"Castle" Dead Again (TV Episode 2016) Poster

(TV Series)


Jonathan Silverman: Alan Masters



  • Lanie Parish : Sorry, Castle, but this time, he really is dead.

    Richard Castle : What a waste.

    Lanie Parish : To be given a second chance and have it taken away like this.

    Richard Castle : He was just gonna go back to work like nothing happened.

    Lanie Parish : *What*?

    Richard Castle : If I hadn't been so focused on his rebirth, I might have noticed that wire. I... I could have saved him.

    Lanie Parish : Oh, you can't beat yourself up, Castle. I was starting to think he was some kind of medical miracle. Turns out he was just lucky. And in the end, his luck ran out.

    [Alan suddenly starts coughing and jerks awake; Castle and Lanie stare at him, dumbfounded] 

    Richard Castle : Forget lucky.

    Alan Masters : Somebody cooking barbecue?

    Richard Castle : [excited whisper to Lanie]  He's immortal!

  • Javier Esposito : Yo, we got a lead.

    Richard Castle : We need to come up with a superhero name for Alan.

    Alan Masters : No, no, we really don't.

    Javier Esposito : How about...

    [in a dramatic tone] 

    Javier Esposito : ... Safety Man?

    Richard Castle : No, that's terrible.

  • Richard Castle : Whoa! A chemical spill? Mystery solved! Exposure to dangerous materials is the most common superhero origin story there is.

    Alan Masters : Oh, sorry, the spill was LAH. It's an inorganic compound used as a catalyst to make other chemicals, which... The point is, it can be explosive, but there's nothing about it that would ever turn anyone into a, I don't know... Captain Cool?

    Richard Castle : [winces]  No, but keep trying.

  • Javier Esposito : Hey, who's on the hook for that spill?

    Alan Masters : The lab manager, Frank Patchett. He begged me not to fine him. He said the lab was hemorrhaging money.

    Javier Esposito : That sounds like motive. Come on, Castle, let's go talk to this guy.

    Alan Masters : Wh- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Maybe I should come with you.

    Richard Castle : Why?

    Alan Masters : No reason.

    Richard Castle : [to Esposito]  The girl.

    [to Alan] 

    Richard Castle : The one who doesn't know you exist, she works there, doesn't she?

    Alan Masters : No...

    [sees Castle's look] 

    Alan Masters : Yes. Her name is Gwen, she's in marketing.

    Javier Esposito : Sorry, Alan, you got to stay here. If there's somebody at Zantium Labs trying to kill you, I'd be the worst cop on the force if I took you there.

  • Alan Masters : The mob is trying to kill me?

    Richard Castle : Trying and failing. But do you know why?

    Alan Masters : Because I'm- I'm, what, Rogaine Man?

    Richard Castle : [wincing]  Yuck, worst name yet.

  • Alan Masters : Why do you have a gun?

    Gwen Parker : I'm gonna kill Mike.

    Alan Masters : No. No, no, no. The cops will arrest him.

    Gwen Parker : That's what I'm afraid of. Mike is the only person here who knows that I'm running this drug operation.

    Alan Masters : What? Wait, you're the one who poisoned me?

    Gwen Parker : And electrocuted you, yeah. I was trying to be discreet. I mean, my boyfriend Horatio said I should just shoot you in the head, but...

    Alan Masters : Hold on! Stop everything! Wha...? Horatio is your boyfriend? So, I... I guess a second date is out of the question?

    Gwen Parker : Aww, Alan. You seriously thought a guy like you had a shot with me?

    Alan Masters : Ow. I thought dying twice was painful.

    Gwen Parker : [aiming the gun at him]  Well, maybe it won't be so bad the third time.

  • Richard Castle : [finding Alan with a gunshot wound in the middle of his forehead]  This is my fault. I forced the superhero mantle onto him. I filled his head with crazy ideas of being invulnerable, and then, like some superhero Icarus, he flew too close to the sun. Alan, I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I let you down!

    [someone hands him a handkerchief] 

    Richard Castle : Thank you.

    Alan Masters : Don't mention it.

    Richard Castle : Alan! You're alive?

    Alan Masters : Shh. Not so loud. I've got a splitting headache.

    Kevin Ryan : I'll, uh, call an ambulance?

    Alan Masters : Relax. I'm fine. I just need a couple of Advil.

    [seeing Castle's face] 

    Alan Masters : What? What is it, Castle?

    Richard Castle : [gesturing to his forehead]  You...

    Alan Masters : Did I get shot in the head?

    Richard Castle : Right in the middle! I mean, how did you even... wait, that means you've seen your killer. Who... who was it?

    Alan Masters : You're never gonna guess.

    Javier Esposito : [approaching with Gwen in handcuffs]  Yo. I took her down just before she put a bullet in Mike the chemist.

    Gwen Parker : [seeing Alan is still alive]  Why the hell won't you die?

    Richard Castle : [to Alan, as Espo leads Gwen away]  I never thought she was right for you.

  • Javier Esposito : Looks like our killer jimmied that window open. Neighbor thought she heard somebody on the fire escape last night around 8:00.

    Richard Castle : How was he poisoned?

    Lanie Parish : In his water. The filter underneath the kitchen sink was tampered with.

    Javier Esposito : Ironically, he works for the city as a safety inspector.

    Richard Castle : Mmm. You know, if I were an expert on character, which I am, I would say that Alan was a bit of a dreamer. Spending his days on the ground, inspecting things, but his nights in the clouds, fantasizing of adventure. Tragically, his life was cut short before he ever truly lived.

    Alan Masters : Hey, what's going on?

    [they all turn and see Alan is alive; in shock, Lanie drops her clipboard] 

    Richard Castle : Or not.

    Alan Masters : What are you all doing in my apartment?

    Javier Esposito : Um, Lanie?

    Lanie Parish : Don't "Um, Lanie" me. That man was dead.

  • Richard Castle : You are a modern-day Lazarus. Risen from the grave to answer the eternal question, what's on the other side?

    Alan Masters : I'm sorry, who are you again?

    Kate Beckett : Uh, you'll have to forgive him, Mr. Masters. He's very excitable.

    Richard Castle : Well, excuse me if I find pulling back the curtain on what happens when we die just a *tad exciting*.

    [to Alan] 

    Richard Castle : Was there a white light? Or is it more of a- a tunnel thing?

    Alan Masters : The last thing I remember, I was taking my pills, trying to get my cable fixed. And then I woke up to an apartment full of police.

    Richard Castle : So, no out-of-body experience?

  • Kate Beckett : Do you have any enemies?

    Alan Masters : Me? No. I'm an average guy. I go to work, I come home.

    Richard Castle : But you dream of so much more, don't you?

    Alan Masters : How do you know that? Did you read my diary?

    Richard Castle : No, I saw your pictures on your... Wait, you keep a diary? As a grown man, call it a journal.

  • Kate Beckett : What about work? Have you upset anyone there recently?

    Alan Masters : Yeah, there is this guy that works for me. Well, used to work for me. Dave Barton, I had to fire him because he was letting serious infractions slide with just a warning.

    Kate Beckett : Was it for money?

    Alan Masters : That was the rumor. And he did seem a little miffed when I let him go. I'll play you the message he left for me.

    Frank Barton : [voicemail message]  You slimy little maggot, I'm gonna stab you with a rusty spoon and strangle you with your own intestines. Or better yet, I'm gonna force-feed you your toes, one by one, and then I'm gonna light you on fire. No, first I'm gonna paralyze you with a claw hammer, and then cover you with ants, you son of a bitch!

    Alan Masters : [turning the voicemail off]  And it goes on and on like that for a while.

  • Kevin Ryan : Any idea how our boy, Alan, is still with us?

    Kate Beckett : Uh, no, but Castle has a theory.

    [cut to Alan's hospital room] 

    Richard Castle : You... are a superhero.

    Alan Masters : No, I'm really not. I'm just an ordinary guy.

    Richard Castle : You *were* an ordinary guy, Alan. That's how most superheroes start out, mild-mannered weaklings, and that's you!

    Alan Masters : Wow. Thanks.

    Richard Castle : Relax. It's all to maximize your transformative arc.

    Alan Masters : If I agree with you, will you leave me alone?

  • Richard Castle : Your cells regenerate at an amazing rate.

    Lanie Parish : [entering]  Except they don't.

    Richard Castle : What?

    Lanie Parish : Just got the test back. No sign of abnormal regenerative activity in blood or tissue cells. In fact, no sign of anything abnormal at all.

    Alan Masters : Told you. I'm Boring Man, except for the contract out on my life.

    Richard Castle : [to Lanie]  Just to be sure, maybe we should cut off one of his fingers, see if it grows back.

    Alan Masters : What?

    Richard Castle : Just the tip.

  • Alan Masters : There is no way I'm going back to your place to eat pizza and explore my superpowers.

    Richard Castle : I'll tell you what Gwen said about you.

    Alan Masters : Okay.

  • Richard Castle : We know you can survive poisoning and electrocution. Now it's time to see if you can survive penetrative wounds.

    Alan Masters : How about if we start with something smaller? Like a paper cut?

    Richard Castle : Okay, this is all a little overwhelming. I understand. All right, let's... let's test for some other powers first. Telekinesis. Try to move the piano with your mind.

    Alan Masters : Oh. If I try this, will you tell me about Gwen?

    Richard Castle : Deal.

    [as Alan turns around, Castle hits him in the back of the head with an apple] 

    Alan Masters : Ow! What the hell?

    Richard Castle : That was a trick. I was actually... testing for Spidey-Sense.

    Alan Masters : I don't have it!

    Richard Castle : Clearly.

  • Richard Castle : Do you wanna know what Gwen said?

    Alan Masters : Yes. Finally.

    Richard Castle : All right. I'll tell you.

    [he stares at Alan for a bit] 

    Alan Masters : Well?

    Richard Castle : I'm telling you with my mind... You're not getting it?

  • [about to meet Gwen for dinner] 

    Alan Masters : This is a huge mistake. I'm a safety inspector. Th- That's not even a little sexy. This is so much scarier than dying.

    Richard Castle : You are Alan Masters, superhero. Chicks dig superheroes.

    Alan Masters : Should I tell her I'm a superhero?

    Richard Castle : I wouldn't open with that.

  • Horatio Spate : Hello, Alan.

    Alan Masters : Do I know you?

    Horatio Spate : Sorry to interrupt your romantic dinner.

    Richard Castle : [approaching and sitting down]  Careful, Alan. He's your archnemesis.

    Alan Masters : Seriously? I have an archnemesis? Is- is that how they dress?

    Gwen Parker : Alan, you're cute and I like you, but this is all a bit much. You say that you're a superhero, and- and he's a supervillain.

    [to Castle] 

    Gwen Parker : So does that make you his sidekick?

    Richard Castle : Sidekick? Please, I'm the mentor.

    Gwen Parker : And I'm his date, or... at least I was. I'm sorry, this is just weird.


    Alan Masters : [to Castle]  And she thinks I'm crazy. Thank you *so* much. This is all your fault.

  • Richard Castle : Since when does heroin look like that?

    Lanie Parish : Since it's synthetic heroin. An opioid manufactured to replicate a heroin high. In fact, this stuff actually improves on it. Because, according to the analysis I ran, it's laced with TTX.

    Alan Masters : The same poison that almost killed me? What, heroin isn't dangerous enough?

    Lanie Parish : Because that poison works by blocking synapses. In small doses, it's a powerful analgesic. Specifically used for the pain of heroin withdrawal.

    Kate Beckett : So it makes the drug more addictive by reducing the painful side effects. So more addictive heroin that doesn't have to be smuggled into the country because...

    Richard Castle : Because it can be made right here in the good old US of A.

    Kate Beckett : That explains why the Triads and Horatio are willing to put their differences aside, because...

    Richard Castle , Kate Beckett : Synthetic heroin could be worth billions.

  • Alan Masters : You know, this shade of yellow looks very familiar. What is it that gives it this color?

    Lanie Parish : An inorganic catalyst commonly referred to as LAH.

    Alan Masters : Lithium aluminum hydride! That is the same chemical that spilled when I was inspecting Zantium Labs!

    Lanie Parish : This is why they wanted you dead.

    Alan Masters : When the synthetic heroin hits the streets, it'll come out that it was made with LAH.

    Lanie Parish : And since you knew the lab had purchased large amounts of LAH...

    Alan Masters : They couldn't take the risk that I might see something on the news, put the pieces together, and report it to the authorities.

    Lanie Parish : Which means...

    Alan Masters : [simultaneously with Lanie]  Someone at Zantium Labs is trying to kill me!

    Lanie Parish : [simultaneously with Alan]  Someone at Zantium Labs is trying to kill you!

    Kate Beckett : [quietly, to Castle]  Oh, my God. Is that what we sound like

    Richard Castle : Surely hope not. I mean, it was cute. But just, overly cute.

  • Dr. Rebecca Ellins : As you can see, the slug pierced but didn't penetrate the vertical plate of Alan's skull.

    Lanie Parish : Really?

    Dr. Rebecca Ellins : Mmm-hmm.

    Lanie Parish : I realize it was only a .22 caliber revolver, but it was fired at point-blank range.

    Alan Masters : Hey, you sound a little upset that I'm still alive.

  • Richard Castle : So you have died and been reborn. What are you gonna do now?

    Alan Masters : Going to bed. I have a full day of inspections tomorrow. I need to be focused.

    Richard Castle : You can't just go back to work like nothing happened. You had a near-death experience. That's a wake-up call. Get out there, live this life you've always dreamed about.

    Alan Masters : Just because I have a few pictures on my wall doesn't mean I'm not happy with my life.

    Richard Castle : Right. Your drab, solitary life.

    Alan Masters : It's not solitary.

    Richard Castle : So there's a Ms. Safety Inspector?

    Alan Masters : Not exactly, but there is a woman I have my eye on. She's funny and smart...

    Richard Castle : Doesn't know you exist?

    Alan Masters : No.

  • [Alan has asked his crush out on a date] 

    Richard Castle : Well, done, Alan! Now all we have to do is plan the perfect date. How much time do we have?

    Alan Masters : Well, we're meeting at Botticelli's in thirty minutes.

    Richard Castle : Tonight?

    Alan Masters : You said yourself. It's time to start living.

    Richard Castle : Yes, I just thought it would be after we apprehended your would-be murderer.

    Alan Masters : I know. I will just embrace my powers. Maybe this *is* my origin story. And my dinner with Gwen will be the beginning of something really terrific!

    Richard Castle : That's the spirit, Alan. And I'm going with you.

    Alan Masters : Oh, please don't.

    Richard Castle : The first two attempts on your life were meant to be anonymous. Quiet. It's very unlikely they'd try something in a public place...

    Alan Masters : Exactly.

    Richard Castle : Though they did fail twice, they may try to kick it up a notch.

    Alan Masters : What are you saying?

    Richard Castle : Don't order an appetizer.

  • Richard Castle : How you feeling?

    Alan Masters : You know, I'm grateful. Especially for the new friend I made.

    [to Lanie] 

    Alan Masters : I- I sure hope we could stay in touch.

    Richard Castle : Are you kidding? You and me, this is the start of a beautiful...

    Kate Beckett : [patting his arm]  I don't think he's talking to you.

  • [first lines] 

    Customer Service Woman : [on phone]  Customer Service, may I help you?

    Alan Masters : Yes, I'm here. Alan Masters. It's account number 34697721. You guys recently added the Adventure Channel and I paid to get it, but my screen is all wavy, so...

    Customer Service Woman : Wrong department, sir.

    Alan Masters : No, what do you mean wrong department? I- I pressed 3.

    Customer Service Woman : Please hold.

    Alan Masters : Don't you put me on hold! I've been on hold for 45 min...

    [hold music starts playing on the phone] 

See also

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