
3 Reviews
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It's your own fault, bud..
4 August 1999
A perfect example of "less is more", in the era of off-the-wall CGI effects. Using a combination of hand-held camera work, and a claustrophobic, voyeuristic storyline, the filmmakers succeed by causing the audience to question their own actions. Have YOU ever walked into the woods to check out something you heard about (a burial site, a weird looking tree, whatever)? Have you ever freaked yourself out listening to the strange sounds in the woods,the snapping twig,the movement seen at the edge of your vision? You always lived the happy ending; all is right with the world. Now imagine that you are watching what could have been you, on video, MINUS the happy ending; this is NOT supposed to happen; what the HELL were you thinking, going into the woods, in search of what, a freaking horror story? The Blair Witch Project slowly drums on that nerve of yours till there is no out,no happy ending and no one to blame but yourself. And your possible final thoughts here? How about, "Oh, God, it's true, it's all true". Quick fade out.
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Lake Placid (1999)
Good Grief! Get the net!
17 July 1999
Good grief! This flick was horrible! Worse, it was boring! What was David Kelley thinking? For that matter, what were Bill Pullman, Bridget (I hope you get eaten by the crocodile) Fonda, and Oliver Platt thinking? If this was supposed to be a spoof, someone should have told them that means it's supposed to be funny..Hellooo! I was even disappointed in the creature effects by Stan Winston (which is amazing, cause he never misses!). The only bit of funny was the foul-mouthed Betty White role (barely). Come to think of it, what was I thinking, paying good money to see this? Definitely, a wait till the video comes out pick.
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Soooo Kubrick
17 July 1999
Such lovely work: beautiful visually, absolutely perfect use of soundtrack and so Kubrick...non-linear storyline, such amazing pacing. I can see where non-Kubrick fans would be going "Huh" but that happened with "Space Odyssey:2001" too. From listening to comments made by audience members exiting the film I think people were expecting a soft-porn film; I have no doubt the hype and secrecy suggested that mind-set. Cruise gives a knock-out performance. My one gripe is: I didn't feel Kidman's performance stands up to her husbands. She was so much better in Van Sant's "To Die For". Still, she looks exquisite which is all part of the "look" of the film. A must-see for Kubrick fans.
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