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If Babe can be nominated...then why not this?
22 March 2006
I've decided years ago that Hollywood is way out of touch with America.

With that being said, can you tell me why this movie isn't every bit as good as...Million Dollar Baby? Please, there should be no restriction on genre when deciding Best Pictures...NONE!

Basically this is a fun parody of a superhero family that has to face evil once again. It allows people to enjoy a "Simpsons" style family that fights crime.

So if you haven't seen this, see it and enjoy a clean, fun movie.

p.s. Memo to Hollywood...In 1977 Star Wars was better then Annie Hall :)
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Hollywood's GAY Agenda continues>>>
20 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Other then the two GAY characters in the movie and the use of the KORAN as a symbol of things being suppressed, this movie was excellent! I've read the graphic novel years ago and loved it, as I have most of Alan Moore's work. Hugo Weaving is fantastic and so is Natlie Portman. The only reason for not giving the movie a 10, is because the GAY and Anti-Christian messages are all fabricated by the Producers of the movie. Yes they also portray the Fascist leader as George W Bush and that if you read between the lines, he ultimately was responsible for 9/11.

It doesn't really matter that Bush was used, since this novel was written during the 80's. The story and message are so good that you could put "ANY" face on the leaders.

Memo to Hollywierd: NOT everyone is GAY and needs to have your agenda driven down our throat! I for one I'm going to choose to see very few movies in the theater any more, and watch as the movie sales continue to drop (As they have for the last 3 years and counting).
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Zombie is the new Carpenter/Craven
23 July 2005
Yes this movie is sometimes over the top, but if you are a horror movie fan then you should not miss it. Rob Zombie in 2 movies has already shown me that he is in Hollywood to stay. The man knows images and music too well and his weird artistic expression and editing is what separates him from everyone else. He draws from old horror movies, recent ones and adds a bit of "side show" style that really gives a normally B renter movie a lift. Also the soundtrack alone is worth the price of admission, since his music background really comes through in his blending of scenes with the tracks. The list of character actors he gets for the movie are priceless, some if you're 30+ will remember from TV.

Over all Rob Zombie is for real and after this movie, he will be noticed by major studios and will begin to get a bigger budget, just as Robert Rodriguez did a few years back. Oh and his Wife Sherry Moon is super hot and looks like she will become a bigger star if she works a bit on the acting :)
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Not as good as original...
20 July 2005
Let me say first that I'm spoiled to have had the pleasure of watching the original with Gene Wilder (who was hands down better then Depp...sorry Burton fans) This movie is indeed a good children's movie and one I would recommend you take your kids to. However for the fans of the original, you will be very disappointed, unless of course you are one of the "Burton Coolaid drinkers" The visuals are wonderful in the movie as is the musical score by the always great Danny Elfman, but the two things that made the original fun and a classic was Gene Wilder and the Ompa Loopas with their respective musical numbers. The songs are what made the magic happen for me and that was very much missing from this version. Depp's performance as Wonka was cold and off track the entire movie which for me ruined the picture.

Gene Wilder's charming and eccentric performance could have only been equaled today by the likes of Robin Williams, Steve Martin, or Jim Carrey. Depp is by all accounts a great actor and I enjoy him in almost everything he does, except here.
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Sin City (2005)
Visually Stunning!
2 April 2005
As expected this movie was as beautifully shot as I expect from Mr Rodriguez. He and Spielberg are probably the best Cameramen in the business today. Sin City was by far the "best looking" comic book movie to date. Mickey Rourke's performance as Marv was worth the price of admission all by it self. Now for the negative side. My only big beef with the movie is how the 3 separate stories are placed together on screen. I didn't feel the connection with the other characters like I did Marv, and I blame Frank Miller for that. He had the entire movie storyboarded out and Rodriguez followed it to the letter. As a comic book this story works, but on screen people are owed better story structure and placement. He did tie all 3 stories into the main one, but only in a cheap way. Instead of a beginning, middle and end, he worked it similarly to the "pulp fiction" format. Now I'll be the first one to say the Rodriguez knows more about Directing then Tarrantino ever will, however Mr T is still the dialog and story teller master which is why pulp fiction worked.

Overall this movie has all the visuals and violence that serious comic book movies need to get the point across. Just don't go into it hoping to get a resolution that you will be looking for.
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Simply Brilliant!
18 December 2003
Peter Jackson has restored my faith in filmmaking once again, and has officially removed George Lucas from my memory :)

While I could nitpick about a few minor issues of choice in his final editing for the movie, the "Epic" battle scenes and closure to this grand literary work more then make up for it.

I sat through all three movies at the all-day "geek fest" so I could soak them all in to get a sense of scope for the movies. As a student of film, I had minor issues with some of his choices, but the fact that he made me love my cinematic experience again was shades of Lucas 77' when I was 6 years old seeing Star Wars for the first time.

He deserves an Oscar for director at least, if not also for Picture. If we learned anything from the Annie Hall vs Star Wars issue of 77, then the Academy will allow Peter Jackson to go into the History books with a Trilogy that not only surpasses Star Wars, but that will inevitably become legendary for all-time.
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Very Good but no Oscar Winner
31 July 2002
This movie does many things right and some occasional things expected. You really need to experience the movie for yourself and enjoy it rather then read someone's retelling of it.

I was a bit disappointed in the ending (reminding me of the shootist).

Overall good movie should get nominated but not win.
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Visually Beautiful...Lucas' Directing Stinks!
16 May 2002
Your Kids will love this movie, beautiful colors, sound, and cool aliens. Film makers beware, Lucas is Not a good filmmaker, Spielberg is. Let's be honest, the movie was "busy" from the get-go with CG and more CG. There were a few cool scenes at the beginning (Although rip-off of 5th Element and of course Blade Runner) How about the love story no one wants to see but Lucas, and how he can stretch out bad love dialogue between 2 people everyone already knows are going to be together anyway. Now to Jengo Fett, who is the original clone and father to everyone's favorite Bounty Hunter, Boba Fett. "Little Fett" as I call him, is there for the kids (Ok no problem) However Jengo is there for us Big kids, who have waited over 20 years to see him kick butt. Unfortunately you get 1 cool fight at the beginning, then he gets the AX toward the end. (When you see the arena scene...think Gladiator rip-off) Finally for the main reason this movie is awful, is because "who really is the bad guy?" Not Jengo, not the Senator, but I guess...Count Duuko (Played well by Sir Christopher Lee) So why then do you as the audience have to sit through 1 hour of the movie before finding out anything about this "Villian"? Aren't these movies suppose to be about Good vs Evil? You will leave this movie with 1 of 2 responses, either "Boy the graphics were neato!" or like me and other die hard fans, "What the hell was that? And why do I still not know how the Emperor got his powers after 2 new installments?"

Lucas has 1 more movie to make, and guess what folks, you have to wait 3 more years to see it.

*Oh well folks, just remember that the "Two Towers" will be out in November and Lucas will all be forgotten :)

end of line..................
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Spider-Man (2002)
Very well done
9 May 2002
It's refreshing to see quality film making done today. This was a very enjoyable movie, based on my favorite Super Hero. I've waiting over 8 years for this picture and now I get to enjoy it. The graphics are done wonderfully and look flawless as they blend in with the rest of the picture. This is not the "Busy" movie Star Wars episode 2 will be when you see it. The story is done well, and the performances are superb by both Toby Maguire (Spiderman) and William Dafoe (Goblin).

Forget Ebert's comments and go see it, you'll enjoy it :)
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Breathtaking! - George Lucas Who?
20 December 2001
I felt like a kid in a candy store. This movie was beautiful in presentation and performance. To top it off he even stayed true to the original stories. I haven't felt this good about a movie since I was 6 years old and watching Star Wars for this first, second, third, etc.

God Bless Peter Jackson! He has restored my faith in filmaking again :)
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Memento (2000)
Best Picture
22 October 2001
This is a fantastic movie. One that is edited with precision and a wonderful touch. There are Dvd's out there that can allow you to watch this movie the "traditional way" but if you want to enjoy this movie for it's originality and creativity, then watch it the way the Director wants you to see it. Excellent, thoughtful and deserving of an Oscar.
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Simply Awful!
5 August 2001
Please people, stop feeding this stinky movie with your hard earned money! Lord of the Rings is just around the corner, then you can see plenty of people running around in makeup. Stay away from this bad movie. Only good thing about the movie, is giving Chuck his props with a cameo.

*Note to the studios, you suck if you even try and make a sequel to this. Oh and Burton if you indulge them, you suck even worse.
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The Martial Arts Action Star We've all been waiting for!
11 July 2001
Yes - it's been a long time coming, but we finally have someone to replace Prime Chuck and Bruce as the king of Martial arts. That's right I'm crowning Jet Li as today's best of the best. Van Dame never came through, and my last favorite Seagal has gotten fat and no longer makes good movies. No, Jet Li is the stud to take us into the next few years. I had hoped with all my heart that after Lethal Weapon 4 that Jet Li would get his shot, and now he has. What makes Jet Li so good, is his seemingly emotionless personality. He takes care of business first, and doesn't let the other crap get in the way. I pay to see fighting not smooching when I go see an action movie, plain and simple.

*As far as a review for this movie, well if you want to see Jet Li fight, then go see this movie. If you want "Steel Magnolias" go elsewhere.

Also for those of you that enjoyed this movie, please check out Jet Li's remake of Bruce's Fists of fury, called fist of Legend. The end fight scene is worth the price of admission.
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Spielberg pays homage to Kubrick
11 July 2001
Steven Spielberg, perhaps the best director of our generation since Hitchcock finishes a movie that Mr. Kubrick started before he died recently. This movie is different and "out there" but this is why it deserves attention. Kubrick never when with the masses on any of his movies, and this movie is no different. Spielberg took the foundations of AI and ran with them. He added a few of his spins to it and put together a decent film. This is a movie that needs to be seen and judged for itself. I would not recommend this movie to the "non immaginative" person. It does have a small amount of flaws, which is why I personally gave it an 8.
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Weak, not even in same class as "Kiss the girls"
27 April 2001
Very weak thiller, with not much going for it except decent acting. The plot in this movie was predictible to say the least. The only saving grace for this movie is the always wonderful Morgan Freeman. You would be wiser to save your money and rent it later. This goes in the "Renter" class of 2001.
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This was the real Best Picture
26 March 2001
Now that I have gone through the awful wake of the oscars, and wake up realizing that no it was not a dream, I can now give my opinion of this movie. Erin Brockovich was out of the five movies nominated, the best picture period! It had all of the intangibles needed for a quality picture; Good lead acting, good story, good supporting actors, and finally a quality Director. This movie was about the "Little guy" or "girl" in this case taking down the big fish. Not only was it a feel good movie, but it was based on a true story and if you can pull off making this type of movie and make an audience think after seeing it, then it did the job. At least Julia Roberts got an Oscar :)
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Traffic (2000)
Very Good, but not great
26 March 2001
I gave this movie a 9 and not a 10. The reason, is very simple the directing was a times a bit eratic and he played around with the camera and editing too much. Other then that, it was a very good movie that really tied all the different facets of the drug problem in America. The acting was quite good and the story was also good. This was 1 of 3 movies that deserved a nomination for best picture. I'll let you guess the other 2 that deserved nomination (hint: Not Gladiator or Chocolate)
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Gladiator (2000)
Can't Hold up Braveheart's Jockstrap!
26 March 2001
One word, overrated. This movie was a good movie, but best picture nominated? No. Winner of the Best picture? Disgusting. Oh and Russell Crowe the best actor? Ridiculous! Now we have finally arrived at an all-time low in movies and the oscars. This has made me wish that I was born in another time, when the likes of Clark Gable, Bogart, and other legends graced the screen. We today have all but lost the brilliance and epic quality that we once had at the movies. Here's to the next Spielberg or Hitchcock whoever you are, because we need you in the worst way.

For those of you about to vomit from the oscars, I salute you!
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Hannibal (2001)
Not that bad
21 February 2001
Many people, including critics have been giving this movie a bad rap from the get go. Let me just say that this is not Silence of The Lambs and never was intended on being the same movie. Now with that being said, I will say that the movie did exactly what I expected it to do and a bit more. This movie was about Hannibal Lector being free to roam around as he chooses, not to be locked in a cage and act like an animal. Hannibal Lector is a brilliant and sophisticated individual, one that doesn't have to kill people every 5 minutes like many people thought he should. No, he goes to the theatre, shops, paints, and acts like anyone else would in France. If people would notice in the movie, he only killed when he had to, not just because. Hannibal was the prey in the movie until the very end, when he switches to the Predator. Hannibal also only killed people that were considered rude or arrogant. Lastly there was a part of the movie that brought out Hannibal's true love for Clarice and Clarice's respect for Hannibal. It almost reminded me of the background love story that was in Coppola's Dracula a few years back, between Mina and the Count. This was lost in any of the critics opinions of the movie and I'm sad to see that. Overall it was a good movie (As a stand alone movie) and the gore was not as bad as many made it out to be (Especially for this type of movie - Braveheart had more)
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The Princess & the Marine (2001 TV Movie)
Love Conquers All!
19 February 2001
This was a very nice movie about two people so in love, that they risk everything in their respective lives to be together. Based on a true story, a Marine risks his career to get his love out of the country she's from. She risks everything to stay in the U.S. with him.
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Not that bad
10 December 2000
This movie was much better then Kull the Conqueor and almost as much fun as Time Bandits. The only problem I see with it, was the lack of budget. There were some cool effects and some entertaining sword fights. What it really lacked was some poor acting or direction of acting on the part of the "Bad Guys". They were over dramaticizing every scene, which made the scenes drawn out in places. Also there could have been more scenes with the Dwarf. All in all not a bad movie, considering that most fantasy movies made today just plain suck.
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Could have been better
10 December 2000
Ron Howard generally doesn't disappoint me, but I think he cut too much out of this movie in the editing room then he should have. There were people leaving the theatre asking themselves why didn't they have more scenes with the Grinch and his gadgets? That is exactly my question, if he had allowed for another 15-20 minutes of the Grinch stealing presents this movie would have been that much better. I guess I'll have to wait for the directors cut as always. A decent kids movie for the holidays though.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Simply Brilliant
30 November 2000
M Night pulls off another wonderful picture with Unbreakable. In a time when movies have been less-than quality, he shines through again with another excellent movie. I won't give away any secrets, but this is a movie about people, emotions, and get visuals and sound. If you're a fan of quality movies, then don't miss this one!
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Get Carter (2000)
Good Clean Action Movie
15 October 2000
Get Carter surprised me, by having a quality cast and enough action to keep my interest. There was also a good "human element" in the story that gave it an extra touch above most action movies today. The character's transition from hitman to human being in the movie was very well done by the director. Stallone proved once again that he isn't too old for these types of movies, as many would claim.

**I would have liked a better fight scene at the end however, but you can't have everything...
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This movie is damn funny!
15 August 2000
While it's typical of Hollywood to give hope to "geeks" that they can find a beautiful girlfriend, we all know that's not true. This movie of course gives hope to the geeks again, but you have such a good time with the characters. The only question is, will you be laughing with them or at them?
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