when they were young and not telling anyone? And mostly how Sharon wasn't able to tell anyone or run away but was allowed to have sex with other man? It's an interesting and sad story but I don't like documentarys where I am left more confused then I was before watching it...
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Tragic Yet Beautifully Told...
I'd seen this same story told on 48 hours, but this was so much more informative and heartfelt; the tragedy of Suzanne's life from beginning to heartbreaking end is told so poignantly and precisely.

One walks away from this and can only feel that her life was so tumultuous- from her ridiculous mother and the affair while the child's father was fighting a pointless war that left him a shell of his former self, birthing two additional children, then marrying and divorcing that man, decides to go it alone and her story goes from bad to worse, ultimately loosing all 3 girls to the state (there's no definitive answer to this, only the pathetic mother offering incredibly poor excuses) to find her falling for this pathetic excuse for a man, who would ultimately dump the two younger girls at an orphanage and embarking on the travesty that became Suzanne's life.

At one point, this adorable and incredibly intelligent girl had the world in the palm of her hand, only to have this monster destroy it again, tear her from a likely successful collegiate career, and turns her again upside down to further destroy what little joy she'd gathered. That she was able to turn her horrific adolescence into a brilliant success speaks greatly to her character, despite the monstrous influence of this horrible, pathetic man.

She eventually finds herself forced into a life she'd never imagined; having children, forced into exotic dancing and prostitution- surrounded at every turn by devastation and depression.

So many people refused to give up, refused to let her fade into obscurity. An author, a retired FBI agent, and an incredibly brilliant group of DNA genealogists combined forces to finally give this girl the name and proper headstone she deserved, in spite of the monster who'd taken it upon himself to destroy her, her son, and their lives.

This story is so wonderfully done and pays tribute to a brilliant star in the sky who was never able to realize the power of her shine. What a complete and total tragedy that befell this child, and it's an honorable group of people that ultimately ensured her death would not be the end of who she was. What a tragedy that even she never knew who she really was, how many people failed her, and hopefully, her daughter lives a long and love-filled life, as a legacy of what her mother was.
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Shocks you with the kind of twists you'd least expect! [+74%]
arungeorge136 July 2022
The documentary starts off as a typical hit-and-run case, eventually branching out into a spiral of unending twists and hidden mysteries. While it spends the entirety of the first act on the perpetrator and his doings, director Skye Borgman ensures that the piece lends ample time on unraveling the mystery around the titular girl's identity. That's when the documentary comes into its own, never letting us forget that it's not the inhumanity meted out to the victim that she needs to be remembered for, but for who she was, as a person (friend, peer, mother). Skye wants to tell us that even under the most difficult circumstances, the victim was always trying to be her best version. The final stretch is incredibly moving, especially when we get to know of more people related to her, and what she meant (or still means) to each of them.
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Shocking story and an excellent documentary
Diviana-836 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story is so tragic and twisted that I found it hard to believe. Unfortunately it is a true story. :-(

I personally think that Suzanne's parents are very much to blame for what happened to her as Floyd is. They could have searched for their daughter (TV shows, newspapers etc.) but they didn't. They completely failed her as parents and that makes this story so devastatingly tragic. RIP Suzanne and Michael.
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nezbitkn27 July 2022
I never know how to rate hhese types of programs. Give it an10 and its almost like you enjoyed the sadness of what happened. A solid 7 is to show my respect to the victims. God bless.
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Wish I could unwatch this
harineem-209-52548812 July 2022
It's a really disturbing story and you will lose faith in humanity if you watch it. And if you believe in God, you will question your beliefs on that too.

Yet the girl was admirable, to get a full scholarship to a top engineering program despite dealing with so much abuse.

Society failed her. If somebody at some point had intervened and asked the right questions and spoken to the law enforcement, she could have been saved.

Full credit to FBI for pursuing the case till the end. Teen pregnancies should be actively discouraged. If you cannot support your kids or give them a good life, please don't have kids. The mother is the real criminal here. She had no business having 3 kids living in a trailer and highly irresponsible marrying a stranger she just met. She should be jailed with the psychopath.
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Tragic story but are we dining out on real misery?
beckypalfery17 July 2022
This is an utterly awful story and that is what makes it captivating. I didn't think the film itself was anything remarkable and am perplexed at the reviews that mark it out as a different way of presenting a real life tragedy. The film was well done and it did spend time trying to bring things together to give the subject respect and a sense of closure for the family but if I am honest I think that is a mechanism for making the voyeurism of this kind of film palatable.

It was not in and of itself a remarkable bit of film making.

I enjoy documentaries and am fascinated mainly by what motivates these crimes, how we can spot clues to these kind of behaviour etc but I am more than a little concerned that Netflix seems to be becoming known for glamourising this genre, reading reviews of how amazing it was left me wondering if we are so detached from the fact that it is real we are becoming numb to real life horror and are we getting used to dining out on other peoples misery?
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Spine chilling storytelling.
Sleepin_Dragon20 July 2022
When a young woman's body is found in Oklahoma, her identity is a fake one, her story, harrowing.

I'm a little late watching this, I was a little put off by the long running time, being so used to hour long documentaries, it was a big mistake, this was compelling viewing, the time flew by.

I think this is one of those stories that will love with me for some time, it's thought provoking, remarkable and chilling, what they poor young woman endured will quite literally break your heart. Nobody should have to suffer, ensure and experience what she did, she also seemed such a wonderful person.

Very well made and edited, it flowed incredibly well. This really was a triumph, a story that needed to be told.

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Good documentary until the end
natearutkus-135909 July 2022
The filmmaker seriously did not think to include what happened to the evil scumbag that did all this? Not include if the FBI asked him about other crimes or cases? I don't understand how you could just end it without those things.

On another note most of the people in this are selfish people that failed that poor girl repeatedly. They should be ashamed of themselves for not speaking up. Especially the high school "friend".

Lastly, if we had a proper system of putting these people away for good, or down for good no one else would have been hurt after that pos raped a 4 year old girl and was out a few years later.
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A different review. Not positive
ssvfolder-112 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen many documentaries about true crime. Some are really good describing depravity of commited crimes, another are worse and quite boring. This one, in my opinion, falls into a latter category.

The reason I watched this one, was because all of the reviews describing how good it is this story to be told from the woman's perspective and how captivating it may look to the viewers. To be honest it's not. Absolutely. It has nothing to do with gender of a director\producer, but with a point of view and actual talent.

Storywise there is a one true abuse victim and her son. The poor girl who was kidnapped, raised, raped and eventually killed by someone who was suppose to be a father figure. My heart trully ackes for her. The way the story had been told and all those people who were interviewed, I really don't believe that anyone had cared about her at all. The documentary tries to show that there were many people in her life, but in fact there were none or almost none. Let's dive into specifics

1) Her birth parents. From the story described, neither her birth mother nor her birth father had cared for her from the beginning. Her father blames the Vietnam war and her mother was looking for another relationship. No one cared about her or her sisters since the day they were born. Besides the father of her two sisters was hardly ever mentioned.

2) The investigative journalist didn't really care about her. He was so clearly looking for a scoop for his book. The simple fact is that he simply tried to stay relevant and got a tip from the email. There weren't many emails too, otherwise he wouldn't have be able to answer them all (by his claims).

3) Her high-school best friend hang out with her simply because of her looks, as the ugly girl with good looking girl. If she'd cared about her as she claims, she'd do something way before the gun\rape incident.

4) Her pimp (strip club hostess) looks as someone who simply lies. No millionaires parties go without illegal substances or paid sex. That's the actual truth. The only reason she was "appaled" by her offering sex for 50$ is because it disrupted her business. Oh and it's an obvious lie that she interfered with her stripper friend incident who got killed eventually.

5) Adopting parents of her poor son look like perverted family in every hollywood movie. It's so obvious they don't care neither about her or her son and try to have their moment, it's disgusting.

6) The FBI/Police never opened a case on her (as it mentioned a few times over).

The simple truth is that this girl falled through the cracks of the system and society. From the get-go, she had lived in the "white trash" conditions. Her surroundings weren't trying to help her, but to use or ignore her every chance they got. Nobody cared about her, and she didn't believe anyone could help her, so it ended the way it did. IT's not as she was locked inside a cage without ability to escape. There were so many moments when this could be avoided, but no one simply cared.

What had bothered me the most, is the way the movie tries to present all those people as good hearted individuals, who were powerless to stop it. They weren't. They were indifferent individuals who try to grab their spotlight and somehow justify their poor actions and decisions. This movie helps them with their goals and this really annoys me.

This is not a story about a poor girl or about the atrocities she'd gone through, this is a story about failures of the system and society, and that should have been the focus of this movie.
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They failed her..
alinadamaschin15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hate that nobody helped her. At some point in the documentary, Megan's adoptive mother said that after delivering the baby they talked privately and felt that something was odd, and now stating "I wish that she told me she needed help" and many people throughout the documentary somehow blaming Sharon for not asking for help, because they would have helped. That is disguisting, she was a victim, she was young and afraid for her life. How can they blame Sharon for not asking for helping but they're not blaming themeselves for not doing something, anything? How can her best friend leave with the fact that she could've saved her but didn't? How can her mother live with herself for not caring for her daughter and letting her leave with a man that even she was afraid of? Or she was just glad that he left, no matter the circumstances? What about her biological father? Why didn't he look for her? All these people were supposed to protect her, but they didn't. Also, what if Michael is not dead? They never found a body. What if he left him somewhere at an orphanage as he did with Suzanne's sisters? There is no point in kidnapping him, drawing so much attention and then killing him.
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Crazy twists but so many people failed Suzanne
smahmood-117557 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From her birth mother, high school friends/parents, fellow dancer in Tampa, to the baby sitter.

All had a chance to look for or report what was going on and no one did. I understand being scared of Floyd but so many times they just up and vanished and it seems as if these people just went on about their lives instead of looking for her. Especially the dancer in Tampa who was kidnapped herself.
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Disturbing, sad, and SICK
mls41829 July 2022
Well, I guess this has it all. What a despicable creature this "man" was.

This documentary pulls you in and you're stuck. It is important that Sharon's story be told.

I still kinda wish I'd never seen it. I agree with Heather. The mother in the wheelchair is full of excuses and lies.

RIP Sharon and Michael.
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Too short.
tchecks-459307 July 2022
Netflix crime documentaries are usually too long, and spread needlessly over multiple episodes. This feature-length doc is too short, and could have done with an extra couple of hours too tell more about the real parents, Michael's possible father, and the little brother "Philip" who was abducted with the three sisters at the beginning, and who (according to Wikipedia) showed up in 2019.

A very good documentary, nonetheless, and one that I will remember for a long time.
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But left me with so many questions!
GoalDigs20 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a gripping documentary from start to finish with all the unexpecting twists, however there wasn't exactly closure.

First off, Netflix has documentaries with 5,6 episodes on stories that could have been summed up in one, now they sum this one up in one when this clearly needed more, sheez.

Next, I have the same queries as other reviewers, who were the biological fathers of her children? What's with the excuses regarding her biological parents? Who was the third child?

Her highschool friend seemed weird and was so bad at trying to cry.

Those adoptive parents seemed SO weird! I shudder to think what could go on behind their closed doors.

I don't know, I felt like so many people failed her, but also, she was so incredibly brilliant and smart, why didn't she go to the police or run far, far away, she was clearly a capable person. So sad, despite all the evil she was engulfed in, she was such a success and wonderful person and could have had a brilliant future.
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A multilayered horrifying tale of human psyche
ReelShahid10 July 2022
This one is suspenseful and shocking and I believe the horrific details were purposely toned down to be suitable for a larger group of audience.

The best part of this documentary was that they kept unraveling new details in a very timely fashion that helped in keeping the viewers' interest alive.

It is documentaries like these where cinema finally serves its true purpose.

Hats off to the whole team for doing such a great job!
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Loose ends
ppowell0028 July 2022
Who was Michael's father? DNA testing ruled out Warren Hughes. Who was Megan's father? It seems odd if Sharon was never allowed much freedom that she could have had 2 pregnancies by other men.
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Wild Story
RobTheWatcher6 July 2022
An absolutely crazy store that is a complete web of chaos. I do feel like the story was better than the quality of the production but regardless still entertaining and engaging.
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Brilliant documentary
Never heard about the case before but almost unbelievable story and so well filmed and told. Could not stop watching it. Best True crime Netflix doc since Making a murderer...
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Well Told, but...
everydayemail7 July 2022
The events were absolutely horrible. The story of the investigation is extremely interesting. The human beings involved are dedicated to finding the truth.

But... The "documentary" is liberally peppered with bad reenactments and intentionally jumpy editing. It's as if someone was trying for an art film.

This true story, and the people involved in the actual events, deserve better.
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It is like some greek tragedy.
nillbass19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The storie is heartbreaking, even more if you are a parent of little child, even more if you are a girl 's parent.

However some points to be considered here:

The Pimp woman clearly lies all the time. Maybe the director here don't give attention about all lies because she was listening to what she wanted to, not the real truth. And we all know how the truth is cruel in life, and worse in strip clubs, prostitution etc... drugs, abusiveness, violence. Rich parties? No men touching the girls at the strip club? They making up 1k dollars with no sex involved. Yeah right. It almost sounds convincing if those rich men are stupid, however, I think men wants something more than watch some nude girls even more if they go to a strip club. The reality here is: the pimp did not give a dam f.... about no one, it was only business and that's all. Why in this damned world she could not do anything to help the all loved and special Suzane, a.k.a sharon? What was that shallow storie about Sheryl, the Italian girl? She confronted Sharon's dad to protect Sheryl, and that was the last time she saw her? WTF? Really? No one here finds this very very suspect?

Sharon's mother is a piece of s. If she knew Clarence, and knew he abducted her daughter, she is worse then Clarence, she let Sharon have a terrible life, did not gave any s##t About it and have a courage to speak at this documentary. My god. If hell is real, that woman deserves the worst part of it.

The ellegedly school friend. She was surprised Sharon married her own father. Yet years before that she witnessed her getting raped by her dad. AT A GUN POINT? Why? Why? And at her own words: Sharon was ok about that? Why Clarence needed a gun? That does not make any dense at all! It would make sense if she was raped, not Sharon.

The gay guy friend that appears in this documentary, he appears... well why the hell he appears in this documentary?

The Suzane's sisters. Where are they?

Suzane's first child, where is he/she?

Why, and in what circumstances Sharon died? What did led her in that street where she was found? Who found her? Who killed her? WHY FBI took only a part of this case and well, Michael's mother has been murdered, lets ignore it and move forward with life. The only interests is: who was that girl? (BUT NOT WHY SHE GOT MURDERED? And who did it?) My god. One more in the list that dint guve a s##t about Sharon.

This is much more sad when you observe with this point of view, when you finish the documentary and these questions are still in the air. That Sharon or, Suzane was alone in this world, she need to struggle withe her miserable life on her own since she has born. Did not have love ever! From anyone: mother, Father, friends, pimp, italian girl, gay guy... no one. But they all do what everyone nowadays wants to do: VIRTUE SIGNALING.
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Well researched and told scary as Hell story
thejdrage7 July 2022
The true horror in this story is what "Sharon" accomplished under absolutely horrific mental and physical terror. What she was able to achieve.

I think the true loss was not only her life, but what she would have mad of it had she not been the Girl in the Picture, but had lead a normal life.

The mind boggles. This is NOT the ordinary (How sad is it that that is okay to say?) kidnapping saga, but it is so very much more because of who was taken; what she achieved in captivity; what she would have achieved if she were with her "real" family.
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