"Castle" What Lies Beneath (TV Episode 2015) Poster

(TV Series)


Seamus Dever: Kevin Ryan



  • Kevin Ryan : So, what are you saying? We give up? Because that's not the Beckett that I know.

    Kate Beckett : No, I'm not saying that we should give up. What I am saying is I've been a captain for about five minutes. If we take this to the D.A., nobody's gonna take me seriously, *ever*.

    Kevin Ryan : Okay. We'll get proof.

    Javier Esposito : Money's gone. Even if there is a secret slush fund, the person controlling it killed Dave to cover it up, buried the money deep, covered his tracks.

    Kevin Ryan : So, what are we supposed to do?

    Kate Beckett : We do our homework. We find out who could pull off a slush fund in the City Budget. Which means we have to talk to someone with contacts and resources in City Hall.

    Kevin Ryan : Someone who's best friends with the mayor? Someone like... Castle?

    Kate Beckett : He's gonna be so smug about this.

    [cut to Castle's office, where he is video conferencing with Beckett] 

    Richard Castle : I'm sorry. Did you say you... needed my help?

    Kate Beckett : Castle.

    Richard Castle : [to Alexis]  You heard her say it, right?

  • Lanie Parish : Allow me the pleasure of introducing you to Dave Johnson, 52, single GSW to the sternum. Killer popped him while he was praying.

    [Ryan and Esposito cross themselves simultaneously] 

    Lanie Parish : What? Did you guys rehearse that?

    Javier Esposito : Former altar boys.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, probably an involuntary reflex or something.

    Lanie Parish : Wound suggests he was shot between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. last night.

    Kevin Ryan : Kind of late for a church to be open to the public, isn't it?

    Lanie Parish : It wasn't. The sisters of the parish said the place was locked at 6:00, but discovered this morning that the front door had been jimmied.

    Kevin Ryan : So what, Dave and the killer broke in together?

    Lanie Parish : Doubt it. Evidence shows that the killer snuck in and shot Dave from behind what was a decorative stained-glass window for prayer.

    [Ryan and Esposito cross themselves again] 

    Lanie Parish : Really?

  • Kevin Ryan : Man, I thought the second kid would be cheaper, but Jenny, she wants all new stuff. You should see the baby stroller that she picked out. Seriously, I might have to get a second full-time job.

    Javier Esposito : Or, you can make more money from your first job.

    Kevin Ryan : What? Like overtime?

    Javier Esposito : No. Promotion. Sergeant's exam is in a week. Let's take it.

    Kevin Ryan : A week?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    Kevin Ryan : When are we gonna have time to study?

    Javier Esposito : How hard can it be? Sergeant Wilkie passed, and he's, like, a chromosome away from a Neanderthal.

  • Kate Beckett : So, I just got off the phone with P.J. Moffet's publisher. Our author is still very much alive. Dave Johnson was lying about who he was.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, we figured. So, Dave tells Milton that he's Jimmy "Two Guns" O'Malley, and then Milton rats him out to the Irish mob.

    Javier Esposito : Maybe our vic was a con man.

    Kate Beckett : And conning the wrong guy got him killed.

  • [Ryan and Esposito arrive to arrest a suspect only to find Castle has already questioned him] 

    Richard Castle : Guys, Billy's not your killer.

    Kevin Ryan : Oh. You know this how?

    Richard Castle : Because Billy told me.

    Javier Esposito : Ohhh... Yeah. Oh, and did he also cross his heart and hope to die?

  • Kevin Ryan : [following a suspect]  What is this, an AA meeting?

    Richard Castle : [looking at a pamphlet]  PLA.

    Javier Esposito : What the hell is PLA?

    Richard Castle : Pathological Liars Anonymous. Makes perfect sense. Dave wasn't a con man. He was a pathological liar.

  • Kevin Ryan : So, what do you think?

    Javier Esposito : It tracks with what our victim told his sponsor.

    Kevin Ryan : And with Dave's questions about union kickbacks.

    Kate Beckett : It doesn't matter. It's not actionable. There's no way we're gonna get a subpoena for City Hall based on hearsay told to a not-blind priest from a pathological liar.

  • Richard Castle : The only people with access to the entire budget are the comptroller, the mayor's chief of staff, and the deputy chief.

    Kevin Ryan : Stephen Reed, the guy we met with.

    Richard Castle : I know for a fact that the chief of staff is in London with the mayor.

    Javier Esposito : And I made a few discreet calls. The city comptroller was at a fundraiser when Dave was shot.

    Kate Beckett : Which means Reed is our main suspect.

    Kevin Ryan : Okay, so how do we get this guy?

    Richard Castle : May I suggest the "Midnight Run" stratagem?

    Alexis Castle : The what?

    Richard Castle : "Midnight Run". It's one of the top five buddy movies of all time.

    Kevin Ryan : And you're suggesting we base our legal strategy upon this buddy cop movie?

    Kate Beckett : No, he's right. It could work. At the end of the movie, Robert De Niro tricks a mobster into taking computer discs he thinks contain evidence against him. And just by showing up to take them, the mobster is committing conspiracy to obstruct justice.

    Richard Castle : If we can trick Reed the same way, then we've got all the leverage we need to expose the slush fund and go after him for Dave's murder. But Kate... you can't be involved.

    Kate Beckett : Why not?

    Kevin Ryan : Because if Reed isn't involved, then all this blows up in our face, and you take the hit.

  • Eric Logan : This is ridiculous. I didn't kill Dave. He was my friend.

    Kevin Ryan : You sure about that? Because the day he was killed, a witness saw you threatening him.

    Eric Logan : I was his sponsor. He was in trouble. I was *pushing* him to attend a Pathological Liars Anonymous meeting.

    Javier Esposito : Yeah, that's the ticket. That's it. Remember?

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah.

    Eric Logan : How dare you, sir? Compulsive and pathological lying is a mental disorder caused by psychological trauma. This is not something to joke around about.

  • Kevin Ryan : [his phone chirps]  Text from Castle.

    Javier Esposito : Yeah, me, too.

    Kevin Ryan , Javier Esposito : [reading]  "My place. Important."

    Kevin Ryan : Maybe he found something.

    [they glance at Beckett who is across the room] 

    Javier Esposito : What do we do?

    Kevin Ryan : We go over to his place, we find out what's what. Whatever we do, we don't...

    [he subtly gestures to Beckett] 

    Javier Esposito : Oh. Hell, no. But what if she finds out?

    Kevin Ryan : We lie our asses off.

  • Richard Castle : I couldn't help but overhear about your financial concerns. Maybe you and I could work together.

    Kevin Ryan : How?

    Richard Castle : Well... do a little, uh, moonlighting for me. Just keep me in the loop as to what's going on at the 12th.

    Kevin Ryan : You want me to be a rat for you? Hell no.

    Richard Castle : I would pay you five hundred a week.

    Kevin Ryan : I'll do it.

  • Kate Beckett : So, what do we know?

    Kevin Ryan : Dave Johnson. He was a pathological liar who stumbled upon the secret slush funds and then decided to expose it.

    Javier Esposito : And everyone connected to that alibied out.

    Kate Beckett : So we've got nothing?

    Richard Castle : No. We can safely assume that Dave was killed over a lie.

    Kate Beckett : [sighs]  Which lie, then?

    Richard Castle : Well, if I was writing this, I would fall back on the theme. A lie... is a betrayal of trust. And there is no greater betrayal... than a lie in a marriage.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, that might be. But Wendy thought that Dave was P.J. Moffet.

    Richard Castle : What if she found out he wasn't?

  • Kevin Ryan : Listen.


    Kevin Ryan : I'm gonna call 1PP, and I'm gonna ask 'em to give you that last Sergeant's exam slot instead of me.

    Javier Esposito : I don't need your charity.

    Kevin Ryan : It's not charity.

    [Espo scoffs] 

    Kevin Ryan : Hey! Hey, I did wrong by you... I'm trying to make amends here.

    Kate Beckett : [approaching]  Hey... bozos. Did it ever occur to you that your captain could pull some strings and get you both a slot?

    Kevin Ryan : Did you?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah. And I expect you to pass.

  • Richard Castle : Admit it, he's not so bad of a guy.

    Kevin Ryan : Ugh. Castle, just because his alibi held and he paid for lunch doesn't make him a great humanitarian. He kills people for a living.

    Richard Castle : Yes, but without people like him, people like us would be out of a job.

See also

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