
90 Reviews
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Design (2002)
Gentle and touching
19 August 2023
I'm probably a but biased as I took part in the making of this film and know how much went into it and so much that wound up on the cutting room floor, but if you can go in with an open mind and set aside the idea that a modern film should consist of green screen and CGI. Very few films these days take the time to actually delve into characters and development and story telling. Jennifer Morrison is wonderful, and if she'd been cast as Black Widow for this, it would have been a much bigger picture. I'm not saying anything negative about the very talented Scarlet Johansson, only that the movie really didn't get its due because it is an independent feature and fueled by artists dedicated to their crafts and not product placement or an extended cinematic universe.

Take a chance on an independent venture and put aside popcorn movie thinking. Especially considering it's a Chicago based production by Chicago artists, it deserves more acclaim than it received. There are no Michael Bay explosions or fancy special effects - just a filmmaker telling a story because he has something to say and everyone involved cares about the material.
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Mike & Molly (2010–2016)
Cliche and degrading
18 August 2022
I initially liked Mike & Molly because it was just mindless humor, and best of all takes place in my hometown of Chicago (even if they mispronounce things often); however something dawned on me tonight that just really pissed me off.

They only joined Mike & Molly because they both have weight/eating issues (even if his is far more advanced). It seems more like she just has a thyroid issue, but he's a total glutton - they show pictures in the mom's house from when he was a kid, and he's normal weight.

Aside from that, the guy is just ignorant, an incompetent officer; and just nobody anyone with any common sense would be with, yet she's supposed to be this highly educated and sophisticated woman who just happens to be overweight. I'm sorry, but even if Mike were 180, he'd still be ignorant and incompetent. It would be like making a sitcom about two couple who got together just because they're Black or Jewish or some arbitrary characteristic that really isn't a character flaw by any means, but makes them feel discriminated against.

I'm gay, but I'm not gonna date the first available gay guy - if anything I have higher standards. It's just insulting to anyone who doesn't fit into the Hollywood mold to think that you're gonna snatch up the first person "like" you. But then again, it is from Chuck Lorre who is the master of low brow, ignorant (and alleged) comedy.
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Appallingly ham fisted acting
12 August 2022
I know the acting style was different back in the 60's and they didn't strive for the same natural style, but the main protagonist was one of the worst actors I've ever come across. Not only did he overly rely on his old many make up, but had it define his whole character. I seriously laughed out loud at several of his line readings because they were so insincere, over the top, and incompetent. Considering the number of legends who who their start or 1st break during this classic series, it's just absolutely unbelievable they hired such an incompetent scenery chewing hack. Can't say I'm surprised he didn't reach further heights.
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Too mixed of a tone
21 February 2022
It seemed like the writers/director didn't know which way they wanted to go. From the opening credits, it was clear it was going to be extremely campy, and it seemed like an odd choice to use the same drawing style as the Batman Animated Series from the 90's, given how much animation has advanced - it just made it seem cheap and without effort.

I have to admit I actually stopped watching for a while and started doing chores around the house, which this just on in the background because it was so bad. By the time I came back, it had gone from campy into full on adult dark comedy. If they had prefaced it would be intentionally farcical (if indeed it was intentional) and a black comedy in the description/summary, that would have been one thing. And like I said, it wasn't even funny in the beginning, just bizarre. A black comedy Batman could actually be entertaining - and the few times it seemed to be intentionally goofy, it was fun, but that was maybe two or three moments in the entire movie. I think it's subpar IMDb score reflects that it just didn't land right with viewers.
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Must See - Heartwarming & heartbreaking
24 January 2022
This was a fantastic movie. Of course, had I been the author, I would have changed a few things, but I don't want to give away anything. I would have given it a 10 if a certain endings/outcomes had unfolded differently (won't say which one to avoid spoilers). The casting choices for Michael and Thomas in particular was spot on, and of course Vanessa Redgrave is always brilliant.

It's a fantastic portrayal of the struggles that befall the experience of simply being a gay man in a world that doesn't understand and often doesn't accept you simply for loving someone. Thankfully times are changing, but there is still very much a stigma. While I am extremely happy at the progress that's been made - even in the past 10 or 20 years - it's discouraging how much the current, younger generation takes for granted they can be so open about who they are.

Not only is this a beautiful movie that tugs at your heartstrings, it's important viewing for any gay man under 30 or 40. As well as a must see for any heterosexuals who don't understand the struggle of being told you can't (or shouldn't) love whom your heart chooses - something over which no one has control. I consider it a "must see" simply for the story and performances; the importance of the story only adds to its pertinence.

For me (in the US), it aired as one two hour "movie", rather than (2) one hour episodes. That being said, had it been aired as a series, it would have been nice to see another story somewhere between the two time periods - perhaps the 60's? All in all, it was a great movie, and I would highly recommend it to everyone.
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Needed some refining.
29 December 2021
I can't tell you how excited I was to see this movie. I was completely transfixed by the original Matrix trilogy - I even bought the Blinde Design sunglasses from Reloaded, had a chrome Nokia slider (still my favorite phone), and even now, my ringtone is the one used in the original Matrix film. So, in a way I suppose my hopes were a little high, but like everyone else, I was fairly disappointed with Revolutions.

I get that they had to update it for a new generation (even I was wondering what kind of cool twist they would put on a smartphone), but they abandoned that facet completely, while never explaining why or how. I get there are no pay phones, but even more than 1999-2003, cell phones are ubiquitous, so it was odd that I guess they just had some sort of ear piece to talk to "the operator", and every business still uses landlines.

Other things that just didn't sit right were the new Smith (just not menacing or the same charisma of the original; not only recast - and poorly cast at that , but completely rewritten). Not to mention, Neo was supposed to have destroyed him, but it was never explained how he returned.

Having Neil Patrick Harris just ruined the tone, and honestly made it kind of humorous - especially given the role he plays. Still not sure why they did what they did with Morpheus - that was never explained either.

I get they're trying to retool the franchise for a new generation and they had to find a way to bring back characters they killed off, but there were so many unneeded changes. It just felt like it was someone whom had watched the original films rather than someone who really cared about them. They sleek style of the originals was gone (especially once the characters are 'freed'), the stunning action scenes weren't there - admittedly it's hard to top what they did with the originals. It just needed some refinement and someone telling them when to pull back and when to go further.

I still hope there are more Matrix movies (or even a series), but I really hope they're truer to the originals.
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Stargate SG-1: Crusade (2006)
Season 9, Episode 19
Doesn't age well
29 December 2021
While I get them wanting to play it for laughs that Mala is trapped in Daniel's body, the implication that it's bad/wrong for him to be attracted to Col. Mitchell is pretty offensive. Granted, I get how Mitchell would be surprised since Daniel had been purely hetero up to this point and had a wife, buy as anyone call tell you, that doesn't mean a thing, and sexuality is a sliding scale. All the had to do was (like in "Seinfeld") just add in a throw away line like, "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Instead, when it appears Daniel is ogling him (not naked, I might add), Mitchell just says, "is there something I should know?"

Maybe I'm nitpicking, I just think TV has a certain responsibility. So many kids are informed of their self worth through TV (how the characters with whom they identify are treated), I would just hate for it to have a negative impact on anyone.
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6 December 2021
I was excited to see this film but ultimately spent the majority of the film checking my watch. It has absolutely nothing to do with Gucci as a designer or how the house of Gucci became established. Maybe I should have done a little more research before going to see the movie, but it was basically just a screen version equivalent of Ryan Murphy's Assassination of Gianni Versace miniseries - and it FELT like you were sitting through an entire miniseries in one sitting. The man does not now how to edit - now I know why there are so many versions of Blade Runner. Again; didn't look into the film that much before seeing it, and just assumed it was a new and unpolished/untested director.

Fair warning for anyone who has a sensitive bladder - go to the bathroom before leaving for the theater. I would tell you to time your bathroom breaks, but you're not going to miss anything of consequence, and getting up to go to the bathroom or get a refill on popcorn will actually feel like a welcomed break. I would have gone on my phone as a distraction had I not been worried about disturbing the other 5 patrons in the theater.

It was basically Star Wars if they cut out all the battle scenes and just focused on all of the political meetings. This is what happens when directors are left unchecked and aren't held accountable to studio or audience input - usually it hurts the movie when studios interfere, but someone needed to step in and tell the guy to quit blowing hot air. It was just an exercise in overindulgence and drawn out scenes of little or no importance.

Lady Gaga was fairly competent - if a little over dramatic. I actually didn't even realize Jared Leto was portraying the cousin. He was over the top and almost intentionally a completely inept putz, but to the point of a caricature (kind of like his Joker). You could tell he was trying to be a buffoon. And Adam Driver never looked more awkward and uncomfortable than usual - just a horrible casting decision, unless they were going for someone gangly and uncomfortable in their own skin, with no interest in fashion and just money/power hungry yet completely devoid of personality.

It was just a drawn out expensive excuse for a nap. Seriously, don't waste your money - wait for it to come out On Demand or HBO so you can pause it or watch it in two or three sittings. Not to mention, the Italian accents are so bad, they're not believable at all (Jeremy Irons doesn't even try to hide his English accent, and Adam Driver phones in his attempt at an Italian accent - waiters at Olive Garden are more authentic).

At least the Versace miniseries focused somewhat on some of his iconic designs and let you know what the focus was going to be on; this was all about business strategies and greed.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
29 November 2021
I've never actually voluntarily watched this shoe, but one scene cat my attention while HBO Max was glitching.

This should be called 2 1/2 Pigs w No Regard For Human Decency.

Let's forget about the sophomoric fart jokes and all that ridiculous stuff; the episode(a) tonight left me aghast. I get that I may be a little more sensitive and civilized then the Trump crowd, and my beloved sister raised me; but I just could not believe how they talked about and treated women. The celebrated the most disgusting and basest aspects of being a man (including blind horniness), and made any sort of female biological process some repulsive, disgusting, unnatural and abhorrent, when really those are best used to describe this show, it's writers, and that troll Chuck Lorre.

All of his shows celebrate nothing but the lowest and basest of caveman human. No wonder this ogre works for CBS.
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Ghosts (2021– )
19 November 2021
I have to admit; I actually really love the show, but I HAAATE the husband Jay. He just seems horribly miscast. And, as much as I'm open to diverse casting, in his case, it's just seems forced just for the sake of inclusivity. He has no chemistry with anyone in the cast, let alone Sam, who's supposed to be his wife. Everything else about the series is wonderful.
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Great effort
21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another great Squid Bros production. The world needs more independent film makers like these guys. Another to check out is, "I Promise, I'll Never..."
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Major logic flaw
6 October 2021
They base the entire episode (and subsequent episodes) on the prospect that Jill donates the wrong amount, and has to go down to the charity to ask for her money back (then is stricken with guilt). I've been in a similar position where a transaction was the wrong amount, and I'm not nearly as wealthy or prolific a shopper as Jill is meant to be, and even I know all it would take is a quick call (actually could probably now be done via the app) and tell the bank it was the wrong amount. She wouldn't have had to do anything depicted in the show. Normally I'd let it go, but it's just another lazy convenient device Chuck Lorre has used to justify ridiculous situations that would never actually happen.
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Mom (2013–2021)
Very conflicted.
6 October 2021
There are parts of the series that I love about the show: mainly Allison Janney.

It was bad enough when Anna Farris was just playing her old annoying self (once you notice her motioning endless with her hands spread entirely open, you can't unsee it - it's basically her entire character)

I was mad that she bailed at the last minute, leaving the rest of the cast and crew in the lurch, but it actually didn't impact the show - if anything, it got better without her annoying, selfish character. Nobody works the program that hard and long and is still a see you next Tuesday to everyone they know (while happy to hop in the sack with everyone they don't know). Now I'm just mad that egomaniac Chuck Lorre cancelled the show just because Anna left. I'm sorry; but ratings couldn't have dropped that quickly, and everyone I know has voiced that Anna was the weak link in the show, and if anything brought it down.

You just never wanted to root for her. She was more obnoxious than endearing. And I don't want to judge or shame anyone, but she made the cast of Sex and the City look like nuns. But i think that's more just Chuck Lorre objectifying women and having absolutely no class.

The nail in the coffin; however, was not Christy's disappearance, but expecting us to believe she got a full scholarship to Georgetown Law School. Her poor use of grammar was like nails on the chalkboard to me, and her essay alone would have disqualified her from any sort of merit based assistance. They actually telegraph this point by the fact she has no concept of time zones.

I'm sorry, someone like that doesn't get a full ride to a prestigious graduate school. Especially when she couldn't get into law school period on her first try.

I get they were trying to wrap up her story line and explain her abrupt exit, but let's keep things believable.

It's bad enough that the histories and backgrounds of each character changes and conflicts - was Marjorie a hippie who dropped out of society and lived on the streets, or did her husband kick her out around the same time she would have been living in Golden Gate Park and getting tabs of acid from Jerry Garcia. It switches from her being a heroine addicted bank robber to an alcoholic who was passing out on the sidewalk before she could get her son on the school bus.

I get that she could have done both, but not in the time frames they've allotted. Especially with the mug shots and other old photos they use during the opening credits over the years. The fact is they just got lazy and hoped nobody would notice.

What can you expect from the dirtbag who brought you 2 1/2 Men - the epitome of what's wrong with American television. I swear, just looking at Chuck Lorre makes me want to use lice shampoo.

If he truly is sober, he's not working the program. I came dangerously close to relapsing, and was watching reruns of the show, and they make their stories so severe, I sat there thinking, "my drinking NEVER looked anything like any of these women are describing. I never passed out on my lawn or showed up at important functions, dressed inappropriately...."

If you're going to try to be a beacon and shine a light on a national problem, do it honestly. It does more harm when a person who is in denial can say, "I was never like that. Guess I don't really have a problem."
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Ruben Guthrie (2015)
Not bad
19 September 2021
Maybe it's because I read the negative reviews before watching it and was prepared for an awful film, but I didn't think it was that bad. I definitely wouldn't pay to see it, and feel bad for anyone who did - especially if it was in the theaters.

I will agree with other users and say that the ending was just awful - almost renders the entire movie pointless. When the scene ended, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was the end, but really hoped I was wrong. There's basically no resolution.

The "actress" who plays Zoya definitely delivers a flat performance, but I think that's due more to the language barrier. And it really doesn't cover the topic of alcoholism all that well. I have to think that the writer either isn't familiar with AA or AA is drastically different in Australia.

Anyway, if you're a fan of Patrick Brammal or any of the other actors and have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon, it's worth streaming just to kill some boredom, but it's far from award worthy, and as I said, the ending is extremely dissatisfying.
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Childhood classic
15 August 2021
Granted, I was.young enough that I only saw this on video, but I grew up with a very strong, empowered, and protective older sister (who actually looked a lot like Helen Slater), but I just have these amazing memories of watching this movie repeatedly about a young girl fighting against a pig who tried to take advantage of her. Even every time I hear the Pat Benatar song, it takes me back to being 5 years old. It might not be an Oscar winner, but is thoroughly enjoyable. Not to mention, it's an important message that young girls aren't helpless and can stand up to (and defeat) their abusers.
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Dave (2020– )
Complete dreck!!!!
17 June 2021
Shouldn't there be someone likable in the cast? Especially the main character? Instead it's some hack, dork loser whom I'd be surprised if even his own parents liked him. There's literally NOTHING likable about him or the train wreck of this artistically bankrupt excuse for a show.

Apparently FX will just put ANYTHING on.
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Dave (2020– )
17 June 2021
I can't believe the shows FX/FXX is willing to produce and air. This is just absolute ridiculous tripe with NO likable characters at all. Aren't you supposed to root for the protagonist? Not wish him dead?

Even the commercials for this s**t show are obnoxious and nonsensical. I'm sure there are millennials strung out on edibles that somehow find this amusing, but anyone with a sliver of taste or artistic appreciation won't be able to make it to the first commercial break.
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Footloose (2011)
Even worse than I thought
2 June 2021
Ok, so I grew up watching the original on VHS/DVD, so when I saw the poor reviews of this I thought they were just comparing it to the original. And, there are plenty of shots and lines from the original that they try to incorporate that just don't work.

I don't even know where to start. Making Ren from Boston just because the nameless actor they chose couldn't shed his accent was just a huge swing and miss. I mean, I actually thought the accent was fake, that's how bad this whole thing was.

And, I'm sorry, when are they gonna stop trying to make Julianne Hough happen?? Nothing about her is special. She's passable in roles that require singing, but that's about it (her singing isn't even good). The fact that the only movies she's headlined in have flopped MAJORLY should be an indication.

And, I'm sorry, this is supposed to take place in some backwoods Utah town, where did the whole parking lot of black girls twerking to R&B/Hip Hop music come from? Especially when the next scene is line dancing to country music in some honkey tonk (where even the 1st timer Ren happens to know EVERY step of the line dance).

Even though the original was fairly cheesy, it was original and from the 80's where there was such a thing as endearing cheesiness. LOL, there was literally just a line, "Why are you dancing with another guy while you're wearing my hat?!"

There were just too many scenes that were poor direct copies and too many scenes that were ridiculous derivations. You have to decide if you're going to do a remake or a reboot; you can't do both, and this film can't decide what it wants to be or what it's trying to do.

And it has Miles Teller in it. So...
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Flight (I) (2012)
8 May 2021
I may change my review/rating later (I'm like 3 min in), but the VERY first shot/scene is full frontal nudity. It's not even a sex scene, just a woman waking up and getting out of bed.

I am NOT a prude by any means, sex/nude scenes usually only bother me if they're in a movie I happen to be watching with parents or If they're disturbing. This was just absolutely and completely gratuitous. I don't even know who the character is supposed to be; they didn't give her name in the scene, so it just goes to show you how IRRELEVANT it is to the plot and story - this isn't "Girl w the Dragon Tattoo" or "Boogie Nights" or even a "rock bottom" scene showing how low the character has fallen.

Let me reiterate, it's not the nude scene in and of itself that bothers me, it's the fact that it's absolutely unnecessary and the very first thing we see. It's our introduction to the protagonist (Denzel), and he doesn't even get out of bed, just answers his phone. They literally just threw it in there because they could. I feel bad for the actress, and hope she has a larger role later on in the movie that excuses baring it all in the first 10 seconds.
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5 May 2021
Let's just cut to the chase, nothing happens. They don't find anything extraordinary. Sure, several phone/drone batteries die suddenly, and just little phenomena like that, but they never find anything that could cause it.

Anytime they find something that might be promising, they can't replicate the results. I know they have to tease and stretch things out to get ratings, but (even as someone who's fairly open minded), let me just tell you that absolutely nothing happens worth reporting in the 1st season (even if the previews make it look that way).

The second season has just begun, but.... I'm not holding my breath.

1st season, they thought they found tunnels or maybe some saucer shaped underground... they didn't find a single thing. Not even gopher tunnels.

It's basically just campfire ghost stories with no sort of phenomenon that repeats or anything that would make it different than any other ranch out there.
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McAvoy = McGregor
25 April 2021
Haven't finished the film yet, but never realized how alike James McAvoy and Ewan McGregor were.
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You're Next (2011)
Absolutely ridiculous!
23 April 2021
Quite possibly one of the dumbest, most ill conceived "horror" movies I've ever seen. They spent so much time trying to add shock factor and twists they totally skipped over any sort of believability - not only of plot and execution, but character reaction, motivation and just plain physics.

The harm it takes to kill someone doesn't even depend on importance of character, just varies wildly from scene to scene solely on the writer's/director's whim. Even the force needed to break a window is unreliable and unrealistic.

I'm seriously surprised they didn't manage to decapitate someone with a butter knife - that's how wild and loose they play with the rules in this farce of a movie.

A person is practically decapitated just by running into piano wire (literally, just running - not on a motorcycle or anything). A woman jumps through a second or third story window (basically unscathed) and is barely encumbered by a huge shard of glass (that somehow wound up) in her leg, while another woman gets effortlessly thrown through a plate glass window on the ground floor by a 100lb weakling and is cut to ribbons on the tiny fragments of glass. Yet another character is stabbed multiple times - completely unfazed, but is completely crippled by stepping on a nail (despite wearing massive combat boots that wouldn't even be punctured by said nail),

In one of the opening scenes, a character is instantly killed by a crossbow somehow penetrating his skull and brain, yet the same crossbow hits another character in the back, and he's fine as soon as he takes a Vicodin. I seriously don't understand the logic of the amateur who wrote this tripe. At least have some consistency and believability as to what can harm a person and how much force is required to break a window (and what damage the act of breaking the window would do).
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To Catch a Smuggler (2020– )
CBP agents look like a joke!
20 April 2021
Ok, the first few episodes I thought were pretty interesting and started binge watching it, but the more you watch it, the more you realize how heavily edited it is and what a farce the CBP seem to be. Not only do scenes/cases from previous episodes somehow pop up in other episodes (I guess they ran short?), but if you watch enough episodes, you can see how much the agents are just taking shots in the dark.

I will admit, they do find a decent amount of contraband, but that's just because they stop and search such a high number of people.

The VAST majority of the time, they just stop passengers on "a hunch". They've just "got a feeling" or the passenger "seems nervous", or something else completely arbitrary and unquantifiable.

Ok: 1) Some people are just anxious - there's a legitimate disorder called Generalized Anxiety Disorder where you're just nervous (pretty much all the time) for no specific reason. Place someone with that disorder in a stressful situation (like traveling - especially to a foreign country) and their anxiety is going to be through the roof. They even had a guy who said he had an anxiety disorder, and the officer mocked him, saying, "Yeah, I get anxious too." Obviously they have no idea what they're talking about or they wouldn't compare the two.

2) If you're in an airport in a foreign country and all of the sudden, officers are pulling you aside and asking you tons of questions (in a foreign language) WITH TV cameras on you, no matter how innocent you are, you're gonna be nervous and sweating!

They pull these passengers aside on a whim and start belligerently asking them all these questions (that they really don't have a right/reason to ask), and detain them if they don't like the answers or if the person seems fidgety. They just keep pressing them and pressing them, but at the same time ask why they're so nervous. Maybe because they're being badgered just for coming off a plane?

What's funny (and probably happens WAY more often than shown). They'll detain a guy for hours, CERTAIN that he's smuggling something. They'll use all sorts of tactics to try illicit a confession (intimidation, good cop/bad cop, threats, etc), and just keep up the pressure.

After having torn apart their luggage (including cutting the bag apart) without finding anything, officers will make them do a body scan (x-ray). I've only seen the x-ray reveal contraband in a passenger's stomach ONCE. All the other times it's just proof the traveler isn't hiding anything, and the officers were just completely misreading the body language.

Even when they come up empty, they won't admit they're wrong or apologize; they just say, "Well, maybe we didn't find anything THIS time, but you can never be too careful. The x-ray may have missed it, but we don't have anything to hold them on." Then they have the gall to say, "Welcome to the US," after having just harassed a foreign national w/o as much as a coupon for a free Cinnabon or flight voucher.

Really, the few people they legitimately catch outright are idiots who didn't even spend 5 minutes trying to think of a plausible cover story as to where they're from, where they're going, and why.

And when those people do come clean and try to cooperate, the agents ACTIVELY dissuade them from seeking legal advice. A person will say, "I'm willing to cooperate, but I think I should have a lawyer." The officers HEAVILY insinuate if they're truthful, they won't get into trouble, and when the suspect mentions counsel, they shut it down. "It's your right to have a lawyer, but that means we can't talk anymore. If you talk, I can help you, but if you want a lawyer, we can't talk - you can't do both." Which is a blatant lie. Yes, questioning has to stop until counsel arrives, but the suspect can still speak to and cooperate with the authorities.

Honestly, I'm surprised none of the officers have faced any lawsuits for unlawful detention, intimidation, or any number of other violations.

Even when they show the officers who are just going through incoming parcels and not dealing with people, they will cut apart and drill into merchandise, ON A HUNCH, and come up empty. Who pays for that stuff??
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They lost me
28 March 2021
I watched "Unacknowledged" and had a hard time with some of the stuff Greer claimed (eg US made "UFO's" with animatronic robots that look like aliens are abducting people), but this one took the cake. I started losing interest halfway through because such a large portion of it was just previously aired footage, but when he started talking about being able to contact, and even summon UFOs/aliens by meditating... I mean, seriously? And then there was a story about a guy not only able to achieve astral projection (out of body experience), but on this "journey" his astral projection not only somehow came in contact with a UFO but caused a physical impact because they were vibrating at the same frequency or some trans dimensional mumbo jumbo....

I had a hard time taking this guy seriously before, but now he's lost any and all credibility. He's either crazy or a scam artist/liar. And this is coming from someone who (while intelligent, rational, and well educated) considers UFOs within the realm of possibility. So...
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17 March 2021
This is seriously one of the WORST movies I've ever seen. Don't think I'm more than 30 minutes and I just can't stomach any more. This is what happens when a person has too much freedom and creative control when it comes to a script. I have a feeling the majority was just Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly goofing around and improvising.

It's just the most obvious and lowest brow of humor.
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