
89 Reviews
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K-9 (1989)
The funniest Cop/Dog comedy yet
9 July 2000
James Belushi is the cop, Dewley, who seems to have spent most of his time chasing after the same guy, the drug lord Lyman played Kevin Tighe. And is then finally forced to get a partner in the shape of Jerry Lee the German Shepard dog. They have a very comedic relationship quite like that of Turner and Hooch.

Things take a dangerous turn for Dewley and Jerry Lee when Dewley's girlfriend Tracey, played by Mel Harris, is taken hostage by Lyman. A tragic outcome that turns out great in the end, and even Jerry Lee gets to have a girlfriend.

Great acting by James Belushi, Mel Harris and Jerry Lee. A score of 7 out of 10.
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Aliens (1986)
The best out of the legacy
9 July 2000
Now I might be slightly bias seeing as I saw this movie before the rest, but it is still the best one. The Action, Comedy, Monsters, One Liners, Characters and Tension are all packed together to make this a very unforgettable movie. "Aliens (1986)" the superior sequel to the 1979 block buster "Alien" still holds a kind of original but improved cast, although Sigourney Weaver is the only original character from the first. Ellen Ripley is woken from her Cryogenic sleep 57 years after she survived "Alien". But now she is with a whole new group of marines on board the Main Ship the "Sulaco". Included in the group are Michael Biehn as Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Bill Paxton as Private Hudson, Janette Goldstein as the female version of Rambo, Private J. Vasquez, and Lance Henriksen as the new Android, L.Bishop, plus a whole load more of Lambs that are led to the slaughter. A very nasty character, Carter J. Burke, played by Paul Reiser, convinces Ripley to accompany the marines back onto LV-426 to destroy the aliens, although this is not his real intention. The full extent of his Evil doings is revealed after his failed attempt to let Ripley and Rebecca "Newt" Jordan played by Carrie Henn, be impregnated by the face huggers. He sent the 158 civilians of "Hadleys Hope" into LV-426 to be wiped out by the Aliens, only Newt survived, doing so by hiding in the vent shafts that are too small to allow alien access.

It is only a matter of time before the aliens reach the few remaining marines, and its a case of once again hunt or be the hunted. There are some classic quotes, that usually come in the midst of the action, as Venquez and Gorman run out of ammo in the vents with aliens running at them in all directions she calmly lets him know "You always were an A**hole Gorman!" then Kaboom, their Last grenade wipes them out along with a few aliens.

The final showdown between Ripley and the Queen Alien doesn't fail to please, as she gets into the yellow thing, I can't remember what its called, she yells to the Alien who is attempting to get Newt, "Get away from her, You Bitch!!"

A remarkable movie, I give this a 9 out of 10.
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Did you marry Mrs X?
6 July 2000
Mike Myers gives Waynes World a rest and delivers what I think is a better movie.... well better than Waynes World 2 anyway. It is a truly great movie with Mike playing a duel role, firstly as Charlie MacKenzie a young guy who is scared of commitment to women, then his dad Stuart MacKenzie a very funny Scotsman who could take the lead role in X Files with his ideas on Conspiracy. Nancy Travis stars as a butcher... Harriet, who ends up with Charlie..... A great movie that is very funny in the pre Austin Powers age, a 7 out of 10.
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Cyberdyne Systems Model 101
6 November 1999
The Terminator was and still is a one of the greatest Sci-Fi movies ever made, everything about it is wonderfully put together by James Cameron.His greatest movie apart from maybe T2, but he should be very proud of this movie because it is a movie for all ages, well most of it is. Arnie of course plays the almost unstoppable cyborg, who has a mission that is simply to kill the mother of the man who has caused humans to fight back against the cyborgs in the future. Linda Hamilton is the "Mother of the Future" who is being stalked by Mr. Terminator, but she gets help from a soldier sent back from the future by her son, Kyle Reese played by Michael Biehn. A great movie over all and they didn't make a mistake by making a sequel....strange!!. An 8 and a half out of 10.
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I waited 4 years to watch this......
23 October 1999
OK This was the last Halloween movie out of the series that I watched, basically because I couldn't find it anywhere, but then I got a copy and watched it....... Whoa.... This is very much like a Friday the 13th movie with teens partying and then getting slaughtered, and the mask , what's wrong with that huh?, it looks more like LeatherFace mask than Michael Myers mask, and the crazy music when the two cops were first introduced was exactly like something out of the Lame Friday the 13th movies. Right now, I liked this movie a lot, Michael Has obviously survived the events at the end of Halloween 4, and lies dormant for a year then he awakes and hell breaks loose on Haddonfield once more...... He started of killing a guy who looked after him for a year then he Killed the Major character from Halloween 4, Rachel. But he does not have the complete upper hand his niece Jamie now has a telepathic connection with him and can tell what he's going to do next, then there is Dr. Loomis who is a complete maniac in this movie intent on killing Michael once and for all. The part that I liked the most was where Jamie and Michael bond !!! She talks to him and asks to look at him without his mask and she tells him that they are the same, and the poor guy cries, but then Jamie falls over and Michael gets stressed out....... The ending was what I would expect from the greatest Horror series of all time. I give this movie an 8 out of 10. The Jamie/Michael scene should of been longer!!
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Jason takes Manhattan
20 October 1999
Jason Voorhees is back once again in this lame movie, and this time he can morph, while chasing two teens through the sewers he appears in front of them.... magic. Kane Hodder is back as Jason and is great, cool deaths but the most stupid scene in this movie is the boxing between the champion teen guy and Jason Voorhees, without trying he punches his head off, clean cut!!!! I give this crazy movie a 5 out of 10.
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what a movie!!!!
6 October 1999
Mark Paul-Gosselaar shows that he is capable of starring in decent movies after Saved by the Bell. Cooper and Josh are failing college and find out that in order to get an automatic "A" they have to have a room mate kill themselves. So they look for a room mate that has suicidal tendencies and take them in. Their plans go wrong and look to be getting an "F", when a clever idea comes into plan. A great comedy and in many aspects is similar to Dead Mans Curve (1998), but this is better .... by far. A great comedy I give it an 8 out of 10.
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The most kills in the series
6 October 1999
Jason Voorhees is back..... and he is mad this time, not only is this the return of the hockey mask wearing maniac but it is the only movie in the Friday the 13th series in which Jason`s victim list nearly reaches the big 20. The story is pretty weak though but the killing scenes are pretty cool and some are elaborate. Not the best sequel but not the worst, I give it a 6 out of 10.
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The final night he came home
4 October 1999
The final part of the Halloween series is probably the best. The supposedly dead Laurie strode is alive and has a new life as a different woman, new name, new family.......again new life. Dr Loomis is however sadly ....dead...... but Michael is back.....yeah. A great movie with some scenes similar to Halloween (1978). Great showdown between Michael and Laurie, but I however felt sorry for Michael in the end...... don't ask why he just seemed so ........ harmless?!!!!

A great movie and I give it an 8 and a half out of 10.
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4 October 1999
I didn't see Halloween 5 so this was a bit weird for me. It was ok but I have missed a huge part of the story. At least Michael is still here. Loomis is still in it and boy has he aged. The return of an original.... Tommy Doyle, the little boy that Laurie Strode was looking after in Halloween is in this one and he is intent on finding Michael Myers. There is also a Producers cut, but i haven't seen it so I can't comment on that ........ A good movie lame ending though. A 7 out of 10.
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He's Back........
4 October 1999
The best thing they did was to bring back Michael Myers..... Halloween just isn't Halloween without Michael. So he is back and so is Loomis, but Laurie is dead, but she had a daughter, Jamie Strode. This movie is perfect, a great story line and best of all Michael is Back...... An 8 out of 10.
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4 October 1999
What is this? Halloween 3...... it has nothing to do with Michael Myers and it sort of mocks Halloween, the guy is watching John Carpenters Halloween!!! If this had a different name it would of been OK but the fact it is a Halloween movie just makes me cry....... it blows....some crazy Warlock making masks to sell to kids who end up getting killed....... A 3 out of 10.
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Hockey mask arrives
4 October 1999
The third Friday movie....... OK it was good and Jason does get the mask half way through the movie, but they tried too much at making it a 3-D movie which kind of ruined it. But it is a good movie overall and they did leave it open for a sequel. A 6 out of 10, nice try .......
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Halloween II (1981)
More of the night he came home
4 October 1999
Michael Myers is back, and he still is trying to kill his sister so he can complete his mission and go home for dinner. He is back and follows Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis)to a Hospital where he gets rid of doctors with great elaborate deaths. A fiery ending that looked like the end of Michael Myers and Loomis. A 6 out of 10.
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Halloween (1978)
The start of a legacy
4 October 1999
Michael Myers is perhaps the greatest, creepiest and most realistic serial killer of all time. His mask is really cool too. Halloween the start of it all, beautifully put together. A young Jamie lee Curtis plays the sister of Michael. He has a little mission which is to kill all his family...... OK he must of got bored........he started young though at the age of 6!! A great movie with Donald Pleasance as Doctor Samuel Loomis.

A 7 and a half out of 10.
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Child's Play (1988)
Talk to me!!!!!
19 August 1999
For a movie with a very sinister following in England this movie was great. The killings were very ....... Weird, But the story was great, A great cast and the Doll of Chuckie was great. Friendly looking but spooky. I haven't managed to see the 2nd and 3rd part but I will A 7 out of 10
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Chh chh chh aa aa aa where's Jason?
19 August 1999
The first of the ever growing series of Friday the 13th movies perhaps the best, Original and scary at times a wonderful scary movie. A young Kevin Bacon has some funny lines, and Adrianne King as the heroine of the movie and the sole survivor but the show stealer is the deranged Mrs Pamela Voorhees who filmed a convincing Psychotic woman.

A 7 out of 10.
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N64 still have what it takes......
23 June 1999
The 5th Zelda game is by far the greatest RPG in the world. N64 still has what it takes to make a kick ass game...but for most of the time it was more like a Movie than anything else. This was a really exciting game and I'm glad I own a copy and I would recommend this Game to anyone who owns an N64.

The character Link ....the guy who is the hero.....has so many weapons and swords and shields and magic potions that I Absolutely loved the character and with his encounters with the monsters of Hyrule he had what it takes to kick their butts!!! There were a few amusing parts of the game... such as the Gorons wanting a hug from Link, and the hide from the guard game were great. Getting to ride the horse was a highlight of the game aswell....

The game had probably the greatest Bad guy of all time.... the King of Evil..... King Ganondorf. He was the darkside of Link and put up a good fight at the end, but he was too easy. A great bad guy though.

Then there was the Princess.... who gave the Ocrina of time and the Light Arrows to Link... Princess Zelda. Although it was her who kept getting Link to risk his life she was a great character.

After the game I was very happy with what Miyamoto had created but the thing that would of made this game the best of the best was to be able to walk around and see what you have done and be congratulated by everyone... but sadly that did not happen. The two greatest things that I enjoyed the most in the whole game was going back and forward through time and the Cinema video of the destruction of Kakariko Village.

An all time great game and If you are thinking of getting an N64 this would be the first game you should get.... I give this a 9 out of 10... because of the lame ending.
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
The best of the series
21 June 1999
Saved By the bell the original is the best series of the S.B.T.B series.

Mark Paul Gosselar is great as Zack Morris and plays a great lead role, He is my favorite character and I was really happy to see him appear in the New Class for an episode.

Tiffany Amber-Thiesson is the class beauty Kelly Capowski and is the only girl that Zack loves....

Dustin Diamond plays the nerd Screech Powers and is Zacks best friend....well one of them, who tries his best to get the attention of Lisa.

Lark Voories plays Lisa Turtle the rich girl who likes to go shopping alot....and is constantly followed by Screech.

Mario Lopez plays the Champion Wrestler of Bayside High ...A.C. Slater, who after a while became good friends with Zack. He also dated the most annoying character.....

Elizabeth Berkley plays Jessie Spano who is a real boffin and cares nothing except her grades, she has also been Zack's friend since Kindergarten.

This series was great but it got ruined by the following series which tried to live up to it's original series.

I give this a 7 and a half out of 10.
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It's All That
7 June 1999
Well the film was OK, it started of good but then during the middle it got a bit boring, well when I saw it for the second time it did, Freddy Prinze Jnr and Matthew Lillard meet in this Teen Comedy, if yoy like that sort of movie then watch it I give this a 6 out of 10
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Twin Dragons (1992)
One of Jackie Chans finest movies!!
7 June 1999
After 7 years this movie is still great and Jackie Chan shows he is still the greatest fighter around.

In his Dual Role as two brothers who have never met, and end up fighting a gang of Hong Kong's toughest gang. A great movie and one of Jackie Chan's best

I give it a 7 out of 10
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The Simpsons (1989– )
The greatest Cartoon of the Century
7 June 1999
This is by far the greatest Cartoon of all time, the best character is by far Homer J Simpson Bart is sometimes funny but he always manages to get on my nerves, Marge is Boring and a square and Lisa should be killed off, she is so boring and such a Boffin, most of the Episodes are great and Homer just makes me laugh all the time, it's great and I just love every episode, I'm glad that it never ended like it was planned. I give it an 8 and a half out of 10.
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E.T. (1982)
phone home!!!!!!!
7 June 1999
ET is still today one of the most remembered movies of the century with little ET, and Elliot and a very young Drew Barrymore. It is a great film and everyone should like it, it isn't my favorite but I like it all the same A 6 out of 10. One of Steven Spielberg's finest
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I`d like to be locked in a super store too!!!
29 May 1999
I like this movie, it`s just great, the characters are great and Frank Whaley plays a great lead role, with his lovely girlfriend played by Jennifer Connelly.

It starts of great and the most of the Store scenes are great, but it started to slip on the last 15 minutes, luckily it was only that amount of time.

I give this a Wild 7 out of 10.
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Dr. No (1962)
Names Bond ....James Bond!!
29 May 1999
Sean Connery`s first outing as agent 007 James Bond is one of his most rememberable, I especially remember the Spider in the bed scene............ And the best part at the poker table where Sean utters those rememberable words ."Bond.....James Bond" And the first of many Bond Girls played by Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder....

A great film and a 7 out of 10 it gets.
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