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Cupid & Cate (2000 TV Movie)
If You Love One, You can't help loving the other.
27 March 2001
How very thoughtful of CBS to finally create a masterpiece that comes very close to the standard set by 'Titanic'. Not only were each and every one of the cast extremely well acted, but there was not a single thing that I didn't like about the film. Funny, sentimental, heart warming and most of all, reflecting the values of human emotions, I can vouch that this beautiful film should have been given more justice by having it made to the cinemas.

Cate is the second youngest daughter of a family of four women, a deceased mother and a father whom Cate would love to do without. Engaged to a bubbling, almost clumsy, fellow born from an arrogant family, Cate faces the dilemma of the possibility of having to spend the rest of her life with someone whom she "might" not love. Cate has three problems; her father (whom she despises), her fiancee (whom she likes, but doesn't really love) and her in laws (arrogant, old farts). How wonderful it would be to just eliminate one of her problems...and that's when a young man (Peter Gallaghan) steps into her life and not only does he solve one of her problems, he washes the others away as well!

Not only are the emotions so well portrayed, but the reality of the film is so real, that you can almost feel as if you're part of the film. The emotions, the feelings and the themes are just so real, one that will never cease to amaze audiences just how true they are. Definitely one of the greatest romance films of the entire history of film and drama. That's the greatest praise any film (at least Romance ones) can receive...and you can judge for yourself how great an achievement that is!
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27 March 2001
I am truly sorry...yes, very sorry to all the fans of 'Star Treck', Star Wars' and any other sci-fi movie ever made. 'The Fifth Element' is truly an excellent film, or rather, a terrific combination of action and comedy...just like the perfect combination of stir-fry and beef. So tasty, yet so simple.

Truly an exquisite film, 'The Fifth Element' takes place 300 years from 1914, when ancient inscriptions from a large Egyptian tomb were discovered. Basically, there are five elements which protect 'life' from all sources of evil. Put simply, it is the most powerful energy force in the universe. Made from fire, earth, wind and water, they all suside from the fifth element (hence the title of the film), which takes form of a powerful warrior. 300 years later, the four sources are stolen and it is up to an unlikely candidate (Bruce Willis) to take up the job of saving the world from a powerful menace.

Despite the large array of talented cast members (Bruce Willis, Mila Jovovich, etc), Chris Tucker (acting as the funny Ruby Rohd) clearly outshines the rest of the cast...performance, comedy, everything. In fact, his performance in this film is clearly the best he's ever given! Amazing! I highly recommend those craving for the unusual mix of sci-fi/action and comedy, 'The Fifth Element' is a definate "must see". Also, note that this is SPE's (Sony Pictures Entertainment) first go at the sci-fi film section. And the result is a terrific film on Sony/Columbia's first try. Do go and see the film...definately an A grade standard.
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And you didn't think it could get any worse?
27 March 2001
I was never a fan of any Jackie Chan movies. Dull, uninspiring and worst of all, cheap acting are the main reasons why I never warmed to Jackie Chan movies. Sure, the stunts and actions are amazing (and occassionally breath-taking), but overall, Jackie Chan movies are poor in quality. Chow Yun Fat, Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li are definately the masters of Asian cinema...and crush Jackie Chan in comparison.

Like all Jackie Chan movies, we have the usual "innoncent bystander who for almost no-apparent reason gets tangled in a dangerous web of deceit and violence" blah, blah, blah. How very pathetic. Don't expect any breakthroughs or original themes in this film, because "it ain't gonna give you any". Following those boring themes audiences around the world witness in every Jackie Chan movie, 'Rumble in the Bronx' tells of a man (or rather, an almost senile, old fellow) who decides to visit his relatives in North America. For some unknown reason, he becomes involved with 'the boy from next door', a crippled teenager named Danny (played by one of the endless stream of pathetic actors in this pathetic film). Feeling sorry for him, Jackie becomes something of a guardian angel to Danny, accompanying him to almost any place he desires. Whilst in North America, Jackie also faces the daunting task of taking care of his uncle's local Asian grocery. There, he meets a nice assistant from Hong Kong (played by the excellent Anita Mui - who is probably the only acceptable being in this awful set) and as you would expect, feels some sort of attraction to her. Then later on, he becomes attracted to Danny's older sister (who in real life is probably no less than 20 years younger than Jackie) and further down the track, becomes "tangled in a web of violence". See! The same old Jackie Chan themes never die do they?

I find it very hard to believe that Danny's sister, an attractive, but again, poorly acted character, would actually fall for Jackie. Even though, the film has the usual warning that their characters do not portray anyone in real life, it still is a big disappointment to see the art of logiv not being given careful consideration. Even Star Wars at least gave logic in it's never-ending series! Furthermore, I could not stand the constant pathertic jokes and lame attempts Jackie Chan makes to get the audience to laugh. When I watched this film in a cinema, four years ago, not one single individual battered an eyelid (let alone, laugh, chuckle or even smile) at Jackie's awful "jokes".

For serious action/thriller fans, I strongly advise you people to look elsewhere for serious excitement. If Academy Award Winner, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, is like the Asian version of Titanic/Traffic, then Rumble in the Bronx is just as thrilling and action-like as Tokyo Raiders. Do yourselves a favour and avoid this pathetic excuse for an action/comedy.
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It's a love it or loaf it film.
27 March 2001
How surprised I was to witness that the vast majority of the book's important details and themes in "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" was not taken into consideration. For example, Nurse Ratched (acted by the lovely Louise Fletcher) was almost the complete opposite (in the looks department) compared to the one from the novel. I had the head Nurse pictured as a grotesque and oversized female who would easily be mistaken for a man. Despite this minor flaw, the entire cast (most notably Jack Nicolson and Louise Fletcher) were very well acted. Nicolson's portrayal of a lively slob, McMurphy, is very convincing and who could not forget the calm and collected portrayal of Nurse Ratched Louise Fletcher so cleverly put together. Other notable superbly acted characters to take note of are Chief Bromden, Cheswick, Harding and Martini...all of whom were exquisitely acted.

The film takes place in the urban area of North America, far, far away from any other source of civilisation. I must admit that I was very impressed with the cinematography, scenery and settings used for the had me fooled that the film was only made three years ago (let alone almost 26 years ago)! In the middle of nowhere lies a large institution populated by ward keepers, nurses, doctors and of course, the mentally ill patients. It becomes obvious that any source of life (as in excitement) in the ward has never occurred...until McMurphy stepped in. The only non-mentally-ill patient of the ward (which is the most obvious thing in the film), McMurphy brings back the much needed sparkle into the well as challenging the iron-gripping power Nurse Ratched holds so forcefully towards the ward.

Sentimental...certainly. Funny...definately. Exciting...not really (not that it's important anyway). Watch the film, it's far from disappointing...certainly!
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Tokyo Raiders (2000)
An action film without the charms!
20 January 2001
Jingle Ma has once again failed to deliver the enticement action/thriller fans crave for. With tactics and themes similar to the exquisite works of John Woo and Ang Lee, Ma's latest (and derivative) project is just another bland action film waiting to be criticised. Like his previous flops, "Fly Me To Polaris", "Drunken Fist 2" and "Rumble in the Bronx", Tokyo Raiders has no real plot which will catch the attention of the audience. Bride waits at altar, groom fails to show up, bride finds help to find the groom, bride becomes tangled in a web of deceit and violence, etc, etc. Very boring, very un-original. However, the failure of the film does not rest entirely on Jingle Ma himself, most of the cast are near terrible themselves. Hong Kong showpony, Kelly Chen tries her best to make an impression to the audience; to portray herself as a distressed bride who only wants her fiancee back.....and to earn the sympathy of them. Personally, I feel more sorry for the groom, Takehashi, for being engaged to someone as dull as Macy (Chen). The Japanese cast were just as terrible, with Nakamura Toru and Abe Hiroshi showing bland and un-convincing acting skills. In my own opinion, only the excellence of Tony Leung Chiu Wai saved the film from further canning.

This film is best all costs.
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Excellent with a capital E!
2 January 2001
Now this IS a film that contains Julia Robert's best performance. Anyway, I can even go as far as saying that it certainly beats the one she displayed in Stepmom.

Robert's portrays a single, unemployed mother of three children who just lost a court case and is now finding it impossible to pay all her bills and expenses. Naturally, she desperately tries to find every job possible in the local newspaper...with no luck of course. So, her only alternative is to try and force her lawyer, Ed, to give her any job available at his firm.

Curiosity finally got the better of Julia, as she goes scurrying around the firm and finds herself glued to an interesting case which involves countless number of people who have suffered from diseases caused by water produced by their distributor. Then the plot thickens, with Julia smelling something illegal going on in the water distributor and ultimately, finds a new case for her new boss (Ed).

I must admit that the setting of an outback America was a bit of a huge letdown for me. I'm the sort of person who's used to a nice, urban avenue filled with typically large American houses or big, meteropolise areas chocked with skyscrapers (i.e New York). However, overall, I was very pleased with the film and this is a must see for all Julia Robert's fans.
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28 Days (2000)
Enticing...with a little inspiration.
2 January 2001
How Sandra Bullock manages to act so well in a role she had never taken before is beyond me. Here, Bullock tackles her new role as a sober alcoholic who knows nothing besides having a good time and being constantly drunk. Finally, her living ways pays off when she crashes into a house using her sister's wedding limousine. When asked (by authorities I assume) whether she wants jail or 28 days at a rehabilitation centre, she naturally choose the latter, and almost regrets it. It is from her 28 days spent at the rehab centre that everything about her changes.

Fortunately, 28 Days is one of those rare films that features excellent acting skills from each and every one of the entire cast. For anyone looking for a film with inspiration and warmth, this is, definately, a film you must see.
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Rising Sun (1993)
Sean Connery's best!
22 November 2000
Never have I seen a film so very detailed and down-to-earth! Unlike most films, where events, firms (companies), and sometimes issues, are mostly made up with the director's imagination, "Rising Sun" is very closely knitted to real life and rightly so, where the film is based on a novel (whom the author and title shall remain anonymous) which was slammed for its typically American "anti-Japan" message.

The key issue of the film is racism, where discriminate and pompous Americans cannot live with the fact that another Japanese company, "Nakamoto", is on the verge of swiping continuing the Japanese saga in the USA by negotiating the acquisition of ailing "Microcorp". Wesley Snipes plays the young "thinks-he-knows-all" cop (Web Smih) who is assignned to investigate the murder of a "white" girl at a Japanese firm. Sean Connery, impressively, takes the role of John Conner, a much older "seen-all" cop who proves to be a very useful ally of Smith, because of his deep knowledge of the Nipponese culture. Both prove to be very different in character, Smith being the anti-Japan American, while Conner is the more multi-cultural and learned man.

Like I said before, the film is very down-to-earth, for some of its events are heavily based in real life (for example, Ishihara's remark of the American government's blocking of Fujitsu's purchase of American semi-conductor manufacturer, Fairchild, was out of racism, not fear). Very entertaining and five stars performance displayed by the entire cast, not just by Snipes or Connery, are JUST a couple of reasons why you MUST see this film.
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Sailor Moon (1992–1997)
Ruined by DIC.
7 January 2000
Really, I personally think that whenever any form of Japanese animation is sold to the American anime companies for the process of dubbing it into english, the whole thing is ruined. The opening theme song (American version) sounds really horrible, making the Japanese version sound ten times better than the english version. Obviously, the Americans are trying to make Sailormoon "American" rather than "Japanese", which entirely ruins the series. Sailormoon R is divided into two plots. The first plot explains what happens to Usagi and the rest of the senshi after they had defeated Queen Beryl during the first season. Consequently, they lose their memories of their past as senshi's, but eventually regain their memories in time to battle new enimies, two aliens who feed on human energy to survive. The second plot is more interesting. Chibi-Usagi is Usagi and Mamoru's future daughter, who has escaped from 30th century "Crystal Tokyo" in order to escape from more powerful enimies, the Dark Moon Family who have also travelled back to the 20th century in order to kill Chibi-Usagi and destroy the "moon crystal" Queen Serenity (Chibi-Usagi's mother) uses to destroy all evil. For Sailormoon fans who can speak and understand German, you're in luck. The German dubbing of the anime is much better than the American dubbing. Unlike the Americans, the Germans respect that Sailormoon is purely Japanese. All of the characters name, scripts and plot have not been changed. Only Usagi's name (changed to "Bunny", probably because Usagi is too hard to pronounce for most of us Westeners) and the language have been changed. Overall, 9 out of 10 for Sailormoon R anime series.
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What shall it be? Love or your dreams.
27 December 1999
Basically, the entire movie is based on the effort both teachers, "Shrimp Man" (Aaron Kwok) and Miss Lee (Kelly Chan), contribute to a private boarding school they work for. Shrimp man works as a P.E teacher while Miss Lee is a music teacher and a dancer, struggling to make her dimwitted choir win a competition they applied themselves for and chasing her dream to be selected for a national dancing competition. Of course, there is much more to the movie and I do think it's worth spending approximately 75 minutes watching the film. Also, Kelly Chan does look quite sexy wearing her dancing gear.
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Comedy, excitement and romance all in one
27 December 1999
Lone'er strikes back and this time, she's back for revenge on Wilson Bond for ruining her plans during the first movie. Personally, I think that this movie was better, although less funnier, than the first one. With several hot young wives and being the Emperor's right hand man, life seems almost perfect for Wilson until a new enemy emerges from the shadows.
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Royal Tramp (1992)
Really Funny and Exciting.
27 December 1999
Laughing was the only action (besides watching) I did throughout the entire movie. Wilson Bond, played by Cantonese comedian (Stephen) Chow Sing Chi, works with his sister {(Sandra) Ning Kwan Yue} at a local brothel. The poor lad experience several unexpected events all in one day, like being forced to steal Empress Dowager's book of 42 chapters and almost had his "thing" chopped off because he was mistaken for an eunuch at the royal palace. Really funny and worth watching the entire length of the movie.
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B*A*P*S (1997)
Funny and emotional
20 November 1999
I loved this film so much that I decided to buy the tape instead of continually going to a video store and renting it for at least five times a year. A beautiful rags to riches story, a score of 8/10 for this movie.
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That thing you do is that dream you make to become true
12 November 1999
What else can I say about this film? Its funny, good, entertaining and romantic as well. The brilliant acting skills of Liv Tyler and Tom Everett Scott is a plus to the enjoyment of the film. Directed by Tom Hanks (who also starred as Mr White, "The Wonders'" manager), it comes to no surprise that this film was successful, truly worthy for 9/10 stars.
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Runaway Bride (1999)
Funny and romantic
27 September 1999
I have no objections to what I have to say about this film. Terrific, funny, lovable and great are the main words in which I describe "Runaway Bride". A romantic comedy with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere showing their incredible acting talents. Strongly recommended for the fans of either one of these actors.
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Eat, drink, watch and enjoy!
16 September 1999
Terrific film which explores the human desires for love, food and drink. After watching this film, it left me craving for more tasty Chinese food. A definite four out of five star rating for this terrific (and tasty) film.
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
A beautiful show with plenty of emotions
5 September 1999
This is one show I would not even think to criticise. Not one episode has ever failed to touch my heart, especially the episodes "Spirit of Liberty Moon" parts one and two (Guest starring Ling Bai as Jean Chang). After viewing that particular episode, I cried for quite a while for it was definitely the best episode "Touched by an Angel" had ever made. I hope that "Touched by an Angel" will continue on for as long as possible and hopefully, it will eventually be one of the most popular TV series in the world of entertainment.
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Tampopo (1985)
A comedy which will leave you hungry.
5 September 1999
This film is undoubtly terrific. Excellent acting, especially Tsutomu Yamazaki as Goro. Food, sex and having a great time are the main themes of the movie, in which I had thoroughly enjoyed. Unlike "Eat, Drink, Man, Woman", "Tampopo" brings more life in itself and I would not hesitate to give it a five star rating.
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April Story (1998)
A beautiful story
3 September 1999
"Shigatsu monogatari" (aka April Story), is one of those rare films which concentrates deeply on the feelings and personality of a character. Takako Matsu displays brilliant acting as Uzuki Mireno, a university student who experiences life on her own. The film shows the ups and downs of Takako's life at university. Despite the fact that I am an action fan and that the movie has a "strange" ending, this film did not fail to please and entertain me. I highly recommend this film for people into quiet, beautiful and emotional films.
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Love on the Internet
3 September 1999
After watching "Sleepless in Seattle", I was aching to see another Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan combination. When "You've got Mail" was officially released in Australia, I was amoung the first in Melbourne to see it. However, I was slightly disappointed. Meg Ryan seemed to go overboard at some parts of the movie while Tom Hanks humour was slightly dull. Personally, I thought that "Sleepless in Seattle" was better than "You've got Mail". Despite this, this movie provided wonderful humour and I was pleased with it overall.
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Stupid action, stupid plot
3 September 1999
This is definately Jet Li's worst film he had ever made. This film has no main plot, a totally wierd ending and terrible action in which they overused wires to create more special effects. You would have to be totally in love with Jet Li in order to appreciate this garbage. I strongly doubt that there had been any hard work put into this rot.
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