Daddy's Little Girl (2014) Poster

(II) (2014)

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It started slow but became a really brutal movie...
paul_haakonsen11 December 2018
"Daddy's Little Girl" was somewhat of a wild card for me. I had no idea what the movie was about when I found it. I picked it up and read the synopsis. I had never heard of the movie prior to finding it.

So I decided to give it a go. The movie started out fairly slow paced and rather mundane. Actually to the point where I was about to call it quits and give up on the movie. But I decided to stick with it, since I had found it after all.

I am glad that I did, because this movie took such a drastic turn from being a mundane slow paced snoozefest to becoming the most gut wrenching movies that I have ever seen. Once the movie picked up pace it became absolutely gruesome, ghastly and grotesque. This was definitely a change of pace and events that sat well with me. And despite many of the scenes had me literally squirming and going "uuuhhhh", then it was something that was morbidly fascinating. The sheer level of realism they put into the scenes made it so entertaining - yeah, a weird thing to say, I know - but it just worked so very well in favor of the movie.

The amount of vicious gore and brutal mayhem that suddenly was introduced might be appalling to some and this is certainly not a movie suitable for everyone in the audience. I like movies that are visceral, and I must admit that "Daddy's Little Girl" was definitely the most brutal movie I have seen. It puts movies like "Saw" to shame in an instant.

"Daddy's Little Girl" is such a magnificent hidden gem. Which is a shame, because it deserves such a bigger audience.

The cast in the movie was good. I like watching movies with acting performers that I have never seen before. And I will say that the ones performing in this movie were doing good jobs.

If you haven't already seen "Daddy's Little Girl" and if you get the chance to do so. You must jump at the chance, because this movie is really quite well worth watching, and investing time and money in.
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Good Low Budget Indie Film
TiredOldMan1326 January 2014
There seems to be a wide variation in the reviews of this movie, either people love it and give it a 8+ or hate it and give it a 1.

When going into this movie you need to keep in mind it is a low budget Australian independent film. The fact it's Australian is important as low budget American films are usually between 5 - 10 million whereas that's a big budget for an Aussie film. This movie cost less then 500 000 dollars to make so you aren't going to get A grade acting. The special effects are very good and the script isn't too bad (though has a few Aussie things said/happening that non australians may not get).

I enjoyed watching this film. Yes the acting was cringeworthy at times but, as a father of young kids, I could relate to what was going through the father's head and it was thought-provoking for myself and my wife as we discussed how far we would go and how we would react in that situation.

Considering some of the overblown ratings for some really bad big budget movies on this site, I would recommend you give this one a go especially if you are a parent.
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Not very impressive, but worth watching.
symbioticpsychotic9 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's major spoilers ahead so don't read this if you haven't seen the film.

Revenge/avenger films are among my favourite types of films, The Horseman; I Spit on Your Grave et al, at the top of my list. After reading some reviews I was quite excited to get the DVD. I was kinda disappointed, so I'll start with the good.

It looks *amazing*, it's wonderfully shot, there's some fantastic crane shots and the camera really adds character to the film. The score, again, awesome, adding another fantastic dimension (and, without trying to sound like a DVD review there's some great rear surround effects, especially during crowd scenes). The story, and the message contained within are also solid.

The bad. Most reviews mention the acting with great praise. For the most part I felt the acting was pretty bad (with the exception of the gorgeous Billi Baker). It was one of those cases where I (and my girlfriend) could really feel each actor waiting to say their respective lines, as a result the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. Not all the time, but most. But I could deal with it because the story was so compelling. The thing that I had problems with mostly was the lack of realism in the police investigation and the torture scene/s.

Firstly; No Forensic Evidence. This film wasn't set in 1980 so unless the kidnapper/murderer was Mandrake there would have been. As evidenced by his diary, the murderer did not plan these things, they were borne out of snap decisions. No Forensic Evidence would imply great care, planning and covering up, the exact opposite of which was implied in the film.

Second; Computer & Diary. The murderer has a nanny cam in the bathroom which leads our protagonist to the murderers computer and an unlocked drawer that contains a diary that describes at great length the extent of his misdeeds. Would you leave something incriminating like that lying around? Let alone let someone use the computer right next to it? Seems unlikely.

Next; Police Sketch. The only witness was an old man who saw "someone leaving the scene at 3am, in the dark, from a distance." When we finally see the sketch it looks *exactly* like the killer. Pretty good description for 3am, in the dark, from a distance. Also, the police have a sketch, they know who the killer is but they wait until the next day to act on it? Four; Cleanliness. The murderer, bolted down on a table for 6 days, did not urinate or defecate the entire time, I don't necessarily need to see that, but I don't need to see someones kneecap getting shattered either and if I do I'm pretty sure they aren't going to be holding it in.

And speaking of cleanliness, Five; on the 5th day of torture the CID detective comes to visit Dad at the site of his vengeful torture. He hears the doorbell just after sawing into his victims arm, spewing blood everywhere, and goes straight upstairs to answer the door and is totally clean. The detective, despite sitting down with him for a period of time does not notice any type of odour emanating from him or his clothes, it's pretty implausible that a hardboiled violent crimes detective would not recognize the scent of blood, feces and burnt flesh. Equally implausible is the idea that there wouldn't be a smell at all.

My biggest problem with the film was that I just didn't care enough about the characters. I didn't care enough about the protagonists situation so that I could feel exalted when he exacted his revenge, and there was so little characterisation that his actions were of no surprise when he found out who killed his daughter. There was so little characterisation of the antagonist, and so little indication of the full extent of his crimes that the only reason I was happy he was getting smashed around was cause he was just a general douchebag.

The fact that I had very little emotional connection to the characters (and believe me I am not an unemotional person) stopped me from being able suspend my disbelief and allowed me to see the flaws in the film.

Other than that I liked it.
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We often lack perspective - especially when writing reviews
frostywizard6 April 2014
This film is intriguing in that it describes how i (think, at least) would feel if someone were to hurt someone in my family and "got away with it".

These are real life circumstances, and the acting is plausible in that these are everyday characters. We see them all the time in our daily lives, and shake our heads or applaud their behavior as we assess what we feel are their shortcomings or positive qualities. To dismiss this acting is to be simply out of touch.

Is it a great movie? Not in my opinion, but it embodies a realism and a sense of seeking justice in a society where we often fail to find any. In the wake of the great push by corporate America and our paid for politicians to strip away opportunities (in other countries as well) this movie helps to claw back a bit of the essence of our own lives, and provide at least a glimpse of hope. These feelings are palpable; this film is not about entertaining with fast action, glitzy cars and shimmering flesh; it wants us to feel something deeper.

Do you have to lose someone to identify with the themes here? Grieving people and those around them often *are* wooden when facing such losses. Seems to me that a 'good' movie like this can help you to understand. When we feel this helpless - this is a good mirror.
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Don't believe the hype
camjohnston8617 January 2014
I became aware of this movie from a facebook campaign that required those on the fan page to come on IMDb and write favourable reviews... in saying that, it appears most of the 10 STAR reviews are simply friends of the cast and crew.

As an objective watcher I can tell you that the movie is worth watching, preferably with friends as the first hour is very very amusing. Firstly, the acting is laugh-out-loud cringe worthy; examples such as the facial expressions of some characters while talking on the phone or the 2 second pauses between character lines in dialogue made an episode of Home and Away look like "Schindler's List". Perhaps the two standouts were Billi Baker and Michael Thomson who did as best as they could in a world of awkward expositions and extras who are trying to edge their way in front of the lens as much as possible.

In looking at the technical side of the film, the editing could've used a lot more attention to detail. Issues such as the audio quality which is very poor and had an overshadowing score and ambient noises muffling out the dialogue in many scenes made it difficult to focus on what was being said. Also the final montage in the end credits moves too quickly to be appreciated.

The story itself is OK-ish but 2D characters, inexplicable outbursts, poor casting (the character of Derek's father looks the same age as Derek) story arcs that go no where (I mean what was with the cousin character??) and no real sense of the character's histories (it seems to be assumed knowledge for some reason) make it difficult for it to ever stand out next to other revenge genre flicks.

To summarise, this (much like "The Room") is on par with a very good highschool film & TV assignment with a higher budget, which has clearly gone ENTIRELY towards the special effects (which I admit were fantastic!), in watching it you will be reminded through every forced facial expression and line of dialogue that you are watching people act and will never be really absorbed in what's going on... so grab some friends and a pizza, have a laugh at the start, a cringe at the end and then put on your real movie for the night

2 Stars out of 10 - but don't just take my word for it, wait till the proper reviews start coming out
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Horror with Heart
michael_gerschwitz22 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit straight off the bat that I count myself as an acquaintance of director Chris Sun, having followed him on Facebook and talked to him a few times since even before he made his first film. However, as anyone who has spoken to him knows, he can handle constructive criticism and doesn't want anyone kissing his a--! So I'm going to keep it real.

Firstly, this movie is NOT for the squeamish! It is bloody, violent and gruesome and will have a lot of people comparing it to films like "I Spit on Your Grave", "Hostel" and "Last House on the Left" but this movie differs in two major ways: The first being that it spares us the horror of watching the innocent victim suffer. While most revenge-torture style films will use any excuse to heap on the violence, Daddy's Little Girl takes the classier road by merely implying what had been done which, rather than distracting the viewer with the gruesomeness of the crime, instead hits us with the emotional impact of a family's loss and builds our sympathy for the grieving father. Which brings me to the second way it differs, in that it never forgets its point or becomes a mindless torture-porn. There is a very relatable motive behind everything that Derek is doing and while Michael Thompson's acting may not earn him an Oscar, he still has more than enough emotion in his performance to portray a man in deep pain while the ghostly (possibly imagined) visits from his deceased daughter remind us why he is doing this. The emotional side of this film is genuinely enough to bring a tear to the eye.

Something else which seems to get lost in translation, by the people who are instantly put-off by the blood, is the message of this film which asks the question of whether the penalties for crimes against children are harsh enough.

There were also a few negatives: I found my attention wandering a bit for the first hour or so, as some of the scenes seemed to drag on a little longer than I would have liked and maybe there were a few scenes which we didn't need. Much of the acting was also far from fantastic, but keep in mind that most of the extras in particular were inexperienced volunteers while even the lead actors have only been in one or two previous roles! Also keep in mind that this is only Chris' second film and he has already shown a HUGE amount of improvement from his first.

In my opinion, the stand-out performance would have to go to Allira Jaques as Stacey, also in only her second feature role, for managing to effectively showcase three very different sides to a character who probably didn't get as much screen time as she deserved. The special effects were fantastic and, while very gruesome, always kept the "gore" believable which helped to increase the impact of the torture scenes, rather than just having the viewer laughing at 'how fake that looked.'

In summary, remembering that this only the director's second movie and it was filmed on a very small budget in limited time with mostly inexperienced and first-time actors, this was actually one hell of an accomplishment! You can compare it to as many bigger-budgeted films with household name actors as you like, but I challenge you to find another with as little experience and money behind it as this one had, which accomplishes the same level of quality and packs as much of an emotional punch, especially within the genre! In the future, Daddy's Little Girl will be looked back on as an Australian classic and Chris Sun has proved that he is a director to watch as he is only going to continue to improve and make better and better films.
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A Poor Film
sketchy_j17 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I came across this film whilst filing through the 'Thriller' category in my Apple TV, searching for a well-constructed story that throws twists out every so often. AKA, a thriller. However, I was far off with such a choice. This movie from the beginning was let down by its actors. Each character, but in particular Derek (Michael Thomson) and his brother Tommy (Christian Radford) sounded as though they were simply speaking their lines straight off the script. Certain words that were incorporated in normal, everyday conversation between characters such as "Mate" were spoken flatly and held no depth behind it. The scene where the brothers are sitting on the beach and Derek is meaning to fire Tommy from his job seems fake, weakened by the actors' poor performances. And the scene really is an easy and relaxed segment which should not be ruined, and is through lack of effort, or so it seems.

The film goes on to allow Derek's mind to become unhinged through pure hatred for his brother Tommy, to the point where Derek seeks advice on torture methods. He retrieves the information he wants by having colloquial conversations with the dentist and a few other people. This in itself is quite honestly pathetic and completely illogical that the audience is expected to believe that when put into practice by an amateur who has no knowledge of the human body or anything of the like, they would work. An enraged man conducting torture methods to attack the correct body part and keep the victim awake, alive, but still feel the pain, please. In addition to this, the film moves quite quickly through his search for information, which strips the film of its credibility and hardcore depth which I believe it aims to achieve.

Another thing I'd like to touch on is: the fact that Derek acquires so much hatred for his brother after finding Tommy's diary to the point where he does not allow Tommy to explain himself whilst being tortured happened far too quickly, I believe. I do not think that torturing him was a clever twist, let alone depriving him of his ability to explain things. Finding the diary was too-weak a point of reference alone, and should have been accompanied by stronger evidence for Derek to launch into murderous, gruesome torture. Not to say that finding a second batch of evidence would have made for a justifiable answer to perform measured, well-thought-out torture on his brother.

Finally, I am struggling to understand how this film is still standing with a solid IMDb rating of 7.4, and that there are reviews that praise the great acting and film work of Daddy's Little Girl. I can say without hesitation or second thoughts that it is one of the worst films I have ever seen, and I strongly recommend avoiding it.
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A very sitting on the edge of your seat thriller with an awesome twist.
raylenedraper2 September 2012
I am not much of a movie watcher but when I heard about Daddy's Little Girl and watched the trailer I couldn't wait until it was released so I could go and see it for myself. Being there on the Premiere night viewing (9pm 24/08/2012) was an absolute buzz as everyone there was just as excited about watching it as I was. The unique story line was absolutely brilliant and it did touch base for me on a personal level in more ways than one and I am grateful that I am a survivor of such a horrible childhood to be able to watch this movie. I liked the fact that they used factual material throughout the movie as it made it feel like a real life event or even based on a true story. This movie was extremely emotional for me to watch, the actors expressions helped me to feel happy, sad, angry, disgusted, intrigued, scared and relieved right from the beginning and through to the end. The special effects are fantastically done in this movie they looked very realistic and expertly done and they reminded me of the movie "Seven Deadly Sins". Daddy's Little Girl is a movie I would recommend for any parent to watch as I am sure that it would touch base for them on a personal level and make them think twice about the real world out there. I loved the movie that much that I want to watch it again and if it comes out on DVD I will.
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Brutal, Unrelenting...Did I Say Brutal?
redrobin62-321-20731114 September 2018
Oy! What a film. It started off on the slow, cliched side, but once it picked up steam,, became a no holds barred, down and dirty, rough and ready, gore fest. Revenge movies like these ("The Woman," "I Spit On Your Grave," "Revenge," etc.) make you wonder just how depraved a man or woman can get in their hunger for vengeance.

To be fair, the acting in this flick was fair to middling. A lot more work could've went into character development and the cinematography was also fair to middling. Then again, it was a low budget movie, so I suppose that's to be expected. There were a few plot holes here and there, but they're not important in terms of how the film develops. Is this a film worth checking out? Sure. It may even make you squirm in your seat.
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Poor. Really, really poor.
diado20 January 2014
This film has 7.3 on IMDb at the time of writing, and seems to have mostly ten star reviews and few (honest) one or two star reviews. Make of that what you will.

OK, on to the review. This movie is absolutely terrible. It's painful to watch, and not because of all the torture porn! The acting is wooden at best, full of awkward pauses and seemingly either completely emotionless in its delivery, or massively hammy. It feels like you're watching a school play.

The camera and audio work adds to that feeling. Very low apertures are used throughout the film, I assume to attempt to give it some feeling of style, but consequently focus is often slightly off or at times completely missed. The subject is regularly not quite in frame, having the top of their heads out of shot, to the point that I wonder whether it was shot in a completely different aspect ratio and then (badly) cropped. Similarly the audio levels seem to be all over the place, with actors literally having to shout to signify important parts of the plot.

With regards to the story itself, it seems to change pace a lot, to the point that it feels like the important parts were planned out, but the story then came in way below length and so huge amounts of slow-paced filler had to be added. There's a long set up, then a sudden progression which seems like it was meant to be jarring to the viewer, but just feels bodged because of the previous slow pace. Then it slows right down again until the next sudden progression, after which the pace is a little faster and more regular, but the story then seems somewhat incoherent and thrown together. Not to mention wholly unbelievable. Of course, then comes the torture porn.

All in all this film is very much not worth wasting your time on, even if you approach it in the knowledge that it's a low budget slasher flick with appropriately low expectations.
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I have never been so impressed by a film
arenacolin1 September 2012
Prepare to be taken on the ride of your life with this one! Oh my god, I cried, I laughed and I also felt like I was going to be sick. I'm just astounded that all these emotions could be put into one film, and severely impressed that the use of cross genre worked perfectly. My wife and I went to the premiere night expecting to see a good movie, with a few flaws perhaps but we left the theater satisfied with seeing the perfect film with not one noticeable error. Everything about Daddy's Little Girl was just great! the acting, sound, colors, story line, realism, script, camera work and all the unexpected little twists. Ten out of ten for this one, i think people are going to have a lot of trouble beating it. in fact i don't think anyone could beat it. it is what it is, and that is Perfect!

Chris Sun and crew never stop making amazing films!

One more thing, the Special FX in this are the best i have ever seen. So very real!
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Good for small budget.
anastasia_t8022 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Considering this is a small budget Independent film, I like it. Special effects: excellent; Storyline: Excellent; Acting: Not the best!

I was expecting a B horror flick, but surprised to actually feel the father's grief, and need for retribution. The characters were predictable, and there was a few unnecessary parts and characters thrown in that went nowhere. More editing could've shortened the movie and made it flow more smoothly.

Overall I enjoyed the thriller/revenge theme mixed with the parent/child bond thing.Had the characters been more developed it could of even been called a tear jerker.

I'm interested to see more from this guy or even more horror/thriller films with an actual plot, like this one.
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Derek's relationship with his brother was 3 Dimensional.
sarabryant031316 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Daddy's little girl I was disappointed with. Primarily because of the relationship between Derek and his brother; it just seemed fake and 2 dimensional.In the scene where Derek fired him on the beach I felt like they were just 2 actors saying lines not 2 characters having a really sad and hard conversation. So when you find out that he murdered Georgia, it wasn't a shock and I didn't find it as sad as I would've liked to; Because finding out something like your brother killed your daughter should be devastating - but because I didn't really believe in their relationship, or that they had grown up together or had a past together, when I found out that he was the murderer it didn't bother me nearly as much as it should of. I actually found the some of the most believable acting was seen in the torturing scene, and any time when Derek showed anger - like in the scene after Georgia's funeral where her parents are fighting. Which once again bothered me because Derek's transition between loving his brother and hating him didn't feel natural or real to me. This was because Derek's hate was the more realistic emotion and the love just felt awkward and fake, because when the 2 characters interacted, it felt like they were nothing more then work colleagues. However those are the only real issues I have with the film the rest I thought was really well done, but unfortunately they are very big issues, which made the film for me less real and heart breaking for me.
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Good film for an Aussie export
khillikat14 March 2014
I was sceptical at first as the first half of movie is the usual bit boring story telling, bit naff, the acting is a tad wooden but good enough so do stick with it.

As the action certainly perks up in the second half.

I'm not going to give anything away but this is a revenge movie so be aware there will be extreme violence.

This is a low budget movie, do not watch if you are expecting Hollywood style horror.

If you are a proper fan of horror/gore, then this is definitely worth watching.

My score is a very worth while 7/10 Definitely a good 7/10
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Painful to watch and very sick ...
jg_espana6 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers

I watched some movies about revenge but I have to say this movie made me sick to my stomach and I truly mean it. I am not a fragile person and I watched all type of horror movies you can get but the subject of the movie and the way it is presented was just too much to bear.

First : the overall structure of the movie. During a big half of the movie there is not much else to brag about and then it's 40-50 min of non stop torture ...

Second : the stupidity of the Rapist who let his personnal journal on his desk !! How can you be so dumb about such a serious crime ? And in a house when you organise a party !!!!!

Third : The lovely little daddy with no medical knowledge who become an expert of the human body and is able to make a tracheotomy, etc...

Fourth : Yes, the criminal is a pedophile but HOW ON EARTH CAN YOU TAKE PLEASURE to watch a human being torture in such vicious way ? People say that the person who dislike this movie doesn't understand it blablabla but I personnaly find it takes a very sick and twisted person to appreciate this film and try to defend it by saying "it's great and the peole who don't like him miss the point of this movie". THERE IS NO POINT ! It's just another dark and vulgar torture porn who turn the main character into the villain, not allowing any kind of explanations/confession because he is too busy make the criminal suffer.

I appreciate the law of the Talion but not like this. And I am truly disgust to know that there are peoples cruel and stupid enough to make a movie like this thinking "it's gonna be entertaining to watch". Now if you excuse me, I have to go watch Little House on the Prairie to remind me that life is good and people are awesome.
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Little B Grade Gem - Worth the hour and a half of your life.
Luap7916 August 2018
I have browsed the reviews and see mixed views on this film. I'll keep this one short and sweet. I was recommended this movie by a friend about a month ago and after some searching, I was able to purchase a copy online. I am a bit of a movie connoisseur and poor acting tends to do my head in, so was a tad put off at the beginning due to the less than professional acting, but the story is solid; one that we can all relate to in one way or another and I soon overcame this "issue", and I found myself letting it slide. The make up and special effects are (in my opinion) of high quality. Horror/Thriller movies so often use poor make up and fake blood, mixed with bad lighting, so that the fake blood looks like raspberry jam or something obviously not blood. The FX and lighting crew should pat themselves on the back for their great efforts. The SAW like scenes made me grimace on more than a few occasions and at one point made me look away briefly, which is not like me at all. It was hard to rate this one due to the acting, but I gave it an 7 because there is no 7.5 star option. I am writing this review after just finishing watching the film and I think my rating is fair and I do recommend this little B grade gem to anyone who is capable of allowing less than great acting to be excused in return for a ripper story and some great Special effects. To any dirty Pedophiles, Rapists and Murders out there, I wish the contents of this movie was standard practice within the "so called" justice system. Gaol is too good for you filthy scumbags. Enjoy
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Total waste of time
DanJensenMovieTalk1 October 2014
Prior to seeing this I'd taken into account that many of the positive reviews on here may have stemmed from people doing the director a favour, and knowing that he has a large following on Facebook it didn't surprise me. But I wanted to check the movie out for myself and make up my own mind, especially since learning more about Chris Sun of late. I now truly believe that the positive reviews are completely fabricated, as there is just no way anyone could possibly believe this movie is worth more than a 5/10 at best.

Everything I just read about how bad the acting was is totally true. I didn't believe in a single character, which left me devoid of any emotional attachment. This resulted in me having no desire to see the killer get what was coming to them, which is essential in a revenge flick. I usually love seeing the bad guys get what they deserve in movies, but this time around I just didn't care.

The plot had too many holes, especially how the killer is revealed. Completely implausible. If I were doing something so despicable there's no way in hell I'd leave evidence lying around where anyone could find it. It would be more believable if the culprit were severely mentally ill and incapable of thinking rationally, but in this instance he was just a boring, regular guy.

I haven't been excited about Charlie's Farm, being that it looks like a derivative slasher flick that I've seen 100 times before and proudly boasts Sharknado's Tara Reid as a star. I was hoping that watching DLG might boost my eagerness, but now I'm even less enthusiastic about it.

Still, it gives us filmmakers hope that you can still achieve success by churning out utter crap. All you need to do is somehow trick the public into believing that your arrogance towards people and high self-opinion is charming.
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Brilliant Intense and Gory
bounsit3 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Arriving at the premiere to this film you could feel the anticipation building... You could just tell that we were all in for something special and Chris Sun and the team from slaughterfx sure did deliver!!!... With this the second offering from this amazingly talented group of friends from the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia we are taken on a journey with Derrick a single dad whos 6yr old daughter is taken from her bed and found murdered!.. Derrick ends up face to face with the killer of his little girl and finds himself faced with a decision... Revenge or Justice..... The specialfx in this film are so realistic and intensely gory that it will have even the most hardcore of Gore fans squirming in there seats while Derrick gets his revenge!! With a twist that hopefully gets every parent out there thinking that little bit more about just who they can trust!!!... Loved it Loved it Loved it!!!...
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Come on, it's not that bad!
arsenico714 December 2016
OK, it's not a masterpiece, and I don't either think it claims or expects to be one, it is clearly low-budgeted and flawed, but it does its job: entertain. Actually, the setup part is a little too long, it could have been done better and more effectively without many useless, slow paced scenes, getting straight to the point and using more time to analyze the characters and the relationship between them.

But when it does start, wow... this is torture porn at its goriest. I'm not a huge fan of blood and gore, but I liked the concept behind this movie. The message that I got from it is that, whatever bad a human being might be able to do, taking revenge, an eye for an eye, simply means lowering yourself to his own level of inhumanity. We do have law and punishment for a reason, not to masochistically give up any rightful feeling of revenge we might carry inside ourselves.

The slaughterer turns into the victim, the victim turns into the slaughterer, what is the difference between them at the end of the movie? Just one, made by Derek's final decision, which I won't spoil here. But it's no big deal, Derek is not human anymore, anyway. Not anymore than his victim.

All in all, philosophy apart, it's definitely worth a watch, if you can stand hard torture scenes and can overlook the bad acting and low budget setup.
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Ok... but 'thought provoking?', hmmmmm....
wildblueyonder13 February 2019
I more or less enjoyed the movie, but I did find myself fast forwarding through some of the brutality.

Make no mistake about it - this is a brutal movie - not generally my favorite kind but it was reasonably well done.

I particularly liked the acting of the main character, and its his attitude that makes this movie watchable.

Not for the weak of heart... but you could do worse.
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The next Wolf Creek?
mcgauz4 September 2012
Much to like about this home grown horror. Left me feeling a little squeamish and teary-eyed. Some great acting moments from all the cast and I hope we get to see their talents more in future Australia and international roles. Excellent original music that added a lot of depth and tension in key moments, shifting from the delicate piano led motifs to dense string laden attacks, continually coming back to repeating themes and playing on the push/pull game giving the film a sonic and emotional force not many other Australian films often have. For much of the film I was playing the guessing game. Who did it? Who in this circle of friends/family would do such a thing? Occasionally I thought I had it and I didn't. A few interesting turns surprised me and I was gripped for the duration of the film. Looking forward to future projects from director Chris Sun.
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mrevans2010-920-4245079 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the trailer and making of props on Facebook this was a must see movie. This movie was slow at first and the acting felt just a little forced and lacking in some scenes while others made me bawl right along with the characters. For an Aussie made/produced film Chris Sun has done an amazing job at casting, prop work and special effects, having a weak stomach this movie was not easy to watch as the attention to detail is gruesome. As for casting his actor that plays the offender was a brilliant pick as his interaction with the child gives you the creeps right of the bat. My only other criticism is the story line could have been a bit more in depth when it came to mapping out who each character was and how they fit together for example the fuss made over the cousin, but there is only so much time in a movie. Other then that a must see for lovers of gore.
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IF you liked "The Room"
stanofspace8 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am in the middle of reading "The Disaster Artist" by Greg sestero.

I was trying to think of another movie with such seriousness but such stupid diologue, bad acting and plot holes.

Then thought of this movie I watched a few weeks back.

If you like the room you will get a bit of a giggle out of this for how bad it is, but also it is very gory, but the gore though it is done well is wasted on a poor story and bad direction.

What the hell did those cameras in the brothers house have to do with anything? Who was that guy on the couch talking like he is a doctor? and the plot holes go on, have fun picking them.

You have been warned.

If you want to watch a real father revenge movie try "the Horseman"
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Excellent- please see!
mckellarsarah23 January 2014
I found Daddy's little girl highly confronting and emotional.

I went from crying my eyes out to cheering on for the torture scenes.

Sound work is brilliant and I do believe it will become a cult classic. I can't wait to see the next Chris Sun work, and it had both myself and my hubby both glued to our seats

The acting was excellent and should be viewed as a credit to the actors as well as Chris Sun for being a clearly pioneering director.

As a rule, if it's too hard hitting for some people- you've done a good job at hitting home with a very important issue.

Best of good luck to all the cast and crew!

Kind regards, Sarah :-)
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Every parents worst nightmare
videorama-759-8593919 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In it's starting, you really think you're in for a good quality drama, which later, sadly, gives way to some of the most tortuous, hard to stomach violence, I've seen, there's a lot. But don't get me wrong, on the other side of that token, the culprit in question, which becomes a devastating blow of shock, as being family, where in the back of mind here and there, I suspected him, deserves everything he gets. This movie opens your eyes to a lot of things, about how precious children are. Shot in Queensland, this film, worse than any horror movie, I must say, suffers from a bad script and mostly laughable overacting, unconvincing, but embarrassing too, although the three leads are genuinely quite good, especially the father. When acted at the start by these three, it was more naturalistic acting that really worked. A father who's baby girl is snatched, stumbles onto the truth while at the party of the younger brother, where in the previous six months, he's dealt with the grief and unbearable pangs of heartache, after losing his little angel. Blaming the wife for not properly fixing the window, I'm on his side, where watching this film, I really hope that this a pre warning to parents out there to ensure little jobs like this are dealt with. The killer too has kept a sick diary of horrid details, not just about killing his niece, but other little kids too. When the torture starts, let me warn you, it's very graphic, if underestimated, much like the victims of the Asian torture porn flick, Grotesque, as so what's left of the state of this victim too. There's very funny moments too, which this avenging father, during torture session, 101, thanks to some of the dialogue, which I must say is pretty ordinary, if stereotyped. Watching just how much pain, this poor ba..ard, endures, had me wondering what that really feel like. How much pain, can a guy endure, and let me tell me tell you, he does a lot of squirming. The plucking out tooth scene, had me licking my teeth to confirm if I still had em', it was the most unbearably visual moment. Daddy's Little Girl shows a lot of promise early, but in it's neat hour, it's resorts to such sick and reprehensible violence, to illustrate the points and consequences of about being a child murderer and paedophile, where real justice even though excessive, in my opinion, is warranted and truly justified, where many of the film's viewers who have kids will feel that way, too.
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