Coin Heist (2017) Poster


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Not too sure about the future kiddies
MooveeVu8 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Coin Heist is a teener movie with an attempt at being a bit of a thriller. Certainly no Breakfast Club or Ferris Bueller but we once again have the mandatory group of schoolyard antagonists coming together for the common good. In this case the CG is apparently to save their school. Not too sure why it's left to these 4 to save the school but awaaaaaay we go. This is where suspension of disbelief is to be called upon by the viewer in great chunks. Apparently the answer is to combine together, electronically hack into and physically break into the Government Mint and produce a heap of "collector edition coins" for resale and then donate the funds to the school! Luckily for the young inexperienced perpetrators of crime it seems that no-one is ever working at the Mint, or, if they are, they don't seem to mind a coupla 16 year olds walking around and fiddling with the machinery, camera surveillance is very limited and guards are very dumb. Also, you may well ask, why not keep the $10million & just quit school? The mandatory romance between bad boy and nerdy but pretty hacker student is here as well. Also as a sideline we join the current crop of "controversial" interracial relationships just to prove that we're "with it". Fairly fast pacing sucked me in. Many times I was tempted to cut it short because of the very(x4) far fetched fallacy that could never happen but I persevered to view the, as usual, happy ending. Incredibly unbelievable fantasy scenario, sort of like a soapie inspired, TV series that runs for 95 minutes if this is the future of filmmaking and viewing with the young kids I weep for that future.
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This isn't the "family fun" Italian Job you were expecting
tyson-hunsaker9 January 2017
Anyone who sees Coin Heist needs to have clear expectations as to what this film is and isn't. They should know going in to not expect the greatest heist movie you've ever seen or expect the production value to match some of Netflix's finest originals. Then again, it's definitely not the worst - it meets at an in-between mediocre groove that neither provides the audience with anything worth seeing and also doesn't "hurt" the viewer.

Right off the bat, the film's biggest flaw is its weak script and honestly cringe-worthy dialogue (more in the first half of the movie). The premise itself isn't inherently terrible but a few minutes into the movie, the audience will be able to tell it was written very poorly. Very, very poorly. Since this is such a big flaw, the movie itself suffers as a whole and doesn't make a great time.

That being said, there are some saving graces that make it easy to watch. First, the performances in general weren't bad. Particularly a few of the leads were actually good and the cast's effort in trying to sell the plot actually turned out believable in many cases. It's just a shame some decently talented actors are in a blander film then they should be. Second, it's shot consistency well throughout the picture. The cinematography and "look" to the film includes vibrant and visually compelling shots that make it even easier to watch. The editing also reflects a straightforward, precise feel that helps the film move at a very comfortable place that leaves no room for boredom.

If anyone is looking for an easy to watch, substance free flick to play at a party for some background entertainment, this will do just fine. If they're looking for a more well written movie to have a better time with and enjoy more thoroughly, this is far from it. Despite its strengths, the terrible writing does indeed place this movie in the "negatives" but definitely isn't the worst you'll find. All in all, it would be best to pass on this one since there are just so many better Netflix originals out there.
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Throwback attempt
JShaft3327 March 2019
Has some elements of that classic 80's teen movie however has a ton of flaws. The teacher character is unlikable and it's amazing how these 16 year olds can pass as professional adults on multiple occasions. Movie will require a little suspension of belief to enjoy.
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So incredibly boring
nathalieblocry29 March 2022
Bad story, bad acting, lasted 10times longer than It should have. Give me back the time I wasted watching this hoping for a clever twist worthy of a heist movie.
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Oh boy, this is a terrible film
Filmdokter25 April 2021
A Netflix production that fails to impress on literally every aspect of filmmaking. It's script is at times cheesy, doesn't make sense (why discuss a teenage crush in the middle of a robbery?) and the entire middle segment of the story is boring as hell. The directing isn't much better either. Some awkward shots and blocking in there. And the acting ranges from poor to mediocre. We watched this one with the family (40,38,13,11 years old). Not one of us enjoyed it.
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christophersarles30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the premise is idiotic. These kids don't need to save the school, they already are Rick stars and master counterfeiting pros, and the best hackers ever. They know how to run minting machines and defeat security cameras. They can steal cars and fix them and apparently there's nothing they can't do. So why worry about saving a school? They already know everything there is to know about everything.

It was the US MINT people COME OFF OF IT! There are a million heist scenarios how about choosing one that is even remotely possible.. I mean sure it's a movie but do the makers think everyone is stupid? It's an insult to anyone above the age of three who likes movies.

And the end? Come ON! Sure, they destroyed 60 MILLION in extra coins. And how did the teacher put it together? He never saw them at the mint... Is owning a toolbox full of quarters illegal? Would you assume four kids pulled off an impossible heist? Or robbed a soda machine? Everything about this movie made me want to never watch tv again.
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Good Heist Story with Decent Characters
yossarian1008 January 2017
If you can appreciate a decent heist story pulled of by decent teenage characters, without Hollywood production values, then you should really give this a try.

Emily Hagins wrote and directed and I think she did a fine job with the adaptation from a novel. The narrative had a strong even pace and it never dragged. The young actors gave it their all, and I think they pulled it off just fine.

Don't be too critical of these small indie efforts, and you'll find a gem or two. "Coin Heist" may not have the huge budget that the "Oceans" series had, but the story was just as interesting and just as well told.

Enjoy it.
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A Netflix Original That Just Doesn't Work
eabra4846329 September 2017
"Coin Heist" has so much potential given the premise. Four students endeavor to save their school financially by breaking into a US government mint and producing "error" coins that can be sold for millions. As it turns out, the father of one of these students embezzled $10M from the school's endowment fund, necessitating the operation.

Given the interesting and promising premise, this film could have been so much better. Instead, it is bogged down with horrible and banal dialogue that takes the audience nowhere. Also, there are scenes that are downright silly--the US government mint's only security seems to be two inept guards at the front desk and nothing else. Four teens can wander around the mint in this post 9/11 world without being questioned or even noticed. There doesn't even appear to be any cameras in place. How convenient, if you're a teen wanting to rob the place. There are also overly done stereotypes, the black kid from the wrong side of the tracks who is harassed by the rich white kid and the angst-ridden computer nerd.

Overall, the cast does a pretty good job with the material they are given; they are believable in their roles. Unfortunately, they are mired in a movie that just doesn't work.
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The Breakfast Club Heist
Mlle_Chouette4 August 2018
The film itself is not that bad to have such a low rating. I mean, yeah, it's not a masterpiece and we can guess the ending from the very beginning, but do you really expect it to be something extraonrdinary? The original idea was great, although the plot has faults, it's naive and unreal, sure, but it's still an enjoyable movie. Also the characters didn't have the developpement they needed. Like they show the premise for it but then the ending doesn't show any consequences. In my opinion it was a bit too short and rushed. All in all, if you want a real deep suspence drama then I don't recommend it. But if you just want to see an OK film without much moral, drama and serousness, then it may suit very well.
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Worst (sorry, dumbest) film of the year....
tiger210318 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see, here we go. A small, diverse group of kids risks going to federal prison for 20 years to save their school that they won't even be attending next year. Bravo!

After getting busted by their teacher, who is determined to call the cops, and rightfully so, they eventually talk to the superintendent who inexplicably strikes a deal with these misfits without even batting an eye. Now he's going to prison too since he is helping to cover up and profit from the illegal activity. Oh, and the teacher who didn't call the cops is now an accessory to the felony crime as well. Smooth move, everyone. You really think they won't find you? You left fingerprints literally everywhere. Security guards saw your faces as you entered the garage.

How did the guards not hear or see you making and cleaning and polishing 10 batches of coins! That's 20000 coins!! How long does that take, btw? Maybe a couple hours? Nah, these guys did it in a few minutes, total round trip from school and back in under 1 hour. Bravo, again!

Good luck selling your stolen coins, BTW. You'll have federal agents all over you like flies on stink.

Okay, I'll stop. I've said my two cents!! Haha, see what I did there?
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High school seniors try to salvage their extracurricular clubs.
TxMike15 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched this movie on Netflix streaming. It is definitely a "made for TV movie", looks like one and sounds like one, with a cast of mostly TV actors. It has a low rating, mostly deserved, but can be a fun viewing if one is in the right frame of mind. IOW, don't expect too much and look for the fun in it.

Filmed in New York locations but set in Philadelphia, the main plot requires a group of 4 students to team up to sneak into the Philadelphia Mint, alter a coin die for making quarters, hack into the control system to fabricate a few thousand coins with "errors" - an extra fin on a fish - and get out safely with the altered coins. Thinking they could eventually sell them at a big profit to coin collectors and re-fund the cancelled activities at school.

So that is all very implausible and unlikely that school kids could do that and get away with it. So we have to look a bit deeper, to the relationships the kids develop with each other, interactions with the teachers and administration, and the other kids who are oblivious to the plan.

I am glad we watched it, even with its limitations it is more fun than all the shooting, stealing, cheating, cursing movies that are typically being made.
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A refreshingly youthful viewpoint!
markpj200917 January 2017
Female writer/director, Emily Hagins, is very apparently still young, and that comes across in the film.

However, contrary to previous productions of young film makers that have gone before, the young perspectives of Emily Hagins, combined with the very capable and professional approach of herself and her crew are both freshening and unique in the movie world. I give this movie a solid 8 out of 10 because the virtually unique combination of youth and professionalism will rarely if ever make it to the big screen.

The plot is interesting enough but, and without giving too much away, I have to say failing slightly on the believe-ability scale in terms of how the main characters where able to exploit certain security flaws at the plant.

All said, Coin Heist is well worth a watch for any movie buff.
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Not what it could have been
JimE-36-6685223 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Browsing the streaming options I happened along this film, being a fan of "Who's minding the mint" (1967) i decided to give "Coin Heist" a try, while it started out good the film lacks direction, it tries to be too much, a comedy, a heist film and a teen romance movie all in one package and falls short on all three counts, while the actors played their rolls well, Sasha Pieterse as Dakota was miscast and out of place as a high school aged character, her performance was good but she was just not the right person to fill the role. The film took time to develop the characters and the plot but at the end everything was rushed and just pushed out to fit the running time, could have used 10 or 15 more minutes to provide a more satisfactory ending. The story had potential but falls short in the end.
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Netflix misses the mark for once
ourbestfriendswv10 January 2017
The moment I see the words "Netflix Original" in the title of a movie, I am immediately interested. This movie misses the mark in almost every category. Surprising because Netlox Original movies and shows have been some of the best programs I have ever seen. This movie is horrible. I thought it to be such a clever idea, a heist movie for younger viewers, but I can't imagine any young viewer getting past the first couple minutes, there is absolutely nothing in this movie that will interest anyone of any age. It's a shame because I thought it to be such a fresh, New idea. So many important aspects of the movie are left out, probably due to it being low budget, but it expects you to take too many things for granted. The actors are not believable, the scenes are not believable. The movie only gives you several minutes of the heist. I am so surprised that Netflix allowed this movie to make it through. Too bad.
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Useless stuff
amit-preeti27 March 2020
Not worth fellows... It spoiled my afternoon. Not much thrill and suspense. Expected better stuff from NETFLIX
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Terrible ending
lenner-4469429 September 2021
If you enjoy watching movies that have have rushed endings that don't tie up essential plot lines - this is the movie for you!
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Super Silly Movie
gcma3117-901-48144927 December 2020
The premise is wonderful, the actuality of the script is bonkers. Unlike another reviewer here I do not find Netflix Originals groundbreaking in totality They are some of the worst put together movies I have ever seen. They are even starting to produce Lifetime-like movies only using b-c list actors instead of f-g list ones. This movie is watchable however... not mad at it. Just absurd in the sense that none of this could really happen.
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Ocean's 4
nogodnomasters15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Four high school teens discover the mint has lax security. Their private school needs $10 million dollars and they take it upon themselves to print error coins to sell as collector's items.

The whole premise is ridiculous. It is a story of teens coping with life by uniting in a criminal project. Fair acting, but nothing great. Ending was a bit messed up.
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Ruined family night
banappealsuk11 November 2017
Decided to watch this with the family, and in turn I got nothing but a wasted night. Took time out of my busy day to sit down, get popcorn to watch a movie that failed in every aspect. Thanks for a ruined night, Coin Heist. I don't appreciate it.

The actors themselves were horrible, as well as the writing, which was more than terrible. Next time I'll watch a movie worth 1 hour and 39 minutes of my time - this one, although, was not!
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Could Use Some Punch
gavin69427 February 2017
United by dire circumstances, four unlikely allies from a Philadelphia prep school - the hacker, the slacker, the athlete, and the perfect student - band together to attempt the impossible: steal from the U.S. Mint.

I was drawn to this film because the director is somewhat of a celebrated figure. Everyone, myself included, is waiting to see if this apparently child prodigy makes a big name for herself in the world of film. So far she has done alright, but has not landed that one big hit quite yet.

This film goes through the motions, but ultimately could have been something made for ABC Family. I wish the "heist" part of the film had more punch. The danger is never really played up, and the consequences never seem all that dire, even though this must be an awfully illegal thing to even plan, let alone follow through on.
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Some heist
RobTheWatcher25 March 2022
The story was so overly simple and not exciting in the least. The acting was on par with what you'd expect with this kind of movie. It was just a hard watch.
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Why all the bad reviews? ITS A DECENT AND FUN FILM
noahsmithmichael8 July 2018
I get what the reviews are saying about the actors being terrible and it's a waste of time but don't let that dictate your decision. It's no Oscar winning Steven Spielberg 5 stars film but the characters are real and some moments actually leave you on the edge of your seat. Please, before you judge this film: GIVE IT A TRY! you might actually enjoy it. :)
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Great Setup/Acting, But Fizzles As It Comes To Finish Line
zkonedog14 January 2017
There are enough things inherent in "Coin Heist" that it really shouldn't work. The plot is outlandish, the ending descends into schmaltz, and (at heart) it's a teen coming-of-age drama (not like there are any of those floating around these days). However, despite all the unevenness and clichés, "Coin Heist" still manages to at least be entertaining due to the great acting and slickness of the setup.

For a basic plot summary (no spoilers), "Coin Heist" sees Jason (Alex Saxon) struggling with the reality that his father has been stealing from his high school's endowment, leaving the father in prison and the school in danger of shutting down. After a field trip to the U.S. mint, however, Jason's friend Alice (Alexis G. Zall), a hacker at heart and in skill, devises a plan to infiltrate the mint and print some rare coins that can be sold to save the school. The plan will only work, however, if they can also rope in organization queen Dakota (Sasha Pieterse) and outsider Benny (Jay Walker).

For the first half or so of "Coin Heist", I was invested in the characters and their mission. The producers do a great job of setting up the backgrounds of each character, and I really felt like they could be real high-schoolers. Sure, their mission is highly improbable, but that's what cinema is all about, right?!

The problem, however, is that after that roughly half-way point my investment really started to wane for two reasons:

1. The build-up to the caper was much more interesting than the caper itself; and 2. I felt that the ending descending into a bit too much hijinx and corniness for my liking. I realize this is a film directed at teens, so perhaps it plays a bit better to that demographic, but for an older viewer it seemed like a bit of a letdown to build up these great characters and then have them, in most cases, succumb to the tropes of the genre I was afraid would happen from the get-go.

So, while I can easily give "Coin Heist" a slightly-better-than-average 6 out of 10 stars here, I feel that it failed to take that "next step" into the greatness range due to its "running out of steam" in the latter portion. The target audience (teens) may disagree with me here, of course.
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More diversity and fast talkers please. Killed off the movie vibe
pennisjenn13 January 2020
The movie is great. The soundtracks are great. The trailer is great. The casts are great. But the characters killed the casts in less than 2 hours. They should have made it right without the slow dialogues and the less-initiative characters. It's like the audiences are missing the good parts while the story continues. This should have been thrilling, fun, and endeavour-type of movie, but the school contains of the "same" people who look useless in the background. No full ambience creates a certain emotion in every scene. Even with the teachers itself. All look the same. All show the same expressions. Like we have to process everything while they are interacting with one another. It's about time for movie like "this" to bring out the good differences. No stereotypes needed, just toss the diversity in. Did Hollywood ever learn from the past? There musts be a reason why they created the movie and I hope they learn thoroughly from it, especially a novel adaptation. It could be a disaster or a savior, one way or another. And this movie should have been a savior.
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Some kind of cute movie
gokmenkoc-0851014 March 2017
It makes some emotion on my heart but I wait a breaking point in the film. It is a cute movie. If there is a unexpected scenes, may receive much more ratings. Playings and artists quite enough. Anyway, I enjoy while watching it. Sasha is very beautiful and Alex is very handsome. Maybe the film finished with they are together.
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