
14 Reviews
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Nothing more then an Appetizer
3 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First of all before reviewing this film i must comment on thinking how this film could have been done so much better with the schematic as that of a fast paced action film more then a horror..To think of the producer being Joel Silver/John McTiernan only made me chuckle more to see that IMDb has recommended Die Hard II as a counterpart to this film.

OK onto Nightmare City..*SPOILERS AHEAD* Prior to viewing the film this evening i had an excited vision of a flat out action/carnage extravaganza with plenty of room for just about any situation with no holds barred gore.Well at least the folk at Anchor Bay gave me that impression with the cover blurb.

I have to say that this is the most disappointing Italian horror experience i have ever witnessed,Not only was the story and characters inept beyond their own understanding let alone mine (Thanks to improbable dubbing)The action and slaughter scenes although showing some promise when the zombies were arming themselves in the end were neither inventive or exciting with the blood and makeup looking incredibly fake.

What can you say about a film were A state of emergency should have been declared right from the start but the military don't want to cause any mass hysteria by informing the public?Oh well guess the poor people will learn from themselves when confronted with their best friend with a face like a gravel pit brandishing a harpoon gun.

Even though this is a film that requires a suspension of disbelief,that still made me roll my eyes in thought of unparalled hokum.

I love nothing more that Italian Giallo and horror films and even though Umberto Lenzi was considered one of the quieter contemporaries of this genre,he has certainly churned out much better efforts then this...

This review is quite simple and unevolved in terms,but then again so was Nightmare City..My adrenaline is still left now wanting the same concept but in a much more blood pumping fashion..And NO I"m not thinking of Resident Evil.

The possibilities for this film as an amazing action film could have been endless.I mean zombies running at breakneck speed attacking a whole city...What a fantastic premise!Hmmm..I'm thinking a Cantonese version with Chow Yun Fat...Whaddya Think?
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Italian Horror at it's Finest.
5 August 2004
A stunning study of the macarbe transpires in the 94 minutes that Buio Omega is on the screen.Not since Romana Scavolini's "Nightmare" and "Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer" have i seen such a frightening and poignant tale of the downward spiral of the human condition.

Although Ultra Violent to the point of sheer brutality,This film has a strong and convincing lead actor in Kieran Canter the young man who's life partner's expiration causes his thought's and actions to challenge mental conformaty.The atmosphere created by this film is truly one of unsettled consequence,This film was not created to make those jump out of their seat but more to expose the latter's mindscape,which makes for a more terrifying excursion into a bitter twisted soul of darkness then any modern horror film could conjure.

Manchild Frank is nurtured into a slightly oddway character by his housekeeper Iris(Who is responsible for Frank's spouses' death in a ridiculous way) who derives his mind with breastfeeding and eventually helping him disguise his violent acts,Including one of the most gut wrenching body disposal scenes ever placed on film.It is through Iris's methodical method's that he realises that he cannot stop his newfound compulsions.All the while along though there is a twinkle of remorse in the characters eyes.

Franks eventual mental redemption i believe is reached at the conclusion as you see his character showing disgust for his actions When coming face on for a final bloodcurdling conclusion.

With it's Clostrouphobic setting and equally chillihg Soundtrack,Dark Disturbing,Poignant,Violent,Surreal and altogether reminiscent of factual character..Buio Omega is a landmark for all past/modern horror enthusiasts.

Fifteen years ago this film was refused classification in Australia,but by todays standards would probably gain a certification.My friends who think Jeeper's Creepers is terrifying is in for a treat with this one!!
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Kill Squad (1981)
Joseph Needs You!
28 July 2004
And with these immortal words,The trio of Vietnam vets aptly named "The Kill Squad" are reborn to gain vengeance for the crippling of their friend.

As other comments have stated,This is absolute rubbish in the first degree.Whilst i agree totally with this remark in terms of acting,story,Cinematography,Choreography ETC..ETC..It's just so enjoyable and entertaining to view.Don't ask me why i can enjoy a film where a guy falls from a five story building onto a car only to jump off,brush off the dust and annihilate his would be assailants,or why sound effects from the original Bruce Lee movies including his trademark "Yap" sound are incorporated here or why a man with prosthetic legs can run faster then anyone else,The best is a scene where all the Kill Squad members demonstrate there aptitude with various deadly weapons to their mentor only to never use them once.

Jammin along to that saxaphone rang a dang every time a fight begins just makes me wish i had a huge afro and a camouflage suit...I Could become a member too.If i was to describe every other inept aspect of this film this summary would be as long as the Great Wall of China.

I won this video on ebay for $0.06cents.It was worth every cent i paid for it.
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Thirteen (2003)
Spoilt Bratty.
23 July 2004
My one line summary pretty much sums up the characterisation of Evan Rachael Wood's Character in this film.A bracing reality check is far from reach as far as the events in this film are concerned.The question to how a wholesome,respectful even doting family oriented girl can turn into a sexual,guttermouthed tramp in just a matter of days is unanswerable.The young girls problems with her mental health seem to arise more of the fact that her new found lifestyle does not accomodate primarily with her bewildered mothers likening as opposed to what the film hints at as her father's neglect.A totally irresponsible piece of filmmaking ensures as we see kids dealing drugs,obtaining tattoos and belly piercings (Without Antiseptics..ouch) and randomly slapping each other's faces whilst under the influence of happy gas.The point of this film is less useful then the punishment method i'd have used,A good foot up the backside and barred windows along with the term most teens dread to hear..."Your Grounded".Parent's lock up your horny hallucegenic foul mouthed children...Thirteen is now on the shelf at your local Blockbuster!!
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Philosophical and Evident of the Nature of Travel
5 April 2004
A Friend and i once commented on how much easier it is for people to make friends then it is to make enemies.Anyone from anywhere in the world can be a friend to anyone else anywhere in the world.When it all comes down to it,We are human with the same needs,desires and most of all,the same purpose in life,To relate.

What i liked so much about this film is my own belief in that you can meet anyone,anywhere any time and for no particular reason,This is how Jessie and Celine come to meet on a train bound for Paris Via Vienna.Two idle strangers bought together by both observing and commenting on their immediate surroundings.

What transpires is just a neat little bubble of converstaion between two twentysomethings at a crossroads in their lives in terms of ambition,the future,love,happiness and also the past.Character developments show in a strong mannerism that these crossroads are apparent and it makes for very interesting and philosophical dialogue.

What i have noticed from other writers on IMDB is that they were disappointed because the only thing that occurs in this film is just plain conversating between the two characters.What did you expect,A sub plot with the KGB and James Bond??You've missed the point.

What this film points out and so poignantly,Is how simple it is to touch anothers life in a positve manner and how the nature of human behaviour can be so elequant.The beautiful locations also seem to harmonise the atmosphere of the film and the nature of the dialogue.

The most clever aspect of the film was after the couples parting the flashbacks of all the area's of the city they had explored.It showed a case of encapsulated romance and meaningful memory.

I've just learned that there is a sequel..Hopefully this time they wont part.
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Stillfers Last Stand
4 February 2004
Okay being a fan of the light hearted "American Pie" films beacause it gave the best modern world rendition of out of control teenage antics since "Porky's" means i can say that nothing new can be excepted of this third entry except for even more improbable situations and the usual "Jock" references flying in abundance.Seann William Scott however does steal the show as the indeniable "Stiffler" who pretty much re-invents the story's turns as well as the ultimate "Jock" cum clear the cobwebs hero to the brainless blonde mass.

The American Pie Franchise is One of the only teenage franchises to survive the new millenium...and survive it does well.No in depth explanation is deserved for a non in depth film..Just watch and appreciate for it's ability to amuse and provide blase' characters (Although Kevin's character could easily disappear)

Recommended for the easily amused and non anally retentative.
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Enjoyable Hokum
4 February 2004
Good old Sam Firstenberg..The man who embraced graphic violence into martial arts films 80's deserves accolades for his entry of total cheese into the b-grade annals of this periods hokum.

Before Michael Dudikoff picked up a sword,Sho Kosugi was the real deal. Never afraid to defend his honour,even before he knew what he was fighting for and not afraid to take a beating for his earnings,Takes up the role here as a sacred ninja forced to flee to America for a new life after the slaying of his family in Osaka.(The Grandmother should have been the FIRST one slayed for her acting ability)

Ninja's are like alcoholics as far as i am concerned.They always conced that their past is forged without reason to continue other than violence and dismay.More slaughter is abound due to a poor drug running effort on part of Kosugi's friend Braden who settles Sho's life in the US unbeknowenst he's being used as the front for such materials.When Kosugi's family is caught up in the slaughter that arises from the rival gang falling out, you have to think to yourslef. A:Why is the Blonde woman even part of the story and why does she not wear underwear during practice! B: Why does Kane remain defeated by afformentioned Hypnotised Blonde and not by huge Japanese Captive C: Were most of Kane's onscreen backflips poorly choreographed. and D: Why Keith Vitali's fearless cop role was rubbed short in a matter of seconds by the evil ninja man when he spent the whole film defeating guys with hatchets and guns.

The Answer is : WHO CARES when in fact this film should be appreciated for the fact that nothing else today with Jet Li or Seagal can emulate it..This is classic 80's garb at it's best.Appreciate it for what it is and dont pick it to bits.After all,The Cannon Group were in a league of their own,and as far as the league they set out to be goes,They were the experts.This is 80's predecessing martial arts mayhem and gore (and ham also) at it's best :)
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The Evil Dead (1981)
Not the Comic Grandeur Once Thought
13 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Having not viewed the original Evil Dead for many years being more of a fan of the sequels in the trilogy,I decided to refresh my memory as to where it all began.

No way at all should this film even be connected to the others,Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness are zany comic masterpieces with even more Comic style violence thrown in..The original is something different altogether.

The more mainstream Sam Raimi has become in no way has it lessened the impact of this truly disturbing film.The cinematograpy,atmosphere and daunting soundtrack provide a total essence of terror in this film.

And the elaborate death and massacre scenes are nothing to be laughed at.They are explicit and extremely plentiful.

Dont ask me why i see this film differently to the others,It has more serious undertones,The Characters aren't maimed beyond human life capacity and still survive.They are faced with an isolated misunderstood horror and worst of all,they are faced with killing their loved one's in the process of eliminating it..

***SPOILERS*** The scene were Ash's friend asks him to strike down one of the possessed women is just disturbing and the resilience in Ash's hugging the axe at this moment is certainly not a show of things to come in his developing character,It shows he is more human and it's this show of emotion that sets the films effect in full blast.The beast in the Cellar chanting along to all the mayhem occuring above could be a test as to how much terror a viewer could withstand in a particular ongoing scene..This is where the challenge lies within Evil Dead,making it a cut above most horror films that preceeded it and existed beyond.

I dare you to take the challenge.

**** out of *****
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Reminds me of the Humanity this world can possess
13 November 2003
Outrightly David Lynch's mind for cinema can be extremely gratifying and seemingly endless with oddball visionaries and tales of preferrably forgotten underbelly members of society.But with all the style and general controversy his films exude,There is no denying that he is responsible also for a film that contains the most realistic display of the brilliance of human kindness and humanity ever seen.

I of course am referring to the amazing "Elephant Man" a film with dazzling acting (Especially that of John Hurt - Perhaps almost the greatest ever seen) and of direction (David Lynch - such style to burn)

No film has ever made my emotions into a rollercoaster the way this film did in chronicalling a young mans disability and indifference (Particulary in Cruel unassuming Victorian London circa "Jack the Ripper") and the whirlpool of life's seemingly new and vast openings in portraying him as the most humble and truly admired character of the screen.Merrick's brave determination to defeat his bitter side showmans offences and become accepted and embraced into a class of his own deserving is a rewarding experience to behold.His Charisma and the impact he has on all around him make for him a true gentleman and hero,none of the likes of which i have ever seen.The scenes of stage reciting and the intimate partakings between Treves and Merrick are of high impact.Only those without a heart could not be warmed by this film.

Anyone who has put down on those different to them and having viewed this film will certainly never feel well enough to raise their head again rest assured.

John Merrick was not only a hero of his time,but a character who's spirit lives on 100 years later.This film and book should be compulsory study matter for schools worldwide,So many new understandings could be developed.

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Hell Night (1981)
One of the Better Hack and Slash Excursions.
3 July 2003
Another film to appear just after the dawn of the slasher frenzy with producer Irwin Yablins himself taking part after producing the film that pretty much signalled the birth of the afforementioned genre.Anyone with a likeness to horror should not be scratching their heads to work out the identity of this masterpiece.

Linda Blair had become a firm association with exploitation horror (and sleazy action films)after her successful potrayal as a bile vomiting head turning demon chick in "The Exorcist" so it's very neat to see her here playing a voluptuous well to do "Innocent" fraternity pledger facing her initiation night in a haunted house.

Along with her for the ride are all the other cliched types...The Horny anything goes foreign girl,the tough as nuts jock,and of course,the well to do "Innocent" guy of the situation,One from the misunderstood side of the tracks..(A neat little exchange of dialogue on the issues of misunderstood upbringings takes place,before the slaughter with the two well two do's.)

What unravels during the course of the pledgers indoctrination makes for some geniuinely scary and atmospheric thrills haunted house/slasher style..A mysterious presence who may be the topic of myth is also in the wailing halled mansion too,with murder on it's mind.

Although some of the suspense scenes are so long and anti climatic, There is a decent amount to recommend about Hell Night.The murder scenes do not look as poorly done as previously indicated and there are some pretty neat little action/battle scenes between the two male heroes and the mysterious presence.

Of course the horror film cliches are ever present,the heroine who falls down for no good reason during a chase,a seemingly invincible killer with no explanation as to why a pointblank shotgun wound does not effect the killer slightly and why the silly twits in mention always roam off alone and act surprised when their is no response to "Who's there?" But these are standard puns for horror films and anyone who watches these films and picks the absolute dirt out of them does not appreciate the films face value..."TOTAL UNREALISTIC CHEAP MINDLESS FUN" and for the most part....That kinda fun is cool...

There is one scene in this film that made me JUMP out of my chair,hopefully upon seeing the scene,you'll guess which one it was too. The version i watched was on an old VHS MONO cassette with the volume turned down at the time.I can only imagine the race of my heart if i'd seen a 5.1 version of it...

Enjoyable,mindless and definately in the top 20% of this seemingly endless and tiring (ressurected) genre.Recommended.
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Hulk (2003)
One of the Finest of the Slew of Marvel Adaptions.
29 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Not having taken in many of The Marvel comics phenomenon (But certainly being aware of all the central characters of each and their plight),I find that with each of these new screen adaptions of the superhuman beings that entertained us in the 70's, I can suspend all supposed "in" plot holes that fanatics may hold against these films for not substantiating the original works story line or characterisation.

An observation of Ang Lee's directional talents seem to inject a potent degree of emotionality into these impossible fairy tales (a'la Crouching Tiger) to make the characters plights shine true in a realistic manner.It's important to explore the inner core of any character's emotional state,it can in some ways redefine one's already questionable opinion of faithful characterisation.

The lengths to which Bruce Banners turbulent past and even more turbulent future are explored provide some of the high points of the film,The atmosphere as Bruce and Betty explore their devestated past home town trying to realise clues of Bruce's Jekyll/Hyde past make for atmospheric gloom on the way to finding out the truth.

Some other advantages of this films success include the cinematography layout which in places depict scenes of conversation and climatic situations in scrolling comic book caption style.Also the imaganative delve into the theoretics of scientific mayhem saturating the screen.(I assure the exploding frog was not one of these sequences)

Now down to the main subject..The Hulk himself...He is inclined to be as ginormous as he is depicted in this film.(After finding an old issue of the Hulk this evening and seeing his explosion into a fit of rage on the cover,I was convinced even further of the success of Ang Lee's vision of The Hulks towering presence).It needed to be done this way (endless criticisms aside from the die hard types.)Lou Ferringo was fine as the original,But The Hulks capabilities are more convincing when he is of superhuman size.

The action and CGI scences in the film are amazingly exceptional (Not to be easily impressed by such visionary virtualities)and had my pulse racing on a few occasions.The Hulks battle with a group of mutant dogs and his total bone crunching demolition sprees were an absolute rip roaring experience,both for the eyes and ear..

A few cute little gimmicks and ironies are also present in the film **SPOILERS** The Presence of Stan Lee and Lou Ferringo exiting the Lab upon Bruce's arrival at the beginning of the film discussing "security Issues".Another little chuckle was gained from Betty Ross's declaration of her constant involvement with "emotionally insecure" types,Her role in a Beautiful Mind sprung to memory,almost mirrored here in so many ways.

Over the years i have been constantly disappointed with the many "CGI" films on offer and the funny thing is i am now starting to appreciate them,righ t when the rest of the general public are starting to find these excursions tired (See Matrix Reloaded).

Overall the fine performances,tight story line and startling pace make the Hulk one of a kind...Recommended
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Fire and Ice (1983)
Aaah,The Blessed Days of Rotoscope
11 January 2002
Upon seeing this film at a much younger age then my 24 years of life,i then found it to be a dazzling and rather original artistique creation of sword and sorcery fantasy set a time long ago.Ten years down the track,i've not changed my mind but in fact come to praise the film for all of it's merits even more in the wake of all the incredibly weak CGI animated films on release presently.

What we have here is not the lame characterised outings of the likes of "Final Fantasy" but a full blooded and extremely energetic tale of good versus evil with some fantastic and outstandingly vivid sequences which blend live action into conceptual animation with much success and awe..The effect of Rotoscope is truly amazing and provides a much more realistic enhancemnet of live film mediums then the likes of what Disney and DreamWorks Studios can Conjure.Rotoscope Technique still stands the test of time today,as the The shadows of human characters moving to a blurred and paint splashed like environment truly outline the images as an artwork in rarest form.A film Critique once noted that Raplh Bakshi's films were Reminisant of a Rembrandt painting in motion..This couldn't be further from the truth.

Fire and Ice begins with a narrative of a powerful queen trying to gain allegiance to all regions of the known world with an army and an evil son trained in the black arts to assist in her eventual conquest.She uses kidnapping as a schematic to blackmail a generous King who also shares a throne in the same region.This brings on a war of the two powers..the powers being the realm of fire and the kingdom of ice.

This film is a true gem and not for a second will i ever believe that Ralph Bakshi was or ever has been an ailing film animator and director, Everything about this is just pure class,The heroes,villians,the astonishing action scenes,the settings,the animation(How many times do you want me to mention it?) The perhaps clieched,but nonetheless exciting Storyline and the actual in depth character development of our heroes and villians paves the way for an eye popping ninety minutes in front of the screen..Do yourself a favour if you've not seen this film,discard the likes of Bugs Life,Shrek and all the other Pixar related fanfare and revisit (if you have already seen)the pure genius that is Fire and Ice,Or enjoy for the first time a neat little film that was devised by a much underrated and gloriously imaginative director..The one and only Ralph Bakshi..

Just one gripe,a DVD of this film with Directors Commentary and storyboards would certainly not go astray...a rendition and resurfacing of an unfortunately forgotten masterpiece.
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Unsettling to say the least
9 December 2001
Upon going to all the effort to import this film to my native shores (Australia)I must certainly say that everything i was expecting and more was recieved from this film...(Not that this is positive upon wanting to see the film purely for it's notoriety)

What i was hoping (But not keeping my fingers crossed) was to see a violent,and well made "Giallo" with all the trademark trimmings that give them the artistique upper hand over most American horror films,What i was met with in terms of "more" was an incredibly unsettling film from the depiction of the extreme gore and purely downright cruel actions shown in this film.I can understand now why this film had so much trouble passing Australian Censors (Which believe it or not,are rather lenient).

For a horror fan dedicated to seeing all the nasties around,this certainly topped the list and the NASTIEST film in terms of Physical grue,It oversteps the line from entertainment value just to extreme exploitation...I had to watch a feel good film straight after before going to sleep that night,to flush the images this film provided,and for me,that is making a bold statement.Normally i would expand a little further,but i really wish not to think about this film any further.

Proceed with extreme caution,You have been warned.
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Surreal and Mindblowing
8 March 2001
Stanley Kubrick's film adaption of the 1962 novel 'A Clockwork Orange' Has remained in my mind since viewing it for the first time 3 years ago,as one of the most thought provoking,unrelenting and savagely satirical pieces of fiction ever 'Viddied'.An absolute flat out assault on the senses.For many when the novel was first released it's themes were considered as morally inept and it's pornography of violence would be certain to make it unacceptable to any publisher..It's passive statements and exploration of the fact that the novel may be outlining a social prophecy involving the use of aversion therapy to singlehandedly cut down the numbers and nature of agressive youth was dismissed by many Literary supplement reviewers as a 'nasty little shocker'with nothing more to offer then an invitation to the violent young from an antisocial writer.

But the concept of the story was so much more deep and intense. It is also not only a social prophecy but a study of Free will and mans capacity to choose morally regarding issues that affects his/her life and those around them.It is also a scathing study of Politics/and the dazzling effects of language and music.

in 1971,9 years after the novel first appeared.Kubrick's film smashed onto the screen in nightmarish abundance.Considering the wake of candid pornography that was now exploited artistically in theatre as opposed to the first few years after the novels presentation,The films contents were there to shock morally and not to merely titillate.

Unfortunately a few months after the films initial release,it was withdrawn from Kubrick himself from release in the UK and other countries due to the fact that copycat gangs from the one's depicted in the film were beginning to arise and causing mayhem in the streets of the UK,The film was vowed never to be realeased ever again by Kubrick,until after his death.

Considering the film may have been deemed somewhat 'dated' in my generation (me being 23 oh my brothers)To this day the only irellevance the book and film has to modern society is the description of the clothes Alex and his droogs wear for fillying and shopcrasting,and his 'Horrowshow' kickboots for kicking 'Litsos' in.

Malcolm Mcdowell turns out an ingenious performance as the young hooligan Alex who loves to have a good time,but at the tragic expense of others.We follow the story from his point of view as he governs his droogs (Nadsat for Friends)into all mannerism of tyranny and wrong doing all through to submissive therapy at the hands of a power hungry Political force and his remission back into the society he had once done wrong by as a man who is incapable of making a moral choice.A man who has had his free will stripped from him and all the burdens he created coming back to haunt him.What can be gained from his remission is the question:If man is defined by his capacity to choose between courses of moral action,between good and evil,should he be conditioned only to perform what is believed socially acceptable by others??

The use of language in this film is known as 'Nadsat'(A subliminal soviet-russian teenage slang.)and takes little effort to interpret what the characters are saying,but adds to the brilliance and originality of the story telling.What is the most disturbing aspect is that Alex comes across as such a charasmatic and intelligent citizen,that you wonder shamelessly why he commits the atrocities that he does..

A most amazing film on all counts,Disturbing,profound,surreal,controversial,entertaining and overall,mindblowing...Dont miss it...
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