"Doctor Who" The Devil's Chord (TV Episode 2024) Poster

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Sure much potential...
lemoche11 May 2024
... but it gets ruined because RTD can't play it straight.

I kinda wish they would still have a pauper's budget again, because it seemed to have worked mich better during his first run. Yes he was also campy there and also at times edged on the thin line between "a little silly" and "completely bonkers". But with this episode he completely wrecked that line.

The villain was extraordinary. Or could have been if they didn't run their mannerisms into the ground. A little less forced drama, a bit tighter pacing, especially during the "final battle" and this could have been an absolute delight.

And don't get me started on that musical number at the end. I enjoyed it in the first episode, but here it felt so overly forced and was not fun at all. More like a parody of Austin Powers. Horrible.
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Not as promising
simevo-2009311 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
People seem to like this more than episode one, and I enjoyed Jinxx and the general concept very much, but I'm only giving it 5 stars because of all the execution issues.

The music was such that at points it was genuinely hard to hear what Jinxx was saying.

It's far too early for the doctor to be using his 'i can't save you this time' lines. In fact, it's used so often in Who now it's annoying. We all know the doctor will save the day, stop trying to pretend otherwise.

The musical dance scene. It's too long, it just feels like it's thrown in there, it all feels a bit CBBC.

Gods. We're going to have the doctor fighting god's now? Pfft.

Trying to again, shoehorn in a bit of lore that again we dint investigate. The doctor who just said he was the last of his species because of a genocide let's skip that he had a grandchild living a mile away in 1963, and it all gets forgotten about by Ruby because a piano arrives.

Another companion who is 'not what they appear to be' and is something special (like Donna, Clara)

The effects were a bit dodgy, both the musical notes and the scenes of a devastated future/present London. I'm not sure where all the extra Disney money has gone. Salaries perhaps.

The Beatles. Could they genuinely have not got people who looked at least a little bit like them.

So, bonus points for Jinxx, negative points for everything else. I'm staying hopeful for ep 3!!
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Mixed bag
ritchiealan13 May 2024
It had its moments, but a bit disappointing overall. Problems: Beatles, especially Paul really didn't look much like the people they were playing. The plot seemed a bit disjointed. There really wasn't enough research into the era, which led to some anachronisms; the big one was the women's clothing - this was supposed to be set in 1963, but the miniskirt didn't surface until 1966. (X-men and the Man From Uncle film made the same mistake!). The men's clothes were better. I can't say I'm a big fan of turning it into a musical. Overall, it could have been better than it was without a lot of extra work.
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The new series slips into a promising second gear.
DVD_Connoisseur11 May 2024
A thoroughly entertaining episode, I really enjoyed "The Devil's Chord". Already, I feel that both Ncuti and Millie have become comfortable in their roles and there's genuine chemistry between the two.

Jinkx Monsoon is the surprise standout element - they were a top notch villain and a natural successor to Neil Patrick Harris' Toymaker. Monsoon was genuinely creepy in this episode and brought a sense of true peril to the proceedings.

There are many moments of this episode that will remain in the viewer's memory - and for all the right reasons.

Two episodes in (excluding the Christmas special) and I'm feeling comfortable that "Doctor Who" has course corrected.

8 out of 10.
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I've been watching Doctor Who for a long time.
wms-9274111 May 2024
I've been watching Doctor Who for a long time. Most of my life, in fact. When I was in my late teens, Chicago's PBS station, WTTW (channel 11) would, on Sunday nights at 11:00 pm, show classic Doctor Who episodes in their entirety. They would use judicious editing to show entire stories in one night, so we wouldn't see "part one" and "part two" and the repeat of the ending half minute of the previous serial. It was the best way to watch classic Who. The fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, was current at the time. When they had shown all the available episodes with Tom Baker, they went back and showed us all the Jon Pertwee episodes in order, and then the Baker episodes, until such time that Peter Davison took over the role.

And then later it was cancelled, and then there was the very Americanized TV movie, and then another long hiatus. Eventually the current series came along with Christopher Eccleston. Sixty plus years of television history, and I've watched almost every bit that survives (some was destroyed by the BBC because they couldn't imagine anyone would want to watch it so many years later).

Why am I bringing this up? Because after all these Doctors - 15, at least, more if you count the Valeyard and the War Doctor and the fugitive Doctor - I've never, ever, EVER seen an episode like this one. It's worth watching for this reason alone.
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Some good stuff here.
Sleepin_Dragon12 May 2024
The Doctor and Ruby travel back to the 1960's, and meet The Beatles.

Definitely an improvement over Space Babies, a very creative and imaginative storyline, well executed, with some exuberant performances.

Some exquisite imagery, scenes of a future, devastated Earth looked terrific. Ncuti and Millie looked fabulous in their sixties outfits.

Very Disney at times, but you can definitely see that there's some money being spent on this show.

I wish they'd gotten together a quartet that resembled The Beatles a little bit more, they just weren't right somehow.

Jinkx Monsoon, as camp and over the top as you'd expect, and as we all know The BBC loves A drag Queen, but Jinx did a good job, I'm sure there'll be more to come, I enjoyed the character.

Was that a Susan Foreman reference?

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This felt very unlike Doctor Who
hunsbergerbev13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that drove me crazy was how the Doctor just seem to give up and run. If this is the new Doctor we have a problem. I'm not sure if this is a writing problem or an acting problem, because certainly other Doctors have expressed doubt, so was it that this actor took it to a deeper doubt, or is it that there was no other option given based on the material? I'm not sure. Certainly other episodes were happier and more optimistic and that is what we have been promised with this Doctor, but this episode did not follow that premise.

Also, if they keep having musical numbers I will completely give up. If I wanted to watch Glee I would (but I don't so please don't force this on me.)
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The Devil's Chord
Prismark1011 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as the Beatles episode. Only the Beatles look too old and nothing like Paul and John.

Ruby wants to see the Beatles record their first album back in 1963. The Doctor thinks it is a brilliant idea.

Only this is a world where music has disappeared. Britain of 1963 lacks colour, tunes and a zest for life. The Beatles can't sing for toffee.

It is all the fault of the Maestro (Jinkx Monsoon) who feeds off the music that has not been created. Only this majestic maestro is not the Master. Something even more sinister. The giggle is a giveaway.

The music is the thing in this story. It is a kind of episode that Doctor Who has not done before in its 60 years. There is even a fantastic dance number at the end.

I do wonder if there will be a twist at the end!
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An improvement on the previous episode
Tweekums13 May 2024
In the prologue to this story a music teacher in 1925 plays a 'forbidden note', the devil's note and as a result a strange woman, identifying herself as Maestro emerges from his piano. Back in the present The Doctor asks Ruby if there is anywhere (anywhen) she would like to go; she tells him she'd love to watch The Beatles recording their first album. They manage to blag their way into the studio but the first song is not what they expected; the words are trite and the music bland. The world no longer has proper music and if The Doctor and Ruby don't bring it back by defeating Maestro humanity will be doomed.

After the admittedly low bar set by 'Space Babies' this is a real step up. The story was imaginative and more importantly it was fun. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson continue to impress as The Doctor and Ruby and Jinkx Monsoon was suitably over the top as Maestro. The effects were good. The only part of the story I wasn't keen on was the 'twist at the end'... I really could have done without that but that is just a matter of personal taste; others may love it. Overall an improvement on the series opener; hopefully things will continue to improve.
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Russel T Davies what have you done?
codsstavros12 May 2024
Go back to the stories you used to tell Russell.

Sorry Guys but as someone that has followed Doctor Who from the 70's and actually watched every episode ever shown on television (including the very first episode before I was born), I have to say I was looking forward to Ncuti and Ruby taking the next step in the series but you absolutely ruined it for me, The stories (not the 3 pre Xmas ones) of the first 2 episodes with them were not up to par. I hope for the sake of the series it gets a whole lot better or I unfortunately will be sad to stop watching Doctor Who for the first time in over 50 years. Please dont continue with the poor story lines.😥
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alexandercederholm11 May 2024
Here is where the new doctor truly start. I felt from the beginning that our new Doctor and companion have matched very well and their attitudes/personalities, in my opinion, really are colorfull. The first episodes give us babies, this episode give hope for the future.

Here is where we get questions and enjoyment through a very well "played" episode.

Ruby and The Doctor seem to have synched very well already at this point and that they can work together. Trying to avoid spoilers best I can here. After having watched the specials and the interesting introduction of our new Doctor I dare say this episode follows brilliantly.
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A different Who
antandhels11 May 2024
Having been disappointed by the first episode, the pre-titles sequence set the tone for a much better, more enjoyable time. The moment Maestro played into the intro was just fantastic!

The story progressed at a good pace and Jinx Monsoon stole the scenes they were in akin to the way that Neil Patrick Harris did as the Toymaker. However the episode still lacked that little extra that turns a good episode into a great episode. The jeopardy was cranked up too quickly for a natural build and not played about with enough to actually believe it (even in the reality pause world of Dr Who). I suppose the musical number at the end fit but I just wasn't keen. Having said that, I'm sure plenty will disagree on that.

Notice I've not mentioned the Beatles yet, which was the big selling point of the episode? Well that's because their initial introduction was actually quite funny but they were pretty much rendered insignificant after that except at a very predictable point. I also felt the musical number could have sounded more Beatles-esque. Opportunity missed.

In summary, fun, enjoyable and watchable, just not great.
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damsmith-6840411 May 2024
Was really looking forward to a reboot following the disappointing Jodie Whitaker years. The first episode was appalling, this one was even worse. Perhaps just the kernel of a good idea, but as presented, simply meaningless drivel with no apparent point at all. Being able to use elaborate special effects is no substitute for a good plot and great acting- both sorely lacking in this series to date. Both stars have performed well elsewhere, so please give them the scripts they deserve. This show seems to have been significantly dumbed down for the Americans and if this is the Disney influence, then frankly we can do without it.
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This is what happens when you give Doctor Who a good budget
nucleus-2471811 May 2024
I did not have high hopes coming into this episode. I did not like Space Babies before it. I was disappointment by the casting for the Beatles and the lack of songs from them. I thought the villain looked too goofy and was ready for disappointment.

Firstly, the mystery of the season that this episode continues building is fantastic. Ruby's origin gets a peak scene this episode with a continued sense of dream with all the mysteries. The One Who Waits and god, there were a lot of references to some previous stuff that I also won't spoil.

Secondly, the visuals in this episode were creative and made great use of the CGI. Apart from some weird angles that felt like a 2000s Direct to DVD film, it was amazing. I don't want to spoil some of them, but the floating musical notes worked SO well.

Thirdly, I just like how the episode is written as a whole. The Beatles did affect the story, but they weren't the centerpiece. The centerpiece was really the fun dynamic of music in this episode. My problem with recent Who is that the episodes wrap up far too neatly. While the same happened here, there was an actual struggle to beating the villain with a good few pay offs into actually doing so.

Lastly, the acting (and the music) were also great. This is the episode I feel Ncuti became the Doctor for me. The villain was well acted and still felt quite threatening. The performance was somewhat over-the-top for the start, but really settled into itself later on. The music by Murray Gold was awesome this episode. It wasn't a musical (although there was one musical song which was just alright).

I did not review Space Babies and I thought it was just mediocre. But this? This is a great showing of what this era of Who can do.

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If you don't like this episode you don't like fun.
hthreaps12 May 2024
Russell's redefined the show yet again, keeping parts we love and giving it a refreshing new flavour. This episode had a refreshing sense of tension and danger after the fun but ultimately low-stakes "Space Babies". Maestro was brilliantly threatening, played fantastically by Jynx Monsoon, and the entire concept of the episode - as well as its tie ins to the overarching plot threads of this era of the show - was really well executed. Ncuti and Millie were superb yet again, absolutely smashing their respective roles. The production quality is at an all time high, the writing is quintessentially Who, the acting is fab, there's some beautiful emotive scenes, and as always Murray Gold absolutely smashes his role as composer.

And the ending is fun. I'm sorry guys, it's just great. If it had happened mid episode with no explanation, maybe that'd have been weird, but it didn't - it was a treat for the viewers. Don't worry about whether it's canon or not, just enjoy it.

All in all a fantastic episode, and a great way to kick off the series.
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tuxifiedart11 May 2024
This is the best doctor who story written since atleast 2017 imo. I I didn't like most of the chibnal era although it has a few very good episodes, and I really dislike the 60th. But this- this js the show back on top form. This is dr who as it should be. Beautifully camp 4th wall breaking fun.

It's not perfect, pacing wise it's a bit all over the place and runaroundish but if this is the introduction we're giving new fans to the franchise I'm happy. The perfect mix of tones, charmisa and camp for a historical story I adore.

As I said in my space babies review. There's a bit too many russelism's for my liking but I can look past that for one of the best. But this js the first time in a long time ice thought 'damn my main complaint is that I want more'.

I would give jt a 9 or even a 10 for the amazing tone and style alone but as I said it's actually plot structure is pretty generic and boring even if I loved how lowkey the first act felt. So that bumps it down a bit, and the leftovers from the giggle felt too contrived to me. But besides that, it's amazing.
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I'm sorry Sir but it appears my intelligence circuits have melted
kiwired-2174412 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So I'm stealing a line from my favourite British comedy series as I sit here in front of this episode. I might have misquoted the Series 4000 mechanoid but perhaps it is a side-effect of the The Devil's Chord. Have I really just witnessed the Doctor engage in a music battle with a Daemon? It was completely within the tone of 'Scott PIlgrim vs. The World' but I can't help but feel its still wildly out of place to the time travelling do-gooder.

And padding the run-time with a dance number entitled 'There's always a twist at the end' without employing a twist seems a bit ironic.

Two previous Doctors joined forces to save their home world, whilst managing to forget they did it in the first place. Brilliant writing. If this piece of canon isn't undone by the current writers, I wonder if the current Doctor will similarly manage to forget this particular deed? I certainly wouldn't mind being afflicted with that kind of timey-wimey side-effect.
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Who says Music can't be Evil?
rohanumpleby-3405713 May 2024
Well, this episode says otherwise. The new series has offered entertainment, and fun. And this episode has that in Abundance. The setting and costume designs are classy, call and Vibrant. I love the old 1930's feel. Ncuti Gatwa sold me more in this episode then in his previous episode. He wasn't different enough to make him stand out, but in this episode, it shows he suits the Doctor perfectly well.

Monzoo is an evil drag queen, who seeks evil when Music plays. I like the idea of the villain, Monzoo's over-the-top performance captures the cheesiness of the plot and the episode itself. And the fact we get the Beetles is also very fun. Monzoo was an interesting Villain, although a little too much at times and a bit chaotic, but the magic of the songs people played would then take her to that specific place. That's some hauntingly brilliant stuff right there. And her dark and evil persona is played throughout. And Monzoo is very scary when you see her pop out of any Piano.

I like how all the characters are having fun, especially the Doctor and are companion. Who venture time and space back into 1931. Before the beatles were a thing, it's a fun concept, with a fun premise, whilst everyone of the actors are all having fun themselves. The musical notes are also well choreographed by Murray Gold himself, who is a fantastic composer. With that said, I hope they don't do this for the next episodes. As Doctor who isn't really meant to be a musical. Although however, I like how the actors are having fun and enjoying themselves, that's the main thing.

I also like how the Next time for the next episode isn't too revealing, we only get a couple of seconds and the episode ends. It's great they are doing this, because we can only guess what's happening in the next episode. But we know that there's a speech.

So, Would I recommend this Episode?

Yes, Very fun and Entertaining. But if you don't like Musicalls, then don't watch this.
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A continuation in the right direction
greyKbarclay11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second episode of the reimagined series 'Doctor Who' and it's definitely heading in the right direction.

I feel that Ncuti and Millie had truly embraced their roles in this vast universe and the chemistry that they share on screen cannot by missed; it feels utterly real. Like we are watching two old friends talk to other. We once again get another phenomenal outfit from The Doctor as he remerges from the TARDIS in true 1960s style, and Ruby too, with her ensemble perfectly matching the Doctor's. I can't wait to see what we have in store for us next week.

I am thoroughly looking forward to what else is ahead for the new season, but, I do have to say that I was quite disappointed to find that an episode about with the Beatles, they weren't really in it at all really. The ending defeat of Maestro felt anti climatic, and the effects of the alive music notes was a little laughable. All this aside I am once him looking forward to the next episode.
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This is a clear miss
ondryk-selecky11 May 2024
Performance of the main villain is unforgetable, mainly because I will not get it out of my head how terrible it was - just yelling, screaming and making weird facial expressions. Not just the villain, but everyone, including the Doctor and Ruby, is acting poorly - they are either screaming like teenage girls, yelling or crying with a lot of tears.

Dialogues are rudely primitive, lacking that kind of intelligent and witty humour that was so characteristic for Doctor Who in the first Russel T Davies era.

Story and the plot is very non-sensical, it lacks any real meaning and the resolution very illogical.
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Just a wonderful optimistic blast of fun event TV
tom-64011 May 2024
I'm going to be blunt. If you didn't like Russell T Davies Doctor Who last time you're not going to like this. It's spectacular, silly, camp, ridiculous and also engaging, dark and spectacularly weird.

But if you were there for it last time, it's now turned up to eleven and frankly I. AM. HERE. FOR. IT.

Absolutely loved this episode on first viewing. Jinkx Monsoon was brilliant fun and deeply creepy. There's a glimpse of the world if they win and it's scary and weird. The mystery continues. The music is fun. Are the Beatles convincing? No. Is it a shame there are no Beatles' songs in it? Yup! Was it a totally rollicking adventure that kept me glued through the whole thing. One hundred percent.

My favorite Doctor Who period is season five, Matt Smith and Stephen Moffat. Davies can often be a bit broad for me. But when he switches on the seriousness and builds towards events there is no one better. Two episodes in I'm loving this series. It feels like proper bizarre event TV again. I can't help but think if they maintain this energy this season will be a classic. Loved it. Can't stop gushing.
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One of the Greatest Doctor Who Episodes IN A LONG TIME.
rohanrekt-7792711 May 2024
I cant lie, Church on Ruby Road was a let down, so was the majority of the 60th specials. None of those gave me the Doctor Who spark I felt back when Peter Capaldi was dominating on the screen and honestly this season was probably the last test to see if I would stop watching Doctor Who or not (I've been watching since I was 3!).

I watched Space Babies, and it was kinda meh, I got worried and thought... maybe its time to stop and move onto other franchises. BUT NAHHHHH.


Its 2:10AM so im not going to rant to much but Watch It. Its phenomenal. Doctor Who at its peak again, imagine "the giggle" episode from the 60th anniversary's but with the Doctor Who spark thats been missing from the show for a while.

It has so many call backs and answers so many questions as well as setting us up and hyping the audience for the rest to come.

We now know that the BIgeneration was a 1 time thing and was quite literally the Doctors soul ripping apart (assuming into 1 which carries the baggage and 1 which doesn't unless they are setting up a Valeyard story line), and also got ball tickled so hard on the "One Who Waits".

Doctor Who is officially back bois!!!!
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Bonus star for good acting from mystro.... but terribly made
csdmartin-4961911 May 2024
The music did not match what was on the screen alot of the time and this did not feel like a Dr who episode at alll. The musical number at the end did not match and the episode would have been a 5/10 up until then. But it was just very badly created. Lazy composing, when you compare to the amazong music done throughout the series up until now.

The concept of the episode wasn't too bad, but it was poorly explained, and just could have been done much better. The music battle was meh when you consider the potential it could have used.

It had similarites to the witches in the shakespear episode, but that was done excellently, and this was a "wish/temu" version of what it should be.
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There's Always A Twist at the End
hlkeeley12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the musical number at the end, I really enjoyed this episode. I was nervous about Maestro but the character was great and the acting superb. I was thinking Winnie Sanderson when I first saw the promos but the acting made the Maestro.

The effects of the music notes bothered me as they came off cartoony. Then again not sure how else they could have done it. The rest of the effects though were absolutely fantastic.

I like the tie back to the Toymaker and essentially reminding us that there is a story arc happening even if it is not as blatant as it was with Jodie's Doctor.

This episode was not as nostalgic to me as Soace Babies. This one was showing off the budget I think. At the end, I was like "okay that's a lot of money for two minutes of fun unless there is some foreshadowing."

Overall still very impressed with the series and cannot wait for the next one that looks like it's going to take a more serious turn.
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Way better than space babies, restored my excitement for the season.
isaacmccreadie12 May 2024
I had a lot of fun watching this episode it was much better than space babies. I absolutely loved the costumes for the doctor, Ruby and Jinkx they're all amazing. Jinkx's performance was amazing and I loved the more meta nature of the episode which I wouldn't like with any other villain but with the toy maker and his legions it fits perfectly. Ncuti is absolutely amazing as always and I can't wait to see his acting in boom. The CGI has been greatly improved from last season and the music notes look really good. I'm still a complete sucker from the new Tardis with the lights and jukebox. I love the use of music throughout the episode with the digenic and non- digenic music being blended and it works perfectly. Overall I loved this episode and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the season shapes out. Thank you RTD.
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