"The Walking Dead" The Lost and the Plunderers (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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finally something good !!! a great episode full of good character development, good action sequences and good direction.
MomentIMDB8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the death of Carl, episode 10 through a black background named after the characters, tries to focus on different characters. good points: the direction of the episode is quite good and well achieved. Character development is quite solid and interesting. I loved Simon and Steven Ogg played it perfectly. The death of the scavengers was epic and shocking. and the best of the episode was jadis crushing the dead. The talk between Rick and Negan was very good and Andrew Lincoln was excellent. bad points: the enid part was very boring and incoherent. Why did Cyndie and the others not kill Aaron and Enid, if we were previously told that they killed anyone who comes? a nonsense. Another pointless was when Rick and Michigan decide to go with Jadis. previously betrayed them twice. If you know that, why take a chance?
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A big improvement
TheLittleSongbird4 April 2022
"The Lost and the Plunderers" was a very pleasant surprise. Season 8 for me, and many others, was a very disappointing season of 'The Walking Dead' (more so than Season 7), and all but two of the previous episodes of the season ranged from mediocre to dreadful. So expectations actually weren't high and was expecting it to be a case of a lot of filler and not much else, as was the case with most of the season's previous episodes.

Actually, "The Lost and the Plunderers" turned out to be more than just a filler episode and one of the few episodes up to this point of Season 8 to actually feel like it's going anywhere in terms of characterisation and storytelling. Up to this point of the season, "The Lost and the Plunderers" is by far the best episode, and even after Season 8 ended it still remained one of its best and one of the few to be above average (well above average in this case). Actually thought it was pretty darn good and the best episode since "Bury Me Here".

By all means, "The Lost and the Plunderers" isn't perfect. It does drag at times in the Oceanside parts which felt like filler that could have been trimmed a little.

Still find some of the editing rather self-indulgent and show-offy.

However, a lot is good here in "The Lost and the Plunderers". The junkyard plot surprised me hugely, was expecting that subplot to be tiresome and a waste but actually it was here where things most advanced. Also found it surprisingly entertaining and with tension. Not to mention that the development to Simon, more frightening in this episode alone than Negan has ever been, and Jadis (the latter of whom finally being interesting and shown in a different light) was highly appreciated. The ending unsettles, and Negan to me actually did come over as menacing.

Moreover, a lot goes on here, but it didn't feel too much or too sprawling and there isn't the too many characters problem that most of the previous Season 8 episodes had. The dialogue is this time thought provoking and tighter, nowhere near as many long-winded speeches or rambling self-indulgence. The acting is very good here, with top honours going to chillingly intense Steven Ogg. While having reservations with the editing, there is some atmosphere in the production values and the music has haunting parts.

Overall, rather impressed. 8/10.
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Pleasant Surprise
cody-fields825 March 2018
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Simon is as charismatic and terrifying as ever, the conversation between Rick and Negan was amazing, the trash people were eradicated, and finally we heard Jadis speak like a normal human being. The only complaints I had were the 1970s dramatic zoom-ins (seriously, what is up with those this season?) and the fact I don't even know what's going on with Oceanside. Still, this was the best episode in quite a while.
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back like the earlier seasons!
tylergeebs5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode gave me a taste of what the original seasons were like, the ambience was well played throughout the episode and to top it all off gave a bigger insight with how simon and negan wanted to deal with the scavengers

although a tiny thing i did notice was the unnecessary jump cuts between each scene which killed the mood sometimes

but above overall 10/10
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neggieggy7 March 2018
Well executed episode. Definitely not perfect but a return to form
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Jadis and the Scavengers
claudio_carvalho9 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Rick and Michonne grieve the death of Carl after burying him. Rick heads to meet Jadis expecting to join forces. Meanwhile Negan sends Simon to go to the junkyard to give a lesson to Jadis and the Scavengers. When they arrive, the Saviors take their weapons and then Simon orders the Saviors to kill them all. When Rick and Michonne arrive, they find Jadis disturbed and all the Scavengers turned into walkers and they need to fight to escape from the junkyard. Rick and Michonne find a letter that Carl wrote to Negan and he decides to call Negan.

"The Lost and the Plunderers" is another great episode of the promising midseason of "The Walking Dead". Simon and Negan will certainly have a friction when the psychopath leader discovers what Simon did in the junkyard. Rick promises to kill Negan again but maybe Jadis surprises the audiences with some unexpected attitude. The segment of Enid and Aaron is pointless. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "The Lost and the Plunderers"
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The walking dead is back
evanstandard27 March 2018
This episode alone may have just saved the walking dead and turned the whole season around. We get to see Simon develop into a new Badass villian and Jadis is a mystery. Name cards in the episode was also such a great addition. I got earlier season vibes from this one
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Surprisingly not garbage
TheDonaldofDoom5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We've been bombarded with subpar episodes for so long now that it's a surprise when one is actually good. That's what this is. Not amazing, not a masterpiece, but a solid, well executed episode of the Walking Dead, which is increasingly rare nowadays. I don't know if this episode is a sign that the quality will start to improve or if it's just a nice blip in an overall decline. Whatever it is, I enjoyed it.

One thing I didn't like was when a character's name flashed up at the start of each part. Like, I know the characters' names alright. TWD embarrasses itself when it tries to be artsy like that because this isn't a profound show. It's a zombie show. Whatever, this episode has character development that actually makes sense. Simon and Negan's conflict is well explored. I can imagine them actually having these two different ways of thinking as Negan is the leader, the thinker with his own principles while Simon is a thug who doesn't buy into any of that. Of course, since this is the Walking Dead they had to go and ruin it some way and because this involves the Garbage People it loses much believability. They hardly speak, and when they do it's not in proper sentences. Why? The apocalypse has only been going on for a few years, how can you lose the ability to construct sentences in such a short time?? Even with this, the moment when Simon opens fire on them is shocking, not just in how it affects Jadis, who is the only Garbage Person who's even remotely human, but in the line it draws between Simon and Negan. It feels increasingly like both the Alexandrians and the Saviors are becoming internally divided and running out of the will to carry on, making some sort of peace deal likely.

What I found most stupid is Rick and Michonne's mission to the Junkyard. I've lost count of how many times Rick has made the same dumb mistake of turning up at the Junkyard at the mercy of the Garbage People. It got tiring long ago and it's the major thing that bugs me about this episode. Makes it hard to take seriously. Even so, the way this fits into the story is clever. In the cold open when it turned out the Junkyard was empty aside from loads of walkers I didn't understand what had happened, but the explanation given later is satisfying. Also satisfying is how Carl's death is starting to get some much-needed purpose. In how Michonne tells Rick that showing mercy to people like Jadis is what Carl was talking about before he died, it feels like the spectre of Carl is hanging over them both. A peace deal between the Alexandrians and the Saviors might well end up being a result of Carl acting from beyond the grave. What further cements this view is the radio chat between Rick and Negan. It's surprisingly touching how Negan feels about Carl and it's also understandable how Rick responds. You can see it from both their points of view.

Over at Oceanside, nothing much happens. Enid and whatshisname get captured, then spared. Literally pointless filler, what a waste of time. I don't care about Oceanside at all anyway, it's one of the many communities that should be cut out completely to cut the fat from this overly bloated series.

Another thing they should cut is the weird amateurish zoom-ins that show the cameramen don't know what they're doing. Like wtf is going on with that. I literally cannot understand how one of the biggest shows in the world gets away with crap like this.

Oh, and there's one thing that I loved about this episode: the return of the gore, which has been badly missing from this show since Negan's killings in Season 7. Last episode showed some promise with its juicy human-on-human violence but here we get a load of great, original walker gore. Early on a walker gets its face peeled off but that's nothing compared to the walker mince that happens at the Junkyard. That has to be one of the all-time best gore scenes on TWD!

So, good episode. Inconsistent, but good.
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Too Late For Peace
ThomasDrufke6 March 2018
There are times when I really appreciate The Walking Dead's stylistic directing choices and unique way of telling a story, and then there are times when I feel it's very pointless. Albeit being a little gimicky, the title cards that would split up the night's episode were an interesting way of fleshing out this very typical episode.

For one, Simon and Jadis were clear standouts this week. I've never fully been on board with Simon as a character, as he's often felt like a carbon copy of Negan's personality. However, tonight exemplified just how different he is by shaping him as a man on a revenge tour and so clearly going to be killed brutally by Negan, and I found Steven ogg's performance to be incredibly compelling. It was in those scenes and Jadis' few quiet but bloody sequences that made the episode for me.

Jadis, much like Simon, has been a mixed bag for me. I'll never understand why the garbage folk speak so strangely, it's quite infuriating. But it seemed like Pollyana McIntosh finally got a chance to show some depth as the last survivor of The Scavengers. Just watching McIntosh painfully see her people go through the trash grinder made me feel genuine emotion for her. I can't believe I'm saying this but actually intrigued for where they're going to take her character going forward.

It was also very nice to see Negan and Rick have a 1v1 discussion that didn't end with a baseball bat or guns going off. Yes, it was frustrating to see Rick take a 180 from what Carl asked him to do last week (will Rick ever learn?), but on the other hand, how great was it to see Negan be a somewhat normal person through it all? Is this the show telling us we should expect Negan to be redeemed at some point? His supposed genuine reaction to hearing about Carl's death may be a sign of what's to come in that regard. Either way, back to back solid episodes of The Walking Dead was a promising way to begin season 8b.

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Surprisingly Good
NandorTheRelentless16 March 2018
I was expecting another tedious, dragged out episode like the mid-season premiere but I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the format this episode was in because it allowed for back to back snippets of action. It was exactly what the show needed.
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This epidode belonged to Jadis and Simon.
ohmap-977-6648105 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jadis was astonished by the Simon's brutality. We can all learn from this: never give the other side your guns. At that point, they own you. She got a dose of reality in dealing with an idiot that was going to kill them anyway. The reason I say this episode belonged to Jadis is she acted the part very well, and the writers had a unique way to rid the place of zombies. It looked like McDonalds meat patty production on the assembly line. I thought Jadis showed emotion when speaking with Rick and Michonne...I rather felt sorry for her. She acted like a person who lost everything! Oh...after grinding her former zombie friends, Jadis enjoyed a can of food. I am wondering what will become of her now. For me, that is a reason to keep watching the show.

It may be just me, but it seems Enid is a woman now. She doesn't look like a little girl anymore. To me she looks kind of nice! I was hoping she and Carl could hook up, but now all she has is the gay guy. I don't get why Aaron doesn't switch to become a heterosexual. Come on, all that time alone with Enid and he didn't notice that see was looking pretty good. Well...maybe he is gay if that is the case.

The talk between Rick and Negan I give to Negan. Negan did a good acting job last night, and is carrying Rick at this point. I think Rick is getting tired of the Zombie apocalypse. If I were Negan, I would bash Simon's head in when I found out how he disobeyed me...no talk...just BASH!
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Back to its old routes!
muleobsolete6 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Walking Dead has stumbled for quite a while now but this episode gives hope back. This is how character development is done, with the breakout performance of SImon and the pitiful side of Jadis we never thought we'd see, this is what a walking dead episode really is. The acting was terrific and the end scene with Negan and Rick gave me goosebumps. Also a lot of amazing walker scenes that really bring the whole vibe of the show back to life. This second half is looking good so far!
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Coral's Legacy
louis-1705 March 2018
We have improvement. After terrible 8A, we are getting better episodes.

+writers are getting sober; -still very slow; +acting was good as usually; -editing was bad again; +good talk between Negan and Rick; -wasted Negan / Carl relationship; +finally good character development from Enid and Jadis; -still no Meggie! Jadis becoming most beautiful woman in TWD?; +Simon is still the best character.
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The Walking Soap Opera. The Young and the Restless Zombies. The Good, the Bad and the Laughable!
Bababooe5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, the bar has been lowered so low, below the barrel. I mean it's not even in the barrel. So, much so low, that we can look at this episode and say, "Yeah, that was great, it's a 10 star show again". Not! Not, if you start thinking about what happened. Only, if you start swallowing the garbage they keep dishing out, will this show be great.

The Good - 1, The Garbagers are gone. Thank you. And Jadis is left alone, and She speaks normal now. Thank you. 2, Simon and Negan back and forth. Simon wants blood and he gets it. 3, Jadis and the Meatgrinder.

The Bad - 1, Rick and Michone trying to put out a fire. What the hell is that? Come on. Give me a break. You just lost your son, and you're playing firemarshall. Just stop. 2, The Van? Where did that come from. Did Negan leave the Van there, with a full tank of gas, just in case someone needed a rental? 3, Rick and Michone go to Garbageland. Your son just died, your people are killed and scattered, and maybe you're thinking about your little girl that Shane fathered, and that you should consolidate and fortify your defenses. No, you go to Garbageland. Why, because the writers need another scene with Jadis. 4, Jadis lets Simon in. So, you doublecross Negan, and now let Simon in. How does that make any sense. How about Simon comes to the Garbageland gates and Jadis blows away Simon and Company. No. Then she gives up her guns. This is truly garbage. Truly. Do not kid yourself. This was a decent episode with lots of good stuff to like. Tons of zombies. Some good action. The meatgrinder. That's great. But letting Simon in, then giving up your guns. No, this is not good. Not good at all.

The Laughable - aka (Soap Opera Nonsense) 1, Enid and Aaron are freed. So, if you're Ocean-people and someone just killed one of your people, the first thing you do is imprison them, then after a conference they decide to execute them, and then you free them. I don't think so! Someone kills one of your people they are killed immediately. End of story. Then Aaron decides that being free is not enough, he will try again to get Oceaners on his side. Please stop. It's not even funny anymore. 2, Ok, Rick after reading Coral's notes calls Uncle Negan and tells Neeg that Coral is DEAD! And Neeg is emotional. Please add Soap Opera Music where appropriate. Rick tells Neeg that all CORAL wanted was peace, and that Neeg was going to be Judith's Godfather and that they will grow tomatoes and just be all good and stuff. Add music. Maybe violins. And then Rick says he doesn't care what his dead son CORAL has to say because he's dead and that he will kill Neeg. Neeg tells Rick, hey man that's all on you, you were a bad dad and a bad person, you're a loser dude. Rick is the biggest loser. Please laugh.

Ok, the name of the game is entertainment. And given the low bar, below the barrel material we have been dished out in the past few years, what we have here is The Good, The Bad, and The Laughable Soap Opera "How The Zombie World Turns".

Rating is a passing 5 stars.
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ofek-7927819 August 2020
Idk why people so hate season 8,but this is a great season,and now when we know nagen have feelings it's more than good
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Much better
ottawa1015 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was a productive episode.

Ordinarily I am not a fan of the garbage people and to my surprise, they no longer exist. As someone who has not read the comics, nor has any interest in reading the comics, this was something I did not see coming. Jadis, a horrible character up to this point, is now alone. What she has planned is now a mystery to me. I don't see her just leaving the series but she's alone now. Perhaps she will go herself to try and get revenge and wind up the split between Negan and Simon.

Simon and Negan obviously are not on the same page. Their private conversation and Simon's destruction at the dump leave an interesting future for them.

The Oceanside group declined to get involved again. This was needless. The last time they were on, they were all setting up to go but Grandma said no. Well, Grandma is now dead, what is the holdup? We will see them again in 5-6 episodes and get their answer.

Rick and Negan at the end was productive as well. Negan was genuinely upset at Carl's death, tear in the eye and all. His blaming Rick was not convincing. He blames himself and is moving towards changing. Simon wiping out the garbage people will be another blow to Negan.

This was an excellent episode all around. Hopefully the rest of the series moves ahead at the same pace. When things are happening like this, the 30 minutes of commercials is almost worth it.
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He Asked You To Stop. He Asked Me To Stop. He Asked Us To Make Peace. But It's Too Late For That.
wandernn1-81-6832746 April 2021
Haha. I loved the way Rick DISSED Head Garbage Lady in this episode. Her treacherous behind certainly deserved it. And her two top Lieutenants got offed.

LOL.. Love the meatgrinder scene. That's just beautiful Pink Floyd, eat your heart out. We certainly got our education.

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Rick Grimes is an awful person
mtf-fdan24 September 2020
I know that it should not be this way but i think Rick Grimes is an ugly person. his decisions suck. he does not learn from his mistakes.
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So What Did We Learn Tonight?
sevenlilxenos5 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Tonight's ep put out a few fires and started some new ones. Rick and Shonny bury Coral and leave Alexandria for a road trip in a hippy van but can't run away from Coral's ghost whose character is front and center in many scenes.

To me the best part was the d/ck measuring between Negan and Simon who obviously have differing views on how best to proceed with operation Kill Rick and get things back to normal. Simon's balls may be getting a lil too big for his own good as for the first time he directly violates one of Negan's orders thus insuring a bullseye on his back going forward. Not if but when.

Their heated argument gets interrupted when prego Maggie sends Negan a 200 lb newly dead Walker who was one of Negan's warriors Why send the whole body instead of just the head? Didn't Mags see the Godfather?

Meanwhile back in the jungle, well beach front, determined Aaron and a bouncing maturing Enid talk their way out of being executed for Grammy's death. Does anyone else see the slight irony in sending a gay dude, instead of say maybe Jesus or Father Gabriel, to deal with a bunch of seemingly lizzy warriors? Oh well, the ZA makes for strange bed fellows.

At the dump Simon takes charge his way! After waxing eloquently with verbally challenged Jada he orders his men to waste (pun intended) all of her fellow Junkies. For the younger kids there is a hidden message here. If you want to throw your life away being a junkie you will prolly die in a filthy environment (artists pfffh!).

I really enjoyed the Soylent Green Walker ending the Junkies received at the hands of a now, quite willing to talk normal to save her own azz, Jada. We also get a Chekhov's gun moment when a helipad is brought up for the first time. I doubt Jada had a squadron of Junkie Rangers so we will just have to stay tuned to see how that factors in going forward.

We end with Rick and Negan playing phone warriors. I was mildly surprised how impacted and emotional normally ruthless Negan appeared to be upon hearing of Coral's needless death. Makes you wonder if Negan knew Lori pre-ZA seeing how she got around. Of course Coral died a fools death and Negan made sure Rick knew that it was all on dear old dad. Too bad Rick didn't spend as much time paying attention to Coral as he did Michone.
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titoqashar-5207014 March 2021
OMG all the characters were wonderful , and the last speech just OMG , nice shoot
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This episodic format allows for a deeper exploration of each character's psyche and motivations, highlighting the individual toll of the conflict
fernandoschiavi24 March 2024
Michonne and Rick continue to mourn Carl as they make their way out of Alexandria. They drive to the Junkyard to help Jadis, as her people are now going to be targeted for trying help Rick. When Rick and Michonne arrive, they find that all are dead, with only Jadis surviving. Simon, Negan's second-in-command, killed everyone, going against Negan's explicit orders.

Jadis, heartbroken and desperate, begs for Rick to take her with him as he prepares to leave. He tells her that he is "tired of her games", however, and abandons her. She is left surrounded by Walkers, in her former safe haven. After briefly considering suicide, Jadis quickly and efficiently disposes of the Walkers, all of whom are her former followers. She then sits alone in her former kingdom.

At the Oceanside, Enid and Aaron stand in judgment for killing Natania. Cyndie almost has them executed, but Enid convinces her that more killing isn't the answer, and ultimately will only lead to more violence. Although Cyndie lets them go, she warns them never to return. Enid leaves, but Aaron insists on staying, saying that he feels that he can convince the community to join forces with the Survivors.

Rick goes through a collection of letters Carl wrote in the time leading up to his death. One of them is specifically addressed to Negan. Rick calls Negan on a walkie-talkie, and tells the man of Carl's letter, and of his death. Rick says that although Carl asked for peace between their groups, it is now too late for that. Rick vows to kill Negan. Negan says that it will never happen, and furthermore blames Rick for Carl's death, saying that in the end Rick was a failure as a leader and as a father.

"The Lost and the Plunderers" continues to explore the fallout of Carl's death and its impact on the survivors. The episode is structured around four separate storylines, each focusing on a different group of characters as they deal with the aftermath of the war. This episodic format allows for a deeper exploration of each character's psyche and motivations, highlighting the individual toll of the conflict.

One of the episode's most striking sequences is the confrontation between Rick and Jadis, as Rick seeks revenge for Carl's death. Their tense standoff culminates in a brutal and shocking moment that underscores the brutality and ruthlessness of the world they inhabit. The episode also delves into Simon's growing discontent with Negan's leadership, setting the stage for a power struggle within the Saviors.

"The Lost and the Plunderers" is a character-driven episode that delves into themes of loss, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world that has been torn apart by war. It sets the stage for the conflicts to come and raises questions about the future of the survivors and the communities they have built.
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Very engaging
gangeshgnair5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was pretty engaging. We did not get much perspective into how is the relationship between negan and his top guys in the previous episodes, but this episode gives a good point of view into simons perspective. We can clearly see how Simon is not happy with the way negan is doing things. He wants to kill everyone, but negan looks at people as resources. The conversation between the jadis and Simon was really intresting, because we know something bad can go down the line. The jadis getting crushed in the machine was another good scene. The conversation between negan and Rick was amazing. Negan really liked carl and had plans for him. This shows negan actually has a vision. He is not blood thirsty like Simon. That does make him less dangerous. He feels like a reasonable man. Maybe I empathise with the character a little bit. But still wants to see him dead. All around a good episode. Nice writing. Good performance. Nice making.
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Kinda like history repeating
Jemae7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It was still a very sad episode. I still can't believer they killed Carl :( Anyway, I see the relationship between Simon and Negan is beginning to look like Rick and Shane's. Simon's character in my opinion is getting better and it will be a great story about him and Negan and unfortunately I think Negan wil kill Simon.

The heartache that Michonne feels, is like losing a child all over again, which makes me believe, she's going to run away. I felt so sorry for her too.

I knew Negan cared for Carl, I thought yeah, him previously being a school teacher he wouldn't like the death of a child and everything he says to Rick over the radio, I agree with 100%. Rich failed as a father and a person and if he had helped that Indian man to begin with Carl could still be alive. This was a good episode as well, the only thing I didnt like was the directing of it. The shots where it would start out as a wide shot and zoom in to a close up, looked awful! Thats a common thing thats used in faux reality tv shows. It doesn't working for a drama like the walking dead
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A surprise from the drunken writers
silverton-3795920 June 2021
I've always disliked Rick, at a basic level. He's a self impressed, self absorbed personality, but the early writers seemed to be saying that about him by allowing the core group's characters to look at him askance, at least. Then as newer writers came in, Rick still behaved as he always had but with a gloss over the way the others saw him, not as a dangerous lunatic, but as the revered leader.

These last few episodes have the writers showing Rick as a sociopath, not much different from Negan and his lieutenants. Rick's bad tendencies might have been tolerated by his fellow deputies, that isn't made clear in the early scenes before the zombie plague, but his friendship with Shane, an obvious sociopath, is revealing. Rick isn't very bright, as you may have noticed. Evil people aren't bright. They might exhibit a low, animal cunning, but they're also somewhat dumb.

My fellow fans were irritated when I called him Rick the Dick, but he's showing himself a little more now.
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A glimpse of hope in writing
sspureurubin16 August 2022
I know they can do it, and they just did here. I hope the quality ramps up again from here. Just to wash out that crap mid season finale taste out of our mouths.
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