The Sentence (2018) Poster


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Of course it's one-sided; it's her brother's film!
dfloro19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to write this documentary's review as a response to all the 1-3 star reviewers who hated it for being so "very one-sided." 1) Obviously, you must believe then when Cindy claims that her deceased ex-boyfriend Alex had sold all of the drugs and she never sold any, well she just must be one seriously lying b****, huh?

2) You must be fully onboard with a girlfriend being held 100% responsible for a boyfriend's crimes, whether she participated in them or not. How about reversing their genders? That, also? New scenario: a wife poisons her first husband, but is never arrested until you're engaged to be her second husband. New evidence is uncovered and she's convicted, but kills herself in prison and can't be sentenced for her conviction. So are YOU now to be held 100% liable for the killing of her first husband? Doesn't seem fair, does it?

3) You must really love the idea of mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug crimes, in general, and the 15-year duration for criminal conspiracy to sell illegal narcotics, in particular. And if you never actually sold any narcotics, how did you go about conspiring to commit crime(s)?

4) If you're of the belief that "there's no such thing as a nonviolent drug offense" because of the volume of violence directly or indirectly related to or resulting from drugs, then if a dime bag is sold and a person driving high on it hits and accidentally kills a sober person, then the seller of said bag is a murderer and gets death?

These are some of the questions and scenarios raised to my mind by this documentary movie. If you can watch it through to the end and think that "she only got what she deserved" or even deserved a longer prison stay, well s***w you!
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I lived this story
Lynnspring-4307523 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For those who gave this film a bad rating, they obviously have no emotional connection to someone who was incarcerated for a non-violent drug offense, let alone a conspiracy charge. This film was compelling, raw, & authentic. It's amazing!! Grab a box of tissues!

It reminds me so much of my childhood. My mother was incarcerated when I was 8yrs old for possession of narcotics. Her & my father had been using drugs since they were kids, like a lot of drug addicts, & they both ended up in jail for drug use. My dad eventually left the picture, & my mom was in & out of prison til I was an adult. My grandparents raised my siblings & I & gave us a great life. My gma drove us to whatever prison my mom was at every few months. I remember how much I missed her & how excited I'd get every time we'd go to see her. But, I started growing up, & every time she went back to jail I'd grow more & more resentful. You lose so much not having your mother there. I thought she chose drugs over us. I didn't understand that drug addiction is a disease that can't be cured by prison time. They'd lock her up for drug use & posession every time, & send her back out into the world after she did her time. She never got the help she really needed. The last time my mom was sent to jail the judge wanted to send her away for life. My gma found an amazing long-term rehab facility called Delancey Street & the judges granted her to go there instead of serving her sentence. It's a 2 yr commitment & it's not like a typical rehab. It's a place for those who have tried everything to get sober & nothing works. It's a non-profit & costs nothing - u just have to really want to recover & change your life. Delancey has a 97% success rate for those who successfully complete the 2yr program.

My mom stayed for 7yrs & has been sober for 20. She just received her masters degree in professional counseling & works as a professional drug counselor. She's a completely different person; an amazing mother who I respect & admire, a dependable friend, a pillar of her community, & a law-abiding citizen. She's better than most pple I know, & she couldn't have done it without help. My siblings & I have all struggled at different points in our lives because my mother was never around while we grew up. It has lasting affects on the entire family. Yes, my mother actually did the crime, but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Non-violent drug offenses have ridiculous sentences & the punishment is not valid or helpful. It doesn't help pple change their lives for the better, it makes it harder. These pple need help. To make it worse, conspiracy charges for drug offenses are insane!! I know how difficult it was for me, so I can only imagine what it was like for this family. We all do stupid things when we're young. We fall in love with the wrong guy & think we can change them. We hang out with the wrong crowd. Whatever it is, it doesn't deserve a 15yr sentence!! Not for a drug offense when you're the gf!!

For the person who is upset that the film didn't talk about her charges exactly, they did! She fell into the problem that Congress has been trying to fix called "The girlfriend problem". The only crime she was guilty of was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The 1.5 million children they've left behind so far are left with overburdened friends & family or in the child welfare system, where they're at increased risk of physical or sexual abuse. How is that fixing the problem??

We need more stories like this to be told! Thank you Rudy for sharing you story. I loved that it was shot like a homemade movie. It felt very real & not like a production. That's how u make a documentary! Don't listen to the critics because this is your truth! I wish Cindy & her girls nothing but the best!! I really hope her girls can recover from this. Stay close to them Cindy. U can do this! If my mom can, & she was way worse, u can too!

Everyone needs to watch this film!!!
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The husband
melindaconsuelo21 October 2018
I cannot stop thinking about the husband after watching this film. What he did for his wife and children was amazingly selfless. He took on that burden in a gentle and loving way. At the end of the movie, however, you could see that the sweet lovely caring man had become somewhat jaded. Who wouldn't? He was forced to take something on that he never signed up for. Never mind 'for better or for worse'. No matter how much he loves his wife, resentment had to rear its ugly head frequently over the years. God bless him and his family. His in-laws are heartwarmingly beautiful people-the real deal. Provocative subject matter very well done.
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Amazing and well-done
elizrug22 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone saying she was guilty, yes, she knows that and so does her family. What she was guilty of was omission. That should not be punished with 15 years. This is a great independent film showing loyalty, love and devotion, while showing flaws in the US judicial system.
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rtrtech16 October 2018
The best documentary I have watched in a very long time. This is definitely a must see for everyone. This family and their love and support for each other is truly amazing.
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Spend 5 minutes searching the facts on google
sharkanana-854-7894113 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, I watched this movie and the entire time I'm going, "Where are the facts? Why doesn't he explain this? Or this? Or...THIS!?!?!"

Because the facts are really bad. She took payments for drugs, she bought houses/cars/etc in her name to deflect from boyfriend, she made calls and organized for him, she lied to the cops about the location of him getting shot, while other members of their organization got off with money, it goes on....

It took 6 years to come after her because they had to build a case involving the other suspects in question. They didn't show any footage from the trial, or even explain the details of the charges...the trial....anything...

Awful, awful documentary that only pulls at your heartstrings by showing a broken family due to criminal charges.
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Truly a gem
iqdrywall16 October 2018
Min mandatory sentences are one of the worse things that has been done to the American justice system. This doc, shows one families struggle to deal with unjust sentencing guidelines. If your not in tears when you are at the end of it. You do not have a soul. Be warned. You will need a big box of tissues! Punishment should fit the crime.
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She Was Not So Innocent
HarleanHayworth12 October 2019
This is a very one sided documentary about a woman who is sentenced to a 15 year mandatory prison sentence for dealing drugs. The documentary is made by her family and they want you to believe she doesn't deserve her sentence. However if you read the court reports you will see that she was a drug dealer, she lied to the police, and she was found guily after a trial.

The tragic part of this documentary is that the woman left behind a husband and three little girls who will forever be damaged by not having their mother around. Yes you will feel sorry for the children because none of this was their fault. However their drug dealing mom got the sentence she deserved and now she has to spend the rest of her life making it up to these kids.

The big lesson of this documentary is if you committ a crime in the US you will get locked up!
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Mandatory minimum!
Kelitansmith16 October 2018
So happy for this family. The brother is God Sent. Great account of those left behind who are really sentenced too.
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Absolutely WOW
jaimezendejas17 October 2018
Great job by the director in capturing these moments of the life of this family.
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A true case against mandatory sentencing
jooles-2828018 October 2018
This movie showed how the mandatory sentencing program for drugs is a failure. First of all, I want to say that this is such an amazing family. They were so supportive of her. Whether or not she knew about her boyfriend's drug involvement does not justify a 15-year sentence, destroying the lives of her entire family. What good did it do for society in general to put someone like this is prison? All it did was leave emotional scars on those poor children having to be away from their mother for so long. It was truly heartbreaking to see the emotional strain on her husband, children, mother, father, brothers and sister. Her brother Rudy (filmmaker) did an excellent job documenting the struggles and heartbreak and how something like this affects so many.
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Hmm left out key details
MovieCriticOnline20 October 2018
I want to love every movie I watch. Unfortunately, the majority of the time that isn't the case.

There is a theme in recent documentaries of being all over the place and leaving out details.

For the first 15 minutes, I knew nothing about Cindy (the lead) or what happened to her. They didn't even talk about what had happened. You hear calls between her and the kids etc, but no clue why. Please, start with the background story first and make them more linear.

This was more an emotional plea than factual and honest. You don't live with someone who deals drugs and has guns all over and you either don't know or not involved. Don't buy it. I feel REALLY horrible for the kids.

Sentences ARE ridiculous and I have issues with the whole industry of drugs/crimes etc. (meaning I don't think doing drugs should be a crime) However, I don't like manipulative filmmakers playing down certain facts to reach an emotional conclusion.

But how do you leave out the trial? Nothing from the other side, like the prosecutor, defense attorney, jurors etc. We learned pretty much NOTHING about why she went to prison (besides just the overall allegation). If you make a movie about injustice SHOW IT, don't talk about it. You just don't get sentenced to prison for 15 years for being a girlfriend. They basically talked about how much they love their mom for 90 minutes. Why did the FEDS wait 6 years after dropping the case? There are more questions than answers in this.

Whatever happened to her is messed up, but without all the facts it felt empty and incomplete. Plus it could have been 15 minutes shorter. A lot of repetitive stuff.

The girls were the most amazing part. The end felt a bit rushed. They should have shown more of the process. Lots of crying and hugging.

One critic wrote: "Rudy Valdez has no distance from the material, which works simultaneously in the film's favor and, largely, its disfavor." I tend to agree. It just felt like a home movie, but not like a documentary.

It's worth watching, but it could have been so much better.

UPDATE! After thinking about it more, it was actually worse than I initially wrote. You learned nothing about why there was an injustice. Don't make a film about mandatory sentences and/or injustice and now show anything about it. It was 90 minutes of repetitive calls from the children to the mom for over 9 years. That was pretty much it, but that's not enough for a film.
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I've never wanted to write a review before
joaniemurphy19 October 2018
The Sentence is an exquisite look into what happens to a family when the mother is in prison for over nine years. I felt every emotion each family member felt. The Sentence is beautifully filmed. How this wonderful brother documented the life of his sister's three daughters as their father brings them upside cc unfolds in a most tender way.
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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time...
HoracioDee26 October 2018
So if her family wasn't so nice (as portrayed by a documentary made by a member of said family) then viewers shouldn't care? That's essentially what most of the reviews are asserting. Also, anyone who says being a part of a drug ring is a nonviolent crime is naive. Drug users commit crimes, often violent in nature, to feed their habits. And pick up a newspaper from any larger city and you'll read about violence associated with the sale of narcotics.
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You Have to watch this Movie Once in Life
admin-9334417 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie I have watched and very nice family, love and support's really wonderful movie.. that must watch every one. Go for IT!
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Heartbreaking and Human
docnrse2 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Sentence is foremost a portrait of a family devastated by the imprisonment of one of its members. Regardless of questions about guilt and the legal system, this film was fascinating because it detailed the incredible emotional toll on familial relationships as they adjust to the reality of being without their mother, wife, sister, daughter.

Family members and the woman's spouse are all interviewed and re-interviewed as time passes. We see the children grow up, the husband lose hope and file for divorce, the parents broken-hearted at having their daughter separated from them. Until almost the very end, we only see the imprisoned mother in old photos & videos and hear her voice on the phone during her calls home.

The ending is bittersweet as she is granted clemency and comes home. The reunion of her and her family members is truly powerful and moving. As the film closes we see her trying to make sense of the times she missed. We realize despite the fact that she's home again, everyone's life is irrevocably affected by her long absence.
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Unfortunately True, Incredibly Unfortunate
castro-622219 November 2018
Unfortunately Cindy's story is too common. The toll something like this takes on a family was documented beautifully and honestly.
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I for incomplete
decimatorcortez2 October 2020
If you like one sided human interest stories, this is an okay watch. Nothing extraordinary, overly interesting, or compelling.

Her parents were farm workers when they came here. Father became a small business owner, mother a school teacher, the daughter a criminal.

As for the non-violence tripe, ask the boyfriend's family or victims of drug use.

A quick google search will answer a few questions.
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Excellent documentary!!!
marlakins19 January 2019
I loved this film as it truly showed the emotionality of families who are affected by incarceration of a loved one. Best documentary I have seen in a long time. I cried when they cried every time!!! You must see this film!!
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pathetic whining story
a29107210 November 2019
If you cant do the time, dont do the crime.

pathetic to use the kids to make this crap.

typical criminal trailer trash.
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ExitSouth21 October 2018
I felt so sorry for the kids. Somebody has to do something about these crazy mandatory sentences. On reality tv crime shows ... I've seen people who directly commit manslaughter and assault get lighter sentences than this women who happened to be the "girlfriend" of a criminal. The system has to be changed. The suffering to the families is beyond belief! I didn't know any of this was happening until I saw this movie yesterday on HBO.
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binz4523 March 2019
I cried the entire movie. This was incredibly eye-opening; so raw and real. I'm glad it had a 'happy' ending :)
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Gut wrenching, raw emotion
ajmblue22-206-4699469 November 2018
Amazing film,! I felt the pain iof every single person in this documentary. I simply can't begin to imagine the years of agony for this family. I'm certain your story will help others. Thank you for sharing.
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erak-2574817 October 2018
You're involved with criminals, you know you are guilty.
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The Girlfriend Problem
donnagrace-6309224 October 2018
I knew about minimum sentencing and our desperate need for prison reform, but through Mr. Veldez' exquisite, painstaking work that explained everything in heartbreaking detail, I now learn about this horrific "girlfriend problem". For a country that prides itself on innovation, the patriarchy sure has a knack for coming up with the cruelest of boneheaded "solutions" that do nothing but inflict the greatest harm on the greatest number of people.
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