
10 Reviews
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Homage (1995)
Who is responsible?
9 September 2003
This is a disturbing movie that left my thoughts spinning through the credits, and far beyond. Documentary-interview style, it delves into a disturbed young man's life and his obsession with an actress and her mother. His desperate need for attention isolates him to the point of obsession. As he spins out of control, it asks important questions that I, for one, have never really pondered.

Who is responsible when we live our lives oblivious to those around us? Who is responsible when we go another day without telling our loved ones that they matter, and we need them? And, more importantly, who is responsible when we let strangers' needs go unfulfilled? It's not too late to reach out and let someone know you love them..

Who really is to blame for the isolated, who never have the security of feeling loved and wanted - Are the resulting tailspins from our lack of action? Who can we blame for their final desperate actions?

This is a serious, well acted film. Not particularly light entertainment, but extremely thought provoking - whether you are ready to ponder the disturbing conclusions... or not.
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Passions (1999–2008)
Beth -
1 May 2003
Okay, I know I complained about Liz being in need of psychotherapy..

But isn't this Beth storyline really dragging out? And getting worse and worse by the day?

And didn't we see the exact scene on Days of our Lives with Sami doing the "oh my baby!!" after she fell, as a way to break up Carrie and Austin's marriage?

The Beth story is quickly getting more and more, well, just plain stupid.. and adding Charlie?? What is going on??

In reality, how many people in this world would go for more than a day faking a marriage because they don't want to hurt someone - - and being swept up with more and more tragic events stacked on??

Her faking pregnancy - and potentially killing Sheridan to get her baby - takes the cake..

I think it might be the end of the show for me.. months and months of Beth's psycho ramblings, and it just gets worse..

What is Passions now? It should be called PsychoObsessions instead..

Sorry.. just my rant.. but really, there is no love on Passions, it's all delusional obsession - and sad. And no joy for the viewer.

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the mark of a good movie..
25 January 2003
I hadn't seen this movie for several years, forgetting all but the general "feeling" that remained over the years.

Without writing a big summary (there is so much to say about this film) I'll just say the mark of a good movie is the mesmerization that happens when you just cannot escape from the story. Uncomfortable to watch, painful to endure, praying for an end, this movie sweeps you up and doesn't let you go.

It truly is a horrible movie - - painful, hideous, absolutely wonderfully acted, so much so that you find yourself consumed with hatred for the duration..

Truly the mark of a good movie..
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Columbo: Murder with Too Many Notes (2001)
Season 10, Episode 13
C'mon Columbo - you can do better than that!
10 January 2003
I am a HUGE Columbo fan.. My trusty Tivo has become my best friend, and I never miss an episode! I don't want to criticize a Columbo, for fear that Peter Falk will read the comments and decide it's time to put the old detective away..

But, I've gotta say - out of the long list of episodes I've seen, this is by far the most disappointing. Not only was it very unrealistic - the forensics (for a 2000 movie) were very out of date, but the plot [the ending specifically] left us dangling.

I didn't even realize it was over! When he confessed and joked about prison, we were like "huh?? what happened?? why would he confess??".. Columbo is a brilliant detective, and this one sold him short.

I know future episodes will make up for it.. [hint hint].. he's not ready to be put down.. I hope if the powers that be read this, they will realize that Columbo has a lot of life left in him, but I hope they also choose scripts that really are his traditional style: the Columbo style we've grown to love.

For this episode specifically, definitely not the best.. but if you're a Columbo junkie, definitely worth a watch - even a bad Columbo makes you smile. =)
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Nine Months (1995)
Another Hugh film..
6 October 2002
Ever stop and wonder about certain actors? For example, in every single movie they are in, it's always the exact same role.. For example, Hugh > arrogant englishman with an attitude towards the world.. Common theme for him.. even his parody on the Simpsons.. perhaps he's not an actor, perhaps directors just hire him to play himself.. points to ponder.. this is just one more of Hugh's movies.. if you've seen the others, you've seen this one.. from Weddings/funeral, to Bridget Jones's diary.. need I say more?
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Chasing Amazing!
29 June 2002
It has been a while since I've seen this movie, and I liked it a lot the first time I saw it.

But today, in nothing to watch I hadn't seen, I decided to tune in to a half-over movie.

Slowly played out in front of our eyes, the most realistic love story - complete with comedy, drama - the good and the bad, Chasing Amy really has it all.

This comment doesn't need a scene-by-scene analysis - they are all impressive. But, one stands out. When Holden reveals his feelings to her in the car.. just simply amazing.. Ben Affleck has been awesome in many movies, but he is truly looked over for this role. In the car, so realistic, so true - you can "feel" him..

This movie is truly.. Chasing Amazing.
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Watching Ellie (2002–2003)
Funniest new comedy of the season? Not!
17 June 2002
The critics raved, while we incredulously said "but she wasn't the funny one on Seinfeld!" - - but we all gave it a chance.

After all, 'the funniest new comedy of the season' HAD to have potential.. (either that or we are in for a horrible year of flops)..

I wonder what the critics say now. This had to be one of the most disappointing shows of many recent seasons!

Slow, boring, and pauses [meant to be filled with our laughter] were left empty.

She was upset she wasn't the first to be offered a sitcom; now we know why.

Maybe as a subplot (as in Seinfeld) she has her place, but this was a really disappointing start for her leading lady goals..

(For the writers, very good potential - - just build some depth into it and add a few more quirks, and you've got a hit!)

--- I'd say "just my opinion", but.. well, it's not.

Turn it off, turn on Seinfeld. =)
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What more can I say other than "yikes!"
21 December 2001
Reading the other two comments, I had to wonder if I had seen the same movie!

Perhaps life is drastically different in Australia, but, wow - call it sci-fi or fantasy, but people just don't act like this.

I couldn't pass up this review without commenting on it myself.. it gets better after the first half hour, but I doubt most could make it that far..

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Perfect Prey (1998 TV Movie)
I kinda liked it!
20 December 2000
Not sure why this movie got such mediocre ratings - it was well acted, well written, and well casted - - and most importantly, suspenseful!

It's downfall is only that it is totally reminiscent of Silence of the Lambs.. If you liked Silence, you'll probably like this movie too.

It had everything from the serial killer on the loose to the interview with the psychopathic killer in jail (sniffing the air, even!).. But, I loved Silence - and though I didn't realize the similarities until the end, this held my attention up until the last suspenseful minute.

Well worth my two hours! Bruce Dern and Kelly McGillis stood out in their roles - good casting.. good movie..
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Misbegotten (1997)
Nothing better on tonight? It'll at least keep you occupied..
13 December 2000
I watched 3/4 of this movie and wondered why it got such horrible reviews here. It was fairly easy to watch (at 3am). It had good casting - Kevin Dillon's role of the sociopath serial killer was very believable - he was both charasmatic and chilling. The rest of the main characters weren't so bad either.

This is your typical stalker/suspense movie. A married couple cannot conceive so they go to a fertility clinic for help. A sociopathic "genetic material" donor fixates on the recipients and, in typical stalker form, intrudes into their lives.

As I said, most of the movie was fairly good.. we see "Conan" grow more and more obsessed in raising his baby and creating the perfect family with the mother. Of course things don't work out for him the way he planned. Not a bad plot line.

But, the last 15 minutes were just horrible. I am pretty tolerant with movies (especially at 3am!).. but, I was just amazed at how bad the ending was written. I actually scoffed outloud!

All in all, not the worst movie I've seen, but I wouldn't be able to sit through it again (unless I skipped the ending). The only redeaming quality here was Kevin Dillon's role - - one of the best serial killers ever.

Try looking around at the other channels before watching this.. But, if nothing better is on, I'd give it a try.. =)
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