Patchwork (2015) Poster


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BA_Harrison8 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A horror comedy told in eight parts, Patchwork is what you would get if you took Steven Martin's All Of Me (two souls sharing one body) and crossed it with gory '80s classic Reanimator (glowing green goop) and tongue-in-cheek horror Frankenhooker (self-brain surgery with a drill). It's like three films rolled into one: how apt!

'Part 1: Jennifer' starts the ball rolling, as we meet career woman Jennifer (Tory Stolper), who is so unlikable that no-one wants to celebrate her birthday with her. After she is left alone in a bar by her work colleagues, Jennifer returns home where she is cracked over the head by an unseen assailant.

'Part II: AWOL' sees Jennifer waking up to find that parts of her body have been combined with those of two other women-Madeleine (Maria Blasucci) and Ellie (Tracey Fairaway)-to create a single patchwork body. She also learns that she shares control of this body with both the other women.

'Part III: Ellie' shows us how blonde party girl Ellie came to be part of the threesome, while 'Part IV: Makeover' sees the girls seeking help from med-student Garrett (James Phelps) and swearing revenge on those responsible for their bizarre predicament.

'Part V: Madeleine' introduces a cool plot twist that takes the film in a new direction. Sadly, the subsequent three parts see Patchwork losing some of its steam, culminating in a rather weak ending. All told, the film has several good ideas, most of which are handled well enough, delivers decent performances, and some reasonable gore, but doesn't manage to be quite as memorable as the trio of movies it is clearly modelled after.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Dumb but somewhat entertaining and amusing.
scorbett315-66-9829046 November 2020
It's dumb and it starts slow...but if you stick with it you'll probably be somewhere between mildly entertained and generally entertained.

Can't see anyone honestly saying this is the greatest thing they've ever seen, but I can honestly say that it's a decent time killer. You'll cringe at the stupidity. You'll roll your eyes at some of the scenes (ahem frat boys). You'll also laugh along the way, especially at the proposterousness and absurdities. And if you make it to the end, you'll probably kinda like it in an odd kind of way.

It's a strange, cheesy, corny kind of movie that never takes itself to seriously and neither should you. Watch it, enjoy it, and just let it be a dumb movie that you may in fact like.
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If you like the work of Frank Henenlotter,
Samizdata16 September 2017
You will love this. It has the irreverent and gleeful bloodshed and the same joyous ignorance of science fact that makes all the classic horror comedies, like the Basket Case series, work, as well as the grind-house style "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" sensibilities. Not a laugh out loud style of horror comedy, but well loaded with chuckles and appreciative groans.

Fun, and full of grue. NOT a date movie, unless your date is a fan of gallons of blood and black market medical experiments, in which case, watch away!
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Unique, cheesy horror comedy
Craigelink26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a strange movie but done cleverly. The plot whilst basic, is well shot and very funny at times. One of the weasley twins from harry potter has sex with a corpse at one point so if that doesn't make you laugh... lol.
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Girl Power, Oddly
LordManhammer6 March 2019
For the first 15-20 minutes, I thought this was the stupidest movie I've ever seen. But then it took a turn for the kooky, in a good way. Well acted and surprisingly funny. I expected there to be many negative reviews on this site from people who watched only the beginning but gave up, so I'm glad to see all the love.

That said, I think many viewers will not experience this the way I did, and won't appreciate its particular humor. But give it a try! There are small moments of refinement that show the makers paid attention to detail, from actress' facial expressions to an addition of music at unexpected moments (like a certain scene set in a frat house).
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Frankenhooker is better
ashecatlin22 July 2020
It's an alright movie, the whole movie is spent trying to figure out who did this to them. Which is quite obvious from the get go, then there is another layer added in the third act of this, which didn't add to much depth to the story aside padding it out.

The movie is spit up into several different acts, which gives the movie a nice chance to flesh everyone out, some of them are quite good but they don't really add much to the story. The big bad, I would liked to have seen more of, like what where they doing before this. You saw snippets but you never really get to deep dive into it, the best part for me was the girls interacting with each other and the love interest. The whole going on a rampage and killing random people, I didn't really get but it added more to the run time.

There was some really dumb stuff to, like running away from the lab. Where they got Frankensteined, only to go looking elsewhere for the person who did this. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, overall it's a decent movie, not sure if I'd watch it again. Frankenhooker is a much better movie but it was a decent watch.
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Girl power!
HorrorFanatic4Life12 April 2020
Really surprising gem that I wasn't expecting! It isn't the best comedy-horror out there, but it was still pretty hilarious. It does take a little bit before it gets good, but it does get there so be patient with the beginning!

It does come in parts a little like an anthology, but it all ties together. Basically three women get sewn together using different parts of them to make a "Frankenstein-type" woman. You see segments of the final product and the hunt for the people who did this to them, but you also have segments where you see each individual woman's lives beforehand leading up to. It bounces around a bit, which is a little different. But not anything you can't keep up with.

What's great about it is all three woman are so opposite of each other, so seeing all three as one is pretty hilarious!

Definitely not over the top great, but it was a pleasant surprise with decent acting, bits of horror and lots of funny moments.

Also - Owlcat is the pet everyone needs!
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Another Reanimator work.
Yes folks, if your a fellow fan of horror movies, your going to spot the obvious rip off, of Reanimator based on the classic H.P. Lovecraft short story: "Herbert West Reanimator."

It's a classic bring the dead back to life and combining body parts like this was explored in 'Bride Of Reanimator.'

Depressingly, Stuart Gordon or Lovecraft are given no credits to this obvious rip off, but where this one is worth the watch(it's amusing) is that the reanimated person has to deal with 3 to 4 personalities at a time which makes it interesting and the reanimated individual is still sentient and capable of more than zombie talk.

It only get's a 5/10 due to the fact it's well and truly been done before and to be honest a lot better with the Reanimator franchise but never the less some kind of guilty pleasure was saying: 'Yippee, more Reanimator.'

Worth a watch if only for the comedy value and for horror fans of Reanimator. Alas it doesn't feature any actors of the calibre of the great Jeffrey Coombs but with it's budget, would you honestly expect it?

Enjoy it for what it is.
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Modern Frankenstein... with a twist O.O
b1gm0nk3y25 September 2021
This movie is surprisingly decent. I was honestly expecting the worst (I really enjoy watching bad movies) but it wasn't as bad as I initially anticipated. The first act is not super promising, basically coming off as any other slasher/body horror film, but the tone almost immediately shifts with the reveal of the three being stitched together. The story is told in a sort of anthology or flashback type of way, going back to explain the lives of the three girls and how they ended up in the situation. The middle act begins to really pick up as the three girls begin to work together and go on a murder spree to find the person behind it all. Some of the jokes are spot on, and the majority of the performances are awesome considering the type of movie this is supposed to be. I was not expecting the twist, and the final act is awesome and fun. This may not be a top-tier movie by any means, but it is magnificently fun with some awesome gore, quips, and jokes.
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If You've Nowt Else To Watch This Dark Fantasy May Waste An Hour Or So...
P3n-E-W1s312 October 2020
Before getting into the review, here are my ratings for this movie.

I give the story, 0.75 out of 2: The direction, 1.25: The pace, 0.75: The acting, 1.25: And, the enjoyment level, 0.75. These give Patchwork 4.75 out of 10.

There are two bad things about the movie. The first is that they are calling it a horror. The second is the many links to Reanimator. These are intentional as the director thanks Stuart Gordon in the credits. It wouldn't have been so bad if the correlations weren't there to sell the film. It's good to pay homage but do it more subtly.

I was okay with the glowing green reanimator fluid, which was understated in its appearance. However, the more prominent character of the surgeon is in your face. He is loud, brash, and completely ignorant, and an idiot to boot. But, you can see Herbert West just under the skin. Regrettably, the actor Corey Sorenson is not Jeffrey Coombs, and the surgeon is not Herbert West. The writer, Chris Lee Hill, along with the director, Tyler MacIntyre, should have created their own character here. Somebody more believable and less the village fool.

The story goes a step further than Reanimator in the respect that science can now recreate people as they wish... by using spare body parts. And, with the reanimation agent, there's no longer any time limit to how long a limb can last... or even if it comes from a cadaver.

So, shades of Frankenhooker here, though Frank Henenlotter doesn't receive a thank you. And, Patchwork does walk like and look like an up-to-date Frankenhooker.

It's here the story gets too clever for its own good. It would appear that the flesh holds the soul and the memories and the feelings of the owner, and not the brain. Because when the three ladies get stitched together, each of their psyches and personas remains. So now the host body has two more people to contend with. Oh, the joys of hearing these women grumble, whine, and moan about their lives. This belly-aching becomes nerve grating fast. And, for me, it lost all the humour it possessed. These segments needed to be wittier and funnier. Maybe the writers should have gone down to their local comedy club and asked an expert for help. Though looking at the trash the movie industry calls humour nowadays, all this film needed were more severed phallic members. There's one guy who enjoys his food. But, wait... What's that in his hot dog? It doesn't look like a sausage to me.

Don't get me wrong, there are some humorous moments throughout the film, but not many. The slapstick comedy segments suffer from timing and direction issues. Both of which needed reviewing and tightening.

I do have to give MacIntyre credit as there are a few scenes that work brilliantly. The first time we realise that Patchwork is three people and not one is a brilliant well thought out segue, and it's carried out in a blink of an eye. Patchwork enters her house and walks through the door into her kitchen and finds her two new personas waiting. This is a fluid transition that you may not even notice. But it is great in its simplicity and effect.

The special effects are haphazard. Sometimes the fake limbs are too floppy, and you wonder if the team had forgotten to slip the bone in, to give it stability. Then you have the great fx of the stitched face. When we first see Patchwork you can differentiate between her skin doners. Each lady has different skin tones and textures. The reveal in the mirror is shocking and beautiful. I loved this scene and effect. It's a pity that in the later scenes you know the actress is wearing a second-rate mask. The women's skin tones and textures vanish.

The acting is above average, though I would have prefered one of the other actresses to take the lead as Jennifer. Both possess better acting skills and on-screen presence. Especially, Tracey Fairaway, who plays Elle. Elle is the only character who has depth. And I believe most of her richness is due to Fairaway,

Even Corey Sorenson isn't too bad. It's a shame they took the character in the direction they did. I would have liked to have seen what he could have done with a better role.

Patchwork is more Dark Fantasy than a horror. And, I can't bring myself to call it a comedy, either...

So if you like Dark Fantasies about stitched up women with some humour thrown in, then this may be for you. I can say I'll not watch this again; I'll stick with the original Gordon films as they're all superior. The film did make me laugh... and that's always good. And, I'm glad I saw Patchworks crazy stitched face, which will stay with me for a while.

Now speed on over to my Obsidian Dreams to find out where Patchwork tripped and fell in my ratings.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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Great Twist on a Classic Story
gregsrants19 October 2015
A simple trip to a local bar for three women turns into a nightmarish scenario for three young women in the new Frankenstein-esque new film Patchwork.

Jennifer, Ellie and Madeleine couldn't be more different from each other. Jennifer is the straight laced business woman who wears pantsuits. Ellie is the blonde bombshell whose naivety often gets her in trouble. And Madeleine is a quiet freakish kind of girl. But on one night the three find themselves in the same drinking establishment and before morning they will be hacked, sewn and strung together to make a single character out of the best body parts each subject had to offer.

Upon awakening on the operating table the creature that has been Frankensteined attempts to gain control of their individual joints and body parts allowing them movement. The process is harder than can be expected as each personality of each girl controls parts of the new body. But escape it does and alone with the three voices in its head, the creature attempts to put the pieces together as to how, why and most importantly, who is responsible for their horrid creation.

Directed by Tyler MacIntyre based on a script by MacIntyre and Chris Lee Hill, Patchwork is a wonderfully deviant film that is rooted in Frankenstein mythology but tips its hat to cult classics such as Re-Animator and Darkman. Actresses Tory Stolper (Jennifer), Tracey Fairaway (Ellie) and Marie Blasucci (Madeleine) are perfectly cast with spellbinding chemistry resulting in many of the film's laugh out loud moments. Stolper particularly shines and is able to transform into the patchwork creature with B-movie exuberance twitching like Vincent D'Onofrio's Edgar in Men in Black as she learns how to work her new body.

The film is equally dark and humorous. The violence is almost cartoon-like but detailed enough to ensure an R-rating. And the humor is spot on as the three girls struggle to learn about each other and work together in the same consciousness. Think of Patchwork as the horror version of Pixar's Inside Out.

Cut into various chapters which take a non-linear approach to the story the film flips back and forward in time as they introduce the characters while progressing the narrative. It's a perfect device for a film whose main character is a cut and paste creation itself.

And we could not conclude any review without commenting on the stellar make-up effects in the film. The patched female creation looked as good as any make-up effect on an Oscar winning film and should be applauded to its attention to detail.

Patchwork in playing this week and the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and I can't imagine how it will not be a fan favorite at the conclusion of its screening. It was a smart, snarky funny film and should be screened by anyone who appreciates the genre.
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Better than expected.
plan9921 May 2023
I had low expectations for this film but the opening very clever titles gave me hope and I was not let down, I had expected to give up after about ten minutes. A combination of several films Frankenstein etc. But with a novel twist which made it worth watching. The split personalities scenes were very well done showing the co-operation and struggles between them. The blood and gore was toned down a bit for this type of film and considering the ages of the main characters, it's often the more the merrier to appeal to a younger audience. Very well worth watching as it's one of the best of its type.
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An adequate attempt...
paul_haakonsen8 June 2017
"Patchwork" immediately caught my attention with its interesting and alluring movie cover/poster. I continued on to read the synopsis, and the movie still seemed to sound interesting still.

The movie starts out quite good and does prove to be quite interesting and entertaining. Well at least up until around midway or so, then the movie starts to lose its momentum and becomes somewhat of a more confusing and messy act. And it didn't really recover its former momentum and gained pacing again. And I must admit that from about halfway and to the end then my interest in the movie was fast dwindling, but I stuck with it to the end.

The concept of "Patchwork" was quite interesting, and it was a nice approach on a classic Frankenstein-story. However, the movie just didn't really stand out as being memorable. This is the type of movie that you will watch once, then am unlikely to return to it and watch a second time around.

I will say that the special effects in "Patchwork" was quite good, and there was some interesting make-up on the three young women whom were stitched together into one woman.

Tory Stolper (playing Jennifer), Tracey Fairaway (playing Ellie) and Maria Blasucci (playing Madeleine) were doing good jobs individually and together with their given roles, and they carried the movie quite nicely.

"Patchwork" is listed as a horror comedy, but there is very little elements of horror to be found in the movie, so it is more of a comedy with a pinch of horror spice added to it.

I must admit that I had somewhat higher hopes and expectations for "Patchwork" than what director and writer Tyler MacIntyre managed to deliver. As such, my rating of "Patchwork" ends on a very mediocre 5 out of 10 stars.
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Dumb, campy fun
haleyriley971 February 2019
This movie knows exactly what it is and has fun with it! It isn't groundbreaking, however it obviously want trying to be.

There's a lot of cliches and stereotypical characters, but nothing too bad. Two of the main characters, Jennifer and Garrett, were poorly acted at times, but they're tolerable. The humor was cheesy at times, but enjoyable nonetheless (the owlcat's escape and "we lost both of the Brads" being a couple of my favorite parts.) I was pleasantly surprised with the twist. I wasn't expecting a competent story going in to this movie, so that was a little nice. And there were quite a few solid camera shots that were really nice.

Overall, the movie is dumb, campy fun and I enjoyed watching it! It definitely wasn't that best movie I've ever seen, but it's far from the worse! Give it a try!
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Surprisingly Good
agro_sydney21 October 2020
This is a surprisingly good low budget , horror comedy which borrows a lot from Re-animator. Tory Stopler is a good comedic actress and I wonder why she isn't in more stuff. A good script, cast and photography which is probably better than it's budget. Worth a look.
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Off Writing
vmdecosmo17 February 2019
You can tell the movie was written by men based on the way the female characters acted; it was super distracting and made the characters hard to believe. The acting of the main character was also confusing, sometimes the body has total control and other times she's animalistic and it is inconsistent.
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'Release the Owl-Cat!!!'
jamiedarlow-3751020 October 2020
Properly tongue-in-cheek and knows how to have fun 😁 Patchwork is written and directed by Tyler MacIntyre, along with writer Chris Lee Hill, and focuses on three women; Jennifer (Tory Stolper) Ellie (Tracey Fairaway) and Madeleine (Maria Blasucci). All three stop by at the same bar one night and get picked off one by one by a mad scientist who stitches them back together in a Frankenstein-esque form. After waking up, they first learn to get to know each other and work together to hunt down their killer and seek bloody revenge! It's a really cool concept and for the most part is done quite well. The horror-comedy has moments of perfection (the funniest sex scene I've seen in a long time and other scenes involving conversations about a chicken sandwich inbetween grisly acts are really good!) and it's acted pretty well with everyones passion leaping off the screen; in particular Stopler who has a lot of fun embodying the 'creature' that the ladies become. I also loved the performances from James Phelps as Garret, a young man working in medicine who meets our main character and straight away wants to help her, and Corey Sorenson as the surgeon who portrays the morbidly obsessed re-animator in hilariously fanboy fashion 😁 much like its Frankenstein theme, the film itself is a mishmash of ideas and does feel like it's going all over the place at times. Nevertheless, I found it pretty fun overall and whenever I think about it, the dark comedy brings a smile to my face
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Wish it had that extra "umph"
jwassdesign13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was rooting for the independent flick but found myself hating the acting of one of the main characters. The concept is great—three minds in one body. The visuals are strong and not too bad for an indie. There are some comical moments and some "whodunnit" story lines but overall I found myself becoming bored toward the end. I did like the acting when the patchwork chicks were trying to work together to get the body to function. If you like gore and blood and low budget comedy/horror with a side of cheese, this is just for you.
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A patchwork horror aright
aismolloy15 June 2020
A God awful movie. Just don't bother. After about 5 minutes, I couldn't wait for it to be over
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In the vein of Frankenhooker and Reanimator
Otkon11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you enjoy absurdist horror comedy with some surprises, this is not a bad little movie. It is well-acted by a very competent cast, especially the three leads. The effects and make-up are quite convincing. The director of photography actually knew how to light a scene to fit the story-telling.
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Millennials Rip Off of Frankenhooker
bizzywiththefizzy1 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If, like me, you adore 'Frankenhooker', this film will irritate the hell out of you.

I don't know if it was created with the okay of Frank Henenlotter - I doubt it.

It has the 'date night with a severed head' scene, the crunchy, clicky staggering of Frankenhooker, even a failed attempt to replicate Patty Mullen's iconic facial expressions and the 'mad doctor' looks like he could be the son of James Lorinz. There's even the 'love interest dies at the end and the girl monster brings him back as a boy monster' ending (granted, without the boobs).

It takes what is a classic, brilliant, funny film that's full of heart, and rams it in a blender with everything that sucks about the Millennial generation.

I'm not even going to start on the continuity issues (arm falls off during sex, but magically reappears back on the monster. Arm falls off after a fall, magically reattaches itself, inability to move at all to sprinting in a matter of minutes - the list goes on)

If you've seen 'Frankenhooker' and adore it, steer clear.

If you haven't seen it? Watch it instead. The source of the body parts is far funnier and more imaginative, for a start. There's also no tedious, obligatory 'makeover' scene.
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Unpleasant and derivative
Leofwine_draca21 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
PATCHWORK is another silly indie horror film which copies other, better movies. The story is about a trio of young women who are kidnapped by the usual mad scientist and subjected to the most horrific experiments. From the first scene, which openly copies RE-ANIMATOR, you know this is going to be a derivative effort and so it proves. The main source of inspiration here seems to be THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE alongside Frankenstein, of course, but it's all very dark and gloomy, obsessed with torture porn sequences and blighted by limited set design and overacting.
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Patchwork did not work for me - it really sucked!
Stevieboy66631 December 2019
Three young women find themselves sewn together and embark on a bloody quest of answers and revenge. Interesting concept, obviously inspired by movies such as Frankenhooker and Re-animator, but whereas those body horror movies were pretty awesome Patchwork sadly was a real chore to watch. Being the horror addict that I am I will watch as many genre movies as I can but I found very little satisfaction from this one. I found all three women to be unlikable, more annoying than funny. This is meant to be comical but all it got from me was groans. English actor James Phelps may have appeared in several Harry Potter movies but here his acting ability is far from magical, the corpses show more charisma than he does! There is some gore but it consists of cheap CGI and obvious rubber body parts. I realise that this movie is not targeted at middle aged males such as myself, but a crap movie is a crap movie and this was one of my worst views of 2019!
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Movie that doesn't try to be good, is bad.
youngcollind25 April 2021
It's a strange paradox. This is not a good film, but it isn't trying to be a good film, so you can't say it failed, but these low aspirations keep it from being an earnest campy classic. It does win some points for originality, at least not being a lesser version of something better. But the corny dialogue and ridiculous plot keep it from rising above it's own low ambitions.
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Body horror with a twist is an absolute hoot
SC-202 June 2017
When is a body horror not a body horror? Maybe when the female protagonist (technically three protagonists, stitched together by a guy with a circular saw and a staple gun) is reanimated and promptly dons a practical lab coat.

Despite this being a film about body image – or maybe because of that – the camera (held by a male director) does not linger on bodies, preferring to explore minds.

It's also a hoot (at one point literally), not nearly as gory as you might imagine, and very well crafted.

I'm away to load some "rampage" music onto my iPod...
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