The River Thief (2016) Poster

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A boy. A river. An adamant girl and her Christian granddad. That's it!
peterp-450-29871626 February 2017
"Some places change things some days, some people... they can put a mark on you that won't ever wash off."

"The river thief" managed to leave me speechless. And this merely by the denouement. The run-up was anything but interesting. It shows the life of Diz (Joel Courtney) as he leads it now. A carefree existence in which he steals anything he deems necessary, without feeling bad about it. He has no sense of values. Diz is a street boy whose mother abandoned him and left him behind in an alley . And now he's looking for his natural father as he follows the banks of the Snake River. How long he has been doing this, isn't really made clear. And the motive to seek his father is also hazy. His vagabond existence is halted when he meets Selah (Raleigh Cain). She's a waitress in a kind of burger joint where she gets to know the habits of Diz. Namely not paying for the consumed burgers. Selah's grandfather Marty (Tommy Cash. Yep, brother of the famous Johnny Cash) tries to teach the boy some life lessons and instead of giving him a scolding, he invites Diz for a steak night.

Clearly grandfather Marty is a true religious person. Before you know it, all sorts of religious philosophies are exposed. About gifts and that you shouldn't take life for granted. And also about those priceless things in life such as your heartbeat and your senses. When Diz succeeds in stealing a considerable amount of drug money in a very simplistic way, this is the beginning of a naive attempt to grow a friendship between him and Selah. One thing struck me. How the egocentric Diz undergoes a metamorphosis in such a short time. From one moment to the next he changes from being an indifferent person into someone who appreciates values ​​such as forgiveness and repentance. Probably for the first time in his life he's facing a sense of guilt. He tries to apologize by flooding Selah with expensive gifts, which in turn creates a twofold problem. On the one hand, Selah doesn't want this and she makes this absolutely clear. Secondly, the criminals could easily trace Diz because of this outrageous behavior. As a result Marty and Selah are also placed in a vulnerable position.

Despite the limited budget, "The river thief" is blessed (sorry) with some brilliant impressions of the winding Snake River and other static nature scenes. In short, when looking at the technical side, it all looks professional enough. In terms of acting, it wasn't too bad. Joel Courtney acts natural and convinces as the casual and spry Diz. Raleigh Cain is as passionate in her acting as Selah is in person, but sometimes it felt rather drab. And Tommy Cash is the oracle of the film. Nothing more nothing less. These are certainly not top performances, but they are at least better than those of the two gangsters Saul (Paul Johansson) and Clyde (Bas Rutten). And I don't blame the actors themselves, but rather the script. It portrays these two figures in a fairly implausible and dumb way.

Unfortunately, the content of this film is similar to the way in which the Snake River runs. Slowly it proceeds without any significant, exciting or tense moment. I read some articles where they labeled this as a "Christian movie". Well for me it didn't feel like a Christian movie at all. Besides, each film can be interpreted in such a way that people say there's some kind of religious message hiding in it. Marty being a moralist, who tries to learn Diz certain life values, doesn't make this a Christian movie suddenly. But I can tell you without hesitation, the surprising denouement totally blew me away. Not because of its violent nature, but mainly because I didn't see this one coming. So, although there are a few bombastic topics about gratitude, forgiveness and self-sacrifice, it all felt rather contrived and banal to me. And even if there would be a deeper meaning hiding somewhere in this film, I guess it completely eluded me. Most likely there'll be some philosophizing about this movie in theological circles. Unfortunately my intelligence falls short when talking about spirituality. Thank God.

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Aesthetically appealing but falls short in areas of plot and characters
ericalynnkessler10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains spoilers) I was excited to have the opportunity to see N.D. Wilson's film, The River Thief, as I am an ardent reader of his books. Upon viewing the movie, I had mixed feelings regarding its success. While the actual cinematography was well-done, the scenery beautiful, and the utilization of color admirable, I admit the plot and dialogue fell a little flat for me. Several times I found myself confused as to what exactly was happening and why it was happening. Perhaps the foremost flaw was that of Marty's and Diz's deaths. I understand the common need to make characters die in movies, so as to add emotion and perhaps bring across a message, but in the case of The River Thief, the characters' deaths did not accomplish these things for me. It's very possible that other viewers of the film were wrenched by the passing of Marty and Diz, but I was not attached enough to either character for me to feel much. As for their deaths making a point or advancing the plot, I think that was almost an outcome of Marty's death and with a few changes could have resulted from his death, but in the case of Diz, the death seemed rather fruitless. One other bigger issue of the movie was the reality of Diz's attraction towards Selah. Though this was a major plot point, I simply didn't see the reasons behind his infatuation. On a positive note, though, the way he shyly and awkwardly flirted was very cute and also realistic (at least realistic for a guy with excess funds). I will end with two more positive points. First, Wilson did well using music to convey moods. I felt most strongly the intended emotions when music played. Second, I was greatly amused and excited by the presence of the Boxing Monkey patch on Diz's backpack-- nice nod to Ashtown Burials. Overall, future N.D Wilson movies could use some improvement as far as plot and characters go, but are in good shape aesthetically.
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Charming but forgettable
FriendGod18 September 2019
It was not bad when viewed as a Sunday matinee with my YA nephew and niece. Bas Rutten was a great villain as always and overall it was pretty competent acting on display. I liked the soundtrack as well. Its worth a view if it just happens to show up on your tv screen as long as you don't go into expecting anything else other than a decent Hallmark family feature.
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A film's beauty self-destructs
davetree14 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Was so good/funny until 2/3rds of the way through. Thefts become goods; physical beauty becomes beauty of the mind. Then all of a sudden-- totally out of the previous script-- these preposterous religious ideas jumped in--like all of a sudden Liberty Univ from Virginia (could Orwell have come up with a better name?) started writing the script & footage. Stupid--ignorance flooded the screen-- totally at odds with the first 3/4's of the film. What an insult to all the good actors. It was like some psycho wanted to rope you in, and then preach some bible- school idiocy for the last 20 min of the film. A total and unfortunate waste of talent--and the viewers' time.
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jacobthemcbride28 February 2017
I sorta hate most movies now days. But Jesus Christ, The River Thief sucks. Why doesn't anyone even try to make good movies anymore? I watched the Oscars last night and kinda just wanted to beat up all those talent-less dickholes. Hero-worship stupidity at its best. Anyways, this movie sucked for a lot of reasons, but mostly I hate everything about the film industry.
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Not perfect, but one of the best in the genre of Christian films
iToldMeSo18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has some flaws, but is still one of, if not *the* best "Christian" movie I've seen.

One of the weakest points in any Christian movie is the acting. So here is my analysis of the acting: The acting of the female lead, Raleigh Cain, was perfect. She came off as a professional actor (I don't know whether she is or is not, I'm not a movie aficionado who knows that sort of thing). Her acting really helped give the movie the level of quality it has. The male lead, Joel Courtney, was good but had a few awkward lines. Bas Rutten has one line in the beginning that falls flat (probably director's fault), but the rest of his performance is great. Paul Johansen didn't stand out to me too much, which is fine. His performance definitely didn't detract from the film. Tommy Cash had several scenes that played awkwardly for me, though I thought his character had the potential to have the strongest impact. That's not to say that Cash failed to make a moving character. In the end, when Cash's character comes into the spotlight I thought he did an adequate job.

Cinematography: Great. Sometimes Christian movies have low budget cameras or poor lighting that give the scenes an artificial feel (compared to the atmosphere we expect from Hollywood movies). This movie had none of those negative qualities, in my opinion. The cinematography is one of the stronger points of the film.

Plot development: The beginning montage of "thievery" played a bit awkward for me. I understand that it's character-setting (or whatever movie lingo one might use), but it was either too much (one or two big scenes could have sufficed instead of 4 or 5?) or else rushed through too quick. I'm not sure what exactly felt off about it. The rest of the movie seemed on pace to me.

Plot/development gaffes: Movies or TV shows sometimes have characters do really dumb things that pull the audience out of the movie. For instance, in the Netflix show 'Stranger Things' there is a scene where Natalia Dyer's character crawls through a slimy tree hole in the middle of the night. This action makes absolutely no sense and is one of the dumbest scenes in the series. The point of the scene is obviously to get Dyer's character into "the upside-down" but it's absurd that the director(s) couldn't have thought of a better way of achieving that. The River Thief might have one or two scenes like this as well. The most egregious, in my mind, is when Joel Courtney's character steals the van. The setting doesn't make much sense (why not pick an area with more cover to make his willingness to approach more believable?) nor do the actions (how did he find out about the money?).

Story: Great story, minus the father/son element. The father/son element seemed underdeveloped and, thus, unnecessary. The ending, which touches on this element, might also go down as a plot/development gaffe. The ending, sans father/son, is very unique and N.D. Wilson pulled it off beautifully. I can't say much more than that it is bitter-sweet without spoilers, but I do want to comment on it more so I will leave those comments at the end of my review with a fair warning.

Final thoughts: N.D. Wilson is an *amazing* writer. His books are some of my favorite (my nephew loves them too). I have all of his fiction and non-fiction. There is no question that Wilson knows how to write. But he still has some growing to do when it comes to translating that talent into writing movie scripts and directing. Nevertheless, he is off to a very promising start. With his first full-length movie he has already produced a superior product in the Christian film genre. I hope he continues to develop his skill and make movies. I would *love* to see some Ashtown Burials or 100 Cupboards movies and I know a lot of his fans would too.

P.S. Joel Courtney and Raleigh Cain would have been perfect as Cyrus and Antigone (or even Henry and Henrietta) but are, sadly, probably too old at this point.

****Spoilers**** This is probably the only movie I've scene that kills off two protagonists while *also* leaving you with a happy ending. Such a thing, in theory, should be very hard to pull off. Consider, for instance, the movie Of Mice and Men. One of the main protagonists is killed and it leaves the viewer on a sad note. Many of my friends and family won't re-watch this movie, even if they think it's good, because they don't like the bitter ending. Another case in point would be the Mass Effect trilogy. Most gamers were outraged by the ending because the main protagonist dies. And yet N.D. Wilson manages to do this in a fantastic way. However, the credit here is really due to the Christian story that Wilson incorporates: "Oh death, where is your sting?" I really liked the ending.

**** End Spoilers ****
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dbh85030 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well... I don't like faith-based films, not because of religion, but because they are always so awful. Not sure why.

From the get-go, the characters are painted like cartoon characters. The bad boy is terrible - far beyond reason. His behaviors, the things he says, and the things he does are nonsensical and not something the worst troubled kid would do. They exaggerate his negative attitude and his rude comments and behaviors don't serve a purpose for the character.

The grandfather's poorly dyed hair was very distracting. He is a handsome older fellow... without the horrid dye-job. His character was too sanctimonious.

The girl was OK.

The bad guys were ridiculous. Like cartoon characters.

The writing was absolutely ghastly - some of the worst writing I've seen in film. Possibly, those actors have skills that were invisible given the terrible material they were given.

The direction was absolutely terrible - but he was limited by the awful writing. However, given that the director wrote the thing, I give him a big "F" on the entire project. None of the characters were believable except the grandmother, who was only a gravestone, and the granddaughter, who was a fair rendition of a "good girl" at her age.

Some of the religious themes came of a bit ridiculous for me - but I prefer logic.

Overall, I would like my time back. I was in bed with a bad cold. Should have chosen something better for that time while I was curled up in bed with the cat.

For me, this film is a big thumbs down. If I were a fundamentalist Christian, I probably would love it because it's a Christian film. But as a liberal Christian, I judge it on its actual cinematic merits - it's a big fail.
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Interesting Feature Debut
tcmce20 December 2016
I found this film because I have enjoyed Wilson's novels. Each of his novels features a full, rich, earthy depiction of some town or place in the United States. When I read these books I feel these places and when watching this film, I could feel the town, the river, and the regular people who lived there.

The actors were fine, but a couple of performances were weak. Probably, the acting was the weakest component of the film.

The cinematography was a high point. I think this is where that earthy, tangible feeling for the river town mostly came from.

The music was refreshing and accomplished its purpose. I always enjoy a movie that departs from the standard orchestral score.

I thought the writing was mostly good and the dialog felt natural to me. The story is a good one and heads to places and touches themes that you aren't expecting and in a way that is touching and quite real to me. Some viewers and reviewers may see one character or another as unrealistic, but sometimes that's because you've never met someone like that. To me, the characters are for real. Most of them could easily be someone I know.

I enjoyed this feature debut from writer/producer N. D. Wilson and I find myself looking forward to what he has coming next.
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"Now bend your damned neck."
bpinkall15 October 2016
"The River Thief" is unlike any Christian film I have seen. Most Christian films are dishonest, portraying evil in a convenient caricature and clothing good in an unsoiled garment with Bible verses cross-stitched all over. One usually leaves such movies feeling as though he has just witnessed a conflict between angels and demons. But the "The River Thief" is about a conflict between humans.

Diz (Joel Courtney) is an eminently relatable character, hard on the outside but soft on the inside, self-centered but honest. Selah (Raleigh Cain) is proof that godly women need not wear halos and glow in the dark. The chemistry between the two is palpable and genuine. Marty (Tommy Cash) is the soft-spoken but frank grandpa that everyone secretly wishes he had.

The plot is masterful in that it teaches lessons but does so by telling a story. There are multiple lessons--lessons on manhood and womanhood, fatherhood and childhood, courage and faithfulness, forgiveness and thanksgiving. But they are not preached to the audience as to a group of eight-year-olds. In fact, they are often left unspoken. The film is first and foremost a story. Only the one with eyes to see and ears to hear will catch the lessons (along with most of the Bible references). Still, the primary message is plain even to the most disinterested of viewers.

The real showcase of the film is the ending. It is unlike any other ending to a Christian film I have seen, and it is so very satisfying, not because it leaves one with fuzzy feelings inside but precisely because it doesn't. It does what every Christian film ought to do. It crucifies you. And when the credits roll one can begin to hear, ever so faintly, the echo of an empty grave.

The film also showcases breathtaking cinematography. The only complaints I have is that some of the acting, particularly of the extras, is forced and unnatural at times. In two or three places the editing is also a bit choppy. Still, the strengths of the film far outweigh the weaknesses. It is also worth mentioning that the evil in the film is quite graphic at times (guns and blood), so it may not be suitable for young audiences, at least not without parental supervision.
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Unanswered Questions, Lasting Impressions
dcalmartin26 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched with my wife and teenage sons, one of whom is an ND Wilson fan. I was glad that I didn't let my younger sons watch it as the violence (some murder and graphic references to murder) and language (3-4 curse words)would not have been appropriate for younger children, in my opinion. Overall, we liked the themes of gratitude, forgiveness, and faith. Each character made impressions that were memorable for one reason or another. But they also left us with many questions that, if answered, would have made the story better, and at times, more realistic. In the opening scenes of the movie, Diz's thefts were so brazen and met with very little resistance or consequence, making it somewhat unrealistic to us. I know that Diz is a troubled young man, and we don't get much of a back story until mid-way through the movie about why, but it didn't make sense that he would just go on a spree the way he did without any regard to being caught or to retribution from those he stole from.

The characters were intriguing for many reasons, but they needed more development, which they may have gotten in a book. Selah was a strong young lady with conviction, but we don't really know why she's at her grandfather's, nor what makes her who she is. For example, her reference to Dante when she was in trouble was pointed, but a bit unexpected. The grandfather's actions at different times , though motivated by his faith, still left us somewhat confused because they were so out of the ordinary. Certainly, a follower of Christ might be expected to act out of the ordinary, as Jesus Himself was extraordinary. So grandfather's view of gratitude and possessions, and even his final scene might be completely normal for him. But in the movie's time frame it seemed a little forced. The police officer and Bas Rutten's character were very evil, but in a careless kind of way that was hard to imagine happening in real life. Could a police officer commit the crimes he did in broad daylight without any thought to being caught (or without being actually caught)? And Diz was unpredictable and reckless, yet earnest in his desire to be loved and forgiven.

The ending was not neat and warm/fuzzy as many movies with these themes might be, but that was OK. Life isn't always a fairy tale either. We would have liked to see more development to justify what each character did, though.

So, to summarize: Acting was good overall. Beautiful setting. Strong themes and emotional impressions. Characters were intriguing. Want more answers or backstory to drive the characters. Worth watching, thinking about, and discussing with young adults and adults.
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The River Thief
lebeaubarnes17 January 2017
This film was simple, yet creative, and quite well done. Wilson's style was, as in everything he does, very distinctive and pleasing. I enjoy the way he makes each story (whether it be book or film) have an individual and interesting cultural setting. The characters were properly developed and interesting, especially taking into consideration the slightly shorter than average length of the film. The twist ending actually surprised me quite a bit and that is impressive, as I (apparently wrongly) assumed I was familiar enough with the director's style to not let something like that slip up on me.

There were a few things that were a bit rough around the edges, but overall I was pleased with this film and would likely watch it again. There is clearly has a talent for filmography here, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to quality, Mr. Wilson. I hope to see more films of yours in the future.
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Earthy Then Punchy
mrauch819-172-59031514 January 2017
The story takes place in an ordinary small town surrounded by extraordinary riverside country. The characters are down-to-earth. Some may consider the grandpa to be the least realistic, but he actually reminded me of someone I know. (Actually, I've known a few old people throughout my life who knew how to love through their straightforwardness.)

But this movie is more than entertainment. Listen to the end and the message should be inescapable, even for those who generally turn their brains off when staring at a screen.

Ever look inside an uncovered electrical panel? Looks ho-hum, but dare to meddle and - zzzzz-ow!

I dare you to watch this film.
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Fantastic Family Movie Night Material for teens and up!
amylakeb14 October 2016
"The River Thief" has a beautiful message portrayed in a powerful way. The first feature film written and directed by bestselling author N.D. Wilson, "The River Thief" is produced with excellence. The cinematography is gorgeous. The acting is strong and believable, and the characters have a depth that entices one to care about what happens to them.

Parents should know this film could be rated PG-13, as it contains a few scenes of graphic violence and some mild profanity. The teens and adults in our family give "The River Thief" two thumbs up, and hope N.D. Wilson will create many more films in the future!
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Great acting, powerful story, and beautifully shot!
Daniel-75-85784514 October 2016
If you're familiar with N.D. Wilson's children's novels, you know you're in for a treat with The River Thief, his first feature film.

This film breaks from the typical Christian film by telling a good story first and foremost. A lost, father-hungry boy discovering true love. Not the sappy, romantic love of your typical Hollywood flick (this girl wouldn't have any of that), but rather the kind of love that creates a longing to live or die for someone else (something new for Diz).

A wonderful family film, although there are some rough scenes. My 7-year-old son was spellbound, and somewhat affected by the rough parts. Yet this is the kind of story that is healthy. The emotion, drama, and violence of this *good* story are like emotional boot camp; it allows a young boy or girl to experience these emotions of grief and fear along with the positive life lesson that a good story provides.

As a resident of the Northwest where this was shot, I also appreciated the cinematography, which was outstanding! Beautiful aerial views in particular. I highly recommend The River Thief!
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gutsy to steer clear of clichés
brian-d-kohl14 October 2016
All-around fun blend of drama / action / family genres. The most rewarding part is that ND Wilson took some gutsy risks with steering clear of the clichés for this kind of Christian film. (I can't say what without spoiling.) This gutsy-ness paid off across the board. As such the movie feels fresh without trying to be obnoxiously "original." Acting was solid for the most part. A couple were noticeably amateurs, but the headliners were really top class. Cain was especially good, and a really great female lead. Script and camera work are really topnotch, and Hells Canyon / Snake & Clearwater Rivers are staggeringly beautiful.
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Incredible Illustration
cabsasse16 February 2017
Fantastic story about mercy. There are many examples in this movie of the unconditional love God shows us. One thing I love about the movie is the fact that the main character is not "mischievously lovable". He is a stubborn brat who is not really pitiable. The watcher is not predisposed to like him in any way. It's a bit jarring when you realize that we are exactly like the river thief: taking what does not belong to us, and turning our nose up at any gift. The exact way he resents mercy, we do as well. An incredible way to illustrate our brokenness, and the unconditional love of Christ.
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Film Review: The River Thief
falconermaclachlan5 December 2016
The River Thief is a family movie, especially suited to teenagers and young adults, written and produced by N. D. Wilson, most known for his young adult fiction and children's literature. This was his first film. Wilson has deep Christian convictions, and this plays out in The River Thief. Christian themes are subtle most the way through the movie. With that said, one expects a certain kind of film, and it is in light of this that the film should be reviewed fairly.

Very briefly, the film starts off with a series of criminal acts by the river thief, Diz, a delinquent adolescent, apparently with a troubled past. He finds himself a reluctant friend, Raleigh, and has brief interactions with her grandfather, Marty, both of whom challenge the thief's criminal behavior and attitude on life. The main themes of the film are the gift of life and forgiveness, not to mention the consequences of one's actions. The consequences of the thief's actions ultimately lead to abduction and death, including in the end his own death.

The film is not without weakness. Firstly, I felt the thievery of the main character, Diz, in the opening scenes were overdone and could have been more subtle, it was also utterly senseless and thus unconvincing. Secondly, the characters were somewhat underdeveloped, and the plot might have benefited from refinement, that is, it felt 'clunky' at times. Lastly, I have a problem with Wilson having a kid running about with a fire arm. The same can be said of his recent book, Outlaws of Time: The Legend of Sam Miracle (which despite this, is a wonderful literary work). Perhaps this is an American thing?

Nevertheless, the film seems to have more strengths than weaknesses. Firstly, the setting is an arid landscape and is visually quite stunning, together with a small American town and its typical architecture. All of this is captured quite beautifully by great cinematography. Secondly, the actions in the firm are exaggerated, and this becomes rather creative and fun at times. The evil and violence on the other hand is subtle which allows for vivid imagination, at least until one of the last scenes where murder is openly displayed. And it is here where Wilson's religious narrative finds its strongest expression. As one might expect, The River Thief has a moving twist in the end, and is ultimately a story of tremendous grace. Further, I appreciated the life lessons that punctuated the film, one particular saying that stood out to me was, "Stealing gives you control; gratitude gives you freedom". After watching the film it made me think of John Steinbeck's, Of Mice and Men, and Victor Hugo's Les Misérables.

Most Christian film's unfortunately 'milk' their Christian agendas and religious themes. The River Thief avoids this, at least for the most part. In my opinion, this makes it one of the best Christian films of late, even if I feel The River Thief might have done better. But considering that this is a first N. D. Wilson film, with a younger audience in mind, and limited resources, it's a wonderful film, well worth a watch!

Whether we like it or not, Christians do have a grand story to tell, the question is how well they tell it!
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Beautiful Action/Adventure Film for Teens and Adults
ariaemaher15 December 2016
I love everything N. D. Wilson. I've read all of his fiction books. So when I heard he was making a movie, I was (of course) super excited. THE RIVER THIEF does not disappoint. With beautiful, sweeping cinematography, well crafted and acted characters, and a story that packs a powerful punch, there's nothing more I could ask from N. D. Wilson's screen debut.

THE RIVER THIEF follows the story of Diz, a homeless, parent-less kid who takes what he likes when he wants it. He's following a river through the countryside to find the town where his father is supposed to be. He doesn't know whether he wants to meet his father or kill him, but when he crosses paths with a girl named Selah and her grandfather, his entire life changes.

I love how beautifully this film is shot. The sweeping landscape shots take my breath away, and the action is tight and controlled. No excessive shaky cam here! The acting is also very good. The film is actually a bit more mature than I expected. There is a fair amount of violence and some cussing, as well as some slight innuendo (a rather crazy, protective woman accuses a man of 'touching her son inappropriately'. The man does nothing more than grab the boy by the collar, mistaking him for someone else. Also a girl says that she 'can't be bought and she isn't a whore' after a boy gives her a bunch of gifts trying to get her attention.)

The story is very powerful and emotional, and I caught myself getting a bit choked up at the end! Overall, I am blown away. A wonderful film for teens and adults. 10 out of 10!
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The River Thief: an entertaining and pleasant film.
niutta-enrico25 February 2017
There are some very good artists in this flick. First of all I'd like to mention Tommy Cash (the folk singer), here at his first acting performance: very intense, completely believable in his key role. A great artist.

Then the beautiful (and gifted singer too) Raleigh Cain, about whom I'm certain we will hear more in the future. Then the convincing Bas Rutten, Paul Johansson and Joel Courtney, of course.

And then the talented Author: Nathan D Wilson (Writer, Director and Producer) who on a flimsy plot (it could really have been a disaster…) built a catching piece made of excellent characters, meaningful words and beautiful scenery.

An entertaining and pleasant film.
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Great Movie
KevinA72422 January 2024
I'm surprised one of the top user reviews criticizes the end (last 20-30 minutes) of the film. To me, that part is what took it from a decent film, to a great film. It was artistic yet intense, and just great storytelling. I want to say so much more but I really don't want to spoil any specifics for anyone.

The only negative thing I have to say is on the acting. Most of the characters - the boy, the girl, the drug traffickers - did a good job. But the grandpa, while I actually thought he was a good character, just didn't pull off a lot of the lines in a way that seemed natural. The guitar aspect with him was cool, and his attitude and mannerisms fit the character, but I just think a different actor for the grandpa could have done a much better job. Someone with a little more acting experience and gusto.
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Excellent Story that will Nourish the Soul
JRPercy2 August 2022
I've noticed this film getting some pretty polarized reviews, and some, I can only think come from a bias against a story that isn't post-modern, nihilistic, and subversive. For those who enjoy the good and the hopeful, this is a film that will satisfy and entertain. Bas Ruten is a charismatic person in real life, and his charm comes through in the film. The actors are all very watchable, and the tale is one that can be discussed with your family and provide even more chances to grow and critique.

So much more fulfilling than the cookie-cutter "blockbuster" film that hollywood tries to feed us on like McDonalds hamburgers.
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