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Totally misses the mark.
12 October 2021
The seven letters to the churches, early on in revelation, are a complete unfolding of a prophecy about the way the church would evolve over the 2000 years that has come to pass since then. The movie makes no mention of that. Additionally, a movie with the title seven churches should feature seven churches. This one falls flat, in that it only gets to the first three churches, and then pads the film with a panel interview. At that point, someone reveals the fact that there are multiple movies, but only late in the movie do we see the French producer, In a bizarre zoom message, tell us that there are actually three films. I only want to pay for one. Give me my seven churches. I am a strong Christian, but this movie did not get over the bar.
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Tight, well scripted courtroom drama
1 April 2016
This movie reflects an ongoing cultural battle as seen through the eyes of one community. Overall production values are very high. Acting ranges from good to great.

Hart is perhaps the weakest link in an otherwise strong cast. Haley Orratia as Brooke is a solid presence throughout. Even Pat Boone at age 81, gives us a believable performance. The two lawyers present a strong and effective courtroom battle.

Just like Part One, this movie is driven by an intelligent script as it explores issues on society, faith and politics. It cleverly continues with the cast of Part One providing us with characters who are immediately connected with each other and with the audience. If you have seen Part One, you will immediately recognize some backhanded and humorous references to the debut film.

The Newsboys concert appearance is way too brief. There are several songs from the new album that could have been woven into the plot.

Go see it, highly recommend.
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Fireproof (2008)
A truly worthwhile film
5 October 2008
No million-dollar actors... but.. great story, great balance, very believable. Acting holds up, once the story grabs you. Know how an actor can miss the mark, and remind you that it's 'only a movie'? Get past the first 10 minutes, and you'll sense the honesty behind the characters. Rare film that tries to help you be a better person. Highly recommend. Balanced between drama, action, humor, fact and faith. Married? Thinking about it? Spend time with this one. It can't hurt, and the film does not try to preach. IMDb ratings show many 'ones', which can not possibly be from people who saw the film. Vote with your dollars. go see it, or rent it. It's a good investment in yourself and in our culture.
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Rick (2003)
Extremely Offensive Music Lyrics
9 July 2006
Routine, slightly interesting story of "what goes around comes around" variety. A rap music piece with extremely offensive sexual lyrics plays in an office scene, early on, and then blasts for 5 minutes or more during the office party scene.

Unnecessarily crude, vulgar, demeaning, obscene, profane and tasteless. Enough to make the movie a "must NOT see."

Beyond that, the lighting and mood is noir, most of the characters are self-centered, rude and arrogant, and their come-uppance, if it ever comes, is only briefly implied. For a morality play, 'Rick' certainly lacks morals.
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Eight Below (2006)
But the dogs are good.
17 February 2006
Thin story line and a lack of acting make this movie a must see on the small screen, on the DVD player, in the back of the van, going south on I-75, screened just to make the ankle biters stay still.

Little acting talent and a plethora (that means a lot) of plot holes make it a laugher, and a waste of money on the big screen.

1. If the dogs could survive 6 months at 50 below zero (F), why did they need to be rescued? 2. Doesn't Antarctica have a several month black-out every year, called winter? 3. The rescue was WAY too easy, and the "talent" lolls around on the set, under blue skies, faces exposed . . apparently someone forgot the location and time of year in the story line..

The humans made the dogs look like great actors. But, if you are ever going south on I-75, put it on the small screen, on the DVD player, in the back of the van, and the kids might stay quiet.
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Sometimes in April (2005 TV Movie)
Beautiful, yet flawed.....
6 January 2006
Great drama, which takes on a national disaster elegantly and simply, through the eyes of one man and his family..... Beautifully shot, great lighting and rich colors...

Flawed because characters seem to pop in to the plot mid-stream, with little explanation, and the "jump back and forth and back and forth and back and forth" in time technique can really ruin the continuity of a film ( a la Oliver Stone's disaster: "Alexander"). Compared to "Hotel Rwanda", the course of events seems a little confusing.

Also, contains some rather inane commentary, early on, to the effect that there was never any tribal rivalry, strife or division in that part of Africa until the Belgians came along, 20th century....
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Turn of Faith (2002)
Could It Get Any Worse ?
30 January 2004
The only thing more shockingly off-base than this film itself is the highly laudatory external review at DVD Critic. Don't believe a word they say. The script is trite, the acting wooden, the story a blurry, vague mess, the 'surprise ending'? Well, by that time, nobody cares, not even the guy getting shot.

Perhaps a nice specimen for a film class: "What Not To Do 101", but don't waste your time. I checked it out, free, from the library, and it was worth what I paid for it.
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Christine (1983)
An edit would have fixed it.
27 October 2002
'Christine' is a pretty stylish, compelling film. However, 10 minutes of foul language, sexual references and general stupidity are used as "character development" to start the movie off. Totally unnecessary garbage... as is the case with a lot of celluloid nowadays. The "evil car" and main character's obsession are directed and played pretty well, so it's a shame they ruin the film right out of the box.
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Songcatcher (2000)
Great movie, ruined by psycho-politics
22 September 2001
A simple story, beautifully filmed, is pretty much trashed by a pointless "in your face" lesbian relationship. That's not what the film is about. When the director strains to make the film "about" that, it loses its momentum and focus.

Nice try. Give it a 6. Could have been an 8 or 9.
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Weak, small, over-rated
22 March 2001
BJM, for some reason, is rated on IMDB in the top 100 films of all time. This is an almost unimaginable turn of events for a hastily scrawled cartoon of a film. An interesting, but small premise, sketchy character development, rough, never beautiful filming.... the end result should be a footnote at the bottom of 1999, not one of the all time greats.
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Face (I) (1997)
Virtually Incomprehensible
25 February 2001
"Face" is a dark, gritty crime drama that puzzles me on two counts: Why the THICK lower-class British accents, which render dialog almost incomprehensible to American audiences? Why a plot so shallow that you know the identity of the traitor WAY early on?
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Gladiator (2000)
Overblown mess of a film
17 December 2000
Another case of style trying to pass itself off as substance. If this is 'art', then why are the camera techniques so distracting? Why am I always aware that I am watching a movie. It might look like art, but it's just an arrogant attempt to fool the viewer. Too bad, there was a good story in there somewhere. Lost that in the whispered, muddled dialogue.
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great actors caught in a weak script
8 January 2000
I found myself 'fast-forwarding' thru the last half hour. The script missed some great chances at early character development, which left the 'talent' struggling to pull this movie together. Their characters lacked depth and motivation in the later going, and the 96 minutes seemed much longer.
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Over rated
16 August 1999
The final 60 seconds of the movie contain a wonderfully written plot twist. That 'twist' rescues a film which is slow to the point of being tedious. The twist does not make the rest of the movie profound, well acted or well written, though.....
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Greatest book ever made into a bad film
21 July 1999
The book was a masterful 'historical novel', putting daily life into prose so powerful, so real you feel you are living the events. The movie is a lifeless, meandering, somehow pointless exercise in film. It ignores the book at critical points, adds total fiction to the story line for dramatic effect, and doesn't introduce a single character one really cares about.
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Ballot stuffing ?
29 May 1999
Sticks and Stones is a coarse, crude, violent, and largely pointless film. Of the first 25 votes cast for it, fifteen were a '10'. I suppose this means the cast and crew enjoyed it. I am thankful that so few other people were subjected to this waste of celluloid.

It is advertised on the video box as a film that will 'touch the family'. Worst case of false advertising I've seen of late. I was appalled by, (and had to comment on) the coarse language to my teenagers, so they will not think that sort of thing is normal or acceptable.
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The Robe (1953)
Huge difference, novel to screenplay
20 December 1998
The book is a definite 10.

The movie, with altered plot, sequence of events, modified relationships between major characters, is a pale imitation. Give it a 6.
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Classic, groundbreaking, requires an attention span.
29 September 1998
Birth of A Nation broke so much ground in cinematic technique that it's well worth watching for that reason alone. Outdoor 'epic' shots, night shooting, shooting from a camera truck, historically accurate re-enactments, and lots more. The sweep of history portrayed, sometimes in politically incorrect fashion, is also worth a viewing.

Perhaps not fast-paced enough for your 1990's thriller fan, though. It requires a little study in advance, and a little patience, to truly appreciate the film.
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