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Fighter (2024)
Entertaining enough, just don't take it too seriously :)
10 April 2024
Not too bad a film, though uses a lot of cgi. Acting is ok, though I thought the dance segments were hilarious and a little out of place. I could just picture Tom Cruise doing this in Top Gun :). Story is a little predictable and far fetched. Maverick v Patty would be fun. Still it was worth watching and it had enough action to make it enjoyable. I haven't seen too many Bollywood films, but what I have seen, I have enjoyed them. I am glad I came across this on Netflix as I was struggling to find something worthwhile to watch. I will check out others like this. The key is to sit back and relax and don't take it too seriously.
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100 Million BC (2008 Video)
Useless Effects !
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Stealing from 'The Philadelphia Story' and using lines from 'Aliens' with the sargeant shouting "Elbows and A$$holes". The effects were dire. Especially the raptors and big reds head turns and open mouth shots. Not much to praise here. Even the old clay stop frame dinosaur films looked better than this. If you are going to use CGI, you should at least know what you are doing. Sometimes poor CGI is just a sign of lazy production and directing. When a film like 'American Werewolf in London' can win an Oscar back in the 80's for special effects and without any stupid CGI. Low budget films should leave the dinosaurs to 'Jurassic Park'.
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This is the least funny show I have seen.
23 January 2024
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This is the least funny show I have seen. They are just sad with their attempts to make each other laugh. Jason Byrne is simply annoying. I usually love Aisling Bee as a comedian, but even she is struggling and has decided she is better off knitting. I have not laughed once. They should watch the dad jokes challenge on how to be funny. I love good comedy, but this is not good!

The only part that was remotely funny was the fart sounds, which was still sad. The talk overs do not add any humour. Ireland can produce genius comedians like Dave Allen, Father Ted etc... but who ever thought this was funny needs to look up the definition of comedy. It is also being over hyped with adverts.
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This film left me depressed
13 March 2023
Although the scenery was good, I was left totally depressed by this. There was nothing rewarding in this. Other films have depressed me, but had some positive quality. I did not find anything pleasant in this film. I now don't even like seeing adverts for it. This film is really over hyped. I know a lot of others feel the same. I like to feel a degree of happiness after watching a film, or scared, but not out right depressed. At least with films like Schindlers List, although scenes and the situation were horrific, it was lovely seeing a victory against the devastation. This film had no redeeming qualities. If I never see it again, it will be too soon!
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Brilliant enthralling show !
14 October 2022
I have to say, I have looked forward to every episode. Great cast and acting and the visuals are worthy of LOTR. Love the dwarves and elves. Galadriel is fantastic. It is great learning about the creation of the rings of power and the rise of Sauron and his manipulations. Numenor was visually stunning and the Queen plays her role with grace, class and power.

There is a great balance of talk and action and the battles are class. Not yet as vast as those in LOTR or The Hobbit, It is great learning about some of the characters we knew from the films. Each episode left you wanting more.

Can't wait for season two !
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I wish there were more shows like this !
25 July 2020
Along with having two great hosts in Zac and Darin who are entertaining to watch, the message from this show is so powerful. Humans are destroying the World around them, but this documentary shows that it is not too late for us to change our impact. There are so many ways we can do better! Nature itself has so many solutions if we only use them without being destructive. Humans are like a virus on the planet that will destroy it if not stopped. We can live in harmony with the World and nature if we only open our eyes. Thank you Zac and Darin and your crew for making this great documentary series!
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Great film with great music
29 June 2019
I really enjoyed this film. The cast is great. Himesh Patel has a great voice and is a talented musician. Lilly James is really good as always. There are funny and moving moments. Ed Sheehan is great. The film reminds you just how talented the Beatles were and just how many great hits the produced during their career that influenced so many other musicians and styles that followed. I grew up listening to their music, so it was great to listen to their music during the film. I am sure that this film will help sell more albums for them. I suspect this will not be the last film we see Himesh in.
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Ridley Scott should stick to SCI-FI and stay away from historical films.
14 March 2015
This is a dull, corrupted telling of a major biblical event. It is not a patch on "The Ten Commandments". So many parts are left out and other stupid bits are made up. This film did nothing for me and just left me numb (even though it did have some talented actors). Ridley Scott should never touch historical films. This is another Alexander ! I should always check user reviews and not the critics reviews as they are more truthful. A director should never attempt a topic like this unless they can make a better version than earlier ones. Modern effects and technology are not enough. The film content needs to be good with a good script and direction. Pearl Harbour was a classic example of this. It was a love story instead of a historical event, and ended up not a patch on "Tora, Tora, Tora".
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Cheap clone of Executive Decision & Airforce One
3 December 2012
This is a low budget clone of "Executive Decision" (1996) and "Airforce One" (1997). It was also made in 1997 more than likely after seeing the other two films and they thought it would be a good earner to almost directly rip off the two big budget films. It is not the worst film ever made (That would have to be "House of the Dead"), but it is quite weak. Apparently a crack team using stealth tactics don't think of using silenced guns, and gun fire in a pressurized plane does not cause any damage. It was funny seeing "Hal" from "Malcolm in the Middle". He looked quite young in this. If you have nothing better to do, it is still worth a watch, if only to spot the direct copied scenes and script errors. Mind you, it was nice to see the old SR71 Blackbird being used. I always loved this sleek high speed stealth aircraft that led to the B2 Bomber and F117 Nighthawk - used in "Executive Decision".
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A true musical classic as rare as a "string of pearls".
16 February 2007
Although I was born at the end of the 60's, thanks to my dad I grew up listening to the best operatic tenors and the big band sounds of Glenn Miller, Cole Porter etc... I was always a fan of James Stewart (e.g. "It's a wonderful life" and even one of his first roles in the Nelson Eddie & Jeanette McDonald classic "Rose-Marie").

I think that his portrayal of Glenn Miller and June Allyson as his loyal and loving wife is perfect. The story starts in a simple and humble way, similar to "It's a wonderful life" with Glenn trying to find his sound while also trying to win the affections of his wife to be.

From having to sell and pawn his possessions he finally finds his sound by luck. The rich and warm sounds he achieves by the prominent use of the reed section (Clarinet & Sax) made his music unique and timeless.

At a time of Worldwide conflict Glenn Miller (like George M Cohan before him), was more influential to the cause with his music.

The best of his music is represented in this film, and the way his untimely parting is portrayed is very touching with the news announcement and the playing of his new mix for "Little Brown Jug".

Like his music, this film has a lasting appeal. It will always have a place in my heart and my video collection, and "Moonlight Serenade" will always be a favorite in my music collection.
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Good suspense - right to the end.
16 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is like a combination of "Deliverance", "Rambo - First Blood" & "Platoon". The fun and games with the locals soon backfires on the National Guard squad on a routine training mission that very soon becomes a fight for survival in an almost alien environment. You feel for the characters and don't know if they will survive their ordeal. The squad have firepower but little live ammo. Can their combat training defeat the experience of the local inhabitants of the swamp. The performances are solid. Like "Deliverance", you do not know which locals are involved in the conflict. This is a film that will hold your attention to the end.
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What a refreshing change! Nice to see something good in the cinema again.
24 August 2005
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I grew up with the original film (never growing tired of it), and I always loved Gene Wilder's acting. I had also read the books, so I was very dubious about a new film, considering some of the remakes that have left a bad taste. I read reviews that said it was not a remake, but a new interpretation of the story. As the film started, I did not at first know what to make of it. It did not take long though to realise that I was watching something special. Depp is nothing short of brilliant in the role of Wonka. I have not laughed so much in a long time. His constant "Mumbling" comments to Mike TV in response to his baffling scientific statements was hilarious. Also the line "You're weird!" had me in stitches.

Tim Burtons sets and use of colour were great. It had a slight feel of "Edward Scissor Hands".

All of the cast were brilliant. The Oompa Lumpas were different to the originals, but still very funny. It was also nice to see Christopher Lee again on the big screen.

I always ranked the original film as a children's classic along with "The Wizard of Oz", "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang" or "Mary Poppins" etc.., but I must say that this new film has earned it's place in this hall of fame.

I will definitely buy the DVD when it comes out.
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Avoid this like the plague
26 July 2005
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I have watched some pretty poor films in the past, but what the hell were they thinking of when they made this movie. Had the production crew turned into zombies when they came up with the idea of making it, because you sure have to be brain dead to find any enjoyment in it.

I am a fan of most genres and enjoy "shoot 'em up" games, but merging the daft scenes from the game just made this ridiculous and unwatchable.

As most have already said, there was hardly any script and the acting was weak. I won't waste my time describing it.

Anyone who rates this film above 4 has to be part of the production company or Sega, or else they have a very warped concept of entertainment.

I must say, I was more annoyed with the video shop, who gave this a thumbs up, which led me to rent it. Thank god I had a second film to watch to restore some of my faith in movies.

Comic book guy would be right if he said "Worst movie ever"!
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A good enough film with good acting, but does contain some flaws.
5 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have been a fan of the War of The Worlds story for a long time. I liked the situation of the radio broadcast causing panic in America because it was believed to be real events. The 50's film was well made even if it is a little dated now. As for the Geoff Wayne album... I laughed the first time I heard Uuullaaa (as I was young), but soon came to love it. Forever Autumn was fantastic. When I heard Steven Spielberg was going to make a new version, I could not wait. I watched it last night, and I must say, it did not grip me quite as much as I would have liked. I know the camera style was very well done in following the main characters and having events going on around them, but it seemed to be missing something. Maybe it was a lack of dramatic music used to heighten suspense, I can't say. Anyway, it was not a bad film. Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning and Tim Robbins in particular were excellent. The new concept of the alien craft being on earth for a million years was novel if a little hard to believe, as wouldn't the aliens be able to create better machines during the million years and how would they know where the cities would be? I know most people picked up on the camera inconsistency, but 2 other things that were a little hard to swallow were the fact that after a passenger jet landing on their estate and causing a blast of flames and leaving destruction everywhere, they were still able to get into their intact van in the middle of where it landed and drive off. Also, when they were being pulled out of the van, and Tom pulls out a gun, only one other person has a gun! In America!, with an invasion going on! Get real, I'm sure there would have been a few mini guns etc... :) I did feel that some things could have been explained a little more and that the film could have used about 20 to 30 minutes more to do this. By the way, did they mention at any stage that they were Martians? That aside, I did enjoy the film on the whole. The heat rays were very well done. I am sure I will get this when it come out on DVD as I have everything else on the story.
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Hero (2002)
One for the DVD collection, but like Lord of the Rings, it has to be seen first on a big screen.
10 November 2004
I will not go into detail describing this great film, as others before me have already done it justice. All I will say is wow. I did not think I would see a martial arts film that exceeded Crouching Tiger, but this does. There's so much in the film, that I am tempted to go and see it again to take it all in. I know there will be many people that will laugh at the films flying sequences and walking on water in the same way they did with Crouching Tiger, but I suppose everyone has their own opinion of what is classed as art and a masterpiece. For anyone who did like Crouching Tiger, go and see this film while it is still on a big screen. You will not be disappointed.
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Words can not do this film justice.
27 January 2004
It has been a long time since I was this gripped by a series of films, or even an individual film. The cinematography was outstanding as was the acting, special effects and most importantly the Direction. I grew up with the Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings books. Although the book of LOTR was very long, and at some times heavy going, it was still a book that was hard to put down. The depth of the story and characters was immense. It was a credit to Tolkien's pursuit of detail.

When the first film was being released, I wanted to see if it could come close to gripping me the way the books had. I was not disappointed. Although parts of the story had been changed or removed, I appreciated that this was necessary to make the film flow and be marketable for the cinema.

I was immediately captivated by the first film and by the characters. It refreshed my passion for the story. I enjoyed it so much that I was willing to wait for the special edition to be released before buying the DVD. I was glad to see that some key scenes had been added (such as the giving of the gifts). I could not wait for the second film.

This gripped me the same way. The battle sequences were bigger and the special effects were improved. Again I waited for the special edition DVD to be released. It was like torture waiting, but the wait was worth while. It explained more about the history with Faramir and his father and brother, and also the trees and Ents.

I have now watched the third film and was even more blown away. The battle sequences were incredible (as has been discussed by many reviewers) and the lighting of the beacons was very moving. I will not say more about the film as words can't do it justice. It has to be seen to be fully appreciated. If any film deserves to sweep the boards at the Oscars, this is it. As for the length, I can still watch films like Ben Hur which also swept the boards in its day and not be bored or tired. Quality film making is never boring. Peter Jackson, the cast, crew and New Line have my thanks for their contributions in bringing these incredible films to a world wide audience. They are all stars in my opinion. They have pleased almost all of us die hard Tolkien fans and also created new fans (e.g. my parents - who have never read Fantasy Fiction books).

I hope they go on to make the Hobbit, as all I have to look forward to now is the next release of the special edition. The 3 films will take pride of place in my video collection.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
A funny and very moving story that shows the truly important things in life.
22 August 2003
This film always entertains me and leaves me with a good outlook on life which I wish more films could do. Too many things in life and on the news can make you feel that it is all doom and gloom. This film however shows you how life should be and what the truly important things are. Most people, if they got a chance to live a day over and over would do the same things as Phil Connors, trying to make things better for themselves. However, this can just lead to rejection and frustration. Phil eventually realises that life is more rewarding when he gives to others and ends up getting all that he wants.

On top of this moral theme, there is brilliant humour. For example, when he is drunk and driving the car with the two deadbeats. After they crash the car and are stopped by the cops, they ask for an order of flapjacks.

All actors were well suited for the roles (including Phil - the groundhog). The location and music were also perfect.

This film is one you can watch over and over and over....
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Wake me up form this nightmare !
5 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I had the misfortune of seeing this film last night. I had free tickets to a premier showing. If it had not been for the fact that it was free and I was with friends and there was nothing on the TV, I would have left (as some others did in the cinema). This film was worse than the Flintstones and Popeye movies. A lot of the film made no sense and was not explained, e.g. the issues with his sisters, cakes, smashing things up, the organ and the suit?. I can understand the crying issue as this is what most people who saw the film wanted to do. You were only given basic explanations for the plot. There was a lot of nervous laughter in the cinema, so I was not sure if it was just me who thought the film was bizarre. Once it finished though, I realised everyone had the same opinion. I have seen many strange films in the past (including oriental ghost stories which were still very entertaining), but this film fails to entertain.
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A masterpiece
5 February 2003
The first was excellent, the second is a masterpiece. I can't wait for the third. I have already seen this film twice in the cinema and can't wait for the special extended DVD to come out. Although bits of the story are changed for the film, it still works very well. The battle scenes are outstanding and the acting is great. The comic banter with Legolas and Gimli is priceless. Aragorn is a solid dependable character. The portrayal of Gollum is especially well done. Make sure you see the first film before seeing this one or it will be hard to follow.
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An epic story becomes an epic film
5 February 2003
I read the Hobbit as a child and read Lord of The Rings in my early 20's. Although LOTR was a long book, I could not put it down. Tolkien spent a lifetime developing the world of Middle Earth and this detail was obvious in the books. I wondered if it could ever be made into films that would do the books justice. Peter Jackson and his cast have easily achieved this. Everything from the scenery, characters, and plot help give the same feeling of pleasure that the books achieved. Even my parents have been converted to fans of this story. I don't worship the films, but unlike too many films these days, it is good to see that great films can still be made. These films have to be seen more than once in order to do them the justice they deserve. The New Zealand tourist board must also love Peter Jackson !
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Popeye (1980)
Not a film that does justice to the cartoon
5 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I always liked Popeye Cartoons when I was a child and think Robin Williams is very talented, but as with "The Flintstones" movie, this movie fails to do the cartoon justice. I cringed at the song "He needs me" (It was extremely irritating). I wish I had read the previous reviews before yesterday as I had the misfortune to see Punch-Drunk Love which also had the same irritating song that went on and on and on... Robin Williams tried hard to make the role work, but the story was beyond saving. There may be children who still enjoy it, but you are much better off watching the classic cartoons.
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This film will always leave you feeling good !
7 June 2000
Even if you don't follow baseball, you will love this film.

If you love baseball (as I do), this film will become an addiction.

It touches everyones dreams hopes and ambitions.

I am not a great Costner fan (even though I have two of his videos), but I could watch this film everyday.

Most people dream of being able to bring back their hero's and being able to sort out the mistakes in their lives.

This film does this. All of the cast are great in this film.

No matter how many times I see this, the end always gets me.

It is a great film, and no matter what else Costner does, he has had at least one major success in his career.
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Shane (1953)
Simple peaceful lifestyles threatened by land grabbing ranchers and sinister gunslinger, saved by a weary reluctant gunslinger.
6 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This western epitomises how a film should be made.

Classic scenery and outstanding performances from all. From the various cultures of the farmers bonding together through the harshness of farming life. Happy to raise families on land built and developed by their own hands. This is then threatened by the ranchers unwillingness to share the common land. Brutality and force is their tool, they try to force out the farmers (even resorting to hiring the gunslinger - Jack Wilson - Jack Palance). One farmer holds the other farmers together (Starett - Van Heflin), though even his resistance is weakening until a lone retired gunslinger rides in to save the day...

The sheer quality of characters and acting makes this film. The friendly (though not always) banter over Torrey's rebel background, the bond amongst the children, the affection shown in all families. The turning of Chris Calloway, the cold hearted nature of Ryker.

Finally the performances of the main characters. Van Heflin and Jean Arthur as the Starett's have a simple but loving relationship. Their son Joey loves his parents, but is greatly impressed by the mystery and skill of Shane (Alan Ladd).

Shane is reluctant to return to the way of the gun until Ryker hires a top gunslinger (Jack Palance). Palance is the perfect clinically precise cold hearted killer. Every aspect of his manner portrays cold efficiency (even to drinking water and mounting his horse).

There is simple humour added, for example when Shane is hit with an "Easy Chair".

Even the two dogs could act ! When Shane finally confronts Wilson the dog in the bar skulks with his tail between his legs.

The scenery and music were the icing on the cake.

This film will remain a benchmark for all western's to follow.
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62 years old, and it is still the best action film !
6 June 2000
This film made me a life long Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland fan.

Every aspect of this film is great. Flynn's skill with longbow, sword and staff, combined with his athletic skill dating back to when he had been a boxer combined with the sharp witty tongue made him perfect for this role.

The grace and beauty of Olivia de Havilland (who had co-starred in many films with Flynn) was ideal for the role of Maid Marian.

The third member of the team (Alan Hale - as Little John) set the foundations for a great film.

Adding Claude Raines and Basil Rathbone as the key villains completed the mixture.

Rathbone (being a real fencing master) trained Flynn for the fight sequences. This led to the best fencing scenes ever seen at the time, and are so precise that they are still hard to match.

As with most of Flynn's films, the action and humour were classic.

Friar Tuck (Eugene Pallette) and Little John (Alan Hale) provided constant barbed rivalry (that was only skin deep).

These combinations are found in many classics (as was the case with the original Star Trek - e.g. Kirk, McCoy and Spock).

Even though I have seen this film more than 40 times, I could never lose interest. I know the script and scores by heart.

This film will live forever !
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