
4 Reviews
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Sometimes tedious, but an ending which provides pure horror
2 August 1999
First off, I have to say that I am quite relieved that someone finally said that this movie draws inspiration from Cannibal Holocaust. I have been saying that ever since I learned the premise of the film. Some people also mentioned a little known recent movie called Final Broadcast or something like that...but it also draws from Deodatos Italian gore fest due to the same "find dead persons film watch what happened to them". That out of the way lets proceed to some analysis.

Regarding the camerawork, the camcorder is shaky at times...but its nothing that a t.v show like Cops doesn't have either..if anything the two creators should have shelled out an extra 100$ or so to give Heather some lessons in camerawork. The B&W 16mil camera is just fine.

As for the plot and pacing of the movie, the middle part of the movie does drag on sometimes, but there is at least one scene where they are in the tent that is very frightening. But the middle part of the movie can be summarized thus: get lost, argue, get more lost, stay in tent, get scared, get lost, argue some more etc. etc.

The acting is just fine and its one of the high points for me. Besides some of the secondary characters in the beginning of the movie (which are laughably bad actors and detract from the movie)the main characters themselves act very convincingly. I kept thinking if me and my friends did get in that situation that is exactly how we would act. Some criticism is aimed at how Heather keeps filming through all thats happened, critics claim it is too contrived. Well those critics have never seen any war footage or footage of riots were journalists keep filming while under fire or attack. This is the same situation: Heather and those journalists want to keep filming because thats what they do! They want to go down in history and get that amazing footage.

And as for the is pure visceral horror....
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City Hunter (1993)
A live-action anime
2 August 1999
This movie is based on an anime series by the same title. And as such is quite different from typical Jackie Chan fare. For one there are all these cartoon gimmicks like weird flashbacks, giant mallets, and other things I can't quite describe but which give the movie a weird cartoon feeling. Some great fight scenes as always, and some beautiful women! (I especially liked the voluptuous comic relief girl). Go rent it!
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An enigmatic dream...
23 July 1999
Eyes wide shut is the kind of movie that is made for discussing. I watched it in a nearly deserted theater and halfway through the film some people were starting to joke and laugh due to loss of interest while others (myself included) continued to watch with no little interest. Some of the comments overheard were "what the hell was that?" and "magnificent..."

A lush, visual movie filmed in amber and golden tones with a dark background, much like the plot itself: set in beautiful magnificent scenery, while darkly brooding, corrupt characters dance about.

Are our dreams less important than our actions? Can anyone have a meaningful relationship in today's society? If you have thought and fantasized of being unfaithful instead of actually trying to be unfaithful are you less accountable for your actions?

These are some of the questions Eyes Wide Shut asks. And in true Kubrik fashion those questions linger long after the movie is over. That is the true importance of this movie and what gives it its appeal: it has substance along with aesthetics while many other art house movies (which eyes wide shut is no matter how comercialized WB tries to make it) offer a pretty package with no gift inside.

On the subject of acting, I think it was quite appropriate for the movie, Cruise delivered his lines like Kubrik intended them. He's the kind of director that you either do it the right way or its the highway. The whole movie is played out like a slow deliberate theater play which ties in with some of the movies imagery concerning charades and masks.

And finally this movie is unapologetically erotic and there is one particular scene were WB used digital characters to cover some actions that would have made the movie NC17, I think this was in poor taste. Not to worry however as a directors cut is sure to come.
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Don't let anyone tell you this is a good movie!!
28 May 1999
Go ahead and rent very bad things. Go ahead and please watch very bad things. Around 20 minutes into the movie you will be sorry you did. I love dark comedies, I am a fan of violent over the-top movies, and I have seen some of the most perverse horrible flicks ever released (i.e Cannibal Holocaust). I liked Cannibal Holocaust to a degree, but no other movie has ever disgusted me as much as this, with the exception of Carpenters Vampires.

Why did I hate this movie? It is physically upsetting to watch, all the characters scream and rant and are so blatantly stupid and idiotic that this movie probably gave me an ulcer, and I'm 19! No other movie has ever upset me as much as this movie did, Some fans of very bad things portray it has a a satirical depiction of suburban life, or human nature in general. It is nothing but an excuse to show some of the saddest excuses for comedy the writer had: a hooker's head impaled by a coat hanger, some of the most annoying children ever cast on film, and characters so hateful and one dimensional you cannot manage one ounce of sympathy for them.

I know that is the point of the movie, to showcase these male headcases and make a statement about suburbia. But much like vampires, the characters are so dark, misogynistic and downright stupid that it takes away all the enjoyment of the movie. The point of movies is to entertain, or at least get something out of the movie.

I walked away from Cannibal Holocaust, Tetsuo, Pink Flamingos, The Killer and many other violent, bizarre movies entertained and fascinated. I walked away from very bad things physically and mentally upset with myself, my girlfriend and the world in general...a real gem of a movie
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