
22 Reviews
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Beautiful Joe (2000)
A beautiful film.
24 November 2000
This is a really beautiful film. Billy Connelly is tops and Sharon Stone again shows she can play a role vs. being a role. And the two kid actors! Wow, where did they find them?

Stone is wonderfully over and under played as the woman who life has dissed and who has no control over herself. Connelly is more than wonderful as the Irish immigrant who comes to love her, understand her and save her (and her children) from herself.

Watch it and enjoy it!
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Witness Protection (1999 TV Movie)
An 11 on the IMBD 1-10 scale.
9 November 2000
How could anyone say the characters were shallow in this movie? If the characters had any more depth, the viewer would drown in the emotions being displayed.

This film is the only one I have ever given a 10 to. It is filled with sturm and drang. There is more angst than one could imagine. The characters are drowning in their own stress and dysfunctionality. One reviewer said that Mastrontonio was shrill. She was not, but her character was and justifiably so. Can anyone view the argument (fight) between her and Bobby (Sizemore) and not feel how overwhelmed she is and how much she feels betrayed?

Everyone associated with this film has risen to the occasion and gives the performance of a lifetime. Kudos to the Director, Richard Pearce for so artfully staging the brilliant script written by Daniel Therriault. And, as for the actors, each performs brilliantly. Applause to Whitaker, Sadler, Shawn Hatosy (the son) and Skye McCole Bartusick (the daughter). In fact, as a psychologist, I wonder if Skye was slightly traumatized after the role was over, having to portray a 5 year old who has lost her ability to rely on the world and her family. She is fear personified.

Special hats off to Mastrontonio for a superb performance as the wife who stands by her man until he breaks the last straw.

Finally, what can be said about Sizemore's performance except it is MASTERFUL! His Bobby Bats makes Gandolfini's Tony Soprano look like an altar boy. Are he and Gandolfini secret twins, as it is hard now to look at one and not think of the other? The breadth of emotion portrayed by Sizemore show that here is a talent to notice. I thought he was good in The Florentine (see it), but this is superior by tenfold.

This is a giant of a film. Were it a commercially produced product versus one by HBO, I suspect it would have led to nominations for Best Actor and Actress, Best Suppporting Actor, Best Writer, Best Director and Best Film, that's how good this film is.
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Slice of live film is very true to life.
8 November 2000
This character study/slice of life story is very well done. The cast is stellar and each of them portray their characters as real, the kinds of people we have all met at some time as we wander through life.

It is the first time I have seen the two Madsens together in a film hope to see them team up again. Sizemore, Halbrook, Penn all team up to serve a slice of life to the audience that shows real life to us, with it humor, tragedy, comedy, pathos, hopelessness and hopefulness.

This is well worth the cost of the rental.
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Blacktop (2000 TV Movie)
Forget reality and enjoy.
21 October 2000
It is obvious that you are not to expect reality from this film. How many truckers ride a rig with nothing in the back but a kitchen & freezer for their kill? How many live for picking up stangers & killing them and yet are will known among their trucking field? How many decide to pick up a woman, bait her fellow and then play it out as if their were no such thing as the law and how many fools such as the hero would play this game without the police assisting them?

Regardless, if you forget about the inconsistencies and overlook the obvious, this is a remarkably enjoyable film. It has a girl in distress, a villain, a hero, and a girl who wants to help the hero. The girl in distress turns out to be the hero, the villain turns out to be stupid and suicidal, as he arranges his own demise, the hero turns out to be a hero thanks to his girl and the innocent aid turns up dead.

The movie belongs to Meat Loaf Aday (?). When did he become Aday? Anyway, I have seen him three times in a month. Once in the Outer Limits, the second time in Outside Ozona and the third in this flick and I must say I am beginning to believe this man can act far better than he ever sang. Give this film a look and see if you don't agree.
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Somebody please kill whoever wrote this.
18 October 2000
This parody, satire, comedy (?), or whatever, is as bad as it gets. It is a take off on Scary Movie. Although I have not seen it, the movie Scary Movie must be an academy award winner compared to this. The only reason I gave it a one instead of a zero is that it has some sight gags that are okay, but only okay.

I know this was to be a wannabe for the I knew movies and other slashers, but it is so lame! Any movie which stars !?! Tom Arnold and Tiffany Amber Theissen ought to be suspicious off the get go, and this one is.

Do not spend any money to watch this. Better you should watch paint dry. Root for the killer, but be aware it is a fruitless root as he is as inept as the rest of the cast. Also watch out for this mascaded as a film called, go figure, "Shriek iIf You Know What I Did Last Friday The Thirteenth," which gets the academy award for the longest and worst title in film history.
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The Guilty (2000)
Now you will know why Shakespeare said "we should kill all the lawyers."
29 September 2000
I must disagree with the first evaluation of this film. I do not believe it is rank with bad acting. In fact, Sawa, Anwar and Pullman do an exceptional job, especially Sawa and Pullman. Pullman acts the part of the cold hearted, sleazy, me first lawyer as if he was a lawyer.

The plot use propinquity and serendipy to the extreme and this leads to the need to suspend belief. Regardless, this is a thriller, not an attempt to portray a story based on a real life situation and it does thrill. It is hard to guess who will take the fall, who will be saved from the long arm of the law and who really is good and bad, as each charachter has elements of being The Guilty. Pullman's fall is particularly ironic and leads the audience to root for the faithful wife who takes care of her man, even to the point of sending out his mail. Watch the film or that last sentence will mean nothing to you, but do watch the film as it is a good, solid thriller.
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This defines droll.
25 September 2000
If you want to know what people mean when they say the British are superb in creating droll comedies and you do not know what they are talking about, watch this movie! You also get the benefit of seeing a movie that gives new meanings to words like ironic, satiric, quaint, bucolic, whimsical and hilarious.

The three leads are superb, but watch for the secondary leads, such as the boss who gets the axe by his wife due to his being set up, or the husband who gets shot by accident and everyone is ecstatic or, best of all, the head housekeeper who is taking two or three years to break in her replacement.

Get it, rent it, do whatever you need to do to see it and laugh. Then sit around as I am with impatience waiting for the sequel.
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Wherever he is, Jim Belushi is loving this film.
20 September 2000
True, Jim Belushi, wherever he is, is loving this film and wishing it were he and not John Goodman as the costar. Get a life those of you who will not give this film its due because it is not the original. Hello! It can't be, this is, believe it or not, 17 years later and this film needs to be accepted for itself. And, it is a film that warrants acceptance.

The plot is flimsy, granted, but what plot did the original have but a similar flimsy piece of whimsy? This film has all that a music lover could want. It as blues, jazz, carribean, country, and on and on. If you are looking for a good time, rent this and enjoy Goodman and Ackroyd and the rest of the crew. This is a fun film and will be enjoyed by anyone who loves music, whether they saw the first film or not. In fact, in this reviewer's opinion, this is the equal, if not more so, of the first film 17 years ago.
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Catchfire (1990)
Hopper plus Foster = great chemistry!
17 September 2000
As I said, Hopper plus Foster = great chemistry. These two make a great movie out of a plot that is absolutelu unbelievable. What hit man falls in love with his hit sight unseen? What hit falls in love with her hit man after a one night stand? What hit man has a helicopter set aside for just the right escape? What mafia boss has ten or more hit men who can't hit a one man target? You see, this is a plot that no one could believe in. But, no one cares, because you are so involved in the evolution of the relationship between the Hopper & Foster characters that you overlook or forgive everything else. These two are so powerful that they make Fred Ward look like a character actor.

This is a violent movie where the violence never seems to override the comedy/relationship/slice of life issues that the film portrays. Plus, you get to see Jodie Foster naked!?! Who would have thunk it? By the way, she has a very nice body.

I don't know how this movie has not become a cult favorite, but give it time. It is a gem!

PS Don't overlook a dynamite performance by Joe Pesci, who is not listed in the cast. Go figure.
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Resistance (1992)
Resistance is not futile.
14 September 2000
This beautiful little Australian film shows how a group of common people overcome an oppressive state & show that resistance is not futile. Against overwhelming odds these people arise to overthrow a group of sadistic military personnel who go beyond the letter of military law while enforcing a state of emergency in a grain farm town in the Australian outback.

The actors perform marvelously, to a person. The cinematography is beautiful. The violence unforgiving. The building of hope which replaces hopelessness paced properly and the ending poetic justice for all who would use their might to unjustifiably attempt to enslave others.

Get this gem and watch it and see if you are not as moved as was I.
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Airplane wannabe is half flop, half winner.
13 September 2000
This is a late arrival in the host of movies that are Airplane wannabes. It is worse than some and better than some, but you cannot fault the writer, as he has few moments go by without some pun, pratfall, double entendre, visual or verbal joke or play on words, some of which are brilliant and some of which redefine the terms juvenile and sophomoric.

The leads, with the exception of Marc Singer, were (and still are) relative unknowns. But in spite of it all, it is a fun and funny film and you'll need to watch it two or more times to catch all the jokes, puns and take offs on other films.

Rent it and enjoy, but don't expect it to be another Airplane or Naked Gun, because it ain't!
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They do good work "down under."
31 August 2000
Who knew Hannibal Lector could be so subtly funny and filled with pathos. Hopkns turns in a marvelous role of the efficiency consultant who thinks nothing of recommending that half a work force be fired for better profits. Then he visits a down and out shoe company and meets his match in the Mendelshohn and Kurts characters and the rest of their workmates. Indeed, Kurts steals the film as the owner who lives back then and hopes that his efficiency expert can get him and his factory into the modern era, but does not expect it to be as brutal and painful as it is.

Kudos to all. If you want a droll comedy that gives remarkable insight into the human dilemma, rent this. You will not regret it. In closing, pay close attention to how Hopkins portrays a plethora of emotions with only his facial and non verbal reactions. He is a genius!
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Cream rises to the top.
30 August 2000
Bruce Dern's performance in this drive in piece of drek proves that cream does rise to the top. He reminds me of how a young Jack Nicholson stole the film Hell's Angels on Wheels from its star Adam Roarke (does anybody remember him?).

The film is a grade Z flic with possibly the worst movie score in the history of cinema. It is so bad that Scott Brady, a relatively well known star at that time, appeared unbilled. Was he altruistic & shy (not) or did he hope no one would remember he took a pay check for his two minutes on screen as a Vice Officer. This film redefines melodrama.

The only reason to watch this is for Dern's performance, which shows how he rose to become one of Hollywood's most respected actors. This man can act! It's too bad no one else in the film could.
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Mini-skirts are all you get.
29 August 2000
I forgot how many of these drive in types were turned out in the 60's & 70's, but this is one no one could remember but the actors' families. What an embarrassment, especially for someone like Harry Dean Stanton, who turned out to be such a remarkable character actor, who in this film is the only "character" of note.

Diane McBaine is miscast badly. Yet, note that she allowed her hair to get messed at least once & to have a dirt smudge, of all things(!), to be placed on her face in the final chase scene.

If you are bored & need a good laugh & want to remember the old biker movies, rent this. But, if you then feel you've wasted your buck, don't say I didn't warn you!
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Panic (2000)
Godfather small edition.
28 August 2000
This is the story of a hit man, William Macy, who is having a battle in his consciousness about the morality of what he does. He meets Campbell at a "shrink's" office, played by Ritter & falls in love/lust/admiration? with her. He is driven by his wife and his father, played by comedian Tracy Ulman & long time character actor Sutherland, who steals the movie as a person of ultimate degeneration, one who even abuses (psychologically) and uses, literally, his five year old grandson. Lost in the whole film is a dynamite performance by Barbara Baine.

In the long run, this is a depressing and sad film. What price does a man or woman pay for living life without moral obligations? The Macey character tells it all by falling apart both psychologically and morally. Sin not lest you be damned appears to be the message.

A very good film, but not one for every person.
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The Muse (1999)
Sharon Stone shines.
25 August 2000
This Brooks comedy/social satire is typical Brooks. He makes fun of Hollywood, creativity,agents, the star system and the artistic process. The script is sharp & humorous. The characters play characters. And Sharon Stone turns in the performance of her career.

If you want to laugh & make fun of your Hollywood idols, watch this. If you want to see something SIGNIFICANT, skip it. But, why would anyone expect a Brooks movie to be socially significant?
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Gunfighter (1999)
William Boyd spins in his grave.
25 August 2000
Hopalong Cassidy with a horse who is not white & not named Topper? Go figure!

This travesty does a gross injustice to the greatest of all cowboy heroes, Hopalong Cassidy. The actor who plays him is young versus old, blond haired versus white haired and kills people versus shooting the gun out of their hands. Will the real Hopalong please stand up!

One of the worst movies ever made &,believe it or not, by the person who brought us the Grandfather saga!
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High Noon (2000 TV Movie)
Gary Cooper is still "Will Kane."
22 August 2000
This is a very good movie and Skerrit & Alonso give Cooper & Jurado a run for their money. But, it is not up to the drama, tension & insights into human nature of the original movie. Besides, what is High Noon without the song by Tex Ritter?

Michael Madsen is the definitive bad man. It is too bad his time on screen is so limited.

For what it is, this is a dandy and should be seen & enjoyed by all. Just don't think it will be taking over for the original! No way!
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No Tomorrow (1999)
A walk through for Pam Grier & the audience.
18 August 2000
Pam Grier, my heroine, has a walk through role here. I bet it didn't take two takes! Gary Daniels, a respectful action hero, is the lead. Regardless, it is a no brainer movie with no plot, no characters you coudld care for & minimal action. If you watched this, you wasted your time!
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And lawyers wonder why nobody likes them.
13 August 2000
This is a well written & well acted thriller, but you must suspend your expectations about how plausible it is, cuz it ain't, and how the true killer, a well educated person who should have easily covered his tracks could so easily have been tracked down by a lawyer on the run from the police. Also, the story is told in flashbacks, so you always know the hero will not be killed or hurt seriously. This waters down the suspense.

Gooding & Jean-Baptiste play their roles to perfection and, as is the usual case, Tom Berenger excels. Gooding's character is confusing, as he shows sufficient principal to get disbarred for the right, moral reasons & then turns around & pulls a Faust, selling his soul for someone else's material (book). He is also a terrible judge of character.
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Psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist.
11 August 2000
A remarkable film that captures what it is like to suffer from obsessive compulsivity and blossoming insanity. As a psychologist, I can verify that Forster plays his role to perfection, capturing the confusion of his character, a confusion that only the one time chance flip of a coin can correct.

The cast is all star and very good performances are turned in by Balk, Plummer, Sorvino and Gleason, especially by Sorvino of the long suffering sheriff.

As a road picture/slice of life film, this excels. See it and note the verbal and nonverbal characteristics of the Forster character. This film is a winner at all levels.
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Game Day (1999)
Too many plot line makes a film without direction.
10 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
This film cannot make up its mind as to what it is. It asks am I a comedy? or a drama? or a sports film? or a film about revenge & retribution? or about David versus Goliath? or about seamy, no good people? or all of the above? Unfortunately Klein, the writer and director, chose "all of the above" and accomplished none of them.

Richard Lewis, a comedian, shows good flair for the dramatic & does a very good job at it. It is too bad that his character is such a low life that you cannot possibly care about him. In fact, the film has not one character whom one can root for or care about.

The basketball game sequence is a nail biter & grabs your attention until a murder occurs which the Lewis character turns into a piece of "good luck/miracle" for the team (but, certainly, not for the murder victim)?!? Go figure.
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