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Freedom Fighter (1988 TV Movie)
Bad Acting, Bad Dialogue, Bad Casting, above all: One Sided
6 January 2006
After viewing this horribly made for TV political romance drama, I can easily see that the point of making this movie was not to make a decent film, but a propaganda film. Casting Tony Danza was the first example of this ridiculous film, but also the constant overacting by Colette Stevenson, Neil Dickson, and Geraldine James; along with the repeated lines "And So It Goes" and "Who Are You?". The goal of the film was merely to demonize the East Germans and Communists as a whole, while of course depicting the West as angelic. None of the "actors" were German, but British and Americans who couldn't even slightly act German. Tony Danza plays a narrow-minded U.S soldier who sees nothing wrong with America (Hello, it was 1961). The East Germans are depicted as heartless beasts and complete idiots as well. David Robb portrays the moronic East German officer who is always easily out witted. Avoid this movie at all costs. It has by far the worst acting I've ever seen. In one word: ABFALL (garbage in German)....And So It Goes!
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Excellent Movie
7 August 2000
Prisoner of the Mountains is an excellent movie. Vanya a young recruit , and Sasha a veteran soldier in the Russian army are captured after an ambush by the Chechens. The Chechen leader keeps them to trade for his son who is captured by the Russians. Then a friendship develops between the Chechens, and the two Russians. I study Russian in college, and even though the subtitles aren't very accurate at times it still helps. The whole plot is just amazing. It shows the human side of soldiers. I definitly recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.
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